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w słowach kluczowych:  mono flame
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The nitrogen oxides in a flame of burning fuel can be created by many mechanisms. The amount of NOx concentration emitted to the ground atmosphere mainly depends on the type of fuel burned in the industrial and heating boilers. Changes in the country's thermal policy and requirements that are set for us by the European Union States are forcing us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Directed metered ballast method is one of the most attractive techniques for reducing NOx emissions. In recent years, moisture injection technology is still investigated on low and medium power thermal power boilers operating on gaseous fuel. The goal of this work was to perform the investigations of the process of a moisture injection into the zones of decisive influence (ZDI-I and ZDI-II) on steam and water boilers: DKVR 10-13, DKVR 20-13, DE 25-14 and PTVM-50. The obtained results clearly show how the proposed method affects NOx reduction and boiler efficiency.
Tlenki azotu w płomieniu palącego się paliwa mogą powstawać na drodze wielu mechanizmów. Ilość emitowanego do przyziemnej warstwy atmosfery stężenia NOx wynika przede wszystkim z rodzaju spalanego w kotłach przemysłowo-grzewczych paliwa. Zmiany w polityce cieplnej kraju oraz wymagania stawiane nam przez Państwa Unii Europejskiej zmuszają na do zmniejszenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Metoda skierowanego dozowanego balastowania jest jedną z najbardziej atrakcyjnych technik ograniczania emisji NOx. W ostatnich kilku latach technologia wtrysku wilgoci badana jest na kotłach energetyki cieplnej małej i średniej mocy pracujących na paliwie gazowym. Celem pracy są badania eksperymentalne procesu wtrysku wilgoci do stref decydującego wpływu (ang. zone of decisive influence ZDI-I oraz ZDI-II) na kotłach parowych i wodnych: DKVR 10-13, DKVR 20-13, DE 25-14 oraz PTVM-50. Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, w jaki sposób proponowana metoda wpływa na redukcję NOx oraz wydajność.
The nitrogen oxides in a flame of burning fuel can be created by many mechanisms. The amount of NOx concentration emitted to the ground atmosphere mainly depends on the type of fuel burned in the industrial and heating boilers. Changes in the country’s thermal policy and requirements that are set for us by the European Union States are forcing us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Directed metered ballast method is one of the most attractive techniques for reducing NOx emissions. In recent years, moisture injection technology is still investigated on low and medium power thermal power boilers operating on gaseous fuel. The goal of this work was to perform the investigations of the process of a moisture injection into the zones of decisive influence (SDW-I and SDW-II) on steam and water boilers: DKVR 10-13, DKVR 20-13, DE 25-14 and PTVM-50. The obtained results clearly show how the proposed method affects NOx reduction and boiler efficiency.
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