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Content available A study of the pathway to peak carbon in China
The achievement of the peak carbon target is a complex and comprehensive project that involves various aspects such as the economy, society, and ecological environment. At the same time as reaching the carbon peak, how to balance economic and social development has become an important issue. This study uses the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) model to predict China’s carbon peaking situation. Three key parameters, namely carbon peaking, economy, and society, are selected, and relevant decision variables are established. A multi-objective planning model is developed to facilitate the coordinated development of carbon peaking, economy, and society, which is solved using a sequential algorithm. The results show that: China’s carbon emissions were 6928.905 million t in 2020 and are expected to reach the carbon peak in 2030. At the peak, the per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to be 16 281.95 $, corresponding to a per capita CO2 emission of 9.66 t. During China’s carbon peak, the GDP is projected to be 23 249.58 billion $, with an arable land area of 121 747 510 ha and sulfur dioxide emissions of 180.64 million t, meeting the expected target values. However, certain indicators such as the ratio of three industries, energy consumption, rural residents’ per capita disposable income, and water consumption fall short of expected. Based on these findings, relevant countermeasures have been proposed for the realization path and key breakthroughs for China’s carbon peak.
Content available China’s energy – sustainable strategies
The article refers to two issues within the semantic field of the concept of ‘wenming’ – i) civilising with Chinese characteristics and ii) relating to the subject of energy - CO2 production in China. One of the dimensions of the concept of ‘civilising’ and the importance of sustainable production and consumption issues in the context of the deepening environmental degradation outlined our goal, which is to present the relationship between the civilised and the sustainable with Chinese characteristics as well as to analyse the level of CO2 pollution. The effect of the above is an attempt to explore the Chinese perception of wenming and to identify regions which are closer to the idea of eco-civilisation. Three variables were adopted for the analysis: i) CO2 emissions, ii) population in a given region, and iii) GDP in a given region. The analysis distinguished four clusters - groups of regions emerging from the dendrogram. Clusters that were isolated using the Ward method can contribute to more precise solutions to fight CO2 emissions and conduct a more appropriate policy related to the possibilities and needs for the production of energy from renewable sources.
Artykuł odnosi się do dwóch zagadnień z pola semantycznego pojęcia „wenming” – i) ucywilizowania o cechach chińskich oraz ii) tematyki energii – produkcji CO2 w Chinach. Jeden z wymiarów koncepcji cywilizowania oraz znaczenia zagadnień zrównoważonej produkcji i konsumpcji w kontekście pogłębiającej się degradacji środowiska nakreślił nasz cel, którym jest przedstawienie relacji między tym, co cywilizowane, a tym, co zrównoważone o chińskiej charakterystyce oraz analiza poziomu zanieczyszczenia CO2. Efektem powyższego jest próba zgłębienia chińskiego postrzegania ucywilizowania i zidentyfikowania regionów bliższych idei eko-cywilizacji. Do analizy przyjęto trzy zmienne: i) emisje CO2, ii) ludność w danym regionie oraz iii) PKB w danym regionie. W analizie wyróżniono cztery klastry – grupy regionów wyłaniające się z dendrogramu. Klastry wyodrębnione metodą Warda mogą przyczynić się do bardziej precyzyjnych rozwiązań w walce z emisjami CO2, do pro-wadzenia bardziej odpowiedniej polityki związanej z możliwościami i potrzebami produkcji energii ze źródeł odnawialnych.
Against the backdrop of carbon trading, the Chinese Certified Emissions Reduction (CCER) scheme is one of the most important measures of China to reduce carbon emissions. We study a supply chain consisting of a CCER supplier and a manufacturer that buys CCER quotas from the supplier. The supplier is a non-emissions-control enterprise engaged in clean energy projects, while the manufacturer is classified into three types: a clean, a relatively clean, and an unclean firm. We analyse the impacts of the price and offset rate of CCER quotas on firms’ emissions reductions. We find that when the price of CCER quotas is lower than the price of Chinese Emissions Allowances (CEAs): (1) for both clean and unclean manufacturers, with increasing CCER offset rate (quota price), technical emissions reduction decreases (increases). (2) The incentive for the relatively clean manufacturer to reduce emissions is not affected by other extraneous factors. When the prices of CCER quotas and CEAs are uncertain, we find that (1) the technology abatement decisions of the three types of manufacturer are consistent and the corresponding CCER suppliers price their CCER quotas in the same way. (2) When the proportion of CCER quotas purchased by the manufacturer increases, the unit technical emissions reduction increases. Confirming that introduction of the CCER scheme can reduce carbon emissions, our findings provide theoretical guidance for suppliers to make pricing decisions on CCER quotas and for manufacturers to make technical emissions reduction decisions.
This paper investigates the interaction of modern architecture with various aspects of urban landscape, heritage conservation and cultural maintenance in Chinese historic cities. In the context of five thousand years of development history, there are many historical ancient cities with unique customs and traditions distributed in the land of China. In the rapid development process of urbanization and modernization, these historical cities are facing the balance and contradiction between the conservation of ancient architectural heritage and the needs of modern economic development. The level development of modern architecture is often seen as criteria for measuring the economic growth of a city. However, when this development demand collides with the traditional goal of environmental protection, modern architecture brings not only opportunities but also challenges. With the slow disappearance of historical sites and the gradual loss of traditional culture, attention is being paid to finding ways to harmonize architectural heritage preservation, traditional culture maintenance and sustainable urban design. This paper analyses modern architecture and its inter-developmental relationship with the urban landscape of historic cities through several case studies of Chinese historic cities in different locations, thus further exploring the potential opportunities, challenges and strategies within this framework.
Niniejszy artykuł bada interakcję współczesnej architektury z różnymi aspektami krajobrazu miejskiego, ochrony dziedzictwa i utrzymania kultury w chińskich historycznych miastach. Na terenie Chin (mających 5-tysięczną historię) znajduje się wiele historycznych starożytnych miast o unikalnych zwyczajach i tradycjach. W szybkim procesie urbanizacji i modernizacji te historyczne miasta stoją przed wyzwaniem znalezienia równowagi i rozwiązania sprzeczności między ochroną dziedzictwa architektonicznego a potrzebami współczesnego rozwoju gospodarczego. Poziom rozwoju współczesnej architektury często postrzegany jest jako jeden z kryteriów mierzenia wzrostu gospodarczego miasta. Jednakże gdy ten popyt na rozwój koliduje z tradycyjnym celem ochrony środowiska, współczesna architektura przynosi nie tylko możliwości, ale i wyzwania. Ze względu na powolne zanikanie miejsc historycznych i stopniową utratę tradycyjnej kultury zwraca się uwagę na szukanie sposobów harmonizacji ochrony dziedzictwa architektonicznego, utrzymania tradycyjnej kultury i zrównoważonego projektowania miejskiego. Niniejszy artykuł analizuje współczesną architekturę i jej wzajemne relacje rozwojowe z krajobrazem miejskim historycznych miast poprzez kilka studiów przypadków chińskich historycznych miast w różnych lokalizacjach, badając tym samym możliwości, wyzwania i strategie w ramach tego kontekstu.
Purpose: This study aims to map the development of research on ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics using the VOSviewer bibliometric analysis covering texts published until January 2023. The aim of the article is also to find elements of the economic sciences within the framework of the researched issues. Design/methodology/approach: The article includes a review of the most popular scientific bibliographic databases of scientific texts, namely Web of Science and Scopus, and a structured literature review of the texts. The bibliographic data has been processed in the VOSviewer program. Findings and Originality/value: Quantitative results were presented in the form of bibliometric maps, showing among others the relationship maps between watchwords and the existence of six clusters within WoS and five clusters within Scopus, as well as the presence of economic sciences in the studied area of ecological civilization and its Chinese characteristics. Social implications: The world’s environmental problems and the shared resolution regarding the implementation of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable indicate the importance of the topic of sustainable development. China's economic development and its aspirations to become the world's leading civilization point to the need to consider the pursuit of sustainability and civilization together.
Using the survey data of 45 tea enterprises in Fujian Province, China, this paper adopted fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to study the adoption of the sustainable production technologies by tea enterprises. The results show that there are two configurations for the path to achieve the adoption of high sustainable production technologies. The core condition combination of the first configuration is the existence of sustainable development capabilities, the degree of government support, and the resource and environmental endowment, while that of the second configuration is the existence of enterprise expected value, industrial organization mode and the resource and environmental endowment. Moreover, the path achieving non-highly sustainable production technologies adoption mainly summarized as a configuration. Specifically, the core condition is the absence of sustainable development capabilities, enterprise development strategies, and the resource and environmental endowments. Furthermore, some practical policy recommendations were put forward based on the above conclusions in this paper.
Korzystając z danych ankietowych 45 przedsiębiorstw herbacianych w prowincji Fujian w Chinach, w niniejszym artykule przyjęto jakościową analizę porównawczą zbiorów rozmytych (fsQCA) w celu zbadania przyjęcia zrównoważonych technologii produkcji przez przedsiębiorstwa produkujące herbatę. Wyniki pokazują, że istnieją dwie konfiguracje ścieżki prowadzącej do przyjęcia wysoce zrównoważonych technologii produkcji. Podstawową kombinacją warunków pierwszej konfiguracji jest możliwość zrównoważonego rozwoju, stopnia wsparcia rządowego oraz wyposażenia w zasoby i środowisko, podczas gdy druga konfiguracja to wartość oczekiwana przedsiębiorstwa, tryb organizacji przemysłowej oraz zasobów i dotacja środowiskowa. Ponadto ścieżka prowadząca do przyjęcia niezbyt zrównoważonych technologii produkcji została podsumowana głównie jako konfiguracja. Podstawowym warunkiem jest brak możliwości zrównoważonego rozwoju, strategii rozwoju przedsiębiorstw oraz zasobów i środków środowiskowych. Ponadto w niniejszym dokumencie przedstawiono kilka praktycznych zaleceń dotyczących polityki opartych na powyższych wnioskach.
Szary nosorożec w gospodarce to pojęcie, którego używa się aby scharakteryzować wysoce prawdopodobne i mocno wpływowe, ale zaniedbane zagrożenia rynkowe, ekonomiczne i społeczne.Termin ten ma już ponad 10 lat, gdyż użyty został po raz pierwszy podczas Forum Ekonomicznego w Davos. Od tego czasu używa się go często naprzemiennie z okresleniem "czarny Łabędź" opisującym z kolei zjawiska, których nie można przewidzieć i które również wywołują znaczące skutki, a po ich wystąpieniu mamy często tendencję do szukania prostych wyjaśnień ich pojawienia się.
The Indosinian orogeny, which was regarded as the collision event between the South China and Indochina blocks that occurred in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, resulting in the formation of the Indosinian mountain range. However, the question of how many times collision between these blocks occurred in the past and during which period remains unanswered. Furthermore, the closure of the ancient ocean and the evidence of its remnants between the South China and Indochina Blocks are still the subjects of serious debate. The underlying origin of the Indosinian thermo-tectonism is uncertain. The entire region was affected by the thermal-tectonic processes in the west, caused by the collision of the Sibumasu plate and Indochina block. The absence of evidence supporting the Indosinian as a significant mountain-building event is highlighted through an examination of regional paleogeography, as well as palaeontological and thermochronological data. There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that the Indochina and South China blocks collided during the Triassic times. A plate tectonic scenario that describes the Indosinian orogeny as a reactivation event triggered by the accretion of the Sibumasu block to Indochina is favored.
This paper evaluates infrastructural investments in Poland and their impact on rail transport development between China and the European Union. Using data from diverse sources, including EU databases and the PKP database, the study employs a comprehensive methodology to explore railway transport, identifying main freight routes, understanding determinants, and recognizing barriers and challenges. Emphasis is placed on dependencies in route exchange, the consequences of the Russia–Ukraine conflict, data analysis in connections between cities, corridors, and their current state, and trends, barriers, and new initiatives, including crucial structural developments in Poland. Findings reveal dynamic growth in container railway freight since 2013. Poland, exceeding most EU states in rail intermodal transport growth, appears poised to be an "intermodal logistics hub" with planned modernization. The paper offers practical significance, providing insights for policymakers, railway operators, and logistics providers, identifying opportunities and challenges for enhancing railway freight competitiveness between China and the EU and encouraging collaboration among BRI stakeholders to address shared issues. The originality of the paper lies in the assessment of the railway freight routes between China and the EU, the Belt and Road Initiative, and its relationship with the infrastructural investments in Poland.
Artykuł ten analizuje inwestycje infrastrukturalne w Polsce i ich wpływ na rozwój transportu kolejowego między Chinami a Unią Europejską. W ramach opracowania korzystano z danych pochodzących z różnych źródeł, w tym z baz danych UE i bazy danych PKP. Do badania wykorzystano kompleksową metodykę w celu oceny transportu kolejowego, identyfikacji głównych tras towarowych, zrozumienia determinantów oraz rozpoznania barier i wyzwań. Nacisk został położony na zależności związane z modernizacją tras, konsekwencjami konfliktu między Rosją a Ukrainą, analizą danych dotyczących połączeń między miastami, korytarzami i ich aktualnym stanem, a także na trendy, bariery i nowe inicjatywy, w tym istotne strukturalne zmiany w Polsce. Wyniki obrazują dynamiczny wzrost w kolejowym transporcie kontenerowym od 2013 r. Polska, przewyższając większość państw UE pod względem wzrostu kolejowego transportu intermodalnego, wydaje się być „intermodalnym hubem logistycznym”, rozwój którego determinowany będzie przez planowane dalsze modernizacje. Artykuł ma praktyczne znaczenie, dostarczając informacji dla decydentów, operatorów kolejowych i dostawców logistycznych, identyfikując możliwości i wyzwania związane z poprawą konkurencyjności przewozów kolejowych między Chinami a UE oraz zachęcając interesariuszy BRI do współpracy w celu rozwiązania wspólnych problemów. Oryginalność artykułu polega na ocenie tras przewozu kolejowego między Chinami a UE, Inicjatywy Pasa i Szlaku i jej związku z inwestycjami infrastrukturalnymi w Polsce.
The Changning-Menglian Belt in western Yunnan, China has long been considered a major Tethyan suture in SE Asia, based mainly on fragmented Paleozoic ophiolites, slices of Devonian-Triassic radiolarian cherts and possible seamount limestones of Permo-Carboniferous age (Fig. 1). However, some students also argued for a setting of passive continental margin for this belt and a cryptic suture further east representing the vanished Tethyan Ocean (Ridd, 2015). To evaluate this hypothesis, we have been studying late Paleozoic strata and fusulinids in this belt for years. We recently collected late Carboniferous to Middle Permian fusulinids from various sections in this belt, including ascendingly Triticites assemblage, Sphaeroschwagerina sphaerica assemblage, Eoparafusulina assemblage, Chalaroschwagerina solita assemblage and Neoschwagerina assemblage. Further comparison reveals that the fusulinid taxonomy in this belt still differs from that in S China. For instance, the Early Permian fusulinids in this belt generally lack Pseudoschwagerina, a typical Cathaysian element. Moreover, quantitative analysis (Rarefaction) confirms that the generic diversity in this belt remains lower than in S China. These results supports that a substantial portion of the Permo-Carboniferous limestones in this belt originated from seamounts located far from the northern Gondwana margin, meanwhile slightly south of the equatorial region, also considering the couplet of carbonates and underlying basalts (OIB type). Furthermore, petrographic and geochemical analyses of the Carboniferous siliciclastic Nanduan Formation demonstrate a mature continental provenance and two peaks of detrital zircon ages (ca. 950 Ma and ca. 550 Ma) (Zheng et al., 2019). Notably, these two peaks are also shared by metasedimentary rocks (e.g., the Ximeng and Lancang Groups) widespread in this belt as well as peri-Gondwana blocks. These data suggest that the Paleozoic siliciclastics covering this belt’s eastern and western parts were derived from the Gondwana margin. Therefore, significant siliciclastic inputs from the Gondwana margin over much of this belt contradict the implied vast Paleozoic ocean in this belt. In contrast, the siliciclastic Nanpihe Group (Devonian-early Carboniferous) in the central part demonstrates a detritus source from continental arcs and clusters of detrital zircon ages of ca. 435 Ma and ca. 950 Ma, which correlates well to Silurian magmatism in the Simao and S China blocks. In conclusion, we propose that the Changning-Menglian Belt was part of the passive continental margin on the eastern flank of the Baoshan-Shan Block during the late Paleozoic, while and tectonostratigraphic slices of seamount limestones, Nanpihe Formation or even ophiolites are allochthonous and were displaced to their present position during the Late Triassic closure of the Tethys.
Establishing the mechanisms for craton modification is critical for understanding cratonic stability and architecture. Both plate tectonics and mantle plumes can cause weakening, mechanical decoupling, and even lithospheric removal. But craton modification  – craton destruction accompanied or followed by craton rejuvenation  – has received less attention. It is well-known that oceanic subduction dominantly destroys cratonic lithosphere with replacement to a lesser degree, and mantle plumes have been related to both destruction and rejuvenation. The role of continental subduction in craton modification, however, remains a comparatively open question. The North China Craton, as a previously stable continent with a lithosphere of more than 200 km since the Paleoproterozoic, was reworked and substantially destroyed since the Mesozoic, with intensive destruction occurring in the Early Cretaceous. Earlier in the Mesozoic, North China Craton experienced a continent-continent collision (as the upper plate) with the South China Block, forming the Sulu orogenic belt, providing an opportunity to understand the potential for craton modification due to deep continental subduction In the North China craton, we report the presence of material (i.e., Yunshan unit) sourced from the underlying subducted plate. It is composed of foliated monzonitic granite and metamorphic sedimentary rocks that locally experienced crustal anatexis. Through detailed zircon U-Pb dating, it formed at latest Triassic (ca. 212 Ma). Importantly, the 800–700 Ma inherited zircons from the Yunshan foliated granite resemble those from the South China Block rather than the North China Craton. According to structural and magnetic data, the fabrics of the Yunshan foliated granite, characterized by gentle magnetic/mesoscopic foliations and conspicuous NW-SE-trending magnetic/mesoscopic lineations with a top-to-the-NW shearing. Its geometry, kinematics, and timing all compare favorably with the latest Triassic extensional structure accounting for the exhumation of the Sulu orogenic belt. We thus interpret the Yunshan unit to have been sourced from the subducted South China Block, then exhumed and emplaced into the overriding North China Craton (Fig. 1A). Combining our new results with previous geological and geophysical data, we argue that from 250–220 Ma a 200-km-long tract of North China Craton lithosphere was bulldozed by the subducted South China Block, resulting in a lithospheric suture far from the suture zone at the surface. This lithospheric removal occurred at mid-lower crustal levels (16–20 km depth)  – much shallower than previously thought possible. The bulldozed North China Craton lithosphere was simultaneously replaced by the reworked underlying South China Block plate. Such a “bulldoze and rebuild” lithospheric modification process minimized asthenosphere-lithosphere interaction, thus preventing the North China Craton from further modification (Fig. 1B–1D). Because there was essentially no net loss of lithosphere during deep continental subduction, the North China Craton largely maintained its stability for the time and did not suffer intensive destruction until later Early Cretaceous palaeo-Pacific oceanic subduction. This “bulldoze and rebuild” model can thus account for how a craton can maintain its stability during a collision with another continental plate.
Etykieta „Made in China”, niegdyś kojarzona z tandetą, obecnie stanowi wymiar wysokiej jakości technologii i nowoczesnych rozwiązań. Podróż do Państwa Środka może przynieść nam odpowiedzi na pytania związane z postępem rozwoju technologii produkowania ogniw fotowoltaicznych i określić, jak bardzo będzie on rzutować na polskich przedsiębiorców. Informacje zaczerpnięte z obserwacji chińskiej konkurencji na rynku paneli PV stanowią swoisty kompas w poruszaniu się po globalnych trendach wprowadzania nowych rozwiązań technologicznych w ujęciu pozyskiwania energii ze słońca.
The establishment of digital infrastructure embodies a pivotal instrument in propelling developmental metamorphosis, whilst fostering energy preservation and emission abatement. By employing municipal-level data spanning the period from 2009 to 2019, this research establishes a quasi-natural experiment anchored upon the "Broadband China" strategy. Employing the Difference-in-Differences (DID) methodology, this inquiry thoroughly examines the influence of digital infrastructure construction on the alleviation of carbon emissions. The findings indicate that the implementation of digital infrastructure exerts a notable impact on the reduction of carbon emissions. Moreover, carbon emission reduction resulting from digital infrastructure construction exhibits distinctive characteristics of heterogeneity. The empirical evidence presented within this study serves as a fundamental cornerstone for attaining the objectives of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.
Cost overrun during construction is one of the most common problems occur in construction projects around the world, which also includes the area of Chongqing in China. At present, there are few studies related to cost overruns at the construction stage of high-rise residential building projects (HRBPs) in Chongqing. The purpose of this study is to develop effective control measures from the contractor’s perspective to help projects to minimize cost overruns during the construction phase of HRBPs in Chongqing. Firstly, through the literature review and semi-structured interviews, 65 cost overrun-related risk factors in construction projects were identified. All the risk factors have been prioritized through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based on their importance to project success. Out of the 65 factors identified, 12 were classified as the critical ones that have a great potential to instigate a cost overrun during construction to take place in the real project. There were four risk factors that have the greatest impact on cost overruns, and their weights were 0.04 or above, including low bid, force majeure, undetailed/inaccurate geological survey data, and increased loan interest rates. Finally, control measures were developed for these four critical cost overrun risk factors (CCORFs). The measures developed provided a guideline to control the risk of cost overruns and clear control key points to help contractors minimize cost overruns on construction projects.
Content available remote Race to carbon neutrality. prospects of phasing out coal
Carbon neutrality is necessary to address the global problem of climate change. The International Energy Agency has recognized coal as the largest source of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This article analyzes carbon dioxide emissions from coal and carbon dioxide emissions from energy for the major emitters of CO2 emissions. As more than half of the world's Carbon dioxide emissions from coal come from China, the authors have analyzed the extreme situation that could arise in the carbon reduction market if China were to postpone its commitments to reduce coal consumption. The article calculates the time frame required for other coal-consuming countries to phase out coal to compensate for China's annual coal consumption. It demonstrates that without China transitioning from coal consumption to zero-carbon energy sources, other countries will not be able to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This proves that for the first time in history, the achievement of the goal set by the global community depends on the actions of a single country. The article outlines the goals set by China in its Nationally Determined Contribution and other government documents to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. It also presents China's efforts to implement renewable energy sources, nuclear reactors, and energy storage.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the organizational method of kaizen and Chinese concepts related to self-development - gongfu i xiushen, which are typical of Asian countries. Design/methodology/approach: The method of desk research was used in the study. Kazen, gongfu, and xiushen derive from the major premises and values of the organizational cultures in Japanese and Chinese companies. They are becoming more and more popular in Europe and the USA. They are essential in managing change as they can develop key values necessary for organizational improvement and support the implementation of organizational change strategies. Therefore, they increase companies’ innovation on the market. The article presents a brief description of the organizational culture and the essence of the concepts of kaizen, gongfu and xiushen. It also presents a comparison of these approaches in terms of the cultural conditions of the Japanese and Chinese economies. Findings: In the context of management science, in the literature, there is a lot of information on the Japanese concept of kaizen and very little of gongfu and xiushen. Although all of the concepts developed in Asia and are related to improvement, they differ from each other. Practical implications: The possibility of a future increase in the attention of non-Asian managers on Chinese methods of improvement is recognized. Originality/value: The new value is presenting the concepts of gongfu and xiushen within management science. As well as the comparison of concepts of kaizen, gongfu, and xiushen.
Purpose: The text presents the crafts related to precious metals in terms of the importance of gold in China's economic culture; the development of jewelry manufacturing techniques and their makers, the jewelry market divided into the geographical location (within the PRC); the needs and preferences of the demand side, as well as the gender and age group of the final consumers. The aim of the article is to answer the question whether Chinese goldsmithing is associated with luxury or associated mainly with the production of luxury products. Design/methodology/approach: The research method used was desk research – an analysis of the literature and articles written by Chinese journalists based on interviews with goldsmiths. Findings: The article points out that the contemporary group of Chinese goldsmiths is very diverse. Although gold is associated with luxury and a good financial situation, the profession of a craftsman is not as closely associated with this social consciousness. Originality/value: The article presents the topic of goldsmithing, which is relatively rarely represented in the literature of economic sciences.
Japonia oraz Chiny posiadają długą tradycję ingerowania w sytuację na Płw. Koreańskim. Wynikiem tego jest wiele sporów historycznych, ale również i terytorialnych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie oraz analiza głównych sporów terytorialnych, które wpływają na współczesne relacje dyplomatyczne Chin i Japonii z Koreą Południową oraz Koreą Północną. Zostanie przedstawiona zarówno ich geneza, jak i stan obecny, w tym sytuacje, do których doprowadzała eskalacja konfliktów. Analizie poddane zostaną następujące spory: wyspy Dokdo/Takeshima, skała Ieodo/Suyan i granice wyłącznych stref ekonomicznych na Morzu Żółtym, przebieg granicy chińsko-północnokoreańskiej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sprawy wysp na rzekach Yalu i Tumen, a także przynależność państwowa góry Beakdu. Co jakiś czas spory te prowadzą do eskalacji napięć, potęgując zarówno rywalizację polityczną, jak i gospodarczą w Azji Wschodniej, a niemożność ich rozwiązania szkodzi relacjom między państwami koreańskimi a ich sąsiadami.
Japan and China have a long tradition of interfering with the situation on the Korean Peninsula. The result is a lot of historical and territorial disputes. The aim of this article is to present and analyze the main territorial disputes that affect contemporary Chinese and Japanese diplomatic relations with South Korea and North Korea. Both their genesis and the current state of affairs will be presented, including situations caused by escalation of conflicts. The following disputes will be analyzed: Dokdo / Takeshima islands, Ieodo / Suyan rock and the boundaries of the exclusive economic zones in the Yellow Sea, the Sino-North Korean border, with particular emphasis on the issue of the islands on the Yalu and Tumen rivers, and the nationality of Mount Beakdu. Every now and then, these disputes lead to an escalation of tensions, intensifying both the political and economic rivalry in East Asia, and the inability to solve them harm relations between the Koreas and their neighbors.
This paper presents a study on the specific features of traditional Chinese pavilions. The sources investigated during the study expanded the authors’ outlook on the expression of national characteristics in Chinese architecture as a whole, and became the basis for concluding that the pavilion can act as a vehicle for national identity. In their study, the authors focused solely on researching the architecture of small Chinese pavilions. It was concluded that the architecture of pavilions should be considered together with the general principles of Chinese philosophy, culture, religions, landscape design, the architecture of purely garden pavilions-as together with pavilions with other uses and it allows us to identify similarities and differences between pavilions of various types. Based on the transfer of information from the fundamental sources to specific layouts and landscape paintings of Suzhou gardens in this study, those landscape techniques that were formed based on Feng Shui and their symbolic meaning were concretized in the conclusions. The discussion focuses on the repair, renovation and reinforcement of timber structures susceptible to the effects of aggressive external factors (rainfall, insects, technical wood pests, fire) using methods acceptable in conservation.
W artykule określono specyfikę tradycyjnych pawilonów chińskich. Przedstawiono pogląd autorów na temat sposobu przekazywania cech narodowych w całej architekturze chińskiej, co stało się podstawą do potwierdzenia wniosków o pawilonie jako nośniku znaków tożsamości narodowej. Autorzy skupili się na analizie małych pawilonów z terytorium Chin. Ich wystrój architektoniczny należy rozpatrywać w powiązaniu z ogólnymi zasadami projektowania krajobrazu w Chinach oraz architekturą pawilonów ogrodowych o innych funkcjach, co pozwala na identyfikację wspólnych i odmiennych cech różnych typów pawilonów. Opierając się na przeniesieniu przez autorów przedstawionego studium informacji z wybranych źródeł do konkretnych układów i pejzaży ogrodów Suzhou, w konkluzjach scharakteryzowano te działania krajobrazowe, które powstały z wykorzystaniem Feng Shui, oraz ich symboliczne znaczenie. Podjęto również tematykę naprawy, renowacji i wzmacniania konstrukcji drewnianych podatnych na działania agresywnych czynników zewnętrznych (opady atmosferyczne, owady szkodniki techniczne drewna, ogień) przy użyciu metod akceptowalnych konserwatorsko.
Mimo pandemii Covid-19 przemysł celulozowo-papierniczy na świecie w ostatnich dwóch latach rozwijał się dynamicznie. Powstało wiele innowacyjnych rozwiązań, począwszy od produkcji mas celulozowych, wyrobów higienicznych, po opakowania z tektury falistej. W tym okresie nastąpił przyspieszony przepływ kapitału do segmentu opakowań i mu pokrewnych, mimo wzrostu cen mas celulozowych. Pandemia przyspieszyła również zmiany strukturalne w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju i energii, dzięki nowym przepisom w dziedzinie ochrony środowiska oraz ewolucji sektora papierniczego w Chinach [1, 2, 5].
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