As cities develop, more and more areas are occupied by buildings and transportation infrastructure. It is only natural that urban development requires the creation of recreational infrastructure for city residents. Recreational infrastructure is essential for the proper functioning of city dwellers. Providing land for such infrastructure falls under the responsibility of local authorities. However, acquiring such land in large cities is very expensive. Therefore, areas with development restrictions become a natural space for recreational facilities. For this reason, the use of river valleys has been studied. These areas are currently used as floodplains in case of floods. The presented analyses were carried out for the city of Sandomierz. It is one of the oldest cities in Poland. The unique character of this city attracts many tourists each year. Most tourist attractions are located near the Old Town. The Old Town of Sandomierz is situated on the banks of the Vistula River. The Vistula River is the largest river in Poland. During floods it swells and the water overflows its bed. in order to protect residents from flooding, flood zones are designated, and flood embankments are constructed. Floodplains in this area occupy a significant part of the city. The research involved both geospatial and legal documentation analyses of this area. The paper proposes alternative ways of using these areas, taking into account the interests of city residents, municipal authorities, the natural environment, and institutions dealing with flood protection.
A little over a decade ago, a number of legislative changes were made in Polish law dealing with spatial planning in relation to floodplains and water management. More specifically, the amendments were a consequence of the adoption of the relevant Floods Directive by the European Parliament and the European Council in 2007, which was introduced as a countermeasure to the allegedly increasing flood risks associated with the ongoing urbanisation of floodplains. It was recognised that the risks of material and non-material damage associated with increasing urbanisation are so great that appropriate legal provisions must be introduced to reduce them. More than a decade has passed since the introduction of these provisions (the Floods Directive was adopted in Poland in March 2011). Over time, it has become apparent that the implementation of many legislative changes in Poland related to spatial planning in floodplains has been impractical and has had a very negative impact on the spatial and economic development of these areas. In this article we focus on the Lower Bug Valley and show how these new laws have led to a deterioration of the living situation in the floodplains. Indeed, the problem of economic decline in the floodplains and Natura 2000 sites is very serious and affects people who have lived for years in a 2-5 km wide strip in quiet surroundings flood-prone areas and along the river bend. Restrictions on livestock and the decline of agriculture are compounded by the lack of interest in acquiring habitats and land. These areas are becoming an open-air museum with residents living on social benefits and pensions.
Nieco ponad dziesięć lat temu w polskim prawie dokonano szeregu zmian legislacyjnych dotyczących planowania przestrzennego w odniesieniu do terenów zalewowych i gospodarki wodnej. Dokładniej rzecz ujmując, zmiany te były konsekwencją przyjęcia przez Parlament Europejski i Radę Europejską w 2007 r. stosownej dyrektywy powodziowej, która została wprowadzona jako środek zaradczy na rzekomo rosnące ryzyko powodziowe związane z postępującą urbanizacją terenów zalewowych. Uznano, że ryzyko szkód materialnych i niematerialnych związanych z nasilającą się urbanizacją jest tak duże, że należy wprowadzić odpowiednie przepisy prawne w celu jego ograniczenia. Od wprowadzenia tych przepisów minęła już ponad dekada (dyrektywa powodziowa została przyjęta w Polsce w marcu 2011 r.). Z czasem okazało się, że wprowadzenie w Polsce wielu zmian legislacyjnych związanych z planowaniem przestrzennym na terenach zalewowych było niepraktyczne i miało bardzo negatywny wpływ na rozwój przestrzenny i gospodarczy tych obszarów. W niniejszym artykule koncentrujemy się na Dolinie Dolnego Bugu i pokazujemy, jak te nowe przepisy doprowadziły do pogorszenia sytuacji życiowej na terenach zalewowych. Rzeczywiście, problem upadku gospodarczego na terenach zalewowych i obszarach Natura 2000 jest bardzo poważny i dotyka ludzi, którzy od lat żyją w pasie o szerokości 2-5 km w spokojnym otoczeniu terenów zagrożonych powodzią i wzdłuż zakoli rzek. Ograniczenia w hodowli i upadek rolnictwa potęgują brak zainteresowania pozyskiwaniem siedlisk i gruntów. Tereny te stają się skansenem, którego mieszkańcy żyją z zasiłków społecznych i rent.
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The sedimentary architecture of the Middle Sanaga deposits in the Central Cameroon Region was studied by combining sedimentological and surface geoelectrical techniques. Lithologic columns from hand augers and pits were correlated to geoelectrical profiles. All of these data were analysed to determine the volumes of lithological units that constitute significant potential geomaterial deposits (gravels, sands, and clays). From surface to depth, geoelectrical results show four main units: conductive GU1 (100 Ωm), semi-resistive GU2 (800 Ωm), resistive UG3 (1000–2000 Ωm), and highly resistive GU4 (over 2000 Ωm). The calibration results identify three lithological units: LU1 composed of poorly sorted pebbles and gravels; LU2 consisting of well-classified medium to coarse sands, asymmetry towards fine to coarse elements; and LU3 consisting of silty clays and clayey sands. Correlation of results assigns UG1 and LU3 to low hydrodynamics, GU2 and LU2 to medium hydrodynamics, and GU3 with LU1 to high hydrodynamics. A 3D filling model has been developed. This model shows that the volume of GU1-LU3 is estimated of 33,549,496 m3 , for GU2-LU2 is estimated of 18,352,728 m3 , and of GU3-LU1 of 7,687,875m3 . This study has important implications for the knowledge and characterization of lithological units, especially geomaterials.
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Artykuł dotyczy zabytkowego spichlerza z XVII w. w Kazimierzu Dolnym przy ul. Krakowskiej 61. Konstrukcja ścian wykonana z opoki wapiennej została narażona na wody spływające z wyżej położonych terenów oraz na wody powodziowe. W konsekwencji pękły elementy konstrukcyjne. Budynek uległ także pożarowi w latach 70. XX w. Podczas renowacji drewniane belki zastąpiono stropami DZ. Obecnie budynek pełni funkcję hotelu i restauracji.
The article focus on the historic granary from the 17th century in Kazimierz Dolny at ul. Krakowska 61. The structure of the walls made of limestone rock was exposed to water flowing from the higher areas as well as flood waters. As a consequence, the structural elements cracked. The building was also on fire in the 1970s. During the renovation, DZ ceilings were made in place of the wooden beams. Currently, the building serves as a hotel and restaurant.
The non-uniformity of the flow velocity distribution in each section of compound channels and in the main channel-floodplain interface area causes errors in estimating water surface profile, flood routing, pollution transfer, and so on. To reduce the impacts of non-uniformity on the exact calculation of kinetic energy and momentum, α and β correction coefficients are used, respectively. However, the determination method of these coefficients is a challenging issue in river engineering. This study used the OpenFOAM Software to determine these coefficients numerically for two laboratory models of compound open channels of which the data are available, using the single-phase pimpleFoam solver to do modeling in the mentioned software and the k-ωSST turbulence model to calculate the flow characteristics. Based on the results, the highest difference (13%) between the results estimated by the software and those obtained from the lab experiments was seen in the low flow depth where the flow left the main channel and entered the floodplain of a very shallow depth, possibly due to the grid generation of this area. This difference decreased as the flow depth increased, and its average was 6.65% for α coefficient and 2.32% for β coefficient in all cases, which means the results of numerical modeling and the experimental data conformed well, and the OpenFOAM software can be successfully used in flow modeling and analyzing flow characteristics in compound channels.
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The rate of overbank accumulation in the Vistula floodplain within the Carpathian Foreland has increased since at least the 16th century as a result of drainage basin deforestation (mainly in the Carpathian portion) and agricultural use of this area. However, since the 1850s, additional causes have included deepening of the Vistula channel and its tributaries (mainly the Carpathian ones) initiated by regulation works which delivered additional sediment for overbank accumulation within the inter-embankment zone. Since the 1950s, a rapid decrease in the overbank accumulation rate was noted. This resulted from the retention of the majority of the sediment by deep reservoirs on the Carpathian tributaries of the Vistula, reforestation of the Carpathian portion of the drainage basin, and the slowing down of the rate of deepening of the Vistula channel. An estimate was made of the differentiation of the rate of overbank accumulation within the inter-embankment zone in the longitudinal profile of the study section of the Vistula. The Author proposed a modified model of temporal change of the rate of overbank accumulation in section of the course of the Vistula studied, distinguishing a stage in which change was influenced by regulation works.
The aim of the study was to assess the contamination of selected heavy metals in cultivated soils of the Odra river floodplain. The heavy metals Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd and Pb were determined in soil samples collected in the autumn of 2020 - after the vegetation period of plants from designated measurement points. Concentrations of the analytes were measured using an atomic absorption spectrometer (F-ASA). A comparison was made between concentrations of heavy metals in soil samples collected from areas flooded in 1997 and from areas flooded as a result of rainfall, snowmelt and winter floods. The results of the studies were compared with the data for soils taken from non-flooded areas. The studies confirmed enrichment of soils subjected to precipitation, snowmelt and winter floods in heavy metals. Also samples taken from two measurement points located on floodplains of the Odra river were characterised by high concentrations of Zn, Cd and Pb.
The features of the tectonic structure together with the geological and geomorphological zoning of Kyiv city are highlighted in the article. Particular attention is paid to the floodplains of the Dnieper River, which were formed by the hydraulic fill method. As a rule, such sites were created for new constructions and were quickly built up with low rise buildings, the bases of which were made using such hydraulic soils. Completed engineering-geological investigations of sites after hydraulic filling and observation of the base deformation over time allowed setting of the basic regularity and rules for construction on such territories. The ongoing development of the city has also covered these territories, where high-rise buildings, shopping malls, and other buildings are actively being built, and the loads from these must be transferred to reliable bases.
Since accurate estimation of the flow kinetic energy (α) and momentum (β) is not easily possible in compound channels, determining their accurate correction coefficients is an important task. This paper has used the “flood channel facility (FCF)” data and the “conveyance estimate system (CES)” model (which is 1D, but considers a term related to the secondary flow) to study how the floodplain width and the main channel wall slope and asymmetry affect the values of α and β. Results have shown that their maximum values at the highest floodplain width are, respectively, 1.36 and 1.13 times of those at the lowest case; an increase in the slope increased their maximum values by 1.05 and 1.01 times, respectively. The mean of error values showed that the CES model estimated the values α and β more accurately than the flow discharge. The maximum differences between the estimated and experimental values were 12.14% for α and 4.3% for β; for the flow discharge, it was 24.4%.
Stosunki wodne w górnej części zlewni rzeki Kłodnicy są kształtowane w głównej mierze przez prowadzoną od dziesięcioleci działalność wydobywczą, która przyczynia się do powstawania podtopień i zalewisk w dolinie rzeki i jej dopływów. W artykule pokazano wpływ prognozowanych obniżeń terenu na zasięg i głębokość stref zalewowych, utworzonych w wyniku przejścia hipotetycznej fali powodziowej o prawdopodobieństwie pojawienia się p=0,2%, a tym samym na wielkość zagrożenia powodziowego w tej części zlewni. Strefy zalewowe zostały wygenerowane w wyniku symulacji przeprowadzonych na opracowanym dwuwymiarowym modelu rzeki Kłodnicy, z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania MIKE FLOOD.
In the upper part of the basin of Kłodnica river hydrographic conditions are shaped primarily by decades of mining activity, which contributes to the formation of flooding and fens in the river valley and its tributaries. The article presents impact of forecasted land area slump on the range and depth of floodplains created by the passage of hypothetical flood wave with probability of occurrence p = 0.2%, and thus the size of the flood hazard in this part of the basin. The floodplains were generated by simulation carried out on the developed two-dimensional model of the Kłodnica river using MIKE FLOOD software.
W rejonie Warszawy i w samej stolicy występuje wiele śladów osadnictwa olęderskiego. Tekst prezentuje wyniki pilotażowych badań nad wpływem tej kolonizacji na ukształtowanie rzeźby Kępy Kiełpińskiej, zagospodarowanej na początku XIX w. Bezpośrednie skutki antropopresji określono na podstawie porównania archiwalnych map topograficznych z lat: 1783, 1794, 1843, 1914–1915, 1936 oraz mapy współczesnej. W oparciu o dwa wiercenia porównano cechy litologiczne (uziarnienie i zawartość materii organicznej) podłoża po dwóch stronach olęderskiej grobli. Wykazano, że w pierwszej fazie modyfikacja rzeźby polegała na utworzeniu nowych form – grobli, rowów, nasypów, które są do dziś wyraźnie widoczne w terenie. W późniejszych etapach wpłynęło to na cechy gruntów użytkowanych rolniczo – groble i pasy zarośli wierzbowo-topolowych oraz płotki z wikliny zatrzymywały grubszy materiał, a na ich zapleczu osadzały się drobniejsze frakcje, wzbogacone w materię organiczną, transportowane w zawiesinie. Uzyskane wyniki uzasadniają potrzebę dalszych badań nad morfologicznymi skutkami osadnictwa olęderskiego w rejonie Warszawy.
In Warsaw and its vicinity, many signs of the Olęder settlement are present. Paper presents the results of the pilot study on the Olęder settlement impact on the relief of the Kępa Kiełpińska, which was brought into cultivation in the beginning of the XIX century. Direct results of the human impact were specified on basis of the archival and modern topographic maps. On basis of two drills the lithology features of the ground on both sides of the Olęder causeway were compared (grain size distribution and LOI). In the first phase, relief modification consisted of the creation of new forms – causeways, trenches, embankments, which are still visible in landscape. In later phases, above mentioned modifications, had impact on features of the land used for agriculture – causeways and osier fences and belts composed from poplar and willow were stopping more coarse material, and on their back, more fine, enriched in organic matter, material transported in suspension was deposited. Obtained results justify the need of the future research on the impact of the Olęder settlement in the vicinity of Warsaw.
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The paper presents the results of the regular bank erosion monitoring on three rivers of the Eastern European (Russian) Plain: the Kerzhenets River (left tributary of the Volga River), the Sherna River (left tributary of the Klyazma River) and the Tarusa River (left tributary of the Oka River). The first two rivers are characterised by wide floodplains and meandering channels, the third one is distinguished by an incised straight channel and a narrow floodplain. Results of the bank erosion monitoring carried out twice a year – after a spring snowmelt flood and a summer low-water period - over the last 5-15 years allowed the authors to arrive at the following conclusions: 1. Bank erosion and channel lateral migration were observed only during the flood events. No channel deformations were observed during the low-water periods on the rivers of the humid temperate climate zone. 2. Bank erosion and channel lateral migration were observed only during the years with the highest flood magnitude, regardless of the stream bed sediment grain size composition. In the years with moderate flood events, bank erosion occurred, but its rates were inconsiderable and comparable to the measurement accuracy limit. During dry years, no channel deformations were observed. 3. As a consequence of the meander development and its sinuosity changes, zones of the maximum concave bank retreat change their locations along the meander. First, the maximum erosion rate zone occupies most of the concave bank length, then moves towards the lower limb and concentrates at the meander apex when reaching the maximum sinuosity. 4. Formation of cutoffs in a high-sinuosity meander is mainly associated with intrinsic mechanisms of the meander self-development and to a lesser extent with a flood magnitude. In this case, the main factor of the cutoff process is a very fast increase in the channel longitudinal profile gradient, rather than flood discharge.
Jednym z negatywnych skutków podziemnej eksploatacji węgla kamiennego jest zaburzenie warunków wodnych na powierzchni terenu i wzrost zagrożenia powodziowego. Górna część zlewni rzeki Kłodnicy należy do obszarów, gdzie od wielu lat prowadzone są roboty eksploatacyjne, a skutkiem prowadzonych prac są zaburzenia grawitacyjnego spływu wód powierzchniowych oraz powiększający się zasięg podtopień i zalewisk w dolinie rzeki i jej dopływów. W obszarze tym przewiduje się dalszą podziemną eksploatację węgla kamiennego, która prowadzona będzie głównie systemem z zawałem stropu i docelowo obejmie okres do roku 2045. Maksymalne prognozowane osiadania terenu dochodzić będą do wartości około 17,5 m. Do wyznaczenia zasięgu stref zagrożenia powodziowego w zlewni Kłodnicy, na odcinku jej przepływu przez obszary górnicze kopalń, opracowano dwuwymiarowy model rzeki z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania MIKE FLOOD, pakietu łączącego w sobie model jednowymiarowy MIKE 11 i dwuwymiarowy MIKE 21, pozwalającego określić wzajemne oddziaływanie rzeki i terenów zalewowych. Obliczenia wykonano dla fali hipotetycznej o kulminacji odpowiadającej przepływowi o prawdopodobieństwie przewyższenia p = 0,2%. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji przeprowadzonych dla dwóch scenariuszy powodziowych: uwzględniających aktualne ukształtowanie powierzchni terenu odwzorowanego w postaci Numerycznego Modelu Terenu (NMT) oraz dla powierzchni terenu obniżonej o wielkość prognozowanych osiadań, wykorzystując zmodyfikowany NMT. Jako narzędzie wspomagające proces modelowania wykorzystano oprogramowanie ArcGIS Desktop. Prognozowane obniżenia powierzchni terenu zwiększą zagrożenie powodziowe w górnej części zlewni Kłodnicy. Nastąpi pogorszenie warunków spływu wód i zwiększenie zasięgu obszarów bezodpływowych, a strefa zalewowa będzie stwarzać bezpośrednie zagrożenie dla zabudowy mieszkaniowej.
One of the negative effects of underground coal mining operations is a disorder of the surface water conditions and an increase in the flood hazard. The upper part of the Kłodnica river basin is an area in which mining ac tivities are conducted. The disturbance of the gravitational flow of water and enlarging the range of inundations and ponds in the river and ponds in the main river and side streams valleys are the results of these mining activities. It is expected that further underground coal mining operations will be conducted using the logwall caving method and it will be conducted until 2045. The maximum predicted ground subsidences will be equal to 17.5 m. A two – dimensional model of the Kłodnica river was created using MIKE FLOOD computer software to determine the extent of flood hazard zones in the Kłodnica river basin in the section where it passes the mining areas. MIKE FLOOD is a package which contains 1D and 2D flood simulation engines and enables to identify the interactions between the river and the floodplains. Model calculations were made for a hypothetical flood-wave with its culmination corresponding to a flow of exceedance probability p = 0.2%. In the article, the results of simulations for two flood scenarios were compared: for the current topography based on the digital terrain model (DTM) and for the topography including predicted ground subsidence using the modified DTM. ArcGIS Desktop was used as the software supporting the modeling process. The predicted ground subsidence will make the flood hazard higher in the upper part of Kłodnica river basin. The conditions of the flow of water will get worse and the extent of drainless areas will enlarge. The floodplain will create a risk to residential housing.
Celem pracy było określenie przydatności cyfrowego modelu terenu (NMT) do identyfikacji zróżnicowania środowisk depozycji współczesnych utworów wezbraniowych, a także określenie związku między poszczególnymi strefami morfodynamicznymi równi zalewowej a koncentracją metali ciężkich w osadach powierzchniowych. Badania prowadzono na odcinku doliny środkowej Wisły w obrębie jej Małopolskiego Przełomu. Poszczególne strefy morfodynamiczne były identyfikowane z wykorzystaniem analizy numerycznego modelu terenu o rozdzielczości 10 m oraz na podstawie wyników badań terenowych. Położenie granic wychodni i form rzeźby równi zalewowej określono w terenie, wykorzystując odbiorniki kodowe DGPS. W trakcie badań pobrano 110 próbek osadów wezbraniowych. Charakterystyka litologiczna obejmowała analizę granulometryczną, oznaczenie zawartości CaCO3, składu mineralnego frakcji iłowej, a także zawartości substancji organicznej. Badano zawartość Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cr, Sr, Cd i V oraz stosunek Fe do Al. Wyniki oznaczeń laboratoryjnych poddane zostały analizie statystycznej. Otrzymane zróżnicowanie zawartości metali ciężkich w osadach wezbraniowych koresponduje z wydzielonymi dziewięcioma typami form rzeźby równi zalewowej Wisły.
The aim of the study was to determine the usefulness of the digital terrain model (DTM) for identification the diversity of depositional environments of contemporary flood alluvia, as well as to determine the relationship between the individual morphodynamic floodplain zones and concentration of heavy metals in surface sediments. Studies were carried out in the section of the Middle Vistula valley within its Małopolska Gorge. Individual morphodynamic zones were identified in the base of the analysis of digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 10 m, as well as the results of field research. Detailed location of outcrop boundaries as well as floodplain landforms boundaries was carried out with the usage of DGPS receivers. During the study, 110 samples of flood deposits were collected. Lithologic characteristic included granulometric analysis, determination of CaCO3 content, mineral composition of clay fraction and the content of organic matter. The content of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cr, Sr, Cd and V, and the ratio Fe to Al were determined. The results of laboratory tests were subjected to statistical analysis. The resulting differences in the content of heavy metals in flood deposits corresponds to distinguished nine types of floodplain landforms.
The aim of the work was to estimate the usefulness of Very High Resolution (VHR) multispectral images from the IKONOS-2 satellite to identify landforms in the floodplain area. Studying the nature and distribution of the floodplain landforms allows the identification of natural tendencies in fluvial processes and could be useful for the projects of river valley management. The research was carried out along part of the Podlasie gorge of the Bug River valley. We analyzed the orthophotomap both in natural colours (RGB) and colour-infrared (NRG), with 82-cm ground sample distance (GSD). Based on VHR satellite images, 14 (representing 7 types) landform types have been distinguished. Remote sensing results have been verified in the field. The investigations have enabled the assessment of the usefulness of the multispectral VHR satellite images for the identification of trends in overbank processes.
The concentrations of zinc and cadmium were determined in the sediment cores sampled from the floodplain and the channel in the middle reach of the Biała Przemsza River valley (southern Poland). The results were compared to the river water and groundwater chemistry in order to reveal the average extent of the hyporheic flow. The loss of river waters through the river bed due to the natural migration modified by the drainage of the lead-zinc ore mine caused the strong pollution of the river bed sediments with heavy metals to the depth of almost three meters below the water table in the river. Moreover, the similar groundwater and river water chemistry at that depth suggests that the vertical extent of the hyporheic zone, which exceeds a depth of several meters below the channel, can be affected by the drainage of river waters by the lead-zinc mine. The lateral extent of the hyporheic flow, indicated by changes in groundwater chemistry and elevated heavy metal concentrations in the sediments, was of the order of dozen of meters. The investigation documents the large impact of the secondary in situ enrichment of sediments with heavy metals in the hyporheic zone.
Osuwiska jak i powodzie należą do naturalnych zagrożeń, powodujących straty zarówno w środowisku naturalnym jak i antropogenicznym (infrastruktura budowlana). Na terenie gmin Polski południowo-wschodniej występuje zarówno ryzyko powodziowe jak i ryzyko osuwiskowe. Te dwa zagrożenia bardzo często idą w parze. Długotrwałe opady powodują podtopienia infrastruktury kolejowej w pobliżu cieków wodnych i równolegle uruchamiają procesy osuwiskowe na zboczach powyżej dolin rzecznych. Znajomość warunków hydrogeologicznych oraz monitorowanie parametrów geotechnicznych i hydrologicznych danego terenu jest podstawą prognozowania wystąpienia tych zagrożeń oraz szacowania ryzyka. Stąd w artykule podkreślono kwestię spójności systemów monitoringu i ostrzegania dla tych dwóch zagrożeń. Obecnie dla osuwisk działa SOPO (System Osłony Przeciwosuwiskowej) a dla terenów zalewowych ISOK (Informatyczny System Osłony Kraju), zauważalny jest jednak brak integralności tych dwóch systemów. Przedstawiona zostanie propozycja określenia łącznego ryzyka dla tych zagrożeń (iloczyn kartezjański oraz metoda Bayesa) oraz metodyka analiz. Omówione zostanie również zagadnienie relacji między ilością informacji a ryzykiem, bowiem tylko właściwie określone ryzyko pozwala na podejmowanie odpowiednich działań prewencyjnych i zmniejsza koszty ewentualnych skutków zagrożeń naturalnych.
Both landslides and floods are natural hazards posing a threat to the environment and bring significant economic losses. There are flooding and landslide risks in the municipalities of south-eastern Poland. These two threats often go hand in hand. Currently, longlasting rains cause flooding of buildings located near water courses, as well as initialize process of landslides on the slopes above the river valley. Knowledge of the hydrogeological conditions and monitoring of geotechnical and hydrological parameters of the area is the base for the prognosis, as well as the risk assessment associated with them. Hence, the paper highlights the issue of the consistency of monitoring and warning systems for these two threats. Currently, only for landslides work SOPO - System Guards Against Landslides. On the other hand, hydrogeological bases are defined for floodplains as ISOK (The Computer System of the National Guard). However, notable is the lack of integrity of both systems. In this paper a proposal is made to determine the overall risk for both threats (Cartesian product and Bayesian method), as well as methods of analysis. The question of the relationship between the amount of information and risk assessment will be discussed. Because only properly specified risk allows you to take appropriate action to prevent and reduce the costs of the potential effects of natural hazards, as in this case of flooding and landslides.
Differentiation of groundwater flow conditions within the floodplains of the river valleys in the Polish Lowlands may result from polygenesis of their valleys sections, as well as from the evolution of river systems, which lasts from the end of the Pleistocene. The investigations, which were carried out in the middle Vistula valley showed that important factor for differentiation of groundwater flow conditions within the floodplain could be also the influence of the basement of contemporary alluvia. In the sections where it forms morphological protrusions, the basement affects the flood waters flow which transforms upper part of floodplain lithological profile.
The aim of the research was the evaluation of the potential contamination with heavy metals in Fluvisols, used as grasslands and arable soils of Vistula River floodplain in the area of the Chełmiński and Nadwiślański Complex of Landscape Parks. The indicators proposed by Håkanson allow to evaluate the potential ecological risk of the contamination with heavy metals associated with the accumulation of one metal or a combination of multiple metals. The mean total content of Cd, Pb, Ni Cu, Zn, Mn, as well as Fe in Fluvisols at the depth of 120–150 cm was assumed as the content of the local geochemical background and it was: 1.0 mg·kg-1, 22.8 mg·kg-1, 26.9 mg·kg-1, 1.4 mg·kg-1, 60.8 mg·kg-1, 591 mg·kg-1, and 17.6 g·kg-1, respectively. The values of the indicators such as contamination factor (CF), enrichment factor (EF) revealed higher levels of the accumulation of heavy metals in the soils of grasslands, which shows that the method of their use has a significant effect on the total metal content. Contamination with heavy metals in the surface layer of the investigated Fluvisols was found, and in terms of the content with cadmium a moderate and considerable potential ecological risk was reported. Due to the fact that no unfavourable effect of trace elements on the riverside environment was proved and that the floodplain areas are under agricultural use, to evaluate the contamination with metals, the limit values for the soils of agricultural land were assumed as stipulated in the Regulation of Minister of the Environment of September 9, 2002. According to that criterion, the soils studied do not qualify as contaminated with metals. Only in one of the soil sampling points the total content of zinc was higher than the one determined as the maximum for agricultural land soils, namely 350 mg·kg-1. A significantly positive correlation was noted between the content of C org and the total content of metals as well as very numerous interactions between metals. The results of cluster analysis confirm that the method of use determines the concentration of metals in the surface layer of the Fluvisols studied.
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