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Content available remote Zużycie energii na ogrzewanie budynków w 2023 r. w wybranych miastach Polski
Podano i omówiono średnie roczne temperatury powietrza, średnie roczne temperatury powietrza bez lata dla Gdańska Rębiechowa w wieloleciu 1987-2023, Warszawy Okęcia i Rzeszowa Jasionki w wieloleciu 1999-2023. Na rysunkach przedstawiono roczne liczby stopniodni grzania i roczne bez lata dla temperatury bazowej 15oC dla Gdańska Rębiechowa w wieloleciu 1987-2023, Warszawy Okęcia i Rzeszowa Jasionki w wieloleciu 1999-2023 oraz zmiany zużycia energii na ogrzewanie budynków dla Gdańska Rębiechowa w wieloleciu 1987-2023, Krakowa w wieloleciu 1996-2023, Warszawy Okęcia, Rzeszowa Jasionki, Szczecina, Wrocławia i Helu w wieloleciu 1999-2023 względem roku o najmniejszej rocznej bez lata liczbie stopniodni grzania. Podano miasta, w których minimalne zużycie energii na ogrzewanie w ostatnich latach wystąpiło w 2000, 2014, 2020 i 2023 r.
The paper first analyzed ice maps for the years 2008-2022. Despite the general convergence of trends of opening and closing of navigable season for concentrations 18% and 81% the Eastern Part and Western Part of the NSR looks they are under different driving factors. Found some tendencies and cyclical changes, but not working for the whole studied period. The studied period of 15 navigation seasons from statistical point of view is too short period of time to forecast trends and cycles in the near future. Next, ships traffic and ice conditions being on the NSR for the years 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021 were examined. The navigable time windows of Arc4, arc5 and Arc7 class ships were determined. Found, the not navigable period of time for any class of merchant ships lasted 3 months.
Increased public awareness of the negative effects of excessive exposure to UV radiation and concerns about the risk of skin cancer cause a growing interest in sunscreen products. This is especially true in tropical countries where exposure to ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun is greater. The global use of UV filters results in the appearance of a new class of environmental pollution. This situation raises considerable concerns about the quality of the environment and the impact of these compounds on humans and other organisms. Therefore the aim of our study was to examining consumers' awareness of the threats to the marine environment, with particular emphasis on sunscreen substances (UV filters). The quantitative research was carried out on a group of 287 respondents, using the proprietary questionnaire that included questions about impact of selected UV filters on marine ecosystems. Respondents were also asked about their concern about marine environmental issues and actions they take to minimize their negative impact on the marine environment. The findings indicate that Polish consumers possess moderate awareness of marine environmental issues and low awareness of impact of UV filters on marine ecosystems.
Content available Climate Action as a Strategic Deterrent
Stability in emerging and developing regions is largely dependent on conditions that promote human security and economic opportunity. Nations that cannot provide human security and economic opportunity often culminate in fragile or failing states, such as in the Sahel. As a consequence of the role that the United States and its allies play in global governance, addressing fragile and failing states frequently becomes a matter of national security. One of the primary contributors to human insecurity is climate change, which manifests itself through a variety of social and economic challenges. Left unchecked, the cycle of climate change-induced insecurity in the developing world has the potential to create conditions of human insecurity, civil unrest, local conflict and – potentially – regional or international conflict. Accordingly, it is in the national security interest of the United States and its allies to use the full range of their national security instruments of power – diplomacy, development, information, military, and economy – to mitigate the potential for these destabilising events by investing in a comprehensive and coordinated climate action plan to reduce the propensity of these events in the first instance. It is a national security – and arguably a moral – imperative to deter conflict by aggressively pursuing climate action through development. Without a concerted and focused effort, there is no prospect of addressing the underlying climate change-induced causes of conflict that plague the developing world. In the 21st century, climate security and climate action can serve as a critical strategic deterrent to international conflict.
Stabilność w krajach nowo powstających lub rozwijających się zależy w dużej mierze od warunków życia zapewniających bezpieczeństwo personalne i możliwości ekonomiczne. Kraje, które nie są w stanie zapewnić bezpieczeństwa personalnego i możliwości ekonomicznych, często mają status państw niestabilnych albo podupadłych, tak jak ma to miejsce w państwach położonych w regionie Sahel. W konsekwencji roli, jaką Stany Zjednoczone i ich sojusznicy odgrywają w globalnym zarządzaniu, zajmowanie się państwami niestabilnymi lub podupadłymi często staje się kwestią bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Jednym z głównych czynników przyczyniających się do destabilizacji społecznej jest zmiana klimatu, która kształtuje różnorodne wyzwania społeczne i ekonomiczne. Pozostawiony bez kontroli cykl fluktuacji wywołanej zmianą klimatu w rozwijającym się świecie ma potencjał kreowania destabilizacji społecznej, wywoływania niepokojów społecznych, lokalnych konfliktów i – potencjalnie – konfliktów regionalnych lub międzynarodowych. W związku z tym w interesie bezpieczeństwa narodowego Stanów Zjednoczonych i ich sojuszników leży wykorzystanie pełnego zakresu instrumentów bezpieczeństwa narodowego – dyplomacji, postępu, informacji, wojska i gospodarki – w celu złagodzenia potencjału destabilizujących zdarzeń poprzez inwestowanie w kompleksowy i skoordynowany plan działań klimatycznych, w pierwszej kolejności w celu zmniejszenia ewentualności ich występowania. To jest bezpieczeństwo narodowe – i prawdopodobnie moralne – konieczność zapobiegania konfliktom poprzez aktywne i progresywne podejmowanie działań klimatycznych. Bez skoordynowanego i skoncentrowanego wysiłku nie ma perspektyw rozwiązania problemów wywołanych zmianami klimatycznymi, które nękają rozwijający się świat. W XXI wieku bezpieczeństwo klimatyczne i działania klimatyczne mogą stanowić krytyczny strategiczny środek odstraszający przed konfliktami międzynarodowymi.
Aktualna polityka klimatyczna Unii Europejskiej obliguje wytwórców energii elektrycznej i cieplnej do osiągnięcia zerowej emisji netto źródeł wytwórczych w perspektywie roku 2050. Tak wyznaczony cel redukcyjny determinuje nieuzasadnioną (zarówno w ujęciu ekonomicznym, jak i środowiskowym) konieczność odstawienia źródeł wykorzystujących metan pochodzący z odmetanowania kopalń węgla kamiennego oraz ujmowany w ramach nieczynnych wyrobisk górniczych. Przedmiotowe działanie prawodawcy unijnego może implikować odwrotny do zakładanego efekt ekologiczny stanowiący wynikową zaprzestania ujmowania metanu z nieczynnych kopalń, a w konsekwencji wzmożenie niezorganizowanej emisji do atmosfery metanu w stanie wolnym z terenów górniczych. Aby uniknąć współsprawstwa zmian klimatycznych, przeprowadzonych pod sztandarem ochrony środowiska, konieczna jest dogłębna i refleksyjna analiza, która pozwoli zrozumieć legislatorowi specyfikę ujmowania metanu z terenów górniczych. Celem osiągnięcia oczekiwanej racjonalności regulacyjnej koniecznym jest sformułowanie przez sektor energetyczny i środowiska naukowe zjednoczonego stanowiska sprzeciwu przeciwko marnotrawstwu zasobów oraz nakierowanego na zapobieżenie wysokiego, środowiskowego kosztu alternatywnego.
The current climate policy of the European Union obliges producers of electricity and heat to achieve net zero emissions from their generation sources by 2050. The reduction target established in this way determines the unjustified obligation (both in economic and environmental terms) to discontinue sources using methane from the demethanization of hard coal mines and closed mining excavations. This EU legislator action may bring about an ecological effect opposite to the expected due to the cessation of the capture ofmethane from closed mines and, as a consequence, an increase of unorganized free methane emissions from mining areas into the atmosphere. In order to avoid complicity in climate change, carried out under the banner of environmental protection, an in- depth and reflective analysis is called for in order to ensure that the legislator understands the specificity of capturing methane from mining areas. In order to achieve the expected regulatory rationality, it is necessary for the energy sector and the scientific community to formulate unequivocal stance against the waste of resources and aimed at preventing high environmental opportunity costs.
The focus of the paper presented here is on forced resettlement from areas withdrawn from use as a result of emergency events, with consideration given to counteracting the climatic dispersal of affected communities. The aim of the research is to provide an overview of existing displacement/resettlement models, especially those that take into account community participation. A proposal for a model implemented in the aftermath of climate change-related disasters in terms of planning and architecture, taking into account the assumptions of community protection, is presented.
W przedstawionym artykule skupiono się na przymusowych przesiedleniach z obszarów wycofanych z użytkowania na skutek nagłych zdarzeń z uwzględnieniem przeciwdziałaniu rozproszeniu społeczności ze względów klimatycznych lub zmian klimatu czy katastrof naturalnych. Celem badań jest przybliżenie istniejących modeli wysiedlenia/przesiedlenia, szczególnie tych uwzględniających partycypację wspólnoty. Przedstawiona została propozycja modelu realizowanego w wyniku następczych skutków katastrof związanych ze zmianami klimatu w zakresie planistycznym i architektonicznym uwzględniając założenia ochrony społeczności.
The aim of this article is to present assumptions for pilot activities showing how regions can change the way they counteract climate change in the spatial structure of cities. The problem is considered in terms of identifying stakeholder groups and levers of change. An attempt to develop a catalog of levers will allow for the assessment of the usefulness and possibility of transferring pilot activities outside the city context. Further research is also needed to develop appropriate measurement criteria to determine the effectiveness of the strategy. The concept defined its main elements and outlined future directions for its improvement.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie założeń do działań pilotażowych pokazujących, w jaki sposób regiony mogą zmienić sposób, w jaki przeciwdziałają zmianom klimatycznym w strukturze przestrzennej miast. Problem rozważany jest w kategorii identyfikacji grup interesariuszy oraz dźwigni zmian. Próba wypracowania katalogu dźwigni pozwoli na ocenę przydatności i możliwości przeniesienia działań pilotażowych poza kontekst miasta. Konieczne są także dalsze badania w celu opracowania odpowiednich kryteriów pomiaru pozwalających określić skuteczność strategii. Koncepcja zdefiniowała jej główne elementy i nakreśliła przyszłe kierunki jej udoskonalenia.
This research at the Wilanów Palace, Warsaw, assesses urban greenery’s cooling impacts in a cultural heritage site using remote sensing and on-site measurements, highlighting vegetation’s importance in urban climate control. The study combines soil temperature data, UAV thermal imagery, leaf area index (LAI), LiDAR, and NDVI analyses. Findings demonstrate a strong link between vegetation density and temperature: UAV land surface temperature (LST) ranged from 26.8° to 47.5°C, peaking at 72°C, while ground-based temperatures were between 19.5° and 29.2°C, lowest in dense vegetation areas. The statistical analysis confirmed significant temperature differences across vegetation types, with higher LAI areas showing lower temperatures. These results validate the cooling effect of dense vegetation, emphasizing green spaces’ significance in urban climate regulation within cultural heritage sites. The study informs sustainable urban design and conservation, underlining the critical role of vegetation in improving urban microclimates.
Climate risks are driving changes in the economy towards low-carbon energy development. The article is devoted to exploring low-carbon management in selecting resources for energy production of enterprises. The households’ willingness to use low-carbon technologies through the transition to consume energy from renewable resources is clarified. The article has proposed a methodological approach to low-carbon management in selecting resources for energy production of enterprises. The specificity of this methodological approach lies in assessing the energy consumption system efficiency based on the low-carbon management in selecting resources for energy production of enterprises. The results obtained for all types of harmful substances indicate the adequacy of the low-carbon management in selecting resources for energy production of enterprises giving preference to solar and wind power. The scientific value of such a methodological approach lies in the ability to forecast the potential of low-carbon management in selecting resources for energy production of enterprises in the energy supply chain. The results is the basis for creating climate energy clusters in the regions to diversify the resources for energy production of enterprises, and to increase of the efficiency of transportation of production waste as renewable energy sources by transport for strengthening the resilience of climate security.
Zagrożenia klimatyczne wymuszają zmiany w gospodarce w kierunku niskoemisyjnego rozwoju energetycznego. Artykuł poświęcony jest badaniu zarządzania niskoemisyjnego w doborze zasobów do produkcji energii w przedsiębiorstwach. W artykule wyjaśniono gotowość gospodarstw domowych do korzystania z technologii niskoemisyjnych poprzez przejście do konsumpcji energii ze źródeł odnawialnych. W pracy zaproponowano podejście metodologiczne do zarządzania niskoemisyjnego w doborze zasobów do produkcji energii w przedsiębiorstwach. Specyfika tego podejścia metodologicznego polega na ocenie efektywności systemu zużycia energii w oparciu o zarządzanie niskoemisyjne w doborze zasobów do produkcji energii w przedsiębiorstwach. Wyniki uzyskane dla wszystkich rodzajów substancji szkodliwych wskazują na adekwatność zarządzania niskoemisyjnego w doborze zasobów do produkcji energii w przedsiębiorstwach, preferując energię słoneczną i wiatrową. Wartość naukowa takiego podejścia metodologicznego polega na możliwości prognozowania potencjału gospodarki niskoemisyjnej w doborze zasobów do produkcji energii przez przedsiębiorstwa w łańcuchu dostaw energii. Uzyskane wyniki stanowią podstawę do tworzenia klastrów energii klimatycznej w regionach w celu dywersyfikacji zasobów do produkcji energii w przedsiębiorstwach oraz zwiększenia efektywności transportu odpadów produkcyjnych jako odnawialnych źródeł energii w transporcie w celu wzmocnienia odporności bezpieczeństwa klimatycznego.
Content available The Venice Charter in the age of climate change
This article is a reflection on the Venice Charter as a product of the 1960s and places it in the context of the built heritage and the discourse related to it at that time. It provides reflections on the continued validity of the Charter, and, in particular, on its significance in times of changing climatic conditions. The article aims to re-contextualize the Charter in the 21st century and makes suggestions to ensure its continued relevance. While the Venice Charter defined the main principles of heritage conservation in the second half of the 20th century, it remains unclear whether these principles although recognized and acknowledged can be maintained in a world with very different conditions for built heritage.
Niniejszy artykuł jest refleksją na temat Karty Weneckiej jako produktu lat 60. XX wieku i umieszcza ją w kontekście dziedzictwa budowlanego i dyskursu związanego z nim w tamtym czasie. Zawiera refleksje na temat ciągłej ważności Karty, a w szczególności na temat jej znaczenia w czasach zmieniających się warunków klimatycznych. Artykuł ma na celu ponowną kontekstualizację Karty w XXI wieku i zawiera sugestie dotyczące zapewnienia jej ciągłej aktualności. Podczas gdy Karta Wenecka zdefiniowała główne zasady ochrony dziedzictwa w drugiej połowie XX wieku, pozostaje niejasne, czy zasady te, choć uznane i uznane, mogą zostać utrzymane w świecie o bardzo różnych warunkach dla dziedzictwa budowlanego.
The study included the analysis of changes in sea surface and water column temperature and air temperature in the years 1959–2019 in the southern Baltic Sea based on in situ measurement (CTD probe), satellite data, and model data (ERA5). SST increased on average by 0.6°C per decade. Analyses at different depths showed that the highest temperature increase per decade at 0.60–0.65°C characterised the layers from 0 to 20 m. The smallest increase (0.11°C) was recorded at a depth of 70 m, below which the temperature change per decade increases again to 0.24°C. The results from satellite observations covering 1982–2019 were consistent with measurement data. The most intense water warming occured in the spring – summer (0.8–1°C per decade); in the winter, the change did not exceed 0.2°C. In the offshore area, in 1951–2020, air temperature increased by approx. 2°C, with an average increase of 0.37°C per decade. The average increase in seawater temperature in the coastal zone was 0.2°C per decade. The most intense warming characterised March to May (0.25–0.27°C). The average annual air temperature increase on the coast from 1951 to 2020 was 0.34°C per decade. The results represent an important contribution to research and prediction of changes in the marine environment caused by global climate change.
This case study analyzes the history, controversies, implications, and uncertainty in constructing the Lake Powell Pipeline (LPP) to evaluate how the state of Utah has been addressing the larger problem of responding to growing local demands for water within a regional context of reductions and cuts in water allocations. The research uses a multimethod approach, namely, analysis of historical documents, interviews, literature review, and field notes to link this case’s overlapping factors affecting the viability of LPP. The paper is divided into five sections: (1) an introductory review of the political and technological history of the Colorado River; (2) a description of the arguments and controversies related to the construction of LPPs; (3), identifying how the history of the Colorado River and LPP are deeply connected; (4) analysis of the properties of water infrastructure to understand what is at stake in the materialization of this project; and (5) a characterization of the complex political scenarios behind the negotiations over the LPP. The paper concludes with a reflection on how these controversies are part of a worldwide phenomenon: i.e., where building local water infrastructure is prioritized while ignoring the need for more holistic river basin policies.
This study identifies convective and kinematic parameters that positively influence elevated values of cloud-to-ground lightning flashes (CGs) in Poland. The analysis used data from the PERUN lightning detection and location system from IMGW-PIB and reanalyses of the ERA5 model from ECMWF for the period 2002-2020. In addition, a spatial-temporal distribution analysis was carried out for the period 1940-2022, covering the key parameters necessary for the appearance of convection. Results showed that thunderstorms most often occur in the summer, but also that there are increasingly favorable conditions for the appearance of organized multicellular systems in the spring. CG flashes most often form in a most-unstable convective available potential energy (MU CAPE) environment of about 1300 J/kg along with vertical wind shear (0-6 km AGL bulk wind shear) of 13-14 m/s. Using the WMAXSHEAR parameter, it was possible to conclude that overlapping CAPE and DLS values of about 500 m2/s2 imply increased electrical activity. At the same time, a high correlation with the Hail Size Index (HSI) parameter implies a positive relationship between the occurrence of hailstorms and an increased number of CGs generated in the case of supercells. The research also found a gradual increase in air temperature, MU CAPE, MU Mixing Ratio and the MU WMAXSHEAR parameter for the area under study.
Climate change is one of the most important problems significantly affecting the exosphere, both directly and indirectly. The impacts of climate change can be disastrous not only for the environment but also for the lives, safety, and property of major populations, particularly in Afghanistan. This study assesses the variability of temperature trends in Kabul, Afghanistan. The predictands, i.e., the daily observed temperature data, were collected from local organizations, and the predictors were gleaned from the outputs of global climate models (GCM) based on the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Two statistical downscaling models were used to simulate future climate conditions under three scenarios. Trend analysis was conducted by linear regression, and the performance of the two downscaling methods was checked by using measured indicators. The results revealed that temperature will increase from 2025 to 2100 relative to 1990-2020 under three model regional climate predictions (RCP). By 2100, the maximum temperature would increase by 1.8°C (7.7%), 2.5°C (10.3%), and 3.7°C (14.3%) according to RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, respectively. Moreover, the annual average temperature for the period of 2025-2100 was predicted to rise by 2.3°C (12.9%) under RCP 2.6, 2.6°C (14.3%) under RCP 4.5, and 3.6°C (18.8%) under RCP 8.5 relative to the reference period (1990-2020). Minimum temperatures also increase in the range of 2.2°C (19.9%) under RCP 2.6, 2.9°C (24.9%) under RCP 4.5 and 4.3°C (32.7%) under RCP 8.5. These temperature increases would affect ecosystems, crop production, human health, and many other sectors.
The hydrological cycle, or water cycle, is one of the most important geochemical cycles on our planet. Normal functioning of its mechanisms (evaporation/evapotranspiration, condensation, and precipitation) is very important for the well-being of human beings. However, the acceleration of the hydrological cycle, mainly due to global warming, is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme events (floods, droughts, and alterations in water resources) in many regions around the globe. This acceleration or intensification occurs because of rising temperature, which intensifies and speeds up evaporation (probable increase of 5.2%) and precipitation (probable increase of 6.5%); hence this scenario is escalating climate change. According to the datasets retrieved from the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) of NASA, rain precipitation rate has shown changes in various regions of the world. Consequently, extreme and frequent events of heavy precipitation, floods, and droughts are also deteriorating the quality of water and preventing recharge of water reservoirs. Although some regions of the world will experience positive outcomes of this scenario in terms of water availability (due to frequent intense precipitation), most of the world’s regions are expected to face the daunting issue of water unavailability, as predicted by many researchers.
Content available Wind load of noise barriers
The article is devoted to the description of changes in the rules of taking into account the wind load of noise barriers, standards that have been changed three times in the last 30 years: PN-B-02011:1977, PN-B-02011:1977/Az1:2009, PN-EN 1991-1-4. It is shown how the following have changed acting on the screens: the layout of wind load zones and the value of wind pressure loading. Meteorological data on wind speed changes were analyzed.
Artykuł poświęcono zmianom w zasadach uwzględnienia obciążenia wiatrem ekranów przeciwhałasowych oraz normom, które w ciągu ostatnich trzydziestu lat zmieniano trzykrotnie: PN-B-02011:1977, PN-B-02011:1977/Az1:2009, PN-EN 1991-1-4:2008. Wykazano, jak zmieniały się działające na ekrany: układ stref obciążenia wiatrem oraz wartości obciążania ciśnieniem wiatru. Przeanalizowano dane meteorologiczne dotyczące zmiany prędkości wiatru.
Phytolith-occluded carbon (PhytOC) is highly stable, and constitutes an important source of long-term C storage in agrosystems. This stored carbon is resistant to the processes of oxidation of carbon compounds. In our research phytolith content in barley (Estonia) and oat (Poland) grain and straw was assessed at field trials, with Si as a liquid immune stimulant OPTYSIL and compost fertilisation. We showed that cereals can produce relatively high amounts of phytoliths. PhytOC plays a key role in carbon sequestration, particularly for poor, sandy Polish and Estonian soils. The phytolith content was always higher in straw than in grain regardless of the type of cereals. The phytolith content in oat grains varied from 18.46 to 21.28 mg∙g-1 DM, and in straw 27.89-38.97 mg∙g-1 DM. The phytolith content in barley grain ranged from 17.24 to 19.86 mg∙g-1 DM, and in straw from 22.06 to 49.08 mg∙g-1 DM. Our results suggest that oat ecosystems can absorb from 14.94 to 41.73 kg e-CO2∙ha-1 and barley absorb from 0.32 to 1.60 kg e-CO2∙ha-1. The accumulation rate of PhytOC can be increased 3-fold in Polish conditions through foliar application of silicon, and 5-fold in Estonian conditions. In parallel, the compost fertilisation increased the phytolith content in cereals.
This research addresses the growing complexity and urgency of climate change’s impact on water resources in arid regions. It combines advanced climate modelling, machine learning, and hydrological modelling to gain profound insights into temperature variations and precipitation patterns and their impacts on the runoff. Notably, it predicts a continuous rise in both maximum and minimum air temperatures until 2050, with minimum temperatures increasing more rapidly. It highlights a concerning trend of decreasing basin precipitation. Sophisticated hydrological models factor in land use, vegetation, and groundwater, offering nuanced insights into water availability, which signifies a detailed and comprehensive understanding of factors impacting water availability. This includes considerations of spatial variability, temporal dynamics, land use effects, vegetation dynamics, groundwater interactions, and the influence of climate change. The research integrates data from advanced climate models, machine learning, and real-time observations, and refers to continuously updated data from various sources, including weather stations, satellites, ground-based sensors, climate monitoring networks, and stream gauges, for accurate basin discharge simulations (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency - NSERCP2.6 = 0.99, root mean square error - RMSERCP2.6 = 1.1, and coefficient of determination R2RCP2.6 = 0.95 of representative concentration pathways 2.6 (RCP)). By uniting these approaches, the study offers valuable insights for policymakers, water resource managers, and local communities to adapt to and manage water resources in arid regions.
The loss of biodiversity and the effects of climate change hurt agricultural production and food security in Peru and around the world. The family farming sector in Peru (97% of agricultural units–AU) faces numerous challenges when it comes to sustainably producing food. To sustain Peruvian agriculture in the face of climate change, climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices and agrobiodiversity conservation are essential. This document characterizes the level of agrobiodiversity (index IDA) of family AUs in the Crisnejas basin and analyzes the impact of the elements that affect farmers’ decisions to apply multiple CSA measures. CSA adoption decisions were analyzed using an econometric analysis framework combining multivariate and ordered probit models for 340 family AUs. Results indicate that AUs with a lower agrobiodiversity index (IDA) have a higher monthly income (IDA=0.56, 312 USD, Pearson binary correlation, CI=-0.4107). The highest economic income AUs are located between 2,500 and 3,000 meters above sea level (352 USD, CI=-0.3551), have access to irrigation (365 USD, CI=-0.5225), and are also part of consolidated family farms (428 USD, CI=-0.2699). Based on the econometric results, farmers’ decisions to adopt CSA practices are influenced by altitude, tenure, age, cultivated area, level of agrobiodiversity, and access to water. A larger number of household members, a better educational level, and a greater distance to the local market increase the probability of intensifying the use of CSA practices in the lower, middle, and upper basins, respectively (significant coefficient estimates, p-value<0.05). Distance to the farms, cultivated area, and seed storage are other factors associated with the intensity of CSA use (p-value<0.05). According to the findings, agrobiodiversity must be increased in Peruvian agriculture to achieve a functional and balanced system from an economic, ecological, and sociocultural perspective, as well as carefully developing adaptation/mitigation strategies to address the impacts of climate change on Peruvian agriculture.
Comprehensive assessment of sowing qualities of soybean seeds after pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological preparations is a scientifically valuable and urgent problem of today, which made it possible to choose the optimal methods of realizing the genetic potential of productivity of modern soybean varieties. In laboratory and vegetation conditions, the sowing properties of soybean seeds were evaluated under pre-sowing seed sterilization. The aim of the research was to establish the sowing qualities of soybean seeds (varieties Slavna, Churaivna, Azymut, Tytan, Triada, Pallada, Samorodok), namely seed moisture, germination energy, f ield germination and linear hypocotyl parameters depending on the varietal composition and pre-sowing seed treatment with a bacterial preparation. Field and laboratory studies were conducted according to the following indicators: seed moisture, germination energy, field germination and linear hypocotyl parameters according to generally accepted methods. Research on the basis of the scientific research field of the Institute of Fodder and Agriculture of the Podillia National Academy of Sciences by the method of split plots in four repetitions according to the methodology of research in agronomy, p. Bohonyky, Vinnytsia region, Ukraine. It was established that the moisture content of the seeds of soybean varieties during 2020–2023 storage in uncontrolled climate conditions was within the normal range and did not exceed 13.4%. It was noted that the use of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a bacterial preparation based on strains of nodule bacteria had a smaller effect on laboratory germination, and to a greater extent on the germination energy of soybean seeds. The maximum indicator was obtained on the Slavna soybean variety–93.4% for the use of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rhizoline+Rhizosave) in the presowing treatment of seeds. Laboratory germination had a significant tendency to increase up to 96.3–98.1% in variants with Svavna and Tytan varieties for the use of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rizolain+Rhizosave) in the presowing seed treatment. Based on the obtained results, in order to stimulate the germination of soybean seeds, it is proposed to bacteriize them with complex inoculants, which is a more effective measure than inoculation with a monoculture of rhizobia. In the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe, in the variants where a bacterial preparation (Rizolain+Rhizosev) was used for pre-sowing seed treatment, the mentioned technological methods of growing can be used to improve the technology of growing soybeans.
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