The presented study describes the research carried out on the selection of cells for the “Perła” solar car. The study aimed to select optimal cells in terms of car efficiency and related costs. In particular, we focused on an innovative approach, utilizing pouch-type cells. The research included cell discharge tests and an analysis of the results obtained from the numerical model. During the discharge tests, the cells were subjected to a constant current value to measure their efficiency and capacity. Based on the collected data, a numerical model was developed that included battery prices and car performance depending on the type of cell. Particular attention was paid to the cost-performance analysis. The research presented in the article provides valuable information for electric car battery system designers, helping them to make informed decisions regarding the selection of cells. The article is an important contribution to the development of solar car technology and can contribute to improving their efficiency and competitiveness in the market. The analysis results showed that different types of cells significantly impacted both the cost and performance of a solar car. It was found that battery price and performance varied depending on the cell type. Batteries utilizing pouch-type cells had an impressive 82% cost reduction, providing substantial savings for potential users. Additionally, these batteries had the potential to achieve a 2% greater range than batteries using commonly used 18650 cells, which are widely used in the automotive industry. The novelty lies in the presentation that introducing pouch-type cells as an innovative element of the battery system can improve efficiency and competitiveness in the market.
W prezentowanej pracy opisano badania przeprowadzone nad doborem ogniw do samochodu solarnego „Perła”. Celem badań był wybór optymalnych ogniw pod kątem wydajności samochodu i kosztów z tym związanych. W szczególności przeanalizowano ogniwa typu pouch. Badania obejmowały charakterystyki rozładowania ogniw oraz analizę wyników uzyskanych z modelu numerycznego. Podczas testów rozładowania ogniwa poddano działaniu prądu o stałej wartości, w celu pomiaru wydajności i pojemności. Na podstawie zebranych danych opracowano model numeryczny uwzględniający ceny akumulatorów oraz osiągi samochodu w zależności od rodzaju ogniwa. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na analizę kosztów i wydajności. Badania przedstawione w artykule dostarczają cennych informacji projektantom systemów akumulatorów do samochodów elektrycznych, pomagając im w podejmowaniu świadomych decyzji dotyczących doboru ogniw. Artykuł stanowi wkład w rozwój technologii samochodów zasilanych energią słoneczną i może przyczynić się do poprawy ich efektywności i konkurencyjności na rynku. Wyniki analizy wykazały, że dobór ogniw miał znaczący wpływ zarówno na koszt, jak i wydajność samochodu zasilanego energią słoneczną. Stwierdzono, że cena i wydajność baterii różniły się w zależności od typu ogniwa. Baterie wykorzystujące ogniwa typu pouch charakteryzowały się imponującą redukcją kosztów o 82%, zapewniając potencjalnemu użytkownikowi znaczne oszczędności. Dodatkowo akumulatory te miały potencjał osiągnięcia o 2% większego zasięgu niż akumulatory wykorzystujące powszechnie stosowane w motoryzacji ogniwa 18650. Nowość polega na pokazaniu, że wprowadzenie ogniw typu pouch jako innowacyjnego elementu systemu akumulatorowego może przyczynić się do poprawy efektywności i konkurencyjności na rynku.
Perovskite cells are a new generation of solar cells that have gained significant attention in the field of photovoltaics due to their unique properties and potential benefits. Perovskites are a class of materials that have a characteristic crystal structure known as the perovskite structure. The typical chemical formula of perovskite is ABX3, where 'A' and 'B' are cations that differ in size, and 'X' is an anion, most often halogen. Doping with alkali metals in perovskite materials has shown a significant improvement in the efficiency of the solar cell, which is confirmed by numerous scientific studies. The addition of ru-bidium bromide and other alkali metals, such as lithium, sodium and potassium, affects the microstructure, electronic and optical properties of perovskites, which is crucial for the efficiency and stability of solar cells. The paper presents research results on doping with alkali metals for inorganic perovskite cells based on CsPbBr3. The process of doping with alkali metals was carried out in various stages of creating a Perovskite cell. The work presents the influence of the dopant on the structure of the perovskite and the obtained cell, as well as its optical and electrical properties. The conducted research indicates a positive effect of the addition of rubidium bromide, both in the phase of creating the lead bromide layer and during the application of cesium bromide. The most promising is the admixture of 9% rubidium bromide in the cesium bromide layer. In this way, the applied dopant is located in the perovskite structure, changing its optical and electrical properties.
The article describes the results of a research on the surface morphology and optical properties of Al₂O₃, ZnO, and TiO₂ thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) for applications in silicon solar cells. The surface topography and elemental composition were characterised using a scanning electron microscope, and thickness was determined using an optical reflectometer. The samples were structurally examined using a Raman spectrometer. The structural variant was identified: for Al₂O₃ it is sapphire, for TiO₂ it is anatase, and for ZnO it is wurtzite. Possibilities of minimising light reflection using single and double thin film systems below 5% were presented. For the first time, the effectiveness of these thin films on the current-voltage characteristics and electrical parameters of manufactured silicon solar cells was examined and compared. The solar cell with the highest efficiency of converting solar radiation into electricity was obtained for Al₂O₃/TiO₂ and the efficiency of such a photovoltaic device was 18.74%.
In pursuit of increased efficiency and longer operating times of photovoltaic systems, one may encounter numerous difficulties in the form of defects that occur in both individual solar cells and whole modules. The causes of the occurrence range from structural defects to damage during assembly or, finally, wear and tear of the material due to operation. This article provides an overview of modern imaging methods used to detect various types of defects found in photovoltaic cells and panels. The first part reviews typical defects. The second part of the paper reviews imaging methods with examples of the authors’ own test results. The article concludes with recommendations and tables that provide a kind of comprehensive guide to the methods described, depending on the type of defects detected, the range of applicability, etc. The authors also shared their speculations on current trends and the possible path for further development and research in the field of solar cell defect analysis using imaging.
The simulation analysis was performed to enhance the efficiency of Sb2 S3 solar cells using the SCAPS-1D software. The Sb2 S3 compound was used as the absorber layer in the solar cell. The simulation was conducted to verify the efficiency and accuracy of the results obtained from the program. The results were found to be in agreement with the practical results. The original cell’s efficiency was 11.47% with a fill factor of 61.18%, and after the simulation, the efficiency was found to be 11.43% with a fill factor of 61.2%. To enhance the efficiency of the solar cell, a reflective background layer (BSL) was added. Different BSL layers were examined, including SnS, Si, CIGS, CZTSSe, and CUS bS3 , and the best reflective layer was found to be CUSbS3 . The solar cell structure was designed as follows: glass/Mo/CUSbS3 /Sb2 S3 /CdS/i:ZnO/AL:ZnO. After adding the reflective layer, the efficiency of the solar cell was found to be 20.59% with a fill factor of 87.53%. The results suggest that adding reflective layers to solar cells can enhance their performance and increase their efficiency.
This study examines the optimal parameters for obtaining fluorine-doped SnO2 (FTO) films with promising potential for photovoltaic applications. Due to its properties, tin oxide is used in a wide range of technologies, among which the manufacture of solar cells is one of the most important. Being doped with fluorine, tin dioxide becomes a good transparent and conductive electrode, suitable for solar cell applications. The chemical stability and low cost of the doped SnO2 makes it an advantageous alternative to tin-doped indium oxide (ITO). Among the most important characteristics of FTO thin films are high photoconductivity under sunlight irradiation and strong UV absorption. The SnO2 compound, doped with fluorine, exhibits a considerable chemical and physical stability, good electrical conductivity and high transmission (over 85%) in the visible range. The spray pyrolysis technique is the most preferable and efficient deposition method of fluorine-doped SnO2 thin films. This work aims to identify the optimal parameters for the spray pyrolysis of SnO2:F films and to analyze the morphology, transparency and strength of as obtained films in relation to the doping amount in the precursor solution, spraying distance and film thickness.
Al₂O₃/TiO₂ thin films were deposited onto monocrystalline silicon surfaces using an atomic layer deposition. Their surface morphology and optical properties were examined for their possible use in solar cells. The surface condition and chemical composition were characterized using a scanning electron microscope and the thickness was measured using a spectroscopic reflectometer. The refractive index and the reflection characteristics were determined. First, the optical properties of the Al₂O₃ thin filmand its influence on recombination in the semiconductor were examined. In this way, it can fulfil a double role in a solar cell. Since reflection reduction was only achieved in a narrow range, it was decided to use the Al₂O₃/TiO₂ system. Thanks to this solution, the light reflection was reduced in a wide range (even below 0.2%).
In the promoted study, the impact of equivalent resistance on power generation using pv module during different seasons is calculated as well as measured. The promoter of this research work intends to complete it in different phases: problem identification, data analysis and the description of results. In the first instance, the technical literature has been put into review to bridge the research gap, to estimate the impact of equivalent resistance on power generation by using PV module during changing seasons. In the second step, the impact estimation is made through Simulink model in MATLAB which is previously not used to calculate the power losses to the best of authors knowledge and an experimental study on a 20kW solar-based energy system in the department of Electrical Engineering, Mirpur University of science and technology is also performed. The results find that the series resistance has a direct relation with working temperature and the shunt resistance varies inversely with solar irradiance.
In this study, solar cells based on copper oxide and titanium dioxide were successfully manufactured using the reactive direct-current magnetron sputtering (DC-MS) technique with similar process parameters. TiO₂/CuO, TiO₂/Cu₂O/CuO/Cu₂O, and TiO₂/Cu₂O solar cells were manufactured via this process. Values of short-circuit current efficiencies, short-circuit current density, open-circuit voltage, and maximum power of PV devices were investigated in the range of 0.02÷0.9%, 75÷350 µA, 75÷350 µA/cm², 16÷550 mV, and 0.6÷27 µW, respectively. The authors compare solar cells reaching the best and the worst conversion efficiency results. Thus, only the two selected solar cells were fully characterized using I-V characteristics, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, ellipsometry, Hall effect measurements, and quantum efficiency. The best conversion efficiency of a solar cell presented in this work is about three times higher in comparison with the authors’ previous PV devices.
The technology of manufacturing silicon solar cells is complex and consists of several stages. The final steps in succession are the deposition of antireflection layer and discharge contacts. Metallic contacts are usually deposited by the screen printing method and then, fired at high temperature. Therefore, this article presents the results of a research on the effect of heat treatment on the properties of the Al2O3 thin film previously deposited by the atomic layer deposition method. It works well as both passivating and antireflection coating. Moreover, heat treatment affects the value of the cell short-circuit current and, thus, its efficiency. The surface morphology, optical and electrical properties were investigated, describing the influence of heat treatment on the properties of the deposited layers and the manufactured solar cells.
Technologia fotowoltaicznych ogniw słonecznych rozwija się dynamicznie od lat 70. ub. w. Od około trzydziestu lat dzięki polityce energetycznej krajów uprzemysłowionych, wytwarzanie energii fotowoltaicznej stało się komercyjnie opłacalne.
Publikacja dotyczy monitoringu instalacji fotowoltaicznych. Za sprawą dużego postępu technologicznego w tej dziedzinie, szerokiej dostępności produktów na rynku, a także spadku ich cen w porównaniu do lat ubiegłych, fotowoltaika cieszy się coraz większą popularnością w Polsce. Na popularność istotny wpływ mają również dostępne formy dofinansowań wypłacanych m. in. przez NFOŚiGW.
The paper deals with monitoring of photovoltaic installations. Due to high technological progress in this field, wide availability of products on the market, as well as a decrease in their prices compared to previous years, photovoltaics is more and more popular in Poland. Popularity is also significantly affected by the available forms of co-financing paid out, among others by the NFOŚiGW.
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A solar cell is technically known as a photovoltaic device which converts light energy into an electric energy by the phenomenon called photovoltaic effect. Solar cells produce renewable energy and serve as a great substitute for conventional sources of energy such as petroleum, coal and natural gas. Solar cell is suitable for powering satellites due to its light weight and durability for several years, having ability to operate even in the vacuum space. It is also used in solar warm air electric power plants and every other PV powered devices ranging from heating systems, lighting, automobile to solar updraft towers and etc. It is of utmost demand to support research and development of renewable energy resources that would successfully power the world in the future without destroying the environment as the planet earth needs reduction in greenhouse gas emission. Immense progress has been observed over the years on several photovoltaic materials and devices based on conversion efficiencies.. This survey primarily focusses on different techniques and technologies analysed from the other cited references to enhance the working of a solar cell like selection of the most suitable material for each layer, various processing techniques and modifying the layer thickness of buffer. This review paper summarizes solar cell materials like Gallium Arsenide (GaAs), Silicon (Si), Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se2) (CIGS) and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) that provide higher efficiencies when compared to other materials. In summation, it is understood that Gallium Arsenide solar cell provides highest efficiency when compared to Si, CIGS and CdTe based one junction solar cell. Factors such as, efficiency (ƞ), open circuit voltage (Voc), short circuit current density (Jsc) & fill factor (FF) have been analysed for the study of modeling, simulation and fabrication of solar cell. Detailed survey has been presented in this paper on different types of solar cells that would help the researchers to do more research on these solar cells.
W artykule dokonao przeglądu i porównania różnych technologgi ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Przedstawiono ogniwa krzemowe, ogniwa bazujące na CdTe i CIGS oraz ogniwa bazujące na Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). W każdej grupie przedstawiono i porównano osiągane obecnie parametry I właściwości.
W artykule przedstawiono założenia i szczegółowe cele projektu oraz aktualny stan wiedzy i możliwości uzyskania postępu w zapewnieniu spójności pomiarowej w europejskim i światowym przemyśle, w zakresie poprawy wydajności i jakości urządzeń do pozyskiwania energii z nanoprzewodów. Omówiono zakres współpracy Głównego Urzędu Miar z Politechniką Wrocławską w tematyce metrologii pojedynczych nanowłókien, służących do pozyskiwania energii oraz potencjalny wpływ założonych w projekcie przedsięwzięć na środowisko, metrologię i użytkowników.
The article presents the assumptions and detailed objectives of the project as well as the current state of the art and the possibilities of achieving progress in ensuring traceability in European and global industry in the field of improving the efficiency and quality of devices for energy harvesting from nanowires. The scope of cooperation between the Central Office of Measures and the Wrocław University of Technology in the field of metrology of individual nanofibers used for energy harvesting was discussed. The potential impact of the design assumptions on the environment, metrology and users were also discussed.
Purpose: The paper aims to determine the values of the main morphological characteristics of nanopatterns, which can be considered as the reference for use as surfaces of solar cells. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses an approach based on the definition of reference indicators of nanopatterns for solar cells by analysing the main parameters of solar cells and comparing them with the possible values of morphological parameters. Correlations of pore radius and visible wavelength, porosity and visible range, wavelength of de Broglie, nanopatterned layer thickness and charge carriers diffusion length, etc., are analysed. Compliance verification of morphological characteristics of nanopatterns with the specified criteria was performed on the example of porous silicon layers. Findings: The conducted research allowed to define the basic values of morphological parameters of porous nanopatterns, namely porousness, pore size (effective diameter), the thickness of the porous layer, and form factor. Reference ranges of morphological parameters of nanopatterns formed on the surface of semiconductors for applications in solar cells are established. Research limitations/implications: The article is devoted to the choice of optimal morphological characteristics of porous nanopatterns on the surface of semiconductors for solar cells. However, for solar cells, other types of nanopatterns can also be applied, for which it is also necessary to develop methods for selecting optimal parameters. Moreover, the prospect of research on this topic is to check the intrusion into a certain range of values of real nanopatterns formed on the surface of semiconductors. Practical implications: In the article the methodology allowing to choose optimal values of morphological parameters of nanopatterns for its application for solar cells is considered. Such studies are of great practical importance for the production of high-quality solar cells based on nanopatterned semiconductors. Originality/value: The article for the first time considers the choice of the nanopattern type and the ranges of morphological parameters in terms of quality assurance of the final product - the solar cell. It is determined that it is necessary to take into account such factors as porousness, pore size, thickness of the porous layer and roundness. A range of optimal values is selected for each of the indicators.
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The impact ionization in semiconductor materials is a process that produces multiple charge carrier pairs from a single excitation. This mechanism constitutes a possible road to increase the efficiency of the p-n and p-i-n solar cells junctions. Our study considers the structure of InN/InGaN quantum dot solar cell in the calculation. In this work, we study the effect of indium concentration and temperature on the coefficient of the material type parameter of the impact ionization process for a p(InGaN)-n(InGaN) and p(InGaN)-i(QDs-InN)-n(InGaN) solar cell. Next, we investigate the effect of perturbation such as temperature and indium composition on conventional solar cell’s (p(InGaN)-n(InGaN)) and solar cells of the third generation with quantum dot intermediate band IBSC (p(InGaN-i(QD-InN)-n(InGaN)) by analyzing their behaviour in terms of efficiency of energy conversion at the presence of the impact ionization process. Our numerical results show that the efficiency is strongly influenced by all of these parameters. It is also demonstrated that decreased with the increase of indium concentration and temperature which contributes to an overall improvement of the conversion efficiency.
Uzależnienie współczesnych urządzeń wojskowych od energii elektrycznej powoduje, że ich skuteczność i niezawodność zależy w bardzo dużym stopniu od ciągłości dostarczania energii elektrycznej oraz jej jakości. Rozwiązaniem zmniejszającym zagrożenie braku ciągłości zasilania może być elastyczne pokrycie fotowoltaiczne realizowane w ramach programu „GEKON – Generator Koncepcji Ekologicznych”. Dynamiczny rozwój źródeł odnawialnych powoduje znaczący spadek ich cen oraz polepszenie ich efektywności energetycznej. Wymienione zalety powodują, że konwencjonalne źródła prądu (np. zespoły prądotwórcze) w określonych wyżej przypadkach mogą być zastępowane przez źródła alternatywne. Istotą projektu jest skonstruowanie innowacyjnego elastycznego pokrycia fotowoltaicznego wykonanego w oparciu o polikrystaliczne ogniwa krzemowe. W ramach projektu określono: sposób cięcia pojedynczych ogniw na mniejsze płytki, dobór elastycznego podłoża, rozmieszczenie płytek oraz rozwiązanie metody wykonania połączeń pomiędzy nimi, a także koncepcję systemu gromadzenia energii zintegrowanego z pokryciem. Przedstawiono wyniki podstawowych badań pokrycia w zakresie pomiarów elektrycznych, elektroluminescencji oraz termoemisji. W oparciu o zrealizowane prace wykonano model elastycznego pokrycia fotowoltaicznego będącego bazą do dalszej realizacji projektu. Takie rozwiązanie ma na celu zapewnić dużą autonomię w praktycznie w każdej sytuacji kryzysowej, może być wykorzystane np. jako element dachów namiotów lub jako wyposażenie osobiste żołnierza.
The dependence of modern military equipment on electricity means that their efficiency and reliability depend very much on the continuity of electricity supply and its quality. The solution to reduce the risk of power loss may be the flexible solar cover implemented under the „GEKON - Generator of Ecological Concepts” program. Dynamic development of renewable sources causes a significant drop in their prices and improvement of their energy efficiency. The aforementioned advantages mean that conventional power sources (eg power generating sets) in the above-mentioned cases can be replaced by alternative sources. The essence of the project is to construct an innovative elastic photovoltaic cover made based on polycrystalline silicon cells. The project defined: the method of cutting individual cells into smaller plates, selection of a flexible substrate, arrangement of tiles and the solution of the method of making connections between them, as well as the concept of a system of accumulating energy integrated with the cover. The results of basic coverage tests in the field of electrical measurements, electroluminescence and thermoemission are presented. Based on the work carried out, a model of flexible photovoltaic cover was made which is the basis for further project implementation. This solution is intended to provide a large autonomy in practically every crisis situation, it can be used, for example, as an element of tent roofs or as a soldier’s personal equipment.
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In this communication, we report on Cu2SnS3 quantum dots synthesized by the solvothermal process using different solvents. The optical properties of the quantum dots are analyzed by UV-Vis-NIR and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results suggest that Cu2SnS3 material has tunable energy bandgap and appropriate wavelength for fabrication of light emitting diodes and laser diodes as sources for fiber optic communication. They exhibit wide absorption in the near infrared range. Further morphological studies with the use of atomic force microscope confirm the surface topography and the existence of quantum dots. The observed characteristics prove the efficiency of Cu2SnS3 quantum dots for O-band wavelength detection used in fiber optic communication and solar cell applications.
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Silicon as a raw material for solar cells can be produced by numerous methods. The carbothermic reduction of silica using electric arc furnace is the most widely used process in silicon industry. This paper presents a new approach to produce solar grade silicon using microwave furnace. Pellets of different sizes were prepared from a mixture of silica and carbon using water and polyvinyl alcohol as binder agents. Raman spectra indicated a peak at about 515 cm−1 attributed to silicon in the pellets prepared with polyvinyl alcohol, and peaks at about 523 cm−1 and 794 cm−1 attributed to silicon and silicon carbide, in the pellets prepared with water. The pellet size affects the absorption of microwave energy emitted from the magnetrons. Polyvinyl alcohol as a binder agent is promising for the production of silicon using microwave furnace.
Uzależnienie współczesnych urządzeń wojskowych od energii elektrycznej powoduje, że ich skuteczność i niezawodność zależy w bardzo dużym stopniu od ciągłości dostarczania energii elektrycznej oraz jej jakości. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono koncepcję wykonania systemu magazynowania energii dla zastosowań cywilnych i wojskowych. Omówiono budowę i przeznaczenie poszczególnych bloków systemu, a także zastosowanie filozofii „klocków” i gwiaździstej topologii układu połączeń. Nakreślono perspektywy dalszej realizacji projektu, jako bazy do przyszłej produkcji systemu.
The dependence of modern military equipment on electricity makes their effectiveness and reliability depends very much on the continuity of electricity supply and its quality. This paper presents the concept of implementation of an energy storage system for civil and military applications. The construction and purpose of individual system blocks are discussed as well as the application of the philosophy of "bricks" and the star-shaped topology of the connection system. Perspectives for the further implementation of the project as a basis for the future production of the system were outlined.
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