W artykule omówiono wdrażanie systemu zarządzania jakością w instytucie, rozumianym jako jednostka naukowa, w aspekcie specyfiki jego działalności. Przedstawiono instrumenty, jakie daje norma ISO 9001, aby móc osiągnąć spełnienie wymagań Klienta i tym samym jego pełną satysfakcję.
The article discusses the implementation of a quality management system in the institute, understood as a research unit, in terms of specificity of its activities. The instruments provided by ISO 9001 standard are presented in order to meet the requirements of the customer and thus achieve its full satisfaction.
This study focused on how the ISO 9001:2008 standard has influenced organisational Lean Six Sigma (LSS) implementation success. Data were collected through a survey, followed by interviews with the quality managers/representatives of 85 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the textile industry. Additionally, case studies on four of the textile SMEs were carried out to validate the results. Our analysis revealed that the main benefits of LSS, among others, are problem solving improvement, reduction of the quality problem, waste reduction, and increase of productivity. However, certified companies are aware of continuous improvements to tools, which ensures the continuity of improvements made by the LSS project and facilitates the integration of Lean Six Sigma tools, which can help to make better use of the Lean Six Sigma project. The type of article produced was also found to have a considerable effect on the success of the Lean Six Sigma project.
For each company, the process of selecting and evaluating suppliers of both the components needed for production and the implementation of production process is a very important aspect of their business, as the selection of appropriate contractors has an impact on the quality of final product, which is offered to customers. Dynamically changing situation in the company’s environment causes that success is achieved by those companies which implement new solutions and tools in their relations with suppliers. One such solution may include the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, which requires the organization to evaluate and select suppliers, taking into account their ability to provide a product compliant with the organization’s requirements. This paper presents a proposal to supplement the procedure of supplier qualification in a selected company. Attention was drawn to the fact that it is necessary for the modern organization to have access to database of qualified suppliers, who at the time of arising demand are able to meet the requirements set for them. It is also important for the enterprise to have at least two qualified suppliers for the same component in its database. Such an approach results from the current market requirements. The paper is based on a case study as a recognized method of analyzing and discussing authentic situations applied in management sciences.
W pracy podjęto próbę diagnozy systemu zarządzania jakością zgodnego z wymaganiami normy ISO 9001 funkcjonującego w polskich organizacjach. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań ankietowych zrealizowanych na próbie 1000 organizacji certyfikowanych przez dużą jednostkę certyfikującą. Poddano badaniom postrzeganie i rozumienie systemu przez pełnomocników ds. jakości. Uzyskane wyniki badań zostały zaprezentowane w siedmiu tablicach. Przeprowadzono analizę otrzymanych wyników i ich dyskusję. Starano się określić uwarunkowania mające wpływ na funkcjonowanie systemu. Na koniec podsumowano uzyskane informacje i sformułowano postulaty natury ogólnej. Z całości badań wyłania się zróżnicowany obraz systemów, które funkcjonują w organizacjach. Niestety udział gorszych systemów sukcesywnie się powiększa i mają na to wpływ różne uwarunkowania. Podstawową odpowiedzialność za taki stan rzeczy bierze organizacja a szczególnie jej kierownictwo, które w niewłaściwy sposób wdrożyło i utrzymuje system zarządzania jakością w praktyce organizacji.
In the work there is an attempt made to diagnose the quality management system in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 standard, functioning in the Polish organizations. There are questionnaire research results presented conducted on a sample of 1000 organizations certified by a large certifying body. The research included perception and understanding of system by quality representatives. The research results obtained are presented in 7 tables. There was an analysis of obtained results conducted as well as their discussion. It was attempted to determine the conditions affecting the system functioning. Finally, the information obtained was summarized and postulates of general nature were formulated. A varied image of systems that function in the organizations emerges from the entirely of research. Unfortunately, the share of worse systems is consecutively increasing, what is influenced by different circumstances. A basic responsibility for such state of things belongs to the organization, especially to its top management, who in an inappropriate way implemented and maintains the quality management system in the organizations practice.
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In the work the method for the certain processes of the organization evaluation is described. The criteria of the evaluation are selected correspondingly. For the criteria the examples of the evaluation and instructions for evaluation the similar groups of processes are presented too.
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Purpose: The main aim of the research is estimation of optimum - level of product’s quality. In this paper it was introduced the methodology of evaluation in the quality-cost analysis and the manner of calculation of each coefficients. Design/methodology/approach: It was presented the quality – cost analysis in a production process in a Polish enterprise. The quality – cost analysis consisting from eight stages has been accomplished on the basis of two machine tools. Findings: It was introduced the usage of the results from this analysis to undertake decisions from the point of view of relation between costs and product’s quality level. The results permits to reach higher quality level and lower production costs. Research limitations/implications: The quality – cost analysis, used in all kind of enterprises but to similar products, makes possible defining, which undertakings will bring the best results, regarding manufacturer’s and consumer’s business. Practical implications: Frequent carrying out the quality - cost analysis, including all costs connected with a quality gives the certainty of activities effectiveness of the enterprise, minimization of the production costs, improvement of the products quality as well as the technological efficiency of processes. Originality/value: Thanks to this analysis it is possible to get the information about the height of unit expenditure of costs, falling on 1% of reached quality level what facilitate the undertaking the legitimate decision about the economic important decisions. This paper can be a simple rule how to conduct the quality - cost analysis in the enterprise.
Przedstawiono czas i sposób dostosowania systemu jakości w Bipromet S.A. do wymagań międzynarodowej normy ISO 9001 oraz uzyskanie certyfikatu jakości.
The time and procedure of accomodation of the quality system, in Bipromet S.A., to the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard and acquirement of the quality certificate are presented.
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