The main objective of the presented research is to analyze the dynamics of table motion of a CNC FV580A 3-axis milling machine during machining with fixed technological cutting parameters. The research includes the measurement of velocity, acceleration and deceleration, as well as distance and time parameters related to the movement of the machine's table during starting and braking during work tests. The results of the measurements were recorded using a Phantom v1610 high-speed video camera equipped with a Nikon ED AF NIKKOR 80:200 mm 1:2.8D lens, dedicated to the analysis of high-speed phenomena. The analysis presented in the publication includes a comparison of the results of the motion parameters obtained as a function of the feed motion speed vf. The results of the obtained tests and their analysis are discussed and presented in graphs and tables.
Today, in-process force measurement is required by many manufacturing applications, such as process monitoring, quality assurance, or adaptive process control. A very promising force measurement approach bases on sensor-integration into the machine structure and is particularly suitable for hexapod structures and kinematics, where it allows a measurement in 6 degrees of freedom. On the other hand, a sensor integration also affects the machine. Especially for strain-gauge-based force sensors, a stiffness reduction is predicted, as their measuring principle requires a deformation. The practical consequences of these influences are investigated in this contribution. In particular, this work presents extensive experimental studies of the stiffness change caused by sensor integration for a single hexapod strut as well as for the complete hexapod machine tool. The results are evaluated in comparison to compliances of other components, such as the kinematic joints, and to stiffness changes resulting from sensor-integration into the end-effector or the application of a commercial force/torque sensor at the end-effector. In conclusion, the studies support the approach of structure-integrated force measurement for parallel kinematics, as the stiffness loss is rather small in many cases.
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The assessment of the energy intensity of the VF-7/50 vertical milling center is presented. A study was carried out to collect data on the machine’s demand for electricity. A dependence was developed on the basis of which the energy intensity of the machine tool can be determined in the milling process. The results were verified experimentally.
Przedstawiono ocenę energochłonności pionowego centrum frezarskiego VF-7/50. Wykonano badania w celu zebrania danych na temat zapotrzebowania obrabiarki na energię elektryczną. Opracowano zależność, na podstawie której można określić energochłonność obrabiarki w procesie frezowania. Wyniki zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie.
Strong requirements for automation in the production processes using machine tools have been increasing due to lack of high-skilled machining engineers. Automation used to be utilised in mass production, but it is also necessary in medium- to low-volume production recently. Next requirements will be monitoring or sensing functions to make the following possible: prompt service when the machine stops; detection of abnormality before the machine breaks down; and compensation of thermal displacement to ensure machining accuracy. These now need to be performed automatically in place of operators so that abnormality can be detected during machining operation. In this paper core technologies to support automation system will be discussed which are operation monitoring, predictive maintenance, sensing interface and thermal displacement compensation as a sensing application.
Our approach is to integrate printed strain gauges into a structure of laminated carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP). This can provide minimizing disturbances caused by an additional sensor weight. Another point is to reduce the occurrence of pre-damage, as a printed structure is integrated directly into the CFRP. Due to the printing, no additional masses are applied to the CFRP by cables. To this end, the boundary conditions for the print are first explained. Subsequently, the strain gages were printed. For this purpose, studies were carried out regarding the orientation of the strain gage printing direction, the influence of repeated printing, the overlapping during printing and the subsequent lamination in CFRP plates. The sensors are to be used in the structure of the CFRP plate in a machine tool.
Within 200 years since the industrial revolution manufacturing systems have often changed their faces. Emerging nations, new markets, new inventions and the changing needs of the society forced them to adapt. Until today, the arising challenges are immensely diverse: highly individualized products, decreasing manufacturing time, limited resources and critical ecological footprints are only a few of them. Oftentimes solutions for these issues and other future requirements can be found by interrogating nature. Applying knowledge of biological principles to industrial manufacturing processes is recently referred to as "biological transformation of manufacturing systems". Hereby three levels of a biological transformation are introduced, starting from inspiration over integration to the interaction of biological and technical systems. The paper illustrates the idea of biological transformation with specific examples for each level. On the inspiration-level the design of manufacturing systems with elements of natural ecosystems is described. Thus flexibility is increased, material cycles are closed and waste will be reduced. Furthermore the integration-level is illustrated by the use of microorganisms in cutting fluids. Finally, evolutionary computing within an automatic joining cell is shown as an example for the interaction-level.
W artykule omówiono zagadnienie obróbki wysokodokładnych systemów wytwórczych. Podczas prac wdrożeniowych elastycznego systemu w autonomicznej produkcji napotkano utrudnienia. Dokładność dotycząca elementów o regularnych kształtach jest na satysfakcjonującym poziomie, jednakże przy obróbce elementów cienkościennych o złożonych kształtach z lekkich stopów metali ważny jest dobór odpowiednich warunków skrawania, takich jak wpływ otoczenia lub energii cieplnej. Kolejnym problemem jest różnica pomiędzy temperaturami maszyny, przedmiotu obrabianego i otoczenia, co powodują spadek dokładności obróbki mimo zastosowania aktywnych systemów kompensacji odkształceń maszyny. Artykuł prezentuje nowatorski sposób poprawy jakości obróbki poprzez zastosowanie w nastawach maszyny parametrów wynikających z obliczeń MES odkształceń termicznych przedmiotu obrabianego.
During the work at the implementation of flexible machining system for autonomous production some challenging difficulties were found. For workpieces of a regular shape, the achieved machining accuracy is satisfactory but for workpieces of a complex shape and thin walls form light alloys machining it is still difficult to find proper environmental conditions without separating the machine form among others outer temperature impact. Another problem is the difference between machine, workpiece and ambient temperature so that the machining accuracy is decreasing even if machine tool’s active systems compensate the machine’s thermal deformations. An approach to improve the machining accuracy with high accuracy machining systems by using special adjustment procedures and additional workpiece’s distortion compensations based on FEM simulations are presented in the paper.
In this paper the technological process of movable and immovable pressure casting die insert of water pump executed in one of motor industrial plant was presented. Machining processes of casting die elements were described in detail. Individual operations and the process of machining parameters selection were characterized. Machine applications were generated for the virtual 3D model of movable and immovable die insert in Mastercam application operating in Windows environment. An attempt at modification of technological process for selected HSM-applied milling operations (high-speed machining) in Mastercam was made. As the result of modifications it turned out that machining time of rough milling operation has been reduced by almost 49% for movable die insert and by 29% for immovable die insert, which means achieving considerable savings.
Docierania i szlifowanie należy do podstawowych metod obróbki wykończeniowej. Technologie te stosowane są obecnie zarówno w obróbce elementów metalowych, jak i niemetalowych. Przeanalizowano czas, jaki jest potrzebny do wykonania tych operacji.
Lapping and grinding are classified as a basic finishing operation. This technology can be used on metallic parts, as well as on non-metallic machine elements. Times required to finalize operation are calculated and analyzed in this paper.
The article discusses the importance of energy consumption for the modern machine tool. The research was carried out to show the influence of various cutting factors and parameters on the power consumption values of the machine tool. A special algorithm was developed to determine the actual energy consumption of the machine tool during the cutting process. The results of the study were compared with the algorithms of tool companies to determine the machine’s power demand. The possibilities of using research conclusions to develop a more accurate method for assessing the energy demand of a machine tool in the cutting process were indicated.
The paper deals with the possibilities of measuring the residual displacement or hysteresis on the lateral direction of the movement forces caused by the cutting forces of the machining. A special adjustment of laser interferometry assemblies was used for measurement. The measurement results indicate that the positioning accuracy in addition to the cutting forces also influences the position of the displaced moving substances and the temperature. The complex effect of these parameters is greatly dependent on the design of the machine.
This paper presents the influence of the friction pair load on the wear and friction coefficient of polymer composites in reciprocating motion. The tested polymer composites are used in regeneration purposes of supports in cutting tools. Tribological characteristics were evaluated for composites modified with graphite and molybdenum disulphide as the additives (modifiers). The tests were performed by the use of T-17 tribotester under conditions of various loads (100, 150, 200 N), with a frequency of 1 Hz, and the 20 000 cycles of 25 mm amplitude. The friction pairs were lubricated with standard machine oil. For comparison purposes, the tribological characteristics of steel-steel configuration were performed. The mechanism of friction pair wear was evaluated by the analysis with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results have show that the increase in the load of friction pair affects the friction coefficient Orly restrainedly. The polymer regeneration composites designed for flat guide rails in cutting machines proved to be more useful and resistant than the steel-steel combination.
W artykule przedstawiono wpływ obciążenia węzła tarcia na zużycie i współczynnik tarcia kompozytów polimerowych w ruchu postępowo-zwrotnym stosowanych do regeneracji suportów obrabiarek skrawających. Charakterystyki tribologiczne wyznaczono dla kompozytów z udziałem modyfikatorów tarcia grafitu i dwusiarczku molibdenu w układzie pojedynczym i binarnym. Badania przeprowadzono z użyciem testera T–17. Testy tribologiczne przeprowadzono w warunkach zmiennych obciążeń węzła tarcia 100, 150 i 200 N, typowych dla układów prowadnicowych obrabiarek, częstotliwość 1 Hz, amplituda 25 mm, liczba cykli 20 000, przy smarowaniu olejem maszynowym. Dla porównania w tych samych warunkach wyznaczono również charakterystyki tribologiczne skojarzenia stal–stal. Mechanizm zużywania pary trącej oceniono na podstawie obrazów powierzchni tarcia uzyskanych za pomocą skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego (SEM). Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników badań tribologicznych stwierdzono, że zwiększenie obciążenia węzła tarcia w umiarkowanym stopniu wpływa na zmiany współczynnika tarcia i zużycie kompozytów polimerowych. Polimerowe kompozyty regeneracyjne przeznaczone do regeneracji płaskich prowadnic obrabiarek skrawających w przyjętych warunkach badań charakteryzują się lepszymi właściwościami tribologicznymi niż skojarzenie stal–stal.
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Ważnym etapem projektowania ESP jest wybór obrabiarek i urządzeń technologicznych. W procedurach wyboru stosuje się: punktację wagową, wnioskowanie rozmyte, systemy ekspertowe oraz eliminację opartą o kryteria krytyczne i zdolności technologiczne. Zastosowanie w procedurach zaleceń standardu ISO 10303 STEP i koncepcji elementarnych obiektów obróbkowych pokazuje możliwości włączenia procedury wyboru obrabiarek do jednolitej przestrzeni informacyjnej cyklu życia wyrobu.
An important step in designing FMS is the choice of machine tools and technological devices. The selection procedures are used: scoring weight, fuzzy inference, expert systems and elimination based on criteria critical and technological capabilities. Application procedures recommendations of the standard ISO 10303 STEP and the concept of elementary objects of machining shows the possibility of including the selection procedure of machine tools to a uniform information space of the product life cycle.
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Wewnętrzna magistrala komunikacyjna obrabiarki może być interesującym źródłem aktualnych i precyzyjnych informacji o stanie maszyny i realizowanej obróbki. Omówiono samodzielnie wykonane oprogramowanie pozwalające na przechwytywanie informacji z wewnętrznej sieci Profibus-DP oraz zaprezentowano wyniki eksperymentu związanego z analizą pozyskanych danych. Poprawnie zinterpretowane dane zasilają zakładowy system informatyczny i ułatwiają skuteczne zarządzanie realizowanym procesem wytwarzania.
For the purpose of accurate monitoring of production, there is necessary to use every available source of information. The internal communication bus machine can be an interesting, accurate and timely source of information about the machine state and process. The article discusses the self made software that allows to capture information from internal Profibus-DP and presents the results of an experiment related to the analysis of the acquired data.
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Zaprezentowano model opisujący zjawisko konwekcji w zespole przekładni śrubowo-tocznej. Przedstawiono sposób identyfikacji parametrów modelu, strukturę sztucznej sieci neuronowej i sposób doboru danych uczących, aby ostatecznie przedstawić wyniki walidacji modelu.
In this article, the author presents a model describing the phenomenon of convection in ball screw. The author presents a method for identifying model parameters, the structure of artificial neuron network, the manner of selection of training data and finally the results of model validation.
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Wraz z rozwojem bioniki pojawiają się inspirowane biologicznie koncepcje rozwoju procesów obróbki skrawaniem. Najbardziej zaawansowane są inspirowane biologicznie zmiany w konstrukcji obrabiarek oraz rozwiązania dotyczące operacji cięcia i wiercenia w badaniach geologicznych na Ziemi i w kosmosie.
Together with Bionic development the inspired biologically conceptions of cutting processes development occur. The most advantageous are biologically inspired improvements in machine tools design and special operations of cutting and drilling in geological investigations on our Earth or in space.
On machine measurement of artefacts such as single ball, multiple balls or even prismatic shape artefact is gaining popularity for the calibration of five-axis machine tools. However, calibration results can be degraded due to errors from different process variables such as the measurement strategies, rotary axes indexations and artefact dismount and remount cycles. This research investigates the repeatability of uncalibrated indigenous artefact probing and machine tool error parameters calibration against a number of process variables. Uncertainties of the estimated parameters are estimated to quantify the calibration quality.
This article presents the chosen aspects of army maintenance-repair infrastructure for land technology, as well as some of the equipment and devices used to maintain and repair army vehicles. The article takes into consideration the newly introduced army specific regulations regulating this issue. The article is supported by photographs connected with this subject.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane elementy wojskowej infrastruktury obsługowo-naprawczej techniki lądowej, oraz niektóre wyposażenie i narzędzia do napraw i obsług pojazdów wojskowych. Artykuł uwzględnia nowo wprowadzone wojskowe przepisy branżowe normujące tę problematykę w wojsku. Uzupełnieniem artykułu są zdjęcia związane z tematem.
In this paper, solutions for optimizing energy intensity of machine tools were presented. In the introduction, the concept of energy intensity was explained, along with energy consumption of machining industry and main factors affecting it. In the main part of this work energy consumption of machine tools was discussed on account of their construction features, type of machining processes and energy intensity of ancillary processes and devices. Possibilites for improvements in energy intensity of machine tools a t three product life cycle stages (design, manufacturing and operation) were presented and discussed.
W pracy przedstawiono rozwiązania optymalizujące energochłonność obrabiarek skrawających. We wstępie omówione zostało pojęcie energochłonności, zużycie energii przez przemysł wytwórczy oraz wpływające na nie czynniki. W głównej części pracy opisano zużycie energii elektrycznej przez obrabiarkę ze względu na jej cechy konstrukcyjne, rodzaj prowadzonego procesu obróbkowego, a także energochłonność procesów oraz urządzeń pomocniczych. Rozpatrywano również możliwości poprawy energochłonności w trzech fazach cyklu życia obrabiarki (projektowanie, wytwarzanie, eksploatacja).
The article presents constructional, technological and operational issues associated with the compensation of thermal deformations of ball screw drives. Further, it demonstrates the analysis of a new sensorless compensation method relying on coordinated computation of data fed directly from the drive and the control system in combination with the information pertaining to the operational history of the servo drive, retrieved with the use of an artificial neural networks (ANN) -based learning system. Preliminary ANN -based models, developed to simulate energy dissipation resulting from the friction in the screw-cap assembly and convection of heat are expounded upon, as are the processes of data selection and ANN learning. In conclusion, the article presents the results of simulation studies and preliminary experimental evidence confirming the applicability of the proposed method, efficiently compensating for the thermal elongation of the ball screw in machine tool drives.
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