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Content available remote Participation of V4 countries in African peacekeeping missions
The article explores the peacekeeping activities of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the characteristics of their activities on the African continent. The paper examines the African peacekeeping missions carried out by Visegrád countries. The study uses comparative scientific literature and analysis of statements released by these governments and other papers and studies related to the African peacekeeping missions. In addition, I used my own experience from my previous African peacekeeping/peace support missions, and the lessons learned from other African operations published in my previous book about Hungarian peacekeeping missions. In summary, of the Visegrád states with differing levels of training and equipment, Poland was the most active in peace operations in Africa and in the lead, followed by the Czech Republic and Hungary, while Slovakia was the least involved in the African continent. This trend is, moreover, in line with the involvement of the above countries in Africa to date. Although these states cooperate in several areas, this is not the case for African peace operations, although cooperation in this area would be important. The research examines the background to the activities of the V4 countries in peace operations in Africa. The study is particularly important in view of the fact that, for a number of reasons (migration, terrorism), the V4 countries are preparing for greater engagement in Africa, one area of which is peace-support operations.
Współcześnie w wielu państwach głównym komponentem sił zbrojnych są wojska specjalne. Ich rolę i znaczenie uświadomiono sobie zwłaszcza wtedy, gdy na większą skalę pojawiły się konflikty asymetryczne i międzynarodowy terroryzm. Nietypowy charakter zagrożeń wymagał podjęcia niekonwencjonalnych metod działania, do stosowania takich zaś najlepiej były przygotowane jednostki wojsk specjalnych. Polska miała stosunkowo nieliczne siły specjalne, a ich wykorzystanie ze względu na brak jednolitych koncepcji rodziło wiele problemów. Z czasem wojska te zaczęły odgrywać coraz większą rolę, co wiązało się z ich uczestnictwem w misjach o podwyższonym ryzyku. Po przystąpieniu do NATO Polska zadeklarowała, że wojska specjalne będą jej narodową specjalnością w ramach Sojuszu. Zapoczątkowało to dynamiczny rozwój tych wojsk, a w rezultacie ich coraz większe zaangażowanie w operacje utrzymania bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Autor omawia udział polskich wojsk specjalnych w operacjach pokojowych na Bałkanach, operacjach stabilizacyjnych w Afganistanie i Iraku, a także w operacjach utrzymania pokoju, humanitarnych i szkoleniowo-doradczych w różnych rejonach świata.
Today, in many countries, the main component of the armed forces are special forces. Their role and significance was realized specifically when asymmetrical conflicts and international terrorism came up. This unusual nature of threats required unconventional methods, and these were the specialty of special forces. Poland had rather limited special forces, and due to the lack of unified concepts, the use of them caused many problems. In time, these forces would become more significant, mainly as a result of their participation in the high-risk missions. After Poland joined NATO, it declared that special forces would be its national specialty within the Alliance. This ignited a dynamic growth of these forces, and as a result, their increasing engagement in the international security-keeping operations. The author discusses the participation of the Polish special forces in peace operations in the Balkans, stabilization missions in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in peacekeeping, humanitarian, and advisory and training operations in different world regions.
W artykule podjęto problematykę zabezpieczenia logistycznego odległej placówki obserwatorów wojskowych Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych. Jako przykład wykorzystano misję MONUC (Mission de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo) w Demokratycznej Republice Konga. Omówiono ogólne założenia zabezpieczenia logistycznego operacji wsparcia pokoju, funkcjonowanie zabezpieczenia logistycznego misji MONUC, a także charakter służby oraz zasady organizacji placówki obserwatorów wojskowych. Następnie zanalizowano organizację zabezpieczenia logistycznego odległej placówki obserwatorów w aspekcie: technicznym, materiałowym, medycznym, transportowym oraz zapewnienia miejsca pracy i zakwaterowania. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja specyfiki służby obserwatora wojskowego ONZ na przykładzie misji MONUC w świetle wyzwań zabezpieczenia logistycznego placówki obserwatorów wojskowych, usytuowanej w znacznej odległości od komponentów logistycznych misji.
The main issue of the article is the logistic support of a United Nations (UN) military observers remote team site. The MONUC mission (Mission de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo) has been used as an example. The general foundations of the logistic support of a peacekeeping mission, the functioning of the logistic support of the MONUC mission, the characteristics of the military observer service and the rules for the establishing and functioning of military observers’ team site are described. Then, the organisation of the logistic support of a remote team site in the aspects of: maintenance, supply; medical, transport and accommodation and working place arrangement are analysed. The aim of this article is to identify the specifics of the UN military observer's service in the MONUC mission as an example. The analysis is focused on the challenges of the logistic support of the UN military observers' team site located at a considerable distance from the mission's logistic elements.
Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa państwa oraz założenia wynikające z pragmatyki obronnej i udziału polskiego wojska w poszczególnych kontyngentach i misjach zagranicznych. Ukazując rożne rodzaje i znaczenie poszczególnych misji zagranicznych, przedstawiono ich uwarunkowania prawne oraz oceniono koszty i korzyści, jakie z tego płyną. Takie założenie badawcze jest istotne w aspekcie prowadzonych działań mających wpływ na funkcjonowanie złożonego systemu bezpieczeństwa państwa. Jednym z takich czynników jest również możliwość poprawy poziomu wyszkolenia żołnierzy w warunkach wojennych, szkoleniowych i stabilizacyjnych, wysoko oceniana przez współdziałające państwa NATO. Tak prowadzona polityka bezpieczeństwa państwa sprzyja rozwijaniu długofalowych korzyści gospodarczych oraz zacieśnia międzynarodowe więzy w kluczowych sprawach dotyczących interesów narodowych na płaszczyźnie militarnej i gospodarczej.
The article presents the basic conditions of state security and guidelines arising from the national defense concept and Polish military involvement in various contingents and foreign missions. Showing the different types and the importance of each of the foreign missions, the benefits, costs of participation and legal conditions were assessed and analyzed. All those aspects are important in terms of conducted activities having an impact on the functioning of a complex system of national security. One such factor is the improvement in soldier training through participation in peacekeeping and stabilizing missions, reaching professional level highly appreciated by other co-operating NATO countries. Well conducted national security policy leads to long-term economic benefits and strengthens international ties in key areas of national interests at the military and economic levels.
Polscy żołnierze od dawna brali udział w operacjach międzynarodowych pod auspicjami różnych organizacji, przede wszystkim ONZ. Jednak od czasu wstąpienia Polski do NATO i przyjęcia naszego kraju do Unii Europejskiej działalność naszych kontyngentów wojskowych skupiła się przede wszystkim na udziale w operacjach międzynarodowych, organizowanych przez te dwa podmioty i na zasadach określonych w ich procedurach. Polska, w ramach solidarnych działań zapewniających wspólne bezpieczeństwo, aktywnie angażuje się w operacje militarne i misje niemilitarne różnych organizacji międzynarodowych, a także w działania lokalne w ramach doraźnie tworzonych koalicji. Stopień i geograficzne obszary zaangażowania są wypadkową aktualnych możliwości sił zbrojnych oraz jasno zdefiniowanych celów zbieżnych z polską racją stanu, określoną w Strategii bezpieczeństwa narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, czy wyrażającą się w działaniach na rzecz umacniania międzynarodowej pozycji Polski. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących funkcjonowania sieci łączności PKW (polskiego kontyngentu wojskowego) w działaniach militarnych poza granicami kraju. Badania przeprowadzone były wśród żołnierzy specjalistów, którzy brali udział w operacjach międzynarodowych i dotyczyły wymagań organizacyjno - technicznych dla sieci łączności PKW. Dotyczyły także organizacji i funkcjonowania sieci łączności i usług w niej realizowanych oraz środków łączności i informatyki wykorzystywanych przez personel łączności i użytkowników sieci, żołnierzy i pracowników PKW.
Polish soldiers have long participated in international operations under the auspices of various organizations, primarily the UN. However, since Poland's accession to NATO and the adoption of our country to European Union, the activities of our military contingents have focused primarily on participation in international operations, organized by the two organizations and under the terms of their procedures. Poland, as part of joint and several actions to ensure common security, has actively been engaged in military operations and nonmilitary missions of various international organizations, as well as local actions in the ad hoc coalition created. The degree of involvement and geographical areas are determined by the current capabilities of the armed forces and the clearly defined objectives coincide with the Polish raison d'etat, as defined in the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Polish and expressed in their efforts to strengthen Poland's international position. This paper presents the results of research on the functioning of NEC communication network (the Polish military contingent) in military operations abroad. The research was carried out among the soldiers-specialists who were involved in international operations and it focused on the organizational requirements: the technical specifications for the NEC communication networks. Also, the research concerned the organization and operation of communication networks and its services as well as the means of communication and IT used by the staff, users, soldiers and NEC employees.
Content available remote Najlepszą bronią w operacjach przeciwrebelianckich jest „niestrzelanie”
Having analysed counterinsurgency operations, the author, proves that winning or victory is not ISAF forces’ task, as some experts say. It is the Afghans who are supposed to win, not multinational forces because their task is only to support the Afghan government. Having defined the final goal of the operation in this way, the aim of the operation for multinational forces and cooperating with them other international organizations (the UN and EU), governmental organizations (e.g. USAID) and NGOs is not to destroy the Taliban but to deprive them of their foundation, i.e. support of the population. However, the basic problem in the population’s engagement and active participation is to find the entity responsible in all processes taking place while stabilizing the crisis situation. Therefore one of the best weapons in counterinsurgency operations is not to shoot and negotiate. Well-prepared integration negotiations that allow an active joining of the local population’s and international community’s goals and interests in commonly conducted process of rebuilding the country after a conflict is the most important condition to stabilize the situation in the region.
Poland, according to alliance commitments, should be ready to participate with its forces in crisis response operations, including peace support operations. It is estimated that in these operations may be involved, among others, land tasks forces in strength of ½ strengthened mechanized brigade or battalion task forces created from motorized infantry battalion. Military contingents’ participation in response operations, including peace support operations is an expensive undertaking. Particularly high costs are spent on the functioning of their logistics systems. Therefore the problem of finding solutions conducive to reducing these costs has become particularly important. These costs, called logistics costs can be lowered, among others, by optimizing the logistics needs of sub-units and units comprising the military contingents and rationalization of operations as well as organizational and organizational-logistic factors that determine material, technical medical and transport potentials of these contingents. In addition, the multinational composition of the military forces conducting peace support operations means that national contingents should have a high degree of logistics interoperability which allows, in the process of troops logistic support, the use of, usually less expensive than conventional, multi-national logistics solutions. The article contains the authors’ proposals promoting the reduction of logistics costs associated with the participation of Polish military contingents in peace support operations.
Bronie nieletalne (niezabijające) od wielu lat wykorzystywane są przez siły bezpieczeństwa publicznego oraz przez siły zbrojne, zwłaszcza podczas realizacji zadań w trakcie misji wsparcia pokoju i bezpieczeństwa współczesnego świata. Jest to ważny temat debat w zakresie ich użycia, badań oraz dyskusji akademickich (np. European Working Group Non-Lethal Weapons) związanych z zaletami i zagrożeniami tych technologii. Jest to temat ważny, gdyż siły zbrojne od wielu lat prowadzą operacje pokojowe, których celem nie je t unicestwienie przeciwnika, co wymaga alternatywnych środków, które pozwolą osiągnąć zakładane cele. Wykorzystanie broni nieletalnych napotyka wiele barier, jak ograniczenia koncepcyjne, technologiczne, zasady użycia siły w konfliktach zbrojnych (ROE - Rules of Engagement), ale też brak zrozumienia wśród Polityków i dowódców. Przejawia się to oczekiwaniami, że bronie nieletalne pozwolą na prowadzenie wojen i misji pokojowych całkowicie bez strat, co jednak odbiega od realiów współczesnych konfliktów. W artykule przedstawiono doświadczenia związane z użyciem broni nieletalnych w operacjach „United Shield" oraz „Restore Hope", jak też innych operacji na rzecz wsparcia pokoju. Omówiono też kierunki rozwoju broni nieletalnych oraz możliwe zastosowania nowych technologii.
Non-Lethal Weapons for many years have been used by public security forces and also by armed forces, in fulfilling tasks in the frame of peace support operations aimed at enhancing security in the contemporary world. This is an important topic of debate in terms of use, research and academic discussions (such as the European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons) associated with the benefits and risks related to non-lethal technologies. This is also an important topic due to the fact that armed forces for many years have struggled with conducting peace support operations, where the goal is not to annihilate the enemy, but to restore peace and order which requires employing alternative measures that will achieve the desired objectives. The use of non-lethal weapons faces many barriers, such as conceptual constraints, technology, rules of engagement (ROE), and also the lack of understanding among politicians and commanders. This is reflected by some people's expectations that such weapons will enable armed forces to conduct wars and peacekeeping missions completely without losses, which is clearly an unrealistic assumption in modem conflicts. The article presents the experiences connected with the use of non-lethal weapons in operations "United Shield" and "Restore Hope", as well as other operations in support of peace. It also presents current trends and possible applications of such new technologies.
Content available remote Uwarunkowania użycia artylerii w działaniach pokojowych i stabilizacyjnych
The article presents main features of artillery support assets such as the range of fire, possibility to attack a wide range of targets, inflicted losses, time of fire response, accuracy of fire, possibility to fire in different conditions and reliability of the task performed. Basing on the experiences and lessons learned from peace and stabilization operations, the author tries to define basic requirements that artillery must fulfill in the mentioned above operations. They include capabilities to function (operate) in an international environment, capabilities to redeploy, expected accuracy of fire and non-lethal character of operation in addition to a traditional one. Then the author discusses the necessity to respect the rules (limitations) while performing tasks such as the mandate of an operation, international law of armed conflicts, the principles of the use of force etc. He also defines basic task areas, especially artillery’s detailed tactical tasks during peace support and stabilization operations. It is stated that the features of peace and stabilization operations, most importantly their aim, do not exclude the use of artillery but do not allow to use these characteristics in already functioning organizational structures created to support organic units and sub-units fighting mainly in war operations. The need to respond in a completely new operational environment requires using different forces and applying different methods of operation. Summing up, it has been discussed how to meet the mentioned above requirements, respect the rules, the aspects of artillery organization to combat and possibilities to accomplish tasks.
Content available remote Podstawy prawne udziału Sił Zbrojnych RP w operacjach pokojowych
The article features legal bases of Polish Armed Forces’ participation in peace missions organized by international organizations such as the UN, OSCE, NATO and EU. The Polish Republic’s competences and executive processes are mentioned and also soldiers’ rights, as well as Polish Military Contingent’s financing outside the country are described.
Artykuł zawiera opis działań Polskiej Wojskowej Jednostki Specjalnej na Bliskim Wschodzie w operacji Drugich Doraźnych Sił Zbrojnych ONZ w Egipcie – UNEF II w latach 1973–1979. W pierwszej części materiału autor przedstawił tradycje służby polskich żołnierzy w komisjach rozjemczych w okresie 1953–1973 w Korei, Indochinach oraz Nigerii. Główną część artykułu stanowi historia służby polskiego kontyngentu wojskowego w Egipcie w misji UNEF II. Po raz pierwszy Wojsko Polskie miało wystawić zwarty oddział do misji pokojowej prowadzonej pod flagą ONZ. Jednym z kluczowych wyzwań organizacyjno-logistycznych okazało się przerzucenie ludzi i sprzętu do rejonu mandatowego. Główną część transportu wyposażenia i zaopatrzenia wzięły na siebie statki Polskich Linii Oceanicznych, zbudowane w szczecińskiej stoczni. Opis tych morskich doświadczeń oraz wspomnienie o dwóch jednostkach uwięzionych w tym okresie na wodach Wielkiego Jeziora Gorzkiego stanowi kolejną część artykułu.
The article describes activities of Polish Special Military Unit in the Middle East which took part in the Second United Nations Emergency Force in Egypt – UNEF II in the period 1973–1979. There are presented traditions of Polish military service in the multinational commissions in Korea, Indochina and Nigeria in the period 1953–1973. The history of Polish military contingent in UNEF II is the main body of the article. Polish Army the first time was ordered to set up a battalion sized military unit to UN mission. It was big organizational and logistic challenge. The main part of contingent.s supply transporting was realized by Polish vessels. They were build in Szczecin shipyard. The activity description is a second part of the article.
The current international security environment faces various challenges, either connected with the necessity to prevent or to solve crisis situations. It results mainly from an extension of international non-state attributed terrorism and the deepening economic differences between various regions of the world. Such situations leads to local conflicts influencing the security of different countries in various regions. Currently, crises threaten not only the countries directly involved in crisis situation, but also global security. Participation of designated Polish Armed Forces units in crisis reaction operations of international dimensions abroad is directly concerned with having adequate enabling capabilities to conduct such operations. Such capabilities are connected with the correct preparation of the armed forces to operate in crisis operations and the deployment to the crisis area. Considering the time factor, rapid deployment is of key importance. Experience show, that the most adequate transportation means is in such cases is air transport. Military transport aircraft can be used, providing it has the right mobility. The necessity to use system solutions with regard to air transportation requires research with the adequate concept in mind.
The change of threats appearing in the world shows a growing role of military police in solving crisis situations. The author, on the example of operation “Benga” conducted by EUFOR in the Democratic Republic of Congo features how Military Police (MP) played one of the most important roles in that operation. The description of actions of Military Police special forces on the background of the whole operation and social and political situation in Congo proves the possibility of independent military contingents’ organisation by Military Police. The evaluation and analysis of particular stages of the mission and threats appearing in the course of the operation as well as the specific character of tasks presented in the article makes the author draw a conclusion concerning further MP engagement in similar operations.
Content available remote Wybrane aspekty użycia sił powietrznych w sojuszniczych operacjach humanitarnych
In the last decade of the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century the air forces were frequently used in humanitarian operations, which were aimed at bringing help to the civil population being oppressed. Even though the air forces-like the other services-are theoretically only a supporting element in comparison to the activities of civil international organisations. This is consistent with NATO’s doctrinal assumptions on one hand, but on the hand air forces frequently play a more important role. Lessons learned from various operations confirm that the missions of airforces can be adjusted to the situation in the crisis area while the aim is always set by political decision makers. Thanks to researches linked to the recent operations it became possible to specify general assumptions concerning future operations. Expected results will be connected with efficient help to persecuted civilians. Having in mind such situation, it is possible to specify two kinds of operations - humanitarian operations and humanitarian interventions. According to the author the considerations presented in the article do not exhaust the whole spectrum of the problem, but on the other hand the intention of the author is to encourage the reader to familiarise with the results of the study entitled Air Force Missions in Humanitarian Operations at the Beginning of the 21st Century. The necessity of continuing the scientific penetration of this complicated issue is connected with the need to achieve a common attitude to the problem as far as the main participants of this operations are concerned. In such case civil components, governmental and non-governmental organisations are being discussed on the hand, and on the other - the military component with the air force being included.
Content available remote Siły zbrojne w operacjach reagowania kryzysowego
The aim of the article is to analyse the implication of using the armed forces in crisis response operations (CRO) and to present the trends of changes in this area. Relying upon source materials and literature on this subject, the review concerning the use of the armed forces in CRO has been made. The basic areas were characterised, while depicting trends of development. Crisis response operations became recently one of the basic form of operational use of the armed forces. Military power, used as a supplement and support of political, economical and informational efforts, exemplifies an important instrument of solving the crisis situations. Due to the character of threats, which can cause the crisis situations, having the potential of after-effects, the philosophy behind the use of the armed forces in CRO is changing. It is widely suggested by the experts that quick and efficient crisis situation management is vital, while minimising possible undisirable effects. In such case preventive operations are of special importance, which are enabling the management of the crisis situation. The global character of threats and security challenges brings about the fact, that using the armed forces in CRO is international in character, when participating actors make their contribution in highly-specialised forms of operational abilities.
Content available remote Operacja stabilizacyjna w Iraku : relacja uczestnika
Content available remote Wsparcie logistyczne wojsk w operacjach stabilizacyjnych
The article presents the problems of logistic support of troops participating in stabilisation operations taking into consideration conditions to reach interoperability with NATO armies and changes occurring in the theory of conducting operations. Multinational character of troops taking part in a stabilisation operation (e.g. 22 countries in “Iraqi Freedom”) and consequently a low level of their interoperability causes that the organisation of logistic support of troops participating in it is and probably will long be very complicated. It is forecast that the higher standardisation of the Polish Land Forces with other NATO armies (mainly achieving the level of compatibility and interoperability), the fewer problems connected with their logistic support. The article also describes new phenomena and tendencies resulting from creating multinational divisions and corps, the functioning of multinational logistics and the necessity of taking over tasks by one country that result from a host country function in case of carrying out stabilisation activities outside the Alliance territory.
Content available remote Rola organizacji międzynarodowych w rozwiązywaniu konfliktów zbrojnych
Problems connected with military conflicts and peacekeeping operations correlate with changes in the art of war and influence its evolution. They are presented in four groups of problems and concern subjects like: the character of contemporary military conflicts. The author shows relatively new conflict characteristics, e.g. the brutality of combat actions neglecting international law of war, the collapse of the “base”’ state and dividing the “base” society. He notices the asymmetry feature of military conflicts and in his opinion “every conflict can breed new phenomena and draw new qualities that have not occurred yet” ; the instruments of peace actions resulting from various international organisations' initiatives that concern the UN (Chapter VI and VII of the UN Charter), OSCE, EU, African Union and NATO ; the evolution of peacekeeping operations and art of war. The considerations mentioned above have become the base for determining the evolutionary character of contemporary military conflicts and peacekeeping operations, mainly from the group of the “second generation” operations and connected with the evolution of art of war ; the new phenomenon in peacekeeping operations concerning e.g. establishing the UNSAS system including the Multinational Brigade for Rapid Deployment (SHIRBRIG), Poland’s contribution to creating bilateral units (LITPOLBAT and POLUKRBAT) or developing a new peacekeeping operations’ doctrine. The author presents the catalogue of military operations other than war (defined as ‘beyond war operations’). The ending of theoretical considerations includes the chronology of international strategy for preventing armed conflicts that was undertaken in 1990-2002.
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