In current CubeSat observation satellites, the main design constraint is the available space. Standards dictating the unit dimensions of the payload severely restrict the maximum aperture and focal length of the optical instrument. In this paper, the authors present the results of work to produce a novel DeploScope optical system for a CubeSat-type observation satellite with a segmented aperture of the primary mirror deployed in space. The telescope is designed for Earth observation and is expected to find its application in the military, precision agriculture or environmental disaster prevention. The work includes a detailed analysis of the segment aperture effect on image repeatability for different numbers of main mirror segments. Based on it, the optimal configuration of the optical model of the telescope with an aperture of 188.5 mm and a focal length of 1100 mm was selected. Based on this analysis, a so-called laboratory version of the telescope was built, providing the possibility of free correction of each segment of the primary mirror while maintaining a solid stable base for other components of the module. Imaging tests were carried out on the laboratory version of the instrument and the system was optimized for a version suitable for implementation in the payload structure of the microsatellite.
Zmiany w bioróżnorodności w miastach związane są nie tylko z modyfikacjami w formach zagospodarowania przestrzeni miejskiej czy sposobu jej wykorzystania, ale również ze zmianami klimatycznymi. Odpowiednie rozpoznawanie zmian oraz zagrożeń z nich wynikających jest bardzo istotne ze względu na konieczność podejmowania właściwych działań adaptacyjnych, których efektywne wykonanie czasem wymaga wielu lat. Często zmiany te są trudne do uchwycenia w początkowej fazie, dlatego z pomocą może przyjść ich monitorowanie z wykorzystaniem satelitów z czujnikami spektralnymi.
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Prof. dr hab. Piotr Wolański (1942-2023) was one the most outstanding Polish scientists of the recent decades, a visionary who brought the enormous contribution to Polish sector of space science when outlining a series of perspective area of development and hypotheses: those ones concerning the origin of the Moon, or decay of dinosaurs. In his scientific activities, he undertook the subjects connected with the problems of combustion and the methods of diagnostics of combustion processes, explosions and engines, and the collisions with the celestial objects. Space drives, development of multi-use rockets and transfer the discussed knowledge to the students were translated into the defined implementations. The first Polish satellite PW-Sat was constructed under the guidance of the Professor at Warsaw University of Technology and the study direction “Aviation and Space Science” became the permanent specialization in the faculties of Polish technical universities.
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ARGO program was conceived with an aim to generate near real-time ocean observations as the primary in-situ sources for use in operational oceanography studies. Two decades-long ARGO near-surface temperature data set was used for generating monthly gridded ARGO sea surface temperature (ASST) product on a climatological scale. Data interpolating variational analysis (DIVA) method was employed for generating the product with a spatial resolution of 0.25° x 0.25° for the Tropical Indian Ocean. This monthly ASST product was evaluated using five different climatological SST products derived from in-situ and satellite measurements. Various statistics such as BIAS, RMSE, coefficient of correlation, and skill scores were generated to evaluate the reliability of the ASST product. Further, the ASST product was validated with climatological in-situ SST obtained from RAMA and OMNI moorings deployed in the Indian Ocean. Statistical comparisons showed low BIAS and RMSE, and high correlation and skill scores with most of the buoys locations and the gridded SST products. Results concluded that the near-surface temperature data from ARGO can be used along with other SST data sets in the generation of high-resolution blended SST products.
Day-boundary discontinuity (DBD) is an effect present in precise GNSS satellite orbit and clock products originating from the method used for orbit and clock determination. The non-Gaussian measurement noise and data processing in 24 h batches are responsible for DBDs. In the case of the clock product, DBD is a time jump in the boundary epochs of two adjacent batches of processed data and its magnitude might reach a couple of ns. This article presents the four GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) systems DBD analysis in terms of change over an 8 year period. For each of 118 satellites available in this period, the yearly value of DBD was subject to analysis including standard deviation and frequency of outliers. Results show that the smallest DBDs appear in the GPS system, the biggest - for the BeiDou space segment. Moreover, the phenomenon of changes in DBDs over time is clearly seen at the beginning of the analysed period when the magnitude and number of the DBDs were larger than for current, newest clock products.
The research sought to evaluate the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of the study area located in the province of Tayacaja, which includes the districts of Acraquia, Ahuaycha, Pampas and Daniel Hernández, which is part of the central Andes of Peru. The data were collected in low water seasons with a longitudinal cut of 30 years with one sample per year, starting in 1993 until 2022; these samples corresponded to the month of August of each year. The images were extracted from maps from Landsat satellite databases, which were filtered for low cloud cover to avoid interference with the images. Maps from 1993 to 2012 were obtained from Landsat 5 satellite, while from 2013 to 2022 data were obtained from Landsat 8 satellite. The normalized difference vegetation index was determined using Quantum GIS based on the red and near infrared maps; being the minimum NDVI value obtained -0.18, which corresponds to the aquatic body of the Upamayu River that crosses from west to east the study area; while the highest NDVI obtained was 0.79 indicating a greater vegetation cover constituted by mainly eucalyptus plants. The mean NDVI of the 30 years is close to 0.21; this is an indicator that the vegetation is scarce and that it is decreasing mainly due to population growth.
This study proposes an alternative (i.e., air-assisted) system for launching payloads (micro-satellites) into space using rockets fired from Su-22 or MiG-29 combat aircraft . This paper verifies and evaluates such an air-assisted rocket system used for launching payloads to low Earth orbit (LEO) in many aspects. Mission profile and rocket drop maneuver concepts have been developed. From the adopted model of calculations and simulation results, it follows that in the considered configuration, the aforementioned aircraft will be capable of accomplishing a mission in which a payload of at least 10 kg is launched into low Earth orbit. The analyses were complemented by simulations and wind tunnel tests verifying the impact that space rockets may exert on the aerodynamic and mechanical properties of the carrier aircraft . Results of numerical simulations and wind tunnel tests to which models of the air-assisted rocket launching system were subjected indicate the rocket’s impact on the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft and its in-flight properties is negligible. Similarly, load and strength tests to which the airframe’s load-bearing structures have been subjected also failed to show any significant changes or deformations caused by the space rockets attached. The kits proposed may be deemed as the so-called Responsive Space Assets for the Polish Armed Forces. Implementation of such a system not only offers independence from countries or commercial companies providing space services but also allows us to master new capabilities in the context of deploying satellite systems for safety and defense purposes.
W referacie zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z krajowymi oraz międzynarodowymi regulacjami dotyczącymi zgłaszania oraz rejestracji częstotliwości radiowych wykorzystywanych przez urządzenia radiowe umieszczone na pokładzie małych satelitów wynoszonych na niskie orbity okołoziemskie.
The paper presents issues related to national and international regulations concerning the notification and registration of radio frequencies used by radio devices located on board small satellites launched into low orbits around the Earth.
Objectives:The study was to analyze the concept of Responsive Space Systems alternative launch and set of the nanomicro satellites into Low Earth Orbit. The analysis focused on aircraft-rocket space systems, where platform for launching a rocket with a satellite is an aircraft.The aircraft in the role of the platform provides opportunities, system thus the operator doesn't need bases or space ports in European conditions. Methods: Analysis of the research area, focused on the review, critical analysis, evaluation of the available literature, resources. The work was supplemented with the results and recommendation of the research project recently carried out at the MUT. Results:Systems were presented in view of the war in Ukraine. Existing operational and currently designed systems were reviewed. Article evaluated the aerial-rocket systems for launching objects into the LEO in the context of the system's operational costs and capabilities, potential market and further military and civilian applications also the needs of the Polish Armed Forces. Combat aircraft and rocket kits based on decommissioned from PAF fighters were proposed and valuated. Conclusions:Implementation of system gives autonomy from countries or companies offering space services, possibility of mastering new capabilities of placing satellite systems for security&defense purposes. For the PAF, aircraft-rocket kits based on phased-out supersonic combat aircraft may be the start of the development and constructionof the national Responsive Space System. The country's scientific-industrial base has competence to design&build such a system. Polish Space Agency can act as an integrator of the system just as NASA did in the 1960s.
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Reliability and maintenance analysis of hydraulic positive machines basicly focused on the processes of their wear and failure. But in order to correctly assess the mechanical and volumetric efficiency of a hydraulic motor, both at the stage of development research or at the stage of control tests during its exploitation, the working volume of this motor must be correctly determined. Therefore this paper proposes a new method of assessment of the size of the working volume of a hydraulic motor. It has been shown that the hydraulic motor absorbency per one revolution of this motor shaft is a non-linear function of pressure drop in working mechanism of the motor and non-linear function of motor rotational speed. Thus the relation between the working volume of a hydraulic motor and the pressure drop in the motor working mechanism is a non-linear function. This working volume as a funcition of pressure drop has been called the actual working volume. The correctness of the proposed method was confirmed experimentally.
At present, the methods based on using linearized dynamical equations are applied for syn- thesis of an attitude control system of a satellite with nonlinear dynamics. Linearized equa- tions describe the satellite dynamics approximately, which is the main their disadvantage. This article shows that basing on the angular momentum theorem, the nonlinear dynamical equations of the satellite attitude control system can be represented in the form of linear differential equations with variable coefficients, which makes it possible to use engineering methods of stability analysis and analysis of transient quality in the process of synthesis of the satellite attitude control system.
This study investigates the concentration of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) using the data of field observation and MODISAqua imagery. The field observation data were retrieved by using a conventional method and processed using spectrometric analysis. This study covers the coastal and near land areas which have different levels of anthropogenic activity. The results showed that the coastal waters of Semarang with a high level of anthropogenic activity persistently show a concentration of chlorophyll a (chl-a) twice as large as Jepara coastal waters. This comparison value is obtained based on imagery and field data. Meanwhile, the ratio of chl-a field data in each region shows a value of ±5 times greater than the MODIS data. Field observation data shows a higher value than the MODISAqua imagery data. The use of imagery data can be employed as a method of monitoring the eutrophication process on the coast. On the basis of the chlorophyll a classification and field observations, the coastal water of Semarang are classified as eutropic waters and Jepara is categorized as mesotropic category. The classification results will be different if monitoring is carried out using the image data with a location far from the mainland, the Semarang waters are included in the mesotropic category (> 2 mg•m-3) and Jepara is included in the oligotropic water category (< 2 mg•m-3).
One of important problems in aerospace engineering is to determine the amount of fluid in the tank in a microgravity environment. There are several methods for doing it, however, there are no proven methods to quickly gauge the amount of propellant in a tank in low gravity conditions. New and more accurate methods of such a measurement are being continually searched for. One of interesting solutions is using Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) for this purpose. The article presents both numerical analysis and experimental test results using a spherical tank. The main purpose of the simulation was to determine the effect of the number of electrodes and noise signal level on the quality of reconstruction images. In numerical simulations, different models of dielectric permittivity distribution have been reconstructed. On the basis of numerical simulations, a 24-electrode sensor was designed and made. In experimental tests, different distribution of medium inside the spherical tank was investigated. The results show that the method can directly measure the mass of fuel in the tank, as well as it allows for a visualization of fuel distribution, independent of the tank position in space, and the liquid-propellant system will be used.
Istotnym problemem w inżynierii kosmicznej jest sposób określenia ilości paliwa w zbiorniku w środowisku mikrograwitacji. Istnieje kilka metod określania poziomu cieczy w zbiorniku, jednakże nie ma sprawdzonych metod szybkiego pomiaru ilości paliwa w zbiorniku, gdy znajduje się on w stanie niskiej grawitacji. Trwają poszukiwania nowych i dokładniejszych metod pomiaru. Jednym z ciekawszych rozwiązań jest zastosowanie Pojemnościowej Tomografii Komputerowej do określania poziomu paliwa lub utleniacza w zbiornikach rakiet i satelitów. Otrzymane wyniki, które przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem metod numerycznych oraz w warunkach grawitacji pokazują, że metoda może bezpośrednio mierzyć masę paliwa w zbiorniku, a także umożliwić wizualizację rozkładu paliwa, niezależnie od położenia zbiornika w przestrzeni i zastosowanego układu zasilania.
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Having a fleet of artificial satellites necessitates the construction of a system that will enable obtaining information on the situation in the Earth orbit (Space Situation Awareness - SSA). Such systems are built either as active radar systems or as passive optical systems. The automated system of optical observation and tracking of space objects (ASOPEK) consists of two optical systems (wide-angle and narrow-angle) and software enabling: detection of artificial satellites in the field of view of the system, identification of detected objects, updating the satellite database with unknown objects, updating orbits of observed objects. The ASOPEK system was created as part of a project financed by the National Center for Research and Development No. DOB-BIO7/25/02/2015.
Posiadanie floty sztucznych satelitów wymusza konieczność zbudowania systemu, dzięki któremu możliwe będzie pozyskiwanie informacji na temat sytuacji panującej na orbicie okołoziemskiej (ang. Space Situation Awareness - SSA ). Systemy takie budowane są albo jako aktywne systemy radarowe albo jako pasywne systemy optyczne. Zautomatyzowany system optycznej obserwacji i śledzenia obiektów w przestrzeni kosmicznej (ASOPEK) składa się z dwóch systemów optycznych (szerokokątnego oraz wąskokątnego) oraz oprogramowania umożliwiającego: wykrywanie sztucznych satelitów w polu widzenia systemu, identyfikację wykrytych obiektów, uaktualnianie bazy danych satelitów o obiekty nieznane, uaktualnianie orbit obserwowanych obiektów. System ASOPEK powstał w ramach projektu finansowanego przez NCBiR nr DOBBIO7/25/02/2015.
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Od momentu przystąpienia Polski do Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej, zainteresowanie krajowych firm i instytucji segmentem technik i systemów satelitarnych znacząco wzrosło. W niniejszym artykule opisano działania Instytutu Łączności – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego (IŁ) na tym polu na przestrzeni kilku ostatnich lat. Poszczególne części publikacji poświęcone są osobnym obszarom tematycznym podejmowanym przez IŁ, w tym: badaniom dostępności sygnałów GNSS na terenie Polski, standaryzacji i rozwojowi nowego systemu łączności na morzu VDES, pracom związanym z opracowaniem koncepcji polskiego satelity AIS/VDES oraz metrologii czasu.
Ever since Poland become a member of the European Space Agency, the involvement of Polish entities in the area of satellites systems and techniques has significantly increased. This article presents the recent activity of National Institute of Telecommunications (NIT) in this field. Every section of the paper is dedicated to a specific topic the NIT dealt with in the last few years, including: the measurements of the GNSS signal availability in Poland, the standardization and analysis of the novel maritime communication system VDES, feasibility study of the Polish AIS/VDES satellite and the metrology of time.
Artykuł opisuje propozycję systemu antenowego mikro-satelity dla łączności pomiędzy satelitą na orbicie a naziemną stacją kontrolną. System antenowy ma umożliwiać odbiór sygnału radiowego w paśmie S, wysyłanego do satelity z Ziemi (telekomendy sterujące pracą satelity) niezależnie od orientacji satelity względem Ziemi, W artykule zaproponowano wykorzystanie w tym celu systemu dwóch anten łatkowych umieszczonych na sąsiednich ściankach małego satelity. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji i pomiarów opracowanego modelu takiego systemu.
The paper describes a proposition of the antenna system of the micro-satellite, allowing to receive a radio signal from a ground control station (telecommands send to the satellite) in S band, regardless of the satellite orientation. The proposition of the use of two patch antennas placed on two satellite walls is described, and simulations and measurement results of realized model of such system is presented.
This paper deals with the case of a target satellite in an unknown orientation and location with respect to the master satellite. Feature based monocular pose estimation vision system was presented. The results of analysis, implementation and testing of simulation intended for vision-based navigation applications such as rendezvous of satellites and formation flying are shown. The mobile robot was used as the platform for the vision system. Pose estimation algorithms were implemented in Matlab environment. It was obtained that the proposed method is robust on varying and low light conditions.
Praca prezentuje wyniki otrzymane podczas symulowania zachowania satelity typu free-ftoating z wykorzystaniem metody odsprzęgania wejściowo-wyjściowego. Obiektem badań jest satelita bez napędu ze sztywnym manipulatorem o dwóch obrotowych stopniach swobody. W pracy rozważono przypadek płaski, gdy ruch satelity wykonywany jest w jednej płaszczyźnie. Ponadto, podczas modelowania dynamiki obiektu wykorzystano dwa różne podejścia. Pierwsze z nich jest standardowe, gdzie zarówno w jawny sposób występują równania satelity, jak i manipulatora. Natomiast drugie podejście tzw. "ze zwiniętą bazą" w efekcie daje równania dynamiki, gdzie w jawny sposób nie występują zmienne bazy. Porównanie otrzymanych wyników zostało szczegółowo omówione. Pokazano, że obydwa podejścia dają te same wyniki z dokładnością do błędów numerycznych i przyjętych założeń .
This work presents result acquired during simulation studies of a free-floating satellite behaviour with input-output decoupling approach. The research object is a free-floating satellite with 2 DoF rigid planar manipulator. In this work a planar movement was only investigated where satellite is moving only in a single plane. Moreover, during modelling dynamics of the object two approaches were implemented. First approach is a standard one where satellite's and manipulator's state is explicitly presents. While the second approach is called "with rolled base" which finally gives dynamics where base state is implicit. Comparison of the results was discussed in detail and it was shown that those two approaches give the same results to the nearest numerical errors and additional assumptions.
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