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Purpose: The main aim of the research presented in the article was to identify and categorize the main production waste generated in the textile and clothing industry and their impact on the environment in the context of sustainable development, along with presenting recycling as a solution to the problem of production waste. Nowadays, through newly emerging EU directives, growing population, and consumer lifestyles, and, consequently, the huge amount of waste generated, the waste problem will increase, and it will be increasingly important to look for new solutions to this problem. Design/methodology/approach: The research presented in the article used an analysis of the literature on the textile industry and its impact on the environment, along with an analysis of the generated textile waste in the concept of sustainable development. Findings: Textile and clothing industry is an important factor influencing the sustainable development of the economy both in the world and in Poland. In the light of the newly established EU directives, this will be a very important issue in the future, which will require urgent attention to this topic and finding optimal solutions in the context of sustainable development or the circular economy. Based on the report results, there has already been a significant change in the behavior and ecological awareness of Poles over recent years. Research limitations/implication: Future research will continue material recovery during physical and chemical recycling. Practical implications: The article presents a review of research on the diversity of waste from the textile and clothing industry in Poland, which shows the importance and scale of the problem and allows for further research on the management of the generated waste. The author also collected data from a nationwide report on Polish people approach to clothing recycling, which she presented in the article, but they require a broader and more detailed analysis. Originality/value: Based on the analysis of available literature, the article shows the scale of the problem, which is an urgent problem and an important future issue thanks to the new EU directives on sustainable development and the circular economy. Additionally, data was collected regarding a report on Poles' approach to recycling, which highlights the consumer trend in environmental protection.
Magister inżynier oraz inżynier inżynierii środowiska to zawody mocno związane z transformacją gospodarki i zapotrzebowaniem na rynku pracy. Na Wydziale Inżynierii Środowiska Politechniki Wrocławskiej rusza w tym roku zupełnie nowy kierunek – Neutralność Klimatyczna, kształcący specjalistów w dziedzinach obejmujących postępujące zmiany klimatu.
Do innowacji na dzisiejszym rynku opakowań należą osiągnięcia w dziedzinie zrównoważonego rozwoju iochrony środowiska. Dążymy do optymalizacji wykorzystania zasobów idomykania obiegu materiałów. Poprzez wykorzystanie materiałów odnawialnych, pochodzących z recyklingu inadających się do recyklingu. Wykorzystanie opakowań wielokrotnego użytku (zwłaszcza w transporcie). Redukcję masy opakowań wszędzie tam, gdzie to możliwe. Stosowanie elementów opakowania z jednorodnych materiałów, które są przedmiotem selektywnej zbiórki i są możliwe do poddania recyklingowi i in. Decydując się na eliminację lub wdrażanie innowacji w opakowaniach, należy przede wszystkim zwrócić uwagę na funkcję ochronną opakowania. Ochrona środka spożywczego odgrywa kluczową rolę w ograniczeniu wpływu środowiskowego w cyklu życia pakowanego towaru, bowiem całkowity ślad węglowy produktu żywnościowego jest przeważnie znacznie wyższy niż opakowania. Opakowanie zrównoważone zgodne z zasadami projektowania środowiskowego to nie ciekawostka, ani moda, tylko konieczność coraz to szerzej regulowana prawnie.
Innovations in today’s packaging market include achievements in the field of sustainable development and environmental protection. We strive to optimize the use of resources and close the material cycle. By using renewable, recycled and recyclable materials. Use of reusable packaging (especially in transport). Reducing the weight of packaging wherever possible. Using packaging elements made of homogeneous materials that are subject to selective collection and can be recycled, etc. When deciding to eliminate or implement innovations in packaging, you should first of all pay attention to the protective function of the packaging. Food protection plays akey role in reducing the environmental impact during the life cycle of packaged goods, because the total carbon footprint of afood product is usually much higher than that of its packaging. Sustainable packaging in line with the principles of environmental design is not afashion, but anecessity that is increasingly regulated by law.
Zaprojektowano ekstraktor (40 L) do pozyskiwania polifenoli i flawonoidów z kory dębu (Quercus robur L.) za pomocą wody w warunkach podkrytycznych. Aktywność antyoksydacyjną oceniano metodą zmiatania rodnika 2,2-difenylo-1-pikrylohydrazylowego DPPH. Do analizy ekstraktów wykorzystano spektrofotometrię UV-Vis. Stwierdzono istotną korelację między temperaturą procesu a jakością ekstraktu. Zarówno całkowita zawartość polifenoli i flawonoidów, jak i aktywność antyoksydacyjna wzrastały wraz ze wzrostem temp. odpowiednio do 117,2°C, 116,5°C i 123,2°C. Dalszy wzrost temperatury powodował pogorszenie jakości ekstraktu. Doświadczenia prowadzono wg planu Boksa i Behnkena.
An extn. cell (40 L) was designed for obtaining polyphenols and flavonoids from bark of oak (Quercus robur L.) with water under subcrit. conditions. The antioxidant activity was assessed by using a 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging method. The UV-Vis spectrophotometry was used for anal. of the exts. A high correlation between process temp. and ext. quality was found. Both total contents of polyphenols and flavonoids as well as the antioxidant activity increased with increasing temp. up to 117.2°C, 116.5°C, and 123.2°C, resp. Further increase in temp. resulted in deterioration of the ext. quality. The expts. were carried out according to the Box-Behnken method.
Z myślą o ochronie zasobów naszej planety sieć „Biedronka” wdrożyła innowacyjny na polskim rynku projekt zamykania obiegu opakowań tekturowych. Dzięki temu ratuje rocznie przed wycinką prawie 200 drzew. To ważne, bowiem globalny wzrost liczby ludności (15 listopada 2022 r. urodził się 8-miliardowy mieszkaniec naszej planety) wiąże się z większą presją na środowisko naturalne. Przy ograniczonych surowcach i zasobach naturalnych, koniecznie jest mądre gospodarowanie nimi. Tymczasem, według danych z raportu Circular Gap Report 2023, ponad 90% surowców jest marnowane, bo wiele gospodarek wciąż opiera się na schemacie: wyprodukuj - zużyj - wyrzuć.
W artykule zostaną przedstawione prawnośrodowiskowe aspekty zagospodarowania wybranych materiałów odpadowych i ich wykorzystania jako składnika materiałów budowlanych. Jako przykład zostanie przestawione wtórne wykorzystanie materiałów termoplastycznych ze strumienia odpadów komunalnych lub przemysłowych. Część z tych odpadów była poddawana procesom uzdatniania i jest stosowana jako paliwo alternatywne. W proponowanym rozwiązaniu tworzywa termoplastyczne wykorzystuje się jako spoiwo do różnego rodzaju kruszyw. W wyniku formowania takich mieszanek można otrzymywać elementy infrastruktury budowlanej w postaci kostek brukowych, płytek chodnikowych itp.
The article presents legal and environmental aspects of the management of selected waste materials and their use as a component of building materials. As an example, the secondary use of thermoplastic materials from the municipal or industrial waste stream will be presented. Some of this waste was subjected to treatment processes and was used as an alternative fuel. In the proposed solution, thermoplastics are used as a binder for various types of aggregates. As a result of forming such mixtures, elements of construction infrastructure can be obtained in the form of paving stones, paving tiles, etc.
Sektor budowlany, a szczególnie produkcja tak powszechnie stosowanego materiału, jakim jest beton, wymaga wdrażania rozwiązań pozwalających na ograniczenie śladu węglowego. Jest to możliwe m.in. przez zastąpienie grubego kruszywa naturalnego materiałami wtórnymi. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań cech wytrzymałościowych betonu, w którym kruszywo granitowe zastąpiono kruszywem recyklingowym, pochodzącym z rozkruszenia ceramicznych elementów armatury sanitarnej.
The construction sector, especially the production of such a commonly used material as concrete, requires the implementation of solutions that reduce the carbon footprint. This is possible, among other things, by replacing coarse natural aggregate with secondary materials. The article presents the results of testing the strength characteristics of concrete, which the granite aggregate was replaced with recycled aggregate originating from the crushing of ceramic elements of sanitary fittings.
Autorzy przedstawili ideę gospodarki cyrkularnej w odniesieniu do budownictwa drogowego, wskazali aktualne kierunki wykorzystania materiałów z recyklingu w inwestycjach drogowych. Zaprezentowane wyniki analizy dotyczącej programu odzyskiwania materiałów rozbiórkowych miasta Płocka (Polska) pod kątem spójności z założeniami gospodarki cyrkularnej potwierdzają możliwości wykorzystania elementów starych konstrukcji drogowych.
The authors presented the idea of circular economy in relation to road construction, pointed out current trends in the use of recycled materials in road investments. The presented results of the analysis on the program of recovery of demolition materials of the city of Płock (Poland) in terms of consistency with the assumptions of the circular economy, confirm the potential for the use of elements of old road structures.
The paper presents experimental results on the effectiveness of forward osmosis (FO) for the recovery and concentration of cationic surfactants (quaternary ammonium salts) from solutions with a wide range of concentrations (50-1000 mg/L). The membrane process ensured an almost 100% separation of cationic surfactants and an effective concentration of the solution components without a leakage into the receiving solution. It has been shown that FO is a membrane technique that allows achieving the goals of a circular economy through an effective concentration and recovery of the compounds and water from the purified solutions.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących skuteczności osmozy prostej (FO) do odzyskiwania i zatężania kationowych substancji powierzchniowo czynnych (czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych) z roztworów o szerokim zakresie stężeń (50-1000 mg/L). Proces membranowy zapewniał niemal 100% separację kationowych substancji powierzchniowo czynnych oraz skuteczne zatężenie składników roztworu bez ich przecieku do roztworu odbierającego. Wykazano, że FO jest techniką membranową pozwalająca na osiągnięcie celów gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, poprzez skuteczne zatężanie oraz odzyskiwanie składników oczyszczanego roztworu i wody.
Globalne wyczerpywanie się zasobów nieodnawialnych i zmiany klimatyczne skłoniły naukowców i polityków do zmiany w podejściu do prowadzenia nowoczesnej gospodarki. Najlepszą opcją wydaje się obecnie GOZ. Nie ma jednak uzgodnionej globalnej wizji, w jaki sposób zamknąć obieg.
Recykling chemiczny to zbiorcza nazwa dla kilku obiecujących technologii (m.in. pirolizy, zgazowania, solwolizy). Zainteresowanie tymi technologiami wzrosło w ostatnich latach, gdy umocnił się globalny trend w kierunku zrównoważonej i cyrkularnej gospodarki.
Tegoroczny raport Plastics Europe „Tworzywa sztuczne w obiegu zamkniętym – analiza sytuacji w Europie” pozwala jeszcze lepiej zrozumieć gospodarkę tworzyw sztucznych o obiegu zamkniętym i zmiany, jakie się dokonały na przestrzeni ostatnich lat. Nowe dane wskazują, że choć cyrkularność systemu tworzyw sztucznych przyspiesza, to wciąż jest dużo do zrobienia.
This article addresses the issue of circular public procurement within the circular economy. The aim of the article is to investigate the relationship between awarding circular public procurements (CPPs) by local government units (LGUs) and the local context indicators, such as legally protected areas, level of income, expenditure or deficit per inhabitant, type of LGUs or model of LGUs management. The theoretical part approaches issues such as LGUs’ practice of awarding CPPs, and the problems associated with circular tenders’ criteria. The conducted empirical study revealed the potential of Polish LGUs for the circular economy, in the field of CPP. However, the results of the survey demonstrated that CPPs based on environmental, social, and economic award criteria, are a myth, not reality. LGUs have very strong purchasing power which may be used to support transformation toward a circular economy. The concluding part highlighted the need for minimum mandatory CPP awarding criteria.
W artykule poruszono problematykę cyrkularnych zamówień publicznych w ramach gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym. Celem artykułu było zweryfikowanie związku pomiędzy udzielanymi przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego zamówieniami publicznymi o obiegu zamkniętym, a kontekstem lokalnym tj. warunkami otoczenia w jakim działają jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. W części teoretycznej poruszane są takie zagadnienia jak praktyka samorządów w zakresie udzielania zamówień publicznych o obiegu zamkniętym oraz problemy związane z kryteriami udzielania zamówień publicznych o obiegu zamkniętym. Przeprowadzone badanie empiryczne ujawniło potencjał polskich jednostek samorządu terytorialnego dla gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, w obszarze zamówień publicznych o obiegu zamkniętym. Wyniki badania ankietowego wykazały jednak, że zamówienia publiczne o obiegu zamkniętym oparte na środowiskowych, społecznych i gospodarczych kryteriach oceny ofert, to mit, a nie rzeczywistość. Jednostki samorządu terytorialnego posiadającą bardzo dużą siłę nabywczą, którą można wykorzystać do wspierania transformacji w kierunku gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym. W końcowej części podkreślono potrzebę wprowadzenia na szczeblu unijnym minimalnych obowiązkowych cyrkularnych kryteriów oceny ofert w zamówień publicznych.
Purpose: Changes taking place in the modern world, caused by the depletion of natural resources, and the resulting need to search for such production methods that lead to the minimisation of extraction and processing of primary raw materials, point to the need for a paradigm shift in business towards the implementation of closed material cycles. The aim of this article is to assess the extent to which Silesian enterprises are implementing initiatives related to the implementation of a circular economy with the use of the ReSOLVE model, a research framework that facilitates an overview and mapping of activities that form the basis for building circular business models. Design/methodology/approach: The study covered companies of different sizes (both SMEs and large entities) which operate in the Silesian Voivodeship. A non-probabilistic and purposive sample was selected, which ultimately included 36 companies (25 SMEs and 11 large companies). Findings: The study shows that the surveyed SMEs are much more active (when compared to large enterprises) in taking measures that, according to the ReSOLVE model, fall into the categories of Regenerate and Share. In turn, the advantages of large enterprises relate to, among other things, designing products to ensure their longer life cycle, reducing waste production and using systems/equipment that optimise resource consumption, recovering raw materials, implementing virtual services, and upgrading existing or using new technological solutions. In relation to large enterprises, the respondents indicated legal barriers as the most important, while in the SME group, market barriers, including in particular higher costs associated with the production of circular products, were mentioned. Originality/value: The study results presented in the article complement the previous literature on strategic directions, barriers and benefits while building circular business models. The key scientific contribution of the article is to confirm, in the reality of the Polish economy, the usefulness of the ReSOLVE model for identifying activities related to the implementation of a circular economy at the organizational level.
Purpose: The aim of this research is to analyze level of pro-environmental communication activities including the aspect of the circular economy concept in non-financial reports of packaging producers required to report environmental issues (group 1) and compare them to packaging producers which do not have to presents environmental aspects (group 2). Design/methodology/approach: This research uses the text analysis method. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was carried out. The information source in this aspect are non-financial report of paper and plastics producers (30 organizations). All reports were obtained from the National Court Register and cover the years 2019-2021. Statistical analyzes were also performed using the Shapiro - Wilk and U Mann Whitney tests to examine the distribution of variables and the significance of differences between the studied groups. Findings: The quantitative analysis of reports showed that the most of organizations in first group communicated environmental aspects in their reports. Despite the fact that second group do not have obligation to do it there were still some organizations which include these aspects in reports. Statistical analysis did not show any significant differences between the surveyed groups. Qualitative analysis showed that despite the fact that environmental aspects are taken into account in the reports, are treated superficially, and the level of communication in both groups was low and mostly concerned general statements or individual actions. Specified actions or their effects were rarely shown. Descriptive analysis showed that these organizations particularly do not communicate their commitment to circular economy concept. Research limitations/implications: Some limitations were identified in this study, i.e., lack of uniform reporting requirements or problems with reports content verification. Producers were presenting environmental aspects in general way. The law requires a minimum scope of data reporting and what elements will be included depends only on the organization. Originality/value: The article presents the packaging industry in terms of non-financial disclosures communication. No other studies in this field have been identified on such a research group. Also, there no studies have been found include organizations with no obligation to report. Article concentrate on aspects connected with environment but also relatively new circular economy concept.
Purpose: Circular economy affects the need for changes in the area of packaging in e-commerce. The article demonstrates the results of the research conducted in the field of expectations regarding the features of the packaging already present on the e-commerce market in accordance with the circular economy model as well as those concerning the online buyers’ expectations regarding the parameters of packaging currently available and planned to be introduced - reusable unit packaging. Design/methodology/approach: A review of the selected literature enabled the depiction of the essence of the circular economy and its implications for the functioning of packaging in e-commerce. Own research was conducted using the survey method - the questionnaire in an electronic form was made available from 04 May to 26 June 2021. 1213 respondents from all over the country took part in the survey. Findings: Effective implementation of circular economy entails the introduction of modifications in each link of the supply chain - including packaging used in e-commerce and reverse logistics, i.e., employment of returnable packaging. This will require the cooperation of product manufacturers with packaging producers, logistics operators and transport companies servicing the last mile, and consequently the creation of new business models in supply chains that require close cooperation in the handling of returnable unit packaging. Research limitations/implications: Since the selection of the sample for the study was non¬random - the snowball method was used, the study itself is unrepresentative and the results cannot be generalized to the entire population of Poland. Research on the implementation of returnable unit packaging in e-commerce should be continued in the light of the circular economy requirements. Practical implications: Study results enable the indication of the features of the returnable unit packaging in e-commerce indicated as important by the respondents, mainly: the material of the packaging (degradable, biodegradable or recyclable); reusability; protection against external factors (including unauthorized opening); packaging size that corresponds to the size of the product; how the product is packaged and the type of closure (e.g. ease of opening); resilience. The respondents see the need to introduce returnable packaging in e-commerce. Social implications: The new social (influence on customer behavior to return packaging) and institutional (redesign of supply chains to improve reverse logistics) conditions will be required to introduce the returnable unit packaging in e-commerce, but then it may contribute to e.g., waste and carbon footprint reduction. Originality/value: The article draws attention to a very narrow section of the circular economy model which covers the reusable unit packaging that can be used in e-commerce (to reduce the scale of packaging waste production in Poland/Europe). The results of the research may be cognitively interesting for the entities that operate on the e-commerce market - both producers of goods and logistics operators.
Purpose: The purpose of the publication was to present the opportunities offered by the implementation of Cleaner Production projects in terms of improving the efficiency of supply chains, in accordance with the principles of transformation to the circular model, and to review indicators characterizing green supply chains, indicating the direction of further, in-depth research in a given area. Methodology: Fourteen entities that implemented implementation projects under the Cleaner Production Academy were analyzed. On this basis, the degree of adaptation of selected enterprises to functioning in the circular model in such areas as transport, reverse logistics, cooperation, and eco-design was discussed. The economic account related to the above was balanced. implementations, then the results of the projects were summarized in the form of economic, environmental, and social indicators. Findings: Confrontation of the ways of implementing changes in the area of improving the efficiency of the functioning of the supply chains of the analyzed companies with the effects that have been achieved, showed the greatest commitment to projects reducing material losses and reducing the costs of internal logistics. The least involvement was found in the area of activities such as establishing cooperation with other companies or developing the service sphere. Research implications: Further research should focus on an in-depth analysis of examples of good practice in the area of cooperation and development of services for companies taking action to improve the efficiency of supply chains. Enterprises have a chance to significantly reduce costs and improve the environmental effect through activities in this area, which should be confirmed by examples of implementations. Practical implications: The analysis of the indicators suggested in the literature related to the transformation of supply chains towards closing the loops indicates the need to create standards that, on the one hand, will enable verification of the effects of implementations implemented as part of Cleaner Production projects, and on the other hand - will constitute know-how for companies. These activities, so far rarely undertaken by companies, are generally low-cost and probably enable achieving very good economic effects in the long term, which should be checked.Social implications: The development of activities in the social area by companies in the field of development of the service base and cooperation will have an impact on other indicators (economic and environmental), which is indicated by numerous examples of effects in this area in the world literature. Originality: The article takes a very important direction of further research in the area of know-how for taking actions aimed at closing supply chains. The authors look for the most universal indicators and pay attention to the need for their mutual complementation. The collected material is the starting point for further in-depth analyses.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest sektor wodny w gospodarce o obiegu zamkniętym, głównie w odniesieniu do krajowych uwarunkowań i potrzeb. Odniesiono się do ogólnych założeń i zasad w tym zakresie oraz do krajowych uwarunkowań i potrzeb na tle historycznej perspektywy rozwoju gospodarki wodnej.
The subject of the article is the water sector in the circular economy, mainly in relation to national conditions and needs. Reference was made to general assumptions and principles in this area as well as to national conditions and needs against the background of the historical perspective of the development of water management.
A problem concerning a topic discussed in the public domain for many years. Presentation of its advantages and possibilities that create appropriate attributes for its publications. Despite the fact that there are people with whom they have a problem understanding this concept. It is a word heard but not fully understood by society. The cited document discusses the concept and scope of application, as well as its application and the impact of safety under the concept of ecological safety on its operation.
Problem recyklingu to temat poruszany w zakresie publicznym od wielu lat. Przedstawianie jego zalet i możliwości, które stwarza, jest tematem wielu zarówno naukowych, jak popularnych publikacji. Jednakże nieustannie pojawiają się wątpliwości związane przede wszystkim ze zdefiniowaniem tego pojęcia. Jest to słowo szeroko używane, ale nie do końca zrozumiane przez społeczeństwo. W poniższym artykule zostało omówione pojęcie i zakres recyklingu, a także jego zastosowanie oraz wpływ bezpieczeństwa pod kątem bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego na jego funkcjonowanie.
The paper presents road project issues in terms of environmental and cost analyses. Comprehensive assessment of the environmental and economic performance of engineering structures is based on quantitative environmental and economic information and draws on the results of life cycle assessment, life cycle cost and whole-life cost (WLC) analyses. The paper highlights the issue of the potential environmental impact of materials used in road construction, including those derived from the recycling process, in the context of life cycle assessment (LCA). The paper also outlines the requirements of a circular economy for the management of such materials. Attention was drawn to LCA as an important tool for obtaining comprehensive information on the environmental impact of the materials under study. Another element addressed in the paper is the topic of assessing the cost-effectiveness of road infrastructure. Attention was given to the total cost concept and the principle of cost interdependence. The problem of costs and benefits of road projects is described using the LCCA as an example. Keywords
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia inwestycji drogowych w aspekcie analiz środowiskowych oraz kosztowych. Kompleksowa ocena środowiskowych i ekonomicznych parametrów obiektów inżynieryjnych, opiera się na ilościowych informacjach środowiskowych i ekonomicznych oraz bazuje na wynikach analizInstoceny cyklu życia, kosztach cyklu życia oraz kosztach całego życia (WLC). W artykule zwrócono uwagę na problem potencjalnego wpływu na środowisko materiałów wykorzystywanych w budownictwie drogowym, pochodzących m.in. z procesu recyklingu, w kontekście oceny cyklu życia produktu (ang. Life Cycle Assessment, LCA). W pracy przedstawiono również wymagania gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym (ang. Circular Economy) gospodarowania tego rodzaju materiałami. Zwrócono uwagę na analizę LCA, jako istotne narzędzie, umożliwiające pozyskanie kompletnych informacji o wpływie badanych materiałów na środowisko. Kolejnym elementem poruszonym w artykule jest temat oceny efektywności kosztów infrastruktury drogowej. Zwrócono uwagę na koncepcję kosztów całkowitych i zasadę współzależności kosztów. Opisano problem kosztów i korzyści inwestycji drogowych na przykładzie LCCA.
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