W artykule przedstawiono wybrane etapy procesu oceny stanu technicznego jednego z budynków dawnego szpitala żydowskiego (Israelitische Krankenhaus), a później Szpitala Kolejowego we Wrocławiu, przeprowadzonego w związku z opracowywaniem kompleksowego projektu adaptacji budynków poszpitalnych do celów mieszkaniowych. Obiekt, które podlegał ocenie, to budynek dawnego oddziału zakaźnego (Infectionsbaracke), pochodzący z ok. 1902 r. W procesie diagnostycznym przeprowadzono analizę dostępnej dokumentacji historycznej, skanowanie 3D całości obiektu oraz klasyczną inwentaryzację architektoniczno-budowlaną, wykonano szereg odkrywek zasadniczych elementów konstrukcyjnych budynku oraz fundamentów, sprawdzono ich nośność dla projektowanych warunków obciążeń, określono także warunki wykonania głębokiego wykopu w sąsiedztwie budynku.
The article presents selected stages of the process of assessing the technical condition of one of the buildings of the former Jewish Hospital (Israelitische Krankenhaus), and later the Railway Hospital in Wrocław, carried out in connection with the development of a comprehensive project of adapting post-hospital buildings for residential purposes. The object that was assessed is the building of the former infectious diseases ward (Infectionsbaracke), dating from around 1902. In the diagnostic process, an analysis of the available historical documentation was carried out, 3D scanning of the entire facility and a classic architectural and construction inventory, a number of excavations of the basic structural elements of the building and foundations were made, their load-bearing capacity was checked for the designed load conditions, conditions for the execution of a deep excavation in the vicinity building were also determined.
Finding a suitable method of 3D model creation for a specific task is becoming more important with the rapid spread of digitalization. This paper deals with the use of 3D scanning as a method of creating 3D models for immersive virtual reality applications. A methodology is presented that covers all the steps, from initial object selection to importing a scanned 3D model into a virtual reality environment. Various objects were selected and scanned to test this methodology and its utilization potential. Finally, the paper evaluates the potential utilization of this methodology for immersive virtual reality applications for education and various methods of industrial engineering.
Artykuł dotyczy automatyzacji procesu usuwania wad wlewków. Celem pracy było opracowanie metodyki automatycznego rozpoznawania wad wlewków. W tym celu wykonano pomniejszony model wlewka hutniczego z wadami (za pomocą skanowania 3D i metod wytwarzania przyrostowego), opracowano metodykę akwizycji i wstępnej obróbki obrazu powierzchni wlewka, opracowano algorytm wykrywania wad wlewka, który wykorzystywał funkcję erozji i dylatacji przy pomocy trójwymiarowego elementu strukturalnego w celu stworzenia gradientu morfologicznego. Ostatnim etapem było opracowanie algorytmów sterowania ramieniem robota w celu zaznaczenia wykrytych wad na powierzchni modelu wlewka.
The paper presents automatization process of ingots faults elimination. The maim goal was : elaboration of automatic identification method for ingots faults. In order to realize it a reduced model of metallurgical ingot with faults (by means of 3D scanning and additive production) was carried out. A method of canvassing and initial treatment of ingot surface picture was elaborated. An algorithm for detection of ingots faults which apply the erosion and dilation functions by means of three-dimensional structure element in order to create morphological gradient was elaborated. Elaboration of algorithms for steering of the robot showing detected faults at ingots surface was elaborated finally
Artykuł przedstawia problem doboru rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych w przypadku prac remontowych prowadzonych w obiektach zabytkowych. Problem ten przedstawiono na przykładzie sanatorium „Książę Józef” w Nałęczowie. Autor prezentuje budynek i jego historię, wyniki inwentaryzacji budowlanej i konstrukcyjnej wraz z wynikami badań i obliczeń. Podaje też konkluzje dotyczące niezbędnych działań naprawczych. Działania te zestawia z wymaganiami konserwatora zabytków, które należało skonfrontować z oczekiwaniami inwestora i warunkami projektowania bezpiecznej konstrukcji. Na koniec pokazuje zastosowane rozwiązania wzmocnienia stropów drewnianych i więźby dachowej, zgodne z wymaganiami konserwatora zabytków.
The article presents the problem of selecting construction solutions in the case of renovation works carried out in historic buildings. This problem was presented on the example of the „Książę Józef” sanatorium in Nałęczów. The author presents the building and its history, the results of the building and construction inventory along with the results of calculation tests and provides conclusions regarding necessary corrective actions. He puts together these activities with the requirements of the office for protection of historical monuments, which had to be confronted with the investor’s expectations and the conditions for designing a safe structure. Finally, it shows the solutions used to strengthen wooden ceilings and roof trusses, in accordance with the requirements of the office for protection of historical monuments.
Thermal insulation may be influenced by the size of clothing and thus the volume of air gaps. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the size of outer wear clothing, and thus the indirect fit (the volume and size of air gaps), and thermal insulation in static and dynamic conditions. A set of underwear and two types of outerwear for workers of the energy sector and the chemical industry were selected for the study. Results showed that the value of thermal insulation (regardless of the type of outerwear) first increased with increasing clothing size.
Inwentaryzacja obiektu budowlanego jest jedną z podstawowych czynności w istniejących obiektach budowlanych i odnosi się do wykonywania pomiarów oraz określenia i weryfikacji stanu technicznego elementów konstrukcyjnych w obiekcie. W inwentaryzowaniu istniejących obiektów budowlanych i odzwierciedleniu ich rzeczywistej geometrii ważny jest czas niezbędny do zgromadzenia danych o obiekcie i precyzja wykonania pomiarów. Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat techniki pomiarów i narzędzia wykorzystywane w trakcie inwentaryzacji znacznie ewoluowały. Stosowane nowoczesne i innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne pozwalają na szybsze i precyzyjniejsze gromadzenie dużych zbiorów informacji. Zastosowanie skanera laserowego pracującego w technologii 3D do gromadzenia danych przestrzennych może rozwiązać problem niskiej precyzji pomiaru wykonywanego w sposób tradycyjny (tj. manualny) lub poprawić łatwość i wydajność wykonywanych pomiarów.
An inventory of a building is one of the basic activities in existing buildings and refers to taking measurements and determining and verifying the technical condition of structural elements in the building. In making an inventory of an existing building and reflecting its actual geometry, the time required to collect data about the building and the precision of the measurements are important. Over the last few years, the measurement techniques and tools used during inventories have evolved considerably. The modern and innovative technological solutions used allow for a faster and more precise collection of large sets of information. The use of a laser scanner, working in 3D technology for the collection of spatial data, can solve the problem of low precision of measurements taken in the traditional way (i.e. manually) or improve the ease and efficiency of the measurements performed.
The publication covers the complex process of analyzing the accuracy of mapping models produced in AM (Additive Manufacturing) processes with a thermoplastic material – FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) and polymerization of light-curing resin – PolyJet. The research was conducted with the use of an advanced optical measuring system – the GOM Atos 3D scanner. The part selected for the research in question was the water pump body as a representative example of an element with adequate dimensional and shape conditions (high degree of folding and geometric differentiation) allowing, based on the results of coordinate measurements determined in the research process, to define the potential area of application of AM models made of thermoplastic material and resin hardened with UV light. The performed tests showed the accuracy of individual AM methods at a level within the range declared by machine manufacturers. However, the PolyJet body is characterized by a much higher accuracy of the shape mapping compared to the FFF body. The dimensional accuracy is also higher for the resin model in relation to the thermoplastic model, which results primarily from the thickness of the elementary layer of the model material applied by the printing module defined for individual incremental processes – 16 μm for RGD 720 and 0.2 mm for ABS. Detailed elaboration and analysis of the research results are presented in this publication.
The purpose of the undertaken research work is to analyze the torsional strength of standard samples with a circular cross-section, produced additively using the SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) technique – sintering PA2200 polyamide powders. The studies conducted so far have not included a static torsion test, the results of which are crucial for parts such as machine shafts, hubs, couplings, etc. Hence the idea of conducting the research in question. The samples were made in different settings relative to the machine's working platform and subjected to post-processing in two variants – by water-soaking and furnace-heating – in order to determine the influence of the orientation of the model in the manufacturing process and the type of post-processing on torsional strength. The produced samples were additionally subjected to a preliminary dimensional and shape verification due to the significant impact of the accuracy of the models in the SLS process on the operation of the above-mentioned machine parts. Based on the analysis of the test results, it was found that the highest torsional strength was determined for the furnace-heated samples. In addition, the highest mapping accuracy was found for models positioned vertically in relation to the machine's working platform.
This paper investigates the effect of additive manufacturing parameters on the manufacturing quality of selected gear mechanism components. Three input variables, and two output variables were determined. The result was the determination of the most optimal combination of key parameters and the determination of regression equations. The concept of manufacturing objects of a very complex shape, by any person, under various conditions through the use of a low-cost device became the basis for this thesis topic. Curing time, layer thickness, and lift speed are among the basic parameters, with a large range of manipulation. A hypothesis was formulated that these three parameters are crucial to produce a part with the smallest possible deviations from the computer model. A handheld scanner was used to scan the samples and compare them with the CAD model. Based on the study, optimal parameters for layer thickness, curing time and lift speed were proposed.
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This paper is concerned with the possibility of applying modern non-contact methods for assessing the wear as a result of tribological interaction between working bodies and the soil. An original method for wear testing using the test space discretization based on the 3D scanning technology was employed. A localized volumetric wear coefficient was proposed, allowing for wear analysis and improving the accuracy of the Holm-Archard model. The coefficient of local volumetric wear shows the influence of the nominal shape and the slip trajectory of the abrasive particle along the elementary surface on the intensity of wear. At local volumetric wear coefficient > 0.3, this factor determines the intensity of surface wear. Volumetric wear characteristics are the basis for prediction of wear consequences for different materials and techniques of reinforcement of working surfaces, subject to intensive wear in abrasive soil mass. The reliability of the study is confirmed by the comparison with the mass method for wear assessment and the results of the application of the proposed method for different conditions of abrasive wear of operating parts.
A specified weight-cutting system for irregular solid materials such as rubber is important for industrial engineering. Currently, the workers’ experience is used, which has low accuracy and efficiency. A specified weight cutting system for irregular solid material based on 3D scanning is proposed in this paper, which aims to overcome the inaccuracy and inefficiency of the manual cutting process. Firstly, the surface of the irregular solid material is scanned by a tracking 3D laser scanner, and a triangular mesh file is generated. Secondly, the defects of the 3D model are repaired by reverse engineering, and then the 3D model file of the irregular objects is generated. Finally, the cutting position of the specified weight solid material is calculated by the calculation algorithm in UG software. In short, this research creates a new method for processing data collected by the 3D scanner, by working jointly with multiple devices and software, facilitating the cutting of irregular solid materials with specified weights. Additionally, the system has the advantage of accuracy and efficiency over the experience of workers.
W pracy zostały przedstawione i opisane kolejne etapy procesu projektowego, z zastosowaniem inżynierii odwrotnej – od akwizycji aż do wytworzenia prototypu. Model bryłowy opracowano w programie Geomagic Design X, na podstawie skanów 3D. Modele przygotowano również do druku z wykorzystaniem dwóch technologii – FDM i SLA. Dokonano również weryfikacji opracowanych modeli na podstawie porównania z wymiarami obiektu rzeczywistego oraz wydrukowanych prototypów.
Design stages using modern reverse engineering methods Abstract: This work presents and describes the successive stages of the design process, with the use of reverse engineering - from acquisition to prototype production. The solid model was developed in the Geomagic Design X program, based on 3D scans. The models were also prepared for printing using two technologies - FDM and SLA. The developed models were eventually verified on the basis of comparison with the dimensions of the real object and printed prototypes.
Counteracting the social and educational exclusion of visually impaired people is an important issue in the area of knowledge transfer, also in the area of cultural heritage. Visually impaired people get to know the world in an organoleptic way, where the leading cognitive factor is touch. This type of cognitive method cannot be used in museology and historical architecture. Current attempts to solve this problem lead to the use of additive technology understood as 3D printing. The paper presents a modified procedure for obtaining digital 3D models with the use of Autodesk Inventor version 2021, dedicated to creating scalable replicas of architectural objects using additive technology. The applied procedure uses the decomposition of the object into its components and the acquisition of data from terrestrial 3D laser scanning (FARO Focus 3D scanner, Faro Scene software). Printing in the Fused Filament Fabrication technology of a designed minaret representing the architecture of the Timuridian period (minaret of the Ulugh Beg Madrasa in Samarkand, Uzbekistan), originating from the Silk Road area, was carried out due to the size of the facility, divided into several parts. The obtained replica of the minaret was presented to people with simulated pattern dysfunction and tested in a pilot test. The obtained results confirmed that the decomposition of the object for the purposes of 3D modelling, the diversified scaling of individual elements to make real 3D replicas of the digital model facilitated the kinesthetic recognition of the relevant architectural object for the respondents.
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Increase of automation and autonomy of production is the latest trend incorporated into Industry 4.0 objectives. Production autonomy is very desirable in the field of damaged parts replacement. To fulfill this goal numerous reverse engineering systems have been developed that support geometry recognition from the 3D scan data. This study is focused on converting non-parametric geometry representation of shaft-type elements into a CAD model with a rebuilt feature tree. Algorithms are based on the analysis of parallel cross-sections. The proposed system is also capable of identification of additional geometric features typical for 2.5 axes milling such as pockets, islands and outer walls. The proposed algorithms are optimized to increase efficiency of the process. Initial identification parameters are selected with respect to defined criteria, e.g., identification accuracy, computing power and scanning accuracy. Described algorithms can be implemented in reverse engineering systems.
Modern 3D scanners can measure the geometry with high accuracy and within a short time. In turn, currently produced CNC machine tools allow for very accurate manufacturing; however, processes beyond the machining cycle remain time-consuming. This paper presents the idea and experimental tests of the scanning system in the CNC machine, which allows to speed up on-machine measurements, align clouds of 3D data points with an accuracy close to that of the machine itself, and finally set the workpiece coordinate system for machining. This modern approach is in line with Industry 4.0, combining the terms of data processing, machine vision, manufacturing automation, and human-machine interfaces. The future implementation of the proposed system as an interchangeable tool will allow performing autonomous measurements, inspection, and supervision of the workspace, without engaging the machine operator. The system calibration and experimental results using the industrial 3D scanner and CNC machine are described.
The air gaps underneath clothing have a great influence on the thermal regulation of the human body. The distribution of the air gaps depends on the shape of the human body as well as on clothing style, fit, and deformation properties. This paper reports on the influence of clothing fit on thermophysiological parameters of the human body through thermal simulation. Four different fits of jacket and a test person were considered for the investigation and for simulation purposes. The results of the simulation concluded that different thermal regulations of the human body were exhibited for different fits of the jacket, which is due to distinct air gaps between the human body and clothing for each fit of the jacket. This research work presents a fast method to predict the influence of clothing fit on thermal comfort, which is usually studied by a time-consuming, laborious method – the wear trial.
The paper presents and sums up the research and technical aspects of the modernization of the cutting tool of the dredger. Improper adjustment of the cutting elements not adjusted to the characteristics of excavated material is not an uncommon situation, causing versatile geological conditions. Relocation of the machines from one pit to another may result in the significant influence on the excavation process (wear, output, etc.). Common practice is the field try and error approach to obtain desired machine performance. In the paper authors present the approach with aid of cutting-edge technologies. Coupled DEM and kinematic simulations supported by the reverse engineering technologies of laser scanning were the fundamental drivers for final adjustments of the cutting tool at its present operational conditions.
This article presents the significance of laser scanning as a method of acquiring spatial data and the significance of this method during the process of survey of historic monuments. The authors of the paper focus on the survey of the postern located under the eastern slope of the Kłodzko Fortress and connecting the town with the upper levels of the fortification. With the use of laser scanning, a three-dimensional image of the postern was obtained. Based on the results of measurements, it is possible to specify the dimensions of tunnel elements which are difficult to measure, such as the buried fragment of the postern and the height of the embankment located above the tunnel. The research conducted by the authors of the article has been juxtaposed with the available archival materials concerning this part of the Kłodzko Fortress.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia znaczenie skaningu laserowego jako metody pozyskiwania danych przestrzennych oraz znaczenia tej metody podczas procesu inwentaryzacji obiektów zabytkowych. Autorzy tekstu skupiają się na badaniach inwentaryzacyjnych dotyczących poterny znajdującej się pod wschodnim zboczem Twierdzy Kłodzko i łączącej miasto z górnymi poziomami. Wykorzystując do czynności pomiarowych skaning laserowy uzyskano trójwymiarowy obraz poterny. Bazując na wykonanych pomiarach możliwe jest sprecyzowanie pomiarów dotyczących elementów tunelu o utrudnionej możliwości pomiaru jak np.: zasypanego fragmentu poterny oraz wysokości nasypu ziemnego zlokalizowanego nad tunelem. Przeprowadzone przez autorów tekstu badania zestawione zostały z dostępnymi materiałami archiwalnymi dotyczącymi tej części Twierdzy Kłodzko.
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