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Analizę geochemiczną przeprowadzono dla osadów organicznych z torfowiska Bęczkowice w środkowym biegu doliny rzeki Luciąża. Z profilu B-1, zlokalizowanego w południowej części doliny, pobrano do analiz geochemicznych 60 próbek osadów (do głębokości 3,00 m), reprezentujących 5-cm segmenty rdzenia. W próbkach tych oznaczono straty na prażeniu w temperaturze 550°C, informujące o zawartości materii organicznej oraz oznaczono pierwiastki o wymowie paleogeograficznej: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn i metale ciężkie: Cu, Zn i Pb. Stosując analizę skupień wydzielono sześć lokalnych poziomów geochemicznych (LGZ), różniących się istotnie pod względem składu chemicznego osadów. Dla serii osadów torfowych określono również związki korelacyjne pomiędzy analizowanymi metalami, a także materią organiczną oraz obliczonymi wskaźnikami geochemicznymi: Ca/Mg, Na/K, Na+K+Mg/ Ca, Fe/Ca, Fe/Mn, Cu/Zn, pozwalającymi na rekonstrukcję warunków akumulacji analizowanych osadów. W toku analizy składowych głównych zidentyfikowano 10 głównych czynników, z których wybrano trzy pierwsze PC1, PC2 i PC3, wyjaśniające łącznie 84,4% wariancji. Do czynników kształtujących skład chemiczny holoceńskich osadów organicznych w środkowej części doliny Luciąży zaliczono produktywność biologiczną ekosystemu torfowego, procesy denudacji chemicznej i mechanicznej w zlewni (zwłaszcza dostawę allochtonicznej materii mineralnej), wzrost udziału wód opadowych w bilansie wodnym torfowiska oraz działalność człowieka.
Bęczkowice peatland is located in central part of the river valley Luciąża, near Kamieńsk. In order to reconstruct the main stages of sedimentation of organic deposits, taken from the southern part of the Bęczkowice peatlands, used stratigraphic variability of concentration marked lithogeochemistry elements (organic matter, mineral matter, macro- and microelements) and changes in the proportions of the participation of selected elements, i.e., catchment erosion indicator (Na+Mg+K/Ca), eutrophication indicator (Fe/Ca), type and rate of denudation in the catchment indicator (Na/K, Ca/Mg) and conditions of oxidation-reduction indicator (Cu/Zn, Fe/Mn). Peat sedentation was interrupted at the beginning of the Atlantic. The peatland developed again in the Subatlantic (Forysiak 2012). As a results of the hierarchical cluster analysis was collected in the study profile of six geochemical level (B-1/I–VI), which differ significantly of chemical composition. The main lithogeochemistry component of studied sediment is organic matter (42.4–93.2%), which indicates the relative changes in the primary of biological production in wetlands. The average content of the several tested components (for example: mineral matter, lithophilic and sulfophilic elements) have the low differentiation between all geochemical levels, constitute a record stable of environmental conditions (mainly geomorphological and hydrological). Sediments of geochemical level B-1/I represents the phase of mineral and mineral with a small amount organic matter layer in reduced conditions (increase Fe/Mn ratio to 313) and increased mechanical denudation (catchment erosion indicator ranges from 2.58 to 3.1 and type of denudation in the catchment indicator – Na/K ranges from 0.07 to 0.10). Geochemical level B-1/II are characterized by gradual increase of organic matter content (from 18.3 to 66.2%) and slow increase type of denudation in the catchment indicator: Na/K (from 0.07 to 0.09) in the clay limnic deposits. Geochemical levels B-1/III are the record of sedentation autochthonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (average content of organic matter is 72.2%) and rapid change of redox conditions (decrease of Fe/Mn ratio from 1036 to 358). Geochemical levels B-1/IV represents the phase mainly of sedge-moss peat and reed peat layers deposition in oxygenated conditions in sedimentary environment (average Fe/Mn ratio is 63.1) and gradual increase rate of chemical denudation (Na/K ratio ranges from 0.6 to 1.95). Geochemical level B-1/V is record of sedentation of autochthonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (organic matter ranges from 69.3% to 91.9%) and significant increase of mechanical denudation in the catchment (average of catchment erosion indicator increased to 0,36). Geochemical level B-1/VI is the record change type of sedentation of peat on muck, as is also indicated by abrupt decrease of organic matter (to 80%), decrease of Fe/Mn ratio (to 51) and increase catchment erosion indicator (from 0.14 to 0.67). The most important factors (distinguished on the basis of principal components analysis) that affect the chemical composition of sediments from the site Bęczkowice are: biological productivity in wetland’s ecosystem, mechanical and chemical denudation processes in the catchment (eg. the supply of allochtonous mineral matter), sorption of organic deposits, increase of the rainwater in the water balance and anthropogenic activity.
Analizę geochemiczną przeprowadzono dla osadów organicznych z torfowiska Wilczków w południowej części pradoliny warszawsko-berlińskiej. Z profilu Wil-1, zlokalizowanego w środkowej części martwej doliny Balin-Chropy, pobrano do analiz geochemicznych 97 próbek osadów (do głębokości 4,94 m), reprezentujących 1-cm segmenty rdzenia. W próbkach tych oznaczono straty na prażeniu w temperaturze 550°C, informujące o zawartości materii organicznej oraz oznaczono pierwiastki o wymowie paleogeograficznej: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn i metale ciężkie: Cu, Zn oraz zawartość węgla ogólnego, azotu ogólnego i siarki ogólnej. Stosując analizę skupień wydzielono osiem lokalnych poziomów geochemicznych (LGZ), różniących się istotnie pod względem składu chemicznego osadów. Dla serii osadów torfowych określono również związki korelacyjne pomiędzy analizowanymi metalami, a także materią organiczną oraz obliczonymi wskaźnikami geochemicznymi: Ca/Mg, Na/K, Na+K+Mg/ Ca, Fe/Ca, Fe/Mn, Cu/Zn, pozwalających na rekonstrukcję warunków akumulacji analizowanych osadów. W toku analizy składowych głównych zidentyfikowano 12 głównych czynników, z których wybrano trzy pierwsze — PC1, PC2 i PC3, wyjaśniające łącznie 84,7% wariancji. Do czynników kształtujących skład chemiczny holoceńskich osadów organicznych w południowej części pradoliny warszawsko-berlińskiej zaliczono produktywność biologiczną ekosystemu torfowego, procesy denudacji chemicznej i mechanicznej w zlewni, warunki oksydacyjno-redukcyjne oraz zmiany poziomu wody na torfowisku.
Wilczków peatland is located in central and eastern part of the fossil river valley Balin-Chropy, near Uniejów. In order to reconstruct the main stages of sedimentation of organic deposits, taken from the central part of the Wilczków peatlands, used stratigraphic variability of concentration marked lithogeochemistry elements (organic matter, mineral matter, macro- and microelements) and changes in the proportions of the participation of selected elements, i.e., catchment erosion indicator (Na+Mg+K/Ca), eutrophication indicator (Fe/Ca), type and rate of denudation in the catchment indicator (Na/K, Ca/Mg) and conditions of oxidation-reduction indicator (Cu/Zn, Fe/Mn). As a results of the hierarchical cluster analysis was collected in the study profile of eight geochemical level (Wil-11/I-VIII), which differ significantly of chemical composition. The main lithogeochemistry component of studied sediment is organic matter (53.5-93.7%), which indicates the relative changes in the primary of biological production in wetlands. The average content of the several tested components (for example: mineral matter, lithophilic elements) have the low differentiation between all geochemical levels, constitute a record stable of environmental conditions (mainly geomorphological). Sediments of geochemical level Wil-1/I represents the phase of mineral and mineral with a small amount organic matter layer in reduced conditions (increase Fe/Mn ratio to 2650) and increased mechanical denudation (catchment erosion indicator ranges from 0.42 to 2.26 and type of denudation in the catchment indicator — Na/K ranges from 0.05 to 0.20). Geochemical level Wil-1/II are characterized by gradual increase of organic matter content and slow increase type of denudation in the catchment indicator: Na/K and Ca/Mg). Geochemical levels Wil-1/III and Wil-1/IV are the record of sedentation autochtonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (average content of organic matter is 89.4%) and rapid change of redox conditions (decrease of Fe/Mn ratio from 815 to 59). Geochemical levels Wil-1/V represents the phase mainly of sedge-moss peat layer deposition in oxygenated conditions in sedimentary environment (average Fe/Mn ratio is 56.7) and stable rate of chemical denudation (Na/K ratio ranges from 0.99 to 2.04). Geochemical level Wil-1NI is record of sedentation of autochtonous rock-forming matter of autogenic origin (organic matter ranges from 91.5% to 93.7%) and significant increase of mechanical denudation in the catchment (average of catchment erosion indicator increased to 0.84). Geochemical level Wil-1/VI represents of peat layer, which sedentation occurred in oxygenated conditions in sedimentary environment (average Fe/Mn ratio is 17.8). The content of organic matter decreased to about 83.5% and Na+Mg+K/Ca ratio increased to 1.76. indicates the change of rate of mechanical denudation. Geochemical level Wil-1/VI is the record change type of sedentation of peat on muck, as is also indicated by abrupt decrease of organic matter (to 76.1%), decrease of Fe/Mn ratio (to 13.8) and increase catchment erosion indicator (from 0.85 to 1.4). The most important factors (distinguished on the basis of principal components analysis) that affect the chemical composition of sediments from the site Wilczków are: biological productivity in wetland's ecosystem, mechanical and chemical denudation processes in the catchment, sorption of organic deposits, oxygenation changes in sedimentary environment, which are due to the ground water level in the fossil river valley.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań geomorfologicznych, geologicznych oraz paleobotanicznych, przeprowadzonych na czterech torfowiskach dolinnych regionu łódzkiego (Bęczkowice, Kopanicha, Mianów i Wilczków). Są to obiekty funkcjonujące w warunkach niewielkiego wpływu rzek na przebieg procesów torfotwórczych. Misy opisywanych torfowisk powstały w różnym czasie, od przełomu plenivistulianu i późnego vistulianu po początek holocenu. Trwałe zatorfienie również następowało w różnym czasie. Wszystkie z analizowanych torfowisk można określić jako torfowiska paludyfikacyjne. Udokumentowane osady biogeniczne pozwalają na rekonstrukcję zmian środowiska w wybranych torfowiskach w późnym vistulianie i holocenie.
The article presents the results of geomorphological, geological and palaeobotanical studies conducted in four valley peatlands in the Łódź region. The study area is dominated by valley peatlands. The most numerous group are basins developed under condition of fluvial processes. The peatlands occur within active river valleys, as well as on terraces and in inactive river valleys. The Wilczków peatland is located in the inactive river valley. The peatland may be classified as a valley fen. It was mainly fed by soligenic waters. Formation of the peat horizon in the river valley occurred in the Younger Dryas. The sedge peatland functioned until the end of the Atlantic, when the process was interrupted. Peat-forming vegetation returned to the studied part of the peatland again in the Subatlantic Period. The Mianów peatland is located on the terrace of Ner river valley, and is classified as a valley fen. This wetland was fed by soligenic, and partially by fluviogenic waters. Peat development in the oxbow lake occurred at the end of the Late Weichselian. The fen functioned in the Preboreal. After a relatively long break, growth of peat mass occurred again in the Subboreal and Subatlantic. The Kopanicha peatland is located in Rawka river valley. The object can be classified as a valley fen. The peatland was fed by soligenic waters. Peat development in the oxbow lakes occurred at the beginning of the Atlantic period, and peat growth lasted until the modern times, but with interruptions in the Atlantic and Subatlantic. The Bęczkowice peatland is located in Luciąża river valley, is the biggest one. This peatland is defined as a valley fen, with patches of a transitional. The object was fed by soligenic, and partially by fluviogenic and precipitation waters. Overdeepenings within the valley bed became limnic accumulation reservoirs already at the beginning of the Late Weichselian. Then they were subjected to peat formation together with the entire area of the valley floor. Peat sedentation was interrupted at the beginning of the Atlantic. The peatland developed again in the Subatlantic. Biogenic accumulation in the studied basins, located in the river valleys, does not enable continuous sediment growth as they are dependent on changing dynamics of fluvial processes, which means that the registered growth of biogenic sediments is not synchronous in these valley peatlands. Objects which are fed by groundwater and located in inactive valleys, can also show changeable intensity of biogenic sediments growth.
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