The article is one of a series of articles (Molenda, 2020) in which the results of studies on the assessment of the quality policy in industrial enterprises operating in Poland have been described. When carrying out the surveys in the years 2015-2019, in addition to the quality policy, the type of organizational culture of enterprises was identified, among other things. This allowed to divide enterprises into 4 groups, depending on the dominant type of organizational culture identified according to the Cameron-Quinn methodology (Cameron K., Quinn R. 2003). This study compares the quality policies of these enterprises in terms of their orientation towards improvement characteristic of the TQM philosophy. The first part of the article describes the issue of the quality policy in the context of organizational culture. The body of the article contains the results of studies conducted among 166 enterprises. A preliminary statistical analysis of the results allowed to answer the question of what is the level of orientation of the implemented quality policy towards improvement and whether this level varies depending on the organizational culture.
Purpose: The issue of quality culture is a topical one, whilst contemporary socio-economic conditions set new requirements for it, including a systemic approach based on the requirements of management standards, which have prompted us to analyze this approach to the subject. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents an in-depth analysis of sourced texts compiled with the requirements of ISO 9004. Findings: The paper specifies the postulates resulting from the analysis of the issue, which, in the opinion of the authors, indicate the most important aspects related to building a quality culture in organizations. Practical implications: The analysis of the issue presented in the article indicates its topicality and importance in the improvement of each organization, indicating the need to implement the activities described in the article into management practice. Originality/value: The presented analysis of the issue indicates the most important contemporary problems for the authors related to building a quality culture. The article contains a model of building a quality culture based on activities shaping the awareness of employees in organizations with an implemented management system.
W artykule przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące kultury jakości w instytucjach szkolnictwa wyższego. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na czynniki, które wspierają rozwój kultury jakości w uczelniach oraz na te, które stanowią bariery jej pozytywnego rozwoju. Zagadnienie to zostało zaprezentowane na tle różnych wyników badań dotyczących kultury jakości jako specyficznej subkultury organizacyjnej.
The article presents considerations regarding the culture of quality in higher education institutions. Particular attention was paid to factors that support the development of quality culture at universities and those that constitute barriers to its positive development. This issue was presented on the basis of various research results on quality culture as a specific organizational subculture.
The objective of this article is to present the results of research concerning the assessment of the actually implemented Quality Policy in social and cultural area of selected industrial enterprises. In the first part of the article, the essence of the Quality Policy and its implicational meaning for the functioning of the enterprise in the scope of quality were described. What is more, the study also contains the problems associated with analyzing the quality policy. The main part of the article contains the results of research carried out in the years 2015-2019 among 166 industrial enterprises carrying out their activity in Poland. The objective of the research was the assessment of the actually implemented quality policy in the enterprises. The data was obtained on the basis of survey carried out among representatives of middle management in each enterprise. Statistical analysis of the results allowed to assess the quality policy in groups of enterprises depending on their size, management system and the so-called level of independence in management.
The aim of this article is to identify and discuss research problems, methods and conclusions existing in the studies on quality culture in higher education institutions. A systematic review of literature was used. The study was conducted on the basis of 27 peer-reviewed, English-language scientific articles published in academic journals. These papers were selected based on the list of excluding (i.g. type of the publication, etc.) and including criterions (i.g. keywords, etc.). There are three conclusions. Firstly, there is a need to continue research in the areas of factors affecting quality culture and the development of quality culture. Secondly, although surveys, literature reviews and document analysis are the most often used quality culture research methods, this list might be extended to other methods. Finally, factors promoting and inhibiting the development of quality culture, elements binding structural/managerial and cultural/psychological parts of the concept and effects of quality culture, appear to be interesting, cognitively valuable and worth recognizing in further studies.
The publication focuses on issues related to the culture of safety and the culture of quality. The aim of the publication is to analyze the literature on the subject of these two concepts and to present the relationship between the culture of quality and culture of safety. The integrated system should include the culture of an integrated management system, which will include issues related to individual partial cultures, for example the cultures of quality and safety presented in this publication. This concept includes all elements of the culture of quality and culture of occupational safety. This opens up new, interesting research fields, consistent with contemporary trends in both theory and practice of management sciences. Considering the practical dimension of management sciences, it is difficult to consider separately the "culture" of individual subsystems, where in most enterprises, especially industrial ones, these systems do not appear separately and are implemented in the form of an integrated system.
Istotną rolę w funkcjonowaniu organizacji, w szczególności organizacji non profit, odgrywa czynnik ludzki. Wynika to z faktu, że zasoby ludzkie stanowią cenny, a jednocześnie specyficzny kapitał każdego przedsiębiorstwa. W przypadku organizacji pozarządowych (non profit), których działalność nie jest nastawiona na zysk przedsiębiorstwa, kapitał ludzi, a wraz z nim kompetencje, umiejętności, posiadane normy i wartości stają się niezbędnym czynnikiem do sprawnej realizacji celów o charakterze prospołecznym. W takim ujęciu, istotnego znaczenia nabiera kształtowanie kultury organizacyjnej w funkcjonowaniu organizacji pozarządowych. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja, a także przedstawienie wyników badań dotyczących roli przełożonego w kształtowaniu kultury organizacyjnej.
Crucial role in the functioning of the organization (in particular non-profit organization) plays the human factor. This is due to the fact that human resources are valuable and unique capital of each company. In the case of non-governmental organizations (which are non-profit) – human capital, skills and values become an essential factor for achievement of the pro-social goals. In this contex, shaping organizational culture has a great significance in the functioning of non-governmental organizations. This article presents survey results on the role of supervisor in shaping organizational culture.
On the basis of an executive survey the author tries to determine the level of culture of quality at the leading Polish businesses. Among the four defined basic components of the culture of quality, the highest score was reached by management involvement (84% of full implementation). The close followers were closer customer relations (80%) and closer supplier relations (72%). The definitely weakest result was gained by staff involvement and supervision, scored at only 55% of full implementation. In conclusion the author suggests a set of measures that might improve the level of culture of quality at Polish enterprises.
The article discusses an organised procedure of shaping the culture of quality. The pricedure comprises: (1) analysis, aimed at diagnosing the attitudes to quality that prevail at the company, (2) identification of present values, (3) identification of future values, (4) determining the conditions of measure implementation, (5) implementation, i. e. adoption of desirable principles and values related to the culture of quality and fixing the new behaviour patterns.
The quality culture in corporations and companies is a base for the TQM deployment and further development of organizations. Such phenomena, in relation to quality culture, should be one of the dominant trends in management sciences. Lack of them means lack of TQM approaches, what leads to reduction of general effectiveness of enterprises finally. The TQM is not a goal itself, it is the best complex tool, leading to the success on market. Without mental and practical orientation of this kind, the progress will be not possible. Base for that consideration could be included into idea which says "in quality - culture is power". But result depends from the peple in reality, located from the top to bottom down in each company. The people are the most important assets of every organization, what is very often understood, but not applied. This dicussion and idea is here presented.
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