W pracy dokonano oceny jakości trzech cieków w gminie Złoty Stok: Czysty Potok, Mąkolnica i Trujący Potok, które w przeszłości były znacznie skażone arsenem, pochodzącym z zanieczyszczeń związanych z działalnością dawnej kopalni złota i były przyczyną chorób mieszkańców gminy. W wyniku badań stwierdzono niewielkie przekroczenie stężenia arsenu w wodach Trującego Potoku, w pozostałych badanych wodach nie stwierdzono takich przekroczeń. Wyniki badań biologicznych sugerują jednak istotny wpływ wszystkich badanych cieków na biocenozę wodną, ponieważ wszystkie wody zostały sklasyfikowane jako słabej jakości na podstawie wskaźnika bioróżnorodności Margelafa. Z kolei indeks biotyczny BMWP-PL, który nie bierze pod uwagę liczebności osobników w poszczególnych próbkach, a przez to jest mniej dokładny pozwolił na sklasyfikowanie wód Trującego Potoku jako wód o słabej jakości ekologicznej a pozostałe dwa cieki: Czysty Potok i Mąkolnica zostały uznane za wody o umiarkowanej jakości. Zastosowane metody umożliwiają określenie stanu ekologicznego wód, a tym samym ocenę wpływu zanieczyszczeń na biocenozę wodną. W tym przypadku nie tylko obecność arsenu miała wpływ na stwierdzoną słabą jakość wszystkich wód, za taki stan rzeczy należy także winić inne działania ludzkie na tym obszarze.
The quality of three water bodies: Czysty Potok, Mąkolnica and Trujący Potok was assessed in the commune Złoty Stok, which was contaminated with arsenic in the past, derived from the activity of an ancient gold mine, and caused illnesses of commune residents. In our studies, the arsenic concentrations slightly exceeded the norm values only in Trujący Potok, in the rest of the studied waters the arsenic content was very low. However, the results of biological studies based on macroinvertebrates suggest the significant influence of all examined sites on the water biocoenosis, since all waters were classified as low quality, based on the Margalef biodiversity index. The biotic index BMWP-PL which does not take the number of specimens into consideration, and because of that is less accurate, classified the waters of Trujący Potok as low ecological quality, but two remaining waters Czysty Potok and Mąkolnica were recognized as moderate waters. To summarize, the applied indices enable to determine the ecological state of waters, and hence to assess the impact of pollutants on the water biocoenosis. The presence of the arsenic was not the only factor affecting the poor quality of all waters; the human activity in this area also contributed significantly to the inferior condition of environment.
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Recognition of the deteriorating conditions of rivers worldwide has called for increased efforts to improve the ecological quality of impacted river systems. This is particularly important in areas that have suffered from a significant impact of human pressure on the ecological status of water. Field studies were conducted in the Ruda River in an area that had undergone anthropogenic disturbances. The objectives of our survey were to test the biological metrics based on benthic macroinvertebrates at four study sites. Spring and autumn surveys of benthic invertebrates indicated that based on the BMWP and BMWP(PL) indices, water quality was higher in comparison with the value of Multimetric index at all of the sites that were studied. Our results revealed that the water quality was higher at the study sites that are located above the dam reservoir based on both the chemical and biological parameters. This study also indicated that both spring and autumn constitute appropriate periods for carrying out monitoring studies. The values of multimeric index indicated the same water quality (except for site 1) in both sampling periods. Anthropogenic transformations of a riverbed influence the flora and fauna and affect the ecological status of rivers.
Celem przedstawionych badań było określenie stanu ekologicznego Strugi Dormowskiej na podstawie struktury jakościowej i ilościowej bentosu oraz ichtiofauny, a także porównanie wyników otrzymanych na bazie wskaźników i indeksów biologicznych w ciągu kilkudziesięciu lat. Warunki środowiskowe cieku na odcinkach wytypowanych do badań różniły się między sobą pod względem morfometrii koryta, substratu dennego, temperatury i zawartości tlenu, a także wartości wskaźników i indeksów biologicznych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań należy przyjąć, że wody Strugi Dormowskiej kwalifikują się do trzeciej klasy jakości wód. Niewątpliwy wpływ na stan ekologiczny rozpatrywanego cieku ma położenie zlewni, która obejmuje głównie obszary o charakterze rolniczym. Rzeka przepływa także przez tereny o wysokim potencjale turystyczno-rekreacyjnym, co może oddziaływać na strukturę jakościową i ilościową organizmów wskaźnikowych.
The aim of this study was to determine the ecological status of Struga Dormowska stream, based on qualitative and quantitative structure of benthic macroinvertebrates and ichthyofauna. The obtained results were compared to other studies, conducted for several decades. Based on the environmental conditions, research sites were varied due to riverbed morphometry, bottom substrate, temperature, dissolved oxygen and values of biological indicators and indices. Based on the obtained results, Struga Dormowska stream represent a third, sufficient class of water quality. The undoubted impact on ecological status of Struga Dormowska stream, has a location of catchment, which mainly covers the agricultural areas. The river also flows through areas with high potential for tourism and recreation, which may affect the species composition of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish.
European Union legislation requires achievement of good ecological status of European streams and rivers. Because of that, the ecological status of all streams has to be assessed and evaluated. If there is a status identified less than good the remedial measures must be applied. For effective remediation it is necessary to find the cause of worse than good status classification. In urbanized areas is a number of urban drainage outlets with consequences in a necessity of very detailed biomonitoring. Due to time and money demands of such detailed monitoring, it is not possible to make standardized macroinvertebrates field sampling and processing to evaluate the ecological status. Therefore, admissible simplification of field sampling of macroinvertebrates compared to the standard AQEM method was searched for. Both the effect of the subjectivity of multihabitat sampling and the effect of the reduction of the number of sampling points and their uncertainties were studied with help of field experimental work and probabilistic Monte Carlo simulations. It was proved, that a substantial reduction of the number of sampling units (from 20 sampling units requested by European protocol AQEM) is possible only for ASPT and saprobity index (7 sampling units is sufficient) and diversity (9 sampling units is sufficient). A certain reduction (to 14 sampling units) is also possible for the number of individuals, % EPT and IBI index but no reduction can be applied in case of number of taxa and BMWP, where already the replicate 20 unit samples were biased by an unacceptable uncertainty.
Normy legislacyjne Unii Europejskiej (Ramowa Dyrektywa Wodna 2000/60/WE) wymagają osiągnięcia dobrego statusu ekologicznego rzek i strumieni na obszarze państw członkowskich. Z tego też powodu status ekologiczny rzek i strumieni krajów Unii powinien być określony i oceniony. W przypadku gdy status ten zostanie oceniony jako mniej niż dobry, powinny zostać podjęte odpowiednie środki zaradcze. Dla wdrożenia efektywnych działań polepszających stan ekologiczny strumieni należy najpierw zidentyfikować powody, dla których jest on niezadowalający. Na terenie obszarów zurbanizowanych zlokalizowanych jest zwykle wiele wylotów z systemów odprowadzających wody opadowe, które powinny być poddane odpowiednim procedurom biomonitoringu. Ze względu na znaczne nakłady finansowe i czasochłonność nie jest możliwe prowadzenie standardowych procedur pobierania i analizy próbek makrofauny bezkręgowej dla każdego z tak licznych punktów wraz z wymaganą oceną statusu ekologicznego. Stąd też poszukiwane są sposoby dopuszczalnego uproszczenia metod pobierania próbek makrobezkręgowców w odniesieniu do standardowych metod AQEM. W ramach przeprowadzonych badań, za pomocą terenowych prac eksperymentalnych oraz symulacji z wykorzystaniem metody Monte Carlo, analizowano efekty subiektywnego próbkowania siedlisk wielogatunkowych oraz zmniejszenia liczby punktów pobierania próbek powiązane z niepewnością próbkowania. Dowiedziono, że znaczne zmniejszenie liczby próbek (z 20 wymaganych w protokole AQEM) jest możliwe tylko dla indeksu ASPT i indeksu saprobowości (wynosi 7 próbek) oraz indeksu różnorodności (wystarczająca liczba 9 próbek). Zauważalne zmniejszenie liczby (do poziomu 14 próbek) jest możliwe również dla ilości osobników oraz % EPT i indeksu IBI. Jednakże niemożliwe jest zmniejszenie liczby próbek w celu prawidłowego określenia liczby taksonów oraz wartości BMWP, gdzie już w przypadku liczby powtórzeń na poziomie 20 próbek wynik obarczony jest wysokim poziomem niepewności.
Palaeontological data on the Caucasus are highly important for large-scale stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical assessment of the northern Tethyan margin, but this information is often scarce and not available in English. Field studies in the Northern Caucasus have now permitted to amass some new data. Two belemnite species are described from the stratotype section of the Kamennomostskaja Formation (Callovian, Middle Jurassic) near the town of Kamennomostskij in Adygeja (Northern Caucasus). These are Belemnopsis subhastata (von Zieten, 1831) and Rhopaloteuthis ominosa Gustomesov, 1968. The latter is a rare species, and the present find allows new insights into its taxonomy. A palynological analysis of the belemnite-bearing sample was carried out, and a diverse assemblage of dinocysts, acritarchs and prasinophytes, plus pollen and spores recognised. The most abundant palynomorphs are Micrhystridium and Classopollis. Data on belemnites coupled with those on palynomorphs indicate the early Callovian age of the sample level. This interpretation differs slightly from previous conclusions based on ammonites and dinocysts. If this age is correct, the degree of condensation of Callovian deposits in the section studied was lesser than previously assumed.
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Spates of different magnitude in a four order section of the lowland Drzewiczka River (central Poland) downstream from a dam reservoir and a wild-water slalom canoeing track (abbr. WCT) located just below the dam were studied. For over 20 years daily fluctuations enabling the training of canoeists induced a patchy mosaic of the riverbed, with five dominant habitats: pool, stagnant with emergent plants, submersed macrophyte, bank and riffle. Artificial floods, in September 2000, March 2001 and February 2002, were other flow events of this reach, thus the main aim of this paper is to assess the resistance of macroinvertebrates, measured as the relative lack of loss in density after floods. The three- (September) and five-fold (March) increased discharge in relation to the median affected the riverine environmental variables and caused the entrance into the water column and/or washing away of Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Simuliidae. In turn the highest-flow event (February, 16-fold flow increase) induced the instability of all bed patches. Oligochaeta, one of the dominant, inbenthic groups of passive drifters, were dragged along the bottom and then stopped by macrophytes. Meanwhile, chironomids, the second dominant benthic group, showed two kinds of behaviour patterns. Orthocladiinae, organisms prone to drift, were washed away after each flood; consequently the riffle and submersed macrophytes became partly depleted of them. Other midges, inbenthic Chironomini (Chironominae) with worse propensities to drift, were also washed out, except from deeper sediment layers, between the roots of macrophytes and in the bank habitat. Thus the macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Drzewiczka River have adapted to the moderate pulse disturbances, but their response to high flow events depends on the species’ traits.
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Recent studies suggested a general warming trend in the Alps, resulting in a significant migration of forests to altitudes higher than the usual, regional tree line. As a consequence, some headwater streams will likely receive more allochthonous organic matter. For this reason, the dynamics of decomposition of terrestrial leaf detritus in stream reaches that naturally lacked this resource represents a subject of considerable interest, on which no information is currently available. The aim of this study was to analyse breakdown and macroinvertebrate colonisation of leaf bags in an Alpine headwater stream above the tree line. Results of this study indicate that decomposition of terrestrial leaves in a lotic alpine environment above the tree line takes place through a process similar to what happens at lower altitudes, but with some differences. The reduced rate of decomposition observed may be due to lower temperatures. At lower altitudes, tree cover provides a supply of organic material sufficient to support a rich guild of shredders. This study demonstrates that also above tree line, where communities are dominated by scrapers, an important part of the benthic community take part in the decomposition process of leaves. We can conclude that streams above the tree line, while hosting invertebrate communities dominated by rhithrophilous organisms that feed mostly on biofilm, also harbour a rich population of opportunist invertebrates. It seems that, in the case of expected temperature increase at higher altitudes , terrestrial organic detritus may be actively degraded by lotic benthic communities.
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The aim of the study was to demonstrate the relationship between macroinvertebrate assemblages and aquatic vegetation interacting with chemical and geomorphological factors. The survey was carried out in the catchment of a lowland river in Poland in the year 2009. Macroinvertebrate samples were collected on 19 river sites during two campaigns (spring and autumn) and 13 macroinvertebrate metrics were calculated. Indices were selected to reflect pressures associated with organic pollutants, morphological and general degradation of rivers. Hydromorphological assessment was undertaken according to the River Habitat Survey (RHS). Water samples for chemical analysis were collected monthly during the whole year, and nine chemical parameters were analysed. Macrophyte surveys made it possible to calculate seven parameters. It was found that macroinvertebrates collected in spring and autumn showed very different patterns and that only the spring samples showed a significant relationship between macroinvertbrates and water quality, which means that spring sampling is most important for biomonitoring. Only three macroinvertebrate metrics, i.e. SIGI (German Saprobic Index), EPT (indicating the relative abundance of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) and MBI (index used for river ecological status assessment), responded significantly to water pollution. Macrophytes and macroinvertebrates responded differently to environmental gradients and these organism groups deliver different information for monitoring.
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A study on the response of macroinvertebrate assemblages to the restoration of hydrological connectivity of an oxbow lake through the channel excavation is presented. The study included a five-year environmental monitoring (hydrological, hydro-chemical measurements and invertebrate sampling) carried out in the years 2008–2009 and 2011–2012 in the floodplain of the Słupia River (N Poland). The results allowed for assessing ecological effects of the hydrotechnical treatments (re-opening of an old river bed, declogging and installation of wooden deflectors) applied in the oxbow restoration. The results confirmed the preliminary hypothesis that the level of hydrological connectivity determines the dynamics of invertebrate fauna communities in river-floodplain systems. Analysis of the data revealed that such reconnection considerably influenced the structure of hydrobionts by altering abiotic habitat conditions. Effects of radical changes in the habitat morphology and hydrodynamic conditions and monitoring of macroinvertebrate assemblages preformed in the restored lake indicated a significant instability of the ecosystem soon after the treatment, what was confirmed by the results of canonical analysis, in which 50% of the total variance remained unexplained. Among factors analysed, water quality parameters explained 21.4% of the total variance in macroinvertebrate communities. However, the hydrobionts showed a significant instability with respect to variable hydrological conditions (flow through the lake) what contributed to a low share of water flow along the oxbow in explaining the total variance. The analysis of long-term changes that occurred in the studied ecosystem showed that the restoration of full hydrological connectivity brought only a short-term increase in benthofauna abundance. The most distinct reorganization in the structure of macroinvertebrate communities was observed in the first year after the reconnection while the consecutive four years brought only insignificant changes, mainly the appearance of a few species, mainly molluscs. Our investigation suggests that the taxonomic composition of macroinvertebrates in the studied oxbow lake having the only one-arm opening, before the improvement of hydrological connectivity, seemed to be more stable and optimal for this kind of habitat, than after the hydrotechnical works, when the ecosystem became passable due to both-arms connections to the river channel. Therefore, semi-lotic oxbows, connected to parent rivers only with one arm, can be properly functioning aquatic ecosystems in river floodplains.
This study presents influence of hydrological connectivity between oxbow lakes and the river on water quality determined based on the structure of aquatic invertebrate communities in oxbow lakes. Five oxbow lakes of the Lyna River were investigated, i.e. two lotic, two semi-lotic and one lentic ecosystem. It was shown that Chaoboridae (Diptera), Oligochaeta and Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda) were the most abundant groups of invertebrates, often accompanied by Chironomidae larvae (Diptera). Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera were the only invertebrate bioindicators observed in the studied water bodies. The EPT% index, determined based on their abundance, as well as EPT:C, determined based on their proportion to Chironomidae, indicated that groups of these organisms sensitive to environmental conditions occurred at low abundance in all hydrological types of oxbow lakes. Family Biotic Index (FBI), Biological Monitoring Working Party index (BMWP-PL) and Average Score per Taxon (ASPT), both adapted to the Polish conditions, revealed low water quality regardless of the degree of hydrological connectivity. This study shows that the structure of invertebrate communities inhabiting oxbow lakes can be a source of valuable monitoring data. BMWP-PL seems to be the most objective among the biotic indices. Hence, it can be applied in biomonitoring research of many types of aquatic ecosystems.
Na przykładzie pięciu starorzeczy rzeki Łyny (dwa otwarte, dwa półotwarte i jedno zamknięte) określono wpływ stopnia łączności hydrologicznej starorzeczy z rzeką na jakość wody, w oparciu o strukturę bezkręgowców wodnych zasiedlających starorzecza. Wykazano, że najbardziej licznymi grupami bezkręgowców w starorzeczach były larwy Chaoboridae (Diptera), Oligochaeta i Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda), którym z reguły towarzyszyły larwy Chironomidae (Diptera). Wśród bezkręgowych organizmów wskaźnikowych obserwowano jedynie Ephemeroptera i Trichoptera. Wyznaczone na podstawie ich liczebności wartości wskaźników EPT% oraz EPT:Chironomidae wykazały, że wrażliwe na zanieczyszczenia grupy tych organizmów były bardzo ubogie i osiągały podobną liczebność w różnych typach hydrologicznych starorzeczy. Obliczone wartości wskaźników FBI, BMWP-PL oraz ASPT wskazywały na złą bądź niezadowalającą jakość wody w starorzeczach, bez względu na stopień ich łączności z rzeką. Badania wykazały, że struktury wodnych zgrupowań bezkręgowców zasiedlających starorzecza mogą dostarczyć cennych informacji monitoringowych, a wśród testowanych wskaźników biotycznych najbardziej obiektywnym wydaje się być BMWP-PL. Tym samym można go stosować w badaniach biomonitoringowych wielu typów ekosystemów wodnych.
With approximately 100 species, the invertebrate macrofauna of the Neuburg Kieselerde Member of the Wellheim Formation (Bavaria, southern Germany) is probably the most diverse fossil assemblage of the Danubian Cretaceous Group. Occurring as erosional relicts in post-depositional karst depressions, both the Cretaceous sediments and fossils have been silicified during diagenesis. The Neuburg Kieselerde Member, safely dated as Early Cenomanian to Early Turonian based on inoceramid bivalve biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy, preserves a predominantly soft-bottom community, which, however, is biased due to near-complete early diagenetic loss of aragonitic shells. The community is dominated by epifaunal and semi-infaunal bivalves as well as sponges that settled on various (bio-) clasts, and may widely be split into an early bivalve-echinoid assemblage and a succeeding sponge-brachiopod assemblage. In addition to these groups we document ichnofauna, polychaete tubes, nautilids and bryozoans. The fauna provides evidence of a shallow to moderately deep, calm, fully marine environment, which is interpreted as a largescale embayment herein. The fauna of the Neuburg Kieselerde Member is regarded as an important archive of lower Upper Cretaceous sea-life in the surroundings of the Mid-European Island.
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Fine particulate organic matter (FPOM), originated by aggregation of smaller particles and by decomposition of bigger particles, usually presents the dominant energy and nutrient source in the primary river net. Relationships between detrital components, environmental factors and macroinvertebrate composition were investigated in 52 submontane organogenic spring areas in small catchment in the Sumava foothills, Czech Republic. All three types of springs (helocrenes, rheocrenes and limnocrenes) were represented, as well as springs with the transitional character. The selected springs were permanent, with water discharge higher than 0.1 L s[^-1], they all were coldwater and stenothermic, with the winter water temperature at the point of the source ranging from 2.0 to 9.9[degrees]C. At each spring area, the main morphological and physical characteristics of the spring and surrounding area were recorded. Samples of detritus were collected (using the 2 mL sampling tube) from up to 5 microhabitats at each spring, usually macrophyte vegetation, point of the source, detrital deposition, sand, algal mat, leaf litter or moss, accordingly to the microhabitats, which were present. Macroinvertebrates were semiquantitatively sampled using a 15-cm circular sampler with 0.8 mm mesh, to the orders or lower taxa were determined. Water samples were taken, and analyses of the main physico-chemical factors were carried out. In our set of springs, organic substrate prevailed. Only small differences in the physico-chemical parameters (e.g. pH = 5.96 [plus or minus] 0.39; mean [plus or minus] SD) and low concentrations of nutrients (e.g. N-NO3[^-] = 0.79 [plus or minus] 0.86 mg L[^-1], ortho-PPO4[^-] = 0.0336 [plus or minus] 0.0275 mg L[^-1]) were noted, whereas studied geomorphological parameters and microhabitat types were more diverse. The proportion of basic microscopically differentiable components of the detritus was similar in all spring types and microhabitats. In all study sites, faecal pellet content was dominant in the detritus (49%) followed by plant residuals (26%) and amorphous matter (21%). High faecal pellet content is considered to be a consequence of a steadily low temperature in the springs. The correlation among the presence of macroinvertebrate groups and particular detrital components content was not significant, except for Trichoptera; the abundance of this group was positively correlated with the proportion of plant residuals in detritus in vegetation microhabitats. Faecal pellet content showed a weak negative correlation with N-NH4 concentration, which is probably the result of faster faecal pellet decomposition in springs with higher N-NH4 contents.
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The biotic diversity of springs is specific, which makes them valuable sites important for nature protection. Springs located in the Krakow-Częstochowa Upland (southern Poland) are characterized by low variability of environmental conditions, but their benthic fauna composition is considerably different. Benthic invertebrates, water chemistry as well as sediment characteristics of 25 springs were studied four times in 2003. The relationships between fauna composition and abiotic parameters were ascertained using multivariate statistical analyses. In total, fifty families or subfamilies and four higher taxa of invertebrates were identified in the springs studied. Only Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda) occurred in all of the springs, whereas crenophilic taxonomic groups such as Turbellaria, Bythinellinae, Nemouridae, Limoniidae, Limnephilidae and Enchytraeidae as well as ubiquitous taxa such as Tubificidae and Chironomidae were very common but not present in all springs. Important factors determining differences in the taxonomic composition (at the family level) of the invertebrate fauna of springs were found to be those connected with their geographical location as well as chemical and discharge parameters, which were different for southern and northern groups of springs. The taxonomic richness, i.e. the number of invertebrate taxa, was found to be strongly dependent on discharge and the content of organic matter in bottom sediments, whereas specific taxa mentioned above had other abiotic determinants such as alkalinity, NO3 and temperature.
W pracy przedstawiono prostą metodę oceny jakości rzek za pomocą biotycznego indeksu szkolnego (BIS) oraz sposób interpretacji wyników za pomocą tej metody. Analiza statystyczna ponad 300 próbek wody i makrobezkręgowców wykazała statystycznie istotne korelacje pomiędzy wartościami indeksu BMWP-PL i BIS oraz wybranymi fizyczno-chemicznymi wskaźnikami jakości wody a wartościami indeksu BIS.
The paper presents a simple method of assessing rivers water quality with the use of Biotic School Index (BIS), as well as the method of the interpretation of the results obtained with the application of the index. After analyzing morę than 300 samples of water and macroinvertebrates, statistically significant correlations between the BMWP-PL and the BIS index values, as well as chosen physical and chemical water indices and the BIS index were presented.
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The relationship between the river channel parameters - morphological, hydraulic and substrate - and the composition and distribution of macrozoobenthos communities was studied on the 75 m channel reach of the stream (Teplicka brook, Strazovske vrchy Mts., Slovakia) located at the altitude of 256 m; with average width 4 m, depth 0.25m, average current velocity 0.32 m s[^-1] and discharge in sampling season 0.2 m[^3]s[^-1]. Following the River Morphology Hierarchical Classification (RMHC), the fluvial geomorphological research was realised on the selected channel reach - taxon defined in accordance to RMHC. The plane bed and a riffle-pool channel types have been identified in the investigated channel reach. At the habitat level morphological and hydraulic features represent an alternative approach of habitat assessment in order to gain representative macroinvertebrate sample in stream assessment according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The morphological units defined in terms of Froude (Fr) and Reynolds (Re) numbers differed in the extent of the shear stress and turbulence of the water environment. Also Fr and Re values rose in the row of flow types: standing water (SW) - scarcely perceptible flow (SP), smooth flow (S) - rippled (R) - unbroken standing waves (USW) - broken standing waves (BSW) - chute (CH). Different taxa and feeding groups preferred different morphological units and flow types. In terms of morphological units, runs, bars, edgewaters and scours were generally inhabited by the lowest abundance of all invertebrate groups; only Gastropoda reached the higher abundance in these habitats. Glides, pools and backwaters were inhabited by somewhat higher numbers of invertebrates, Oligochaeta and Bivalvia dominated here. Units with organic substrate (moss on boulder clusters and roots) together with rapids and riffles were characterised by high abundance mainly of Gammaridae and Simuliidae. Regarding flow types, standing water separated from others by its low abundances of taxa group but Gastropoda and Bivalvia. SP, S and R types were preferred by Oligochaeta and Chironomidae, while Gammaridae and Simuliidae dominated in standing waves (USW, BSW) and chutes. Also distribution of feeding groups followed the gradient of local environmental conditions. Significant correlations of feeding groups and flow types, current velocity, Fr, Re and depth were observed. Organic substrates played an important role in distribution and abundance of the macrozoobenthos. Overall abundance and also abundance of Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera was significantly higher in the moss or roots compared to other habitats.. Benthos communities of these habitats showed similarities with habitats in the highly turbulent environment (riffles, rapids).
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Praca ta zawiera omówienie wstępnych badań służących opracowaniu podstaw metodycznych dla prowadzenia przyżyciowego oznaczania larw chruścików. Przedstawione są również możliwości zastosowania tej metody w badaniach środowiskowych. Badania wykazały, iż możliwe jest przyżyciowe oznaczanie larw chruścików na poziomie rodziny. Hodowle prowadzone w środowisku naturalnym pokazały, iż chruściki mogą odbudowywać konstrukcje domkowe, lecz ich jakość jest różna.
The pre-studies were conducted in order to elaborate methodology for identification of live caddis flies larvae. Moreover, the possibilities of using these methods are shown. The study showed that it is possible to identify live caddies flies larvae to family level. Cultures conducted in natural habitat revealed that caddies flies can rebuild cases but their quality varies.
In this paper, the results of the analyses of selected chemical water quality parameters and taxonomic composition of macroinvcrtebrates of the Liwiec River and its chosen tributaries (central-eastern Poland) arc presented. Chemical and biological water quality assessment was performed, and four biotic indices were tested: Belgian BB1, French IBGN, British BMWP/OQR, and biotic index BMWP-PL developed for Polish rivers. Correlations between the values of the latter and chemical water parameters show that BMWP-PL is a useful tool for the assessment of water quality of lowland rivers in Poland (similar to the Liwiec).
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wybranych parametrów chemicznych wody i składu taksonomicznego makrobczkręgowców rzeki Liwiec i jej wybranych dopływów (środkowo-wschodnia Polska). Dokonano chemicznej i biologicznej klasyfikacji badanych wód. Przetestowano cztery indeksy biotyczne: belgijski BB1, francuski 1BGN, opracowany w Wielkiej Brytanii BMWP/OQR oraz opracowany na potrzeby biologicznej klasyfikacji rzek w Polsce indeks biotyczny BMWP-PL. Korelacja pomiędzy wartościami indeksu BMWP-PL a parametrami chemicznymi wody wskazuje na przydatność indeksu BMWP-PL do oceny jakości nizinnych rzek (typu Liwiec) w Polsce.
The results of chemical and biological analyses of water of the lower Nysa Kłodzka river in relation to geomorphological and anthropogenic factors were presented. 14 physical and chemical variables, as well as saprobic and biotic (BBI, BMWP) incides were used to evaluate water quality. The usefulness of the biotic index methodology was accentuated in the running water quality assessment
Przedstawiono wyniki chemicznej i biologicznej analizy wód dolnego biegu rzeki Nysy Kłodzkiej w odniesieniu do czynników geomorfologicznych i antropogennych. Do przeprowadzenia oceny jakości wód wykorzystano 14 parametrów fizycznych i chemicznych, index saprobowy i indeksy biotyczne (BBI, BMWP). Podkreślona została użyteczność stosowania metodyki indeksu biotycznego w badaniach jakości wód plynących
Considering the fact that water quality monitoring programs in Poland are mostly based on physicochemical variables and saprobic systems, it is important to evaluate also the possibility of applying biotic index methods for water quality assessment. The investigation was carried out at the Ścinawa Niemodlińska river (Opole Voivodeship). Benthic macroinvertebrates from seven sampling sites were sampled twice in 1999. Belgian Biotic Index values were calculated on the basis of the results of qualitative and quantitative analyses of the macroinvertebrate community, as the example of the biotic index application. BBI values indicated a low, but different in particular sites, pollution level of the studied ecosystem.
Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, iż programy monitoringu jakości wód w Polsce oparte są w większości na parametrach fizyczno-chemicznych i systemie saprobów, istotnym jest oszacowanie możliwości zastosowania metody indeksu biotycznego w ocenie jakości wód. Badania prowadzono na rzece Ścinawa Niemodlińska (woj. opolskie). Próbki makrobezkręgowców bentosu pobierano z siedmiu stanowisk dwukrotnie w roku 1999: Na podstawie wyników analizy jakościowej i ilościowej zespołu makrobezkręgowców obliczano Belgijski Indeks Biotyczny, jako przykład zastosowania indeksu biotycznego. Wartości BBI wskazywały na niski, lecz zróżnicowany pomiędzy poszczególnymi stanowiskami, poziom zanieczyszczenia badanego akwenu.
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