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ENSO is a global climate phenomenon that has been able to affect weather and climate conditions in Indonesia, especially in the southern part of Java Island, which is represented by Yogyakarta province. Subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) is a seasonal period that tries to bridge the gap between a relatively short period and a climate that has a relatively long period. The author has conducted a study that aims to determine the effect of the global ENSO phenomenon on the increase and decrease in rainfall in the southern part of the Java island region during the S2S season. In this study, the data obtained from the Nino 3.4 data and seasonal rainfall data in The southern part of Java, which is represented by Yogyakarta province in the years 2001–2022 were used. The method used is the Monte-Carlo Bootstrap permutation resampling method. The results show that in general the southern part of the Java Island region is affected by El Nino and La Nina phenomena both in the peak period of the rainy season and the peak of the dry season of JFM, JJA, ASO, and OND although the responses from several sample areas have different effects.
The study aimed to evaluate the influence of seasons and tides on surface water quality of Hau River in Hau Giang province, Vietnam. The water quality data were collected at six locations at low tide and high tide. The monitoring parameters included pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), ammonium (NH4+-N), nitrate (NO3--N), orthophosphate (PO43--P), total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), iron (Fe) and Coliform. One-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA), cluster analysis (CA) and discriminant analysis (DA) were applied to determine the influence of tides and seasons on water quality. The surface water quality was compared with the national technical regulation on surface water quality in column A1 (QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT). The results showed that surface water in the study area had organic pollution and high eutrophication potential. The BOD, COD, TN, TP, Fe and coliform parameters in low tide tended to be higher than those in high tide. Five parameters, including TSS, TP, TN, PO43--P and coliform had a significant difference between the wet season and the dry season by DA analysis. Cluster analysis classified the water quality into three clusters, mainly by the BOD, COD, TSS, PO43--P and Fe parameters. The study provides important information on the water quality of the Hau River in the Hau Giang province for water uses and monitoring.
Species distribution models are used to predict ideal grounds, species range, and spatial shifts in an ecology over a span of time. With an aim to use Maximum entropy model (MaxEnt), presence records and pseudo-absence points are used to predict the Tachypleus gigas spawning activity for 2030 and 2050 in northeast India. The bearings of sixty T. gigas spawning grounds identified in 2018 were inserted into ArcGIS v.10.1. Meanwhile, 19 environment variables were inserted into MaxEnt v. 3.3.3, before the model performance was tested using receiver operational characteristics and area under curve (AUC). With an AUC of 0.978,85% was achieved for isothermality (bio3) and 74% for temperature (x̄= average) of the wettest quarter (bio8), all of which were inserted into ArcGIS to produce spatial maps. Although we learnt that T. gigas are still spawning in Odisha in 2030 and 2050, their distribution range is predicted to shrink due to the coastal morphology change. The climate conditions in Odisha revolve with the monsoon, summer and winter seasons from which, temperature variations do not only influence the annual absence/presence of spawning adults but also, the survival of juveniles in natal beaches. The use of MaxEnt offers novelty to predict population sustainability of arthropods characterized by oviparous spawning (horseshoe crabs, turtles, terrapins and crocodiles) through which, the government of India can take advantage of the present data to initiate the coastal rehabilitation measures to preserve their spawning grounds.
The article analyses the changes occurring in accidents in the construction industry in Poland. It was analyzed the influence of the season on the number and structure of accidents. Research and analyzes were carried out on the basis of statistical data, made available by the Central Statistical Office, regarding accidents at work in construction that occurred in the period from 2010 to 2018. The total number of accidents at work in the construction sector in in these years shows a significant downward trend. A similar downward trend can also be seen in individual groups of accidents, broken down into light, serious and fatal. Based on the research carried out, the decisive impact of the season on the accident rates in construction sector was noticed. The smallest value of the accident frequency rate in most of the accident types considered can be observed in the winter season. In turn, the highest value of the light and fatal accident frequency rate can be observed in summer season (July - September). Weather conditions, for example, high temperatures and sunshine can lead to dangerous situations which can result in accidents at work. Climate conditions should therefore play an increasingly important role in assessing the risk of accidents.
W artykule przeanalizowano zmiany zachodzące w wypadkowości w budownictwie w Polsce. Oceniono wpływ pory roku na liczbę i strukturę wypadków. Badania i analizy przeprowadzono na podstawie danych statystycznych, udostępnionych przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny, dotyczących wypadków przy pracy w budownictwie, które wystąpiły w latach 2010-2018. Ogólna liczba wypadków przy pracy w budownictwie w tych latach wykazuje znaczącą tendencję spadkową. W 2010 roku uległo wypadkowi 9098 osób, a w 2018 roku 5247 osoby. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono wpływ sezonu na wypadkowość w budownictwie. Wskaźnik częstości wypadków ogółem oraz wypadków lekkich wskazuje, że największa liczba osób poszkodowanych w wypadkach z wyjątkiem roku 2016 występuje w miesiącach letnich, lipiec-wrzesień. Najwyższą wartość zaobserwowano w lecie 2010 roku i wyniosła ona 5.83 osób poszkodowanych na 1000 pracujących przy pracy w budownictwie. Wskaźnik częstości wypadków śmiertelnych pomiędzy 2012 rokiem a 2018 również osiąga największe wartości w poszczególnych latach w porze letniej. W przypadku wskaźnika częstości wypadków ciężkich takiego trendu nie obserwuje się. W Polsce, wg przeprowadzonych przez autorów badań w latach 2010-2018 udział wskaźnika częstości wszystkich wypadków w miesiącach lipiec - wrzesień wyniósł średnio 0,274, natomiast w przypadku wypadku śmiertelnego, tego najgorszego 0,339. Duże znaczenie mają tutaj warunki pogodowe, czyli wysoka temperatura, nasłonecznienie, które przyczyniają się do spotęgowania zmęczenia wywołanego wysiłkiem fizycznym, obniżeniem koncentracji i wydłużeniem czasu reakcji. Czynniki te mogą prowadzić do stworzenia sytuacji niebezpiecznych, których skutkiem mogą być wypadki przy pracy. Zmieniający się klimat z coraz częściej występującymi i dłużej trwającymi falami upałów może dodatkowo powodować wzrost zagrożenia dla osób pracujących na budowach, a w konsekwencji zwiększać liczbę wypadków szczególnie tych najgorszych - śmiertelnych w okresie letnim. Okresem o najmniejszej wypadkowości w większości rozważanych rodzajów wypadków jest zima. Udział wskaźnika częstości wszystkich wypadków w latach 2010-2018 w miesiącach styczeń-marzec wyniósł średnio 0,226. W tym czasie ograniczone są prace na zewnątrz, a tym samym prace na wysokości, stanowiące największą grupę wypadków na budowach. Warunki klimatyczne powinny więc odgrywać coraz większą rolę w ocenie ryzyka wypadków. Można by również rozważyć instalację urządzeń do monitorowania parametrów środowiska zewnętrznego na placach budowy. Mogło by to przyczynić się do zmniejszenia liczby wypadków związanych z oddziaływaniem klimatu.
Content available remote Wypadki na rusztowaniach
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of season on the concentration of odours in mechanically ventilated deep-litter piggery. In studied facility growing-finishing pigs were kept (25-110 kg). The study included five production cycles. In the period from July 2013 to February 2015 46 series of measurements were made. During the study a total of 92 air samples were collected. The sampling point was located inside the piggery, close to the ventilation duct removing air from the building. Air samples were analysed in the olfactometric laboratory within 24 hours from the time of collection. The concentration of odours in the air samples were determined by dynamic olfactometry with the olfactometer TO 8, according to PN-EN 13725:2007. The geometric mean value of odour concentration during all study was 1,085 ouE·m-3, and for studied seasons: spring - 1,048 ouE·m-3, summer - 760 ouE·m-3 and autumn-winter - 1,776 ouE·m-3. The odour concentration was correlated with outside temperature (r=-0.63), which determined microclimate parameters in piggery. Additionally, odour concentration was correlated with inside temperature (r=-0.66) and relative humidity (r=0.65). The statistical analysis showed statistically significant differences in odour concentrations only between summer and autumn-winter period (p≤0.05).
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu pory roku na stężenie odorów w tuczarni na głębokiej ściółce z wentylacją mechaniczną. W badanym obiekcie były utrzymywane świnie od 25 do 110 kilogramów. Badania obejmowały pięć cykli produkcyjnych. W okresie od lipca 2013 do lutego 2015 roku wykonano 46 serii pomiarowych. Podczas badań pobrano łącznie 92 próbki powietrza. Punkt poboru próbek był zlokalizowany wewnątrz tuczarni, przy kanale wentylacyjnym usuwającym powietrze z budynku. W ciągu 24 godzin od pobrania, próbki powietrza były analizowane w laboratorium olfaktometrycznym. Stężenie odorów w próbkach powietrza było określane metodą olfaktometrii dynamicznej, przy użyciu olfaktometru TO 8, zgodnie z normą PN-EN 13725:2007. Średnia geometryczna wartość stężenia odorów dla całego okresu badawczego była równa 1085 ouE·m-3, a dla pór roku: wiosna - 1048 ouE·m-3, lato - 760 ouE·m-3, okres jesienno-zimowy - 1776 ouE·m-3. Stężenie odorów było skorelowane z temperaturą zewnętrzną (r=-0,63), która kształtuje parametry mikroklimatyczne w tuczarni. Ponadto stężenie odorów było skorelowane z temperaturą wewnętrzną (r=-0,66) i wilgotnością względną powietrza (r=0.65). Analiza statystyczna wykazała statystycznie istotne różnice w stężeniu odorów jedynie między latem a okresem jesienno-zimowym (p≤0.05).
In this article distribution of monthly phosphorus loads flowing out of two agricultural catchments which are located in different physiographic conditions of Lower Silesia was analysed. Loads of phosphorus runoff from the catchment located in the piedmont part of Lower Silesia in each month rarely exceed 0.10 kg P · ha-1. The size of annual load is determined by loads obtained in two months of early spring. Much lower loads obtained for lowland catchment, located near Wroclaw. Values calculated for each month rarely exceed the value of 0.01 kg P · ha-1. Culmination of loads bringing away is a bit more extended in a time compared to the catchment located on Sudety Mts. Foreland. Much higher loads are observed during the period from January to April – this period has a major impact on the size of phosphorus load that flows out from this catchment during whole hydrological year. The obtained results clearly indicate that the threat of watercourses and water reservoirs supply in phosphorus compounds from agricultural land is periodic and it is particularly high during early spring. Phosphorus load flowing out from the analyzed catchments is very diverse. From facility located on Sudety Foothill in hydrological year, during research period, flowed away average 0.81 kg P · ha-1. Significantly lower values were obtained for second facility and it was average 0.15 kg P ha-1 during a year. The size of load discharged during a year is largely determined by amount of phosphorus load flowing out during winter half of the year (from XI to IV). In case of foothill catchment in this period flowed out average 0.56 kg P · ha-1, which presents 69% of annual load and in lowland catchment this percentage was even slightly higher and was 73%.
The objective of this study was to find major PAHs produced in ambient air from the automobile exhaust as a function of fuels (diesel, petrol, and biodiesel) and engine type qualitatively and quantitatively. The recovery range was found between 30% and 70%. The study was carried out on two, three, and four wheelers. Biodiesel samples tested in the study were synthesized indigenously from different starting raw materials and analyzed for PAHs concentration in the exhaust on a Honda genset (EBK 2000AC Model). Biodiesel samples were blended with diesel in different ratio (25:75, 35:65 and 45:55) to investigate the exhaust behavior. Biodiesel was blended with Diesel the concentration of almost all PAHs reduces in comparison to pure Diesel exhaust. B(a)A and B(a) P was the common PAH found in higher concentration in almost all fuels. FTIR results indicate esterification of vegetable oil and NMR results indicate a complete conversion of oils into biodiesel.
In recent years, developing urban areas have affected food abundance and the feeding grounds of birds. The article contains analysis of the Tawny owl’s diet during four years (2006–2009) from different types of the urbanized area: city, town (much smaller than city) and countryside – based on 356 pellets with 726 prey items. The main group of victims was Rodentia, common were also Apodemus agrarius and Apodemus sylvaticus. Other important groups in the diet were: Microtidae (especially species Microtus arvalis) and Aves. As a generalist, Tawny owl fits the diet to the actual resources in a very flexible way. The main goal of the present work was to describe the food composition variability of the Tawny owl along with the degree of urbanization. Percentages of Microtus arvalis, Micromys minutus, Talpa europaea depended on the urbanization level, while Apodemus flavicollis, Insecta and Amphibia were related to the distance to nearest city centre. The study has shown that the diet of the Tawny owl has been changing along the urbanization gradient. It confirms earlier findings on high plasticity of foraging of this species in urbanized landscape.
The study concerns the mortality in men of the able-to-work age as regards the cause of death and the season of the year. Seasonal and age risks of premature death among this cohort have been established. The risks cover diseases of the circulatory system during the spring period in the age group of 40-49 and external factors in winter and in spring for the age group of 17-39. The results obtained enable one to predict mortality in men of the able-to-work age residing in the southern regions of Ukraine and to make recommendations in terms of undertaking preventive measures.
Praca zajmuje się śmiertelnością mężczyzn w wieku produkcyjnym w odniesieniu do przyczyny i pory roku, w którym nastąpił zgon. W grupie tej ustalono, iż istnieją zagrożenia dla życia związane z wiekiem i porą roku. Częstszą przyczyną przedwczesnej śmierci wiosną u osób pomiędzy 40 a 49 rokiem życia jest choroba układu krążenia, zaś zimą i wiosną u osób w przedziale wieku pomiędzy 17-39 lat, wpływ czynników zewnętrznych. Wyniki umożliwiają przewidywanie śmiertelności mężczyzn w wieku produkcyjnym, zamieszkałym na południu Ukrainy, a także stworzenie zaleceń dotyczących profilaktyki.
A total of 1509 specimens of flounder Platichthys flesus (L.) were sampled in the period from April 1998 to March 2000 from the Gulf of Gdańsk. The seasonal occurrence of all parasite species was calculated. The results indicated that some parasite species occur seasonally (Diplostomum sp., Raphidascaris acus, Dichelyne minutus, Echinorhynchus gadi and Pomphorhynchus laevis), while others do not (Trichodina borealis, Hysterothylacium aduncum, Cucullanus heterochrous). Since some parasites occurred year-round at low levels of infection, it was difficult to determine if they exhibited seasonality or not (Glugea anomala, Gyrodactylus unicopula, Diplostomum mergi, Bothriocephalus scorpii and Lampetra sp.). Gyrodactylus flesi was noted occasionally.
The research was realized in the period form January 1997 to Decem ber 2000. The following characteristics were worked out: precipitation total and wind direction distribution for winter half-year and summer half-year periods and for whole year, monthly sums of precipitation for the period 1997-2000, precipitation wind roses at Ursynów WAU meteorological station. The highest precipitation totals were registered for W and SW wind direction. The low est precipitation totals w ere registered for E, NE and N wind direction. Influence of Warsaw on precipitation in Ursynów can be observed on with north direction air - mass and west.
Time-related accident risk in shift work may be attributed to internal factors, such as fatigue, level of performance, sleep propensity, and to some external factors, like shift system, physical and social environment. Six hundred and sixty-eight events in the metallurgical industry have been analysed in terms of time of day, time on task, consecutive day of the shift block, day of the week, and season. The injury rate was similar on all shifts but more severe accidents happened in the nighttime. Somewhat more injuries occurred in the second half of the shift, in the second part of a shift block, and in summer compared with winter. There were fewer injuries at weekends.
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