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Alarm systems are one of the parts of protection and security systems. In combination with other elements, it provides security for selected assets and contributes to their protection against various risks. The article deals with the description of the development and, at the same time, current trends in evaluating the effectiveness of alarm systems to point out the connection between methods and software tools.
Systemy alarmowe są jednym z elementów systemów ochrony i bezpieczeństwa. W połączeniu z innymi elementami zapewnia bezpieczeństwo wybranym aktywom i przyczynia się do ich ochrony przed różnymi ryzykami. Artykuł dotyczy opisu rozwoju i jednocześnie aktualnych trendów w ocenie skuteczności systemów alarmowych w celu wskazania powiązań metod i narzędzi programowych.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę numeryczną odkształceń belek żelbetowych w programie ATENA. Przyjęto cechy materiałowe, geometrię i schemat obciążenia belek na podstawie badań laboratoryjnych, zrealizowanych w ramach rozprawy doktorskiej Mateusza Zakrzewskiego. Analizie poddano trzy belki, znajdujące się na jednym stanowisku badawczym, pracujące w schemacie czteropunktowego zginania, w rozstawie sił co 90 cm. Wszystkie elementy próbne wykonano z betonu z dodatkiem odpadowych włókien stalowych z opon samochodowych. Zbrojenie belek stanowiły pręty stalowe, umieszczone w ich strefie rozciąganej. Analiza obejmowała porównanie ugięć belek uzyskanych w programie ATENA z wynikami badań uzyskanymi pod obciążeniem doraźnym w kilku fazach obciążenia.
The article presents a numerical analysis of deformations of reinforced concrete beams in the ATENA program. The material characteristics, geometry and load diagram of the beams were assumed based on laboratory tests in the doctoral dissertation of Mateusz Zakrzewski. Three beams located on one test stand, operating in a four-point bending scheme, with a force spacing of every 90 cm, were analyzed. All test elements were made of concrete with the addition of waste steel fibers from car tires. The reinforcement of the beams consisted of steel bars placed in their tension zone. The analysis included a comparison of beam deflections obtained in the ATENA program with test results obtained under temporary load in several loading phases.
W artykule przedstawiono oryginalne wyniki badań empirycznych ukierunkowanych na zastosowanie modelowania informacji o budynku (ang. Building Information Modeling, BIM) w sektorze architektury oraz inżynierii i budownictwa (ang. Architecture, Engineering and Construction, AEC), a przede wszystkim na wykrywanie kolizji w modelu BIM. Badania te są częścią projektu finansowanego przez Unię Europejską. W pracy przedstawiono metodę badań, fazę eksperymentalną oraz wyniki. Testy przeprowadzono w pięciu programach do wykrywania kolizji. Porównanie wyników pod względem jakości informacji zwrotnej i ocena jej przydatności wnoszą nową wiedzę, która przyczynia się do zrównoważonego rozwoju budownictwa dzięki stosowaniu BIM.
The article presents the original results of empirical research focused on application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) practices, specifically on detection of clashes in a BIM model. This research is part of the project founded by the European Union. The study presents methodology, experimental phase and findings. The tests were conducted in five clash detection programs. A comparison of the results in terms of the quality of the feedback, and an assessment of its usefulness contributes with new knowledge that enhances sustainability aspects of BIM.
Content available remote Fizyka budowli w ujęciu komputerowym – wybrane zagadnienia
W artykule autorzy omawiają wybrane narzędzia informatyczne wspomagające pracę projektanta w zakresie fizyki budowli. Sugerują dobór oprogramowania w drodze porównania algorytmu obliczeniowego z wymaganiami normowymi i Warunkami Technicznymi. Biorą również pod uwagę koszty, dostępność na rynku oraz prostotę obsługi.
In the article, the authors discuss selected software tools to support the designer’s work in the field of building physics. They suggest the selection of software by comparing the calculation algorithm with the requirements of standards and the Technical Requirements. They also take into account cost, availability on the market and ease of use.
The 5G System is being developed and enhanced to provide unparalleled connectivity to connect everyone and everything, everywhere. 5G technology use cases depicts the prospects of 5G network model to revolutionize Industry and Education is not an exception . To catch up with the latest technology in the higher education environment there’s a need to have 5G Lab as a Service (LaaS) in education to simulate the real network experience. The software is the key to this generation as the virtualization, modularity and abstraction become more popular in the implementation and that the cloud computing is nowadays becoming the trend of technology. This paper presents a software selection between free5gc, magma and open5gs program. The 5G lab located in Jakarta Indonesia has the ability where in physical and virtual resources can be accessed and managed from any location in the world. Free5gc opensource software solution is the most suitable software which can be used as LaaS in Higher Education laboratory. With a LaaS, we can configuration, connection, and troubleshoot 5G infrastructure including radio access networks, core networks, and transportation networks.
The object of research is the development of a specialized measuring information system for the study and control of relaxation processesin materials and technical systems.The purpose of the work isthe use of computer technologies to eliminate routine operations associated withthe processing of experimental data, increase the speed, accuracy and information content of the process of studying the control of gas sensors.A variant of using computer data processing to automate the processing and primary analysis of experimental data of scientific research and controlof the physicochemical parameters of gas-sensitive materials is proposed. The developed computer data processing system provides a practical opportunity to use the measurements of the kinetic characteristics of the gas sensitivity of gas sensors for their experimental research and controland, thus, to achieve higher accuracy and information content.The testing of the developed information-measuring system confirmed its operabilityand compliance with the requirements for improving the accuracy and speed of the processing process.
Przedmiotem badań jest opracowanie specjalistycznego systemu informacji pomiarowej do badania i kontroli procesów relaksacyjnychw materiałach i systemach technicznych. Celem pracy jest wykorzystanie technologii komputerowych do wyeliminowania rutynowych operacji związanych z przetwarzaniem danych eksperymentalnych, zwiększenia szybkości, dokładności i zawartości informacyjnej procesu badania kontroli czujników gazu. Zaproponowano wariant wykorzystania komputerowego przetwarzania danych do automatyzacji przetwarzania i podstawowej analizy danych eksperymentalnych badań naukowych i kontroli parametrów fizykochemicznych materiałów wrażliwych na gaz. Opracowany komputerowy system przetwarzania danych zapewnia praktyczną możliwość wykorzystania pomiarów charakterystyk kinetycznych wrażliwości czujników gazu do ich badań eksperymentalnych i kontroli, a tym samym do osiągnięcia wyższej dokładności i zawartości informacyjnej. Testy opracowanego systemu pomiaru informacji potwierdziły jego funkcjonalność i zgodność z wymaganiami dotyczącymi poprawy dokładności i szybkości procesu przetwarzania.
The production activities of oil refineries and oil and gas-producing enterprises inevitably have an anthropogenic impact on the environment,so environmental issues and the rational use of natural resources are important. The most dangerous pollutants of all components in the natural environment are oil waste, and one of the mosteffective methods of processing is heat treatment. The task was set to neutralize oil waste by thermal processing of oil slime to an environmentally safe level. The studies are carried out by methods of mathematical and numerical simulation of thermal processing, the results of which describe changes in temperature and mass of the stream over time. Extensive calculations with varying current operating and other parameters allow us to optimize the flow of heat and mass transfer during the thermal processingof oil slime. Numerical modelingis implemented using the method of alternating directions in an implicit iterative scheme until a convergence condition is met. The purpose of this workis to create an application for solving research and practical problems of oil waste processing. The application used allows the solution of the problemsof oil slime processing. With the help of color-animated illustrations and a graphical interface, it supports the visualization of the results obtained,and provides the possibility of interactive interaction with the user, while providing instant control of the results obtained for timely decision-makingto prevent environmental pollution in the industrial oil gas sector.
Działalność produkcyjna rafinerii ropy naftowej oraz przedsiębiorstw wydobywających ropę i gaz nieuchronnie ma antropogeniczny wpływ na środowisko, dlatego tak ważne są kwestie środowiskowe i racjonalne wykorzystanie zasobów naturalnych. Najbardziej niebezpiecznymi zanieczyszczeniami wszystkich składników środowiska naturalnego są odpady olejowe,a jedną z najbardziej efektywnych metod ich przetwarzania jest obróbka cieplna. Zadanie polegało na neutralizacji odpadów olejowych poprzez termiczną obróbkę szlamu olejowego do poziomu bezpiecznegodla środowiska. Badania prowadzone są metodami matematycznej i numerycznej symulacji obróbki cieplnej, której wyniki opisują zmiany temperaturyi masy strugi w czasie. Rozbudowane obliczenia przy zmiennym prądzie roboczym i innych parametrach pozwalają nam optymalizować przepływ ciepłai wymiany masy podczas termicznej obróbki szlamów olejowych. Modelowanie numeryczne realizowane jest metodą naprzemiennych kierunkóww niejawnym schemacie iteracyjnym, aż do spełnienia warunku zbieżności. Celem pracy jest stworzenie aplikacji do rozwiązywania problemów badawczych i praktycznych przetwarzania odpadów olejowych. Zastosowana aplikacja pozwala na rozwiązanie problemów związanych z przetwarzaniem szlamów olejowych. Za pomocą kolorowych animowanych ilustracji i interfejsu graficznego wspiera wizualizację uzyskanych wyników oraz zapewnia możliwość interaktywnej interakcji z użytkownikiem, zapewniając jednocześnie natychmiastową kontrolę uzyskanych wyników w celu szybkiego podejmowania decyzji zapobiegających zanieczyszczeniu środowiska w sektorze gazu przemysłowego.
Elektrometal S.A. celebrates its 75th anniversary. The article describes the key product groups introduced to the company's offer in the last 20 years. The company has supplied the mining market with: technological communication systems, helmet lamps, modular controllers (PLC) in intrinsically safe design, data transmission modules, distribution field. Besides the mining market the most important market for Elektrometal its area of interest is also the gas market, where it offers reducers, gas meters and gas cabinets. Recently, it has also been implementing comprehensive installations related to reduction and measurement points. The company provides industrial lighting, high-power chargers for the electromobility market and is interested in alternative energy sources, such as biogas plants.
Artykuł opisuje kluczowe grupy produktowe wprowadzone do oferty firmy w okresie ostatnich 20 lat. Krótko charakteryzuje przyczyny ich powstania oraz cele związane z ich zastosowaniem na rynku górniczym. Rozwój wyrobów przedstawiony jest na tle rozwoju całej branży górniczej.
Celem niniejszego referatu jest przedstawienie sposobów modelowania wad kontaktowo-zmęczeniowych wykorzystując komercyjne i autorskie oprogramowanie komputerowe. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na poznanie sposobu rozwoju wad kontaktowo-zmęczeniowych czego efektem jest po prawne modelowanie wad uwzględniające takie czynniki jak: lokalizacja wady, kierunek propagacji pęknięcia. Wynikiem końcowym prac było opracowanie parametrów serii głowic ultradźwiękowych, które będą efektywnie wykrywać wady kontaktowo-zmęczeniowe w szynach kolejowych.
The purpose of this paper is to present ways of modelling a RCF (rolling contact fatigue) defects using commercial and proprietary computer software. Particular attention was paid to learning how RCF’s defects develop resulting in correct defect modeling taking into account such factors as defect location, crack propagation direction. The final result of the work was the development of parameters for a series of ultrasonic probes that will effectively detect RCF’s defects in railroad rails.
Content available remote The Effects of Native Language on Requirements Quality
[Context and motivation] More and more often software development projects involve participants of diverse nationalities and languages. Thus, software companies tend to use English as their business language. Moreover, to better prepare for future jobs, students consciously choose university courses in English. [Question/problem] As a result there is an increasing number of software engineers who are working or studying in a language which is not their native language. The question arises whether native language has an effect on the quality of natural language requirements. [Principal ideas/results] From the analysis of the requirements formulated by 44 participants of our empirical study, it follows that native language may have a negative effect on requirements quality, e.g., ambiguity, variability, and grammar issues. Furthermore, different native languages might drive to different quality issues. [Contribution] In order to prevent quality issues, our findings might be used by educators to adjust their materials to cater to different language groups, while practitioners might use them to improve their requirements review process.
Content available remote Optimum Large Sensor Data Filtering, Networking and Computing
In this paper we consider filtering and processing large data streams in intelligent data acquisition systems. It is assumed that raw data arrives in discrete events from a single expensive sensor. Not all raw data, however, comprises records of interesting events and hence some part of the input must be filtered out. The intensity of filtering is an important design choice because it determines the complexity of filtering hardware and software and the amount of data that must be transferred to the following processing stages for further analysis. This, in turn, dictates needs for the following stages communication and computational capacity. In this paper we analyze the optimum intensity of filtering and its relationship with the capacity of the following processing stages. A set of generic filtering intensity, data transfer, and processing archetypes are modeled and evaluated.
Context: research on understanding the laws related to software-project evolution can indirectly impact the way we design software development processes, e.g., knowing the nature of the code-repository content growth could help us improve the ways we monitor the progress of OSS software development projects and predict their future development Goal: our aim is to empirically verify a hypothesis that the OSS code repositories grow in size according to the Pareto principle. Method: we collected and curated a sample of 31,343 OSS code repositories hosted on GitHub and analyzed their content growth over time to verify whether it follows the Pareto principle. Results: we observed that, on average, monotonically growing OSS repositories reach 75% of their final content size within the first 25% revisions. Conclusions: the content size of monotonically growing OSS repositories seems to grow in size according to the Pareto principle with the 75/25 ratio.
Content available remote IoTrust - a HW/SW framework supporting security core baseline features for IoT
The rapid growth of the Internet of Things has significant security implications. In the current IoT security landscape, many institutions and entities are defining security requirements, but no industry-wide standard has been agreed upon. There are solutions in the present state-of-the-art that fulfill a subset of secure IoT device requirements, but none adheres to all of them. However, the existing technologies introduced by those solutions could be combined to create a design framework which provides security baseline features to support requirements of a secure IoT device. In this paper, a configurable and comprehensive hardware-software security framework is proposed, that, when applied in the process of designing System on Chip for IoT, will ensure their cybersecurity by providing security core baseline features. The proposed sollution is CPU-agnostic, in the sense that no assumptions are made about the CPU's support for privilege levels, memory protection schemes, or any security mechanisms.
InMap is an interactive and iterative information retrieval-based automated mapping algorithm that produces code-to-architecture mapping recommendations. In its original form, InMap requires an architect to provide feedback for each code-to-architecture mapping recommendation in a given set produced (complete feedback). However, architects may delay/defer deciding on some of the mapping recommendations provided. This leads us to ask, how would InMap perform if only a subset of the recommendations provided (partial feedback) or only a single recommendation (real-time feedback) is reviewed by the architect? Through carefully designed mapping experiments, we show that an architect giving partial or real-time feedback does not harm the recall and precision of the recommendations produced by InMap. On the contrary, we observed from the results of the systems tested a net increase of 2-5\% (depending on the approach). This shows that in addition to InMap's original complete feedback approach, the two new approaches of collecting feedback presented in this paper, i.e. partial and real-time, create flexibility in how software architecture consistency checking tool developers may choose to collect mapping feedback and how architects may opt-to provide feedback, with no harm to the recall and precision of the results.
The paper presents a survey-based study that aimed to determine the prevalence of anti-patterns in the Scrum software development methodology. A total of 35 anti-patterns were selected from the literature review, and 42 respondents indicated whether they had encountered each anti-pattern in their organizations. The study found that``Unfinished Tasks'' was the most prevalent anti-pattern, highlighting the importance of proper planning and task management within sprints. Additionally, several other common anti-patterns were identified, including daily scrums being extended beyond the recommended time, user stories not being fully refined, and the sprint goal not being defined at the sprint planning meeting. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the current state of Scrum methodology in software development organizations and highlight areas where there is room for improvement.
Context: predicting the number of defects in a defect backlog in a given time horizon can help allocate project resources and organize software development. Goal: to compare the accuracy of three defect backlog prediction methods in the context of large open-source (OSS) projects, i.e., ARIMA, Exponential Smoothing (ETS), and the state-of-the-art method developed at Ericsson AB (SM). Method: we perform a simulation study on a sample of 20 open-source projects to compare the prediction accuracy of the methods. Also, we use the Na\"{\i}ve prediction method as a baseline for sanity check. We use statistical inference tests and effect size coefficients to compare the prediction errors. Results: ARIMA, ETS, and SM were more accurate than the Na\"{\i}ve method. Also, the prediction errors were statistically lower for ETS than for SM (however, the effect size was negligible). Conclusions: ETS seems slightly more accurate than SM when predicting defect backlog size of OSS projects.
Content available remote A reusability-oriented use-case model specification language
Use-case models play an important role in the software development processes. They are used for specifying functional requirements, estimating software development project efforts, and planning iterations. The use-case model is subject to change as requirements are modified or the model is refactored. Therefore, it is essential that the use-case model is not redundant and reusable. Existing approaches for use-case model specification support reusability in a limited way. This paper fills the gap. It introduces a new Use-Case Flow (UCF) approach to specify the entire use-case model in a convenient yet formalized way. The paper contains the UCF metamodel, consisting of its abstract syntax and a description of the semantics of the metamodel elements. A textual concrete syntax of the T-UCF is also introduced and informally described. The concrete syntax is dedicated to the specification of the use-case model in a well-defined textual form. The stress is put on the reusability of the constructs defined by a use-case modeler when defining or changing the use-case model. An example of a usecase model specified in the T-UCF language is presented in the paper.
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