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Objectives: The purpose of this article is to present biological weapon in the process of reducing the structural power of a state. This article answers the following questions: What is the structural power and national economy? What is human capital and agriculture? What is the biological weapon and what is its effectiveness? How does the biological weapon reduce the structural power of a state? Methods: Analyzing literature and documents. Results: This article states that a biological weapon is a tool for reducing a state’s international potential used by a hostile state. This is the main reason why agriculture is the high-risk target for biological warfare. From the perspective of a biological weapon, a high-risk target as agriculture is human capital that is engaged in the production of goods. This sphere is essential for the national economy as well. The health and vitality of the population is crucial for effective production. All of the above gives the full scope of the country’s capabilities in the international sphere which could lead to becoming a power actor in global politics. Conclusions: From the perspective of a hostile state, the structural power of the targeted state cannot be reached. At this point, it can be stated that a state's structural power can be limited by reducing its relational power (reduction of international power through reduction of production/agriculture). Due to the wide spectrum of potential biological hazards a biological weapon can easily meet the needs of a hostile state.
Cel: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie terroryzmu niekonwencjonalnego jako potencjalnego zagrożenia dla Polski. W artykule przeanalizowano możliwości pozyskania broni masowego rażenia oraz przeprowadzenie ataku z jej użyciem na terenie kraju. Analizie poddano również system przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom terrorystycznym w kraju. Wprowadzenie: Zaangażowanie Polski w walkę z międzynarodowym terroryzmem niesie za sobą zagrożenie związane z przeprowadzeniem odwetowego ataku terrorystycznego. Polska jest adresatem wielu gróźb ze strony terrorystów i wielokrotnie była wymieniona jako miejsce potencjalnego ataku w odwecie za wspieranie interwencji w Iraku i w Afganistanie oraz koalicji walczącej z dżihadystycznym ugrupowaniem – Islamskim Państwem Iraku i Lewantu (ISIS lub ISIL) [6]. Wydarzenia z ostatnich lat udowodniły, że terroryści są nieprzewidywalni, bezwzględni i chcą za wszelką cenę osiągnąć swoje cele. Aby wyrządzić jak największe zniszczenia i wywołać niespotykaną do tej pory panikę i strach, są w stanie użyć każdej dostępnej broni, w tym broni masowego rażenia (BMR). W marcu 2016 roku podczas Szczytu Bezpieczeństwa Nuklearnego w Waszyngtonie eksperci ds. bezpieczeństwa nuklearnego ostrzegali, że każdy kraj jest zagrożony terroryzmem nuklearnym, i że nie ma barier, których terroryści nie są w stanie pokonać, aby zdobyć materiał nuklearny lub radioaktywny. W związku z powyższym warto analizować zagrożenia, jakie mogą być związane z przeprowadzeniem zamachu terrorystycznego z wykorzystaniem BMR, a także jaki jest stan systemu przeciwdziałania terroryzmowi i jego zwalczania w Polsce. Metodologia: W artykule zastosowano teoretyczne metody badawcze, takie jak analiza i synteza, porównanie, analogia i uogólnienie oraz indukcja i dedukcja. Analizie, porównaniu i dedukcji poddana została literatura polska i międzynarodowa z zakresu terroryzmu, broni masowego rażenia oraz akty normatywne dotyczące przeciwdziałaniu zagrożeniom terrorystycznym w Polsce. Dopełnieniem były synteza, uogólnienie oraz wnioskowanie indukcyjne, które pozwoliło na przedstawienie ogólnych tez oraz szczegółowych twierdzeń omawianych w niniejszym artykule. Wnioski: W pracy udowodniono, że pomimo istnienia zagrożeń związanych z przeprowadzeniem zamachów terrorystycznych, Polska posiada odpowiednie służby i instytucje do przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku. Wskazane byłoby jednak, aby zadania i kompetencje w tym zakresie zostały określone bardziej precyzyjnie.
Aim: The aim of the article is to present unconventional terrorism as a potential threat to Poland. The article analyses the possibilities of acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction and conducting an attack in our country. It also analyses the country’s terrorism countering system. Introduction: Poland’s involvement in the fight against international terrorism creates a threat of a counter attack by terrorist groups. Poland has received numerous threats of a potential direct attack on its territory by various terrorist groups in retaliation for our involvement in the Iraq and Afghanistan missions, as well as our support for the coalition countering the activities of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS or ISIL), a jihadist group [6]. The incidents that have taken place over the last few years have demonstrated that terrorists are unpredictable and ruthless. Moreover, they will try to reach their goals by any means possible, using any weapon they can get, including Weapons of Mass Destruction. Their aim is to inflict as much damage as they can, and thus induce unprecedented panic and fear. In March, during the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit, experts warned that each country is the potential target of nuclear terrorist attack, and that there are no obstacles terrorists cannot overcome to acquire nuclear weapons or radioactive materials. That is why it is worthwhile analysing all potential threats connected with being attacked with Weapons of Mass Destruction as well as the current state of counter terrorism activity in Poland. Methodology: The article utilises theoretical research methods such as analysis and synthesis, comparison, analogy and generalisation as well as induction and deduction. The analysis, comparison and deduction covered the Polish and foreign literature in the field of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction,
Content available remote Prognoza wyzwań i zagrożeń zewnętrznych dla Polski w XXI wieku
Autor na podstawie analizy zagrożeń zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych prezentuje kierunki działalności naszego państwa mające na celu przeciwdziałanie tym zagrożeniom. Przeciwstawiając się zagrożeniom asymetrycznym sugeruje większą współpracę służb wywiadowczych państw UE w zapobieganiu aktom terrorystycznym w poszczególnych państwach. Odnosząc się do zagrożeń zewnętrznych uważa, że najważniejszym aspektem jest zwiększenie aktywności zawodowej społeczeństwa i poszukiwanie odnawialnych źródeł energii, by zapobiec zwiększonej emisji dwutlenku węgla do atmosfery. Uważa też za szkodliwe dla zdrowia społeczeństwa produkowanie żywności modyfikowanej genetycznie.
The theme of my article is “Prediction challenges and external threats for Polish in the XXI century”. The aim of this article is to present selected military and non-military threats and give the answer to the question: If they threaten the security of the country, and if so to what extent? The paper is divided into two main parts. The first part describes selected of external military threats, such as war, weapon of mass destruction and terrorism. The second parts of the article are showed of external non-military threats – condition of nation economy, migration, demography, ecology, risk of epidemic and GM food. At the end of this paper there is a summary, which indicates what should be done to avoid above threats.
Effective operation in any area of human activity is strictly connected with making appropriate decisions. This connection is particularly strong in situations when the level of risk and uncertainty created by that situation is the highest. These categories perfectly refer to various combat operations which almost always show great changeability of situation and serious limitations in available information. One of the most difficult kinds of combat operations are the ones which are conducted in conditions when weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are used. The huge striking power along with mass spread of contamination, typical for this kind of weapon, causes that the problem of selecting appropriate methods assessing WMD strike effects will be extremely important. Recreating a real situation of contamination treated as the supreme form of forecasting contamination will take a spacial place in this process. It is conducted basing on data acquired during a detailed reconnaissance of contamination, which should result in ensuring a big credibility of performed calculations. Consequently, we are able to recreate a hypothetical image of cantamination in any time after the blast and use it to make difficult decisions. The article esassess the usefulness and reliability of this kind of forecasting. The idea and principles of recreated real contamination situation are discussed taking into consideration various limitations and conditions. Particular attention is drawn to these aspects of forecasting a real contamination situation which may be directly applied to concrete aims, connected with decision-making process. The availability of the usefulness of mehods applied so far has been verified and variants of more useful applications have been suggested.
Autor opisuje co to są zagrożenia asymetryczne, jakie jest ich znaczenie we współczesnym świecie. Omawia także jak są one postrzegane przez pakt NATO oraz przez wybrane państwa takie jak Stany Zjednoczone, Wielka Brytania, Chiny czy Polska.
Author describes what asymmetric threats are, what is their meaning in present world. He also discuss how they are perceived by NATO pact as well as by chosen states such Unated States, Great Britain, China or Poland.
Content available remote Broń jądrowa i radiologiczna, czyli o czym „marzą” terroryści
The nuclear and radiological weapons are two elements of weapons of mass destruction, where one of the destructive factors is the radioactive contamination of terrain. Such interaction can in a significant manner disrupt or even prevent the functioning of various military and civilian structures or systems. It is being assessed that the scale of threats can be diametrically different from local contamination in a limited area-caused by radiological weapons-to massive destruction and extensive areas of contamination caused by the detonation of a nuclear explosion. Despite evident disproportions, under terrorist threat conditions, both situations need to be treated equally serious and adequate precaution should be employed to prevent these. The article is an attempt to present current threats implied by terrorist attempts to gain and use nuclear and radiological weapons. For this reason the usefulness of the discussed means for terrorist goals are presented, potential methods of their gaining are being illustrated, whereas various difficulties linked to their gain are provided. An attempt of formulating an algorithm to assess the threat level of a nuclear or radiological attack has also been made. The most probable areas of problems to be solved have been pinpointed in this algorithm. The final effect of the conducted research was the assessment of objects which could be potential targets of nuclear or radiological strikes. Furthermore, when considering radiological strikes, various forms of such strikes have been specified and an assessment of their potential effects has been provided.
Content available remote Broń biologiczna : wybrane problemy
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