The article aims to assess the economic recovery and recycling of silicon PV cells and the non-ferrous metals contained in them, taking into account the analysis of costs, benefits and factors: legal, ecological, technical, technological and social. The research methodology was based on statistical measures related to the analysis of PV structure and changes in individual years of operation. For the designated structures, the current state of knowledge and legal status in the field of recycling methods of exploited PV installations were defined. In addition, an analysis of the Polish market about selected developed countries concerning the recycling sector was performed, and the identification of key factors and barriers to the development of the analysed sector was presented. On this basis, the possibilities and directions of support for the PV recycling sector were indicated, and a SWOT analysis of possible methods of its support was made.
Celem artykułu jest ocena ekonomiczna odzysku i recyklingu krzemowych ogniw PV i zawartych w nich metali nieżelaznych z uwzględnieniem analizy kosztów, korzyści i czynników: prawnych, ekologicznych, techniczno-technologicznych i społecznych. Metodologię badań oparto na miarach statystycznych związanych z analizą struktury i zmian PV w poszczególnych latach ich eksploatacji. Dla wyznaczonych struktur określono aktualny stan wiedzy i stan prawny w zakresie metod recyklingu wyeksploatowanych instalacji PV. Ponadto wykonano analizę rynku polskiego względem wybranych krajów rozwiniętych odnośnie sektora recyklingu, przedstawiono identyfikację kluczowych czynników i barier rozwoju analizowanego sektora. Na tej podstawie wskazano możliwości, kierunki wsparcia sektora recyklingu PV i dokonano analizy SWOT możliwych metod jego wsparcia.
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The subject of the paper is train station. The research deal with those train stations that either no longer serve their pur- pose or are now abandoned. By abandoned train stations, the author of the paper means rail buildings that do not provide passengers with the necessities of cash desk and a waiting room or toilet. Stations that have abandoned their original pur- pose. Such stations were analysed on the only railway line connecting Poland and Slovakia operating on a daily basis. Mentioned line is connecting cities Katowice - Zwardoń - Žilina - Rajec. Much of this railway architecture is abandoned and unused. The work described in the paper aims to create a database of abandoned train stations based on authors own research and points to a large number of abandoned train stations that have potential for their future development. The data was collected by means of various methods described in the paper and was valid as of 31.12.2021. The situation today may differ.
Underground mining development is directly related to face drilling rig performance. Reducing operating costs and improving productivity are current and crucial topics for mining projects around the world within the development phase. Unlike past approaches, this article is based on variations of equipment availability and utilisation, and their impact on development plans success and costs decrease. To assess the influence of these parameters, daily field data were collected to identify major downtimes in normal cycles and apply adequate corrective measures to mitigate them. Additionally, this article presents the reader with a graphic illustration of the correlation between utilisation and development, including historical data. This paper was developed from October 2017 to March 2018. The result of this study seeks to identify when projects generate profits by comparing four situations with constant productivity, but variables such as the possession rate, maintenance fee, production and utilisation. Finally, it is demonstrated that success in mining projects, related to equipment, is proportional to the utilisation of the fleet, with the correct management of productivities.
The production performance of mining and also construction equipment (like haul trucks, excavators, loaders, crushing and screening equipment) depends on its availability and utilisation states. Thus, it is necessary to determine the mean availability and structure utilisation of machinery systems with the aim to improve the same. At the same time, a detailed analysis of machinery operation data can result in a more effective management of mining plant operations and the mining process itself. Determination of operational state indices and their individual components allows to start preventive actions, resulting in the improvement of the organisation of work of the entire mine machinery system. Moreover, the future technical state of machines operated in surface mining is closely related to the current state and depends also on the events that have occurred in the extraction system. The analysis of dependability parameters can have a significant impact on decision-making, related both to the processes of use and maintenance, and, primarily, to all main operational processes of the mine. Different mines follow different terms and maintain different information. The only common information in most of them concerns the availability and utilisation of mining and construction equipment, which might be useful. There is a need to develop proper feedback and to define terms, factors and indices related to mining equipment. Below follows an analysis of selected operational parameters and the mean availability in the process of using the mining and construction equipment. This type of analyses help determine the operational potential of every element in the engineering system, understood as the ability to perform work processes. The analyses also illustrate how the reliability parameters change with the durability of the operated machinery. This makes it possible to identify the machines with the highest and lowest damage rates and such analyses can form the basis for the creation of optimised machine systems.
Rational solution for mining equipment based on the use of haul trucks, excavators, wheel loaders and crunchers should result from thorough analysis of technical and economic issues – both cost-related and exploitational - which can have a crucial impact on the cost of minerals extraction. Moreover mining equipment should be selected with consideration for all vital parameters in specific exploitational conditions and even the exploiter’s preferences. This selection should consider hitherto disregarded criteria, such as mean availability and structure utilization of machinery systems with the aim to improve the same. Methodology presented in the paper illustrates practical application of MCDM and one particular method of this type – the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) – for resolving the problem in specific exploitational conditions of mineral resource in surface mining AHP method covers a multi-criteria approach based on a compensation strategy to model preferences and assuming variant comparability. Taking into account the preferences of the evaluator, which determine the subjectivity of comparative evaluation, is the core of the multi-criteria approach, which treats such preferences Considering the above issues, the following paper is an attempt to develop new and universal criteria as well as a method of evaluation and selection of means of mining equipment for mineral resource surface mines.
The paper is dedicated to the issue of assessment of alumina (red mud) production waste on natural water. The growth of the number of aluminium-producing facilities leads to the expansion of exclusion areas to store the production waste – sludge dumps. A considerable part of research on red mud utilisation is focused on its use in the iron-and-steel industry. Furthermore, the technologies of red mud usage in the construction industry gain substantial significance for land reclamation, isolation of polluted industrial and agricultural lands as well as the effluent and industrial emissions treatment.
The problem of drilling waste utilisation is assumed to be resolved through the implementation of the complex of environment protection measures in production engineering. They include primarily the use in the process of well drilling of drilling mud on the basis of water-soluble biodegradable polymers and a four-stage drilling mud refining system. Secondly, the usage of the well site construction with trenching for allocation of expressed bore mud and a temporary ground tank for drilling waste water.
The study on Panemunė Castle examined this heritage object in an entirety of its values and their impact on the environment, with a possibility of their synergism for the benefit of the place. It found the contemporary national heritage protection framework failing to grant equal attention to elements constituting the multifaceted worth of the castle as a property, inclusive of the social, cultural, artistic values, the engagement of local communities, the important role of cultural tourism and the image of the place, and economic efficiency. The analysis of the different facets one by one and collectively has brought to the conclusion that the social, cultural, artistic and economic values of Panemunė Castle as a heritage property influence their environment, but are not experienced as a powerful driving force of the contemporary heritage protection. The process remains fragmented, sporadic and underdeveloped, with its elements failing to achieve synergism for the place.
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Celem badań była ocena możliwości zastosowania lotnego popiołu z utylizacji komunalnych osadów ściekowych jako dodatku do zawiesin twardniejących, które wykorzystywane są podczas realizacji przesłon przeciw filtracyjnych w obiektach hydrotechnicznych. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań parametrów technologicznych i użytkowych tych zawiesin. Na podstawie gęstości, lepkości umownej, odstoju wody, wytrzymałości strukturalnej oraz gęstości objętościowej, przepuszczalności hydraulicznej, wytrzymałości na ściskanie i rozciąganie, analizowano przydatność projektowanych zawiesin twardniejących. Jako kryterium porównawcze zastosowano wymagania dotyczące zawiesin stosowanych podczas realizacji przesłon przeciw filtracyjnych w wałach przeciwpowodziowych. Określono kierunki dalszych, specjalistycznych badań pozwalających w pełni rozpoznać możliwości aplikacji tego odpadu w zawiesinach twardniejących.
The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the possibility of using fly ash from thermal utilization of municipal sewage sludge disposal as an addition of hardening slurries. The slurry of various types of additives: by-products of combustion, is used in the implementation of cut-off walls in hydraulic structures. The article presents the results of technological and functional parameters of hardening slurries with the addition of fly ash from thermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge. As a comparative criterion applicable requirements in relation to slurries applied during the implementation of the cut-off walls in water embankment. Article presented the potential field of use of the said by-product of combustion. The directions for further specialized research to fully recognize the possibility of the application of the waste in hardening slurries.
In the context of five significantly different landscape parks in Wielkopolska (30,413 ha) 243 peatlands have been presented in terms of their characteristics, stratigraphy, change in means of utilisation and localisation. Thus trends in the change of peatland utilisation means in the period 1970–2016 were established and the resulting negative effects indicated. For this purpose the process of peatland protection established was analysed in the context of management plans carried out for both the protection of landscape parks and Natura 2000 sites within their territory. The above management plans, however, do not provide information as to localisation data, stratigraphy and to what purpose peatlands are used, which in all cover 2,690 ha – 4.2% of parks’ area. Most often this means there are no formal applications for their protection. This could be said to be a biproduct of a lack of discussion as to the major threat to the environment presented by the increasing disappearance of peatlands – a result of the mineralisation and moorsh process of peat soils. To a large extent the former has resulted from a lack of scientific expertise in respect to soils, peats and land reclamation in research teams preparing landscape management plans.
Na przykładzie pięciu różniących się istotnie parków krajobrazowych Wielkopolski (30 413 ha) przedstawiono charakterystykę, stratygrafię, zmianę sposobu użytkowania i lokalizację 243 torfowisk. Określono trend zmiany sposobu użytkowania torfowiska w latach 1970–2016 i wskazano wynikające z tego negatywne skutki. Analizowano sposoby ochrony torfowisk ustalone w ramach ostatnio sporządzonych planów ochrony parków krajobrazowych i wchodzących w ich skład obszarów Natura 2000. We wszystkich istniejących planach brak danych o lokalizacji, stratygrafii i sposobie użytkowania torfowisk, które zajmują łącznie 2690,1 ha, czyli 4,2% powierzchni parków. Skutkuje to najczęściej brakiem wniosków na temat ich ochrony. Nie wspomina się o głównym zagrożeniu, którym jest stale postępujące zanikanie torfowisk w wyniku mineralizacji i murszenia torfu. W znacznej mierze jest to wynikiem braku gleboznawców, torfoznawców i meliorantów w zespołach autorskich przygotowujących plany ochrony.
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Spawanie wiązką elektronów pomimo długoletniej historii i szeroko rozpowszechnionych technologii łukowych oraz laserowych jest nadal powszechnie stosowane w przemyśle. Główne zastosowanie tego wydajnego procesu spawania to przemysł motoryzacyjny, elektroniczny, elektrotechniczny, lotniczy i budowa maszyn. Technologia umożliwia wykonywanie wysokiej jakości połączeń ze wszystkich spawalnych metali konstrukcyjnych w szerokim zakresie grubości od 0,025 do 300 mm. W pracy przybliżono charakterystykę metody, zasady kształtowania złączy, przykłady zastosowania wiązki elektronów w przemyśle. Przedstawiono przykłady urządzeń uniwersalnych oraz specjalistycznych jakie są używane w warunkach laboratoryjnych oraz przemysłowych.
Electron beam welding, despite long history and widespread arc and laser technology is still widely used in industry. The main application this high efficiency welding process is: automotive, electronics, electrical engineering, aerospace and mechanical engineering industry. The technology ensures high-quality welded joints from the all structural metals in a wide range of thickness from 0.025 to 300 mm. In the paper approximated the characteristics of methods, principles of design of welded joints, examples of the application of the electron beam in the industry. The examples of universal and specialized equipment which are used in laboratory and industrial applications are also presented.
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W artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan i perspektywy wykorzystania popiołów lotnych jako składnika spoiw hydraulicznych oraz aktywnego dodatku typu II w składzie betonu, powstających w procesie spalania pyłu węglowego, z uwzględnieniem rozwiązań równoczesnego spalania paliw wtórnych (alternatywnych). W części doświadczalnej przedstawiono wyniki badań popiołów z kotłów fluidalnych spalających tylko paliwa z grupy biomasy, tj. materiały roślinne, drewno i biomasę z upraw roślinnych. Badania wykazały możliwość wykorzystania tych popiołów w technologii produkcji spoiw hydraulicznych.
The article presents the current state and perspectives of using fly ash as a component of hydraulic binders and active type II additive in concrete, obtained in professional power plants in the coal combustion process with a focus on the solutions of cocombustion of hard coal and secondary fuel.The experimental part presents the results of ash obtained from fluidized bed combustion of secondary fuels, without the participation of coal. The results of investigations of ashes obtained into so-called "Green" biomass group boilers were presented. The laboratory results showed the possibility of using the ashes, such as the ones obtained from fluidized bed combustion, in the production of hydraulic binders.
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W artykule zaprezentowano wstępne wyniki badań właściwości fizykochemicznych popiołów pochodzących ze spalania biomasy drzewnej z dodatkiem słomy lub łupin orzecha kokosowego w kotle fluidalnym. Przedstawiono skład chemiczny, gęstość nasypową, rozkład frakcyjny, topografię i heterogeniczność powierzchni popiołów, rozkład poszczególnych pierwiastków w odpadzie oraz wyniki analizy termograwimetrycznej.
The preliminary results of the physicochemical properties of the fly ash from the combustion of woody biomass with the addition of straw or palm kern shell in a fluidized bed were estimated. The chemical composition, bulk density, fractional distribution, and heterogeneity of the surface topography as well as the distribution of the individual elements in the waste and thermo-gravimetric analyses were shown.
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Using recycled water or grey water system is relatively new concept in Slovakia, which gives users or investors an impression, that something what is new and unproven, may not be reliable. It is obvious, that in some cases, there may arise the situation, which wasn´t expected and system can fail, despite taking all necessary measures, however this can occur even in systems used safety for years. This report focuses on grey water system application and determines its potential risks, which can bring benefits, especially in terms of prevention of their creation. Then we know to which parts of the system, we have to give special attention, whether in the designing process, using or maintenance and we can ensure efficient and reliable system. This report deals with the potential risks of grey water system and the way how to avoid them, while it is important to remember that naming of the risks are just theoretical, and it doesn´t mean that they will occur.
Używanie odzyskanej wody albo systemu wody gospodarczej jest stosunkowo nowym pojęciem na Słowacji, który daje użytkownikom albo inwestorom wrażenie, że to co jest nowością i nie jest sprawdzone, nie może być niezawodne. Jest oczywistym, że w niektórych przypadkach, może wystąpić nieoczekiwana sytuacja i system może być zawodny, pomimo użycia wszystkich koniecznych środków. Jednak może to wystąpić nawet w systemach bezpiecznie użytkowanych przez wiele lat. Artykuł przybliża zagadnienia dotyczące systemów wykorzystania wody gospodarczej i ustala potencjalne ryzyko, któremu zapobieganie może przynosić wymierne korzyści. Jeżeli jest znane na którą części systemu, należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę podczas procesu projektowania, użytkowania albo utrzymania można zapewniać skuteczny i niezawodny system. Artykuł podaje potencjalne ryzyko występujące w systemie wody gospodarczej i sposoby jak ich unikać pamiętając, że zjawiska nazywane ryzykiem są po prostu teoretyczne, i nie oznacza, że muszą nastąpić.
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One of the possible ways of glass waste recycling is its usage as an additive to cement. A great number of authors consider glass a pozzolanic additive due to the high content of SiO2 amorphous phase and suggest to use it instead of cement in amount of 10-30%. However the high content of R2O in glass (13-14%) favors alkaline corrosion in cement and therefore should be limited. In the work was determined of pozzolanic activity for different types glass waste according to Butt J. and EN 196-5:2006. Compared with known mineral additives, such as microsilica and fly ash, glass wastes have very low pozzolanic activity. Therefore, increasing strength in the early stages of hydration cement is associated with an alkaline component in a glass additive and not pozzolanic activity of glass waste. To estimate the effect of alkali component in the glass additive we introduced the notion of alkaline activity of cement-glass mixture. Taking as example different types of cement according to the standard PN-EN 197-1:2011 we demonstrate that substitution of neat cement for grinded glass waste is limited due to glass high alkalinity and low pozzolanic activity. The proposed method of the calculation of glass additive allowable amount permits to estimate the glass effect on total alkaline activity of cement compositions at the design stage.
Jednym z możliwych sposobów recyclingu odpadów szklany jest uzycie ich jako dodatek do cementu. Wielu autorów uważa szkło jako dodatek pozzolanowy z powodu wysokiej zawartości SiO2 oraz fazy amorficznej i sugerują jego używanie zamiast cementu w ilości 10-30 %. Jednakże wysoka zawartość R2O w szkle (13-14 %) powoduje alkaliczną korozję w spoiwie i dlatego zawartość szkła powinna być ograniczona. W pracy ustalono aktywność pocolanową w róznych typach odpadów szklanych według Butt J. i EN 196-5: 2006. Porównanie ze znanymi dodatkami mineralnymi, takimi jak mikrokrzemionka czy popiół lotny wykazało, że odpady szklane mają bardzo niski poziom aktywności pocolanowej. Dlatego, zwiększona wytrzymałość we wczesnej fazie hydratyzacji cementu powiązanego ze składnikiem alkalicznym w dodatku szklanym nie wykazuje aktywności pocolanowej odpadów szklanych. Przy oszacowaniu efektów składników alkalicznych dodatku szklanym zostało wprowadzone pojęcie aktywności alkalicznej mieszanki cementowo-szklanej. Biorąc jako przykład inne rodzaje cementów według normy PN-EN 197-1:2011 pokazano, że zastępowanie czystego cementu odpadami szklanymi jest ograniczone z powodu wysokiej zasadowości szkła i niskiej aktywności pocolanowej. Zaproponowana metoda obliczania dopuszczalnej ilości dodatku pozwala oszacować wpływ szkła na całkowitą aktywność alkaliczną składników cementu na etapie projektowym.
The frequency of fl y ash and other Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) utilization is owed to those who work in the national power industry research and implementation centers and the users of CCPs. The statistics have also been infl uenced by the new system of CCP utilization, which encompasses not only the transportation of CCPs but also the development of new, state- -of-the-art technologies of ash benefi ciation and refi ning. Another signifi cant reason for increased utilization of coal combustion products, fl y ash in particular, is the fact that our scientists have conducted in-depth analyses of their physiochemical properties and are now able to take advantage of these properties when designing new products. When optimizing the process of burning coal-based fuels and co-combusting coal and biomass, as well as other products, it is necessary to research the infl uence that introduced changes have on the usability of fl y ash and its environmental impact. Publishing the data, assessments and results of implementation is no less important. To improve on CCP utilization, we need to consider using it on a mass scale to produce classifi ed, activated and hydrophobic fl y ash. In order to design new, high quality products, it is necessary to improve on the production of cenospheres from dry fl ue gas desulfurization, ore concentrates, as well as micro- and nanofi lls and carriers. Since the utilization of fl y ash from landfi lls increases, it is possible to make profi t from a comprehensive depletion of the lode. The following paper discusses the issue.
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