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This review paper summarizes the possibilities of the use of therapeutic linear electron accelerators for the production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine. This work is based on our published results and the thematically similar papers by other authors, directly related to five medical radioisotopes as 99Mo/99mTc, 198Au, 186Re, 188Re, 117mSn, produced using therapeutic linacs. Our unpublished data relating to the issues discussed have also been used here. In the experiments, two types of radiation were included in the analysis of the radioisotope production process, i.e. the therapeutic twenty-megavolt (20 MV) X-rays generated by Varian linacs and neutron radiation contaminating the therapeutic beam. Thus, the debated radioisotopes are produced in the photonuclear reactions and in the neutron ones. Linear therapeutic accelerators do not allow the production of radioisotopes with high specific activities, but the massive targets can be used instead. Thus, the amount of the produced radioisotopes may be increased. Apart from linear accelerators, more and more often, the production of radioisotopes is carried out in small medical cyclotrons. More such cyclotrons are developed, built, and sold commercially than for scientific research. The radioisotopes produced with the use of therapeutic linacs or cyclotrons can be successfully applied in various laboratory tests and in research.
Eemian (Murava, Merkinė) deposits at five exposed sections (Zaslavl, Zhukevichi, Ponemun, Snaigupėlė, and Netiesos) located in Lithuania and Belarus are described. Preliminary palaeomagnetic results show a record of the Brunhes epoch normal magnetic field and a short-term reversal – the Blake Event – is recognized in three of the five sections. The Blake Event recorded in the Netiesos section is characterized by a pattern consisting of three short reversed polarity intervals separated by two short normal polarity intervals. The directional changes of declination, inclination, and MS (magnetic susceptibility) are clear. ESR dating (112.5 ±10.8 and 112.1 ±25.9) and 230Th/U dates obtained from this section (108.8 ±12.0/9.9 ka for the L/L technique and 100.2 ±10.3/8.6 ka for the TSD technique) suggest that (Blake and post-Blake) palaeomagnetic excursions are present in this section. Palaeobotanical analysis and isotope dating of the Netiesos section suggest that the Blake Event occurred during the climatic optimum.
The development of diagnostic methods in medicine as well as the progress in the synthesis of biologically active compounds allows the use of selected radioisotopes for the simultaneous diagnosis and treatment of diseases, especially cancerous ones, in patients. This approach is called theranostic. This review article includes chemical and physical characterization of chosen theranostic radioisotopes and their compounds that are or could be useful in nuclear medicine.
Heavy metals and radioactive compounds are potentially hazardous substances for plants, animals and humans in the Arctic. A good knowledge of the spatial variation of these substances in soil and primary producers, and their sources, is therefore essential. In the samples of lichen Thamnolia vermicularis, Salix polaris and Cassiope tetragona, and the soil samples collected in 2014 in Svalbard near Longyearbyen, the concentrations of the following heavy metals were determined: Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Hg, as well as the activity concentrations of the following: K-40, Cs-137, Pb-210, Pb-212, Bi-212, Bi-214, Pb-214, Ac-228, Th-231 and U-235 in the soil samples. The differences in the concentrations of the analytes accumulated in the different plant species and soil were studied using statistical methods. Sea aerosol was indicated as the source of Pb, Hg, Cs-137, Pb-210 and Th-231 in the studied area. A relatively high concentration of nickel was determined in the biota samples collected near Longyearbyen, compared to other areas of Svalbard. It was supposed that nickel may be released into the atmosphere as a consequence of the local coal mining around Longyearbyen.
Organizacja Zakładu Medycyny Nuklearnej, a dokładniej wymogi techniczno-budowlane dotyczące zarówno pracowni izotopowych, jak i pracowni rentgenowskich, opisano w ustawie Prawo atomowe i rozporządzeniach towarzyszących. Przed przystąpieniem do prac nad realizacją Zakładu Medycyny Nuklearnej należy dokładnie przemyśle, jakie badania mają by w nim realizowane, a zatem jakie radioizotopy i ich aktywności będą do tego potrzebne. Po ustaleniu zakresu działalności należy dokona wyboru klasy pracowni – wymagania techniczne, budowlane i wyposażenie ściśle się z tym wiążą. W publikacji opisano wymagania dla pracowni izotopowej klasy II.
Organization of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, more precisely – the requirements technical construction on the isotope laboratory and X-ray laboratories are described by the Act on Atomic Law and accompanying regulations. Before taking an action aimed at creating the Department of Nuclear Medicine it is necessary to assess what types of tests we are going to do, and thus what radioisotopes and their activities will be needed. Then, it is needed to determine the class of the studio – the technical requirements, and construction equipment are closely associated with it. The requirements for isotope laboratory class II, are described in the publication.
Radioactive isotopes in the environment, both natural and artificial, can be good indicators in the analysis of a number of physical and chemical processes and the transport of pollutants in the ecosystem. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of soil use on the radioisotopic composition in its surface layers. The radioisotopic compositions of surface soil samples, collected in the area of a cement plant, abandoned for over 20 years, as well as in the area of the nearby allotments were examined and compared. Calculations were performed using methods designed to study compositional variables. The results confirmed a significant impact of the way soil is used on the radioisotopic composition of the surface soil layers. However, some characteristics of the composition were common to both locations. It was discovered, that a significant proportion of the lead isotope Pb-210 was derived from atmospheric deposition. Other radioisotopes remained relatively close to equilibrium in their decay chains.
Mining and processing industry represents a potential source of radioisotopes contaminating the nearest environment. In order to estimate conditions of the environment in the vicinity of cement plant moss bag biomonitoring method was used. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the extent of air pollution with 40K, 137Cs, 210Pb and the distance from the cement plant. The share of various radiation sources in the total 210Pb activity concentration in mosses after exposure was also analyzed. Sampling sites were located in the forest near Opole (PL), in a line and at different distances from the cement plant. In test two types of moss bags, exposed simultaneously in the same places, were used. In the studies, activity concentrations of gamma-radioactive isotopes were determined in samples of moss before and after the exposure. In investigations the gamma-spectrometer with a germanium detector was used. From the obtained results the Relative Accumulation Factors (RAF) were calculated. In order to assess the extent to which radionuclides activity depends on the distance from the cement plant, correlation coefficients were calculated. It is hard to estimate the trends of radionuclides activity concentration changes with distance from the cement plant due to substantial discrepancies in the results. No significant relationship of radionuclides deposition on the distance from the cement plant was noticed.
Przemysł wydobywczy i przetwórczy stanowi potencjalne źródło izotopów promieniotwórczych zanieczyszczających najbliższe środowisko. W celu oceny stanu środowiska w okolicy cementowni zastosowano metodę woreczkową z mchami. Celem doświadczenia było zbadanie zależności pomiędzy stopniem zanieczyszczenia powietrza 40K, 137Cs i 210Pb a odległością od cementowni. Przeanalizowano również udział różnych źródeł promieniowania w sumarycznej aktywności 210Pb w mchach po ekspozycji. Punkty pomiarowe zlokalizowane były w lesie niedaleko Opola, w jednej linii i w różnych odległościach od cementowni. W badaniu wykorzystano dwa typy woreczków wywieszone jednocześnie w tych samych miejscach. Zmierzono aktywność izotopów gamma-promieniotwórczych w próbkach mchów przed i po ekspozycji, wykorzystując gamma spektrometr z detektorem germanowym. Z uzyskanych wyników wyliczono względne współczynniki akumulacji (RAF). Chcąc ocenić w jakim stopniu aktywność radionuklidów zależy od odległości od cementowni, wyznaczono współczynniki korelacji liniowej. Ze względu na znaczną rozbieżność wyników w wariantach trudno jest ocenić trend wzrostu aktywności radionuklidów wraz ze zmianą odległości od cementowni. Nie zauważono wyraźnych zależności wielkości depozycji radionuklidów od odległości od cementowni.
Estimation of possible mass relocation in environment is crucial in assessment of threats resulting from industrial activity. In many regions the abandoned industrial estates can be found, which can be a source of harmful substances in environment. In such areas composition of soils can be changed as a result of industrial activity. Among others, the radioactive isotopes in significant concentrations could appear in processing of mineral materials as well as in branches of production where fossil fuels are combusted. Surface soil samples were collected in the area of the former cement plant “Piast”, situated within Opole city borders. Concentrations of gamma radioactive isotopes were determined in the samples. A number of naturally occurring radioisotopes were found as well as artificial Cs-137. In results studies methods designed for compositional data analysis were utilized. It was found that the radioisotopes from the radium and thorium decay series were close to equilibrium state. Concentrations of U-235 and its daughter Th-231 are rather poorly related with each other. Concentration of K-40 is somewhat bound with concentrations of radionuclides from thorium decay chain. The Cs-137 concentrations were not related to concentrations of other radioisotopes. The results obtained suggest lack of an intense mass relocation in the area close to former cement works. Neither significant deposition or elution/leaching of matter in the investigated area can be supposed.
Oszacowanie skali wielkości przemieszczania się masy ma kluczowe znaczenie w ocenie zagrożeń wynikających z działalności przemysłowej. W wielu regionach znajdują się pozostałości po zakładach przemysłowych, które mogą być źródłem szkodliwych substancji w środowisku. Na tych obszarach można oczekiwać podwyższonego poziomu skażeń, których źródłem jest wcześniejsza działalność przemysłu. Na takich terenach mogą występować m.in. zwiększone ilości izotopów promieniotwórczych, powstających w wyniku przetwarzania surowców mineralnych lub spalania paliw kopalnych. Do badań pobrano próbki gleby zebrane na obszarze byłej cementowni „Piast”, znajdującej się w granicach miasta Opole. W badanych próbkach oznaczono aktywności naturalnych izotopów gamma-promieniotwórczych. W próbkach gleby znajdował się także sztuczny izotop Cs-137. Podczas analizy danych wykorzystano metody analizy zmiennych złożonych. Stwierdzono, że izotopy z szeregu radowego i torowego znajdowały się w stanie zbliżonym do równowagowego. Aktywności U-235 i Th-231 były słabo ze sobą związane. Aktywność K-40 była w pewnym stopniu związana z aktywnościami radionuklidów pochodzących z szeregu torowego. Aktywność Cs-137 nie ma związku z aktywnościami pozostałych izotopów promieniotwórczych. Uzyskane wyniki sugerują ograniczone przemieszczanie się materii na obszarze byłej cementowni. Zarówno depozycja, jak i wymywanie/ługowanie materii na badanym obszarze jest ograniczone.
The present paper demonstrates application of isotopic tracer technique in characterization of anion exchange resins Dowex-SBR LC and Indion-454 for which 131I and 82Br radio isotopes were used. The characterization was made based on iodide and bromide ion-isotopic exchange reaction kinetic data obtained for the two resins. It was observed that during iodide ion-isotopic exchange reaction performed at 35.0 °C, 1.000 g of ion exchange resins and 0.002 mol/L labeled iodide ion solution, the values of specific reaction rate (min-1), amount of ion exchanged (mmol), initial rate of ion exchange (mmol/min) and log Kd were 0.379, 0.426, 0.161 and 16.2 respectively for Dowex-SBR LC resin, which was higher than the respective values of 0.156, 0.243, 0.038 and 13.4 as that obtained by using Indion-454 resins. The identical trend was observed for the two resins during bromide ion-isotopic exchange reaction. The results of present investigation also indicate that during the two ion-isotopic exchange reactions, for both the resins, there exists a strong positive linear correlation between amount of ions exchanged and concentration of ionic solution; and strong negative correlation between amount of ions exchanged and temperature of exchanging medium. Based on overall results it appears that under identical experimental conditions, as compared to Indion-454 resins, Dowex-SBR LC resins show superior performance. It is expected here that the present technique can be extended further for characterization of different ion exchange resins which will further help in the selection of those reins for the specific industrial application.
The present study deals with non-destructive application of radioactive tracer isotopes to evaluate the performance of Tulsion A-33 (nuclear grade) and Indion NSSR (non-nuclear grade) anion exchange resins. The performance evaluation was done by carrying out the iodide and bromide ion-isotopic exchange reactions using the above resins. It was observed that at a constant temperature of 40.0 °C, as the concentration of labeled iodide ion solution increases 0.001 M to 0.004 M, the percentage of iodide ions exchanged increases from 58.0 % to 64.0 % for Tulsion A-33 resins; and from 48.4 % to 50.8 % for Indion NSSR resins. Similarly in case of bromide ion-isotopic exchange reaction under identical experimental conditions, the percentage of bromide ions exchanged increases from 45.6 % to 50.4 % for Tulsion A-33 resin; and from 39.8 % to 44.6 % for Indion NSSR resin. It was also observed that during iodide ion-isotopic exchange reaction at 40.0 °C, using 1.000 g of ion exchange resins and 0.003 M labeled ionic solution, using Tulsion A-33 resin the values of specific reaction rate (min-1), amount of iodide ion exchanged (mmol), initial rate of iodide ion exchange (mmol/min) and log Kd were 0.229, 0.469, 0.107 and 10.6 respectively, which was higher than the values of 0.167, 0.375, 0.063 and 7.6 respectively as obtained by using Indion NSSR resins under identical experimental conditions. The overall results indicate superior performance of Tulsion A-33 over Indion NSSR resin under identical operational parameters.
Celem opracowania było przypomnienie i przybliżenie w 2011r. - Międzynarodowym Roku Chemii oraz Jubileuszowym Roku Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie (1867-1934) - Jej wkładu w naukę światową i wiedzę o promieniotwórczości oraz w dziedzinę chemii, dzięki któremu był możliwy również dynamiczny rozwój nauk rolniczych oraz nauki o środowisku. W pracy przedstawiono niektóre metody radiochemiczne wykorzystywane w badaniach chemiczno-rolniczych. Na wybranych przykładach omówiono stosowanie izotopów promieniotwórczych - atomów znaczonych jako metodę badawczą zdarzeń i procesów, również ich przebiegu, w czasie historycznym Ziemi i człowieka oraz obecnie. Wskaźniki promieniotwórcze wykorzystano w badaniach przyczyn, dróg oraz dynamiki procesów przebiegających w glebach i roślinach (np. 40K, 32P, 59Fe, 15O) również do wyznaczenia wieku skał, minerałów, osadów oraz gleby (np. 14C, 238U, 235U, 232Th), a także w badaniach obiegu pierwiastków i ich promieniotwórczych izotopów w łańcuchu pokarmowym człowieka (np. 40K, 137Cs, 90Sr, 131I, 45Ca, 32P). Dalszy dynamiczny rozwój wiedzy oraz technik radiochemicznych umożliwił badania i monitoring rozproszonych w środowisku przyrodniczym radioizotopów naturalnych (np.40K, 238U, 210Pb, 210Po, 226Ra) i sztucznych (np. 32P, 59Fe, 60Co, 131I, 137Cs, 90Sr, 99Te), wprowadzonych do niego wskutek eksplozji nuklearnych, awarii reaktorów w elektrowniach jądrowych, a także pochodzących z różnego rodzaju odpadów promieniotwórczych. Stosowanie radioizotopów w laboratoryjnych badaniach procesów, odbywających się w warunkach kontrolowanych, umożliwia opis i ocenę ich przebiegu w środowisku przyrodniczym.
Regarding the celebration of the 2011 as an International Year of Chemistry as well as the 100th anniversary of the awarding Maria Skłodowska-Curie (1867-1934) with individual Nobel Prize, the aim of this paper is to remind and illustrate the contribution of Maria Skłodowska-Curie to the world of science and to knowledge about radioactivity and chemistry. Thanks to Her achievements, dynamic development of agricultural and environmental sciences was also possible. The application of radioisotopes as a method of studying the events and processes in the Earth's history and human past and presence are discussed using selected examples. Radioactive tracers (for example 40K, 32P, 59Fe, 15O) were used to study the reasons, ways and dynamics of processes in soils and plants and to determine the age (radiometric dating) of rocks, minerals, sediments and soils (for example 14C, 238U, 235U, 232Th). Radiotracers were used in analysing the circulation of elements and their isotopes in the nutritional chain of humans (for example 40K, 137Cs, 90Sr, 131I, 45Ca, 32P). Furthermore, the dynamic progress of knowledge and of radiochemical techniques enabled the investigations and monitoring of natural (for example 40K, 238U, 210Pb, 210Po, 226Ra) and artificial (for example 32P, 59Fe, 60Co, 131I, 137Cs, 90Sr, 99Te) radioisotopes dispersed in the environment, released due to nuclear explosions, damage of reactors in the nuclear power plants and from different kind of radionuclide wastes. Application of radioisotopes in laboratory analyses of processes under controlled conditions permits the description and estimation of their ways in the natural environment.
In many cities the abandoned industrial estates can be found. Even if such area has been recultivated and prepared the regions located further from the historical source of pollution could not have been restored. In such areas some unwanted substances, originated from former industry, still remain in soil. Among others, the radioactive isotopes in significant concentrations could appear in processing of mineral materials as well as in branches of production where coal combustion is utilized. Soil samples were collected in the area of the former cement plant “Piast”, situated within Opole city borders and in the area of nearby allotment gardens. A number of naturally occurring radioisotopes were found as well as artificial 137Cs. The biggest radioactivity concentration was produced by 40K and 137Cs. Concentration of activities of the remaining radioisotopes was lower and similar to each other. No significant differences in activities of radionuclides in soil samples collected in former industrial estate and in allotment gardens were found.
W wielu miejscowościach znajdują się pozostałości po zakładach przemysłowych. Nawet jeśli taki teren został zrekultywowany, często obszary położone nieco dalej nie zostały przywrócone do pierwotnego stanu. Na takich terenach można spodziewać się istnienia podwyższonych stężeń różnych pierwiastków, w tym izotopów promieniotwórczych. Do badań pobrano próbki gleby na obszarze byłej cementowni „Piast”, znajdującej się w granicach miasta Opola oraz na obszarze pobliskich ogródków działkowych. W badanych próbkach stwierdzono obecność naturalnych izotopów promieniotwórczych oraz 137Cs. Największe aktywności wykazywały 40K oraz 137Cs. Aktywności naturalnych izotopów promieniotwórczych były znacznie niższe i porównywalne względem siebie. Nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic aktywności radionuklidów w próbkach gleby zebranych na obszarze byłych terenów przemysłowych oraz tych, które zebrano w ogrodach działkowych.
W artykule omówiono wybrane metody analizy sygnałów stosowane w radioizotopowych absorpcyjnych pomiarach parametrów przepływów dwufazowych: metodę korelacji wzajemnej i metodę fazy wzajemnej gęstości widmowej mocy. Na wybranych przykładach pokazano wykorzystanie obydwu metod do pomiaru prędkości przepływu fazy gazowej w mieszaninie woda-powietrze transportowanej rurociągiem poziomym. Wyznaczono i porównano niepewności wyników pomiarów prędkości uzyskane przy zastosowaniu prezentowanych metod.
The paper presents gamma absorption methods applied to two-phase flow evaluation by advanced statistical analysis of the recorded stochastic signals. Two selected methods based on the cross-correlation function and the phase of the cross-spectral density distributions are considered. The examples illustrate application of the specified functions to measurement of velocity of the gas phase transported by water in a horizontal pipe. Moreover, the uncertainties of the velocity measurement results obtained by using both statistical methods presented are calculated and compared.
Nuclear and radiation technologies play an important role in power sector, starting from fossil fuels exploitation, their transport and distribution and finally power generation. Application of environmental isotopes, stable and radioactive, in ground water monitoring in the vicinity of open cast lignite mine, radon monitor applied for miner’s safety in deep coal mines and nucleonic control systems for ash in coal control are discussed in the paper. Other applications of nuclear techniques reviewed, concern the oil industry, oil field recovery, transportation pipelines and refineries. Finally, the application of beta radiation-based gauges for air borne fly ash monitoring and radiation technology for flue gas treatment are the examples of using this technique in power sector equipped with coal and oil fired boilers.
Content available remote Natural ionizing radiation in some resorts and recreational locations in Lithuania
The results of dosimetric and radiometric analyses of ionizing radiation emitted by natural radionuclides conducted in the Curonian Spit and other recreational locations nearby water reservoirs in Vilnius, Lithuania, are presented. The research was carried out with mobile measuring instruments, data registration and accumulation equipment, applying Global Positioning System. The distribution of equivalent dose rates in the locations has been measured. Soil samples were taken from the locations where equivalent dose rate was measured and specific activities of major gamma radiators were evaluated using spectrometric analysis. The coefficient correlation was detected between 40K, 226Ra, 232Th and 137Cs specific activities and equivalent dose rates above sample collection location. The coefficient of correlation between 40K and 226Ra specific activity in soil and in bottom mud water is identified.
Przedstawiono wyniki dozymetrycznych i radiometrycznych pomiarów naturalnego promieniowania jonizujacego na terenia Mierzei Kurońskiej. Badania prowadzono, korzystajac z przenośnego urządzenia rejestrującego wyposażonego w system GPS. Stwierdzono korelację między aktywnością promieniotwórczą radionuklidów 40K, 226Ra, 232Th i l37 Cs a równoważną dawką promieniowania jonizującego w miejscach pomiarów. Zaobserwowano również korelację między aktywnością promieniotwórczą radionuklidów 40K i 226 Ra w glebie i osadach dennych.
Concentration of radioisotopes in biological material of fishes tench {Tinea tinea, carp {Cyrpinus carpio), pike {Esox lucius) from the Dzierżno Duże dam-reservoir were determined. The concentrations of potassium isotope 40K are with normal limits for living organisms. The concentrations of radioisotopes from uranium-radium (238U) progeny are about 0.1% in comparison to the concentrations of bottom sediments of this lake. The highest concentrations of cesium 137Cs were determined in the muscles of pike {Esox lucius). Isotope cesium (137Cs) was not found in the Copepoda biomass. The concentrations of radioisotopes from uranium-radium and thorium progeny are not hazardous.
Określono koncentracje radioizotopów w tkance mięśniowej lina (Tinea tinea), karpia (Cyprinus carpio) oraz szczupaka (Esox lucius) pochodzących z zanieczyszczonego zbiornika Dzierżno Duże (woj. śląskie). Stwierdzono, że zawartość radioizotopu potasu 40K mieści się w obserwowanych dla żywych organizmów granicach. Zawartość radioizotopów szeregu uranowego 238U i torowego 232Th są niewielkie w porównaniu z zawartością radioizotopów w osadach dennych, w badanym zbiorniku. Stanowią one około 0,1% tych wielkości. Stężenia izotopów promieniotwórczych szeregu uranowego 238U i torowego 232Th w tkance mięśniowej ryb są niewielkie. W próbkach rozwielitek nie stwierdzono obecności cezu 137Cs. Najwyższą zawartość cezu 137Cs stwierdzono w tkance mięśniowej szczupaka.
Przedstawiono zawartość izotopów promieniotwórczych w osadach dennych antropogenicznego zbiornika wodnego w Rybniku. Zbiornik zasilany jest wodami rzeki Rudy płynącej przez silnie uprzemysłowiony region kraju. Próby osadów pobrano z szesnastu stanowisk w profilach poprzecznych zbiornika. Pomiary przeprowadzono techniką wysokoczułej spektrometrii promieniowania gamma z detektorem półprzewodnikowym typu HPGc. Stwierdzono występowanie izotopów promieniotwórczych z szeregu uranowo-radowego, szeregu torowego, naturalnego izotopu potasu 40K oraz sztucznego izotopu cezu 137Cs. Średnia zawartość zidentyfikowanych izotopów wynosi: 40K - 316 Bq/kg, 137Cs - 53 Bq/kg, rodziny 238U - 42 Bq/kg, 232Th - 34 Bq/kg. Zawartości wykrytych izotopów były na poziomic normalnie spotykanym w środowisku naturalnym i w żadnym punkcie nic odbiegały od przeciętnie spotykanych. Stwierdzono wyraźną współzależność między stężeniem radioizotopów i metali ciężkich a stężeniem materii organicznej w osadach dennych. Wskazuje to na znacząca rolę biomasy powstającej w zbiorniku, jako elementu kumulacji i transportu zanieczyszczeń wewnątrz ekosystemu, w wyniku ruchów mas wody.
The distribution of radioactive substances in cores collected in 16 sample points of bottom sediments of the Rybnik dam-reservoir has been studied. This ecosystem is an artificial reservoir on the Ruda river which flows through the industrial region in the west-south part of the Upper Silesian region. The aim of the work was to investigate samples from bottom sediments to determine sort and amount of radionuclides and other chemical elements and biological substances. These samples were taken from sixteen points along the seven profiles of short axis of the reservoir and were divided from 10 cm layers of bottom sediments. The measurement of radioactive substances using high sensitive gamma spectromctry technique with semiconductor detector HPGc type was done. There was shown occurrence of radionuclides from uranium-radium (238^U) progeny, thorium 232Th progeny, the natural radionuclide of potassium 40K and the artificial radioisotope of caesium 137Cs. The mean activity concentration of radioelements was: 40K. - 316 Bq/kg, 137Cs - 53 Bq/kg, 238U - 42 Bq/kg, 232Th - 34 Bq/kg. Besides, the concentrations change of radioisotope along the reservoir in the sediments was analyzed. A higher concentration of radioisotopes at the end of the lake was observed generally. For the caesium 137Cs the highest concentration in the 10 cm layer was in the middle points of the lake (for maximal deep). This could be related to the Chernobyl accident. The concentrations of radioisotope arc natural in the environmental and arc not dangerous. The correlation between radioisotopes and heavy metals and organic matter content in the bottom sediments show that the role of autochthony biomass as the clement of pollutants transport is very important.
Content available The IBA self-extracting cyclotron project
The self-extracting cyclotron is a high-intensity 14 MeV H+ machine for isotope production. There is no electrostatic deflector. Extraction is achieved with a special shaping of the magnetic field. There are two long poles and two short poles, both with an elliptical gap profile; this provides a steep fall off of the magnetic field at the pole radii. An extraction groove is machined in the iron of one of the longer poles. First harmonic coils create a large orbit separation at the entrance of the extraction path and extract the beam. The machine is presently installed in the industrial isotope production site where the final commissioning and tests took place. Beams of more than 1.5 mA have been extracted and transported. Further development is ongoing in order to increase the current on target to at least 2 mA in the coming months. Commercial isotope production will start in the course of this year. The concept of the machine is explained and the layout of the machine and beam lines is presented. Results of orbit calculations and central region optimizations are given. Results of the measurement of extracted beam shapes and emittances are given. The progress and present status of the project are discussed.
Content available Status report of the VINCY Cyclotron
The VINCY Cyclotron is the main part of the TESLA Accelerator Installation. The diameter of the pole of this machine is 2000 mm. Its bending constant is 145 MeV while its focusing constant is 75 MeV. The radiofrequency system of the machine consists of two l/4-resonators with the eigenfrequency in the range from 17 to 31 MHz. Ions coming from a heavy ion source or a light ion source will be injected into the machine axially. They will be introduced into its median plane by a spiral inflector. Heavy ions accelerated in the machine will be extracted from it by a foil stripping system or by an electrostatic deflection system. Light ions will be extracted from it by the foil stripping system. The first programs of use of the VINCY Cyclotron are related to routine and experimental production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, and to biomedical research with ion beams. The first beam extracted from the machine will be the proton beam of the energy of 22 MeV obtained from the H2+ beam extracted from the light ion source. This beam will be used first for production of radioisotope 18F and radio-pharmaceutical 18FDG, to be employed for positron emission tomography
Przedstawiono koncentracje izotopów promieniotwórczych w osadach dennych antropogenicznego zbiornika wodnego w Pławniowicach (gmina Rudziniec, województwo śląskie). Próby osadów pobrano z dwunastu stanowisk wzdłuż długiej i krótkiej osi zbiornika. Pomiary przeprowadzono techniką wysokoczułej spektrometrii promieniowania gamma z detektorem półprzewodnikowym typu HPGe. Stwierdzono występowanie: izotopów promieniotwórczych z szeregu uranowo-radowego, szeregu torowego, naturalnego izotopu potasu 40K oraz sztucznego izotopu cezu 137Cs. Średnia koncentracja zidentyfikowanych izotopów wynosiła 40K-347Bq/kg, 137Cs-205 Bq/kg, rodziny 238U-45 Bq/kg, rodziny 232Th-24 Bq/kg. Stwierdzono, że koncentracje wykrytych izotopów sa na poziomie normalnie spotykanym w środowisku naturalnym i w żadnym punkcie nie odbiegały od wartości przeciętnie spotykanych. Koncentracje te nie stanowią żadnego zagrożenia radioaktywnego.
The distribution of radioactive substances in cores collected in l2 sample points of bottom sediments of Pławniowice antropogenic water reservoir has been studied. This ecosystem is an artificial reservoir on the Potok Toszecki river, which goes through the agricultural region in the west part of the Upper Silesian region. The aim of the work was to investigate samples from bottom sediments to determine sort and amount of radionuclides and other chemical elements and biological substances. These samples were taken from eleven points along the short and long axis of reservoir and were divided from 10-cm layers of bottom sediments. The measurement of radioactivity substances using high sensitive gamma spectrometry technique with semiconductor detector HPGe type was done. There was shown occurrence of radionuclides from uranium-radium 238U progeny, thorium 232Th progeny, the natural radionuclide of potassium 40K and the artificial radioisotope of cesium 137Cs. The mean activity concentration of radioelements is 40K - 347,0 Bq/kg, 137Cs - 204,7 Bq/kg, 238U - 44,5 Bq/kg, 232Th - 24,0 Bq/kg. Besides the concentrations change of radioisotope along the reservoir in the sediments was analyzed. A higher concentration of radioisotopes at the end of the lake was observed generally. For the cesium 137Cs the highest concentration in the 10-cm layer was in the middle points of the lake (for maximal deep) determined. This could be related with the Chernobyl accident. The concentrations of radioisotope are naturally in the environmental and are not dangerous.
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