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The coal reserves in protection pillar of roadways are expected to be left in the mining process in underground mines in Quangninh coal basin which is relatively large (about 16% of the total reserves). If it can be exploited, it will help to save non-renewable coal resources, reduce the cost of preparing roadway meters, extend the mine life and increase the efficiency of construction investment. In the world, in order to reduce coal loss in protection pillar of roadways, mining technology to exploit and use artificial protection pillars are quite popular. Accordingly, in order to simultaneously exploit coal in the protection pillar and maintain the transport roadway as a ventilation roadway for the longwall in below level, the post-mining coal pillar will be replaced by artificial pillars formed from the stone backfill cribs, columns, metal cribs, chemical materials or low-grade concrete mortar mixes formed from fly ash, bottom ash of thermal power plants, combined crushed waste rock and a cement additive,... This paper will evaluate the possibility and propose a number of mining technological scheme as well as the type of construction materials suitable for artificial columns.
The paper summarizes the applied experience, the technical solutions to limit the adverse effects of slope angle in the mechanized longwall mining at underground mines in the world. The paper proposes some solutions for enlarging the application field of the fully mechanized longwall mining technology according to seam dip angle at underground coal mines belonging to Vinacomin. In the article exploitation methods of coal seams of medium to thick thickness with dip angle above 20° designed for mechanized longwall were presented.
W artykule przedstawiono bilans cieplny organizmu człowieka w formie odpowiednich równań i grafik, następnie wyjaśniono istotę obciążenia termicznego oraz przedstawiono czynniki kształtujące warunki klimatyczne w kopalniach głębokich, a także wymieniono najistotniejsze wskaźniki mikroklimatu i warunków klimatycznych. W dalszej jego części dokonano przeglądu i analizy obowiązujących przepisów w zakresie identyfikacji i kwalifikacji zagrożenia klimatycznego. Przedstawiono stan prawny obowiązujący w tym zakresie w Polsce oraz na świecie, między innymi w Republice Federalnej Niemiec, krajach byłego ZSRR, Bułgarii, Belgii, Holandii, Francji, USA, Kanadzie, Australii i Republice Czeskiej.
The article presents the heat balance of a human body in the form of suitable equations and graphics. Then the essence of heat load is explained along with the factors which shape climatic conditions in deep underground mines. The most important microclimatic indexes and climate conditions were listed. In the further part of the article the author reviewed and analyzed valid regulations in the realm of identification and qualification of the climatic hazard, i.e. legal regulations in Poland and other countries, such as Germany, countries of the former Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Belgium, Holland, France, USA, Canada, Australia, and the Czech Republic. In the summary it was pointed out that the 1st stage of the research project had resulted in the publication of both an electronic and paper document, with 80 pages and over 400 references listed, to be used in the next stages of the project.
This paper features a concept of robust hybrid wireless networks architecture which can be used to develop monitoring systems for an underground coal mine environment. The architecture is based on two types of networks: a wireless LAN with quality of service support and a robust wireless sensor network. By regulating the mesh sensor network deployment and formulating a collaborating mechanism based on a beacon strategy, a monitoring system is able to rapidly detect network structure variations caused by underground collapses and make the reconfiguration of the network.
W artykule zaproponowano koncepcję architektury odpornej hybrydowej sieci bezprzewodowej, która może być zastosowana do budowy systemów monitorowania środowiska podziemnych kopalń węgla. Architektura charakteryzuje się wykorzystaniem dwóch rodzajów sieci: bezprzewodowej sieci LAN z zapewnieniem jakości usług i odpornej bezprzewodowej sieci czujnikowej. Dostosowując rozmieszczenie siatki sieci czujników i formułując mechanizm współpracy węzłów oparty na strategii sygnalizacji pozycji, system monitorowania jest w stanie szybko wykrywać zmiany w strukturze sieci spowodowane podziemnymi zawałami i rekonfigurować sieć.
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