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Od wielu lat powszechne jest publiczne i nieodpłatne udostępnianie w internecie elektronicznych repozytoriów, baz danych, zbiorów elementów (narzędzi) niezbędnych do cyfrowego modelowania informacji o budynku (obiekcie budowlanym) w technologii BIM (ang. Building Information Modeling), często określanych mianem „Biblioteki obiektów BIM” lub „Biblioteki BIM” przy jednoczesnym braku wskazania, że w danym przypadku mamy do czynienia z tzw. licencją otwartą. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest z jednej strony uporządkowanie wiedzy dotyczącej elektronicznych baz danych, a z drugiej zaprezentowanie i analiza prawna istotnych problemów dotyczących swobodnego korzystania z elektronicznych baz danych, których elementy wykorzystywane są w procesie cyfrowego modelowania informacji o budynku (obiekcie budowlanym), z reguły w toku projektowania, w celach komercyjnych. Zdaniem autora osoba korzystająca z publicznie dostępnej w internecie i niejednokrotne nieodpłatnej zawartości elektronicznej bazy danych w postaci Biblioteki obiektów BIM / Biblioteki BIM, która podlega ochronie sui generis, poprzez pobieranie i/lub wtórne wykorzystanie całej zawartości elektronicznej bazy danych lub istotnej, co do jakości lub ilości, jej części w celu cyfrowego modelowania informacji o budynku (obiekcie budowlanym), najczęściej w procesie projektowania, w celach komercyjnych, przy jednoczesnym braku: (1) umowy przenoszącej na daną osobę prawo sui generis czy też umowy licencyjnej na korzystanie z tego prawa do elektronicznej bazy danych; (2) informacji o obecności tzw. licencji otwartej, narusza prawo sui generis do elektronicznej bazy danych przysługujące producentowi Biblioteki obiektów BIM / Biblioteki BIM na gruncie zarówno Ustawy, jak i Dyrektywy. Co więcej, z jednej strony art. 8 ust. 1 pkt 1) Ustawy zakazuje dozwolonego użytku osobistego z istotnej, co do jakości lub ilości, części elektronicznej bazy danych, na przykład w postaci Biblioteki obiektów BIM / Biblioteki BIM, a z drugiej naruszeniem prawa sui generis do elektronicznej bazy danych będzie powtarzające się i systematyczne pobieranie lub wtórne wykorzystanie nieistotnej, pod względem jakości lub ilości, części zawartości Biblioteki obiektów BIM / Biblioteki BIM, jeżeli jest to sprzeczne z normalnym korzystaniem i powoduje nieusprawiedliwione naruszenie słusznych interesów producenta elektronicznej bazy danych.
For many years, it has been commonplace for electronic repositories, databases, collections of elements (tools) necessary for digital modeling of building information (building object) in BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology, often referred to as "BIM Object Library", or "BIM Library", to be made available publicly and free of charge on the Internet, while at the same time failing to indicate that in a given case we are dealing with a so-called open licence. The purpose of this publication is, on the one hand, to organise knowledge concerning electronic databases, and, on the other hand, to present and legally analyse the relevant problems concerning the free use of electronic databases, the elements of which are used in the process of digital modeling of building (construction object) information, in the course of design, for commercial purposes. In the author's opinion a person using the publicly available on the internet and often free of charge content of an electronic database in the form of a BIM Object Library / BIM Library, which is only subject to sui generis right, which is publicly available on the Internet and many times free of charge, by extraction and/or re-utilisation of the entire content of the electronic database or a substantial, in terms of quality or quantity, part of it for the purpose of digitally modeling building (construction object) information, most often in the design process, for commercial purposes, in the absence of: (1) an contract transferring to the person concerned a sui generis right, or a licence agreement for the use of this right to an electronic database not subject to copyright protection; (2) the information on the presence of a so-called open licence both as regards an electronic database not subject to copyright protection and as regards an electronic database subject to such protection, violates the sui generis right to the electronic database vested in the maker of the BIM Object Library / BIM Library under both the Act and the Directive. Moreover, on the one hand, Article 8 section 1 point 1) of the Act prohibits permitted personal use of a substantial, in terms of quality or quantity, part of an electronic database, for example in the form of a BIM Object Library / BIM Library, on the other hand, violation of the sui generis right to an electronic database if repeated and systematic extraction or reutilisation use of a non-substantial, in terms of quality or quantity, part of the content of the BIM Object Library / BIM Library is carried out if this is contrary to normal use and results in an unjustified infringement of the legitimate interests of the maker of the electronic database.
The article describes an example of using a database application to manage customer data in an organization producing products to individual customer orders. The research were carried out in the department of production engineering at the Poznan University of Technology, who conducts research regarding the creation of individual prostheses and ortheses for patients with limb disfunctions. The developed database application with its functionality is included in the area of crm it solutions. The application is an extension of the automedprint system, which is used for fast, automatic designing and manufacturing of prostheses and orthetizes by 3d printing. In automedprint, data concerning clients, products and production orders are saved in different folders, which makes the management of these data very hard. Reason for this, a solution which enables accelerating editing, searching, sorting of data, and therefore providing in a short time information on the status of implementation of individual orders, has been developed.
Since the early days, cadastral data represent the geographic extent of the past, current, and future rights and interests in real property. Thus, these data are extremely important for the proper development of statehood and society. The article analyses the process of formation of the real estate cadastre in two countries - Poland and Ukraine - from the time of its establishment to the present. Both countries were in the past (and Ukraine still is) victims of various historical events that deprived them of statehood, stability and opportunities for development; therefore, it affected the development of the cadastre and its accessibility to all stakeholders. The authors attempt to answer the question of if and how geographic location and historical conditions can affect the quality and availability of open cadastral data (OCD). After all, our perception of reality is a direct result of processes originating in history. This paper contains comparisons between a post-Soviet (Ukraine) and a post-communist country (Poland) and their path from early cadastral maps to OCD.
The regulations on the EGiB, GESUT and BDOT500 geodetic databases published in 2013 and 2015 contained a significant number of errors, which significantly hindered the process of updating the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource, lowered the quality of cartographic materials and extended the time of performing geodetic works. The article presents some errors and their impact on the quality and content of cartographic materials. From 2021, new regulations in this area have been in force, but to a large extent they duplicate the errors and shortcomings of the regulations described in the article.
The purpose of this article was to provide the user with information about the number of buildings in the analyzed OpenStreetMap (OSM) dataset in the form of data completeness indicators, namely the standard OSM building areal completeness index (C Index), the numerical completeness index (COUNT Index) and OSM building location accuracy index (TP Index). The official Polish vector database BDOT10k (Database of Topographic Objects) was designated as the reference dataset. Analyses were carried out for Piaseczno County in Poland, differentiated by land cover structure and urbanization level. The results were presented in the form of a bivariate choropleth map with an individually selected class interval suitable for the statistical distribution of the analyzed data. The results confirm that the completeness of OSM buildings close to 100% was obtained mainly in built-up areas. Areas with a commission of OSM buildings were distinguished in terms of area and number of buildings. Lower values of completeness rates were observed in less urbanized areas. The developed methodology for assessing the quality of OSM building data and visualizing the quality results to assist the user in selecting a dataset is universal and can be applied to any OSM polygon features, as well as for peer review of other spatial datasets of comparable thematic scope and detail.
Purpose: The main purpose of the research is to devise and present a concept for a solution enabling integration of popular off-the-shelf online forms with a tool aligned with the MiRel concept used for quality measurement by application of the SERQUAL method. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis performed by the author comprised various possibilities of using standard features of popular online forms to store data for purposes of the SERVQUAL method. This involved identification of several potential layouts of the master table where the answers previously received are kept. The analysis concerned the data structure applied in the tool designed, as proposed in the literature, in accordance with the MiRel concept, to support the method in question. The elements identified in this structure were the attributes whose values should be entered directly and manually in tables as well as those whose values should be added automatically on the basis of the answers previously received. Solutions were developed to enable automatic data migration from the master table to the tool’s respective tables. Findings: The data required for purposes of the SERVQUAL analysis, supported by a tool created in a spreadsheet according to the MiRel concept, can be successfully stored by means of commonly available online forms. What proves to be problematic is the impossibility of verifying the correctness of the answers in terms of the relevance of individual dimensions, yet in this respect both the verification and potential adjustment of the answers received can be inherent in the mechanism responsible for data migration from the master table to the tool’s tables. A fully functional solution enabling data to be retrieved from the master table and moved to the tool’s tables can be developed using built-in spreadsheet features only, without the need for any code created in any programming language. Practical implications The solution proposed in the paper can be used in practice when measuring quality using the SERVQUAL method. Originality/value: The concept described in the paper is the author’s original solution.
The year 2022 marks half a century since the establishment of HYDRO Bank. It is one of the most important components of the data processing system used by Polish Geological Institute which performs the duties of the state geological and hydrogeological survey. Since its conception in 1972, HYDRO Bank has been using information technology systems. Over the following years, teams of employees repeatedly modernized, expanded and updated the hydrogeological database. The information contained in the database is the basic source of data used for domestic studies in the fields of hydrogeology, cartography, environmental protection and government administration. There is another modernization planned for the upcoming years, along with continuous updates and increase in number of the collected data.
The article shows the results of the preparatory steps taken to create the artificial intelligence used in the automatic recognition of defects in ship thin-walled structures. The above steps are used to create a university private cloud and a computer system maintaining a dataset of vibration signal samples. In the article, a prototype of the private cloud was designed and developed, a model of the vibration sample was prepared, and a microservice was designed aimed at sharing the obtained data. The article demonstrates the results of the completed development.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych działań przygotowawczych do stworzenia sztucznej inteligencji wykorzystywanej w automatycznym rozpoznawaniu defektów okrętowych konstrukcji cienkościennych. Przeprowadzone kroki służą stworzeniu uczelnianej chmury prywatnej oraz systemu informatycznego utrzymującego zbiór danych próbek sygnałów drganiowych. W ramach artykułu zaprojektowano oraz stworzono prototyp chmury prywatnej, przygotowano model próbki drganiowej oraz zaprojektowano mikroserwis służący udostępnianiu uzyskanych danych. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki wykonanej pracy.
Use of the information on groundwater collected by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey for the development of strategic, planning and other documents in the water management
Mining industry is an important sector that produces materials for other industries, also plays an important role in economic and social development, especially in a developing country like Vietnam. However, mineral mining can destroy the environment and deplete resources over time. The biggest challenge for state managers is to balance the conflict between the mining planning, development planning of other economic sectors and environmental issues. One of the solutions is to replace backward, manual extraction tools with the application of the modern computer (Modernize government administration). In Viet Nam, at present, the provincial management agency of mines faces up with difficult problems such as: backward management method, lowly informative level, not using the current data effectively, even some areas can manage data well but can hardly and lowly share them, the current softwares are mainly document management, most of maps are stored on paper, digital map manage is not really cared. The traditional procedure and technology needs to be innovated by the way of enhancing to synthetically manage mineral resources, this can advance speed and quality of data processing, reduce the burden on employees and raise the level of office automation. The article uses the open code ASP.NET combined with GIS (Geographic Information Systems), based on the mineral economic development planning map in Tuyen Quang province, tools for editing, storing and extracting informaion are built detailedly for activities in mines from the beginning to the end of mining process. As a result, managers and authorities can easily search information for their work.
Przemysł wydobywczy jest ważnym sektorem produkującym surowce dla innych gałęzi przemysłu, odgrywa również ważną rolę w rozwoju gospodarczym i społecznym, zwłaszcza w kraju rozwijającym się, takim jak Wietnam. Jednak wydobycie kopalin może z biegiem czasu niszczyć środowisko przyrodnicze i sczerpywać ich zasoby. Największym wyzwaniem dla dyrektorów spółek państwowych jest zrównoważenie konfliktu między planowaniem górniczym, planowaniem rozwoju innych sektorów gospodarki oraz kwestiami ochrony środowiska. Jednym z rozwiązań jest zastąpienie prymitywnych, ręcznych narzędzi do zarzadzania wydobyciem kopalin przez nowoczesne komputery (modernizacja administracji rządowej). W Wietnamie regionalna agencja zarządzania kopalniami boryka się obecnie z trudnymi problemami, takimi jak: zacofany sposób zarządzania, niski poziom informacyjny czy nieefektywne wykorzystanie aktualnych danych. Obecne oprogramowanie to głównie zarządzanie dokumentami, większość map jest w wersji papierowej, zarządzanie mapami cyfrowymi nie jest tak naprawdę ważne. Tradycyjna procedura i technologia wymagają innowacji poprzez usprawnienie syntetycznego zarządzania zasobami mineralnymi, co może przyspieszyć i poprawić jakość przetwarzania danych, zmniejszyć obciążenie pracowników i podnieść poziom automatyzacji biura. Artykuł wykorzystuje otwarty kod ASP.NET w połączeniu z GIS (Geographic Information Systems), w oparciu o mapę planowania rozwoju gospodarki surowcami mineralnymi w prowincji Tuyen Quang, narzędzia do edycji oraz przechowywania i wydobywania informacji są budowane szczegółowo dla działań w kopalniach od początku do końca procesu wydobycia. Dzięki temu kadra zarządzająca i władze regionalne mogą łatwo wyszukiwać informacje dotyczące swojej pracy.
Content available Network analyses with the use of spatial databases
An analysis is the process of browsing and searching for specific information from an entire dataset. The simplest analysis that can be performed on the data is visual analysis. However, it does not provide absolute certainty as to correctness and quality. A more advanced way of selecting required data is computer-based analysis. Analytical operations are performed on the data entered into the computer. The user defines the query, and the program performs calculations and displays the answer on the monitor screen. The aim of this publication is to conduct network analyses with the use of spatial databases. Besides focusing on the analysis as the leading research method, the paper also adopts this method to analyze the literature on the subject. In addition, the paper points to the complementary roles of the raster model and the vector model, emphasizing their coexistence. The paper shows a variety of applications of GIS analyses, from simple buffers around selected areas, through selection, and the intersection of layers, to network analyses. The high degree of advancement of GIS tools allows to build advanced models in which analyses that go beyond the original application of the collected databases can be run.
Content available remote Żeby było lepiej, najpierw musi być gorzej
Artykuł prezentuje zasadność budowania ogólnodostępnej bazy danych dotyczącej terenów zieleni w województwie śląskim. Szczególne właściwości tych terenów w miastach województwa oraz walory społeczne, dydaktyczne, sportowe, wychowawcze, psychologiczne i inne skłaniają do określenia szerokiego dostępu do wyczerpujących danych szczególnie dla projektantów oraz osób, dla których taka baza byłaby pomocna przy podejmowaniu właściwych decyzji projektowych i administracyjnych. Omówiono główne źródła dostępnych informacji o zasobach zieleni, ich kompletność oraz kontekst prawny.
The article presents the legitimacy of building a publicly available database on green areas in the Silesian Voivodeship. The special properties of these areas in the cities of the voivodeship, their social, didactic, sports, educational, psychological, and other values encourage the determination of wide access to comprehensive data, especially for designers and people for whom such a database would be helpful in making the right design and administrative decisions. The main sources of available information about green resources, their completeness and legal context were discussed.
Content available remote Abandoned train stations. Katowice-Zwardoń-Žilina-Rajec
The subject of the paper is train station. The research deal with those train stations that either no longer serve their pur- pose or are now abandoned. By abandoned train stations, the author of the paper means rail buildings that do not provide passengers with the necessities of cash desk and a waiting room or toilet. Stations that have abandoned their original pur- pose. Such stations were analysed on the only railway line connecting Poland and Slovakia operating on a daily basis. Mentioned line is connecting cities Katowice - Zwardoń - Žilina - Rajec. Much of this railway architecture is abandoned and unused. The work described in the paper aims to create a database of abandoned train stations based on authors own research and points to a large number of abandoned train stations that have potential for their future development. The data was collected by means of various methods described in the paper and was valid as of 31.12.2021. The situation today may differ.
Content available Bazy danych w przedsiębiorstwie
W artykule scharakteryzowano bazy danych w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym. W szczególności omówionocechy charakterystyczne przedsiębiorstwa. Zdefiniowano bazy danych oraz przedstawiono architekturę scentralizowanej bazy danych. Jako przypadek szczególny omówiono możliwość zastosowania bazy danych w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym. Artykuł ten jest pierwszym z cyklu wprowadzającym do wybranej tematyki.
The article characterizes databases in an enterprise. In particular, the characteristics of the production enterprise were discussed. Databases were defined and the architecture of the centralized database was presented. As a special case, the possibility of using the database in a manufacturing company was discussed. This article is the first in the cycle.
Due to escalating world ecological problems and the need of replacing conventional energy with renewable one, interest in thermal waters management has significantly increased in the recent years. Investments related to the management of these waters constitute a significant impulse for the economic development of many regions of the country and are in line with the national energy policy. The Polish Geological Survey, whose tasks are fulfilled by the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI), actively participates in promoting activities related to the management of thermal waters. PGI-NRI promotes knowledge in the field of geothermal energy by organizing conferences and trainings. Moreover, PGI-NRI publishes periodical studies on the thermal waters resources and their utilization. Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute has been collecting and sharing geological and hydrogeological data that are necessary to determine the geothermal potential and prospective areas in Poland. These data are also needed for leading various projects related to the management of thermal waters for heating and recreation purposes.
Fulfilling the role of the state geological survey (SGS), the PGI-NRI collects and processes information on the documented raw materials deposits, mining areas, and mining counties. The information sources include geological documentations of raw materials deposits and documents of mining areas and mining counties sent to the PGI-NRI by the concession authorities. The information is made available for wide public through the web services and applications. The data is available mainly on the website of the System of management and protection of mineral resources in Poland MIDAS. The system is the base for preparing the annual publication “The balance of mineral resources deposits in Poland”. Particularly noteworthy is the spatial information published up to date in the ready-map compositions (MIDAS map compositions, Geology map portal, GeoLOG mobile application), by the web services (WMS, WFS) and in the vector form in the popular shape file format. The article presents also the possibilities of further using, processing and analyzing of data. Moreover, the importance of such data for the implementation of public administration tasks, i.e. in the land-use planning process, raw materials policy on the country level, and as the support for other decision-making processes, is also discussed. The article also stresses the importance of the information resource as a valuable data source for investors, higher educational institutions, or scientific and research institutes.
W artykule przedstawiono szacunkowe zestawienia wyników analiz zagrożeń, awarii i katastrof, jakie wystąpiły na terenie Polski w ostatnich 50 latach. Wyniki zestawiono w zależności od charakteru obiektów, technologii wykonania, rodzaju uszkodzeń lub zniszczeń, rodzaju elementów i ich funkcji w konstrukcjach oraz rodzaju materiałów. Wskazano również przyczyny techniczne powstawania zagrożeń, awarii i katastrof wynikające z błędów projektowych i wykonawstwa. Wnioski z analiz powinny stanowić podstawy do innowacyjnych rozwiązań w pracach badawczo-wdrożeniowych.
The paper presents the estimated results of the analyzes risk of failure and building damage that occurred in Poland in the last 50 years. The results were compiled depending on the nature of the objects, technology of execution, the type of damage or destruction, the type elements and their functions in the structures and the type of materials. The technical reasons of risk of failure and building damage resulting from design and execution errors were also indicated. Conclusions from the analyzes should constitute the basis for innovative solutions in research and implementation works.
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie wstępnej koncepcji systemu wspomagania podejmowania decyzji inwestycyjnych na podstawie zintegrowanej analizy kosztów i wielkości śladu węglowego w całym cyklu życia budynku. Koncepcja proponowana przez autorów dotyczy zintegrowanej analizy kosztów (LCC) oraz śladu węglowego w cyklu życia budynku (LCCF), reprezentującego wpływ na środowisko. Dokonano także analizy map bibliometrycznych otrzymanych w programie VOSviewer dotyczących problematyki śladu węglowego w budownictwie.
The aim of this article is to present the initial concept of an investment decision support system based on an integrated cost and carbon footprint analysis throughout the building’s life cycle. The concept proposed by the authors concerns integrated cost analysis (LCC) and the carbon footprint in the life cycle of a building (LCCF), representing the impact on the environment. An analysis of bibliometric maps obtained in the VOSviewer program concerning the problems of the carbon footprint in construction was also performed.
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