Techniki radiograficzne, choć nie są rozpowszechnione w badaniu pirolizy biomasy, są potencjalnie bardzo dobrym źródłem danych eksperymentalnych pozwalających na lepsze zrozumienie procesu. Omówiono zalety i ograniczenia technik radiograficznych, takich jak radiografia klasyczna, cyfrowa oraz bezpośrednia, a także technika powiązana, którą jest tomografia. Przedstawiono także metodę obrazowania z wykorzystaniem selenu 75. Przykładowe obrazowanie modelowych próbek drewna pokazało użyteczność tych metod w badaniu pirolizy pojedynczej cząstki paliwa, a także złoża paliwa.
Classic, digital and direct radiography, as welI as tomography, were used to image samples of low-d. materia/s, such as wood or solid pyrolysis products. The suitability of these methods for testing a single material particie during the pyrolysis process was discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique were presented.
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Biowęgiel (BC) od 2013 r. jest legalnym dodatkiem paszowym na terenie Unii Europejskiej. W dostępnej literaturze są przykłady badań dotyczących wykorzystania BC w żywieniu zwierząt, ale brak dokładnej charakterystyki zastosowanych biowęgli, obejmującej takie parametry, jak powierzchnia właściwa i wielkość porów, kluczowych, biorąc pod uwagę mechanizm wiązania toksyn przez BC. Przedstawiono charakterystyki BC otrzymanych ze słomy pszennej (SP) i zrębków drewna bukowo-dębowego (DBD). BC zostały wytworzone w procesie pirolizy w temp. 600°C i 900°C. W biowęglach uzyskanych ze słomy pszennej oraz zrębków drewna bukowo-dębowego dominowały pory o szerokości 0,6-1,8 nm (adsorbenty mikroporowate), a powierzchnia właściwa (metoda BET) wynosiła 267-578 m²/g.
Beech and oak wood chips and wheat straw were pyrolyzed at 600 or 900°C. Nitrogen adsorption isotherms were detd. for the obtained biochars. The BET and QSDFT methods were used to det. the porosity parameters (sp. surface area, vol. and pore width). As the pyrolysis temp. increased, the sp. surface area of biochars increased significantly, regardless of the adsorption model used (BET or QSDFT). The obtained biochars were dominated by micropores (0.6-1.8 nm) and specific surface areas (BET method) was ranging from 267 to 578 m²/g. Anal. of the properties of biochars showed that the results obtained using these measurement methods differed.
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Przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące frakcji paliwowej, mogącej stanowić komponent oleju napędowego, pochodzącej z pirolizy odpadowych tworzyw sztucznych. Dla otrzymanej próbki oznaczono podstawowe właściwości, a następnie poddano ją starzeniu. W próbkach poddanych starzeniu oznaczono parametry, które określają zmiany zachodzące w ich składzie. Dobór metod pozwalających na poznanie zawartości różnych produktów utleniania jest kluczowy w związku z rosnącymi wymaganiami stawianymi paliwom. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdzają możliwość stosowania frakcji z pirolizy tworzyw jako komponentów paliwowych, niemniej jednak frakcje te wymagają uwodornienia w celu poprawy ich stabilności.
The oil fraction from the pyrolysis of waste polymeric materials, boiling above 190°C, was aged at 20-100°C for 4-20 h, stirring in constant access to air. The stability of the fractions before and after aging of the samples was assessed based on the detn. of kinematic viscosity, bromine no., peroxide, anisidine and acid values. The basic phys. chem. properties of this fraction were detd., such as d., kinematic viscosity, cloud point, flash point and fractional compn., on the basis of which the cetane index was calcd. The results confirm the possibility of using fractions from the pyrolysis of plastics as fuel components, after hydrogenation to improve their thermo-oxidative stability.
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Przeprowadzono pirolizę czterech surowców biomasy roślinnej: słomy pszenicznej, paździerzy lnianych, odpadów kukurydzianych i pestek wiśni, w atmosferze CO₂ i w trybie kaskadowego wzrostu temperatury, aż do osiągnięcia 500°C. Do oceny otrzymanych biowęgli zastosowano analizę termograwimetryczną i różnicową kalorymetrię skaningową (DSC). Wyznaczono ubytek masy oraz temperaturę i wielkość efektów cieplnych zachodzących podczas ogrzewania w warunkach utleniających. Wynikiem analiz była ocena efektów cieplnych zachodzących pod wpływem utleniania biowęgli, która potwierdziła możliwość stosowania techniki DSC do oceny ich właściwości energetycznych.
Wheat straw, flax shives, corn waste or cherry pits were pyrolyzed in a CO₂ atmosphere in a cascading temp. increase mode until 500°C was reached. TG anal. and DSC were used to evaluate the obtained biochars. The mass loss, temp. and the magnitude of thermal effects occurring during heating under oxidizing conditions were detd.
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Biomass-derived biochar has gained significant attention due to its unique properties and potential applications in various fields, including asphalt pavement engineering. However, there has been no comprehensive review to date that systematically examines the state-of-theart research on biochar utilization in asphalt pavements, identifies the key knowledge gaps, and provides recommendations for future research directions. This review aims to fill this gap by providing a novel and critical analysis of the sources and production methods of biochar, the techniques for modifying and characterizing its properties, and its recent applications as an asphalt binder modifier, asphalt mixture additive, and stormwater filter material. The review employs a systematic literature search and analysis methodology, using scientific databases such as Web of Science and Scopus, and keywords related to biochar, asphalt, pavement, and environmental and economic aspects. The selected studies are reviewed and synthesized to identify research gaps, challenges, and future directions, with a focus on the technical, environmental, and economic feasibility of biochar utilization in asphalt pavements. The review also examines the life cycle assessment, carbon sequestration potential, and cost-benefit analysis of biochar utilization. The novelty of this review lies in its holistic approach to assessing state-of-the-art knowledge and its identification of key research needs and opportunities for advancing this emerging field. The review aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in leveraging the benefits of biochar for sustainable and high-performance asphalt pavements.
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Zbadano wpływ dwóch prostych, łatwo dostępnych i tanich katalizatorów żelazowych, tlenku żelaza i wiórków stalowych. Dla procesów katalitycznych oraz porównawczo dla procesu termicznego zbadano składy gazów poprocesowych w temp. 600, 750, 850, 950C i 1050°C. W gazach poprocesowych oznaczono zawartość metanu, wodoru, azotu, tlenu i sumy węglowodorów C₂ i C₃ za pomocą GC. Dla poszczególnych procesów wyznaczono konwersję metanu. Węgiel powstający w procesie zobrazowano metodą SEM i EDS i oceniono stopień jego grafityzacji za pomocą spektroskopii Ramana.
MeH was thermally or catalytically pyrolyzed in the presence of Fe₂O₃ or steel shavings at temp. of 600, 750, 850, 950 and 1050°C. In the post-process gases, the content of MeH, H₂, N₂, O₂ and the sum of C₂ and C₃ hydrocarbons were detd. by GC and the conversion of MeH was calculated. The C formed in the process were analyzed and imaged by SEM and EDS. The degree of graphitization of the C was evaluated by Raman spectroscopy.
Forest waste is a significant ecological and economic problem, requiring effective solutions that will not only reduce its quantity but also contribute to the protection of the natural environment. This research paper focuses on the use of sawdust from mixed trees, as one of the main forest wastes, for production of biochars characterized by adsorption properties. Sawdust, a by-product of the wood industry, has a porous structure, which makes it an attractive precursor to biochar. Using pyrolysis technology and hydrothermal activation under various conditions, sawdust was transformed into biochars with a developed specific surface area. The studies proved that the parameters of the pyrolysis process have a significant impact on the structural, surface and adsorption properties of biochars. The materials were characterized based on the results of N2 adsorption, scanning electron microscopy SEM/EDS, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy. The surface characterization was made using the Boehm titration and pHpzc determination. The sorption capacity of methylene blue (MB) was studied. It was stated, that the obtained materials were characterized by a large specific surface area (227.5 - 1019 m2/g), the micro/mesoporous structure and the large pores volume (0.106 - 0.784 cm3/g). The surface oxygen functionalities allowed for large adsorption of MB. The adsorption process follows the Langmuir theory (qm,cal from 357.1 to 434.8 mg/g) and can be described using the kinetic pseudo-second-order model (R2 = 0.99). The obtained biochars showed high adsorption capacity of methylene blue impurities which indicates their significant potential for use in water purification.
Głównym celem pracy była próba określenia możliwości generacji węglowodorów z poziomu łupku miedzionośnego na podstawie wyników badań pirolitycznych. W celu oceny materii organicznej 13 próbek rdzeniowych pochodzących z rejonu złóż rud miedzi w południowej części monokliny przedsudeckiej poddano badaniom pirolitycznym Rock-Eval. Dodatkowo próbki skalne badano również przy użyciu pirolizy wysokotemperaturowej sprzężonej z kapilarną chromatografią gazową (Py-GC/FID) i studiowano pod kątem zmienności trzech grup węglowodorowych: lekkich – C1–C9, ciekłych – C10–C15 oraz ciężkich – powyżej C15+. W przypadku każdej próbki została zastosowana jednoetapowa piroliza, prowadzona w programowanej temperaturze 500°C przez 0,4 min. Uzyskane wyniki były interpretowane kompleksowo i pozwoliły na rozróżnienie charakteru generowanych produktów na podstawie dystrybucji węglowodorów otrzymanych w wyniku pirolizy substancji organicznej zawartej w skale. Do określenia potencjalnych możliwości generacyjnych badanych łupków miedzionośnych wykorzystano zarówno udział procentowy poszczególnych frakcji, jak też bezwymiarowy wskaźnik uzysku (liczony z analizy Py-GC/FID). Na podstawie wyników badań pirolitycznych Rock-Eval oraz zbieżnych z nimi wartości wskaźników uzysku Py-GC/FID stwierdzono doskonały potencjał węglowodorowy dla wybranych próbek pochodzących z poziomu łupku miedzionośnego. Stopień dojrzałości substancji organicznej wyrażony poprzez parametr Tmax w przypadku większości badanych próbek z poziomu łupku miedzionośnego mieści się w zakresie okna ropnego, co potwierdziły również badania Py-GC/FID. Dodatkowo o możliwości generacji węglowodorów świadczy fakt występowania wysokiej zawartości ekstrahowalnej substancji organicznej oraz bardzo wysoka wartość parametru S2 (nawet do 41,88 mg HC/g skały). Analiza wyników badań geochemicznych pod kątem oceny potencjału generacyjnego poziomu łupku miedzionośnego udowodniła, że poziom ten nie powinien być pomijany jako potencjalnie macierzysty przy rozpatrywaniu źródła napełniania pułapek węglowodorów w systemie naftowym Niżu Polskiego.
The main objective of the research was to attempt to determine the possibility of generating hydrocarbon from the copperbearing shales based on the results of pyrolysis tests. In order to assess the organic matter, 13 core samples from the copper ore deposit region of the southern part of the Fore-Sudetic monocline were subjected to Rock-Eval pyrolysis tests. In addition, rock samples were also tested using high-temperature pyrolysis coupled with capillary gas chromatography (Py-GC/FID) and studied for the variability of three hydrocarbon groups: light C1–C9, liquid C10–C15 and heavy above C15+. For each sample, a one-stage pyrolysis was used, carried out at a programmed temperature of 500°C for 0.4 min. The obtained results were interpreted comprehensively and enabled the nature of the generated products to be distinguished on the basis of the distribution of hydrocarbons obtained as a result of pyrolysis of organic matter contained in the rock. To determine the potential generation capacity of the tested copper-bearing shales, both the percentage share of individual fractions and the dimensionless recovery index (calculated from the Py-GC/FID analysis) were used. Based on the results of the Rock-Eval pyrolysis tests and the Py-GC/FID yield indicators, an excellent hydrocarbon potential was found for selected samples from the copper-bearing shale level. The degree of maturity of the organic substance expressed by the Tmax parameter for most of the tested samples from the copper-bearing shale horizon is within the oil window, which was also confirmed by the Py-GC/FID tests. In addition, the possibility of hydrocarbons generation is evidenced by the presence of a high content of extractable organic matter and a very high value of the S2 parameter (up to 41.88 mg HC/g of rock). The analysis of the results of geochemical research in terms of the assessment of the generation potential of the copper-bearing shales proved that this horizon should not be overlooked as a potential source when considering filling hydrocarbon traps in the oil system of the Polish Lowlands.
This study aimed to investigate the potential of plastic waste, specifically bubble wrap and packaging plastic, as a fuel source through pyrolysis process. The samples were analyzed using FTIR and GC-MS. The results showed that both samples contained alkanes and alkenes, with hydrocarbon fractions like those found in gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel. The pyrolysis process resulted in hydrocarbon fractions ranging from light to heavy fractions. The bubble wrap sample showed the highest percentage of hydrocarbon fraction in the kerosene range (C10–C13), with an area of 19.23%. In contrast, the packaging plastic sample showed the highest percentage of hydrocarbon fraction in the diesel range (C14–C20), with an area percentage of 19.67%. The calorific value of the pyrolysis products was also determined, with the bubble wrap sample having a higher value than that of gasoline, while the packaging plastic sample had a value close to that of kerosene. The results of this study suggest that plastic waste has the potential to be converted into fuel, which can contribute to sustainable development by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and reducing plastic waste. However, further refinement of the pyrolysis products is needed to meet commercial fuel standards.
The leakage of temple waste in the environment surrounding the temples has made the image of temples not only a cultural icon but also a contributor to landfill waste on the island. About 292.36 kg of temple waste is generated from a single ceremonial at Griya Anyar Tanah Kilap Temple. The temple waste consists of 90,16% of organic waste (food, leaf and discarded flower) that is easily biodegraded. This research aimed to examine the temple waste to be recycled into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Leaf and flower waste are used as RDF material using two different drying methods, namely natural drying and pyrolysis. The results showed that the pyrolysis RDF has a similar caloric value to the natural drying RDF with 3311.7 kcal/kg and 2912.7 kcal/kg, respectively. According to the electrical power potential, pyrolysis RDF has 3856.19 kWh/tons, meanwhile natural drying RDF has 3391.59 kWh/tons. The pyrolysis RDF has less organic content and quite higher ash content than the natural drying RDF, making it better quality and appropriate to be applied in the community for a long-term sustainable temple waste recycling.
Fly ash waste is a by-product of coal burning at PLTU Nagan Raya, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Since 2017, the coal used is a mixture of 90% Kalimantan coal (sub-bituminous) and 10% local Nagan Raya coal (lignite) which is still young so that the mineral ash content is still high. Silica is among the interesting minerals to be extracted from fly ash, given its wide range of benefits. This paper describes the process of extracting silica from fly ash at the Aceh power plant through the leaching method using a chemical solution and heating for 2 and 4 hours at a temperature of 100˚C. The difference in heat treatment aimed to study the changes in properties and obtain the best method in the silica extraction process. The effect of heat treatment on silica characteristics was studied based on X Ray Diffraction (XRD) test for phase identification, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test for morphological identification, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) test for mineralogy element identification, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) test for identification of functional groups and surface chemistry, and differential calorimetric analysis/ thermogravimetric (DSC/TGA) test for identification of thermal properties. As a result, it was found that fly ash still contains unburned carbon, which significantly affects its color, and has the potential for application as a hydrogen storage material because its pore diameter structure is larger than 0.7 nm. The silica extracted from fly ash is capable of achieving a purity of up to 87% and exhibits excellent thermal stability, especially at temperatures between 120–300 °C; thus, it has the potential to be a catalyst material in the adsorption-desorption reaction of hydrogen by magnesium, although further research is still needed.
Nowadays, research on the use of pyrolysis products in the broadly understood economy is widely conducted in the world. This publication presents the results of research on the use of biochar primarily as a material for use in agriculture and environmental protection. In particular, its use to improve soil properties and as a component of organic fertilisers or composts, as well as an ingredient for animal bedding in livestock buildings or an additive for silage is discussed. In addition, the possibilities of using biochar in the energy sector as a solid fuel and in the broader field of environmental protection for remediation of contaminated land, for carbon sequestration and as a raw material for the production of activated carbons are discussed.
In this paper, we describe the characterization and application of adsorbent derived from the pyrolysis of cocoa shells, which is a natural source of adsorbent materials. The adsorbent that was used in this experiment is an environmentally friendly adsorbent that was prepared by the pyrolysis of cocoa shells. For 1.5 hours, the pyrolysis process was carried out at temperatures ranging from 300 to 380 °C. The adsorbent was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and analysis with an X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyzer. Water-ash content and iodine absorption capacity were also determined in accordance with SNI 06-3730-1995. At a contact time of 90 minutes, the adsorption capacity of mercury ions was found to be 0.106 mg/gram. In this study, the adsorption of mercury ions with the adsorbent followed pseudo-second-order models with an R2 value of 0.9929.
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W artykule omówiono aspekty technologiczne wytwarzania wodoru z gazu ziemnego (metanu). Istnieje wiele różnych technologii do tego celu, z których każda ma pewne zalety i ograniczenia. W artykule skupiono się na technologiach dotyczących produkcji wodoru z gazu ziemnego. Analizie zostały poddane trzy z tych technologii: reforming metanu (SMR), częściowe utlenianie (POX) oraz reforming autotermiczny (ATR). Każda z tych metod ma swoje charakterystyczne cechy i zastosowania.
The article discusses the technological aspects of hydrogen production from natural gas (methane). There are various technologies available for this purpose, each with its own advantages and limitations. The focus of the article is on technologies related to hydrogen production from natural gas. Three of these technologies were analyzed in the article: Steam Methane Reforming (SMR), Partial Oxidation (POX), and Autothermal Reforming (ATR). Each of these methods has its distinctive features and applications.
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Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza możliwości pozyskania biowęgla z biomasy odpadowej w województwie wielkopolskim. Na podstawie zidentyfikowanych zasobów substratów, będących potencjalnym źródłem produkcji biowęgla (zasoby leśne, rolne, pozostałości z produkcji roślinnej i hodowli zwierzęcej oraz bioodpady dla województwa wielkopolskiego) sporządzono teoretyczny bilans ilościowo-jakościowy, przedstawiający potencjał wykorzystania biowęgla dla tego województwa. Zaprezentowany w artykule bilans na terenie Wielkopolski przedstawił biomasę możliwą do zagospodarowania na cele biowęgla, w około 4 376 270 [ton/rok], w tym największą produktywność osiągnęła biomasa pochodzenia zwierzęcego w ilości około 3 989 401 [ton/rok]. Na podstawie danych literaturowych wyznaczono powolną pirolizę, jako najefektywniejszą technologie obróbki surowców na biowęgiel.
The aim of this article is to analyze the possibilities of biochar from waste biomass in the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship. Based on the identified resources of substrates that are a potential source of biochar production (forest resources, agricultural resources, residues from plant production and animal husbandry, and bio-waste for the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship), a theoretical quantitative and qualitative balance was prepared showing the potential of biochar use for this voivodeship. The analysis presented in the paper showed the biomass possible to be used for biochar purposes in the amount of about 4 288 989 [t/year], of which the highest productivity was achieved by biomass of animal origin in the amount of about 3,989,401 [t/year]. In addition, based on literature data, slow pyrolysis was determined as the most effective technology for processing raw materials for biochar.
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The recycling processes for CFRP waste are difficult due to their complex, and multi-material composition. Consequently, there is a need for new solutions to address this issue. The focus of CFRP composite recycling processes is primarily on recovering costly carbon fibers, which are characterized by exceptional mechanical properties. Pyrolysis has been identified as an effective method for the recovery of carbon fibers without significant damage. In this study, recovered carbon fibers (rCF) were used to produce polymer concrete. The fabricated polymer concretes contained carbon fibers of varying lengths (10, 20, and 30 mm) and volume fractions of 1 and 3%. The results showed that the addition of 3% post-pyrolytic carbon fibers resulted in significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the polymer concrete. Specifically, the flexural strength increased by more than 100% compared to the polymer concrete without carbon fibers, while the compressive strength improved by more than 60%. Overall, the study demonstrates that incorporating post-pyrolytic carbon fibers in the production of polymer concretes offers a promising solution to the challenge of CFRP waste. The use of these fibers not only helps in the recovery of valuable resources but also results in significant improvement in the mechanical strength of the final product.
Three activated chars obtained from end-of-life tyre pyrolysis differing in activation time (AC110 – 110 min, AC130 – 130 min, and AC150 – 150 min) were successfully used as adsorbents for the removal of model dye – Rhodamine B (RhB) from aqueous solutions. The effects of solution pH, adsorption kinetics, and equilibrium adsorption were investigated. The results showed that the adsorption was strongly pH-dependent; the highest percentage of RhB dye adsorbed was obtained at pH 2.0 and the removal efficiency decreased with an increase in solution pH. Adsorption kinetics was analyzed using pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Weber-Morris, and Boyd kinetic models. It was found that the pseudo-second-order kinetic equation was the most appropriate for describing the adsorption kinetics and that the RhB adsorption process was controlled by a film diffusion mechanism. Adsorption equilibrium data were fitted to the Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Elovich isotherm models. The equilibrium data were best represented by the Langmuir model with the monolayer adsorption capacities of 69.96, 94.34, and 133.3 μmol/g for AC110, AC130, and AC150, respectively. It was concluded that the adsorption of RhB was closely correlated with the specific surface area (and activation time) of the activated chars.
W pracy przedstawiono metody biomimetyczne otrzymywania materiałów. Przedstawiono dwa przykłady otrzymania materiałów o potencjalnym zastosowaniu w implantologii z wykorzystaniem metod hydrotermalnych oraz pirolizy i infiltracji. Jako prekursory zastosowano muszle mięczaków oraz różne gatunki drzew. Wykonano badania dyfraktometryczne oraz analizy mikroskopowe. Stwierdzono, że możliwe jest uzyskanie materiałów ceramicznych o oczekiwanej strukturze metodami biomimetycznymi.
This paper presents the biomimetic methods of the obtaining materials. Two examples of the obtaining materials with the use of hydrothermal and pyrolysis and infiltration methods, with possibility to implants application, was showed. As a precursor the shells of shellfish and different type of wood was used. The X-ray and microscopic analysis were carried out. It was found that is possible to obtain the ceramic material with required structure by biomimetic methods.
The article presents a new approach to forecasting producer gas composition. Thermochemical treatment of biomass was presented as an effective method of producing flammable gas. The methods of predicting the gas composition of the generator are described, and then its efficiency depends on the device’s parameters. In order to create a method for forecasting gas composition, the authors’ works were used as the basis on which the energy characteristics of the gases obtained were assessed. It was assumed in this paper that it is essential to understand the influence of each parameter on the energy characteristics of the gas. It made it possible to optimize the composition and predict thermal characteristics. This article presents the results of experimental studies on biomass gasification and a mathematical model based on Gibbs free energy.
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Drzewa tlenowe, popularnie zwane oxytree, to rośliny o wyjątkowo szybkim tempie wzrostu. Plantacje tych drzew są zakładane w celu uzyskania wysokiej jakości drewna użytkowego. Produkcja drewna oxytree generuje odpady w postaci gałęzi i trocin, które stanowią ok. 30% masy całego drzewa. Przedstawiono porównanie potencjału paliwowego surowych gałęzi drzew oxytree i biokarbonizatu otrzymanego z nich w procesie niskotemperaturowej pirolizy. Oznaczono podstawowe właściwości biopaliw, w tym skład pierwiastkowy trzech rodzajów biomasy pozyskiwanej z gałęzi różniących się wiekiem i stopniem zdrewnienia oraz wyprodukowanego z nich karbonizatu. Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz wraz z parametrami mierzonymi w procesie karbonizacji pozwoliły na oszacowanie potencjalnych korzyści z poddania biomasy procesowi odgazowania, a także porównanie właściwości otrzymanego biowęgla z innymi rodzajami biomasy i biopaliwa.
The content of C, H, S, Cl, N, ash, moisture and volatile parts, as well as the heat of combustion and calorific value of raw branches of oxytree trees differing in age and degree of lignification, and the obtained biochar were examd. A comparison of the fuel potential of raw branches of oxytree trees and biochar was presented. The benefits of subjecting the biomass to the degassing process were assessed and the properties of the obtained biochar were compared with other types of biomass and biofuel.
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