Mineralogical and geochemical studies of the Abakaliki Shale have been undertaken in order to constrain source rock composition and palaeoweathering conditions, as well as to deduce the provenance terrane types. The mineralogical analysis using X-ray diffraction has revealed an abundance of quartz and clay minerals (illite, chlorite and illite/smectite mixed layer) with a minor content of albite and gypsum. Geochemical data have demonstrated a depletion in SiO2, MnO, Y, Zr, Hf, U, Y, Cu, Ni, V, Ba and Cr and an enrichment in Rb, Sr, Th, Sc, Co, Zn and Pb in the Abakaliki Shale in comparison to the Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS; a proxy for the upper continental crust). Rare earth element contents generally show LREE fractionation and enrichment (LaN/YbN = 16.08–35.75 and LaN/SmN = 3.61–6.16, respectively) with a strong negative Europium anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.56–0.73). These geochemical characteristics suggest that the provenance of the Albian Abakaliki Shale lay in ancient upper continental crust composed mainly of felsic basement rocks with a minor contribution from mafic rocks. This is in contrast to earlier studies which suggested possible contribution of mafic components from Jurassic volcanigenic terrane as source rocks of the Albian shale in the southern Benue Trough. Moderate chemical weathering of the source rocks with mixed granite-granodiorite compositions is indicated by the value of the chemical index of alteration (average CIA 76.60); the plagioclase index of alteration (average PIA 85.20) and the index of compositional variability (average ICV 0.88), as well as by the Rb/Sr (0.32–0.92), K/Rb (125.36–193.55) and K/Na (1.13–2.70) ratios.
Wskaźniki wietrzenia chemicznego są powszechnie stosowane do charakterystyki profili wietrzeniowych i określania stopnia procesu wietrzenia. Ich wartości pozwalają na wskazanie składu niezwietrzałej skały macierzystej. Wykorzystując wyniki badań osadów zlewni Odry i Warty przeprowadzono próbę określenia zmienności wskaźników wietrzenia na tym obszarze kraju. Wśród stosowanych wskaźników największą rolę mają wietrzeniowy wskaźnik Parkera (WIP) i chemiczny wskaźnik przemian (CIA), zatem im poświęcono najwięcej uwagi. W celu lepszego odzwierciedlenia intensywności wietrzenia stosowano dodatkowe wskaźniki, wrażliwe na najmniejsze zmiany geochemiczne. Obliczano wskaźnik Vogt’a (V), wskaźnik wietrzenia chemicznego Harnois’a (CIW) i wskaźnik przemian plagioklazów (PIA). Wyniki badań pozwoliły na ocenę intensywności wietrzenia na całym obszarze badawczym, a także na wskazanie czynników odpowiadających za jego przebieg. Na wartość wskaźników wietrzenia wpływają: litologia, klimat, wielkość spływu powierzchniowego i morfologia terenu.
Chemical weathering indices are commonly used for characterizing weathering profiles and evaluating degree of weathering process. Their values allow to point at nonweathered source rock composition. Using study results of Odra and Warta drainage basin sediments, there was made a try to define variability of chemical indices in this country area. Among applied indices the most important role have Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) and Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), thus them was given the most attention to. In order to better reflecting the intensity of weathering there were used additional indices, sensitive to the slightest geochemical changes. Vogt’s Residual Index (V), Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW) and Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA) were calculated. Study results let to evaluation the weathering intensity in the all study area and to indicate factors, which are in charge of this process. Lithology, climate, flow magnitude and region morphology have an influence on the values of weathering indices.
In order to reproduce the conditions under which sediments were transported in surging glaciers, samples were taken from the margin and foreland of the surge Medvezhiy Glacier situated in West Pamir (Tajikistan). They were subjected to an analysis of rounding and frosting of quartz sand grains (0.8–1.0 mm) and of grain surface micromorphology under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results obtained showed intense chemical weathering occurred in the majority of quartz grain surfaces, marked in the form of etching and precipitation. Frequencies of microstructures of glacial origin were low; individual microstructures were visible on single grains. A predominance of the crushing process over abrasion in transformation of quartz grains was noted. The commonest microstructures connected with a surge-glacier environment were large and small conchoidal fractures. However, grains with primary features not connected with a glacial environment were equally common. The majority of the grains examined showed features of multiple cycles of mechanical and chemical weathering forming a microtexture under various conditions (overprinting). Common features of grains from surging glaciers are also breakage blocks of >10μm, which depend of the phase of separation of the grain from the rock or on thermal changes in the glacier’s foreland.
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