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Key decisions for the development of companies are taken by statutory bodies. The scope and manner of their operation is affected by statutory regulations and the so-called codes of good practices. The aim of this study is to identify basic regulations relating to statutory bodies and to analyse both the similarities and differences in the legal framework of establishing statutory bodies and their operation in public companies listed on stock exchanges in Poland and selected Baltic States, that is Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. A comparative law analysis is applied in this research. I analyse the normative material, that is, basic acts that regulate legal issues that concern the appointment and operation of statutory bodies. This investigation shows that the model of corporate governance adopted in a given country has a great impact on the operation of various bodies. Regulations on the number of members of statutory bodies, and the duration of the term of office for which a given member of a statutory body is appointed, are an essential aspect that determines the functioning of members of statutory bodies. The countries analysed differ in this context because respective legislators do not always specify the minimum or maximum number of members of statutory bodies or the time of their term of office in the law analysed. These differences in regulations, however, aren't pronounced, which leads to a conclusion that it isn't than legal issues that affect the observed changes in the rotation of statutory bodies in Poland and Baltic states.
Kluczowe decyzje dla rozwoju firm podejmują organy statutowe. Na zakres oraz sposób ich funkcjonowania wpływają przyjęte w danym kraju regulacje ustawowe, zwyczaje oraz tzw. kodeksy dobrych praktyk. Celem badania jest identyfikacja podstawowych regulacji dotyczących organów statutowych oraz analiza zarówno podobieństw, jak i różnic w zakresie prawnych ram ustanawiania i funkcjonowania organów statutowych w spółkach publicznych notowanych na giełdach w Polsce oraz w wybranych krajach nadbałtyckich, tj. Litwie, Łotwie oraz Estonii. W badaniu zastosowano analizę prawno-porównawczą. Analizie poddano materiał normatywny w postaci podstawowych aktów regulujących zagadnienia prawne dotyczące ustanawiania oraz funkcjonowania organów statutowych. Z przeprowadzonego badania wynika, że duży wpływ na sposób funkcjonowania organów ma przyjęty w danym państwie model ładu korporacyjnego. Istotnym aspektem determinującym funkcjonowanie członków organów statutowych są również regulacje ich liczby oraz czasu trwania kadencji, na którą dany członek organu statutowego został powołany. W tym kontekście również występują rozbieżności w analizowanych państwach, gdyż ustawodawca nie zawsze określa minimalną bądź maksymalną liczbę członków organów statutowych czy długość trwania kadencji. Wskazane różnice w uregulowaniach nie są znaczące, co prowadzi do wniosku, że to nie kwestie prawne wpływają na obserwowane zmiany w rotacji organów statutowych w Polsce i krajach nadbałtyckich.
Content available Pokolenie Z nie jest gotowe na pracę w turkusie
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań opinii osób pracujących w różnych przedsiębiorstwach na temat podejścia do zarządzania i jego funkcji, roli managerów oraz motywacji w pracy oraz zestawienie ich z badaniami innych autorów (Jelonek et al., 2022; (Żarczyńska-Dobiesz, Chomątowska, 2014; Ozkan, Solmaz, 2015; Muster, 2020). Dobrana grupa respondentów – przedstawiciele pokolenia Z oraz sformułowany cel badawczy miały pozwolić na znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie badawcze: „Czy pokolenie Z jest gotowe do pracy w organizacji turkusowej”?. Zestawienie takich wyników ma dać wskazówki dla zarządzających organizacjami, w jakim kierunku powinni podejmować swoje działania (np. wprowadzać turkus), aby organizacje mogły się rozwijać dbając przy tym o pracowników mających określone oczekiwania względem pracy. Do zebrania danych wykorzystano metodę ankietową. Głównym wnioskiem, który można sformułować jest konstatacja, że choć pokolenie Z rozwija się w nowoczesnym technologicznie środowisku, z łatwym i szerokim dostępem do wiedzy, to jednak brakuje mu samodzielności i kreatywności, by faktycznie spełnić w pełni warunki funkcjonowania organizacji turkusowej.
The aim of the article is to present the results of surveys of opinions of people working in various enterprises on the approach to management and its functions, the role of managers and motivation at work, and to compare them with studies by other authors (Jelonek et al., 2022), (Żarczyńska-Dobiesz, Chomątowska, 2014), (Ozkan, Solmaz, 2015), (Muster, 2020). A selected group of respondents – representatives of generation Z and the formulated research goal were supposed to answer the research question: Is generation Z ready to work in a teal organization. The compilation of these results is intended to provide guidance to managers of organizations in which direction they should take their actions (e.g. introduce teal) so that organizations can develop while taking care of employees who have specific expectations regarding work. The survey method was used to collect the data. The main conclusion that can be formulated is that generation Z develops in a technologically modern environment, with easy and wide access to knowledge, but lacks the independence and creativity to actually fully meet the conditions for the functioning of a teal organization.
Content available An attempt to the classification of firm competences
Purpose: Among the strategic potentials of a firm affecting both market and economic outcomes achievement by the firm, as well as gaining and maintaining a long-term competitive advantage by a firm, the key importance is assigned to the firm competences. The aim of the article is to identify the premises as well as the criteria and cross-sections of the classification of firm competences. Design/methodology/approach: The article indicates the key criteria and types of the firm competences within strategic management. An extensive literature review and an identification approach were used. Findings: Competences should be classified using different criteria. Individual competences may significantly affect the achievement of the expected market and economic outcomes, as well as building a long-term competitive advantage of a firm. Practical implications: The research outcomes presented in the article show the importance of the different types of the firm competences in strategic management. Originality/value: The most important criteria of the classification of the firm competences in the area of strategic management were presented. The article is addressed both to researchers as well as managers and other business practitioners.
The aim of the didactic and educational activity of every university, especially the military one, is to prepare the graduate intellectually and professionally to live in society. When creating educational programs in a specific field of knowledge or subject of education, it is assumed that their implementation will ensure that the teachers acquire the necessary minimum of required competences. In such a case, the authors of didactic programs always have a number of doubts or dilemmas such as: To what extent do the assumed competences correlate with the requirements and needs of the social reality, especially the professional one, in which the graduate is prepared to act? To what extent do the content of the curricula and the organization of the didactic and educational process ensure the acquisition of the assumed team of competences by the teachers? Of course, there are many more dilemmas of this type. Not all of them can be unequivocally resolved, if only due to the complexity of social situations in which the accuracy and reliability of the competences acquired by students are verified. Curricular education of students of military universities in the fields of study: national security, is aimed at, among others, the best possible preparation of future officers to command a sub-unit as well as managers and managers to manage human teams in state and local government institutions dealing with the organization and protection of public safety. An important element of the process of commanding a military sub-unit as well as managing in a situation of a potential threat is the ability to make accurate decisions as well as efficiently act and motivate subordinates and co-workers. In situations of uncertainty and insufficient information, and at the same time not only a potential but also a real threat to health and life, this requires not only appropriate psychophysical predispositions but also specific professional competences, especially in the area of distinguishing competences. Bearing the above in mind, the content and purpose of the article will be to introduce theoretically into the issues of social competences, seen from the perspective of a manager - leader - manager, and also an attempt to show the conditions of the manager's functioning - in various social situations, his role, tasks and qualifications, ensuring efficient management of the organization, these include: priorities in the implementation of tasks, skills, creative attitude and preparation for conducting negotiations. Requirements for modern managers - organization leaders - are extremely high, and meeting them does not guarantee only success. They lead people who, above all, need to be taught and prepared: to work in their position, to live in society, as well as to bring each other closer and focus around each other. Employees are different, they are strong and weak, full of pride and quite humble, curious about the world and, despite their different ages, overwhelmed by apathy. All of them, thanks to the work of managers and their competences, knowledge and skills, become good employees at various levels of the organization, and then managers. However, the basis of a manager's work is also, and perhaps above all, communication skills, the basis of which are negotiations.
In the automated world of business, a modern engineer should be characterized by a passion for technology, creativity, innovative capacity, initiative and commitment to scientific and technical progress, ease of adaptation, but also conviction about the mission of technology. Among these, a lack of competence in recognition of, and response to, anthropogenic ecological threats and destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems was noticed. The aim of this article was to draw attention to the problems of educating engineers, to include provision with specialist knowledge and development of necessary competences. The article also refers to the growth of waste production, including packaging waste, presenting an example of the use of activating methods in adult education, deployed in the subject “Waste management” for students of “Renewable energy sources and waste management”, implemented at the University of Rzeszów. Such teaching activity is of great importance in shaping the aforementioned competences.
Collaborating with people from different cultures at work went from being an exception to being the new norm. The work environment is becoming increasingly diversified due to global trends including migration, new technologies and the proliferation of remote work. Well-managed diversity can positively affect a company’s financial performance, innovativeness or increased resilience. Concurrently organizations that do not have inclusive practices in place are wasting the potential of a cross-cultural environment. Employers are realizing the value of cultural intelligence (CQ), which allows employees to successfully cooperate in a culturally diversified team. CQ can increase over time, therefore students can develop their CQ already during their years at university. The focus of the study is to determine how the perception of CQ changes over time among management students at the Cracow University of Economics. The results of self-reported CQS suggest that students’ assessment of their CQ has declined over time. The results also indicate that students possess the lowest levels of cognitive CQ out of all CQ facets. The last section covers recommendations for employers, on initiatives that can help current students and their future potential employees have a high CQ.
Praca w zróżnicowanym kulturowo zespole jest już nową normą ze względu na globalne trendy, w tym migracje, rozwój technologii i upowszechnienie się pracy zdalnej. Dobrze zarządzana różnorodność może pozytywnie wpłynąć na wyniki finansowe firmy, innowacyjność czy zwiększoną odporność. Jednocześnie organizacje, które nie stosują praktyk inkluzywnych, marnują potencjał zróżnicowanego środowiska. Pracodawcy zdają sobie sprawę, jak cenna jest inteligencja kulturowa, która pozwala pracownikom skutecznie współpracować w zróżnicowanym kulturowo zespole. Poziom tej inteligencji może z czasem wzrosnąć, dlatego studenci mogą ją rozwijać już w trakcie studiów na uniwersytecie. Celem badania jest określenie, jak zmienia się w czasie postrzeganie inteligencji kulturowej wśród studentów zarządzania na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie. Wyniki samooceny sugerują, że percepcja własnej inteligencji z czasem się pogorszyła. Wskazują też, że studenci najniżej oceniają swoją inteligencję w wymiarze kognitywnym. Możliwe wyjaśnienie wyników, sprzecznych z przyjętymi hipotezami, jest zawarte w ostatniej sekcji artykułu. Ostatnia część tekstu zawiera rekomendacje dla pracodawców dotyczące inicjatyw, które mogą sprawić, że przyszłe pracowniczki i pracownicy będą charakteryzowali się wysoką inteligencją kulturową.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present model Teacher Training Schools in Poland on the example of the implemented project ”Teacher Training School in the commune of Rawicz" and to present recommendations in the field of supporting teachers’ competences participating in the project. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents the Teacher Training School model as an innovative system of supporting teachers' competences. Selected aspects of the Teacher Training School functioning established as part of the project co-financed from EU funds are presented. The conclusions from the diagnostic tests (carried out for 7 supported schools, teachers and principals) were indicated in the light of their expectations for forms of support aimed at the development of professional competences. Two diagnostic methods and tools were used in the research process: CAWI survey – online survey research addressed to 66 teachers, based on respondents completing an electronic questionnaire using the Microsoft Forms tool, and CATI survey – computer-assisted telephone interview, conducted by the interviewer with 14 principals and deputy principals of schools, according to a predefined script. Findings: The results of the diagnosis of the schools’ needs, of teaching staff in particular, made it possible to specify teachers’ expectations within four subject areas (mathematics, ICT, natural sciences and language) towards the willingness to learn methods and techniques, as well as tools and technical means supporting the learning processes. At the same time, conditions for maintaining the durability of the introduced changes and strengthening the obtained effects were identified from the point of view of school principals and deputy principals. Research limitations/implications: The assessment of the effectiveness of the impact of the Teacher Training School in the commune of Rawicz presented in the article will be possible only after the completion of the project as part of the ongoing project evaluation. Practical implications: The results of diagnostic tests, including the expectations of teachers and managers, allow for detailed planning of workshops and cooperation networks in the project ”Teacher Training School in the commune of Rawicz”. Social implications: The implementation of model Teacher Training Schools in Poland will have a social dimension that will directly affect the development of teachers and indirectly increase the key competences of students. Originality/value: The presented model of the Teacher Training School as well as the conclusions of the conducted research constitute a recommendation for the needs of practical training of teachers from primary schools in Poland.
Purpose: The first aim of the article was to investigate whether high school graduates who want to study management take up gainful employment before starting their studies and how much was their salary. The second goal was to determine the reasons for starting studies and choosing a field of study, and the third was to determine the degree of identification of professional interests of first-year students in the field of Management. Design/methodology/approach: For the research presented in this article, an analysis of the literature in the area of professional competences and career development was used. Research was also carried out using questionnaire forms with open questions. The research covered all first-year students of Management at the University of Szczecin. Findings: Almost all first-year management students worked before starting their studies. They started their studies guided mainly by their interests in the field of management and the desire to run their own business, but they do not have exactly what exactly they would like to do after graduation. Research limitations/implications: In the future, research will be continued on a larger research sample. Practical implications: students have poorly identified interests. Their task is to try to identify these interests, but the support of lecturers is also important. Originality/value: Reasons for starting studies and choosing the field of Management and Identification of students' interests. The research results can be used by academics and students.
Purpose: The latest studies in the literature on the subject discuss the topic of future competences in the industry sector. The purpose of this article is to indicate the key competences for the implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions. The presented results are part of wider research (Michna, Kmieciak, Kruszewska, 2021). Design/methodology/approach: The research methods consist of a comprehensive literature review of the subject under study and the results of empirical research conducted in 2021 based on an anonymous online survey completed by employees from different levels of organization, operating in diverse industries and located in multiple locations. Findings: Study presents competences with the highest importance for survey participants - problem solving, process understanding, efficiency in working with data; and with the lowest importance - leadership skills and coding skills. Research limitations/implications: Competences were grouped according to literature study results, chosen group was not always natural for specific competence, which could lead to difficulties in research. The study group was anonymous, it consisted of random employees from multiple organizations, not selected in advance. Practical implications: The study’s results provide knowledge about general perception of competences in Industry 4.0 with a division of specific groups: technical, social, economic, political and environmental. Originality/value: The study can help HR practitioners and Industry 4.0 specialists in analyzing human resources competences and planning the development of possible competence gaps.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present model Teacher Training Schools in Poland and to demonstrate conclusions from the diagnosis of needs of supported schools in order to specify the forms of support for teachers included in the project. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents the assumptions of the Teacher Training School Model as an innovative system of supporting teachers' competences, which can be financed from EU funds. Selected aspects of the Teacher Training School functioning were presented for an exemplary project: “Teacher Training School in the commune of Barcin”, implemented in the period from January 01, 2021 until July 31, 2022. The conclusions from the diagnostic research (CAWI and CATI) of 7 supported schools, 65 teachers and 10 principals and deputy principals, in terms of their expectations for the forms of support planned in the project, were indicated. Findings: The results of the diagnosis of needs of supported schools allow to specify the forms of support for teachers and principals affected by the newly established Teacher Training School in the commune of Barcin. Research limitations/implications: The assessment of the effectiveness of the impact of the Teacher Training School in the commune of Barcin presented in the article will be possible after the completion of the project. Practical implications: The results of diagnostic tests, including the expectations of teachers and managers, allow for detailed planning of workshops and cooperation networks in the project „Teacher Training School in the commune of Barcin”. At the same time, the results may constitute recommendations for the process of training and practical improvement of teachers in the field of developing key competences for students. Social implications: The priority of educational policy in Poland is to ensure an effective system of education and continuous professional development of teachers which will respond to real needs of a school and will allow teachers to improve their professional competences and develop their workshop. Originality/value: The implementation of the model Teacher Training Schools in Poland will have a social dimension directly affecting teachers’ and indirectly pupils' key competences.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the most significant assumptions and conditions for the development of the Competence-Based Strategic Management concept embedded on the assumptions and elements of the Competency-Based Human Resources Management concept. Moreover, the aim of the article is to identify the place of competences in the hierarchy of the firm success potentials in the concept of Competence-Based Strategic Management. Design/methodology/approach: The article indicates the most important stages on the road from the Competency-Based Human Resources Management concept to the Competence- Based Strategic Management concept. An extensive literature review and an identification approach were used. Findings: The basis for the formation and development of firm competences are personal competences. Consequently, the basis for the formation and development of the Competence- Based Strategic Management concept is the Competency-Based Human Resources Management concept. Moreover, firm competences occupy the most significant places in the hierarchy of the firm success potentials. Practical implications: The outcomes of the research presented in the article confirm the significance of the firm competences – which are embedded on the personal competences – in strategic management and business practice. Originality/value: The article presents the most important steps in the roadmap transition from the Competency-Based Human Resources Management concept (competency-oriented approach) to the Competence-Based Strategic Management concept (competence-oriented approach).
Content available Competences of the project manager
Purpose: The main objective of the research presented in this paper was to identify the managerial competences of project team managers. In order to achieve this objective, the first part of the paper explains the meaning of the term "project management" in the literature on management and quality. The second part of the paper is devoted to an analysis of the conducted research, on the basis of which an attempt is made to answer the question: which managerial competences are key in the role of a project manager? Design/methodology/approach: The research presented in this paper is based on the analysis of the literature on project management and managerial competences. The studies in literature also included secondary sources, which were communications from research of similar scope. The combination of different research methods allowed to obtain a broader context of the studied phenomenon and ensured a higher quality of the conducted research. The diversity of methods was aimed at achieving a consistency of the empirical basis for the inference. A diagnostic survey was adopted as the leading method. The remaining methods applied in the paper were auxiliary (complementary). Findings: An inseparable element of human life is change, which also accompanies enterprises on a daily basis. The information about changes in the market and competitors, provided every day, is a natural manifestation of economic life. Consequently, everyone has to improve their operations in the area of products, technology and organisation in order to remain on the market. As a result, every person, as well as every economic activity take actions aimed at achieving the intended goals, facing new needs and challenges. The way to achieve the desired results is a process known as a project. The efficient functioning of a project team requires the use of appropriate management support methods and tools, systematic measurement, constant comparison with competitors, removal of barriers and the exploitation of development opportunities. Research limitations/implications: In the future, research will be continued on a larger research sample. Practical implications: The paper presents the results of research carried out at a nationwide telecommunications operator that employs several thousand people. This company is part of a large capital group and, due to the group's communication policy, has reserved anonymity. The findings are very interesting and encourage research on a larger scale. They are a valuable source of information for managers responsible for the formation of project teams, the selection of its members, their functioning and project implementation. On the other hand, for persons. responsible for recruiting employees, the results may be useful in terms of developing a project team manager's profile, in particular when identifying the key managerial competences. Originality/value Based on empirical research, the paper proposes an original set of systemic solutions for project management to improve organisational performance.
Content available Project manager development paths
Introduction/background: Project managers have a significant responsibility both for the content of the project and for the personnel they manage. However, not everyone can become a Project Manager, because in addition to the knowledge gained through numerous courses and trainings, this person should have appropriate competences that cannot be acquired solely through learning. Aim of the paper: The aim of the study was to examine the development paths of the project manager and make an attempt to determine the most effective way to acquire competences in the field of project management. Materials and methods: The research was carried out in the following steps: an analysis of the literature was performed in the field of project managers' competences, their scope, significance and possibilities of confirmation, e.g. through certification. Afterwards, a survey was conducted among a group of professional project managers. Results and conclusions: The result of the work is an indication of which education paths related to the project management process are useful and enable the preparation of people to become project managers.
Introduction/background: The paper analyses the practical application of the learning organisation concept in the Polish mining industry - on the example of Polska Grupa Gornicza S.A. Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper is to identify measures towards the development of the professional competence of mining executives, in line with the concept of the learning organisation. Materials and methods: Case study on the example of Polska Grupa Gornicza S.A., desk research. Results and conclusions: The paper contains a model developed by the author for the development of the competencies of mining executives according to the concept of a learning organisation, which includes a series of four-stage activities that take into account a comprehensive approach to the development of the personnel potential of managers in the mining industry.
Employers signal difficulties in sourcing technically-educated staff. They often engage, though to a limited degree, in cooperation with vocational schools to mitigate this difficulty. One of the reasons for the limited involvement of enterprises in cooperation with schools is the difficulty in assessing the benefits that it may bring. The aim of the study in the article was to develop and initially verify a model for evaluating the results of supporting secondary technical schools by manufacturing enterprises. The article features a multiple case study using several types of interviews, a distributed questionnaire and an analysis of secondary sources. The study was conducted in cooperation with four large manufacturing enterprises. The result of the research is a more thorough understanding of the possibilities and limitations in evaluating the results of support for schools. This support should translate in enterprises into more effective and efficient management of the competences of the future.
W referacie zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę utrzymania zdolności użytkowej konstrukcji przez wymagany okres trwałości. Zapewnienie to może być dotrzymane tylko wtedy, gdy w realizację konstrukcji zaangażowany jest kompetentny personel. Wskazano na właściwe stosowanie norm przywołanych w wymaganiach kontraktu oraz na właściwą interpretację konieczności stosowania wymagań zawartych w normach. Odniesiono się do wybranych aspektów związanych kwalifikacjami i kompetencjami personelu w pracach antykorozyjnych i izolerskich. Zwrócono uwagę na pojęcia związane z kwalifikacjami i kompetencjami. Dokonano analizy zapisów norm w odniesieniu do wymagań dla personelu. Stwierdzono, że w wielu przypadkach wymagania te opisane są w normach w sposób bardzo ogólny. Dlatego też właściwym jest określanie w warunkach kontraktu pełnych i zrozumiałych dla wszystkich zainteresowanych stron kontraktu, wymagań odnośnie kwalifikacji i kompetencji personelu. Brak takich uzgodnień może prowadzić do nieporozumień pomiędzy stronami kontraktu. Przedstawiono przykłady szkoleń pozwalających podnieść poziom kompetencji personelu, a także propozycje niezależnych certyfikacji firm z zakresu antykorozji. Pokazano jako przykład, stosowane w Norwegii uregulowania dotyczące wymagań dla personelu antykorozji i izolacji. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwość uzyskania na rynku polskim międzynarodowych certyfikatów personelu i firm FRSIO.
The paper highlights the need to ensure the serviceability of the structure for the required life. This assurance can only be met if competent personnel is involved in the execution. The correct application of the standards referred in the contract requirements and the correct interpretation of the need to apply the requirements of the standards were pointed out. Selected aspects related to the qualification and competence of personnel in anticorrosive and insulating works were referred to. Attention was drawn to concepts related to qualifications and competence. An analysis was made of the provisions of the standards in relation to the requirements for personnel. It was found that in many cases these requirements are described in the standards in a very general way. It is therefore appropriate to specify in the contract terms and conditions, complete and comprehensible to all contract stakeholders, the requirements for personnel qualifications and competences. Failure to do so can lead to misunderstandings between the contracting parties. Examples of training to improve the competence level of personnel are presented, as well as proposals for independent certification of companies in the field of anti-corrosion. As an example, the regulations applied in Norway regarding the requirements for anti-corrosion and insulation personnel were shown. Attention was drawn to the possibility of obtaining international certificates for personnel and FROSIO companies on the Polish market.
W artykule zaprezentowano doświadczenia autora w zakresie „przymusowego” zdalnego nauczania matematyki w dobie pandemii. Przedstawiono tematykę kompetencji e-matematycznych wykorzystywanych przez studentów podczas nauki matematyki. Dokonano oceny kursów zdalnych z punktu widzenia studenta przedstawiając wyniki ankiet przeprowadzanych po zakończeniu kursu. Omówiono wyniki końcowe z egzaminów jakie studenci (pierwszego roku, wybranych kierunków studiów, dwóch uczelni technicznych: Politechniki Gdańskiej i Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Elblągu) uzyskali po semestralnym kursie pracy zdalnej. Zaprezentowano analizę i wnioski dotyczące tego, w jaki sposób zdalne nauczanie wpłynęło na postępy naukowe i wyniki końcowe uzyskane przez studentów na egzaminach.
The paper focuses on the author's experience in the field of compulsory remote learning of mathematics in the pandemic era. The subject of e-mathematical competence used by students while learning mathematics is presented. The remote oneterm courses were assessed from the students' point of view, showing the results of surveys which were made after the completion of the course. The author discusses the final results of the exams achieved by the students of the first year in selected fields of study at two technical universities (i.e. Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, and the State University of Applied Sciences in Elbląg, Poland). The analysis and conclusions are presented concerning both how remote learning influenced the scientific progress and the final exam grades obtained by the students.
Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat dostrzeżono rolę i znaczenie działu zakupów w organizacji, co tym samym wymusza na pracodawcach zatrudnianie kompetentnych pracowników, którzy będą mieć odpowiednie umiejętności i doświadczenie zawodowe. W niniejszym artykule podjęto problematykę istotnych kompetencji specjalistów ds. zakupów. Powodem zainicjowania prac badawczych jest zauważenie luki w dotychczasowych opracowaniach z zakresu zarządzania kompetencjami w zakupach, a także wcześniejsze badania własne autorki (analiza ofert pracy). Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy wymagania stawiane specjalistom ds. zakupów, które odnajdujemy w ogłoszeniach o pracę, znajdują odwzorowanie w rzeczywistości biznesowej oraz jak praktycy oceniają istotność wymaganych kompetencji. Analizę przeprowadzono za pomocą ilościowej metody badawczej (kwestionariusz ankiety, badanie wykonane metodą CAWI) wśród osób zatrudnionych w działach zakupów. Na wstępie dokonano przeglądu literatury poświęconej kompetencjom pracowników. Następnie przedstawiono i omówiono wyniki badań własnych. Zaprezentowano różnice w wymaganych kompetencjach i cechy wspólne dla trzech grup stanowiskowych (asystent, specjalista, kierownik). W zakończeniu przedstawiono wnioski, które charakteryzują wymagania stawiane pracownikom zakupów. Zgodnie z odpowiedziami respondentów uzyskane wyniki zdecydowanie potwierdzają trafność doboru kompetencji do poziomu stanowiska w przebadanych ogłoszeniach, jednak wymagania są dość schematyczne i nie uwzględniają zmiany rangi zakupów oraz przemian zachodzących w tych działach.
In recent years, the role and importance of the purchasing department in the organization has been recognized, which forces employers to hire competent employees who will have appropriate skills and professional procurement experience. This article deals with the issues related to the relevant competences of purchasing specialists. The author decided to research this topic after noticing a research gap in the previous studies in the field of procurement competency management and the author's previous research (analysis of job offers). The purpose of the paper is to answer the question whether the requirements for purchasing specialists, which we find in job advertisements, are reflected in the business reality and how experts assess the importance of the required competences. The analysis was carried out with the use of a quantitative research method (survey questionnaire, research carried out using the CAWI method) among people employed in purchasing departments. At the beginning, a literature review was made in the area of employee competencies. Subsequently, the results of the author’s own research are presented and discussed. The differences in the required competences and features common to three job groups (Assistant, Specialist, Manager) are presented. At the end, conclusions are presented that characterize the requirements for purchasing employees. According to the respondents’ responses, the obtained results definitely confirm the accuracy of the selection of competences to the level of the position in the examined advertisements, however, the requirements are quite schematic and do not take into account the changes in the rank of purchases and changes taking place in these departments.
The aim of the paper is to present the research procedure to improve performing mechanical tests. The article shows the results from experiments carried out with the use of reference objects and inter-laboratory comparisons. Details of the research technique for determining the mechanical parameters of strength screws and testing technical springs, are presented. The tensile characteristics of the screw material are provided with the indication of all the necessary mechanical parameters important for engineering practice, i.e. within the elastic and elastic-plastic range. In the case of the spring, the values of its deflection are presented, resulting from multiple loading to a specific force value and subsequent unloading. The obtained results are compared with the properties of the reference object using mathematical statistics and the requirements of the standard on proficiency testing. As a result, the competences of the research teams in the scope of performing the mentioned types of mechanical tests are confirmed.
Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie postępowania badawczego dla doskonalenia wykonywania badań mechanicznych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pochodzące z prób mechanicznych zrealizowanychz udziałem obiektów odniesienia oraz będących udziałem porównania międzylaboratoryjnego. Zaprezentowano szczegóły techniki badawczej, dotyczącej określania parametrów mechanicznych śrub wytrzymałościowych oraz badania sprężyn technicznych. Zamieszczono charakterystykę rozciągania materiału śruby ze wskazaniem wszystkich niezbędnych parametrów mechanicznych istotnych dla praktyki inżynierskiej, tj. z zakresu sprężystego oraz sprężysto-plastycznego. W przypadku sprężyny zaprezentowano wartości jej ugięcia, wynikające z kilkukrotnego obciążania do określonej wartości siły i następującego odciążania. Uzyskane wyniki badań odniesiono do cech własnych obiektu odniesienia oraz porównano wzajemnie z wykorzystaniem zagadnień statystyki matematycznej oraz wymagań normy dotyczącej badań biegłości. W efekcie potwierdzono kompetencje zespołów badawczych w zakresie wykonywania wymienionych rodzajów prób mechanicznych.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the premises of the evolution and development of firm competences in strategic management. Design/methodology/approach: The article indicates the key role of competences in strategic management. An extensive literature review and an identification approach were used. Findings: Competences may significantly affect the achievement of the expected market and economic outcomes, as well as building a long-term competitive advantage of a firm. Practical implications: The results of the research presented in the article show the significant importance of the firm competences in strategic management and business practice. Originality/value: The most important conditions for the development of the firm competences in the field of strategic management were presented. The article is addressed both to researchers as well as managers and other business practitioners.
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