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Content available remote Systemy sterowania infrastruktury miejskiej i elektroenergetyki kolejowej
Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia związane z systemami sterowania infrastruktury miejskiej i elektroenergetyki kolejowej. Innowacyjność i poszukiwanie nowych rozwiązań są kluczowymi elementami działalności Zakładu Automatyki i Urządzeń Pomiarowych Arex Sp. z o.o. z Gdyni, już od 35 lat. Te wieloletnie doświadczenia pozwoliły zbudować solidną i rzetelną markę, dzięki zespołowi kadry złożonej z inżynierów będących specjalistami w dziedzinie elektroniki, mechaniki, elektryki i informatyki, zapewnia tworzenie innowacyjnych i zaawansowanych technologicznie rozwiązań. W początkowym etapie działalność Arex Sp. z o.o. wiązała się z produkcją przetworników pomiarowych różnych wielkości fizycznych. Natomiast udział w projektowaniu, produkcji i wdrażaniu systemów sterowania infrastruktury miejskiej i kolejowej rozwiązaniami, wskazują na możliwości prezentacji w różnych obszarach funkcjonowania Arex Sp. z o.o., zajmuje się m.in. wdrażaniem systemów energetyki niskonapięciowej na rynku kolejowym i specjalizuje się m.in. w dostarczaniu kompletnych rozwiązań elektrycznego ogrzewania rozjazdów kolejowych i systemów sterowania oświetleniem terenów kolejowych.
The operating modes of the automatic control system for electromechanical converters for synchronization of rotor speeds have been developed and investigated. The proposed automatic speed control system allows adjusting the slave engine to the master one in a wide range from 0 to 6000 rpm. To improve the synchronization accuracy an adaptive algorithm is proposed that allows to increase the synchronization accuracy by 3-4 times. The proposed model of an adaptive automatic control system with an observing identification tool makes it possible to minimize the error in the asynchrony of the rotation of the rotors of two electromechanical converters.
The on-ground validation of control systems designed for manipulators working in orbit is very difficult due to the necessity of simulating the microgravity environment on Earth. In this paper, we present the possibilities of utilising the KUKA KUBE test-bed with industrial robots to experimentally verify space systems using hardware-in-the-loop tests. The fixed-base KUKA industrial robot is operated in gravitational environment, while the space system model plant is solved in real time parallel to on-ground experiment. The test-bed measurements are the input of the model plant, and the output of the model is treated as an input for the industrial robot actuation. In the performed experiment, the control system based on the Dynamic Jacobian is validated. The desired point that is reached by the manipulator’s endeffector is constant in the simulated environment and moving with respect to the test-bed frame. The position of the space manipulator’s end-effector is calculated by evaluating dynamics of the satellite in real-time model. The results show that the control system applied to the KUKA robot works correctly. The measurements from the torque sensors mounted in KUKA robot’s joints are in accordance with the simulation results. This fact enhances the possibilities of gravity compensation, thus simulating microgravity environment on the test-bed.
Road transport safety, apart from environmental protection, is one of the most important tasks for the contemporary world. Annually, about 50 million people are injured in road accidents around the world, of which nearly 1.5 million die as a result. Transport safety consists of many activities and includes various initiatives, including legal changes, training, preventive actions, building safe road infrastructure, and the production of safe vehicles and control systems. This article deals with the issue of performing roadside technical inspections in the Slovak Republic. Specifically, it analyses the results of these oadside technical inspections in individual counties of the Slovak Republic and examines their possible impact on transport and logistics systems in these counties. The correlation analysis showed that the number of checks under the technical roadside inspections is weakly related to the number of logistics centres, but the number of such inspections is moderate in relation to the number of failed vehicles (correlation coefficient = 0.44079). In addition, due to the age of the vehicles, the number of serious and dangerous faults found on them during maintenance inspection increases.
Content available Optimal state feedback controller for balancing cube
In this paper, a nonlinear balancing cube system is considered, the concept for which is based on an inverted pendulum. The main purpose of this work was the modelling and construction of a balancing cube with the synthesis of the control system. The control objectives included swing-up and stabilization of the cube on its vertex at an unstable equilibrium. Execution of the intended purpose required, first, deriving a cognitive mathematical model. It was based on the Lagrange method. Next, a mathematical model for control purposes was derived. The project of the physical model of the balancing cube was presented. A stabilization system based on a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) was developed. Moreover, a swing-up mechanism was used to bring the cube close to the upper equilibrium point. The algorithm switching condition was important to enable the correct functioning of the system. The developed control system was verified in the Matlab environment. Finally, verifying experiments and comparisons among models (mathematical and physical) were performed.
This chapter addresses current issues of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in the situation of pandemic COVID-19 declining after necessary lockdowns that have been extremely burdensome for society and business in many countries. Valuable experiences have been gained at the national and international levels how to effectively fight pandemic and what to do in post-pandemic world to achieve new objectives. These issues are discussed in the context of the Great Deal and New Deal as well as New Green Deal proposed for realisation in the European Union. There are significant challenges concerning the societal and economic prosperity, business development, ecology, and quality of life of citizens. The recovery funds created in the European Union to be distributed among its members regarding some rules should effectively support the business rebuilding within a sustainable development strategy. It is postulated to shape properly the future of 4IR to offer advanced technologies supporting effectively required changes in post-pandemic world.
In the paper we propose a fractional-piecewise-constant-order PID controller and discuss the stability and robustness of a closed loop system. In stability analysis we use the transform method and include the Nyquist-like criteria. Simulations for designed controllers are performed for the second-order plant with a delay.
This chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology (OT) to reduce relevant risks. This approach includes verifying the safety integrity level (SIL) of defined safety functions, and then to check the level obtained taking into account the security assurance level (SAL) of particular domain, such as a safety related control system (SRCS), in which given safety function is to be implemented. The SAL is determined based on a vector of fundamental requirements (FRs). The method proposed uses defined risk graphs for the individual and/or the societal risk, and relevant risk criteria, for determining the SIL required of given safety function, and probabilistic models to verify the SIL achievable for the SRCS architecture to be designed and then implemented in an industrial installation.
Unmanned vehicles occupy more and more space in the human environment. Mobile robots, being a significant part thereof, generate high technological requirements in order to meet the requirements of the end user. The main focus of the end users both in civil, and so called “defense and security” areas in the broadly defined segments of the construction industry should be on safety and efficiency of unmanned vehicles. It creates some requirements for their drive and control systems being supported among others by vision, communication and navigation systems. It is also important to mention the importance of specific design of manipulators to be used to fulfill the construction tasks. Control technologies are among the critical technologies in the efforts to achieve these requirements. This paper presents test stations for testing control systems and remote control system for work tools in the function of teleoperator using the CAN bus and vehicles which use hydrostatic drive systems based on the Controller Area Network (CAN) standard. The paper examines the potential for using a CAN bus for the control systems of modern unmanned ground vehicles that can be used in construction, and what limitations would possibly prevent their full use. It is exactly crucial for potential users of unmanned vehicles for construction industry applications to know whether their specific requirements basing on the tasks typical in construction [9] may be fulfilled or not when using the CAN bus standard.
W artykule przedstawiono sterownik przeznaczony do sterowania przełączalnymi maszynami reluktancyjnymi (SRM). System sterowania został zaprojektowany w układzie programowalnym FPGA z rodziny Artix-7 oraz zaimplementowany w module prototypowym Nexys 4 DDR firmy Digilent. Opracowany układ pozwala na sterowanie maszynami posiadającymi od 2 do 6 pasm z rozdzielczością kątową wyznaczania położenia wirnika do 0,25°, przy wykorzystaniu enkodera inkrementalnego o rozdzielczości 360 imp./obr. System wyposażono w interfejs użytkownika posiadający wyświetlacz LCD i klawiaturę czteroprzyciskową. Interfejs ten umożliwia programowanie parametrów zasilania oraz sterowanie pracą maszyny. Dodatkowo podstawowe parametry pracy, takie jak prędkość obrotowa wirnika, wartość napięcia zasilania oraz prądów pasm wyświetlane są na 8 wyświetlaczach siedmiosegmentowych.
In the work is described a control system for a reluctance switch machine. The controller was designed and made based on the programmable FPGA of the Artix-7 family, which is placed on the Nexys 4 DDR board designed and manufactured by Digilent. The designed control system enables powering 2 to 6 band SRM machines. The controller determines the position of the rotor with an accuracy of 0,25° using an incremental encoder with a resolution of 360 impulses per revolution. The system enables operation of the user interface equipped with an LCD display and a four-button keyboard, with the help of which it is possible to set the operating parameters and control the drive. In addition, support was provided for eight seven-segment displays displaying current values of currents, voltages and speeds.
This report addresses selected methodological aspects of proactive reliability, functional safety and cyber security management in life cycle of industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants and oil port critical installations based on the analysis of relevant hazards / threats and evaluation of related risks. In addition the insurance company point of view has been also considered, because nowadays the insurer, interested in decreasing risks to be insured, offers the expertise how to limit effectively risks in life cycle from the design conceptual stage of hazardous plant, through its reliable and safe operation, until decommissioning. Therefore, the risk evaluation model for insurance related decision making for the period considered, e.g. one year, should be plant specific with some predictive properties due to changing environment and business conditions, and usually considerable uncertainty involved. The objective is to evaluate and mitigate risks, and control them proactively, through undertaking appropriate activities within a process based management system according to elaborated policy and strategy that includes organisational and technical aspects, including preventive maintenance activities of sensitive equipment and updating in time the training programmes. Careful evaluating and controlling risks is also crucial for the insurance company. Basic activities of the risk engineers and underwriters in the insurance process are outlined in the context of identified hazards/threats and defined factors that significantly influence risks to be considered in evaluating the insurance premium in the context of terms and conditions specified.
W artykule w sposób przeglądowy przedstawiono stosowane sposoby sterowania oświetleniem ulicznym. Wymieniono charakterystyczne cechy poszczególnych rodzajów sterowania oraz ich wpływ na oszczędność energii.
The article show methods of street light control. The features of various types of this control and their impact on energy saving were listed.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę spadków napięć w instalacjach elektrycznych czterech ciągników. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że w przypadku coraz większej liczby odbiorników prądu włączonych do standardowego źródła zasilania i instalacji elektrycznej konieczne staje się przeprowadzenie wstępnych pomiarów dotyczących spadków napięć. Poprawność działania systemów mechatronicznych w przypadku dwóch przebadanych ciągników wymaga wymiany akumulatora lub doposażenia instalacji w zabezpieczenia przed spadkami napięć.
The article presents analysis of voltage drops in electrical installations of four tractors. The tests have shown that in the case of an increasing number of current receivers connected to a standard power source and electrical installation, it is necessary to carry out preliminary measurements regarding voltage drops. The correct operation of mechatronic systems in the case of two tested tractors requires replacement of the battery or retrofitting the installation with protection against voltage drops.
During the semiconductor or graphene wafers surface were investigated, the Arduino module was applied to control the impact point of the laser beam. While the pulse signal of laser beam impacts to surface selected material and the material is exposed to enough strong magnetic field, the photomagnetoelectric effect takes place. This causes the electrical signal in the measurement coil, which is connected to amplifiers. The paper presents application of Arduino UNO module to control the position in two dimensions (in the XY plane) of investigated silicon or graphene wafers while the photomagnetoelectric effect is measuring. The Arduino drive (through the integrated circuit with power transistors) the steps and shift of a dedicated table with a sample situated at the top of the table. Constructed equipment, based on Arduino board, allows for one step size of 1.25 μm in X-axis and Y-axis, and in effect, the each square millimeter contains 640000 measurement points. We are able also to modify the Arduino program for motors controller any moment. Moreover, it is also possible to apply the obtain method to investigate another semiconductor materials. The commercially available similar devices don’t have all need functions and they are incomparably more expensive.
Nowadays almost every industry tries to improve their production efficiency by implementing automated production and intralogistics processes according to Industry 4.0 concept. One of many possibilities is to improve efficiency by implementing industrial mobile robots. This paper briefly describes issues related to design, deployment and operation of AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) mobile robots type in industrial environment with particular emphasis on navigation methods. The advantages and disadvantages of most popular methods of local path planner algorithms have been described with most common ones briefly presented. In the next part the paper presents the performed simulation of example AGV system with simplified robot model. At the end conclusions from performed simulation are pointed out and the heading of future works in term of developing new kind of local path planning method that is able to optimize AGV energy consumption are described.
W dzisiejszych czasach wiele zakładów przemysłowych dąży do zwiększania wydajności produkcyjnej poprzez wdrażanie zautomatyzowanych procesów produkcyjnych oraz intralogistycznych zgodnie z ideą Przemysłu 4.0. Jedną z wielu możliwości jest usprawnienie procesów poprzez zastosowanie przemysłowych robotów mobilnych. W artykule przedstawiono problematykę projektowania, wdrażania oraz funkcjonowania pojazdów typu AGV (z ang.: Automated Guided Vehicle) w środowisku przemysłowym ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem prototypowania metod nawigacji. W pracy opisano wady i zalety najpopularniejszych metod planowania ścieżki lokalnej dedykowanej dla przemysłowych robotów mobilnych. Na przykładzie systemu transportu logistycznego opartego na robotach AGV zaprezentowano środowisko symulacyjne VREP umożliwiające prototypowanie i testowanie algorytmów sterowania. Wyniki symulacji dynamicznej przeanalizowano w kontekście opracowywania nowej metody generowania ścieżki lokalnej robota opartej na zależnościach energetycznych.
Content available remote System synchronizacji napędów urządzenia do laserowo-mechanicznego gięcia rur
Opisano system sterowania napędami w przyrządzie do gięcia rur cienkościennych, wykonanym na potrzeby badań prowadzonych w ramach projektu NCBR PBS/A5/47/2015. Przedstawiono projekt układu mechanicznego oraz krótko scharakteryzowano system sterowania. Zwrócono uwagę na wady i zalety rozwiązania. Zaproponowano możliwe modyfikacje układu w celu poprawy jego funkcjonalności.
The drives control system of bending equipment for thinwalled pipes has been presented. The design of the mechanical system was presented and the control system was briefly characterized. The advantages and disadvantages of the presented solution are discussed. Possible modifications of the system have been proposed in order to improve its functionality.
Content available remote Diagnostyka systemów sterowania blokiem energetycznym
W artykule opisano działanie układów regulacji bloku energetycznego. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na rozwiązanie techniczne stosowane w energetyce konwencjonalnej oraz w układach odnawialnych źródeł energii. Scharakteryzowano blok energetyczny jako wielowymiarowy obiekt regulacji. Przedstawiono koncepcję systemów diagnostycznych realizujących procedury diagnostyczne w trybie on-line. Na podstawie dwóch układów regulacji t.j.: układu regulacji turbiny parowej oraz układu regulacji poziomu wody w walczaku kotła zaprezentowano koncepcję układów tolerujących uszkodzenia torów pomiarowych.
The paper describes operation of control systems in power unit. Particular attention has been paid to technical designs used in conventional power engineering and in renewable energy systems. A power unit has been characterised as multidimensional control system. Conception of diagnostic systems operating in on-line mode has been presented. Idea of fault tolerant control systems (tolerance related to failures in measurement circuits) has been illustrated by two examples: steam turbine control system and boiler drum water level control system.
Content available remote Diagnostic of Control Systems for Power Unit
The paper describes operation of control systems in power unit. Particular attention has been paid to technical designs used in conventional power engineering and in renewable energy systems. A power unit has been characterised as multidimensional control system. Conception of diagnostic systems operating in on-line mode has been presented. Idea of fault tolerant control systems (tolerance related to failures in measurement circuits) has been illustrated by two examples: steam turbine control system and boiler drum water level control system.
W artykule opisano działanie układów regulacji bloku energetycznego. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na rozwiązanie techniczne stosowane w energetyce konwencjonalnej oraz w układach odnawialnych źródeł energii. Scharakteryzowano blok energetyczny jako wielowymiarowy obiekt regulacji. Przedstawiono koncepcję systemów diagnostycznych realizujących procedury diagnostyczne w trybie on-line. Na podstawie dwóch układów regulacji t.j.: układu regulacji turbiny parowej oraz układu regulacji poziomu wody w walczaku kotła zaprezentowano koncepcję układów tolerujących uszkodzenia torów pomiarowych.
The paper subject is the concept of a system for monitoring the operation of a pipeline transport network using telematics for the needs of the oil industry on a selected example. Transport telematics allows to deliberately influence the proces of moving cargo/ data using the elaborated deliberate decisions, as a result of the prior analysis of information and knowledge obtained using a dispersed system of sensors associated with means of pipeline transport, infrastructure, environment and man. The concept of the process of monitoring the technical condition of pipelines for the purpose of ensuring the required efficiency of the transport system and decisions regarding the process of their operation using a dedicated distributed monitoring system of selected operational parameters will be presented. In particular, the paper will focus on the location and categorization of pipe damages.
The article presents the adaptation of the setpoint calculation algorithm with limitation using the double cross method, known from the fuel-air regulation systems, in the system for mixing two sorts of lime, enabling the start of the process line without additional start-up procedures. The authors modified the standard double cross algorithm in order to enable the start of the system without special start-up procedures, while maintaining all the features of the algorithm. The results of the tests of the modified algorithm in the lime milling and mixing system are also presented.
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