We describe the penultimate glacial – last interglacial transition from the one of the numerous palaeolake successions in central Poland, which have yielded many documented Eemian and Early Weichselian floral records. In the new profile, Parchliny 2016, the lacustrine deposits were analysed lithologically, botanically, zoologically, and geochemically, providing new data that illustrate the environmental transition from the Late Saalian (MIS 6a) to the Eemian interglacial (MIS 5e). Five phases of palaeolake development have been distinguished. The first phase was related to the rapid melting of a dead ice block buried in the tills to form a lake. The second phase documented a Late Saalian initial succession, with the dominance of open steppe communities (Stadial 1), followed by a third phase with gradual increasing density of vegetation, the spread of boreal forests (Zeifen interstadial) and further increase in open communities and the retreat of pine (Kattegat stadial). The fourth phase reflected the beginning of Eemian interglacial by the expansion of pioneering birch-pine and purely birch forests and an increasing proportion of deciduous trees, including oak (Vth phase). Diatom, cladoceran and geochemical studies indicate at least two stages of lake development. The first stage (Late Saalian) was of an open lake (2–4 m deep), in relatively cold conditions and nutrient-poor water with the lowest amounts of organic carbon and nitrogen. The second stage (Eemian interglacial), shows warmer, shallower conditions in which the lake’s primary production increased, the water was well oxygenated, and there were more trophic levels.
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This paper has been aimed at demonstrating the applicability of the ground penetrating radar to acquiring basic information on lake sediments and geomorphological conditions of their deposition in the basin of Mały Staw lake. The lake area is one of the most comprehensively studied part of the Polish part of the Karkonosze Mountains. The application of radar soundings enabled a fast and environmentally friendly verification as well as updating the results of previous research on the thickness and structure of the sediments of this glacial lake. Mały Staw lake is formed at the postglacial depression in the granite bedrock. The bottom of the lake is composed of limnic deposits of the maximum thickness reaching up to 15 m. The postglacial formations occurring below them probably contain a buried moraine of the youngest recessional phase. Solid rock is located about 25 meters beneath the current bottom of the lake.
Lacustrine deposits, e.g. gyttja and lcustrine chalk, in natural conditions are weak soils from the engineering point of view. These soils under loading have large and long-lasting consolidation settlement. In the last years, these soils have been more often used as a subsoil, mainly for road and hydraulic engineering embankments. To predict the settlement, we have to know the strain and filtration parameters of the subsoil. The paper presents the results of coefficient permeability tests of gyttja and lacustrine chalk, performed in oedometer tests after following loading steps. The results have allowed obtaining downward but various trends of coefficient permeability changes in the consolidation process due to a decrease of void ratio. In general, the differences of trends are related to different types of gyttja. In the case of mineral-organic high-carbonate gyttja, three different decreasing trends were obtained. For these different trends, the causal relation was determined to the lithological impact factor. The lithological impact factor in the paper is proposed as the combination of main lithological characteristics.
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According to historical sources in the basin of Mała Panew River there were at least 56 water- powered iron smelters from 14th–19th century. Now only two metallurgy plants work in the area. Many of the former smelting settlements ceased to exist. Historical data on the smelting industry in the area are often scarce. The aim of the study was to reconstruct the history of ferrous metallurgy from (1) the remains of wooden historical buildings, (2) remains of charcoal kilns and (3) deposits from former smelter pond. Results show that Regolowiec smelting settlement existed already in the 17th century (at least several decades earlier than historical written sources suggest) and was later repaired after destruction caused probably by floods. Charcoal used for iron smelting in the ironworks in Brusiek on the Mała Panew River was burnt at the turn of the 18th century. This is in accordance with historical sources indicating particular prosperity of the metallurgy in that period. Upstream of the ironworks in Brusiek in the first half of the 17th century a large pond existed flooding the floor of the Mała Panew valley. Study has shown that the pond was at least 100 years older than historical sources have indicated.
Na obwodzie doliny Rio Colca (uformowanej w osadach jeziornych) w Andach Środkowych (Peru) znajdują się uskoki, których bieg jest zgodny z kształtem tej doliny. Zbadano je w miejscowościach Madrigal, Coporaque, Chivay i Maca, gdzie mają cechy uskoków zrzutowych, zarówno normalnych, jak i odwróconych. Ich geometryczne parametry wskazują, że dolina jest tektonicznym zapadliskiem, a uskoki są jego brzegiem. Porównano ich układ z teoretycznymi modelami geotektonicznymi (ryc. 10A-C). Widoczna krzywizna i nachylenie powierzchni uskoków są obecnie tylko fragmentami pełnego kształtu uskoków, co nie pozwala jednoznacznie ustalić jaką formę ma całe zapadlisko i który z modeli jest właściwy. Stwierdzono natomiast, że są to uskoki młode, ponieważ deformują osady czwartorzędowe. Ich powstanie jest związane z intensywnym wypiętrzaniem Andów. Jest możliwe, że nawiązują do układu uskoków starszych i są ich przedłużeniem w młodszym piętrze strukturalnym.
Tectonic faults run along the margins of the Río Colca valley (incised in lacustrine sediments) in the Central Andes of Peru. The faults were studied at localities Madrigal, Coporaque, Chivay and Maca, where they have characteristics of normal and reverse dip-slip faults. Their geometrical parameters indicate that the valley is a graben bounded by the studied faults. The fault pattern has been compared with theoretical geotectonic models (Fig. 10A- C). As the visible curvatures and slopes of the fault surfaces are representative only for their exposed fragments, they are not sufficient for unanimous recognition of the graben form and for the selection of the proper model. It has been ascertained that the faults are young, because they deform Quaternary sediments. It is possible that they are linked to the older faults and are their continuation in the younger structural stage.
The aim of this study was to delimit lacustrine deposits underlaying present peatlands. On this basis, the location of water bodies in late Pleistocene and early Holocene was recognized. The lakes' occurrence was presented on the background of geomorphological conditions. Lacustrine deposits occur mainly in depressions of the northern part of the Knyszyńska Forest. They are placed in upper parts of the Czapielówka River, Jałówka River, middle Sokołda River and upper Kumiałka River catchments. The thickness of gyttja varies between 0.4 and 2.5 m. These are detrital, calcareous and clay-calcareous gyttjas. Lacustrine sediments fill the bottoms of various melt-out depressions. The origin of these depressions, as well as the whole glacial relief of the terrain, is often linked to deglaciation of the Warta ice sheet. However, kame deposits in the Janów village are younger than Warta glaciation. Moreover, the catchment relief of the upper Kumiałka River is similar to the relief which originates from Vistulian glaciation. Besides, there are boulder deposits directly under the lacustrine deposits. These three facts indicate a younger age of the melt-out depressions in the upper Kumiałka River catchment.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań litologicznych i geomorfologicznych przeprowadzonych w północnej części Puszczy Knyszyńskiej. Celem badań było rozpoznanie rozprzestrzenienia utworów jeziornych, występujących pod współczesnymi torfowiskami. Na tej podstawie odtworzono rozmieszczenie i zasięg zbiorników wodnych w późnym plejstocenie i wczesnym holocenie na tle uwarunkowań geomorfologicznych. Stwierdzono stosunkowo powszechne występowanie utworów jeziornych w dnach obniżeń w północnej części Puszczy Knyszyńskiej. Występują one w górnych fragmentach zlewni Czapielówki, Jałówki, środkowej Sokołdy, w rejonie Czarnej Białostockiej oraz dalej na północy, w zlewni górnej Kumiałki. Miąższość gytii wynosi od 0,4 do 2,5 m. Są to gytie detrytusowe, węglanowe i ilasto-wapienne. Utwory jeziorne zalegają w dnach różnego rodzaju obniżeń wytopiskowych. Genezę wytopisk, jak i całej rzeźby glacjalnej tego terenu, łączy się najczęściej z zanikiem lądolodu zlodowacenia Warty. Jednak wiek utworów kemowych w Janowie, nawiązanie rzeźby do niższych, młodszych poziomów morfologicznych oraz występowanie bezpośrednio pod osadami jeziornymi utworów ablacyjnych i zwałowych przemawiają za młodszym wiekiem wytopisk położonych w zlewni górnej Kumiałki.
Przedmiotem badań paleomagnetycznych było 51 fragmentów rdzenia z otworu wiertniczego Czarnucha. Badane osady jeziorne zostały w głównej swej masie przemagnesowane w wyniku procesów diagenetycznych, prowadzących do powstania wtórnych nośników namagnesowania. Pojedyncze próbki o inklinacji ujemnej, znajdujące się głównie w dolnej części profilu, reprezentują najprawdopodobniej pierwotny zapis paleomagnetyczny. Ich obecność może wskazywać, że co najmniej ta część profilu powstawała w chronie odwrotnego namagnesowania Matuyama.
Paleomagnetic analysis was performed on 51 core samples from the Czarnucha borehole. The lacustrine deposits were mostly remagnetized as a results of diagenetic processes leading to the formation of secondary magnetization carries. Single samples of negative inclination, found mainly in the lower portion of the section, most likely represents the original palaeomagnetic record. Their presence can indicate that at least part of the sequence was deposited during the Matuyama chrone of reverse magnetization.
W artykule przedstawiono wstępne wyniki analizy diatomologicznej (w nawiązaniu do badań palinologicznych) osadów jeziornych interglacjału augustowskiego (podlaskiego) z profili Sucha Wieś (Pojezierze Ełckie) i Czarnucha (Równina Augustowska) w północno-wschodniej Polsce. Osady te leżą na utworach lodowcowych zlodowacenia narwi i są przykryte utworami lodowcowymi zlodowacenia nidy. Na podstawie zmian składu gatunkowego i liczebności okrzemek w tych profilach wyróżniono pięć lokalnych poziomów okrzemkowych L DAZ (Local Diatom Assemblage Zones) z dolnej części osadów profilu Sucha Wieś (DSW-1 do DSW-5) i profilu Czarnucha (DCz-1 do DCz-5). Poziomy te reprezentują pięć etapów sukcesji okrzemek, które są pełniej wyrażone w profilu z Czarnuchy. W pierwszym etapie obok okrzemek peryfitonowych, litoralnych, liczne są również okrzemki planktonowe (Aulacoseira i Stephanodiscus). W drugim etapie znacznie wzrasta udział okrzemek peryfitonowych, słonawowodnych (Fragilaria s.l. ), wskazujących na niski poziom wody w ówczesnym jeziorze. W trzecim i czwartym etapie stopniowy wzrost znaczenia okrzemek planktonowych (głównie Stephanodiscus spp.) świadczy o pogłębieniu jeziora. Etap piąty charakteryzuje się wzrostem liczebności okrzemek peryfitonowych i okrzemek planktonowych, typowych dla jezior eutroficznych. Sukcesja okrzemek z profilu Czarnucha wykazuje duże podobieństwo do okrzemek z profilu Sucha Wieś oraz w mniejszym stopniu do sukcesji okrzemek znanej ze stanowisk osadów jeziornych interglacjału ferdynandowskiego w Polsce i interglacjału białowieskiego na Białorusi.
The paper shows preliminary results of diatom analysis of Augustovian (Podlasian) Interglacial lacustrine-marsh deposits from the Sucha Wieś and Czarnucha sections located in the Augustów Plain, northeastern Poland, in connection with the results of palynological investigations. The deposits overlie Narevian glacial sediments and are overlain by Nidanian glacial deposits. On the basis of changes in taxa composition and the frequency of diatoms in the sections, five Local Diatom Assemblage Zones (L DAZ) have been distinguished in the lower portion of the Sucha Wieś section (DSW-1 to DS W-5) and in the Czarnucha section (DCz-1 to DCz-5). These zones represent 5 stages of the diatom succession, more fully pronounced in the Czarnucha section. During the first stage, apart from littoral periphytic diatoms, also planktonic diatoms are abundant (Aulacoseira and Stephanodiscus). During the second stage, the content of saline-water periphytic diatoms significantly increased (Fragilaria s.l.) indicating a lower water level in the lake. In the third and fourth stages, a gradual increase in the amount of planktonic diatoms (mainly Stephanodiscus spp.) indicates a deepening of the lake. The fifth stage is characterized by a renewed increase in the amount of periphytic diatoms typical of eutrophic lakes. The diatom succession from the Czarnucha section is similar to that from Sucha Wieś and, to a lesser extent, to the diatom succession known from lacustrine deposits of the Ferdynandovian Interglacial in Poland and the Belovezhian Interglacial in Belarus.
Praca została wykonana na podstawie badań chemicznych i badań litologicznych osadów z profili Sucha Wieś i Czarnucha. Oba profile są bardzo zbliżone do siebie pod względem litologii i zmian środowiska depozycji osadów. Cykl zmian sedymentacji jest zapisany od osadów klimatu borealnego do osadów jeziornych klimatu ciepłego oraz ponownie do osadów rzecznych i jeziornych klimatu borealnego.
The work deals with chemical analyses and lithological studies of deposits from the Sucha Wieś and Czarnucha sections. Both these sections show much similarity in terms of lithologies and changes in sedimentary environments. The sedimentary record reveals a cycle of changes from a boreal climate to a temperate climate represented by lacustrine sediments and again towards a boreal climate with fluvial and lacustrine deposition.
Highly varied hydrographic system occurs in the drainage basins of the upper Piława, Płytnica and Drawa Rivers (Middle Pomerania). Numerous radiometric dating carried out by the methods of 14C, OSL and U/Th, as well as pollen analyses and geomorphological analysis enable to study evolution of the system in the period of the last twelve thousand years. Glaciolacustrine deposits, accompanying most of the lakes, represent accumulation, which took place at the initial stage of the lacustrine basin formation. The level of lacustrine waters fell by several to more than a twelve meters in that time and was controlled by melt water runoff channeled through valleys in the southern direction. The final stage of the lake development was connected with complete melting of buried dead-ice masses and formation — bottoms of lake. Evolution from glaciolacustrine to lacustrine basins within kettles was continuous process. Lake water level started to fall abruptly when the last remnants of the dead ice blocking the runoff have melted and the inter-lake channels have been erosionaly deepened. That phase should be related to the complete decay of permafrost, probably at the end of the Allerřd. The main phase of erosion in the gorges started at the end of the Pleistocene and lasted (with lower intensity) till the Pre-Boreal and/or the Boreal. The water level in the lake system drained by the Piława and the Drawa Rivers was finally fallen by 8–16 meters and for a long time was stabilized (during the Atlantic and Sub-Atlantic) at the level of 2 meters higher than the present one. Further lowering of drained lakes by the next 2 meters was probably caused by anthropogenic activities resulting from intensive colonization in the 16th and 17th centuries and later by land improvement accomplished in the drainage basins of the Drawa and the Piława Rivers in the 19th century. Local conditions strongly influenced character of forest communities in the area investigated. The tendency was especially significant in the Atlantic. Increased importance of pine trees in the vicinity of the Lędyczek site caused that broadleaf forests with oak, maple, lime and hazel trees, typical of the Atlantic, have not developed there.
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Late Glacial and Holocene lacustrine molluscs occurring in three sites from the Gniezno and Poznan Lake Districts in central Poland are described. The mollusc fauna present in the sites is composed mainly of aquatic species with an accessory content of terrestrial snails inhabiting damp or very damp, periodically flooded sites. Ecological preferences of species, changes in their composition and frequency together with shell dimensions are used as indicators of palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimate. Infrequent shells present in the Imiolki and Rybitwy sites are small and thin-walled in consequence of the cold climate prevailing in the Late Glacial when the sediments in question were deposited. In the Imiolki site Pisidium lilljeborgii CLESSIN, a species indicative of low temperatures, occurs. Deposits in the Niepruszewo-Ciesle site were accumulated through most of the Holocene, thus warmer conditions resulted in considerably more abundant and larger shells with thicker walls.
W artykule przedstawiona została propozycja szacowania ściśliwości w pełni nasyconych gytii i kredy jeziornej. Propozycja oparta jest na wynikach badań edometrycznych i badań właściwości fizycznych 19 próbek gytii i kredy jeziornej pobranych z Pojezierza Olsztyńskiego i Mrągowskiego. Umożliwia szacowanie wartości edometrycznych modułów ściśliwości bez konieczności przeprowadzania badań edometrycznych. Aby oszacować wartość edometrycznego modułu ściśliwości wedługb przedstawionej propozycji należy zastosować formułę opartą na zależności ΔWk (ubytku wilgotności w badaniu edometrycznym) i ΔWk (ubytku wilgotności w badaniu granicy plastyczności) oraz na wartościach wilgotności naturalnej - Wn, gęstości objętościowej - D, wilgotności przy granicy plastyczności - WP.
The paper presents a proposal of compressibility estimation applied to saturated gyttja and lacustrine chalk. The proposal is based on results obtained from oedometer tests and physical properties investigations. All laboratory tests were performed on 19 samples of gyttja and lacustrine chalk taken from Olsztyn and Mrągowo Lakelands. Presented proposal enables estimation the of oedometrie modulus without oedometer tests performing, formula based on the relationship between ΔWk (water content loss in oedometer test) and ΔWr (water content loss within plasticity limit) and values of natural water content- Wn, volume density, water content on plastic limit - Wp.
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W okolicach Lechitowa, około 20 km na zachód od Rawicza, stwierdzono obecność zbiornika jeziornego wypełnionego 21,75 m miąższości osadami organicznymi. Analiza palinologiczna pozwoliła odtworzyć sukcesję zbiorowisk roślinnych w zbiorniku i na otaczających go terenach. Diagram pyłkowy z Lechitowa przedstawia sukcesję pyłkową charakterystyczną dla interglacjału eemskiego, od poziomu E-3 do poziomu E-7. Cechuje go dobrze wykształcona faza optimum klimatycznego z dominującą leszczyną oraz wyraźnie zaznaczona faza lasów grabowo-lipowych i świerkowo-jodłowych.
The paper describes results of palynological investigations of the interglacial deposits at Lechitów. The interglacial sequence is 21.75 m thick and comprises clay, organic silt, gyttja and peat. The pollen diagram indicates five local pollen assemblages: L-1 Quercus-Fraxinus-Ulmus, L-2 Corylus-Quercus-Tilia L-3 Carpinus-Corylus-Alnus, L-4 Picea-Abies-Alnus and L-5 Pinus, which well correlate with regional pollen assemblages defined by Mamakowa (1989) and Tobolski (1991). The sequence at Lechitów does not comprise the early interglacial phases, Pinus-Betula and Pinus-Betula-Ulmus. The percentages of taxa at Lechitów succession are comparable with other Eemian sites in western and southwestern Poland. A very characteristic feature of the Eemian sequence at Lechitów is high depositional rates at the end of interglacial. The thickness of sediments from the Carpinus-Corylus-Alnus phase is 8.7 m, from Picea-Abies-Alnus phase 6.0 m and from Pinus phase 4.1 m, whereas the optimum phases (Quercu.s-Fraxinus-Ulmus and Corylus-Quercus-Tilia) have altogether only 2.95 m.
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