The presented work discuss the influence of various types of graphite additions on the abrasive wear of AlMg10 matrix alloy composites. Flake graphite, electrographite, and short graphite fibre were used as a composite reinforcement. Composites containing 10 vol. % of graphite particles were produced by mechanical mixing of the liquid alloy with simultaneous introduction of the reinforcement. Composite suspensions were gravity cast into metal moulds. The achieved castings were tested for the abrasive wear. Also the pure matrix alloy was examined. Microphotographs of the produced materials were taken, the specimens were also examined after the abrasion test by observing the microsections perpendicular to the abraded surface. The carried out experiments allow to state that even the little addition of graphite influences beneficially the tribological properties of composite under small loads applied to the frictional pair. It was found that under the increased load (30 N) the least abrasive wear is exhibited by the composite reinforced with graphite fibre, the largest one occurring for the composite reinforced with electrographite. The composite reinforced with electrographite, however, exhibited the mass loss less by 25% than the pure matrix alloy.
In this paper shown three-dimensional model of composite hard anodic layer modified by carbon particles. Modifications were carried by vacuum sublimation by a graphite electrode. The modified layer is characterized by improved tribological properties (friction coefficient) compared to the unmodified layer. Test conditions and values of the coefficients of friction are presented for the combination of pin-on-disc pair in T-01M tester. The 3D model was made in parametric CAD program Solid Edge v19 pl, which allows to explain the decrease in the coefficient of friction.
W pracy przedstawiono trójwymiarowy model kompozytowej warstwy ceramiczno-grafitowej powstałej w wyniku modyfikowania anodowej powłoki twardej. Modyfikacje przeprowadzono w procesie napylania próżniowego. Warstwa modyfikowana charakteryzuje się lepszymi właściwościami tribologicznymi (współczynnik tarcia) w porównaniu do warstwy niemodyfikowanej. Warunki badań oraz wartości współczynników tarcia zestawiono dla skojarzenia trzpień-tarcza testera T-01M. Model 3D warstwy wykonano w parametrycznym programie CAD Solid Edge v19, który pozawala na wyjaśnienie zmniejszenia się współczynnika tarcia.
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