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Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is one of the most rapidly advancing techniques. This method is capable of non-contact and non-destructive investigation of the inner structure of a broad range of materials. Compared with other methods which belong to the NDE/NDT group (Non-Destructive Evaluation/Non-Destructive Testing methods), OCT is capable of a broad range of scattering material structure visualization. Such a non-invasive and versatile method is very demanded by the industry. The authors applied the OCT method to examine the corrosion process in metal samples coated by polymer films. The main aim of the research was the evaluation of the anti-corrosion protective coatings using the OCT method. The tested samples were exposed to a harsh environment. The OCT measurements have been taken at different stages of the samples degradation. The research and tests results have been presented, as well as a brief discussion has been carried out.
W pracy przedstawiono techniki oparte na interferometrii niskokoherentnej jednoczesnego pomiaru współczynnika załamania i grubości struktur warstwowych. Zaproponowano dwie metody: pierwsza oparta jest na pomiarze położenia górnej powierzchni granicznej warstwy i jej grubości optycznej (położenie dolnej powierzchni granicznej powinno być znane wcześniej); druga oparta jest na wykorzystaniu dynamicznego ogniskowania wiązki laserowej. Przeprowadzone testy pokazały, że możliwy jest jednoczesny pomiar grubości geometrycznej warstwy z dokładnością 1µm i współczynnika załamania z dokładnością lepszą niż 0,01.
The paper presents a technique based on Iow-coherence interferometry for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and thickness of layered structures. Two methods are proposed: the first one is based on the measurement of the position of the upper boundary surface of the layer and its optical thickness (the position of the Iower boundary surface of the layer should be known in advance), the second one is based on dynamie focusing of the laser beam that is used in the measuring system. Performed tests have shown that it is possible to simultaneously measure the geometrie thickness with the accuracy of 1 µm, and the refractive index of better than 0.01.
W artykule omówiono metodę badania wewnętrznej struktury materiałów ceramicznych z wykorzystaniem interferometrii niskokoherentnej. Przedstawiono układ pomiarowy optycznej tomografii koherentnej, wykorzystujący niskokoherentny interferometr do badania niejednorodności występujących w strukturze ośrodków rozpraszających. Zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów grubości i niejednorodności ceramicznych warstw PLZT. Przeprowadzono rozważania nad możliwościami wykorzystania niskokoherentnych interferometrycznych technik pomiarowych do kontroli i optymalizacji procesów wytwarzania ceramicznych warstw PLZT.
In this article we describe an optical method for inside materials investigation, which is based on low-coherence interferometry (LCI). The experimental LCI system applied in optical coherence tomography (OCT) for non-destructive and non-contact examination of materials inner inhomogeteities is presented. The test results of PLZT ceramics investigation are shown as well as brieff discussion about OCT capability for on-line control of PLZT ceramics manufacturing process.
Content available remote Optical low-coherence interferometry for selected technical applications
Optical low-coherence interferometry is one of the most rapidly advancing measurement techniques. This technique is capable of performing non-contact and non-destructive measurement and can be used not only to measure several quantities, such as temperature, pressure, refractive index, but also for investigation of inner structure of a broad range of technical materials. We present theoretical description of low-coherence interferometry and discuss its unique properties. We describe an OCT system developed in our Department for investigation of the structure of technical materials. In order to provide a better insight into the structure of investigated objects, our system was enhanced to include polarization state analysis capability. Measurement results of highly scattering materials e.g. PLZT ceramics and polymer composites are presented. Moreover, we present measurement setups for temperature, displacement and refractive index measurement using low coherence interferometry. Finally, some advanced detection setups, providing unique benefits, such as noise reduction or extended measurement range, are discussed.
Przedstawiono możliwości optycznej tomografii niskokoherentnej (OCT) w badaniach obiektów technicznych. Zwrócono uwagę, że wymagania wobec tej metody są inne niż w systemach przeznaczonych do badań obiektów biologicznych w diagnostyce medycznej. Zaproponowano polaryzacyjny system OCT, pracujący w dziedzinie czasu z detekcją zrównoważoną, w którym źródłem promieniowania niskokoherentnego była dioda superelektroluminescencyjna lub femtosekundowy erbowy laser światłowodowy, podłączony do światłowodu fofonicznego generujący "superkontinuum". Pokazano przykładowe wyniki pomiarów obiektów technicznych, jakim były warstwy ceramiczne PLZT na szkle borokrzemowym.
The capabilities of optical coherent tomography (OCT) for investigation of technical objects are presented. Authors have noticed that the requirements towards this method in examinations of technical objects are different than in examinations of biological objects to medical diagnosis. A dedicated (OCT) system for technical material investigation has been developed. This system is based on time-domain polarization-sensitive analyzes with balanced detection. Superluminescence diode or a femtosecond erbium-doped fiber laser connected to a photonic crystal fiber producing "super-continuum" are used as wideband light sources. Measurement results of PLZT ceramic layer deposited on borosilicate glass are presented as an example of application of our system to investigation of technical objects.
Przedstawiono światłowodowy system dwuwymiarowej wizualizacji niejednorodnych struktur warstw ceramicznych. Omówiono projekt i fizyczną realizację układu wykorzystującego optyczną, niskokoherentną reflektometrię optyczną, która umożliwia nieinwazyjne i bezkontaktowe obrazowanie wewnętrznych struktur różnych materiałów silnie rozpraszających promieniowanie. Przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki pomiarów wewnętrznych warstw ceramiki LSFO. Dodatkowo przeanalizowano możliwości poprawy rozdzielczości pomiaru systemu OCT przez zastosowanie syntezowanych źródeł promieniowania.
In this paper we present a fiber based Optical Coherence Tomography system for two-dimensional visualization of LSFO ceramic subsurface inhomogeneities. The OCT system is capable for non­destructive and non-contact investigation of highly scattering materials like ceramics. The experimental results of investigation of LSFO ceramic structures has been presented. The usefulness of synthesized light source for improving the measurement resolution has been described.
Jednym z najbardziej istotnych problemów jest monitoring i ochrona środowiska naturalnego. W ostatnich latach coraz większe znaczenie na tym polu mają czujniki optoelektroniczne. W pracy zaproponowano i opisano optoelektroniczny fluorescencyjny sensor do pomiaru stężenia kobaltu w wodzie. Opisano zasadę działania tego typu sensorów. Zaproponowano konfigurację laboratoryjnego stanowiska pomiarowego i przeprowadzono dobór niektórych jego komponentów. Przedstawiono także etapy dalszych prac badawczych nad konstrukcją sensora.
One of the most important problems we face today is monitoring of the environment and early detection of man-made ecological disasters. During the last decade a great improvement has been brought to this field by the introduction of several new optoelectronic sensors. Fluorescence sensors for heavy metal ions detection in water are one of the most promising groups of these sensors. We describe the operation principle of f1uorescence sensors, discuss configuration of a sensor for c determination in water, which we developed, an present test results of selected sensor components. Directions of further research are also presented.
Content available remote Raman system for on-line monitoring and optimisation of hybrid polymer gelation
Authors designed and built a Raman spectroscopic system for non-invasive, remote, on-line monitoring of gelation, which is the first step of a sol-gel process used for synthesis of hybrid polymers for photonics. The system was connected with typical glass reaction vessel. Suitable design of an optical system reduced excitation of interfering Raman signal in the wall of the reactor. Application of two excitation wavelengths reduced influence of fluorescence on measurements and provided high efficiency of the Raman system in wide range extending from 200 to 3500 cm⁻¹. Synthesised materials were based on silane precursors having epoxy and amino functionality. Raman spectroscopy enabled strict control over molecular structure of the materials during the polymerization process. Time and efficiency of monomers hydrolysis were measured. Products of this reaction were evaluated. The obtained data enabled us optimisation of the process parameters which ensured high efficiency of hydrolysis and subsequent control of solution viscosity. Moreover, behaviour of amine groups and epoxy rings was investigated and influence of water and solvents was found.
Content available remote Accuracy improvement of bulk optical polarization interferometric sensors
Interferometric sensors using bulk optical components exhibit very high measurement resolution. In order to attain high accuracy, these sensors are often implemented as polarization interferometers, in which stable and well-defined states of polarization are maintained. Unwanted phenomena degrading accuracy of this class of sensors are disscused in the paper. Signal processing technique which improves accuracy of polarization interferometric sensors is presented. Its implementation using analogue circuits is discussed and a method of of improving its performance is devised.
Content available remote Raman investigation of hybrid polymer thin films
Raman spectroscopic studies were carried out for hybrid polymer thin films prepared for photonic applications by the sol-gel technology. Our aims were to analyse the ability of the Raman method toestimate the efficiency of the main reactions of the sol-gel process and to provide information about the chemical composition of the films as well as their thickness, profile, and quality. The difficulties in measurement such as low level of Raman signals, difficulties in data analysis caused by the complex structure of the materials, and the influence of interfering signals, are discussed. The application of Raman microscopy for characterising films based on 3-glycidoxypropyl-trimethoxysilane (GPTS), methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTS), and 3-aminopropyl-trimethoxysilane (APTES) is presented. The efficiencies of reactions of inorganic and organic polymerisation were measured and their products have been identified. The influence of the excitation beam wavelength as well as the type of substrate on the Raman spectra was investigated. Moreover, two-dimensional Raman mapping enabled us to record the thickness profiles of the deposited structures and to detect their defects.
Koherentna tomografia optyczna (ang. Optical Coherence Tomography - OCT) jest szybko rozwijającą się metodą obrazowania przekrojów wewnętrznych struktur. Pierwotnie używana do celów biomedycznych, może znaleźć szerokie zastosowanie do badań materiałowych. Jest to uniwersalna technika pomiarowa charakteryzująca się dużą rozdzielczością (rzędu pojedyńczych mikrometrów) połączoną z możliwością obrazowania optycznych ośrodków silnie rozpraszających światło. W artykule przedstawiono możliwe zastosowania OCT do pomiarów technicznych oraz uzyskane wstępne wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na próbkach materiałów warstwowych silnie rozpraszających światło.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is rapidly developing method for internal structures imaging. First used in biomedical applications, it can be also applicable for technical materials investigation. It is universal measuring technique with high resolution (single micrometers) combined with possibility of imaging highly scattering media. The article presents possible optical coherence tomography applications to technical measurements and preliminary measurements of highly scattering layered materials.
Systemy wizualizacji informacji (SWI) są heterogenicznym złożeniem technicznych systemów przetwarzania informacji, jej kondycjonowania, kodowania i ekspozycji na displejach oraz systemu wzroku człowieka - operatora, wraz z wszelkimi jego właściwościami i psychofizjologią procesu postrzegania. Złożoność i nieliniowość SWI jest przyczyną skomplikowania i wielowątkowości procedur optymalizacyjnych konfiguracji i konstrukcji bloków i podzespołów SWI. W referacie przedstawiono ogólne założenia konfiguracji SWI wraz z jego specyfiką, związki właściwości systemu wzroku człowieka z warunkami realizacji SWI oraz możliwości techniczne unikatowych SWI. Dokonano przeglądu technologii optoelektronicznych displejów, konfiguracji systemu wizualizacji informacji, jego elementów składowych, parametrów i charakterystyk. Omówiono właściwości percepcyjne operatora i ograniczenia z nich wynikające. Dokonano przeglądu typów displęjów elektrooptycznych i wymagań na stanowisko pracy operatora.
System for information imaging has been presented with its elements, parameters and characteristics. The perceptive characteristics of the operator together with the limitations resulting from them have been discussed. The types of displays and the requirements on the operator's working station have been reviewed.
Content available remote Raman investigation of sol-gel-derived hybrid polymers for optoelectronics
A Raman spectroscopic study was carried out in order to investigate the synthesis process of organically modified silane (ORMOSIL) hybrid polymers. These materials were prepared for optoelectronic application, using the sol-gel technology. Our aim was to analyse the ability of Raman measurements to estimate the efficiency and correctness of particular stages of the technological process. To synthesise a hybrid for optical planar waveguides, denoted as GSiC, a system of 3-glycidoxypropyl-trimethoxysilane/methacryloxy-propyltrimethoxysilane (GPTS/ MPTS) was used as a precursor. To diagnose the first step – gelation – the Raman spectra of monomers and gel were recorded. Analysis showed that gelation parameters should be improved to in-crease the efficiency of monomers hydrolysis and epoxy ring opening in GPTS. After next two steps – deposition and hardening – Raman microscopy was used for the characterisation of polymer thin films. Information about the film thickness, open-ing of double C=C bonds in MPTS and types of bonds in organic and inorganic part was obtained. Raman spectroscopy proved its considerable potential in technological process diagnostics. A molecular structure of components can be con-trolled at relevant stages of the synthesis. This is necessary in order to design new materials on a molecular level and obtain required properties and good quality of the final product.
Nowadays, the car drivers are faced with a rapidly increasing flood of information. In addition to established information systems (car radio, vehicle monitoring, mobile phones), high class vehicles feature navigation systems almost as standard. In the current decade, driver assistance and collision avoidance systems will appear in vehicles. Hence, there is an increasing demand for supplying the driver with more information that helps him to drive safer and more economical. The price decline in the computer market and the availability of powerful graphic hardware and software concepts make it possible to enhance the classical functions of the instrument board to an interactive multifunctional information panel-an interface between information systems of the car and the driver. Therefore, the question of additional visual and cognitive stress, and a possible distraction of the driver by the large amount of information, and its complexity becomes predominant. Reconfigurable instruments, based on a microprocessor controlled active matrix colour display, provide a powerful alternative to the usual mechanical / electromechanical instrument clusters in vehicles. They will help to strengthen passive safety, they adapt to user and situation requirements, and they are easy to install, to configure, and to maintain. Reconfigurable instruments in future cars will have a high impact on traffic since they can provide the driver with much more information, presenting it in a way that is flexibly matched to the importance of particular data and to the ergonomic properties of the driver. The functions are manifold and span from classical driver information like speed to navigation prompts and ultimately to video and multimedia acces.
Content available remote Polarimetric sensor for weigh-in motion of road vehicles
Weigh-in-motion (WIM) of road vehicles is a technology used in many applications, ranging from research to law enforcement. Sensors for WIM systems should exhibit high dynamic range, good accuracy and repeatability, as well as long service life. One of the most promising group of sensors for this application are polarimetric sensors, due to their simplicity and high sensitivity. Their viability for this application has been successfully demonstrated. Preliminary tests shown however, that the construction of the sensors should be modified to eliminate hysteresis and sensor's nonlinearity.
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