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Purpose: The aim of the work is to analyze the accidents at work in the selected manufacturing enterprise from automotive industry. Methodology: The research includes three workplaces: warehouseman, machine operator and transport worker. The accidents investigation was based on the methodology and work accident model developed by the EU Statistical Office (Eurostat) as a part of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW) project. This model includes three phases: pre-accident, accident and post-accident. Findings: In the years 2019-21 in the selected workstations there were noted 25 accidents at work (12 accidents in 2019, 8 accidents in 2020 and 5 accidents in 2021). The accidents at work were analyzed taking into consideration: the type of injury and the part of body injured, the physical activity at the time of the accident, an event that is a deviation from normal practice, and causes of the accident. Practical implications: The results of the analysis allow to introduce suitable corrective actions, e.g. 5S method, ‘shoptalks’ about occupational health and safety, suggestion submission program, etc., what influenced the reduction of accidents at work in 2020 and 2021. Originality/value: The use of statistics for accident at work allows to evaluate the safety state in an enterprise. The statistics also allows to formulate various factors that can be used to evaluate accident rates, workstations with a special risk of accident, realization of various comparative analyzes in the area of investigation of accident situations, and corrective actions towards hazards reduction.
Purpose: The aim of the study to assess the possibility of using the creeping trend model in the forecasting of accidents at work in the steel sector in Poland, was presented. Design/methodology/approach: A four-stage research methodology was used to analyze the accident rate trend in the steel sector, based on: collecting empirical data, forecasting (creeping trend model), qualitative assessment of forecasts and determining the direction of activities in the field of health and safety. Findings: Based on the conducted research, it was found that it is possible to use the creeping trend model in forecasting the number of persons injured in accidents at work. The forecasts and their acceptance based on the criteria adopted in the methodology of own work made it possible to determine the directions of activities in the field of occupational health and safety in the steel sector in Poland. Research limitation/implications: The conducted analyses were limited to statistical data published by Statistic Poland. Forecasts of the number of persons injured in accidents in the steel sector were possible to determine thanks to the forecasting process using the creeping trend model. The forecasts are subject to errors, which is why it is important to interpret them more broadly, taking into account the specificity of the industry being the subject of the analyses. Practical implications: The forecasts can be important information on health and safety issues for the steel sector in Poland. The use of the creeping trend model, with the fulfillment of methodological assumptions (qualitative ocean of forecasts), can be useful in determining the direction of OSH activities in enterprises. Social implications: The article addresses the issue of the occurrence of accidents at work, the implementation of effective preventive measures in order to reduce them. Originality/value: The article presents the possibility of using the creeping trend model in the forecasting of the total number of persons injured in accidents in the steel sector in Poland. The forecasts and trend analysis can provide information for employers and employees of health and safety services regarding the effectiveness of the implemented preventive measures.
Carrying out professional work is inextricably linked to the risk of accidents while performing tasks at the workplace. Accidents at work involve a number of obligations on the part of the employer. One of the legally prescribed actions taken by employers is the need to indicate the cause or causes that led to the accident at work. Due to the implementation of social benefits and possible issues of civil liability for the events that occurred, it is often necessary to indicate the liability of the employee or employer. For this purpose, among other things, methods of analyzing accidents at work are useful, as they allow us to determine at least the causes, and usually also the primary causes, of the event. The results of this type of analysis can be used to quantify the shared responsibility for the events on the part of the employee and the employer. The aim of the work is to present the possibility of quantitatively determining co-responsibility for an accident at work using the barrier analysis and the in-depth TOL method.
The role of visual management in the organization of safe work in production companies Workers play a superior role in the production process because they are responsible for its proper functioning (e.g. process efficiency, quality, technical condition of usage machines), and are also responsible for safety at work. The issue of work safety should be a crucial factor in the process of introducing changes in the company. The introduced changes should take into account safe working conditions and reduce the number of potential accidents, therefore employers should implement solutions aimed at improving work safety. One of the tools that can affect work safety is visual management (VM). The use of various forms of VM enables immediate response to emerging problems, which may translate into an increase in employees' awareness of health and safety issues. The article presents the possibilities of using of visual management tools in manufacturing companies in terms of improving work safety. The proposed solutions can be used by enterprises that register accidents at work and take actions to increase employees' awareness of occupational safety and health (OSH).
W artykule przeanalizowano zdarzenia związane z oddziaływaniem prądu elektrycznego na organizm ludzki w latach 2016-2022. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie danych udostępnionych przez Wyższy Urząd Górniczy w Katowicach. Ponadto przytoczono informacje o wypadkach porażenia prądem w saskich kopalniach (Deutschland, Anim, Lanckerode), które wydarzyły się w latach 1895-1901.
Artykuł przedstawia sposób wykorzystania metod analizy danych statystycznych, rejestrowanych w ogólnokrajowych bazach, dotyczących wypadków przy pracy i osób pracujących. Wyniki takiej analizy mogą służyć do określania prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia i ciężkości wypadku przy pracy w poszczególnych grupach pracowników, zdefiniowanych na podstawie cech tych pracowników i okoliczności wykonywanej przez nich pracy. Przeprowadzona analiza danych statystycznych pochodzących z dwóch różnych baz, w której posłużono się specjalnie opracowaną metodą integracji danych i identyfikacji reprezentatywnych grup pracowników (polegającą na stopniowym ograniczaniu reguły podziału i wykorzystaniu współczynnika zmienności bootstrap), pozwoliła na obliczenie wskaźnika prawdopodobieństwa wypadku przy pracy. Natomiast połączenie kilku jednowymiarowych i wielowymiarowych metod analizy danych umożliwiło zidentyfikowanie grup poszkodowanych w wypadkach przy pracy, które są wystarczająco liczne i silnie zróżnicowane pod względem ciężkości wypadków, co zapewnia wysoką trafność przewidywanej na ich podstawie ciężkości wypadków.
The article presents a method of analysing statistical data registered in national databases concerning accidents at work and persons employed. The results of such analysis can be used to determine the probability and severity of accidents at work in particular groups of employees, defined on the basis of the characteristics of these employees and the circumstances of their work. The analysis of statistical data from two different databases, in which a specially developed method of data integration and identification of representative groups of employees was used (consisting in the gradual reduction of the division rule and the use of the bootstrap coefficient of variation), allows for the calculation of the probability index of occupational accidents. In addition, the combination of several one-dimensional and multidimensional analysis methods made it possible to identify groups of injured in accidents at work that are sufficiently numerous and strongly diversified in terms of the severity of accidents, which ensures high accuracy of the severity of accidents predicted on their basis.
Based on the data presented in the article, it can be concluded that in 2021 over 46*106 kg of blasting agents were used, of which over 25*106 kg were used in open pits. Mines have increasingly been using emulsion explosives, the main advantage of which is the shortened time of blastholes charging. In 2012 emulsion explosives accounted for 53% of the total demand in Poland while in 2021 for over 84% of the total consumption. Noticeable changes can also be seen in the initiation systems. Moving away from the traditional electric detonators can be primarily seen in copper mines and open-pit mines. In 2021, over 9.85*106 detonators were used, of which 80% were non-electric detonators, while electronic detonators still account for only a small percentage of consumption. It is related to the costs of purchasing and the replacement of blasting equipment dedicated to this type of initiation systems. Despite the use of more and more modern equipment and blasting agents, the risk associated with work in the mining industry has not been eliminated. Between 1990 and 2021, out of 93 accidents related to blasting operations, the majority, i.e. 86%, took place in underground mines. In the period of transformation and mines decommissioning, as well as leaving of experienced staff, combined with insufficient training of new employees, the so-called generation gap may be observed. This also applies to people who have access to explosives. Risky behavior of employees is still the most common cause of incidents. The consequences of improper handling of blasting agents are usually tragic. The events quoted above indicate that errors made by employees most often lead to fatal accidents.
W artykule dokonano analizy środków strzałowych stosowanych w zakładach górniczych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem materiałów wybuchowych emulsyjnych. Zwrócono uwagę na badanie materiałów wybuchowych wytwarzanych in-situ przez urządzenia mieszalniczo-załadowcze. Ponadto przeprowadzono analizę zdarzeń związanych ze stosowaniem środków strzałowych w ruchu podziemnego zakładu górniczego.
Używki (alkohol, papierosy) stosowane przez pracowników na stanowiskach pracy mają istotny wpływ na bezpieczeństwo pracy. Ich nadużywanie, incydentalnie czy długookresowo, może stanowić poważne zagrożenie dla życia, zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa. Celem prowadzonych badań było określenie parametrów ilościowych określających wpływ stosowania spożywania używek przez pracowników budowlanych, na bezpieczeństwo pracy w pracach na wysokości, m.in. na rusztowaniach. W publikacji przedstawiono wybrane parametry wpływu stosowania używek na poziom wydolności pracownika i związaną z tym wydolność oddechową.
Drugs (alcohol, cigarettes) used by employees at workplaces have a significant impact on occupational safety. Their abuse, whether incidental or long-term, can pose a serious threat to life, health and safety. The purpose of the conducted research was to determine the quantitative parameters determining the impact of the use of stimulant consumption by construction workers, on the safety of work at work at height, including on scaffolding. The publication presents selected parameters of the impact of stimulant use on the worker’s fitness level and associated respiratory capacity.
Content available remote Przewidzieć przyszłość i zapobiec problemom dzięki sztucznej inteligencji
Celem prac rozwojowych w zakresie AI jest uzyskanie poziomu, który pozwoli na pewną projekcję przyszłości i w związku z tym podejmowanie autonomicznych decyzji. Sztuczna inteligencja jest więc w stanie w pewien sposób przewidzieć przyszłość i pomóc w rozwiązaniu problemów, z jakimi borykają się firmy. W jaki sposób to robi?
The paper focuses on the analysis of the impact of technical, organizational and human factors on accident rate in small-sized enterprises. The research was carried out using the authors’ questionnaire. The results were verified using the method of direct interview with elements of observation. The results were compared with the trends prevailing in enterprises of EU countries. The respondents, i.e. production company workers, indicate technical factors as those which most significantly affect the occurrence of accidents at work. However, the assessment of the factors changes with the age of the respondents. Older workers, more often than younger employees, indicate the ones related to man or work organization as the most important factors affecting accidents at work and, consequently, the level of occupational safety. The presented results are a part of a larger whole project the authors of this paper are working on.
Artykuł przybliża zagadnienia związane z bezpieczeństwem robót strzałowych oraz stosowaniem materiałów wybuchowych (MW) przeznaczonych do użytku cywilnego w zakładach górniczych. Poświęcono go kwestiom prawnym związanym z produkcją, transportem i przechowywaniem materiałów wybuchowych. Ponadto dokonano analizy niebezpiecznych zdarzeń związanych ze stosowaniem materiałów wybuchowych w odkrywkowych zakładach górniczych.
Along with the technical progress in the area of explosive use in the civil operations, the regulations concerning to work safety also had to evolve. They regulate issue related to the transport, storage and use of explosives intended for civil use. Particularly responsible tasks related to this have been entrusted to the President of the State Mining Authority, whose main task is to approve the products for use in mining plants (also about blasting equipment) and keeping a register of explosives intended for civil use. The State Mining Authority is also a market surveillance authority for explosives used in mining. In the 2004-2020 over 1,000 explosives were registered. Equally important tasks were entrusted to the directors of district mining offices. They are related to the issuing of permits for the acquisition, storage or use of explosives. Despite technical proces the expansion of regulations that clearly define the obligations related to the conduct of blasting, there are st accidents resulting from improperly performed blasting. The dispersion of rock fragments beyond the established safety zone should be considered among the most common undesirable effects of the use of explosives in opencast mines. The reason is the incompatibility of the amount of explosives to the mining and geological conditions, as well as the lack of control of the excavation before blasting works. This proves the lack of experience as well as the disregard of the dangers by the persons performing and supervising blasting works. Consequently, it leads to an increase in the exploitation costs of the deposits.
Purpose: The presented article deals with the analysis of the functioning of the work safety management system in hard coal mining in the example of a selected mine. The basic elements that make up the safety management system are presented, with particular emphasis on employee participation. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire addressed to employees. Literature research of the subject was carried out. Findings: In a modern enterprise, all employees, at all levels, must be involved in creating the desired safety culture. Every regular employee must realistically see respect and compliance with OHS regulations by the supervision and the top management of the Mine. Practical implications: The issues raised in the article significantly affect the improvement of preventive methods related to work safety, including environmental conditions and work organisation, as well as attitudes and behaviour of employees. Originality/value: In safety management, the greatest attention should be devoted to man as the subject of all activities. Because it is the human factor that causes most accidents, and the other factors, often referred to as the work factor, lose their relevance when new technologies and materials are used to provide greater safety.
Kompetencje zawodowe pracownika są kluczowe do ambitnej pracy - bezpiecznej, dobrze przygotowanej i zorganizowanej technicznie o rygorze dyscypliny uwzględniającej procesy ryzyka oraz satysfakcjonującej pracownika i pracodawcę. Na kompetencje zawodowe składają się wykształcenie kierunkowe oraz potwierdzanie kwalifikacji. W artykule poruszono kwestię konieczności weryfikacji pracy komisji kwalifikacyjnych - od sprawdzania wiedzy do predyspozycji zawodowych. Omówiono także czynniki związane z wiedzą, umiejętnościami i doświadczeniem, stanowiące minimum tego, co należałoby wziąć pod uwagę podczas egzaminowania.
The employee's professional competences are key to ambitious work which is safe, well prepared and technically organized and ; taking into account risk analysis and satisfying the employee and employer. Professional competences include specialized education and confirmation of qualifications. The paper discusses the need to verify the work of qualifying committees - from checking knowledge to Professional i predispositions. Factors related to knowledge, skills and experience were also discussed, being the minimum of what should be considered I during the exam.
Work in a special school as a supportive teacher of disabled children requires experience and mental resilience. The supportive teacher is exposed to a whole range of difficult behaviors of the child (i.e. psychosocial risks), including aggression, which brings many other threats with a dangerous nature (accidental). In this paper the results of research conducted among supportive teachers from one of the Polish special schools have been presented. The research contains the identification of psychosocial risks and, as a consequence, indications of ailments observed by the supportive teachers. The results of the conducted survey concern the type of threats with particular emphasis on psychosocial risks, as well as preventive activities that minimize the effects of these threats. In addition, the respondents indicated the extent of professional work on private and family life. The research tool used in this study is a questionnaire divided into three parts: hazard identification, assessment of psychosocial risks and potential effects of their occurrence, and subjective assessment of the impact of professional work on private life.
W artykule przedstawiono stan wypadkowości w kopalniach rudy miedzi w okresie 2007-2018 r., ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na wypadki spowodowane zawałami, obwałami, opadami skał ze stropu i ociosów wyrobisk korytarzowych i eksploatacyjnych, zabudowanych obudową kotwową oraz wyrobisk niezabudowanych. Opisano genezę tego zagrożenia oraz podejmowane działania profilaktyczne, w oparciu o obowiązujące przepisy górnicze w tym zakresie. Na podstawie opisanych niebezpiecznych zdarzeń w postaci zawałów, obwałów i opadów skał ze stropu i ociosów oraz skutków tych zdarzeń w postaci wypadków śmiertelnych i ciężkich, zwrócono uwagę na przyczyny geologiczno-górnicze i błędy ludzkie polegające między innymi na nieprzestrzeganiu obowiązujących przepisów górniczych w tym zakresie.
This article presents the state of accidents in copper ore mines in the period 2007-2018, with particular attention being paid to accidents caused by roof falls, rock slides and rock falling off the roof and side walls of dog heading galleries and mining headings with and without rockbolt support system. This paper describes the genesis of these hazards as well as preventive actions undertaken, based on applicable mining regulations in this area. On the basis of hazardous events described herein, such as roof falls, rock slides and rock falling off the roof and side walls and their consequences, involving fatal and serious accidents, attention was paid to geological and mining causes and human errors consisting, among other things, in failure to comply with applicable mining regulations in this area.
Purpose: The article presents an analysis of accidents in the selected enterprise from the automotive industry. The analysis includes two workplaces: machine operator and warehouseman. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of accidents at work in a selected production company includes the period from the beginning of 2016 to half of the 2018 year using the method based on the TOH model. This method determines three factors of accident causes: technical, organizational and human (TOH). Findings: In the paper, the workplaces analysis taking into account activities, type of work, working position and accidents at work is presented. The analysis of work accidents includes the age group, work experience etc. The TOH model determines causes related to accidental events. Research limitations/implications: The accidents at work are the result of a low or undesirable safety culture. Because of that, the safety culture should be constantly developed, maintained and continuously improved. Originality/value: Many methods and procedures can be used to investigate accidents at work. The TOH model is one of them. It determines the direct and indirect causes of accidents. Based on them, the corrective actions can be proposed and implemented.
Content available remote Wypadki w budownictwie : jak ich uniknąć?
Branża budowlana od dawna należy do sektorów, w których najczęściej dochodzi do wypadków przy pracy, w tym, niestety, śmiertelnych. Dlaczego tak się dzieje? Jak twierdzi Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy (PIP), są trzy główne powody: znaczna liczba inwestycji, charakterystyczna zmienność prac, a także występujące od wielu lat trudności w pozyskaniu wykwalifikowanych pracowników. Na szczęście, takie przypadki, jak brak kamizelki odblaskowej, odpowiednich butów czy kasku, chociaż się zdarzają, należą już do rzadkości. Jednak kultury pracy na budowie ciągle musimy się uczyć.
The construction industry has been one of the sectors where accidents at work most often occured, including, unfortunately, fatalities. Why is this happening? According to the National Labor Inspectorate (PIP), there are three main reasons: a significant number of investments, characteristic variability of work, as well as difficulties in finding qualified employees. Fortunately, cases such as the lack of a reflective vests, suitable shoes or helmets, although do happen, are now rare. However, work culture at the construction site still needs to be improved.
W 2018 roku zgłoszono 84304 osoby poszkodowane w wypadkach przy pracy - o 4,6 proc. mniej niż w 2017 roku. Zmniejszyła się również liczba poszkodowanych przypadająca na 1000 osób pracujących (wskaźnik wypadkowości) z 6,84 w 2017 r. do 6,37. Spadająca liczba wypadków przy pracy w naszym kraju to także zasługa coraz lepszej i skuteczniejszej pracy Urzędu Dozoru Technicznego, który czuwa nad bezpieczeństwem urządzeń i instalacji technicznych, a - co się z tym wiąże - pracowników, którzy je obsługują.
Content available Analysis of accidents in construction in 2015-2017
Worldwide, construction is a branch of the economy characterised by a high level of employee safety risks and a high accident rate. In Poland, over the last 20 years, the number of victims and the frequency of accidents in the construction industry have shown a decreasing tendency, but they are subject to large fluctuations. Current accident reporting methods focused on rigidly classified circumstances and root causes do not facilitate drawing general conclusions for the purpose of prediction. The paper presents an analysis of the number and characteristics of construction site accidents of the years 2015-2017 using data from reports of the National Labour Inspectorate. The preliminary analysis of available nationwide sources confirmed that every year nearly 50% of accidents that occur during construction works are falls from height. The analysis is intended as a starting point for further research on factors and causes of accidents at work in construction.
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