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One of the icons of Rzeszów is the 18th-century perspective view of the city, known as the Wiedemann plan. The view shows the buildings and topography of the city, which was then surrounded by a system of ponds and backwaters. All representative buildings have been preserved to this day, although in slightly changed forms. Ponds and backwaters do not exist. The study described in the article was aimed at finding traces of the shores of these water reservoirs in the modern topography of the city, which is very much transformed. Maps and aerial photographs from the times when traces of the 18th-century topography were more visible were used for this purpose. The content of cartographic sources was used by overlaying digital versions of maps: historical and current, calibrating the image using a pair of points belonging to two distant objects with unchanged shapes. The information contained in the photograph was verified by making analogous geometric constructions on the photograph and on the current map. The culmination of the study was an in-situ reconnaissance. Many still clear traces of the former topography were found in the area, which may be imperceptible to an outside observer. The obtained results introduce a correction to the Wiedemann’s plan, which mapped the spatial structure of the city partly incorrectly. They supplement the knowledge base about Rzeszów, which does not sufficiently cover spatial and urban issues. They draw attention to the ignored element of the urban cultural landscape, which is the topography, often insufficiently protected.
Jedną z ikon Rzeszowa jest XVIII-wieczny widok perspektywiczny miasta, znany jako tzw. plan Wiedemanna. Na widoku przedstawione są budynki oraz topografia miasta, które było wówczas otoczone systemem stawów i rozlewisk. Wszystkie reprezentacyjne budynki, chociaż w nieco zmienionych formach, są zachowane do dzisiaj. Stawy i rozlewiska nie istnieją. Celem autora w badaniu opisanym w artykule było odnalezienie śladów po brzegach tych zbiorników wodnych we współczesnej topografii miasta, która jest bardzo zmieniona. Posłużono się do tego mapami i fotografiami lotniczymi z czasów, kiedy ślady XVIII-wiecznego ukształtowania terenu były bardziej widoczne. Treść źródeł kartograficznych wykorzystano poprzez nałożenie na siebie cyfrowych wersji map: historycznej oraz aktualnej, kalibrując obraz za pomocą pary punktów przynależnych do dwóch oddalonych od siebie obiektów o niezmienionych bryłach. Informację zawartą w fotografii zweryfikowano poprzez wykonanie analogicznych konstrukcji geometrycznych na fotografii oraz aktualnej mapie. Zwieńczeniem badania był rekonesans in situ. W jego trakcie znaleziono w terenie wiele wciąż wyraźnych śladów dawnej topografii, które dla postronnego obserwatora mogą być niezauważalne. Uzyskane rezultaty wprowadzają korektę do planu Wiedemanna, odwzorowującego strukturę przestrzenną miasta częściowo błędnie. Uzupełniają stan wiedzy o Rzeszowie, która w niedostatecznym stopniu obejmuje zagadnienia przestrzenno-urbanistyczne. Zwracają uwagę na ignorowany element miejskiego krajobrazu kulturowego, jakim jest ukształtowanie terenu, często niedostatecznie chronione.
The neo-tectonic research is interested in the study of the movements of Earth’s crust in recent geological times. It could explain the deformation mechanisms that lead to the structuring of drainage catchments. The Morsott-Tebessa-Youkous (Chabro) collapsed basin corresponds to a subsiding depression framed by brittle structures and filled with thick deposits. Our work aims to unveil the neo-tectonic activity and reconstruct the morphometric evolution of the landscape and the drainage network of the basin. For this task, our investigation applies a quantitative analysis of geomorphic indices extracted from the DEM of the study area. We used a GIS-based approach to compile seven morphometric factors namely Integral Hypsometry (HI), the Sinuosity of mountain fronts (Smf), the Valley Floor width to height ratio (VF), the Asymmetry Factor (AF), Basin Shape index (BS), and the topography (T). All these thematic parameters were processed in a Geo-database to calculate the study area’s Relative Tectonic Activity Index (IRAT) as a result. The IRAT map was categorized into three classes. The result highlighted the distribution of relative tectonic activity in the region and unveiled some unknown faults. It associated the sinuosity of rivers and the deformation of the substratum with active tectonic anomalies. This research work succeeded in drawing up a new scheme of the neo-tectonic activity and morphostructural evolution in the collapsed basin.
Hillslopes of the catchments in nature have three forms (convergent, divergent, parallel) in terms of plan shape and also in terms of floor curvature profile, they have three convex, concave, and straight shapes combining into complex hillslopes. Previous studies indicated the topography and geometry of complex hillslopes influence their hydrologic responses/attributes in both surface and subsurface flow. The three-dimensional shape and geometry of the hillslopes were introduced into Topmodel as the new parameters, and a complex Topmodel was presented that could check the saturation of different parts of complex hillslopes. The complex Topmodel model was linked to the landslide model “SINMAP”. Finally, the spatial– temporal variations of the saturation of the complex hillslopes and their stability rate were investigated using the Dynamic Topmodel. Results revealed that the influence of local slope, which is a function of curvature of the hillslopes, is more dominant than the saturation rate on the stability of the hillslopes. In contrast with convex hillslopes, the downstream in the concave hillslopes was more stable than upstream. Nevertheless, the upstream area in the concave hillslopes and downstream in the convex ones can be prioritized to implement artificial stabilization.
This work presents the possibility of the use of a deep eutectic solvents (DES) in the electropolishing process for 316 austenitic stainless steel, instead of highly aggressive conventional sulphate baths. The main emphasis was on finding some relationships between the anodic polarization parameters of the 316 steel, and its surface morphology, topography and corrosion resistance. It has been shown that an increase in the bath temperature from 25 to 65°C accelerates dissolution kinetics of 316 steel in a DES composed of choline chloride and ethylene glycol. The anodic polarization at a current density 15 mA cm–2 for 5 min resulted in removal of the scratches from previous mechanical polishing. By increasing the current density from 15 to 25 mA cm–2, some visual surface levelling was obtained – austenite grains became visible, and the selective etching of grain boundaries has not been observed. Although the samples after anodic polarization were characterized by Ra = 78 ±27 nm (at 15 mA cm–2) and Ra = 96 ±37 nm (at 25 mA cm–2), so a bit higher than Ra for as-supplied steel (43 ±11 nm), the anodic polarization has increased their corrosion resistance in 0.5 mol dm–3 NaCl corrosive environment. The highest polarization resistance (Rp = 2.1-2.4 MΩ cm2 after 22-24 hrs of exposure) was calculated for the steel polarized at 15 mA cm–2 for 5 min. Increasing the current density from 15 to 25 mA cm–2 did not impair the corrosion resistance and resulted in significant broadening of the passive region of this steel during registering the potentiodynamic polarization curves in 0.5 mol dm–3 NaCl.
W pracy zaprezentowano możliwość użycia rozpuszczalników eutektycznych (deep eutectic solvents, DES) w procesie polerowania elektrochemicznego stali austenitycznej 316, w zastępstwie konwencjonalnych i agresywnych kąpieli siarczanowych. Uwagę skupiono na znalezieniu powiązań między parametrami procesu polaryzacji stali 316 a morfologią powierzchni, topografią i odpornością na korozję. Wykazano, że wzrost temperatury kąpieli z 25 do 65°C wpływa na wzrost szybkości roztwarzania stali 316 w rozpuszczalniku DES złożonym z chlorku choliny i glikolu etylenowego. Polaryzacja anodowa przy gęstości prądu 15 mA cm–2 w czasie 5 min spowodowała wyraźne usunięcie rys powstałych po mechanicznym szlifowaniu powierzchni. Poprzez zwiększenie gęstości prądu z 15 do 25 mA cm–2, uzyskano pewne wizualne wyrównanie powierzchni – ziarna austenitu zostały ujawnione, a jednocześnie nie zaobserwowano selektywnego roztwarzania w obrębie ich granic. Pomimo że po polaryzacji anodowej stal charakteryzowała się chropowatością Ra = 78 ±27 nm (przy 15 mA cm–2) i Ra = 96 ±37 nm (przy 25 mA cm–2), a więc nieco więcej niż wartość Ra w stanie dostarczenia (43 ±11nm), to polaryzacja w rozpuszczalniku DES zwiększyła jej odporność na korozję w 0,5 mol dm–3 roztworze NaCl. Najwyższą wartość rezystancji polaryzacji (Rp = 2.1-2.4 MΩ cm2 po 22-24 godzinach ekspozycji) obliczono dla stali polaryzowanej przy 15 mA cm–2 przez 5 min. Zwiększenie gęstości prądu z 15 do 25 mA cm–2 nie pogorszyło odporności na korozję, a skutkiem tego było poszerzenie zakresu pasywnego w trakcie rejestracji krzywych polaryzacyjnych w 0,5 mol dm–3 roztworze NaCl.
Polyurethane elastomers (PUR) based on 2,2,4(2,4,4)-trimethyl-hexamethylenediisocyanate (TMDI) and polyestrodiol (Desmophen D1200) were prepared using various carbohydrates or their derivatives: monosaccharide (glucose), disaccharide (sucrose), sugar alcohol (mannitol and sorbitol). The effect of stoichiometry of ingredients and type of carbohydrates is discussed in relation to their susceptibility to enzymatic degradation catalysed by lipase from Candida antarctica (Novozym 735). The study supports the suitability of carbohydrates or sugar alcohols as important components of PUR for biomedical applications.
Elastomery poliuretanowe (PUR) otrzymano z wykorzystaniem 2,2,4(2,4,4)-trimetyloheksametylenodiizocyjanianu (TMDI), poliestrodiolu (Desmophen D1200) oraz różnych węglowodanów lub ich pochodnych: monosacharydu (glukozy), disacharydu (sacharozy), alkoholi cukrowych (mannitol i sorbitol). Określono wpływ stechiometrii składników i rodzaju węglowodanów na podatność otrzymanych poliuretanów na degradację enzymatyczną katalizowaną lipazą uzyskaną z Candida antarctica (Novozym 735). Potwierdzono możliwość wykorzystania węglowodanów i alkoholi cukrowych jako istotnych składników PUR do zastosowań biomedycznych.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with photogrammetric or remote sensing instrumentations offer numerous opportunities in mapping and data collection for topographic modelling. An example is an emerging technique known as Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry used for the collection of low-cost, high spatial resolution, three-dimensional data. This study utilised the real time kinematic-based point-to-point validation technique and two sets of randomly selected ground control points to assess the capability and geometric accuracy of SfM-technology for three-dimensional (3D) terrain mapping over a small study area to contribute to the knowledge of applicability. The data used was collected in Garscube Sports Complex, Glasgow City Council, Scotland. The study utilised fifteen (15) Ground Control Points (GCPs) coordinated by the Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK GNSS) positioning technique, while a DJI Phantom 3 Professional unmanned aerial vehicle was used to obtain the aerial photos in a single flight to minimise cost. The processing of the photos was done using Pix4Dmapper Pro software version 4.2.27. A point-to-point validation method was used to evaluate the 3D positional accuracy of the orthophoto and DSM. The results of the validation with ten checkpoints suggest a high level of accuracy and acceptability given a Root Mean Square Error of 20.93 mm, 18.48 mm and 46.05 mm in the X, Y and Z coordinates respectively. In conclusion, the study has shown that SfM technique can be used to produce high-resolution and accurate topographic data for geospatial applications with significant advantages over the traditional methods. However, it is to be noted that the quality of the data captured is dependent on the methodology adopted and should be taken into consideration.
The present study aims to investigate the diversity index (dv-index) of morphotectonic and geomorphological landforms as one of the scientific value indices for evaluation of the geotouristic potential of the southeastern Lut desert using topographic statistical analysis. Scientific index scoring in most models is based on descriptive assessment by geotourists and experts. Statistical analysis of the dv-index in the present study helps experts to base their scoring on scientific methods. The dv-index is controlled by several items. In the present study, we analyse two of these, including the classification of topographic continuity pattern (TCP) and topographic slope position correlation (TSPC). For this purpose, a network of section lines is used to analyse slope continuity. The TSPC analysis is performed by using two parameters of absolute value and slope position. Results for these two evaluated items indicate a score of 1.46 (out of 2) for the dv-index. Given a rating of 5, the score obtained for the two items is a high one. Therefore, an initial estimate of the dv-index indicates a significant scientific value of the study area.
Topography (LS factor) is one of the most important controlling factors of soil characteristics and geomorphic processes in the landscape. This study was performed in the Susa Ancient site and aimed to compare the estimation of three diferent LS factor calculation methods in which the catchment area was calculated based on seven types of fow direction algorithms using DEM with fve spatial resolutions. For calculating the LS factor, the catchment area attribute was used to calculate the slope length based on the fow direction. Results showed that the catchment area is an entirely scale-dependent attribute and with decreasing the spatial resolution, the statistical values of catchment area increased. At high spatial resolution, the diferent fow direction algorithms despite the diference in the fow distribution to the neighboring cells, but the catchment area attributes calculated based on them, are statistically slightly diferent. By upscaling, the LS factor values calculated in Boehner and Selige and Moore et al. methods increase, whereas in Desmet and Govers method decrease and this change rate indicates that the LS factors calculated by these three methods have the lowest sensitivity to the slope length. At a same scale, the statistics of LS factors calculated based on diferent fow direction algorithms depicted no considerable diferent. The single fow direction algorithms of Rh and D8 cause to calculate the lowest mean values of LS factors at all spatial resolutions. The diference between frequency distributions of the LS factors calculated by these three methods increases with decreasing spatial resolution. The statistical analysis of this study confrms that estimating the LS factor scale and calculation method are more important than the type of fow direction algorithm.
The paper concerns the Liban quarry in Cracow, which is located in the Podgórze district of Cracow. It shows the outline of the geological structure and history of quarrying, while the current topography and dominant elements of the relief of this object are discussed in more detail. Anthropogenic changes in the natural environment of the quarry have revealed its geodiversity and enhanced its biodiversity. It contains vertical rocky walls, debris cones, waste-heaps, a vast undulated surface of the quarry bottom, as well as diverse flora and fauna. Within the borders of the Liban quarry, the remains of industrial buildings and the staging for the film entitled "Schindler's List” have survived. Despite the fact that the extraction has already finished a long time ago, the quarry has not been systematically reclaimed or developed.
The biodegradable polyurethane/polylactide blend was treated with low temperature hydrogen peroxide plasma, ethylene oxide and immersing in ethanol combined with ultraviolet radiation. The samples sterilized by hydrogen peroxide and ethylene oxide stood practically unaffected, while UV/EtOH caused distinct changes in their mechanical properties. For example the significant reduction of tensile strength occurred, elongation at break became twice lower, while the Young’s modulus increased by 23%. The XPS measurements showed that after all types of treatment atomic carbon and nitrogen concentrations in the surface layer was slightly lower than in the bulk. Instead the surface layer was more enriched with oxygen. Ethylene oxide sterilization caused that both surfaces became more hydrophobic i.e. the contact angle increased about 15% for the top surface and 8% for the bottom surface, respectively. Sterilization with ethanol and UV radiation changed the nature of surface into more hydrophilic, the contact angle of the top surface was reduced about 6% and the bottom about 24%. The FT-IR spectra of all sterilized samples were recorded and discussed. From all used sterilization methods only hydrogen peroxide plasma is fully suitable for biodegradable PU/PLA blend.
Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is a key technological process for the production of parts from semi-finished products to the final heat treatment as it also enables the machining of very hard material. The quality of an electro-erosive machined surface is a very important factor with regard to the consequent functionality and life cycle of the manufactured part. The occurrence of cracks or burned cavities is therefore an acceptable defect of the sub-surface area, which along with residual stress may lead to the destruction of the machining. This study deals with the influence of the cut direction through a semi-finished product on the occurrence of defects (cracks, burned cavities) regarding the influence of setting up the parameters of the machine (gap voltage, pulse on and off time, wire feed and discharge current) and the type of heat treatment of the material. In order to study the surface and sub-surface area of the machined samples, electron microscopy was used, including the use of the local EDX chemical analysis.
Content available remote Nowy Sącz. Rekreacyjne przedpole miasta u zbiegu rzek
Artykuł przedstawia projekt dyplomowy strefy rekreacyjnej Nowego Sącza obejmującej tereny położone u zbiegu rzek Dunajca i Kamienicy Nawojowskiej wraz z propozycją przekształcenia terenów fabryki lodów Koral w krajobrazowo ukształtowany pawilon widokowy Centrum Promocji Regionu. Projekt wykonany został przez Iwonę Niemiec jako dyplom magisterski na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej, na kierunku Architektura, pod kierunkiem Anny Agaty Kantarek i obroniony w roku 2015.
The paper presents a diploma project of the recreational area of Nowy Sącz, situated at the confluence of the Dunajec and Nawojowska Kamienica rivers with the proposal of transforming the ground of the Koral Ice Cream Factory into a landscape-shaped pavilion of the Regional Promotion Center. The project was made by Iwona Niemiec as a master’s degree at the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology, under the direction of Anna Agata Kantarek and defended in the year 2015.
We propose a novel technique for estimation of vertical wind distribution. Proposed modification of logarithmic profile relies on introducing topography dependent dispersion parameter calculated based on fractal dimension of topography. Initial results compared against full scale wind measurement show high agreement. Proposed methodology brings promise of precise a priori calculations of wind profile in case of non-flat, nonhomogeneous surface roughness terrain, improving the precision of wind potential estimation for wind energy sector.
W niniejszej pracy prezentujemy nowatorską technikę estymacji pionowego rozkładu wiatru. Proponujemy modyfikację stosowanego obecnie rozkładu logarytmicznego przez związanie parametru rozkładu z wymiarem fraktalnym terenu. Wstępne wyniki porównane z rzeczywistymi odczytami wiatru wskazują dużą zgodność. Proponowana metodologia pozwala na skuteczne włączenie topografii i nierównomiernej szorstkości terenu do estymacji rozkładu, w sposób znaczny zwiększając dokładność estymacji potencjału energetycznego.
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