Measuring Void Fraction (VF) in a pipeline is crucial for ensuring operational efficiency, safety, and environmental responsibility in various engineering applications. There are several methods commonly used to measure VF in multiphase flow systems. Capacitance sensors are a dependable and practical option for measuring VF, providing benefits such as versatility, sensitivity, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use. In this study, simulations were performed to produce different VF levels of an air-water stratified two-phase flow, ranging across 31 distinct VF values from completely full to entirely empty. Moreover, an 8-blade concave capacitive sensor was designed and utilized for VF measurements. In order to use the power of the Finite Element Method (FEM), COMSOL Multiphysics was employed to produce the desired void fractions and measure the capacitance value of each pair of electrodes. The capacitance values of these electrode pairs were measured, resulting in the creation of sinograms corresponding to different VF. These sinograms were utilized as inputs for a Deep Neural Network (DNN) developed in Python, specifically a Multilayer Perceptron model, to estimate VFs. Furthermore, to enhance user understanding, sinograms were employed to reconstruct fluid images using the back-projection method. The results demonstrated an accuracy of 0.002, a significant improvement over previous methodologies in VF measurement.
Two-phase flow in channels of small dimensions is often a non-stationary process, the nature of such flow is oscillatory. Due to small channel dimensions, high heat flux, parallel channels interactions, pressure and temperature oscillations, the character of the phenomena occurring during boiling is complex. The changes of the measured signals are observed in different time scales. In order to examine in detail two-phase flow parameters changes, many acquisition devices are often installed. This solution becomes challenging concerning mini and microchannel heat-exchangers due to space limitation and modifications of an experimental setup. This paper presents a novel application of multiscale entropies for spatial and temporal analysis of two-phase flow based on only one registered parameter. This analysis is performed based on pixel brightness changes in photo frames registered by a high speed camera during two-phase flow. The spatial changes of pixel brightness are observed on single frames and temporal changes are examined using a set of frames (in time). The Composite Multiscale Sample Entropy is applied to identify two-phase flow patterns and to analyze the complexity of phase distribution. Using Multivariate Multiscale Sample Entropy the most rapid changes of phase distribution in a multichannel heat exchanger are determined.
During flow boiling in a system with small (mini/micro) channels, several instabilities may occur at the same time, which overlap each other such a phenomenon complicates the analysis of boiling dynamics. The above mentioned processes cause that the fluctuation of recorded signals occur on various time scales. Although many criteria for the stability of two-phase flows are available, their practical application is limited (they need many recorded parameter of two phase flow). Methods which we are looking for should allow flow pattern identification based on a small number (or single) recorded signals. The paper presents a new approach to the recurrence plot method combined with Principal Component Analysis and Self-Organizing Map analysis. The single signal of pressure drop oscillations has been analyzed and used for flow pattern identification. New method of correlation analysis of flow patterns on video frames has been presented and used for flow pattern identification. The obtained results show that pressure drop oscillations and high speed video contain enough information about flow pattern for flow pattern identification.
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Znajomość struktury przepływów dwufazowych w rurociągach jest niezbędna dla oceny prawidłowego przebiegu wielu procesów przemysłowych. W niniejszej pracy zastosowano Konwolucyjną Sieć Neuronową (CNN) do analizy histogramów sygnałów uzyskanych dla przepływu ciecz-gaz z wykorzystaniem absorpcji promieniowania gamma. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono na laboratoryjnej instalacji hydraulicznej wyposażonej w radiometryczny układ pomiarowy. W pracy zbadano cztery typy przepływu: rzutowy, tłokowy, tłokowo-pęcherzykowy i pęcherzykowy. Stwierdzono, że sieć CNN poprawnie rozpoznaje strukturę przepływu w ponad 90% przypadków.
Knowledge of the two-phase flow structure is essential for the proper conduct of industrial processes. In this work, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is applied for analysis of histograms of signals obtained for liquid-gas flow by use gamma-ray absorption. The experiments were carried out on the laboratory hydraulic installation fitted with radiometric measurement system. Four types of flow regimes as plug, slug, bubble, and transitional plug – bubble were studied in this work. It was found that the CNN network correctly recognize the flow structure in more than 90% of cases.
The PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) method is one of the optical, non-invasive measurement methods for measuring fluid velocity and it can be used in the study of two-phase gas-liquid flows to determine velocity fields. The velocity distribution of the liquid and gas phases influences the formation of two-phase flow structures and, consequently, the mechanisms of energy and moment exchange in the two-phase flow. The article concerns the application of the PIV method in the assessment of hydrodynamic phenomena occurring during two-phase flow realized in pipe minichannels with internal diameters d > 2 mm. Fluorescent marker particles with a density close to that of water were used in the research. The preliminary tests were carried out on the adiabatic water-air mixture. The research aimed to check the applicability of PIV methods also in non-adiabatic flows. As a result of preliminary studies, the velocity maps of the liquid phase, histograms and velocity profiles in the vertical section of the minichannel tested were obtained.
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W artykule przedstawiono badania symulacyjne metody pomiaru czasu opóźnienia sygnałów losowych wykorzystującą fazę wzajemnej gęstości widmowej. Analizę oparto na modelach sygnałów stochastycznych, symulujących sygnały pochodzące z detektorów scyntylacyjnych wykorzystywanych w pomiarach przepływów dwufazowych w rurociągu poziomym.
In this paper simulation studies of the method of time delay measurement of random signals based on the phase of cross-spectral density function is presented. The analysis is based on models of stochastic signals from scintillation detectors used in the measurements of two-phase flows in a horizontal pipeline
Liquid-gas flows in pipelines appear in many industrial processes, e.g. in the nuclear, mining, and oil industry. The gamma-absorption technique is one of the methods that can be successfully applied to study such flows. This paper presents the use of the gamma-absorption method to determine the water-air flow parameters in a horizontal pipeline. Three flow types were studied in this work: plug, transitional plug-bubble, and bubble one. In the research, a radiometric set consisting of two Am-241 sources and two NaI(TI) scintillation detectors have been applied. Based on the analysis of the signals from both scintillation detectors, the gas phase velocity was calculated using the cross-correlation method (CCM). The signal from one detector was used to determine the void fraction and to recognise the flow regime. In the latter case, a Multi-Layer Perceptron-type artificial neural network (ANN) was applied. To reduce the number of signal features, the principal component analysis (PCA) was used. The expanded uncertainties of gas velocity and void fraction obtained for the flow types studied in this paper did not exceed 4.3% and 7.4% respectively. All three types of analyzed flows were recognised with 100% accuracy. Results of the experiments confirm the usefulness of the gamma-ray absorption method in combination with radiometric signal analysis by CCM and ANN with PCA for comprehensive analysis of liquid-gas flow in the pipeline.
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A study of the aerothermopressor operation for air intercooling between the stages of a multistage compressor as part of a modern gas turbine (LMS100 brand from General Electric) was carried out in the article. A calculation method has been developed using numerical modeling for the evaporation of fine water droplets in the air flow. The main characteristics of the two-phase flow at the aerothermopressor outlet have been determined. It has been found that jet apparatus provides efficient atomization of the liquid, and hence, more efficient isothermal compression process in a high-pressure compressor. The aerothermopressor applying allowed to reduce the temperature of the compressed air between the compressor stages to 50-70°C. Such a decrease in temperature under the thermo-gas-dynamic compression conditions allowed to increase the pressure at the aerothermopressor outlet up to 12-28 kPa (4-9%).
Metoda PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) jest jedną z optycznych, nieinwazyjnych metod pomiarowych służących pomiarowi prędkości płynów i może być wykorzystywana w badaniach przepływów dwufazowych gaz-ciecz w celu wyznaczania pól prędkości. Rozkład prędkości fazy ciekłej i gazowej wpływa na formowanie się struktur przepływu dwufazowego, a w konsekwencji na mechanizmy wymiany energii i momentu w przepływie dwufazowym. Artykuł dotyczy zastosowania metody PIV do oceny zjawisk hydrodynamicznych zachodzących podczas przepływu dwufazowego realizowanego w minikanałach rurowych o średnicy wewnętrznej d > 2 mm. W badaniach zastosowano fluorescencyjne cząstki znacznikowe o gęstości zbliżonej do gęstości wody. Badania wstępne wykonano na mieszaninie adiabatycznej typu woda-powietrze. Celem badań było sprawdzenie możliwości zastosowania metod PIV również w przepływach nieadiabatycznych. W wyniku badań wstępnych otrzymano mapy prędkości fazy ciekłej, histogramy i profile prędkości w przekroju pionowym badanego minikanału.
The PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) method is one of the optical, non-invasive measurement methods for measuring fluid velocity and can be used in the study of two-phase gas-liquid flows to determine velocity fields. The velocity distribution of the liquid and gas phases influences the formation of two-phase flow structures and, consequently, the mechanisms of energy and moment exchange in the two-phase flow. The article concerns the application of the PIV method to the assessment of hydrodynamic phenomena occurring during two-phase flow realized in pipe minichannels with an internal diameter d > 2 mm. Fluorescent marker particles with a density close to that of water were used in the research. The preliminary tests were carried out on the adiabatic water-air mixture. The research aimed to check the applicability of PIV methods also in non-adiabatic flows. As a result of preliminary studies, velocity maps of the liquid phase, histograms and velocity profiles in the vertical section of the tested minichannel were obtained.
This paper concerns analytical considerations on a complex phenomenon which is diffusive-inertial droplet separation from the two-phase vapour-liquid flow which occurs in many devices in the power industry (e.g. heat pumps, steam turbines, organic Rankine cycles, etc.). The new mathematical model is mostly devoted to the analysis of the mechanisms of diffusion and inertia influencing the distance at which a droplet separates from the two-phase flow and falls on a channel wall. The analytical model was validated based on experimental data. The results obtained through the analytical computations stay in a satisfactory agreement with available literature data.
We analyse an autoignition process in a two-phase flow in a temporally evolving mixing layer formed between streams of a cold liquid fuel (heptane at 300 K) and a hot oxidizer (air at 1000 K) flowing in opposite directions. We focus on the influence of a discretization method on the prediction of the autoignition time and evolution of the flame in its early development phase. We use a high-order code based on the 6th order compact difference method for the Navier–Stokes and continuity equations combined with the 2nd order Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) and 5th order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) schemes applied for the discretization of the advection terms in the scalar transport equations. The obtained results show that the autoignition time is more dependent on the discretization method than on the flow initial conditions, i.e., the Reynolds number and the initial turbulence intensity. In terms of mean values, the autoignition occurs approximately 15% earlier when the TVD scheme is used. In this case, the ignition phase characterizes a sharp peak in the temporal evolution of the maximum temperature. The observed differences are attributed to a more dissipative character of the TVD scheme. Its usage leads to a higher mean level of the fuel in the gaseous form and a smoother distribution of species resulting in a lower level of the scalar dissipation rate, which facilitates the autoignition process.
Tematyka artykułu dotyczy wyznaczania parametrów pojedynczego, wznoszącego się pęcherza w ciekłym metalu i w polu magnetycznym. Badania przeprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu impulsowej, ultradźwiękowej metody echa. W artykule przedstawiono metodę pomiaru. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników pokazano, że pęcherze wznoszą się praktycznie prostoliniowo, co oznacza, że ich prędkością końcową jest prędkość wznoszenia, w związku z czym pozostałe składowe są do pominięcia. Następnie obliczono prędkości pojedynczych pęcherzy, współczynniki oporu i przedstawiono je w zależności średnicy zastępczej oraz liczby Reynoldsa. W końcowej części artykułu pokazano zależność liczb charakterystycznych Webera, Eotvosa i Mortona od liczby Reynoldsa.
The subject of the article concerns the determination of the parameters of a single, rising bubble in liquid metal and in a magnetic field. The research was carried out using the ultrasonic pulse echo method. The article presents the measurement method. On the basis of the obtained results, it has been shown that the bubbles rise practically in a straight line, which means that their final velocity is the rising velocity, and therefore the remaining components can be ignored. Then, individual bubble velocities and drag coefficients were calculated and presented in relation to the equivalent diameter and Reynolds number. The final part of the article shows the dependence of the characteristic numbers: Weber, Eotvos and Morton on the Reynolds number.
Tematyka artykułu dotyczy porównania parametrów przepływu dwufazowego ciekły metal-gaz, w przepływie bez i w polu magnetycznym. W artykule przedstawiono jak zmieniają się prędkości przepływu, średnice zastępcze, współczynniki oporu oraz rozkłady przepływających pęcherzy. Obliczono także liczby Eötvösa i Webera. Jako metodę pomiaru wybrano impulsowa, ultradźwiękową metodę echa. Badania wykonano wtłaczając argon do zbiornika wypełnionego ciekłym metalem GaInSn. Przeprowadzono je dla trzech różnych dysz wlotowych gazu oraz dla przepływu łańcuchowego pęcherzy.
The subject of the article concerns the comparison of two-phase liquid metal-gas flow parameters, in the flow without and with a magnetic field. The article presents how flow velocities, equivalent diameters, drag coefficients and distribution of flowing bubbles change. The numbers of Eötvös and Weber were also calculated.The ultrasonic pulse echo method was chosen as the measurement method. The tests were carried out by injecting argon into a container filled with liquid metal GaInSn. They were carried out for three differentgas inlet nozzles and for bubble chain flow.
The paper presents the analysis of results of investigations concerning an influence of applied constructive solutions on hydraulic operating conditions of a water-pumping air lift pump. The scope of the investigations encompassed the determination of flow rate and efficiency characteristics of an air lift pump having the discharge pipe with the internal diameter d = 0.04 m. The PM 50 mixer with a perforated rubber membrane, available on the market, as well as a mixer of own design, called circumferential mixer, were tested (the name origins from the fact that the mixer has the shape of a ring which encloses the discharge pipe on its whole circumference). The investigations were performed for three air-water mix delivery heads H: 0.40, 0.80, 1.20 m, for the specified pressure pipe submergence length h = 0.80 m. It has been stated that for both types of the applied mixers the water flow rate Qw increased along with the increase of the air flow rate Qa, reaching maximum, then decreased. However, in both of the applied mixers, the water flow rate Qw permanently decreased as the air-water mix delivery head H increased. The air lift pump achieved higher water flow rate Qw if the circumferential mixer was applied instead of that with perforated rubber membrane. It has been proved that for both of the applied types of mixers the air flow rate Qa in the air lift pump cannot be lower during water pumping than 5.0 m3·h-1 and should not exceed 15.0 m3·h-1 in case of the circumferential mixer and 16.0 m3·h-1 for the perforated rubber membrane mixer. The efficiency h of the tested air lift pump for both of the applied types of mixers decreased when the air-water mix delivery head H increased. The higher efficiency h, however, was obtained for the air lift pump with the circumferential mixer than for the perforated rubber membrane mixer.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę wyników badań, dotyczących wpływu stosowanych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych mieszaczy na hydrauliczne warunki pracy powietrznego podnośnika do tłoczenia wody. Zakres badań obejmował wyznaczenie charakterystyk wydajności i sprawności pracy powietrznego podnośnika o średnicy wewnętrznej rurociągu tłocznego d = 0,04 m. Do badań wykorzystano mieszacz dostępny na rynku typu PM 50 z perforowaną gumową membraną i mieszacz własnej konstrukcji, który nazwano mieszaczem obwodowym (nazwa pochodzi stąd, że ma on kształt pierścienia, który obejmuje rurociąg tłoczny na całym jego obwodzie). Badania wykonano dla trzech wysokości podnoszenia mieszaniny wody i powietrza H: 0,40, 0,80, 1,20 m, przy stałej długość zanurzenia rurociągu tłocznego h = 0,80 m. Stwierdzono, że dla obu zastosowanych typów mieszaczy natężenie przepływu wody Qw rosło wraz ze wzrostem natężenia przepływu powietrza Qa osiągając maksimum, a następnie malało. Natomiast w obu zastosowanych typach mieszaczy wraz ze wzrostem wysokości podnoszenia mieszaniny wody i powietrza H, natężenie przepływu wody Qw tylko malało. Większą wydajność natężenia przepływu wody Qw powietrzny podnośnik uzyskał z mieszaczem obwodowym niż z mieszaczem z perforowaną gumową membraną. Wykazano, że dla obu zastosowanych typów mieszaczy natężenie przepływu powietrza Qa w powietrznym podnośniku podczas tłoczenia wody nie może być mniejsze niż 5,0 m3·h-1 i nie powinno przekraczać dla mieszacza obwodowego 15,0 m3·h-1,, a dla mieszacza z perforowaną gumową membraną 16,0 m3·h-1. Sprawność pracy h badanego powietrznego podnośnika dla obu zastosowanych mieszaczy malała wraz ze wzrostem wysokości podnoszenia mieszaniny wody i powietrza H. Natomiast dla powietrznego podnośnika z mieszaczem obwodowym uzyskano większą sprawność pracy h, niż dla powietrznego podnośnika z mieszaczem z perforowaną gumową membraną.
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The article presents the analysis of vertical and horizontal flows of liquids and gases through a wire mesh sensor. The solution does not require complicated reconstruction of the program, which is characterized by a very high speed of operation depending on the analog-to-digital converter used. The sensor consists of two parts: the acquisition module and the working part. The device allows testing of multiphase flows and classic air bubble testing. The wires of one plane are used as transmitters, and the wires of the other plane as receivers. Samples from all receiving lines are taken at the same time.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę pionowych i poziomych przepływów cieczy i gazów przez czujnik z siatki drucianej. Rozwiązanie nie wymaga skomplikowanej rekonstrukcji programu, która charakteryzuje się bardzo dużą prędkością działania w zależności od zastosowanego konwertera analogowo-cyfrowego. Czujnik składa się z dwóch części: modułu akwizycji i części roboczej. Urządzenie umożliwia badanie przepływów wielofazowych oraz klasyczne badanie pęcherzyków powietrza. Przewody jednej płaszczyzny są używane jako nadajniki, a przewody drugiej płaszczyzny jako odbiorniki. Próbki ze wszystkich linii odbiorczych są pobierane w tym samym czasie.
Separatory cyklonowe są powszechnie stosowane w układach olejowych lotniczych silników turbinowych. Dzięki swojej prostej budowie cechują się bardzo dużą niezawodnością, a tym samym nie wymagają częstych przeglądów. Sprawność separatora ma decydujący wpływ na jakość oleju, co bezpośrednio przekłada się na efektywność pracy systemu olejowego. Zwiększona zawartość powietrza w oleju powoduje spadek ciśnienia w systemie oraz jego większe fluktuacje, które z kolei rzutują na prawidłowe smarowanie komponentów silnika (łożysk, kół zębatych). Nowe konstrukcje silników wymagają od inżynierów tworzenia bardziej kompaktowych konstrukcji separatorów w celu redukcji masy oraz redukcji kosztów projektu przy zachowaniu efektywności i niezawodności tych separatorów. W celu spełnienia powyższych wymagań konieczne jest zastosowanie w procesie modelowania przepływu mieszaniny olej o wo-po wietrznej i przeprowadzenie optymalizacji konstrukcji separatora. Kluczowym zagadnieniem we wstępnym etapie budowy algorytmu obliczeniowego jest identyfikacja cech geometrycznych separatora, które mają istotny wpływ na jego sprawność. W artykule omówiono separatory olejowe stosowane w silnikach lotniczych oraz scharakteryzowano podstawowe zjawiska w nich występujące. Przedstawiono główne parametry wpływające na ich pracę. Zaprezentowano wybrane modele matematyczne analizy przepływu dwufazowego, dwuskładnikowego wraz z modelowaniem turbulencji. Wskazano możliwości zastosowania danego modelu w zależności od rodzaju przepływu.
Cyclone separators are commonly used in oil systems of air turbine engines. Thanks to their simple construction they are characterized by very high reliability thus they do not require frequent inspections. The efficiency of the separator has a decisive impact on the quality of the oil, which directly results in a change in efficiency of the oil system. Increased air content in the oil causes a pressure drop in the system and higher-pressure fluctuations, which in turn affect the proper lubrication of the engine components (bearings, gears). New engine designs require engineers to create more compact separator designs to reduce weight and project costs while maintaining (and often increasing) their efficiency and reliability. To meet these requirements, it is necessary to use the flow modeling of the oil-air mixture in the design process to optimize the construction of the separator. The key issue at the initial stage of the calculation algorithm is to identify the geometric features of the separator, which have a key impact on its efficiency. The article discusses oil separators used in aviation engines and characterizes the basic phenomena occurring in them. The basic parameters influencing the separator's work are given. Selected mathematical models of two-phase (two-fluid) flow analysis together with turbulence modeling are presented. The possibilities of using a given flow model, depending on its structure, are shown.
By changing the air and water flow relative rates in the two-phase (air-water) flow through a minichannel, we observe aggregation and partitioning of air bubbles and slugs of different sizes. An air bubble arrangement, which show non-periodic and periodic patterns. The spatiotemporal behaviour was recorded by a digital camera. Multiscale entropy analysis is a method of measuring the time series complexity. The main aim of the paper was testing the possibility of implementation of multiscale entropy for two-phase flow patterns classification. For better understanding, the dynamics of the two-phase flow patterns inside the minichannel histograms and wavelet methods were also used. In particular, we found a clear distinction between bubbles and slugs formations in terms of multiscale entropy. On the other hand, the intermediate region was effected by appearance of both forms in non-periodic and periodic sequences. The preliminary results were confirmed by using histograms and wavelets.
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Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie metody absorpcji promieniowania gamma w połączeniu z wybranymi metodami sztucznej inteligencji do identyfikacji struktury przepływu ciecz-gaz w rurociągu poziomym. Dla sygnałów z zestawu radiometrycznego wyodrębniono na podstawie analizy w dziedzinie czasu szereg cech wykorzystanych następnie do rozpoznawania struktury przepływu. Zastosowano następujące metody sztucznej inteligencji: wielowarstwową sieć neuronową MLP, metodę K-średnich i algorytm wektorów wspierających SVM. Przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki badań dla trzech typów przepływu: tłokowego, tłokowo-pęcherzykowego i pęcherzykowego, uzyskanych na stanowisku laboratoryjnym wyposażonym w zamknięte źródła promieniowania Am-241 i sondy scyntylacyjne NaI(Tl). Otrzymano bardzo dobre wyniki identyfikacji struktury przepływu dla wszystkich analizowanych metod.
The article presents the application of the gamma absorption method in combination with selected artificial intelligence methods to identify the structure of liquid-gas flow in a horizontal pipeline. For the signals from the radiometric set, a number of features were distinguished based on time domain analysis. These features were then applied to identify the flow structure. The following artificial intelligence methods were used: multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network, K-means method and support vectors machine (SVM). Exemplary results for three flow types as plug, transitional plug-bubble and bubble are presented. The experiments were carried out on a laboratory stand equipped with closed Am-241 radiation sources and NaI(Tl) scintillation probes. For all the analyzed methods very good results of the flow structure identification were obtained.
The void fraction is one of the most important parameters characterizing a multiphase flow. The prediction of the performance of any system operating with more than single phase relies on our knowledge and ability to measure the void fraction. In this work, a validated simulation study was performed in order to predict the void fraction independent of the flow pattern in gas-liquid two-phase flows using a gamma ray 60Co source and just one scintillation detector with the help of an artificial neural network (ANN) model of radial basis function (RBF). Three used inputs of ANN include a registered count under Compton continuum and counts under full energy peaks of 1173 and 1333 keV. The output is a void fraction percentage. Applying this methodology, the percentage of void fraction independent of the flow pattern of a gas-liquid two-phase flow was estimated with a mean relative error less than 1.17%. Although the error obtained in this study is almost close to those obtained in other similar works, only one detector was used, while in the previous studies at least two detectors were employed. Advantages of using fewer detectors are: cost reduction and system simplification.
A mathematical model for simulation of icing dedicated to simulation of ice accretion and its effects on aircraft aerodynamic characteristics in conditions of rime icing is presented. Pure rime icing occurs at lower temperatures than glaze icing and results in higher roughness of the surface of deposited ice. The model accounts for increased surface roughness, in terms of equivalent sand grain roughness, caused by deposited rime ice, which influences generation and dispersion of heat in the boundary layer. Increase of surface roughness is determined by analytical models created upon experimental data obtained in icing wind tunnels. Increased generation of heat is a result of increased tangential stress on the surface and is quantified in the temperature recovery factor determined numerically by a CFD solver. Effects of surface roughness on the intensity of forced convection are quantified by application of Colburn analogy between heat and momentum transfer in the boundary layer, which allows assessment of heat transfer coefficient for known friction coefficient, determined by CFD. The computational method includes determination of the surface distribution of mass of captured water in icing conditions. The model of freezing of captured water accounts for generation of heat due to latent heat of captured water droplets, temperature recovery in boundary layer and kinetic energy of captured droplets. The sinks of heat include forced convection, heating of super cooled droplets, conduction of heat through the ice layer and sublimation. The mathematical model is implemented as user-defined function module in ANSYS Fluent solver. The results include effects of deposited ice, including increased surface roughness on aerodynamic characteristics of an airfoil.
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