Kilkusetletnia działalność wielu pokoleń górników ukształtowała w starych wyrobiskach fascynujący podziemny świat. Obecnie następuje reaktywacja nieczynnych wyrobisk jako produktu turystycznego. Współczesne metody wielokryterialne, których podstawą jest matematyczny model dyskretny, zawierający zagadnienia o policzalnej liczbie kryteriów i/lub decyzji, umożliwiają uzyskanie obiektywnej oceny zasobu kulturowego i naturalnego dziedzictwa podziemnych wyrobisk. Przedstawiony zbiór kryteriów oparty jest na analizie interdyscyplinarnej wartości antropogenicznych i georóżnorodności. Do ustalenia ważności badanych cech autorzy zaproponowali wykorzystanie metody AHP, natomiast do przeprowadzenia wielokryterialnej oceny danego obiektu podziemnego metodę wskaźników syntetycznych, w szczególności wskaźnik sumacyjny skorygowany. Pozwala to na obiektywną ewaluację zasobu i może być podstawą opracowania głównego planu kompleksowej interwencji technicznej i konserwatorskiej.
The centuries-long activity of many generations of miners has shaped a fascinating underground world in old excavations. Currently, there is a revival of inactive excavations as a tourist product. Contemporary multi-criteria methods, based on a discrete mathematical model containing issues of a countable number of criteria and/or decisions, enable obtaining an objective assessment of the cultural and natural heritage stock of underground excavations. The presented set of criteria is based on an interdisciplinary analysis of anthropogenic and geo-diversity values. To determine the significance of the examined features, the authors propose using the AHP method, while for conducting a multi-criteria assessment of a given underground site, the synthetic indicator method, especially the adjusted summative indicator, is recommended. This allows for an objective evaluation of resources and may serve as the basis for developing the main plan of comprehensive technical and conservation interventions.
This study aims to analyse the geosite candidates of the Betong District (Yala Province) in Southern Thailand by means of several methods including inventory, characterisation, classification, assessment and SWOT analysis. Results of the present study are illustrated through seven proposed geosites that become resources for the development of the Betong District, namely Betong Hot Spring, Inthasorn Waterfall, Chaloem Phra Kiat Waterfall, Mount Silipat and Nakor Hot Spring, as well as Piyamit Tunnel and Aiyerweng Skywalk, two human-modified sites which can be used to observe geological and geomorphological features. The present study is expected to promote the conservation and development of these resources as geological heritage of the district.
In the commune of Bel Younech, which constitutes the eastern part of the Site of Biological and Ecological Interest (SBEI) of Jbel Moussa (Tangier, Tetouan, Al Hoceima, NW Morocco), 13 geosites have been selected along a 14-stop georoad. These sites are characterized by relevant geological diversity representing structural geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, petrology, geomorphology, hydrogeology and hydrology. Some of these geosites also have a very interesting geoculture. The geodiversity sites have been evaluated using a numerical methodology based on recent literature that aimed to reduce the subjectivity related to any evaluation process. The evaluation concerned the scientific value (SV), the potential for educational use (PEU), the potential for tourist use (PTU) and the risk of degradation (DR), which was quantified using various criteria by assigning scores ranging from 0 to 4. The results of the quantitative assessment show that 8 sites with a scientific value greater than or equal to 3.5; this value allows them to be considered as geosites. The average values of the PUE and PUT were very high (3.7 and 3.5) while the risk of degradation was moderate (2.03). The values obtained justify the need of valorization and conservation of Bel Younech commune geosites by integrating the fundamental concepts of sustainable development. In fact, all the geosites are located on a 14-stop georoad; this could serve the geotourism as well as promote the activity and economic development of this commune. This work could be used for scientific, educational (within the framework of earth sciences) and touristic purposes.
Elements of geodiversity evaluated for scientific value should be protected, conserved and promoted as potentially important for geotourism. The Divjakë-Karavasta National Park is a large natural area that comprises six geosites along the Adriatic coastline of Albania. Geosites are elements of the geosphere that should be preserved for geoeducation of the present and future generations, in view of the fact that they yield significant data on Earth’s history. By means of the Geosite Assessment Method (GAM) and the SPSS program (version 20), we have analysed the geotouristic values of the Divjakë-Karavasta geosites and interpreted the importance of each subindicator. A correlation analysis, performed through SPSS and Pearson’s correlation coefficient as a test statistics, has been carried out as well. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient reflects the strong relationship between the scientific/educational values (i.e., representativeness and scientific knowledge) and touristic values (promotion, number of visitors, interpretative panels, hostelry services, restaurant services, touristic infrastructure). These coefficients express the importance of the dependence of additional values in the development of geotourism at protected sites.
Geoheritage (geological heritage), that is tangible evidence of geological past and contemporary processes, is increasingly recognized as a valuable component of environment, worth conservation and popularization. It comprises elements of Earth's geodiversity, which are significant for scientific, educational, cultural, ecological or aesthetic reasons. Among them, the key role is played by geosites, at which elements of geoheritage are best exposed and have the most evident value. Various classifications of geosites by the main theme have been proposed and various methods of evaluation of geosites exist, involving among others, assessment of their scientific importance, cultural/historical value, threats and educational opportunities. Geoheritage in a given place or area may have global, national, regional or local significance. Globally significant geoheritage is protected at UNESCO World Heritage properties and in UNESCO Global Geoparks. In Poland, geoheritage is protected in national and landscape parks, more than 110 nature reserves, more than 1600 nature monuments and more than 120 sites of special scientific interest (documentary sites). This paper opens a section of "Przegląd Geologiczny", in which representative geosites of Poland will be successively presented.
The article presents 20 geosites located on five geotourist paths and their closest vicinity, constituting the initial part of the planned geopark Postglacial land of Drawa and Dębnica. Geosites represent the most valuable abiotic resources, proving the large geodiversity of the studied area. These are: 1. glacial and fluvioglacial accumulation forms (e.g.: terminal end-moraine of the Parsęta lobe, undulating moraine uplands, glacial deposits including erratic border boulders, esker ridges), 2. glacial and fluvioglacial erosive forms (e.g.: channel and melt-out-depressions), 3. other (like e.g.: deep erosive and erosional-denudation valleys, erosive forms of groundwater or 1st order watershed between the Odra and Parsęta catchments). The purpose of the geosites characteristics in this paper is to support the development of geotourism in the peripheral tourist area.
The Geotourism Students’ Scientific Club (GSSC) is operating at the Department of General Geology and Geotourism of AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH UST), bringing together young enthusiasts of Earth sciences, at the Faculty of Geology, Geo-physics and Environmental Protection. It has been operating continuously since 2003. The primary objective of the GSSC is to arouse interest in scientific work in the field of Earth sciences, as well as to popularise geotourism in the student community. The article reviews the most important achievements, events and activities documenting the long-term accomplishments of the GSSC. The greatest successes of the GSSC include the implementation of five rector’s grants and active participation in national and international scientific conferences. It is worth noting, that the GSSC organises its own “Geotourism” conference session as a part of the Conference of Student Special Interest Groups of the Mining Division. The members of the GSSC promote geology and geodiversity, explaining it in a manner which is comprehensible to an average person. Over the last dozen or so years, they have undertaken various activities, and some of them have become a tradition. Themed evenings and meetings with experts “That’s how it’s done!” attract a large audience from the university and beyond. Annual domestic and foreign educational and sightseeing trips, culminating in a trip to Iceland in 2022, have become an integral part of the GSSC activities.
Koło Naukowe Geoturystyka (KNGt) istniejące przy Katedrze Geologii Ogólnej i Geoturystyki Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej dzia-ła nieprzerwanie od 2003 roku, zrzeszając młodych pasjonatów nauk przyrodniczych Wydziału Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska. Podstawowym celem Koła jest rozbudzanie zainteresowań pracą naukową w zakresie nauk o Ziemi, jak również popularyzacja geoturysty-ki w środowisku studenckim. W artykule dokonano przeglądu najważniejszych osiągnięć, wydarzeń i aktywności stanowiących wieloletni dorobek Koła. Do największych jego sukcesów można zaliczyć realizację pięciu grantów rektora oraz aktywny udział w krajowych i zagra-nicznych konferencjach naukowych. Na wyróżnienie zasługuje własna Sekcja Geoturystyki wydzielana w ramach barbórkowej Konferencji Studenckich Kół Naukowych Pionu Górniczego. Członkowie Koła promują geologię i georóżnorodność, przekładając język naukowy na zrozumiały dla przeciętnego odbiorcy. Na przestrzeni ostatnich kilkunastu lat podejmowali różne aktywności, a część z nich przerodziła się w kołowe tradycje. Wieczorki tematyczne oraz spotkania z ekspertami „Tak to się robi!” skupiają liczną widownię, wśród której dominują studenci wydziału. W działalność Koła wpisały się również coroczne krajowe i zagraniczne wyjazdy edukacyjno-krajoznawcze, których zwieńczeniem była wyprawa na Islandię w 2022 roku.
This study investigated residual landforms developed within of the flysch bedrock in the Outer Western Carpathians as sand-stone-to-conglomeratic tors. The studied relic rocky forms are locally exposed on the valley slopes in the top and plateau parts of the Sile-sian Beskid Mts. The cognitive values of such relic landforms, especially in the context of their morphogenetic traits and shaping of their macro- and microrelief, are well known and described. In contrast to epigenetic processes, the sedimentological aspect of the origin of such siliciclastic rocky deposits is still subject to different approaches in terms of terminology and interpretation. Thus, the aim of this study is to describe the conditions of environmental settings and character of the sediment transport and deposition processes from gravity flows, and to present a depositional system model for such a variety of flysch deposits. This study also attempts to present geotourist and geoed-ucational attractiveness of the tors against the background of regional geodiversity, geoheritage, and geoprotection. The results yielded a synthetic morpho-litho-sedimentological and geotouristic specification of the rocky forms analysed. The residual rocky landforms are polygenic geomorphological elements developed as a consequence of multistage and different scale of morph-forming activity operating on the basis of litho-sedimentological and tectonic assumptions under the influence of denudation processes.
Przedmiotem artykułu są ostańcowe formy terenu rozwinięte na bazie fliszowego podłoża skalnego w zachodnich Karpatach ze-wnętrznych jako skałki od piaskowcowych do zlepieńcowych. Omówione ostańcowe formy skałkowe lokalnie eksponowane są na stokach dolinnych w przyszczytowych i wierzchowinowych partiach Beskidu Śląskiego. Walory poznawcze, jakie ze sobą niosą, w szczególności w kontekście morfogenetycznym oraz kształtowania ich makro- i mikroreliefu, są dobrze poznane i opisane. W przeciwieństwie do procesów epigenetycznych aspekt sedymentologiczny pochodzenia takich silikoklastycznych utworów skałkowych jest natomiast nadal przedmiotem dociekań zarówno w kwestii terminologicznej, jak i interpretacyjnej. Celem badawczym artykułu jest zatem próba przybliżenia warunków środowiskowych ustawień, natury procesów transportu i depozycji osadów ze spływów grawitacyjnych oraz modelu systemu depozycyjnego takiej odmiany utworów fliszowych. Zamierzeniem autora było także przedstawienie geoturystycznej i geoedukacyjnej atrakcyjności ska-łek na tle regionalnej georóżnorodności, geodziedzictwa i ich geoochrony. W rezultacie przedstawiono w ujęciu syntetycznym specyfikację morfologiczną, litologiczną, sedymentologiczną i geoturystyczną badanych form skałkowych. Ostańcowe skałkowe formy terenu stanowią poligeniczne elementy geomorfologiczne rozwinięte w następstwie wieloetapowej i różnoskalowej działalności rzeźbotwórczej zachodzącej w utworach o określonych uwarunkowaniach litologiczno-sedymentologicznych i tektonicznych za pośrednictwem procesów denudacji.
Geodiversity of New Zealand’s North Island is closly associated with its geological evolution that left numerous attractive geosites and influenced the biodiversity of this area. Its location in the collision zone of the Australian and Pacific lithospheric plates resulted in many exogenous processes, e.g. volcanism, earth quake or geysers. The meridional location of New Zealand has an impact on climate and weather conditions. Many endemic species of flora and fauna have survived here. The landscape diversity of New Zealand’s islands is a great scenery for many films, e.g.The piano, The Last Samurai, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit. Volcanoes in the north and mountain glaciers in the south make visitors feel as if they have moved to a wonderful, unknown fairy-tale world.
Interface of Geodiversity with human response can be understood simply as, the natural range (diversity) of geological (rocks, minerals, fossils), geomorphological (landforms, topography, physical processes), soil and hydrological features including their assemblages, structures, systems and contributions to landscapes together with the anthropogenic amalgamation in the landscape system. Geomorphosites are those components of geodiversity that have acquired a scientific, cultural/historical, aesthetic and socio-economic value due to human perception or exploitation (Panizza, 2001). The trans-Himalayan district of Lahaul and Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, India is a landlocked district in trans-Himalaya accessible seasonally through high mountain passes; where the interface is manifested though human response to the geodiversity elements. The abiotic factors play a significant role in generating stimuli and the human response varies accordingly in the study area. It is also known as the Tethyan Himalayan region, where the interface (interactive zone/ crossing point/edge) of Geomorphosites and human response in terms of geotourism has been analysed and mapped. The data has been collected through extensive field work using structured questionnaire survey and field observations at geomorphosites having unique characteristics. The field work has been done in May–June 2017 and June 2018. The assessment of human response in terms of seasonal economy and geotourism has been done using GIS environment, GPS and SWOT analysis. The study highlights that potential geotourism sites have to be further identified, explored and developed in the region and the existing sites have to be conserved in order to harness the tremendous geotourism potential of the region and thereby boosting the seasonal economy.
Within the emerging broad science of geodiversity, geomorphological diversity (geomorphodiversity) assesses the form of surface features of a place or region. This paper uses SRTM data and GIS techniques to assess geomorphological diversity of the Soutpansberg range, in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Suitable factors to assess geomorphological diversity were identified as geology, slope position, soil erodibility, landform position, relative heights, insolation, hydrography and ruggedness. Each factor was normalised to five classes by applying natural breaks. All the eight factors were weighted before overlaying. The weighting reveal that respectively, geology, slope and soils carry more weight. Ruggedness, relative height and insolation carry the least weight, in that order. The final geomorphodiversity map reveals that almost half of the Soutpansberg range has high to very high geomorphological diversity. We conclude that factor specific research can add more information to geomorphodiversity research and education.
The article discusses the potential and perspectives of geotourist functions development in three selected communes of the Lower Silesian Voivodship (Świerzawa, Ząbkowice Śląskie, Stronie Śląskie). These regions already possess a number of geotourist objects which attract tourist traffic, and whose presence creates further prospects for the development of tourism in this direction. Based on the conducted indoor studies and field reconnaissance, the author proposed and analysed prospective geostations, which may create a coherent network of objects, and thus, increase the development potential of this particular form of tourism. The presented assessment was predicated on a point-based evaluation method utilizing predetermined criteria for geostation valorisation. At the same time, the article draws attention to the difficulties pertaining to straightforward synthetic interpretation of the value assessment of individual structures. It is also shown that the existing nationwide database of geosites proves to be lacking in terms of both the potential assessment as well as the needs for planning of geotourism development at a local level.
The Słupsk Bank is a seascape area of high nature value, that consists of boulders related to glacial and post-glacial formation and a variety of underwater landforms, that form the habitat for numerous plants and animals. The aim of this paper was to evaluate geodiversity using geoinformation analysis consecutive steps, such as preparation of factor maps, map algebra etc. The resulting geodiversity map was based on a bathymetric relief energy map, a geomorphological map based on expert classification using the Bathymetric Position Index (BPI), and a lithological map showing average texture classes of sediments). Maps of geodiversity support the identification and delimitation of the geodiversity hotspots for nature protection, as well as the directions for management of valuable natural areas.
Ławica Słupska jest obszarem morskim o dużej wartości przyrodniczej, który składa się z głazów związanych z formacją lodowcową i polodowcową oraz różnorodnymi podwodnymi formami terenu, które stanowią siedlisko licznych roślin i zwierząt. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena georóżnorodności za pomocą następujących po sobie etapów analizy geoinformacyjnej, takich jak przygotowanie map czynnikowych, algebry map itd. Wynikowa mapa georóżnorodność została oparta na batymetrycznej mapie energii rzeźby, mapie geomorfologicznej opartej na klasyfikacji eksperckiej z wykorzystaniem batymetrycznego indeksu pozycji (BPI) i litologicznej mapy pokazującej uśrednione klasy teksturalne osadów. Mapy georóżnorodności służą do identyfikacji i wytyczania obszarów o wysokiej georóżnorodności w celu ochrony przyrody, a także wspierają kierunki zarządzania cennymi obszarami przyrodniczymi.
Spatial analyses of landscape element diversity are always carried out on the basis of a previously established analytical grid. It divides the research area into 'n' smaller areas - basic units before calculating various landscape measures for each of them. The selection of an appropriate analytical grid, particularly its cell size, is a key issue for the results obtained and conclusions drawn from them. The article describes the procedure of empirical selection of a basic unit size in the medium-scale landscape and geodiversity analyses employing a regular analytical grid with square cells. The established methodology was based on observations of the distribution of the number of studied feature categories in the analytical grid fields. The correctness measures for the selection of the optimal basic unit size were the distributions themselves, as well as selected descriptive statistical parameters. The conducted analyses accurately illustrate the dependences between the variable size of the basic unit size and the number of the studied feature categories. The research conducted proves that the simple empirical approximation of the optimal basic unit size is possible. The proposed procedure allowed the determination of the optimal basic unit size for the variation of the lithostratigraphic units of the Ojców National Park. The optimal unit size for the accuracy data typical for a reference scale 1:50 000 was specified as 500 m.
The major attraction of the Drawa National Park is its main river, the Drawa. However, the park includes also other georesources that have a large natural potential to become geovalues, received by tourists as its geoproducts. This may lead to develop geotourism, which is a tool of sustainable socio-economic development of the region. The article presents the erratic boulders, which are primarily the objects of geological heritage. Erratic material is also present in the cultural heritage of the region, e.g. in the churches, cobbled roads, hydraulic engineering constructions or as stone monuments, signposts, and forest departmental posts.
The article characterises 12 most precious erratic boulders ofWielkopolska in the aspects of their scientific, cultural, historical, educational and aesthetic values. They play an important role in the complex perception of geodiversity of the natural environment of the region. It is shown here that erratic boulders carry a geotouristic potential. The paper indicates how it can be utilised best.
In 2014, NRI has issued seven geological and touristic maps of landscape parks. For two of them were also created geological information boards. These maps both form and content refer to previous publications of this type. They are elaborated in GIS applications using new technologies, eg. GPS measurements, orthophotomap, satellite images, digital terrain model. Geological maps contain clearly and attractively redacted explanations, elements of topography, hydrography, ecology and tourism. They promote nature and landscape protection but also inform about the geology of each park.
A new petrographic garden was established in 2012 in Moryń, north-western Poland. Thirty five erratics, derived from adjacent till moraines, witness local geological heritage and form a new geotouristic attraction. Together with other geovalues of this region, the petrographic garden is a cornerstone of the Polish-German geopark “Glacial Land over the Odra River” (Ger. Geopark Eiszeitland am Oderrand).
Praca powstała w celu rozpoznania oraz oceny georóżnorodności i geoturystycznej atrakcyjności Drawieńskiego Parku Narodowego (DPN) i jego pojedynczych geostanowisk. Przeprowadzono analizę bonitacyjną obszaru podzielonego na pola podstawowe oraz geostanowisk. Kategorie waloryzacji obszaru obejmowały: rzeźbę terenu, występowanie obiektów kamiennych, wody powierzchniowe i źródła, szczególne walory biologiczne chronione prawem, dostępność dla turysty, wartości kulturowe i dodane. Geostanowiska poddano ocenie pod względem wartości geologicznych i geomorfologicznych (liczba podobnych obiektów, stopień przekształcenia, reprezentatywność, wartość edukacyjna), wartości dodanych (wartości kulturowe i estetyczne) oraz wartości użytkowych (dostępność, widoczność, stopień ochrony, baza turystyczna). Na tle 125 pól podstawowych o niskiej georóżnorodności (cenne walory dziedzictwa przyrodniczego i kulturowego występują pojedynczo, teren jest trudno dostępny i nie występują wartości dodane) wyróżniono 50 pól o umiarkowanej georóżnorodności. Pola te są położone w sposób nieciągły wzdłuż rzeki Drawy i Płocicznej. Największe ich zgrupowanie występuje w północno-zachodniej, północno-wschodniej i południowej części parku. Najczęściej oceniano je jako średnio atrakcyjne geoturystycznie, gdyż na takich polach interesującym obiektom hydrologicznym z reguły nie towarzyszą najbardziej atrakcyjne walory geomorfologiczne. Elementami zwiększającymi do pewnego stopnia różnorodność obszaru są tu geostanowiska, których głównymi walorami są obiekty dziedzictwa kulturowego i historycznego. Pozostałości dawnego przemysłu świadczą często, choć nie zawsze, o wykorzystywaniu naturalnego zróżnicowania obszaru DPN. Wykorzystywanie rzek, spadków terenu czy materiału skalnego pochodzącego z okolicznych pól sprawia, że stanowiska na pozór antropogeniczne stają się obiektami podkreślającymi i wydobywającymi dziedzictwo geologiczne i geomorfologiczne oraz ukazują zróżnicowanie przyrody nieożywionej. W parku tym szlaki turystyczne poprowadzono wyłącznie wzdłuż najciekawszych miejsc, co powoduje, że turyści nie mają możliwości dotarcia do innych obszarów. Dwa pola – R13 i R14 – odznaczają się dużą georóżnorodnością. Na ich terenie występują nie tylko najcenniejsze walory przyrodnicze, lecz także kulturowe. Zaliczają się do nich: duże, przekraczające 10 m, deniwelacje terenu, więcej niż trzy formy ukształtowania powierzchni terenu, odznaczająca się specjalnymi walorami sieć hydrologiczna oraz prawnie chronione walory biologiczne. Turysta zwiedzający wspomniane pola ma do dyspozycji szlak pieszy, kajakowy oraz konny, może też przemieszczać się szosą. Na obu polach podstawowych jest po kilka, cenionych przez turystów, obiektów paraturystycznych, które podnoszą atrakcyjność regionu, jak np. parkingi, punkty widokowe, pomniki przyrody, rezerwaty, stanowiska wędkarskie itp. Ten niewielki obszar 2 km2 jest bardzo atrakcyjny geoturystycznie, a przewidywany tu wzrost antropopresji wymaga opracowania odpowiednich działań w celu zachowania i ochrony dziedzictwa przyrody nieożywionej.
This article aims to identify and evaluate geodiversity as well as geotouristic attractiveness of the Drawa National Park (DPN), north-western Poland, including evaluation of individual geosites. As a consequence, the most precious geotouristic values of the DPN are presented. The ranking method of basic fields and geosites was used. Criteria of evaluation of the area included as follows: terrain relief, the presence of petrographic objects, hydrographic network, special biological values protected by the law, accessibility for tourists, and cultural and added values. Geosites were evaluated in terms of geological and geomorphological values, added values and practical values. The analysis indicates 125 basic fields of low geodiversity (valuable qualities of natural and cultural heritage occur singly, the area is difficult to access, and there are no added values). Fifty basic fields are indicated by moderate geodiversity. They are located along the Drawa and Płociczna rivers. These fields were also evaluated as moderately attractive. The interesting hydrographic objects are generally not accompanied by the most attractive geomorphological ones. The elements that increase to some extent the geodiversity of the area are geosites of precious technical-cultural and historical heritage. Two fields: R13 and R14 are characterized by high geodiversity, because the most precious natural values are accompanied by the cultural ones. The varied relief of diversified genesis has an easy access; the area shows special hydrographic and biological values. The added values, appreciated by tourists, are frequent. This small area of 2 km2 has a high geotouristic potential. Therefore, the predicted human impact in attractive or very attractive places requires an appropriate action to preserve and protect geomorphological/ inanimate heritage.
The paper presents different examples of the use of local rock resources in the architecture in Polish and European existing and planned geoparks. The use of local building stones in local architecture is an important attribute, which reflects relations between geology and humans. Moreover, the examples of local stones in the buildings within geopark areas reflect their geodiversity. A few examples of use of local stones in architecture in selected European and Polish geoparks are described.
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