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Purpose: The study aimed to identify the key competencies employers expect from newly hired managers for the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO). Design/methodology/approach: The preparation of the article was preceded by the observation of economic phenomena and processes and a literature review. Theoretical considerations in this area were supplemented with empirical research: qualitative research methods were used, which include a review of Polish and foreign literature on the subject and an analysis of the content of job offers, which constitute an essential source of information allowing the identification of crucial competencies expected on the labor market in Poland in the context of the position of director operational. Findings: The implementation of the research objective enabled the identification of key competencies that need to be developed to climb the career path more efficiently and reach the highest-level positions in the organization. The most desired competence was business orientation. The most common social competencies were communication, influencing and negotiating, and building relationships. They appeared most frequently in the group of managerial competencies, team management, and leadership. However, in the group of personal competencies, as many as four recurring competencies can be distinguished: analytical thinking, entrepreneurship - striving for results, self-management, and independence. The most frequently mentioned professional competencies included business orientation, knowledge of foreign languages, and professional knowledge. Research limitations/implications: In the job offers examined, the most common competencies were from the managerial competence category, while social competencies are less critical, according to the surveyed advertisers. That is undoubtedly inconsistent with the standard view that modern business is increasingly aware of the role that social competencies play in the effective functioning of the organization. Originality/value: The article contributes to the scientific literature on assessing the competencies of candidates recruited for the positions of operational directors. It also identifies shortcomings in the creation, development, use, and preservation of human capital that need improvement in areas such as education and the social and labor spheres. It indicates areas that need to be improved in the recruitment of managerial staff.
Purpose: One of the significant consequences of changes in the contemporary Polish labor market is the growing importance of flexible forms of employment, including self-employment. A special type of self-employment is economically dependent self-employment (EDSE), in which the entrepreneur provides services exclusively or to a large extent to one entity in a manner similar to the performance of work under an employment relationship. The growing popularity of this type of flexible forms of relations between the employee and the employer prompted us to ask the following questions: What are the similarities and differences between organizations in terms of HRM activities with respect to EDSE and subordinate employees (SE)? Design/methodology/approach: The researchers used the data from quantitative research (CATI), conducted on a representative sample of 380 business entities from Poland. The objective of the empirical analysis was to group the organizations according to the criterion of differentiating their HRM activities in relation to EDSE and SE. Findings: The analysis allowed to distinguish three groups: ‘Traditionalists’ focusing on subordinate workers; ‘Transforming’ presenting a similar approach to EDSE and SE, with a slightly greater focus on SE, and ‘Genuinely equal’ having the same approach to EDSE and SE. The organizations mostly or to a large extent apply the principles of equality (i.e. various HRM instruments apply equally to EDSE and SE) or dedicate solutions to SE to a greater extent. Originality/value: The value of the research is to conduct extensive research on a representative sample of Polish companies on HRM in an increasingly flexible labor market. The research contributes to the growing trend of research on subordinate and economically dependent self-employed workers, extending it to HRM perspective.
Content available remote Nasze bezrobocie 2022
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Zmiany i wyzwania stanowią nieodłączny element sektora energetyki odnawialnej. W Polsce mają miejsce od czasu, kiedy rozwijane były pierwsze projekty wiatrowe. Teraz tych wyzwań jest nawet więcej, inne są też obecnie ich źródła. Aktualnie wiążą się między innymi z takimi zagadnieniami jak uzyskiwanie warunków przyłączeniowych czy ograniczenia w odległości, jaka musi dzielić farmy wiatrowe od najbliższych zabudowań. Dotyczą również rynku pracy.
The study analyzes the labor market experience of European countries and evaluates the impact of unemployment rates, in-demand professions, and social packages on sustainable economic recovery. The authors use correlation-regression analysis and time-series analysis with Eviews 4.0 software package to identify trends and patterns in large amounts of data. The article's findings provide valuable insights into the labor market experience of European countries and can aid policymakers in developing sustainable policies and strategies for economic recovery, which can positively impact the European region. The economic impact of the article is significant, as it thoroughly analyzes European countries' labor market experience and evaluates the effects of various factors on sustainable economic recovery. By identifying the essential components of the labor market's structure and determining their impact on GDP, the article's findings can aid policymakers in developing sustainable policies and strategies for economic recovery, ultimately positively impacting the European region. The regional impact of the article is also noteworthy, as it focuses specifically on European countries' labor market experience, making it particularly relevant to the region. By comparing individual European countries'. Positive and negative market features and providing comparative characteristics of labor market stakeholders, the article offers insights into the regional impact of the labor market on economic recovery. The article's evaluation of the impact of unemployment rates, in-demand professions, and social packages on sustainable economic recovery has social implications. The article suggests that policies and strategies prioritizing employment opportunities and supporting social packages can lead to sustainable economic recovery, ultimately benefiting individuals and society.
Istotnym czynnikiem determinującym wybór pracodawcy, mającym również wpływ na motywację pracowników, jest poziom oferowanego wynagrodzenia. Nie każdy pracownik za wykonywaną pracę w Polsce otrzymuje oczekiwane wynagrodzenie, przy czym oczekiwania te podyktowane mogą być wieloma różnymi czynnikami. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie oczekiwań finansowych pracowników w Polsce, weryfikacja ich zgodności ze stawkami rynkowymi oraz identyfikacja zależności pomiędzy oczekiwaniami finansowymi pracowników w Polsce a zmiennymi niezależnymi, takimi jak płeć, pokolenie, wykształcenie, województwo, branża oraz miejsce zamieszkania. Cel osiągnięto poprzez analizę raportów GUS w zakresie wynagrodzeń oferowanych w Polsce oraz przeprowadzenie badań empirycznych, które umożliwiły pozyskanie danych w zakresie oczekiwań finansowych pracowników. Badania z zastosowaniem metody sondażu diagnostycznego i techniki CAWI na próbie 384 mieszkańców Polski zrealizowano w grudniu 2020 r. Następnie przeprowadzono analizy statystyczne z wykorzystaniem testu χ2. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że nie wszyscy pracownicy w Polsce mają szansę na zaspokojenie oczekiwań finansowych, co związane jest z różnorodnością wynagrodzeń w poszczególnych województwach. Dodatkowo w ramach badań ujawniono istnienie zależności pomiędzy oczekiwaniami finansowymi Polaków a wykształceniem, branżą, w której funkcjonują, i miejscem zamieszkania – wielkością miejscowości/miasta. Nie wykryto natomiast zależności pomiędzy oczekiwaniami finansowymi a płcią badanych, przynależnością pokoleniową oraz województwem, w którym mieszkali respondenci.
An important factor determining the choice of an employer, which also influences the motivation of employees, is the remuneration offered. Not every employee receives the expected remuneration for the work performed in Poland, and these expectations may result from a number of different factors. The aim of the article is to present the financial expectations of employees in Poland. The author wanted to verify the compliance of expectations with market rates and to identify the relationship between the financial expectations of employees in Poland and independent variables such as gender, generation, education, voivodeship, industry, and place of residence. The goal was achieved by analyzing Statistics Poland’s reports on salaries and conducting empirical research that identified the financial expectations of Polish employees. Research using the diagnostic survey method using the CAWI technique on a sample of 384 Polish residents was carried out in December 2020. Then, statistical analyses were performed using the χ2 test. The conducted research shows that not all employees in Poland have a chance to meet their financial expectations, which is related to the diversity of salaries in individual voivodeships. In addition, the research revealed a relationship between the financial expectations of Poles and the level of education, the industry in which employees operate, and the place of residence – the size of the town/city. However, no correlation was found between financial expectations and the sex of the respondents, generation affiliation, and the voivodeship in which the respondents lived.
Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine has become a serious challenge for the Ukrainian labor market, leading to significant disproportions, which are reflected in the imbalance of supply and demand for labor, large-scale loss of jobs, the fall in real wages and incomes, as well as significant structural and regional imbalances in the functioning of the labor market, which deepens the uneven development of the Ukrainian economy and poses a threat to the economic security of Ukraine. These processes, taking into account a number of problems in the socio-economic development of Ukraine in the pre-war period, threaten the economic and social security of Ukraine in the short and long term, causing significant economic losses and degradation of human capital. The prospects of the post-war development of the Ukrainian labor market should primarily be considered in the context of the formation of a safe economic and social environment at the state level, the imperative of which should be the preservation of human capital in Ukraine. For this purpose, a state strategy for the post-war recovery of the national economy with a clearly expressed socio-humanitarian orientation should be developed, which will provide for the observance of social guarantees at the level of leading international standards. At the same time, it is equally important to stimulate economic growth in Ukraine on the basis of intellectualization, digitalization, and environmentalization of the Ukrainian economy.
Agresja militarna Rosji na Ukrainę stała się poważnym wyzwaniem dla ukraińskiego rynku pracy, gdyż doprowadziła do znacznych dysproporcji, przejawiających się w nierównowadze podaży i popytu na pracę, masowej utracie miejsc pracy, spadku realnych wynagrodzeń i dochodów. Czynniki te pogłębiają nierównomierny rozwój ukraińskiej gospodarki i zagrażają bezpieczeństwu ekonomicznemu Ukrainy. Procesy te, biorąc pod uwagę szereg problemów rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego kraju w okresie przedwojennym, mają negatywny wpływ na bezpieczeństwo gospodarcze i społeczne Ukrainy w perspektywie krótko- i długoterminowej, gdyż powodują znaczne straty gospodarcze i degradację kapitału ludzkiego. Zdaniem autorów niniejszego artykułu, perspektywy powojennego rozwoju ukraińskiego rynku pracy należy rozpatrywać przede wszystkim w kontekście kształtowania bezpiecznego środowiska gospodarczego i społecznego na szczeblu państwowym, którego imperatywem powinno być zachowanie kapitału ludzkiego w Ukrainie. W tym celu należy opracować państwową strategię odbudowy powojennej gospodarki narodowej z wyraźnie wyrażoną orientacją społeczno-humanitarną, która zapewni przestrzeganie gwarancji społecznych na poziomie wiodących standardów międzynarodowych. Równocześnie ważne jest stymulowanie wzrostu gospodarczego w oparciu o tworzenie sprzyjającego środowiska inwestycyjnego stymulującego działalność gospodarczą, a także koncentrację zasobów intelektualnych i materialnych w najważniejszych sektorach ukraińskiej gospodarki. Rozwój ukraińskiej gospodarki powinien opierać się na intelektualizacji, cyfryzacji i ekologizacji. W tym celu konieczne jest stworzenie odpowiedniego mechanizmu instytucjonalnego, informacyjno-analitycznego, finansowego, prawnego i materialnego wsparcia dla powojennego ożywienia gospodarki, a także konsolidacja społeczeństwa w oparciu o społeczną odpowiedzialność państwa, biznesu oraz społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Warunkiem koniecznym do odbudowy gospodarczej kraju w oparciu o własne zasoby i bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne jest oczywiście zakończenie wojny i stabilizacja polityczna. Czynnikiem sprzyjającym będzie integracja gospodarcza z krajami Unii Europejskiej.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to assess the level of digital competence of young Poles against the background of selected European countries in the context of changes occurring in the labor market. Design/methodology/approach: The level of digital competence of young people from 30 selected European countries was diagnosed on the basis of the development pattern method by Z. Hellwig. To develop a synthetic Z. Hellwig measure, 23 diagnostic characteristics that reflect the level of skills of young Europeans in creating digital content, using databases, communicating and collaborating online, using ICT in different types of online activities, and protecting privacy and personal data online were selected. The study covered a group of young people aged 16-24, representing a potential labor supply that is particularly relevant to the development of the digital economy. Findings: In the light of the characteristics adopted for the study, the level of digital competence of young Poles is low. Young Finns, Maltese, Dutch, Spanish and Icelanders have the highest levels of digital competence. In contrast, particularly low levels of these competences are seen among young Bulgarians and Romanians. Research limitations/implications: The presented research can contribute to further in-depth analysis of the impact of the digital competency deficit on the economic development of the countries included in the analysis in the long term, including Poland in particular. Practical implications: The results of the research can provide guidance to public authorities in creating and evaluating strategies for the development of digital competences in Poland and the other countries covered by the study. Originality/value: The article indicates the changes that the labor market is undergoing as a consequence of the digital transformation of the economy. A synthetic indicator of digital competence was constructed, taking into account the diagnostic characteristics selected by the author of the article, which in their opinion are particularly relevant to the development of the digital economy. Leaders in the level of digital competence of young people have been identified. The distance between them and Poland was also diagnosed. The findings are addressed to the public authorities of the European countries surveyed. They can provide guidelines for the creation and evaluation of strategies for the development of digital competences in Poland and the other countries covered by the study.
Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to present the results of the assessment of secondary 8 school students’ competences in the Greater Poland Province in the field of creating digital content and the ability to search for information using information technology (IT). Design/methodology/approach: The main inspiration for developing the research tool was the assessment center method. Participants faced tasks that simulated real-life challenges possibly encountered by young people. Findings: The results of the study indicate that most of the participants had average or high competences in these areas. At the same time, several areas have been identified in which the process of mastering the discussed competences should be improved. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation of the study is its regional scope, which means that the results cannot be generalized to the whole of Poland. Practical implications: The results presented in this article may be used to modify secondary 19 school curricula and implement educational activities aimed at developing specific skills and attitudes. Originality/value: The results presented may suggest how to modify secondary-school curricula and implement educational activities aimed at acquisition specific skills and developing proper attitudes. Therefore, main findings may be particularly valuable for educators and policy makers.
Content available Labor market in Poland - analysis of diversity
The main aim of below consideration is presentation Polish Labor Market and changes inside, along last years. Labor market considerations are extremely important and have a large impact on the daily behavior of entities in this market. The extent, to which we are able to analyze changes taking place in individual areas of the surveyed area will allow us to make appropriate decisions on both – the demand and supply side of this labor. Author would like to present base issues connected with supply and demand taking place at this field in Poland. Getting to know the directions of changes taking place on the Labor Market may allow for an appropriate approach to human resource management. The article consists of short introduction, theoretical part, empirical part and summary at the end. Theoretical part includes base information and definition about Labor Market. Empirical section shows data analyzing, methods, tables and graphs. In the summary author would like to recapitulate analyzing case and draw some conclusions.
Anthropopression has become a factor of many negative environmental changes, including climate change. As a response to these changes, the European Union (EU) has already cut the GHG emission by 24% compared to 1990 levels. However, the goals are far greater since the Paris Agreement states that global warming should be kept down to near 2 degrees Celsius, ideally 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. By 2050, the proportion of global energy produced from coal must decline by between 73 and 97 percent to accomplish this objective. The global employment structure would definitely be affected by this decarbonization in the long run. In this paper, we concentrate on a preliminary evaluation of Poland’s future job market. As Poland’s economy is still driven by coal, energy conversion will have a significant influence on the country’s economy. However, decarbonization is both an opportunity and a challenge for the future labor market. As per research findings, the transition to renewable power would be a net job creator with the potential for new quality workers in the renewable energy industry both directly in the construction and installation of renewable power plants and indirectly in the industry that supplies the items for the system. According to the preliminary investigation of Poland’s future labor market, the future of Polish energy is the cohesion of clean energy sources and decentralized energy, while offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea can play an important role in the national energy transition, as well as contributing to the country’s energy security and reducing environmental pollution.
Antropopresja stała się czynnikiem wielu negatywnych zmian środowiskowych, w tym zmian klimatycznych. W odpowiedzi na te zmiany Unia Europejska (UE) już obniżyła emisję gazów cieplarnianych o 24% w porównaniu z poziomami z 1990 roku. Jednak cele są znacznie bardziej ambitne, Porozumienie Paryskie zakłada, ograniczenie średniego wzrostu temperatury na Ziemi znacznie poniżej 2 s.c. Aby osiągnąć ten cel do 2050 r., udział globalnej energii produkowanej z węgla musi spaść o 73–97%. Ponieważ gospodarka Polski w dużej mierze opiera się na węglu, transformacja energetyczna będzie miała istotny wpływ na gospodarkę kraju. Tym samym dekarbonizacja może postrzegana być zarówno jako szansa, jak i znaczące wyzwaniem dla przyszłego rynku pracy. W dłuższej perspektywie dekarbonizacja z pewnością wpłynie na globalną strukturę zatrudnienia. Artykuł koncentruje się na wstępnej ocenie potencjału sektora energii wiatrowej w Polsce. Według wstępnej oceny przyszłego rynku pracy w Polsce, morska energetyka wiatrowa na Morzu Bałtyckim może odegrać ważną rolę w krajowej transformacji energetycznej, stać się ważnym elementem rynku pracy, a także przyczynić się do bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju i zmniejszenia zanieczyszczenia środowiska.
Content available remote Zza Buga nad Wisłę?
Content available remote Zasługujemy na godziwe pieniądze
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Content available remote Mgliste perspektywy
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Content available Labor market in poland - analysis of diversity
The main aim of below consideration is presentation Polish Labor Market and changes inside, along last years. Labor market considerations are extremely important and have a large impact on the daily behavior of entities in this market. The extent, to which we are able to analyze changes taking place in individual areas of the surveyed area will allow us to make appropriate decisions on both – the demand and supply side of this labor. Author would like to present base issues connected with supply and demand taking place at this field in Poland. Getting to know the directions of changes taking place on the Labor Market may allow for an appropriate approach to human resource management. The article consists of short introduction, theoretical part, empirical part and summary at the end. Theoretical part includes base information and definition about Labor Market. Empirical section shows data analyzing, methods, tables and graphs. In the summary author would like to recapitulate analyzing case and draw some conclusions.
The aim of the article is to analyze risks in the social sphere and their impact on the development of society in Ukraine. Increasing the impact of risks in the sphere of demography, employment, remuneration, etc. in the context of sustainable development has been determined. The conducted research shows that the risks related to the labor sphere and the health of the population are the most aggressive and dangerous for the safety (as shown by the coronavirus pandemic) because protracted problems in the political, social and economic spheres are accompanied by job losses, economic decline, low wages for more than half of the working population. In view of the ambiguity and uneven economic development of the administrative territorial units of Ukraine it has been determined that education and knowledge can become a factor that can lead to the activation of innovative changes and reduce the negative impact of social threats. For this reason, the most important requirement for the sustainable development of Ukraine is the formulation of a social policy, based on an effective system of methods aimed at preventing risks and reducing probability of their occurrence.
Celem artykułu jest analiza zagrożeń w sferze społecznej i ich wpływu na rozwój społeczeństwa na Ukrainie. Określono zwiększenie wpływu ryzyka w sferze demografii, zatrudnienia, wynagrodzeń itp. w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że ​​zagrożenia związane ze sferą pracy i zdrowiem ludności są najbardziej agresywne i niebezpieczne dla bezpieczeństwa (o czym świadczy pandemia koronawirusa), ponieważ problemom w sferze politycznej, społecznej i gospodarczej towarzyszy utrata miejsc pracy, załamanie gospodarki i niskie płace dla ponad połowy ludności aktywnej zawodowo. Wobec niejednoznaczności i nierównomiernego rozwoju gospodarczego jednostek terytorialnych Ukrainy stwierdzono, że edukacja i wiedza to czynnik, który może prowadzić do aktywizacji innowacyjnych zmian i ograniczać negatywny wpływ zagrożeń społecznych. Dlatego najważniejszym warunkiem zrównoważonego rozwoju Ukrainy jest sformułowanie polityki społecznej, opartej na skutecznym systemie metod zapobiegania zagrożeniom i zmniejszania prawdopodobieństwa ich wystąpienia.
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