Essential oils are complex mixtures of volatile compounds obtained from plants where they play aromatic, communicative and defensive roles. They have been used for centuries in medicine, agriculture and industry due to their broad spectrum of biological activity. They exhibit antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and smooth muscle relaxant properties. Due to their lipophilicity and small molecular size, essential oil components easily penetrate biological membranes and exert therapeutic effects. Currently, research is underway on the use of essential oils for the treatment of viral infections, cancer prevention and inflammatory diseases. These agents may provide a valuable alternative to conventional therapies due to their natural origin and high tolerability. However, ensuring the appropriate quality and standardization of preparations is crucial to guarantee their efficacy and safe use. This paper provides an overview of the properties of essential oils, the methods used to obtain them, their composition, and their medical and therapeutic applications.
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Essential oils have found wide use due to their properties already observed in nature. Because of the new interest in natural products such as essential oils, despite their widespread use and familiarity as fragrances, it is important to better understand their mode of biological action for new applications in medicine, agriculture and the environment. an important goal of modern chemical physics is to gain external control over the dynamics of elementary chemical processes. Manipulating chemical transformations with external electromagnetic fields is at the heart of modular chemistry, chemical stereodynamics and quantum control of molecular dynamics. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of influence of an alternating elecromagnetic field on the structure of the electromagnetic spectrum in the visible light range of selected essential oils. The experiments conducted showed the effect of an alternating electromagnetic field on the electromagnetic spectrum of cedarwood oil. To generate significant changes in the light permeability of the suspension, for both oils, the oils must be subjected to a two-hour exposure to an electromagnetic field of 40 mT
Olejki eteryczne znalazły szerokie zastosowanie ze względu na swoje właściwości zaobserwowane już w naturze. Ze względu na nowe zainteresowanie produktami naturalnymi, takimi jak olejki eteryczne, pomimo ich szerokiego zastosowania i znajomości jako substancji zapachowych, ważne jest, aby lepiej zrozumieć ich sposób działania biologicznego dla nowych zastosowań w medycynie, rolnictwie i środowisku. ważnym celem współczesnej fizyki chemicznej jest uzyskanie zewnętrznej kontroli nad dynamiką elementarnych procesów chemicznych. Manipulowanie przemianami chemicznymi za pomocą zewnętrznych pól elektromagnetycznych stanowi sedno chemii modularnej, stereodynamiki chemicznej oraz kwantowej kontroli dynamiki molekularnej. Celem badań było określenie stopnia oddziaływania zmiennego pola elekromagnetycznego na strukturę widma elektromagnetycznego w zakresie światła widzialnego wybranych olejków eterycznych. Przeprowadzone eksperymenty wykazały wpływ zmiennego pola elektromagnetycznego na widmo elektromagnetyczne olejków z drzew cedrowego. Aby wygenerować istotne zmiany przepuszczalności świetlnej zawiesiny, w przypadku obu olejków należy poddać olejki dwugodzinnej ekspozycji pola elektromagnetycznego o natężeniu 40 mT.
The needles of the Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) (PA) are very abundant in the forest of the National Park of Tazekka (Ta-za-Morocco) and are unexploitable. Moreover, they constitute a potential danger because they facilitate the outbreak of wildfires. To solve this problem, we have considered turning these needles into a biomaterial that could be used as raw material for different uses, such as wastewater treatment. The biomaterial of the Aleppo pine is obtained from its needles which are harvested in spring, dried, cut, crushed, and sieved. The powder obtained is analyzed before and after the extraction of essential oil. The physicochemical and spectroscopic analyses show that this biomaterial is porous, hygroscopic, slightly acidic, moderately moist, and not very conducive. Its average density in the anhydrous state is 0.6. It is rich in carbon (79.91%) and oxygen (18.91%) in the form of aromatic compounds and ketone imprints; thus, relating the presence of cellulose, pectin, lignin, and hemicellulose. Its composition in mineral elements (Na, Mg, Ca, K, Cl, S) is deficient. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the oils extracted from the needle powder relates that it is a complex mixture of bioactive compounds such as mono-terpenoid α and β-pinene hydrocarbons. These results show that our biomaterial can be used as an adsorbent in wastewater treatment and the extracted essential oils can be used in the pharmacological, agro-food field.
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Currently, there is a significant increase in antibiotic resistance and associated multiresistance among microorganisms. An alternative may be the use of essential oils, which possess bactericidal properties. This paper discusses the effect of electromagnetic stimulation of a plant biologically active substance on the degree of their aseptic efficiency with respect to selected strains of Candida krusei ATCC 14243, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Paseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 278596 and Lactobacillus spp. It was found that the application of electromagnetic stimulation of essential oils affects their characteristics of antiseptic effect. Depending on the applied combination of 40 mT and 80 mT magnetic flux density and stimulation time, a progressive or regressive effect of the electromagnetic field was noted. In the case of 40 mT electromagnetic field irrespective of the stimulation time, a significant decrease in the antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil was noted.
Obecnie odnotowywany jest znaczący wzrost antybiotykoodporności oraz związanej z nią wielooporności wśród drobnoustrojów. Alternatywą może być wykorzystanie olejków eterycznych, posiadających właściwości bakteriobójcze. W artykule omówiono wpływ stymulacji elektromagnetycznej substancji biologicznie czynnej roślin na stopień ich efektywności aseptycznej w odniesieniu do wybranych szczepów Candida krusei ATCC 14243, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Paseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 278596 i Lactobacillus spp. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie stymulacji elektromagnetycznej olejków eterycznych wpływa na ich charakterystykę oddziaływania antyseptycznego. W zależności od zastosowanej kombinacji indukcji pola magnetycznego 40 mT oraz 80 mT i czasu stymulacji odnotowywano progresywne lub regresywne oddziaływanie pola elektromagnetycznego, a w przypadku oddziaływania pola elektromagnetycznego o indukcji 40 mT bez względu na czas stymulacji odnotowano znaczne zmniejszenie właściwości przeciwdrobnoustrojowych olejku z drzewa herbacianego.
This research aimed to measure the impact of provenance on the yield, chemical profile and antimicrobial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil (EO) collected from cultivated and wild plants from two different regions in Morocco (Fez and Figuig). The chemical composition analysis was accomplished utilizing the GC-MS techniques. Sixteen compounds were identified in the EO of both samples, dominated by 1,8-cineole (32.18%), camphor (16.20%) and α-pinene (15.40%) in cultivated type. The α-pinene (51.19) presents the majority compound in the rosemary samples collected from the wild populations.The antimicrobial activity was investigated by using the broth dilution methods against yeast, four bacterial strains and two molds. Rosemary aerial part provided EO with the highest yield and comes from Figuig. The GC-MS analysis demonstrated the existence of two chemotypes of oils: α-pinene as well as 1,8-cineole/camphor/α-pinene. Both EOs showed good antimicrobial activity against all microbial strains. The essential oil produced by Fez plants was the most effective against the selected microorganisms having MIC values of 0.315–2.5 mg/L.
Leather products provide an ideal environment for microbial growth. In order to prevent the appearance and spread of various types of microorganisms, it is treated with selected biocides and even essential oils. The aim of this paper was to investigate the antifungal activity of selected essential oils applied to finished chromium tanned leather which is intended for leather fancy products. Antifungal activity was evaluated according to the PN-EN 14119: 2005 standard. Four finished chromium tanned leathers were tested, each of which was soaked in the following essential oils: tea tree essential oil at a concentration of 1, 2 and 5% and thyme essential oil at concentration of 1, 2 and 5%. The results obtained indicated that leather finishing with thyme essential oil showed the antimicrobial activity against Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium globosum and Candida albicans strains. The application of 5% thyme essential oil to leather samples inhibited the growth of all strains tested. Using tea tree essential oil on leather samples showed a antimicrobial effect only against Candida albicans. The application of essential oils in the leather finishing process may be an alternative to biocides used in the tanning industry.
Composting of rose oil processing solid wastes was experimented by two different aeration methods: forced aeration and mechanical turning. The objective of this study was to assess which aeration methods were the most convenient for the composting process. Assessment of aeration methods was performed based on the parameters such as temperature, O2, CO2, CH4 concentration profiles, and physical and chemical properties of the finished composts. The two aeration methods were also compared based on the energy consumed by aeration per unit organic matter loss (OML) of composting, which is a major proportion of operating costs. Although composting performance parameters of temperature and O2/CO2 in the function of time showed some differences, similar end-product quality in terms of moisture, pH, electrical conductivity, NH+4–N and NO-3–N and contents was obtained. These results suggested that both methods (forced aeration and mechanical turning) may be utilized for composting operation of rose oil processing solid wastes. However, in this study, energy consumed by aeration provided by mechanical turning per unit OML of composting was 1.24 times higher than that of forced aeration. Furthermore, mechanical turning created anaerobic conditions for the formation of CH4 concentration in the pile, which was higher than that of the forced aeration.
Carvone is a key component of essential oils from the Anethum graveolens L. (dill) and Mentha spicata L. (mint) plants. It was obtained in pure form by preparative isolation from the Mentha spicata essential oils. It has been established that essential oils contain carvone in various optically active forms. The essential oil of dill contains d-(R)-carvone (right-rotating isomer form) with a specific rotation of the plane of polarization [α]D + 62.5 + 0.05; mint essential oil from Mentha spicata contains l-(S)-carvone (left-rotating isomer form) with a specific rotation of the plane of polarization [α]D – 63.2 + 0.05. An organoleptic analysis reliably determined the aromatic characteristics of carvone: (S)-carvone of dill essential oil has a spicy aroma of fresh dill, in turn (R)-carvone of mint essential oil from Mentha spicata – has the aroma of cumin with menthol tones. The research of the method of accelerated oxidation proved that the introduction of antioxidants in the form of optical isomers into sunflower oil leads to an increase in the concentration of fat-containing products by 2.4–3.0 times by the values of peroxide number and 1.5–1.7 times by the values of acid number, in comparison with control. Comparing the effect of carvone optical isomers among themselves by the oxidation dynamics of fat-containing products, it was found that in general their protection effect is similar. However, the leftward carvone shows a higher effect on the resistance of sunflower oil as compared with the rightward carvone. Except for the protection from oxidation, the optical isomers of carvone can have a physiological effect on a human body. Thus, the optical isomers of carvone can add certain aromas to foodstuffs, and when functional fat-containing products are created, it is possible to use both optical forms of carvone, depending on the orientation of a new functional product.
Natural antimicrobials can eliminate fungi and prevent the aging of cotton fabrics. While fungi can cause severe infections to the fabric user etc, natural antimicrobials have the advantage of not being toxic to humans. The present study showed that the essential oils of lemon (Citrus limon), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and mint (Mentha piperita) have inhibitory effects on yeast and mould spores on a piece of textile from Romanian cultural heritage, "ie", stored in a space within an ethnographic museum., inhibitory action against Botrytis sp., the inhibitory effect of lemon essential oil on Cladosporium sp. and that of peppermint essential oil on yeast species Rhododtorula mucilaginosa were demonstrated, respectively. Being environmentally friendly, these sources, can be tested on a large scale.
Naturalne środki przeciwdrobnoustrojowe mogą eliminować grzyby i zapobiegać starzeniu się tkanin bawełnianych. Chociaż grzyby mogą powodować poważne infekcje u użytkowników wyrobów, naturalne środki przeciwdrobnoustrojowe mają tę zaletę, że nie są toksyczne dla ludzi. Przeprowadzone badanie wykazało, że olejki eteryczne z cytryny (Citrus limon), lawendy (Lavandula angustifolia) i mięty (Mentha piperita) działają hamująco na zarodniki drożdży i pleśni na tkaninie z rumuńskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego, przechowywanej w przestrzeni muzeum etnograficznego. Przyjazne dla środowiska źródła mogą być rekomendowane do stosowania na dużą skalę.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is a valuable medicinal and aromatic plant. The introduction of such an ecofriendly element as presowing seeds inoculation with phosphate mobilizing microbial biopreparation into the growing technology is especially important in the cultivation of this crop. It is connected with an extensive use of fennel in the production of medicines, including the remedies for children. Under the moisture deficiency conditions of the southern Steppe of Ukraine, the study on the effectiveness of phosphate mobilizing biopreparations depending on the impact of sowing dates is particularly relevant. Our field experiments were carried out in 2017–2019 in the Kherson region on the dark chestnut soils typical for the southern Steppe of Ukraine. Presowing seeds inoculation with biopreparations of phosphate mobilizing bacteria Albobakteryn and Polimiksobakteryn positively affected the indicators of fennel productivity and yield quality. Among the microbial preparations studied, a preference for Polimiksobakteryn was recorded. The research findings indicate a tendency to lower the quantitative and qualitative indicators of fennel seed yield from early to late sowing. The most favourable conditions for the productive processes of fennel plants and accumulation of essential oil were ensured by the interaction of seeds bacterization with the Polimiksobakteryn biopreparation and early spring sowing at the right soil tilth stage in the third ten-day period of March. In this variant, the yielding capacity was 1.41 t/ha, the weight of 1000 seeds reached 5.61 g, the essential oil content in the seeds amounted to 6.13% in dry matter, the relative yield of essential oil being 76.1 kg/ha. The introduction of microbial preparations of phosphate mobilizing bacteria into the technology of fennel cultivation is a promising environmentally friendly approach to improving the crop productivity.
Promising essential oil plants from the Lamiaceae family, the raw materials of which are a source of valuable essential oil for pharmaceutical, perfume, cosmetic and food industries, pertain to the Monarda L genus. The Monarda didyma L. and Monarda fistulosa L. species were first imported to Ukraine from Europe and America in the middle of the twentieth century, and today they are successfully cultivated as decorative, spicy-aromatic and medicinal plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the morphobiological features, valuable economic and selective traits of Monarda didyma, Monarda fistulosa and Monarda × hybrida hort., developed for the arid conditions of the southern steppe of Ukraine at the Institute of Rice of the NAAS. The experimental part of the study was performed in 2016–2018 on southern sandy and medium loam black soils (chernozem) in the state enterprise (SE) “Research farm “Novokakhovske”. The experiment was conducted using field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical methods in accordance with the generally accepted methods and guidelines in Ukraine. The plants of developed varieties undergo a full cycle of development under arid conditions of the southern steppe of Ukraine and are characterised by an increased decorativeness, goodeconomic value, high drought and winter tolerance as well as the resistance to pest damage. Yield, mass fraction and content of essential oil in the aboveground mass of plants were determined. Maximal plant height (120 cm), yield of aboveground mass (18 t/ha), concentration of essential oil (0.8% of crude mass) and thymol content (78.3%) are typical of the variety of Monarda fistulosa, Premiera. The variety of Monarda fistulosa, Fortuna, and variety of Monarda × hybrida hort., Tonya, were inferior to Premiera in all of the above-mentioned indicators but demonstrated increased decorativeness and greater resistance to the fungi causing powdery mildew (Erysiphe monardae, Golovinomyces biocellatus). Therefore, they can be recommended for region-wide cultivation in the agricultural enterprises of the southern steppe of Ukraine as promising essential oil, spice-aromatic and decorative crops. The yield of essential oil from raw materials of Monarda didyma variety, Nizhnist, was lower by 32.9% and 26.8%, while its concentration was lower by 37.5% and 28.6%, compared to the Monarda fistulosa varieties Premiera and Fortuna, respectively.
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Plants have been used for their aromatic and medicinal purposes for centuries. The genus Pelargonium contains about 250-280 species and cultivated around the world for the production of essential oils and absolutes. Pelargonium species are remarkable for their odour diversity, from fresh, lemon and minty scent, through floral, rose, fruity up to spicy and camphoreous smell as well as many health beneficial properties, that is why their essential oils are widely used in perfume, cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries. The aim of this study was to determine variability in populations of Pelargonium genus by evaluating their differences in quantitative and qualitative essential oils compositions. This study determined that of all the examined essential oil, the one of P. graveolens indoor cultivar has the closest C:G ratio (1.16) which makes it a very valuable product. In comparison with available literature, beside the geographical region of plant growth, all essential oils from P. graveolens contain a diverse range of compounds, nevertheless, in every single one, geraniol and citronellol are present in the most significant fraction of the total oil. The examined P. roseum essential oil was characterized by the highest level of citronellol (44.62 % of total oil), but it can be due to the chemical reactions (conversion geraniol into citronellol) occurring in stored product.
Evaluation of fungistatic properties of selected essential oils obtained from plants from the Lamiaceae spp. The paper presents the results of research on fungistatic properties of selected essential oils from plants from the Lamiaceae spp. against the fungus Coniophora puteana. The influence of solutions of essential oils has been analyzed: mint, rosemary and thyme on the growth was analyzed. It has been shown that essential oils have fungistatic properties.
Ocena właściwości fungistatycznych wybranych olejków eterycznych pozyskanych z roślin z rodziny Lamiaceae. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości fungistatycznych wybranych olejków eterycznych roślin z rodziny Lamiaceae wobec grzyba Coniophora puteana. Przeanalizowano wpływ roztworów olejków eterycznych: miętowego, rozmarynowego oraz tymiankowego na wzrost grzybni. Wykazano, że olejki eteryczne posiadają właściwości fungistatyczne.
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The essential oils isolated by hydrodistillation from Thymus pallescens de Noé dried leaves exposed to γ-irradiation at dose levels of 0, 5, 10, 20, and 30 kGy were analyzed by gas chromatography–flame ionization detector (GC–FID) and GC–mass spectrometry (MS) and tested for their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and insecticidal activities. No qualitative change was observed in the chemical composition. Carvacrol (81.8–85.7%) was the most prominent component. Gamma-irradiation at 20 kGy affects quantitatively some components. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by four different test systems, namely, inhibition of lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substance, TBARS), ferric reducing power, and scavenging of radicals DPPH• and ABTS•+. In all systems, irradiated oils at 20 and/or 30 kGy showed the most antioxidant efficiency. Overall, the antimicrobial activity conducted against seven microorganisms revealed no significant changes according to the radiation dose. Fumigation bioassays and contact method against confused flour beetle Tribolium confusum revealed that the oil irradiated at 20 kGy had highest insecticidal activity. The results showed that gamma-irradiation of T. pallescens could be not only beneficial safe decontamination perspective but also as an improvement factor of some of its properties.
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of microencapsulated essential oils (EO) of peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.) and caraway (Carum carvi L.) on the initial growth and metabolism of maize (Zea mays L.). Four concentrations EO of caraway and peppermint, i.e. 3, 30, 300 and 3000 mg·L-1, were used. The influence of EO on the energy of germination of seeds, germination coefficient, biometry of seedlings, infection of seedlings by blight, activity of amylases in seeds, electrolyte leakage and efficiency of photosystem II were assessed. The results of an experiment showed that EO only in the highest concentrations have an inhibitory effect on the initial growth of maize. Concentrations in the range of 3-300 mg·L-1 do not limit the growth of maize seedlings. The EO in the lowest concentrations have a limiting effect on the pathogenesis of seedling blight caused by microorganisms of the natural seed microbiome. Based on the results, it can be concluded that peppermint and caraway EO have potential as a natural herbicide in the maize protection.
Celem badań było określenie wpływu mikrokapsułkowanych olejków eterycznych (EO) z mięty (Mentha × piperita L.) i kminku (Carum carvi L.) na początkowy wzrost i metabolizm kukurydzy (Zea mays L.). W doświadczeniu wykorzystano cztery stężenia olejku miętowego i kminkowego, tj. 3, 30, 300 i 3000 mg·L-1. Oceniono wpływ EO na energię kiełkowania nasion, współczynnik kiełkowania, biometrię siewek, porażenie zgorzelą siewek, analizę aktywności amylaz w nasionach, wyciek elektrolitów i wydajność fotosystemu II. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników stwierdzono, że EO tylko w najwyższych stężeniach mają hamujący wpływ na początkowy wzrost kukurydzy. Stężenia w zakresie 3-300 mg·L-1 nie ograniczają wzrostu siewek kukurydzy. EO w najniższych stężeniach mają działanie ograniczające patogenezę zgorzeli siewek wywołanej przez mikroorganizmy naturalnego mikrobiomu nasion. Podsumowując, należy stwierdzić, że kukurydza wykazuje mniejszą wrażliwość na zastosowane EO niż chwasty. W związku z tym EO z mięty i kminku mają potencjał jako naturalne herbicydy w ochronie kukurydzy.
Liquidambar orientalis have been used widely for traditional medicine in Anatolia, especially for wounding injuries. Chemical composition of 17 essential oil of Liquidambar orientalis leaves from different locations were studied using GC-FID. Similarity and the differences of the samples were determined depending on major component contents using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) by MATLAB. 11 major essential oil in the samples were identified namely; α-Pinene, β-pinene, thujone-α, terpinolene, α-terpinene, γ-terpinene, 2-carene, terpinen-4-ol, α-terpineol, β-caryophyllene and germacrene-D, respectively. Locations and seasonal changes discriminated the Liquidambar orientalis samples from each other.
Liquidambar orientalis były szeroko stosowane w medycynie tradycyjnej w Anatolii, szczególnie w przypadku ran zranienia. Skład chemiczny 17 olejków eterycznych z liści Liquidambar orientalis z różnych lokalizacji zbadano za pomocą GC-FID. Podobieństwo i różnice w próbkach określano w zależności od głównych składników przy użyciu Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) firmy MATLAB. Zidentyfikowano 11 głównych olejków eterycznych w próbkach, mianowicie; α-Pinen, β-pinen, tujone-α, terpinolen, α-terpinen, γ-terpinen, 2-carene, terpinen-4-ol, α-terpineol, β-kariofylen i germacren-D, odpowiednio. Lokalizacje i zmiany sezonowe odróżniały próbki Liquidambar orientalis od siebie nawzajem.
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita (L.) Rauschert) belongs to the plants with a high tolerance to toxic elements. The ability of chamomile to accumulate risk elements was tested in a pot experiment in which four soils contaminated by different levels of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn), differing in their physicochemical parameters, were used. The element mobility in the soils was affected predominantly by the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soils. Whereas As, Pb, and Zn were retained in roots, Cd showed good ability to translocate to the shoots, including anthodia, even in extremely Cd-contaminated soil without symptoms of phytotoxicity. The bioaccumulation factor for Cd calculated as the ratio of element content in the plant and the soil was the highest among the investigated elements. Between 5.5 and 35% of the total Cd was released to infusion, and its extractability decreased with increasing Cd content in anthodia. The essential oil composition suggested an alteration of the abundance of the individual compounds. However, no detectable contents of risk elements were found in the oil. Chamomile can be recommended as a suitable alternative crop for risk element-contaminated soils tested within this experiment, but only for production of essential oil.
Recurrent caries is an omnipresent problem in dental practice. More than half of all restorations need replacement in 10 years time. Upon tooth preparation, dentine is more susceptible to microorganism colonization. Hence antibacterial properties in novel composite materials are crucial issue. Such substances as essential oils may set an alternative compound for antibacterial compounds used in materials available on the market. Essential oils are concentrated hydrophobic liquids, that contain volatile aroma compounds. These compounds, especially terpenes, present antibacterial activity to caries-related microorganisms. The antibacterial effectiveness of several essential oils has been already scientifically proven. For instance, cinnamon oil thanks to its properties is often used in medicine. The essential oil derived from its bark consists of trans-cinnamaldehyde which has antimicrobial effects against plant pathogens, food poisoning, fungi and spoilage bacteria. The aim of the study was to evaluate mechanical properties of commercial composite, modified with essential oil. In the study SDR composite (Dentsply) was modified by adding cinnamon essential oil (Dr Beta, Poland). The material of 2 g was mixed with 1 μl, 2 μl and 5 μl of cinammon oil until homogenous structure was obtained (group I, II and III). Control sample group comprised specimens of SDR material without modification. Mechanical properties were tested by diametral tensile strength test, three-point bending test and Vicker’s hardness. Results showed that modified material gained lower mean values in DTS and HV1 tests for all groups in comparison to control sample group. However, mean TPF values for group I were higher when compared to control sample group. Mechanical properties of experimental material may be accepted from clinical point of view when used as temporary fillings for instance in paedodontics.
Próchnica wtórna to nadal aktualny problem w codziennej praktyce stomatologicznej. Więcej niż połowa wypełnień ulega degradacji w okresie 10 lat, dlatego właściwości przeciwbakteryjne w nowoczesnych materiałach kompozytowych są niezwykle istotne. Celem pracy była ocena właściwości mechanicznych materiałów kompozytowych zmodyfikowanych przez wprowadzenie olejku eterycznego.
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Badano przeciwdrobnoustrojowe działanie olejków eterycznych i ich głównych składników w stosunku do bakteryjnego szczepu Paenibacillus larvae oraz grzybowego szczepu Ascosphaera apis jako alternatywy dla syntetycznych antybiotyków i środków grzybobójczych stosowanych w leczeniu zgnilca amerykańskiego i grzybicy wapiennej u pszczół. Spośród 11 olejków eterycznych największą aktywność bakteriobójczą i grzybobójczą w stosunku do szczepów testowych wykazywały olejki: tymiankowy, manuka, cynamonowy oraz goździkowy. Dla olejków eterycznych o największej aktywności przeciwdrobnoustrojowej wykonano analizę GC-MS. Ponadto dla głównych składników olejków określono wartości minimalnego stężenia hamującego w celu wytypowania komponentów o największej aktywności.
Eleven oil-contg. solns. (concns. 2.5–10 mg/mL) were deposited sep. on bacterial strain Paenibacillus larvae and fungal strain Ascosphaera apis-contg. agar substrates. The thyme, manuka, cinnamon and clove oils showed the highest bactericidal and fungicidal activity. The most effective oils were analyzed by liq. chromatog. coupled with a mass spectrometry to det. the min. inhibitor concns. inhibiting the development of diseases.
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Przedstawiono wyniki doświadczalnych badań folii otrzymanych z polilaktydu (PLA) oraz polietylenu małej gęstości PE-LD (low-density polyethylene) otrzymywanych metodą wylewania (cast) zawierających w swoim składzie olejek eteryczny z aldehydem cynamonowym (CEO) oraz kompleksy z β-cyklodekstryną (β-CD). Olejek eteryczny w obu postaciach dodawano w celu nadania foliom właściwości antymikrobiologicznych. Stwierdzono, że dodatek 5% CEO oraz 5% kompleksów β-CD/CEO nie wpływa znacząco na jakość mechaniczną folii. Otrzymane folie PE-LD z dodatkiem CEO hamują wzrost bakterii Gram-dodatnich (S. aureus) i Gram-ujemnych (E. coli) o odpowiednio 99,99% oraz 99,81% w porównaniu z czystą folią. Dodatek kompleksów β-CD/CEO hamuje wzrost obu referencyjnych bakterii o 99,99%. Badania folii PLA z CEO wykazały działanie antymikrobiologiczne tylko dla bakterii Gram-dodatnich (S. aureus). Liczba drobnoustrojów zmniejszyła się o 96,45%.
Cinnamic aldehyde and its complex with β-cyclodextrin were added (5%) to the title films, tested then for mech. and antimicrobial properties. The tests did not show any significant deterioration of the mech. properties of the modified films. Cinnamic aldehyde-doped PE-LD films inhibited the growth of both Gram-pos. bacteria (S. aureus) and Gram-neg. bacteria (E. coli) by 99.99% and 99.81%. resp., whereas β-cyclodextrin complex-doped films by 99.99% for both strains. The PLA films inhibited only the growth of Gram-pos. bacteria (S. aureus) by 96.45%.
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