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Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present the possibilities of creating a personal brand image in social media. Design/methodology/approach: The research analyzed literature materials on the development of social media and its use in personal branding. Compilations and reports covering users' online activity were analyzed. Findings: Social media is becoming a tool for thoughtful personal branding, as well as proper two-way communication. Through the actions taken to create on Instagram, you can build an audience that will actively contribute to the development of your personal brand. Research limitations/implications: Future research may be related to the creation of mentoring programs in the area under study. Practical implications: The results of the survey can be used as input for designing training programs in the study area. Social implications: Social media marketing means promotion conducted through a variety of means. This forces those who want to create a strong personal brand to be dynamically flexible and look for solutions that can optimize promotional and communication processes online. Originality/value: This article is mainly addressed to those creating their personal brand on Instagram, who want to implement and improve their branding strategy.
Your goal must be to get everything without destroying anything. Sun Zi Purpose: in the cognitive space, the article focuses on the issue of dynamically growing social awareness of the impact of hard coal on climate change - which determines the need to implement a strategy to abandon this raw material. The authors of the article also point out that in connection with this process - as the world strives for sustainable and more ecological development - the transformation of the hard coal mining sector becomes an inevitable challenge. Methodology: the theses presented in the article were verified using the following methods: literature review, critical analysis of literature, analysis and comparison of documents and an example of good practices. Resultat: properly managing the transformation of the hard coal mining sector is key to ensuring that it delivers long-term social and economic benefits - while minimizing the negative impact of the transformation on mining communities and workers in the hard coal mining sector. Therefore, a holistic approach is important in this space, taking into account the ecological, economic, political and social context of transformation. Originality: the transformation of mining is necessary due to the sustainable development goals, environmental protection and the fight against climate change. It is also a political challenge that requires well-thought-out investments, policies and regulations to minimize the negative socio-economic effects of the transformation and to use the development potential of the transformed areas in all their dimensions.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the extent of Lean Management implementation in Polish manufacturing enterprises that declare the adoption of the lean philosophy. The study also aimed to identify areas for further development and provide practical recommendations for companies seeking to enhance their Lean Management practices. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative approach was employed, utilizing a survey of Polish manufacturing enterprises to assess the degree of implementation of Lean Management principles in key areas such as customer relationships, supplier relationships, employee engagement, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), and pull/flow processes. The comprehensive survey covered a wide range of Lean Management practices and was administered online to a sample of Polish manufacturing enterprises. Data from the survey was analyzed using a variety of statistical techniques, including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The data was used to identify patterns and trends in Lean implementation practices. Findings: The results of the study indicated that Lean Management practices are relatively well-established in Polish manufacturing enterprises in each of the assessed areas. However, significant differences were observed between areas, with the highest levels of implementation observed in customer relationships and employee engagement, and the lowest in supplier relationships and pull/flow processes. Research limitations/implications: The primary limitations of the study lie in its reliance on self-assessment data and the potential bias of respondents. Additionally, the generalization of results is limited to a specific sample of Polish manufacturing enterprises. Nevertheless, the study provides valuable insights into the current state of Lean Management implementation in Poland and identifies areas for further development. Practical implications: The study suggests that Polish manufacturing enterprises should prioritize the continued implementation of lean practices in the areas of supplier relationships and pull/flow processes. This requires coordinated efforts to strengthen supplier relationships, optimize supply chain management, and implement lean production principles to eliminate waste and enhance efficiency. Originality/value: The study contributes to existing knowledge on Lean Management implementation by providing a comprehensive assessment of its current state in Polish manufacturing enterprises. The findings offer practical guidance for companies seeking ways to improve their Lean Management practices and derive associated benefits.
Content available Energy policy of the EU in Central Asia
Sufficient national fossil resources and an independent water supply system are indispensable elements of the security structure of any state. Energy independence, as a factor in determining self-sufficiency, is now a basic requirement for countries or regions wishing to develop independently and freely. The purpose of this research is to identify the specifics of the European energy strategy in the Central Asian region by considering the basic areas of cooperation between the parties in this sector of the economy. This research paper has been prepared primarily using the following methods: historical, statistical, prognostic, synthesis, comparison and system analysis methods. The research delves into the intricate dynamics of foreign policy activities of European Union mem bers concerning energy resources, particularly in a historical context. Analyzing the collaboration between Brussels and Central Asian nations, both positive and adverse facets of this alliance in the energy domain have been pinpointed. Special attention is paid to the relationship between the European Union and the Republic of Kazakhstan, emphasizing its role within the broader security framework of the region and the continent. The study offers practical recommendations for enhan cing state energy strategies and fostering productive bilateral and multilateral energy partnerships. The results and conclusions of the presented work can be used as a foundation for the development of practical recommendations to establish and improve the energy strategies of the states, and for planning bilateral and multilateral mutually beneficial cooperation in the energy sector.
Wystarczające krajowe zasoby kopalne i niezależny system zaopatrzenia w wodę są niezbędnymi ele mentami struktury bezpieczeństwa każdego państwa. Niezależność energetyczna, jako czynnik determi nujący samowystarczalność, jest obecnie podstawową okolicznością dla krajów lub regionów pragnących rozwijać się niezależnie i swobodnie. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest identyfikacja specyfiki europejskiej strategii energetycznej w regionie Azji Centralnej poprzez uwzględnienie podstawowych obszarów współ pracy pomiędzy stronami w tym sektorze gospodarki. Niniejsza praca badawcza została przygotowana głównie przy użyciu następujących metod: historycznej, statystycznej, prognostycznej, syntezy, porówna nia i analizy systemowej. Badanie zagłębia się w zawiłą dynamikę działań polityki zagranicznej członków Unii Europejskiej w zakresie surowców energetycznych, szczególnie w kontekście historycznym. Anali zując współpracę między Brukselą a krajami Azji Środkowej, wskazano zarówno pozytywne, jak i nega tywne aspekty tego sojuszu w dziedzinie energii. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono relacjom między Unią a Republiką Kazachstanu, podkreślając ich rolę w szerszych ramach bezpieczeństwa regionu i kontynen tu. Studium oferuje praktyczne zalecenia dotyczące wzmocnienia państwowych strategii energetycznych i wspierania produktywnych dwustronnych i wielostronnych partnerstw energetycznych. Wyniki i wnioski z przedstawionej pracy mogą być wykorzystane jako podstawa do opracowania praktycznych zaleceń do tyczących ustanowienia i ulepszenia strategii energetycznych państw oraz planowania dwustronnej i wie lostronnej wzajemnie korzystnej współpracy w sektorze energetycznym.
This work focused on the analysis of various gene expression-based cancer subtype classification approaches. Correctly classifying cancer subtypes is critical for understanding cancer pathophysiology and effectively treating cancer patients by using gene expression data to categorize cancer subtypes. When dealing with limited samples and high-dimensional biological data, most classifiers may suffer from overfitting and lower precision. The goal of this research is to develop a machine learning (ML) system capable of classifying human cancer subtypes based on gene expression data in cancer cells. These issues can be solved using ML algorithms such as Transductive Support Vector Machines (TSVM), Boosting Cascade Deep Forest (BCD Forest), Enhanced Neural Network Classifier (ENNC), Deep Flexible Neural Forest (DFN Forest), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and Cascade Flexible Neural Forest (CFN Forest). In inferring the benefits and rawbacks of these strategies, such as DFN Forest and CFN Forest, the findings are 95%.
The research discusses the issue of reconstruction after wars. The paper presents theoretical ideas about reconstruction after wars, including but not limited to the impact of wars on the urban environment, the reconstruction strategies and trends in architecture after wars, the principles of reconstruction of the physical structure of buildings, and urban sustainability in post-war reconstruction operations. The concepts are illustrated through case studies of post-war city reconstruction experiences, such as the Baba Amr – Al Sultanyia – Gouber neighbourhood, which could constitute an introduction and a model for presenting a future vision of reconstructing destroyed areas in Syria.
Niniejsza praca porusza problematykę odbudowy po wojnach. W artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne koncepcje dotyczące odbudowy powojennej, m.in.: wpływ wojen na środowisko miejskie, strategie i tendencje odbudowy po wojnach w architekturze, zasady odbudowy konstrukcji budynków, zrównoważony rozwój miast w okresie powojennym. Koncepcje zilustrowano studiami przypadków powojennej odbudowy miast, takich jak np. dzielnica Baba Amr – Al-Sultanyia – Gouber, która może stanowić modelowy przykład przyszłej wizji odbudowy zniszczonych obszarów w Syrii.
Procesy globalizacyjne skutkujące przenoszeniem fabryk do innych krajów wymagają od firm zachowania spójności zarówno w zakresie elementów widocznych dla klientów (jakość, marka, produkt), jak i niewidocznych (struktura, kultura organizacyjna, metody zarządzania). Przedmiotem artykułu jest ten drugi, niewidoczny dla klienta obszar. Autor poddał analizie dwie podstawowe strategie interkulturowe stosowane przez firmy: dywergencję i konwergencję. Dywergencja odbierana jako stawiająca na różnorodność i zorientowana na ludzi wydaje się współcześnie wyborem bardziej oczywistym. Presja interesariuszy zmusza jednak firmy do ujednolicania i standaryzowania, co w powszechnej percepcji kojarzy się ze złymi korporacyjnymi praktykami. Konwergencja, jeśli jest stosowana nieumiejętnie, jak pokazują przytoczone w artykule przykłady, prowadzi do kulturowych konfliktów i w konsekwencji zagraża interesom przedsiębiorstwa. Umiejętne łączenie obu tych podejść staje się najważniejszym zadaniem dla menedżerów w międzynarodowych firmach. Autor na podstawie wniosków z własnych badań wyróżnił pięć kluczowych czynników wpływających na przenikanie się dywergencji i konwergencji oraz ich nasilenie.
Globalization processes, resulting in the relocation of enterprises to other countries require companies to maintain consistency in both: elements visible to the customer (such as quality, brand, product etc.) and those invisible (structure, organizational culture, management methods). The subject of the article is that invisible aspect. The author has analyzed two basic strategies used by companies: divergence and convergence, taking into account their possible advantages and disadvantages. Divergence, perceived as focused on diversity, seems to be the more obvious choice nowadays. Pressure from stakeholders, however, forces companies to unify and standardize, which is commonly associated with bad corporate practices. Convergence, if used incompetently, as the examples cited in the article show, leads to cultural clashes and, consequently, threatens the interest of the company. Skillful use of the combination of both approaches, becomes the most important task for managers in international companies. The author, based on his research, has identified five key factors influencing the interpenetration of divergence and convergence and their intensity.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to analyze trends and evaluate the role of social media in the public relations strategy of major cities of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province. Selected aspects of the activities of Polish cities in social media (public relations, image activity, and the strategy of entities responsible for city communication on the Internet) were analyzed. Design/methodology/approach: The research analyzed literature on the development of social media and its use by Polish cities. Compilations and reports covering users' online activity were analyzed. A survey was conducted by means of a Google questionnaire on groups associating residents of 3 cities in Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship. Findings: Social media is becoming a tool for thoughtful creation and strengthening of the city's brand, as well as proper two-way communication. Thanks to the activities undertaken as part of agglomeration marketing, residents present in the virtual space should become true fans identifying with their place of residence, and through this, ambassadors of the place. Research limitations/implications: Future research may be related to the creation of mentoring programs in the area under study. Practical implications: The results of the survey can be used as input for designing training programs in the study area. Social implications: Social media marketing means promotion conducted through a variety of means. This forces city managers to be dynamically flexible and look for solutions that can optimize promotional and communication processes online. The challenge facing the management of such communications is not only to encourage people to look at these profiles more often, but also to increase interactivity. Originality/value: This article is mainly addressed to city managers who want to implement and improve the image strategy of the metropolis.
Współczesne zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa coraz częściej koncentruje się na zwalczaniu nowych wielopłaszczyznowych, powiązanych ze sobą i transnarodowych zagrożeń. Aby chronić takie wartości jak: wolność, sprawiedliwość i bezpieczeństwo konieczna jest skuteczna międzynarodowa reakcja z wykorzystaniem kompleksowego i nowatorskiego zestawu instrumentów o chrakterze prawnym, organizacyjnym i technologicznym. Bezpieczeństwo stanowi bowiem priorytetowe wyzwanie, które można osiągnąć przede wszystkim za pomocą specyficznych metod wymagających coraz bardziej ambitnego, skoordynowanego i holistycznego podejścia. Szczególną rolę w tym obszarze wypełnia Międzynarodowa Organizacja Policji Kryminalnej - Interpol będąca istotnym wspierciem dla organów ścigania oraz wymiaru sprawiedliwości w kontekście bezprecedensowych, narastających globalnych zagrożeń.
Contemporary security assurance is more and more common on combating new multi-faceted, interconnected and transnational threats. To protect such values as: control, safety and security is effective in the operation of the reaction using a comprehensive and special set of instruments with detailed, organizational and detailed characteristics. Safety is a standard priority that can be addressed primarily with the help of additional methods that are of an increasingly ambitious, coordinated and holistic standard. In this respect, they are part of the International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol, which is engaged in cooperation with law enforcement and the judiciary in the context of unprecedented, growing global criteria.
A compact electric vehicle was simulated utilizing the Advanced Vehicle Simulator (ADVISOR), a MATLAB/Simulink-based program. The primary power source for the vehicle was a 200W small Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell, complemented by AA-type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries serving as backup energy sources. Each NiMH battery had a voltage of 1.2V and a capacity of 1.9Ah. The performance of both the PEM fuel cell and the NiMH batteries was evaluated using an electronic load to meet the power requirements of the hybrid vehicle. The hybrid vehicle operated in three distinct modes: Starting Mode, Accelerating Mode, and Steady Mode, each with its specific configurations. Simulation results revealed that the batteries successfully initiated the drivetrain in the Starting Mode, while the fuel cell provided support during the Accelerating Mode. InSteady Mode, as the battery state of charge decreased, the PEM fuel cell seamlessly supported the battery andpowered the load simultaneously. Various matching schemes were analyzed to meet thedynamic performance requirements of the vehicle and achieve theoptimal synergy between the fuel cell and NiMH battery. The study aimed to identify the most effective configuration to ensure efficient energy management and dynamic performance in different operational modes of the hybrid vehicle.
W artykule, napisanym w duchu teorii realistycznej, skupiono uwagę na trzech podstawowych pojęciach - doktrynie, strategii i polityce, ujętych w kontekście teorii polityki i zarządzania organizacją. Doktryna jako zbiór zasad i wartości jest podstawą do formułowania strategii, ta zaś jest konkretnym planem działania, ukierunkowanym na osiągnięcie celów politycznych. Przez politykę natomiast należy rozumieć proces, w którym są podejmowane decyzje mające wpływ na codzienne funkcjonowanie człowieka. W artykule przeanalizowano wzajemne oddziaływanie tych pojęć i ich wpływ na zarządzanie organizacją. Autor identyfikuje powiązania między doktryną a strategią, strategią a polityką oraz doktryną a polityką, by wykazać, w jaki sposób podejście doktrynalne kształtuje działania strategiczne i jak podejście strategiczne wpływa na doktrynę, która z kolei determinuje decyzje polityczne i skuteczność zarządzania. Badanie ma na celu nie tylko dostarczenie teoretycznych definicji tych pojęć, lecz także wyciągnięcie praktycznych wniosków z ich zastosowania.
The article focuses attention on three basic concepts - doctrine, strategy and policy, framed in the context of policy theory and organizational management. Doctrine, as a set of principles and values, is the basis for the formulation of strategy, which in turn is a specific plan of action aimed at achieving policy goals. Politics, on the other hand, should be understood as the process by which decisions that affect people’s daily functioning are made. The article examines the interplay of these concepts and their impact on organizational management. The author identifies the links between doctrine and strategy, strategy and policy, and doctrine and policy to show how doctrinal approach shapes strategic actions and how strategic approach influences doctrine, which in turn determines policy decisions and management effectiveness. The study aims not only to provide theoretical definitions of these concepts, but also to draw practical conclusions from their application.
This essay delves into the concept of Theory Y, one of the hallmark relationship management principles of the 20th century introduced by Douglas McGregor in his influential book "The Human Side of Enterprise" (1960). Theory Y assumes that employees are self-motivated, seek responsibility, and do not dislike work. The essay explores the advantages and disadvantages of Theory Y, highlighting its potential in nurturing creativity and maintaining employee satisfaction, but also addressing its limitations in certain situations. It examines successful examples of Theory Y implementation in companies like Facebook and Google, as well as the potential drawbacks such as freedom abuse and lack of organizational control. Additionally, the essay discusses the relationship between Theory Y and its counterpart, Theory X, which represents a more traditional, directive management style. By examining both theories, the essay emphasizes the importance of carefully considering and adapting management approaches based on the specific context and needs of an organization.
Under the influence of the 4th industrial revolution and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, digital transformation is rapidly taking place in all aspects of society. For businesses, digital transformation is an essential and objective trend for their sustainability and development. The purpose of digital transformation for businesses is to enhance operational efficiency through factors such as accelerating market speed, gaining competitive advantage, driving revenue growth, increasing labor productivity, and expanding customer attraction and retention. Numerous studies have indicated that the process of digital transformation in businesses is influenced by leadership and digital transformation strategies, and digital transformation has an impact on business performance. This study aims to identify the relationship between digital leadership and the operational efficiency of coal mining companies in Vietnam, with the mediating role of digital transformation strategies. Additionally, the study examines the moderating role of digital skills on the relationship between digital transformation strategies and the operational efficiency of the organizations. The research surveyed 111 employees and workers currently working in coal mining companies in Vietnam. Through analysis and hypothesis testing, the results showed that digital leadership does not have a direct impact on coal companies’ operational efficiency. However, it indirectly affects business performance through the mediating role of digital transformation strategies. The study's findings also revealed that the digital skills of employees play a moderating role in enhancing the relationship between digital transformation strategies and the operational efficiency of the organization.
The “Construction 2025” is a United Kingdom (UK) Government Strategy introduced in 2013 to improve the construction industry in the United Kingdom by meeting outlined performance targets by 2025. However, with only a few years left to reach the targets, it is unclear how much industry is advancing to meet them. This paper reviews the progress to achieve the Strategy targets. The data collected from 96 UK construction professionals was utilised to assess the key barriers to achieving the UK “Construction 2025” Strategy targets. Results indicate that industry professionals are uncertain about reaching the reduction in overall cost and time targets by 2025. However, they are more positive about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the trade gap. In terms of the key barriers, the results revealed a reluctance to adopt change, lack of implementation of new technology, fragmentation in the industry, and failure to adopt modern construction methods as the key barriers to the Strategy targets. The research is the first attempt at a comprehensive assessment of the progress and barriers to the UK “Construction 2025” Strategy. The results reinforce the call for government initiatives to transform the industry.
Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa funkcjonowania systemu energetycznego w Polsce w okresie najbliższych kilkunastu lat wymaga utrzymania w systemie pewnej liczby jednostek węglowych, dla których z kolei wymagane jest opracowanie strategii ich dalszej pracy w warunkach zwiększonej elastyczności. W artykule przedstawiono przykłady niezbędnych działań, które powinny pozwolić na prowadzenie dalszej eksploatacji przy równoczesnym zachowaniu odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa.
Ensuring the safe operation of the energy system in Poland over the next dozen years requires maintaining a certain number of coal units in the system, for which, in turn, it is necessary to develop a strategy for their further operation in conditions of increased flexibility. The article presents examples of necessary actions that should allow further operation while maintaining an appropriate level of safety.
The article explores Russian engagement in cyberspace during the conflict with Ukraine. Many experts have been surprised not only by the lack of coordination between offensive military operations in cyberspace and other domains, but also by the absence of significant cyberattacks. The central argument revolves around the perceived inadequacy of Russian capabilities. However, the authors contend that such an assessment is flawed and stems from the imposition of Western expectations onto a non-Western actor. They argue that the Russians’ employment of cyberspace not only aligns with their strategic culture but also represents a continuation of their utilisation of cyber as a tool for disinformation, which was previously observed during the war with Georgia in 2008 and the initial phase of the conflict with Ukraine in 2014. The aim of the article is threefold. Firstly, it discusses the Western strategic discourse regarding the potential use of cyberspace in warfare. In contrast to the position of Western experts, the second part of the article presents the Russian approach. The third section describes how the application of Russian cyber warfare concepts has played out in practice during the conflict in Ukraine.
The article considers the problems of the energy industry in Ukraine, the causes and consequences of crisis phenomena, due to the influence of an unstable external socio-economic and political environment and imperfect decisions regarding reform and prospects for the development of the industry. Special attention was paid to the analysis of electricity, as one of the most important components of the energy industry in Ukraine. The models and forecasts developed in this work are based on the study of time series data for the main indicators of the electric power industry and can be applied in the development of individual elements of the new Energy Strategy of Ukraine in the conditions of an unstable external socio-economic and political environment in Ukraine.
Artykuł analizuje problemy energetyki na Ukrainie, przyczyny i skutki zjawisk kryzysowych, wywołanych wpływem niestabilnego zewnętrznego otoczenia społeczno-gospodarczego i politycznego oraz niedoskonałych decyzji, dotyczących reformy i perspektyw rozwoju branży. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na analizę energii elektrycznej, jako jednego z najważniejszych źródeł energetyki na Ukrainie. Modele i prognozy opracowane w tej pracy opierają się na badaniu danych szeregów czasowych dla głównych wskaźników elektroenergetyki i mogą być zastosowane w opracowaniu poszczególnych elementów nowej Strategii Energetycznej Ukrainy, w warunkach niestabilnej sytuacji zewnętrznej środowiska społeczno-gospodarczego i politycznego na Ukrainie.
Purpose: The aim of the work is to present the concept of an application that enables people from various industries to establish contacts in the process of architectural design. Design/methodology/approach: The best solution to the problem would be to develop and design application and implement it on Android devices. Findings: Different types of business models will be compared with their effectiveness and popularity. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of different strategies will be reviewed. Research limitations/implications: The work focuses on presenting the concept of an application that facilitates establishing contacts between representatives of architecture industries. Practical implications: This is an important issue for future users as it allows for product improvement. Originality/value: The application can be a preliminary step to developing a conflict management strategy.
Purpose: The paper aims to show the application of the Balanced Scorecard in a mining services company as a tool enabling the implementation of the company's strategy. Design/methodology/approach: The aim of the paper will be achieved through web/desk research, critical analysis of literature on the topic of the paper and case study. Findings: The article contains a literature study of the Balanced Scorecard and indicates how important the development and implementation of the strategy is in the activities of mining services companies. The process of developing the strategy and its implementation is shown on the example of a mining services company (Polish abbreviation p.u.g.), existing on the mining industry market for more than twenty years, employing from 300 to 500 employees, depending on the situation in the market, with a defined mission and vision. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was used as a tool for translating the company's strategy into its operations. The strategic objectives and their measures, as well as the conditions for adopting BSC into the operations of a mining services company, are presented. Originality/value: The example of the application of the Balanced Scorecard in the selected mining services company presented in the article may serve as an example for other mining companies.
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