The aim of this study was to recognise the expectations of consumers towards isotonic drinks, which was made possible due to the study conducted employing an online survey method. The study group consisted of 162 students. The majority of the consumers surveyed did not consume isotonic drinks, and a large proportion of the drinkers consumed them only occasionally. However, a significant number of students were willing to pay a high price for them, in comparison to the low price of other drinks commonly found on the market. Although fruit flavours were identified as the most preferred flavours of potential beverages, consumers were also interested in new flavours such as tea, herbal, honey and nut. Depending on their declared gender and year of study, respondents indicated different packaging preferences. Interest in purchasing beverages based on natural ingredients and colourants was observed among the students.
Badania oceniające trwałość żywności, nazywaną często cyklem życia produktu czy okresem przydatności do spożycia (shelf life), są obecnie niewystarczająco wykorzystywane przez producentów. Znajomość rodzajów badań przechowalniczych (standardowych, przyspieszonych, PAO, NHDD, obciążeniowych) oraz umiejętność prawidłowego ich doboru we współpracy z laboratorium eksperckim umożliwiają uzyskanie silnej pozycji na rynku, a także optymalizację kosztów takich badań. Dzięki właściwym badaniom przechowalniczym producent zyskuje wiedzę o swoim produkcie, którą może skutecznie wykorzystać do tworzenia w procesie projektowania nowych produktow czy modyfikacji już wytwarzanych przy zapewnieniu ich bezpieczeństwa i oczekiwanej przez konsumentów jakości.
Studies evaluating the durability of food, being often called a shelf-life of the product are currently underused by manufacturers who have entered into an era of new challenges related to consumer expectations on low-processed food, as most natural (clean label) with high nutritional value. Knowledge of all available types of shelf life studies (standard, accelerated, PAO, NHDD, challenge tests) and the ability to select them correctly for purpose which must be obtained in collaboration with professional expert laboratory - in this field is the key to success to build a strong market position and optimize cost of this project. Owing to the proper shelf life study, the manufacturer gains a broad and accurate knowledge about his product that can be successfully used in a number of areas related to the design of new products, modification of already produced while ensuring their safety and quality expected by the consumer.
The article presents the problem of new food products in the context of their evaluation in terms of the expectations of final buyers. The author of the article has performed a comparative analysis of food products currently offered against the expectations of final buyers. In addition, the research made it possible to ascertain the characteristics new food products should have in order to better meet the needs of food buyers. In this way, the article outlines potential directions of the activities of providers in shaping new food products. The research was carried out among Polish final food buyers. The research sample included two selected voivodeships (Lubelskie and Mazowieckie).
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