The growth rates of ciliates estimated under natural conditions with the widely used size fractionation method are much lower than those observed in cultures. However, recent studies performed with a modified dilution method demonstrated that the size fractionation method underestimates the ciliate growth, because it does not remove predators of the same size as the organisms studied. Thus, it is still unresolved whether ciliates are food-limited in different systems and whether their growth rates are indeed lower than those in cultures. This study was conducted in highly eutrophic Lake Gardno using a modified dilution method. Each time, two dilution experiments were performed (around noon and around midnight). Four small, common ciliates from the genera Rimostrombidium, Tintinnidium, Cyclidium, and Urotricha were studied. The first three ciliates demonstrated very high mean diel growth rates exceeding 0.1 h-1, which corresponded well to the highest values reported in the literature for the ciliate growth in cultures at similar temperatures. Tintinnidium sp. demonstrated a diel growth rhythm. Urotricha sp. was sensitive to the experimental procedure, and measurements of its growth were unsuccessful. Concentrations of food particles were analyzed to check whether organisms studied were food satiated.
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Shallow lakes, defined as 'nonstratifying', polymictic water bodies are usually eutrophic and highly productive, and more turbid than deeper lakes due to bottom sediment resuspension. Gross primary production (GPP) and total planktonic community respiration (TCR) were measured in a very shallow (on average 1.2 m deep) and large (area 25 km2), polymictic, eutrophic Lake Gardno (Baltic coastal lake, Northern Poland) with the light-and-dark bottle method. The aim was to compare GPP to TCR ratio in the pelagic zone in a course of a year and identify factors governing these processes. Identified factors governing GPP were light conditions and temperature, with Q[10] = 2.23 in the 2-24.5[degrees]C temperature range, whereas TCR was driven by water temperature (Q[10] = 2.15 in the same temperature range) and by organic matter content in water. TCR was correlated with total suspended matter (effect of bottom sediment resuspension due to wind action in a very shallow lake), however not with chlorophyll content. During two-year measurement period (years 2006 and 2007), annual GPP amounted to 402 and 471 g C m[^-2], and TCR amounted to 192 and 223 g C m[^-2] respectively. Lake Gardno pelagic system seemed to be net autotrophic on annual basis; GPP to TCR ratio = 2.1. Part of the organic matter produced in pelagial is probably deposited in bottom sediments decomposed there. Wind induced resuspension increases matter content in water (measured here as TSM content) and thus contributes to pelagic respiration processes (TCR).
The total concentrations of Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn, Zn and Fc in the tissues (muscles, gills, liver) of fish from Lake Gardno were studied. Iron (5.35-57.38 ug g'1 wet wt.) and zinc (3.98-23.93 ug g"') were present in highest concentrations in all tissues, irrespective of fish species. Cadmium was present in the lowest concentrations (0.002-0.168 ug g"'). Among studied tissues, the liver had the greatest capacity to accumulate metals. Their content in the liver was several to a dozen or sometimes even more times higher than in the muscles. The content of manganese, copper, zinc and lead in the muscles of the studied bream decreased with weight, whereas the content of iron and cadmium increased with weight. The content of copper, iron and cadmium in the gills considerably influenced the level of accumulation of those metals in muscles and liver.
Dominującymi gatunkami ryb w jeziorze Gardno są leszcz, okoń i płoć. W mięśniach, wątrobie i skrzelach tych ryb badano zawartość Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn, Zn i Fc. Badane narządy w największej ilości zawierały żelazo (5,35-57,38 ug g'1 mokrej masy) i cynk (3,98-23,93 ug g'1) niezależnie od gatunku ryby. Najmniejszą zawartością charakteryzował się kadm (0,002-0,168 ug g'). Spośród badanych tkanek wątroba wykazywała największe zdolności kumulacyjne analizowanych metali. Ich zawartość w wątrobie była kilka lub kilkanaście razy większa niż w mięśniach. Koncentracja manganu, miedzi, cynku i ołowiu w mięśniach badanych leszczy zmniejszała się wraz ze wzrostem ich masy. Natomiast odwrotną zależność obserwowano w przypadku żelaza i kadmu. Przyrostowi masy badanych ryb towarzyszył wzrost stężenia tych metali. Stwierdzono, że zawartość miedzi, żelaza i kadmu w skrzelach w sposób istotny wpływała na ich kumulację w mięśniach i wątrobie.
In the present paper there have been shown the results of research on the content of zinc, cadmium, copper, manganese and lead in chosen plants (Myriophyllum spicatun, Potamogeton natans, Acorus calamus, Nuphar lutea, Elodea canadensis, Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia, Sparganium ramosum hudds, Veronica anagallis) of Lake Gardno in the years 2000-2001. The first data concerning the accumulation of those metals in the maerophytes of Lake Gardno has been provided. The biggest concentration of examined metals has been observed in Potamogeton natans and Elodea canadensis, on average Zn -34.9 ug g-1, Pb - 2.77 ug g-1, Cd - 0.62 ug g-1, Cu - 3.24 ug g-1 and Mn - 257.4 ug g-1. They are also characterized by the biggest coefficients of concentration of those metals, and therefore they have the biggest abilities to cumulate in them. It has been found that the over-ground parts of the plants under analysis cumulate several times less of heavy metals than their roots. The determined enrichment factors enabled the researchers to state that copper in the examined plants is of natural origin while manganese, cadmium and zinc - of anthropogenic origin. The highest level of phytosorption of the metals under analysis in Lake Gardno was shown by Phragmites australis: Zn - 13.22 mg m2, Pb - 2.16 mg m2, Cd - 0.15 mg m2, Cu - 0.95 mg m2, Mn - 130.53 mg m2.
W prezentowanej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości cynku, kadmu, miedzi, manganu i ołowiu w wybranych roślinach (Myriophyllum spicatun, Polamogeton natans, Acorus calamus, Nuphar lulea, Elodea canadensis. Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia, Sparganium ramosum hudds, Veronica anagallis) jeziora Gardno w latach 2000-2001. Są to pierwsze doniesienia o akumulacji metali w makrofitach tego jeziora. Największą koncentrację badanych metali obserwowano w Potamogeton natans i Elodea canadensis, średnio: Zn - 34,9 ug gg-1, Pb - 2,77 fig %\ Cd - 0,62 ug g-1, Cu - 3,24 ug g-1 i Mn - 257,4 ug g-1. Rośliny te charakteryzowały się największymi współczynnikami koncentracji tych metali, a metale wykazywały największą zdolność kumulacji w tych roślinach. Stwierdzono, że części nadziemne badanych roślin kumulowały kilkakrotnie mniej metali niż ich korzenie. Wyznaczone współczynniki wzbogacenia wykazały, że miedź w badanych roślinach jest pochodzenia naturalnego, a mangan, kadm i cynk - pochodzenia antropogenicznego. Najwyższy poziom fitosorpcji metali w jeziorze Gardno wykazywał Phragmites australis: Zn - 13,22 mg m2, Pb - 2,16 mg m2, Cd - 0,15 mg m2, Cu - 0,95 mg m2, Mn - 130,53 mg m2.
The study of the Lake Gardno uses methodology that enables to estimate a magnitude of the sea inflows, their conditioning and timing as well as frequencies of their occurrence in lake estuaries. A three dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied to the linked regions of the Baltic Sea and the Gardno Lake. The quantitative estimates allow verifying the previous calculations of the water balance including long term changes.
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