W artykule przedstawiam za co i dlaczego John F. Clauser, Alain Aspect i Anton Zeilinger otrzymali Nagrodę Nobla 2022 (równo 100 lat po wręczeniu tejże nagrody Einsteinowi i Bohrowi), a także koncentruję się nad istotą prowadzonych przeze mnie badań, które wiążą się ze wspomnianą nagrodą. Tekst jest napisany dwutorowo. Czytelnik, szacując swój poziom wiedzy z fizyki kwantowej, może go czytać przeskakując pomiędzy tekstem głównym, a fragmentami z kropką (●) głębiej wyjaśniającymi pewne aspekty, ale można też przeczytać tylko tekst główny. Jako autor wolałbym, aby artykuł zainteresował nauczycieli i studentów, a może nawet licealistów, niż profesorów doktorów habilitowanych, choć i ci nie omijając fragmentów z kropką, mam nadzieję, mogą się czegoś ciekawego dowiedzieć.
In the paper I describe why and for what achievements John F. Clauser, Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger received the Nobel Prize in 2022 (exactly 100 years after the prize had been awarded to Einstein and Bohr), as well as my own research related to the prize. The text is written in a twofold way. Based on familiarity with quantum physics the reader can switch between the main narrative and the parts marked with bullets (•) explaining some aspects in more detail, but one can restrict attention to the main text only. As the author, I would prefer that the paper be of interest to teachers, students, and possibly also high-school students rather than professors, although even they can learn something interesting, also from the parts marked with a bullet.
Omawiamy wybrane osiągnięcia zmarłego niedawno Bogdana Mielnika na polu fizyki teoretycznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jego prób wyjścia poza standardową mechanikę kwantową. Przypominamy również niektóre z jego poglądów na problemy współczesnego społeczeństwa i organizację nauki.
We review selected achievements of the late Bogdan Mielnik in the field of theoretical physics, with an emphasis on his attempts to go beyond standard quantum mechanics. Some of his original views on the problems of contemporary society and organization of science are also recalled.
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In this paper we study numerically an optimized Adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm for the Wigner kernel - an important problem in quantum mechanics represented by difficult multidimensional integrals. We will show the advantages of the optimized Adaptive MC algorithm and compare the results with the Adaptive approach from our previous work [4] and other stochastic approaches for computing the Wigner kernel in 3,6,9-dimensional case. The 12-dimensional case will be considered for the first time. A comprehensive study and an analysis of the computational complexity of the optimized Adaptive MC algorithm under consideration has also been presented.
We report here the status of different gauge conditions in the canonical formulation of quantum electrodynamics on light-front surfaces. We start with the massive vector fields as pedagogical models where all basic concepts and possible problems manifestrly appear. Several gauge choices are considered for both the infinite and the finite volume formulation of massless gauge field electrodynamics. We obtain the perturbative Feynman rules in the first approach and the quantum Hamiltonian for all sectors in the second approach. Different space-time dimensions are discussed in all models where they crucially change the physical meaning. Generally, fermions are considered as the charged matter fields but also one simple 1 + 1 dimensional model is discussed for scalar fields. Finally the perspectives for further research projects are discussed.