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Currently, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) techniques are widely used for monitoring displacement. This study provides an overview of current developments in the application of GNSS technology for determining displacement based on the findings of 52 research publications over the past fifteen years, from 2009 to August 2024. The obtained results indicated that RTK-GNSS and PPP-GNSS are effective methods to monitor deformation, subsidence, and landslides in open-pit, underground, abandoned mines, and waste dumps. Besides, some limitations and benefits of this technology have been mentioned in this paper. Finally, the prospects of developing of GNSS technique combined with AI technology in displacement monitoring of mining areas were also presented. This paper offers a technical reference for expanding the understanding and knowledge of GNSS applications in detecting displacement in mining areas.
Obecnie do monitorowania przemieszczeń powszechnie stosuje się techniki Globalnego Systemu Nawigacji Satelitarnej (GNSS). Niniejsza praca stanowi przegląd aktualnego rozwoju zastosowań technologii GNSS do wyznaczania przemieszczeń na podstawie wniosków z 50 publikacji naukowych z ostatnich piętnastu lat, od 2009 r. do sierpnia 2024 r. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że RTK-GNSS i PPP-GNSS są skuteczne metody monitorowania deformacji, osiadań i osuwisk w kopalniach odkrywkowych, podziemnych, opuszczonych kopalniach i na składowiskach odpadów. Poza tym w artykule wspomniano o pewnych ograniczeniach i zaletach tej technologii. Na koniec przedstawiono także perspektywy rozwoju techniki GNSS w połączeniu z technologią AI w monitorowaniu przemieszczeń obszarów górniczych. W artykule przedstawiono odniesienia techniczne umożliwiające poszerzenie zrozumienia i wiedzy na temat zastosowań GNSS w wykrywaniu przemieszczeń na obszarach górniczych.
Landslides have produced several recurrent dangers, including losses of life and property, losses of agricultural land, erosion, population relocation, and others. Landslide mitigation is critical since population and economic expansion are rapidly followed by significant infrastructure development, increasing the risk of catastrophes. At an early stage in landslide-disaster mitigation, landslide-risk mapping must give critical information to help policies limit the potential for landslide damage. This study will utilize the comparative frequency ratio (FR) and random forest (RF) techniques; they will be utilized to properly investigate the distribution of flood vulnerability in the Sumedang area. This study has identified 12 criteria for developing a landslide-susceptibility model in the research region based on the features of past disasters in the research area. The FR and RF models scored 88 and 81% of the AUC value, respectively. Based on the McNemar test, the FR and RF models featured the same performance in determining the landslide-vulnerability level performances in Sumedang. They performed well in assessing landslides in the research region; therefore, they may be used as references in landslide prevention and references in future regional development plans by the stakeholders.
The increasing use of drone technology to produce high-resolution digital imagery and elevation models has been associated with a growing interest in developing quantitative morphometric analysis (QMA). QMA analysis is an invaluable part of creating detailed topographic models in landslide scars that are still highly unstable and prone to erosion. This paper presents the results of a research that aims to create a topographic model in a landslide scarred area where the slope configuration is still varied. The study area was located in the landscape of the Cretaceous-Tertiary volcanic transition where many landslides have occurred. Three landslides were selected on the basis of different soil material characteristics that affect the topographic condition of the landslide scar. Aerial photography was recorded using a UAV with a flying height of 80 m, with an orthomosaic resolution of 1 cm. In detail, three morphometric variables (slope, plan curvature, topographic position index) were selected and calculated with the output evaluated based on visual-spatial interpretation. The results showed that morphometric variables performed well in modeling land surface topography. Steep slopes and surfaces with convex curvature are abundant at the ledges and landslide heads that allow water runoff to disperse as the initiation of gully erosion. The multidimensional gully erosion network is concentrated at relatively low elevations and surfaces with concave curvature. The undulating micro-relief of the land surface as a result of the process of material disposition builds up on each other to a gentle slope. Finally, the topographic model of the landslide surface can be used as a base material in implementation of both physical and vegetative land conservation strategies.
The traffic along the Mediterranean ring road in northern Morocco is permanently disrupted by ground movements. Several sections of the road are not available during the rainy period. The slopes and hillsides that were excavated and remodeled during the construction of the roadway have become unstable and are subject to important landslides. In the present study, focused on the section of road located at kilometer point PK 176+800 between Oued Laou and Jebha City. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of instability of the studied slope, in the present and to predict it in the future. In situ and laboratory geotechnical tests as well as the geophysical investigations based on Electrical Tomography were carried out to complement the geomatic analyses performed by the research team. The results obtained testify to the effectiveness of the methodology adopted and confirm the threatening instability of the slope studied, in particularly at landslide area.
Tourism in Bali has surged post-COVID-19, with a 74.60% rise in arrivals from September 2022 to 2023, driving infrastructure development, notably in areas like Candidasa. However, safety concerns arise, especially in steep slope regions prone to landslides. This study employs cone penetration testing (CPT) data to assess its suitability for slope stability analysis amidst tourism development. By interpreting CPT data based on prior research, it shows obtaining ample soil parameters for such analysis is feasible. The research site, a Candidasa resort, exemplifies risks in hilly terrains. Fellenius-Morgenstern analysis reveals varying safety factors, indicating landslide susceptibility in certain scenarios. While CPT testing offers valuable insights, comprehensive geotechnical investigations are recommended for critical infrastructure projects to mitigate risks effectively. This study highlights the importance of comprehensive soil analysis and safety measures in the development of tourism infrastructure, especially in areas prone to geological hazards.
Artykuł porusza problematykę stateczności klifu znajdującego się w strefie przybrzeżnej miejscowości Rozewie. Z uwagi na gęstą roślinność oraz wysoki poziom wód gruntowych zbocze osuwa się w stronę morza i może wymagać wzmocnienia. Ingerencję w zbocze utrudnia zalesienie obszaru oraz obecność drzew mających status pomnika przyrody. Obliczenia wykonane na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu skupiają się na określeniu stateczności zbocza dla wybranego przekroju, w którym stwierdzono najniekorzystniejsze warunki gruntowe. Symulacje wykonano w programie Slide2D wersja 6.0., który do obliczeń wykorzystuje metody równowagi granicznej. Stateczność z uwagi na złożony układ warstw gruntowych porównano dla czterech dostępnych modeli obliczeniowych: Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Spencer, które nie różniły się znacząco wartościami końcowymi. W analizie wariantowej sprawdzono również wpływ sposobu modelowania poziomu zwierciadła wody gruntowej oraz przyjęcia parametrów funkcji van Genuchetna odpowiedzialnej za przepływ wody w strefie aeracji. Bez względu na przyjęte parametry oraz założenia można jednoznacznie stwierdzić, że zapas bezpieczeństwa wynikający z oszacowanych wskaźników jest niewystarczający.
The article discusses the problem of stability of the cliff located in the coastal zone in city Rozewie. Due to dense vegetation and high groundwater levels, the slope is sliding towards the Baltic sea and may require immediate strengthening. Unfortunately, all planed actions may be difficult to do because of high trees on the area with the status of a natural monument. The calculations performed in this article focus on determining the slope stability for the selected cross-section in which the most unfavorable ground conditions were found. The simulations were performed in the program Slide2D version 6.0, which uses the limit equilibrium methods for calculations. The slope stability due to the complex of soil layers was compared for four available computational models: Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Spencer, which did not differ significantly in final values. The variant analysis also checked the influence of the method of modeling the groundwater table level and the adoption of the parameters of the van Genuchten mathematical model. The mentioned function is responsible for the water flow in the aeration zone. Regardless of the adopted parameters and assumptions, it can be clearly stated that the safety margin resulting from the estimated factors isinsufficient.
The basic characteristics of debris flows in the Shiwei river basin are summarized through the field investigation on debris flows in the Shiwei river basin and analysis on formation conditions of debris flows from three aspects, i.e. geological environment, geological structure and neotectonic movement, as well as seismic action. Based on this, the stability of landslide in the Shiwei river basin is analyzed and calculated, and the stability coefficient of landslide is obtained. The debris flows in the Shiwei river basin will directly damage and threaten the county town, while other geological disasters such as landslide, collapse, slope sliding & collapse and potentially unstable slopes will indirectly damage and threaten the county town. The landslide form is clear, and the landslide stability calculation shows that the landslide body is generally stable – basically stable, but partially unstable – less stable. The “blocking + discharging” comprehensive control scheme is proposed according to the formation conditions and development characteristics of debris flows in the Shiwei river basin, and the study findings can be used as a reference for similar projects.
This paper presents the results of a stability analysis of a slope located in the immediate vicinity of a railway line. The plans for the extension of this railway track include the construction of another line, which would run parallel to the existing one, within a few metres distance. It is expected that intensive goods train traffic will generate both static and dynamic forces in the underlying subsoil. Consequently, seismic vibrations will be generated in the subsoil, propagating mainly not only in the horizontal direction but also in the vertical direction. The method of seismic coefficient of the earthquake intensity determined by a pseudo-static method and horizontal component of acceleration is appropriate and recommended because it is simple, and the safety factor of the slope is calculated in the same way as in conventional stability calculations.
Mass movements resulting from landslides cause significant losses in terms of lives and property. Periodic observations of these movements using geodetic measurement techniques help to prevent these losses. Network-RTK measurement technique produces real-time location with centimeter accuracy, based on phase observations using a network of reference stations. In this study, the paleo-landslide area in the Işıklar location of Trabzon province, Esiroğlu district, Turkey, was chosen as the application area. This study aims to measure the application area between 2019 and 2021, using the Network-RTK technique to determine the mass movements. Additionally, there is a rock block in an area with a steep slope. The possible movement of this rock block is a threat to infrastructure facilities, residential areas, agricultural areas, and life safety if the mass movement continues. Within this scope, the potential movement scenarios of the block were produced using RocPro3D software and UAV photogrammetry. Scenarios following an ongoing mass movements in the region triggering another mass movement are discussed. In the light of the results obtained, mass movements in the vertical direction of up to 28 cm were detected in the area where the rock block is located in the last 2 years. The periodic continuation of mass movements in the study area, declared a disaster-prone area, confirms the importance of the rock block in the region. In another phase of the study, possible movement scenarios of the rock block were examined using a rockfall analysis. In this context, with the help of an unmanned aerial vehicle, a digital elevation model and orthophoto map of the region where the rock block is likely to move was produced and a base map to be used in rockfall analysis was obtained. As a result of the rockfall analysis, maps showing the speed, energy, spread, possible impacts, and stopping points were produced. With the examination of these maps, it has been determined that residential areas, agricultural areas, and infrastructure facilities in the study area may be significantly damaged.
Temperatura powietrza i opady atmosferyczne to dwa najczęściej analizowane elementy klimatu. Większość prowadzonych badań potwierdza wzrost temperatury powietrza oraz zmienność warunków pluwialnych zarówno w skali globalnej jak i regionalnej. Zmienność elementów klimatycznych przekłada się bezpośrednio na częstość występowania, zasięg i intensywność zjawisk ekstremalnych, w tym także intensywnych i długotrwałych opadów atmosferycznych. Najistotniejszą kwestią staje się odpowiedź na pytanie o regionalne konsekwencje potwierdzonych zmian klimatycznych. Aktywność osuwiskowa na obszarze Beskidu Wyspowego jest uwarunkowana budową geologiczną i morfologią terenu, które w połączeniu z działalnością antropogeniczną oraz warunkami pluwialnymi generują duże prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia ruchów masowych. W celu odpowiedzi na pytanie dotyczące wpływu zmian klimatu na wzrost intensywności ruchów osuwiskowych na obszarze Beskidu Wyspowego, przeanalizowano opadowe dane proxy od X do XIX wieku, sytuacje opadowe z lat 1997 oraz 2010 oraz dane pochodzące ze scenariuszy klimatycznych. W analizach wykorzystano zarówno klasyczne pomiary naziemne, jak również dostępne od kilku lat dane z radarów meteorologicznych. Wstępne analizy potwierdzają możliwość wystąpienia lokalnie niekorzystnych zmian warunków pluwialnych. Wzrost prawdopodobieństwa maksymalnych dobowych sum opadów oraz zwiększenie częstości wystąpienia niekorzystnych epizodów opadowych, mogą mieć istotny wpływ na częstość występowania ruchów masowych w Beskidzie Wyspowym.
Air temperature and precipitation are two of the most analyzed elements of climate. Majority of research confirms the increase in air temperature and the variability of pluvial conditions not only globally but also regionally. The variability of climatic elements translates directly into the frequency, scope and intensity of extreme events occurrence, including intensive and prolonged precipitation. The most important issue is the answer to the question concerning the regional consequences posed by confirmed climate changes. Landslide activity in Beskid Wyspowy is determined by the geology and morphology of the terrain which, combined with anthropogenic activities and pluvial conditions, generates a great probability of occurrence of mass movements. In order to answer the question concerning the impact of climate change on the increase in the risk of landslides in the area of Beskid Wyspowy, proxy data from X to XIX century, rainfall cases in 1997 and 2010 as well as data from climate scenarios were analyzed. In analysis, both ground measurements and those available for several years data from weather radars were used. Preliminary analyses confirm the possibility of occurring of locally adverse changes in pluvial conditions. An increase in the probability of maximum precipitation and an increase in the frequency of adverse precipitation sequence can have a significant impact on the incidence of mass movements in Beskid Wyspowy.
Wzmacnianie i stabilizacja terenu pod wznoszenie obiektów na obszarach zagrożonych ruchami masowymi stanowią istotny etap zarówno w projektowaniu, jak i realizacji inwestycji. Metody wzmocnień dobierane są na podstawie badań geotechnicznych, możliwości technologicznych oraz wymagań stawianych planowanej konstrukcji. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę terenów osuwiskowych, przyczyny ich powstawania, metodologię badań przemieszczeń mas ziemnych wraz z analizą wyników badań inklinometrycznych Skarpy Wiślanej w Płocku. Ponadto wskazano sposoby zabezpieczeń terenu osuwisk pod inwestycje budowlane z syntetycznym opisem ich cech i funkcjonalności.
Strengthening and stabilization of the area for erecting facilities in areas at risk of mass movements are an important stage in both the design and implementation of the investment. The reinforcements methods are selected on the basis of geotechnical tests, technological capabilities and the requirements of the planned structure. The article presents the characteristics of landslide areas, the causes of their formation, the methodology of earth mass displacement studies, along with the analysis of the results of inclinometric studies on the Vistula Escarpment in Płock. In addition, methods of securing landslides for construction investments with a synthetic description of their features and functionality were indicated.
Osuwiska należą do najniebezpieczniejszych i najczęściej występujących geozagrożeń na terenie Polski. Bardzo ważną rolę w minimalizowaniu strat ma odpowiednie planowanie przestrzenne bazujące na dokładnych mapach podatności osuwiskowej terenu, które stanowią podstawę procesu określania zagrożenia, a następnie szacowania ryzyka. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie metody opracowania mapy podatności osuwiskowej wybranego obszaru Pogórza Dynowskiego pod kątem oceny zagrożenia osuwiskowego. Finalna mapa podatności na osuwanie obszaru badań została opracowana w skali lokalnej z wykorzystaniem indeksowej metody statystycznej. Poszczególne mapy czynników mających wpływ na osuwanie terenu uwzględniają: nachylenie zbocza; ekspozycję; bliskość cieków wodnych; geologię.
Landslides are among the most dangerous and common geohazards in Poland. A very important role in minimizing losses has a proper spatial planning based on accurate landslide susceptibility maps of the area, which are the basis of the process of determining the threat and then estimating the risk. The purpose of this article is to develop a landslide susceptibility map of a selected area of the Dynowskie Foothills in terms of landslide hazard assessment. The final landslide susceptibility map of the study area was developed on a local scale using the Index Statistical Method. The individual maps of factors affecting landslides were based on several thematic sections: slope slope, exposure, proximity to watercourses, geology.
The purpose of this publication was the long-term forecasting of the landslide processes activation for the territory of the Precarpathian depression within the Chernivtsi region, taking into account the complex effect of natural factors. On the basis of statistical analysis and processing of long-term observations of landslide activation and natural time factors in particular solar activity, seismicity, groundwater levels, precipitation and air temperature, the relationship was analysed, the main periods of landslide activation were determined, the contribution of each time factor to the complex probability indicator of landslide development was estimated and long-term forecasting was carried out. An analysis of the influence of geomorphology on the landslide development was performed by using GIS MapІnfo. By means of cross-correlation, Fourier spectral analysis, the periodicities were analysed and the relationships between the parameters were established. It was found that the energy of earthquakes precedes the activation of landslides by 1 year, which indicates the “preparatory” effect of earthquakes as a factor that reduces the stability of rocks. The main periodicities of the forecast parameters of 9–11, 19–21, 28–31 years were highlighted, which are consistent with the rhythms of solar activity. The forecasting was carried out using artificial neural networks and the prediction function of the Mathematical package Mathcad, based on the received data, the activation of landslides is expected in 2023–2026, 2030–2035, 2040–2044 with some short periods of calm. The main periods of the dynamics of the time series of landslides and natural factors for the territory of the Precarpathian depression within the Chernivtsi region were determined, and a long-term forecast of landslides was made. Taking into account the large areas of the spread of landslide processes, forecasting the likely activation is an important issue for this region, the constructed predictive time models make it possible to assess the danger of the geological environment for the purpose of early warning and making management decisions aimed at reducing the consequences of a natural disaster.
The aim of the study was to determine the shear strength of the soil-root layer obtained as a result of growth of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) on degraded soil enriched with the addition of a new zeolite substrate Z-ion. Measurement of shear strength for soil-root layers formed as a result of growth of a grass species (on degraded soil alone and on degraded soil with added Z-ion) was performed in a direct shear apparatus. The measurement results allowed determining parameters of equations describing the dependence of shear strength of studied soil-root layers on normal stress e.g. cohesion and internal friction coefficient. Under the experimental conditions, application of 1% v/v substrate addition to degraded soil induced development of cocksfoot root system which resulted in the significantly increased cohesion of soil-root layer (by 30%) as compared to that formed on degraded soil alone. The enhanced cohesion of the soil-root layer formed on soil enriched with Z-ion resulted in its significantly increased shear strength as compared to that of soil-root layer obtained on soil alone. Further research using higher doses of the Z-ion substrate (greater than 1% v/v) is needed to obtain the information at what dose ranges of the substrate one can expect even more intensive development of plant root systems and, consequently, further significant improvement in the shear strength of the soil-root layers.
Landslide is one of the most common natural disasters in Indonesia. In Lut Tawar Lake, specifically the cliff side, the landslide event occurs almost daily. Mitigation effort becomes a necessity following the fatality cases it causes. This study aimed to identify landslides and suitable mitigation for the case of Lut Tawar’s lake cliff. A combined approach of landslide survey and image interpretation with field validation was used. In addition, local vegetation surrounding the case area was identified from the survey and interview process. The results showed there are in total 37 landslide points in the study area. The conducted analysis showed the landslide was mainly caused by land use change from forest to a plantation, slope, particularly in the cliff area that was carved for road development, the volcanic geology of Bukit Barisan mountain, rainfall intensity, and the equatorial rainfall characteristic of the study area. The results also suggest the finest solution for landslide mitigation, namely the eco-engineering approach, a revegetation method using the local vegetation. Local vegetation comprises multiple strata, of which grass in the below strata, shrubs in the middle strata, and trees in the upper strata, constitute a shield for the lake cliff. Within this structure, government and community can cultivate these plants in the surrounding lake area.
Landslides – natural disasters be caused by various factors - are frequent in the region surrounding Souk Ahras. Comprehensive fieldwork, such as geotechnical drilling investigations and soil excavations, is conducted to monitor ground movements and assess the feasibility of geological locations. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and other active satellite remote sensors are utilized in Earth Observation-based systems to identify and track ground deformation and landslides in the study area. This research aims to illustrate how open-source processing software, SNAP, provided by the European Space Agency, can be combined with freely available datasets from Copernicus to accomplish this goal. In the North Eastern part of Algeria, which includes Souk Ahras, there is a high risk of landslides Through the use of InSAR technology, the research provided satisfactory results in identifying the morphology of landslides and generating a largescale interferometric map covering several regions in the East of Algeria, revealing the extent of distortion and spacing caused by the landslide phenomenon.
Landslides are considered to be one of the most significant and critical natural hazards in the heterogeneous geomor-phological setting of the Rif region of Morocco. Despite the high susceptibility to landslides, the region lacks detailed studies. Therefore, this research introduces four advanced machine learning methods, namely Support Vector Machine (SVM), Classification and Regression Trees (CART), Multivariate Discriminant Analysis (MDA), and Logistic Regression (LR), to perform landslide susceptibility mapping, as well as study of the connection between landslide occurrence and the complex regional geo-environmental context of Taounate province. Fifteen causative factors were extracted, and 255 landslide events were identified through fieldwork and satellite imagery analysis. All models performed very well (AUC > 0.954), while the CART model performed the best (AUC= 0.971). However, SVM demonstrated superior performance compared to other methods, achieving the highest accuracy (89.92%) and F1-measure (81.66%) scores on the training data, and the highest accuracy (83.01%), precision (81.74%), and specificity (79.46%) scores on the test data. The results do not necessarily indicate that LR and MDA have the lowest predictive ability, as they demonstrated high accuracy in terms of AUC and in some classification tasks. Moreover, they provide the significant advantage of easy interpretation of the geo-environmental processes that control landslides. Rainfall is the primary triggering factor of landslides in the study area. The majority of landslides occurred on slopes, particularly those located along rivers and faults, suggesting that landslides in the region are closely associated with active tectonics and precipitation. All four models predicted similar spatial distribution patterns in landslide susceptibility. The results showed that almost half of the area mainly in the north and northwest, has a very high susceptibility to landslides. The findings provide valuable references for land use management and the implementation of effective measures for landslide prevention.
The landslide is located in Wronki. It covers the southern side on the bank of the Warta River and occupy an area of 500 m in length. The landslide was once again activated on August 22-23, 2018, causing numerous failures. The Warta River slope in the area of mass movements is built by non-construction embankments, under which the Poznań Miocene-Pliocene of quasi-layered structure lie. There are horizontal interlayers of sandy silts in these clays. The Warta drains water from a large area, and the runoff takes place mainly on the roof of clays. The slide surface of the landslide was precisely the roof of the Poznań clays. Bearing in mind the properties of the Poznań clays, such as relaxation, block disintegration, expansiveness features, the following were considered the direct causes of the failure: heavy rainfall that occurred after a drought, loading of the slope with indiscriminate cubature buildings, construction of a linear sewage system and periodically repeated vibrations caused by the implementation of neighboring investments. In order to identify the area, test boreholes were made, samples were taken for laboratory tests, and geodetic measurements were taken. Based on the obtained results, slope stability calculations were made and a measurement network was developed for systematic monitoring of geodetic displacements of control points. It was recommended to perform drainage to drain the slope and side of the Warta River, plant bushes, and make changes to the land development plan in order to prohibit further development of the area in the endangered zone.
Opisywane osuwisko znajduje się w miejscowości Wronki, powiecie szamotulskim, województwie wielkopolskim. Obejmuje ono zbocze południowe, po lewej stronie rzeki Warty i zajmuje teren o rozciągłości ok. 500 m. Osuwisko po raz kolejny uaktywniło się w dniach 22-23 sierpnia 2018 r. powodując liczne awarie i zniszczenia. Skarpę Warty w obszarze występujących ruchów masowych budują nasypy niekontrolowane (o zróżnicowanym składzie), pod którymi zalegają mioceńsko-plioceńskie iły serii poznańskiej o quasi-warstwowej budowie - w iłach występują horyzontalne wkładki pyłów piaszczystych. Rzeka Warta drenuje wody z dużego obszaru, a spływ wód odbywa się głównie po stropie iłów. Strefę poślizgu stanowił właśnie strop iłów serii poznańskiej. Mając na uwadze właściwości iłów serii poznańskiej takie jak odprężenie (powstanie powierzchni zlustrzeń), dezintegracja blokowa, cechy ekspansywności (pęcznienie i skurcz), za bezpośrednią przyczynę awarii uznano: obfite opady, które wystąpiły po długotrwałej suszy, wieloletnie dociążanie skarpy nieprzemyślaną zabudową kubaturową, budowę liniowej instalacji kanalizacyjnej w obrębie skarpy oraz okresowo powtarzające się drgania spowodowane realizacją sąsiednich inwestycji (m.in. wbijanie pali czy mikrowybuchy). W celu rozpoznania terenu wykonano liczne otwory badawcze, pobrano próbki do badań laboratoryjnych, wykonano pomiary geodezyjne. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników, dokonano obliczeń stateczności skarpy i opracowano sieć pomiarową do systematycznego monitoringu przemieszczeń geodezyjnych punków kontrolnych. Zalecono wykonanie drenażu w celu odwodnienia skarpy i zbocza Warty, posadzenie krzewów, dokonanie zmian w planie zagospodarowania przestrzennego w celu wprowadzenia zakazu dalszej zabudowy terenu w strefie zagrożonej.
The main objective of this work is to present the results of numerical simulations of the landslide triggered by small excavation. In south-eastern Poland in 2019, during excavation for a gas pipeline (relatively small – maximal depth 2.7 m), a landslide was observed. Length of the landslide was about 80 m, width about 50 m, maximal depth 6.5 m. Excavation was partially buried. Observed cracks of the terrain surface were wide, up to 0.8 m. Stability of the landslide was analyzed using the proportional reduction of the soil strength parameters (c-fi reduction) algorithm with the use of ZSoil.PC Finite Element Method (FEM) system. Stability analysis of the slope before and after excavation was performed, together with analysis of the tendency of the landslide to propagate upwards. The obtained stability loss modes were compared with the results of the field observations and a good correlation was noticed. Hypothesis that a landslide was triggered by small excavation was proved (although reasonable margin of safety was obtained for state before excavation, stability factor SF = 1.60). Use of residual soil strength parameters (instead of peak ones) and activation of cut-off (no tension) condition are advised. Presented methodology is open and can be used in engineering practice.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki symulacji numerycznych osuwiska wywołanego przez mały wykop. W południowo-wschodniej Polsce w 2019 r. w czasie wykopów związanych z wykonywaniem gazociągu (niewielkich, o maksymalnej głębokości 2.7 m) doszło do powstania osuwiska. Długość osuwiska wynosiła około 80 m, szerokość około 50 m, maksymalna głębokość 6.5 m. Wykop został częściowo zasypany przez osuwający się grunt. Zaobserwowano szerokie pęknięcia powierzchni terenu, o szerokości do 80 cm. Stateczność osuwiska analizowano z wykorzystaniem metody proporcjonalnej redukcji parametrów wytrzymałościowych gruntu (c-φ redukcji). Obliczenia wykonano za pomocą systemu Metody Elementów Skończonych (MES) ZSoil.PC. Analizowano stateczność zbocza przed i po wykonaniu wykopu oraz tendencję osuwiska do dalszej propagacji w górę stoku. Uzyskane mechanizmy utraty stateczności porównano z wynikami obserwacji terenowych i stwierdzono dobrą zgodność. Hipoteza, że osuwisko zostało spowodowane przez mały wykop została potwierdzona (mimo że w stanie przed wykonaniem wykopu zbocze posiadało wysoki współczynnik stateczności wynoszący 1.60). Zaleca się wykorzystywanie w obliczeniach stateczności rezydualnych wartości parametrów wytrzymałościowych gruntu oraz wykorzystanie warunku cut-off (oznaczającego brak wytrzymałości gruntu na rozciąganie). Prezentowana metodologia może być wykorzystana w praktyce inżynierskiej.
The article presents a new research apparatus for measuring the electromagnetic activity of landslides. The basic element of the apparatus is a highly sensitive underground receiver of the magnetic component of the EM field. Such a receiver inserted to the full depth of a landslide well records the levels of magnetic field amplitude at a given depth. Anomalous levels of the magnetic component indicate the existence of landslide slip planes. Combining several receivers into a measurement system will enable continuous monitoring of landslide activity. The article presents examples of studies using the discussed apparatus, which were carried out on real landslides.
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