Peatlands play a critical role in global habitats since are composed of heterogeneous materials and chemical reactions. Peatland fires significantly change the chemical characteristics of its soil, such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) content. This study aimed to measure peatland recovery only on those soil chemical characteristics based on two different times of sampling that are five years (Yr+5) and seven years (Yr+7) after the fires in 2015 (taken in 2020 and 2022). This study was conducted in the Balangan River - Batangalai River peat hydrological unit, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Soil samples were collected at nine different locations, including are six locations in the areas that experienced fires in 2015 and three locations in the areas that did not experience fires. Those soil samples were taken with excavated pits at each sample location at each depth of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 cm. This study found that the carbon content in the post-fire area increased by 22.00% and in the natural area by 9.90%. The nitrogen content in the post-fire area increased by 1.94% and in the natural area by 1.17%. The potassium content in the post-fire areas increased by 16.33% and in the natural areas by 4.44%. The phosphorus content in the post-fire area increased by 3.18% and in the natural area by 5.11%. C/N ratio increased by 19.68% and C/P ratio increased by 18.24%. Overall, the increase in carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, C/N ratio and C/P ratio in post-fire and natural peatlands indicates an improved condition. This study can provide supporting information for the regulator, management or expertise of the land and forest rehabilitation to speed up the recovery process.
The aggregate of various taxonomic groups of microorganisms colonising living organisms is known as the microbiome. The plant microbiome encompasses a wide network of biological, chemical and metabolic interactions between the plant and microorganisms (mainly algae, bacteria and protozoa). The relationships between microbes and peatland plants, particularly carnivorous plants, are a very interesting subject that is still little understood. Microbes colonising carnivorous peatland plants may be present in their traps or on the surface of the plant. Previous research on the relationships between the microbiome composition of carnivorous plants and the external factors influencing it directly and indirectly is still inadequate. There is a lack of review articles analysing the current state of knowledge regarding carnivorous plant-microbiome interactions. This review of the literature is a collection of data on the functioning of the microbiome of carnivorous plants growing in peatland ecosystems. In addition, it summarises the available information on host–microorganism relationships.
Food security is one of the main problems under the pandemic and climate change condition that we currently face. Managing peatland to fulfill community needs faces several problems including peat fire, GHG emissions and loss of biodiversity. Agroforestry is one of land use systems on peatland that is capable of accommodating different interests while still concerning the conservation purposes. This study aimed to assess the potential of agroforestry for ensuring the food security of local communities. This research was carried out in the Kalampangan Village, Palangka Raya City central Kalimantan for six months. This study used both quantitative and qualitative approaches, including interviews and field observations. Interviews were carried out with 13 farmers in Kalampangan who applied an agroforestry system. The data gathered included all agroforestry components and number of the food production component. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed three agroforestry types were applied by the Village community Kalampangan, namely agrosilviculture, agrosilvopasture, and agrofisheries. The biodiversity of agroforestry in Kalapangan is relatively high, with a total of 58 different species identified. A total of 86% of all agroforestry components are sources of food, including fruits, vegetables, seeds, tubers, spices and livestock. The information above shows that the peatland agroforestry in the Kalampangan Village has the potential to support food security while maintaining the biodiversity. Thus, agroforestry can be recommended as a peatland land use and rehabilitation strategies to accommodate the basic needs of local communities and increasing their prosperity.
Soil macrofauna can be an indicator of changes to the ecosystem. This study aimed to investigate the biodiversity of soil macrofauna in jelutong-based agroforestry on peatlands. Line transect sampling was used, eight transects and 32 plots were established. The sample was collected using the hand sorting technique. Species diversity and species evenness were determined using Shannon-Wiener index, while species richness with Margalef index. This study found 2179 individuals of soil macrofauna that belong to six classes, nine orders, and 13 families. The Formicidae 1 family dominated the area (951 individuals), while Lumbricidae had the least number (13 individuals). This study indicates that the species diversity of soil macrofauna in the jelutong-based agroforestry on peatlands is moderate (H’ = 1.508) with moderate species evenness (E = 0.588) and very high species richness (DMg = 281.788). It implies the capacity of the system in providing suitable habitat for macrofauna, and that it can be a potential alternative for ecological restoration in peatlands.
Significance of geological and geomorphological conditions for development and the contemporary state of peatlands in the Nida Basin. Prz. Geol., 68:135-144; doi: 10.7306/2020.6 Abstract. Synthetic studies of biogenic deposits made on a regional scale reveal how the geological structure and land relief have been affecting the development of limnic and peat sediments. The research was made in the Nida Basin, which is the region of great diversity of natural landscape in southern Poland and has a relatively large area of peatlands. The conclusions have been based on SRTM interpretation, hydrogeological documentations of deposits near Busko-Zdrój, and field and laboratory works. The spring-fed fen at Zwierzyniec, along with the fen at Mikulowice, has been forming on the densest complexes of alkaline fens in the Małopolska Upland. The calcareous tufa includes records of chemical denudation occurring in the southern part of the Pińczów Hump in the Late Weichselian and Holocene.
The aim of the research was to complement the knowledge on profile distribution and accumulation of phosphorus forms in the soils changed under the influence of secondary organic matter transformation process in dehydrated peatlands. The soil research was carried out in the upper Liwiec river valley in the middle-east of Poland. In the soil material taken from the moorsh (M1, M2, M3) and peat (O) horizons of the Murshic Histosols, the physical and chemical properties were determined and the soil phosphorus fractions with different activity in the environment by sequential extraction method were separated. The profile distribution of the total phosphorus content (TP) and values of carbon/phosphorus (TC/TP) ratio were characteristic for dehydrated peat soils included in the secondary transformation process (M1>M2>M3>O). This process also increased the contribution of the available phosphorus forms (NH4Cl-P), forms bound on the surface of iron (III) and manganese (IV) oxides and hydroxides (redox-P), as well as mineral (mHCl-P) and organic (oHCl-P) forms separated by 0.5 M HCl. Significant accumulation of the phosphorus compounds in the moorsh horizons of the investigated soils can be considered as a potential threat to the natural environment of the studied area due to the risk of decomposition of the phosphorus compounds when the area will be rehydrated.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki wykonanych w 2017 r. badań składu chemicznego wód podziemnych 61 siedlisk hydrogenicznych znajdujących się w obrębie Polski. Badane obiekty prezentują cztery rodzaje siedlisk (mułowiska, namuliska, podmokliska i torfowiska) usytuowane w ośmiu typach form morfogenetycznych. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu różnorodnych osadów organicznych na kształtowanie składu chemicznego wód podziemnych występujących w ich strefie kontaktowej. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników można wnioskować, że rodzaj osadów organicznych rzutuje na specyfikę składu chemicznego wód podziemnych w otoczeniu siedlisk hydrogenicznych. Wody podziemne torfowisk cechują się najwyższymi stężeniami składników zależnych od rozkładu substancji organicznej, natomiast mułowisk – metali ciężkich.
The paper presents the research results of groundwater chemical composition in 61 hydrogenous habitats in Poland in 2017. The examined objects represent four types of habitats (telmatic organic marshes, alluvial mineral marshes, periodic moistlands and peatlands) located in eight different sorts of geomorphological forms. The impact analysis of diverse organic sediments on groundwater chemical composition in their contact zone has been conducted. The results reveal that the type of organic sediments impinges on the idiosyncrasy of groundwater chemical composition in the surroundings of hydrogenous habitats. The groundwater of peatlands is characterized by the highest concentrations of elements depending on organic matter decomposition, while the groundwater of telmatic organic marshes – of heavy metals.
The last one hundred years of land use history in the southern part of Valdai Hills (European Russia) were reconstructed on the base of high resolution pollen data from the peat monolith taken from the Central Forest State Reserve supplementing with historical records derived from maps of the General Land Survey of the 18th and 19th centuries and satellite images. According to the created age model provided by dating using radio-nuclides 210Pb and 137Cs, pollen data of the peat monolith allow us to reconstruct vegetation dynamics during the last one hundred years with high time resolution. The obtained data showed that, despite the location of the studied peatland in the center of the forest area and rather far away from possible croplands and hayfields, the pollen values of plants – anthropogenic indicators (Secale sereale, Centaurea cyanus, Plantago, Rumex, etc.) and micro-charcoal concentration are relatively high in the period since the beginning of the 20th century to the 1970s, especially in the peat horizon formed in the 1950s. In the late 1970s – the early 1980s when the pollen values of cereals gradually diminished in assemblages, the quantity of pollen of other anthropogenic indicators were also significantly reduced, which reflects the overall processes of the agriculture decline in the forest zone of the former USSR.
The article shows the problem of peatlands as areas investors increasingly turn to look for areas for development. Until recently peatlands were treated primarily as peat deposits, used in various fields of the economy. At present, economic expansion has caused peatlands could be considered for development. There has been proposed the classifiaction of peatlands in terms of its development suitability.
Artykuł ukazuje problematykę torfowisk jako terenów, ku którym coraz częściej zwracają się inwestorzy w poszukiwaniu obszarów pod zabudowę. Do niedawna torfowiska były traktowane przede wszystkim jako złoża torfu, wykorzystywanego w różnych dziedzinach gospodarki. Obecnie ekspansja gospodarcza spowodowała, że stały się terenami, które mogłyby zostać wykorzystane pod zabudowę. W artykule zaproponowano podział torfowisk ze względu na przydatność pod zabudowę i zagospodarowanie.
Wśród form geomorfologicznych Kotliny Szczercowskiej znaczną powierzchnię stanowią równiny torfowe. W artykule przedstawione są trzy przykłady torfowisk, dwa z nich powstały w paleomeandrach Widawki, położonych w obrębie dna dolinnego, trzecie leży w obniżeniu na terasie nadzalewowej, otoczonym piaskami eolicznymi. Rozpoznana została miąższość utworów biogenicznych, a w wybranych profilach wykonano oznaczenia parametrów fizykochemicznych i wydatowano spągowe warstwy torfów. Akumulacja torfów rozpoczęła się w późnym vistulianie i trwała w holocenie. W torfowiskach położonych w dnie doliny odłożyły się głównie torfy niskie, zaś w torfowisku położonym w otoczeniu form eolicznych torfy przejściowe i wysoki. Położenie geomorfologiczne znajduje również odbicie we współczesnym stanie torfowisk, które leżą w brzeżnej części leja depresji powstałego w otoczeniu odkrywki węgla brunatnego.
In Szczerców Basin peatlands have a significant participation among geomorphological forms. The article presents three examples of peatlands, two of them are formed in palaeochannel of Wiawka river, in valley floor, third one is located in small depression in high terrace, surrounded by aeolian sands. Thickness of biogenic deposits were examined and in selected cores were measured basic physico-chemical parameters. The bottom of peat layers was dated of radiocarbon method. Accumulation of peat series was started in Late Vistulian and gone in Holocene. In peatlands located in valley floor peat was deposited in fens, in high terrace it was transitional and raised peatland. Geomorphological features are important for the modern situation of peatlands, because they lie in the marginal part of the depression of ground water table, caused by the opencast mine of brown coal.
Spring-fed fens in Wardzyń represent the rare group of alkaline mires supplied by artesian groundwater. Using multidisciplinary methods (including sedimentological, hydrometric and hydrochemical, pollen, macrofossil, malacological, geochemical, radiocarbon dating, and stable oxygen and carbon isotope analyses) we have been able to (1) reconstruct the main phases of spring-fed fen development, and to (2) determine the cause of Neoholocene groundwater ascension responsible for the mire inception. These phases are characterized by cyclic organic (peat) and carbonate (tufa) sedimentation associated with the Holocene fluctuations in humidity and temperature. The beginning of the activation of hydrological systems (involving the flow of confined groundwater of the Cretaceous aquifer) at Wardzyń occurred in the Subboreal period of the Holocene, after a long episode of decreased humidity initiated ca. 4.2 ka cal BP.
Zmienność zdolności sorpcyjnych torfu z Gór Izerskich względem jonów Zn2+ została zbadana w próbkach o grubości około 1,3 cm, uzyskanych po podziale rdzenia o długości około 45 cm. Inspiracją do podjęcia badań były doniesienia literaturowe oraz własne obserwacje autora, świadczące o tym, że torf wykazuje znaczące statystycznie zróżnicowanie cech fizykochemicznych na odcinku kilkudziesięciu centymetrów rdzenia, pod warunkiem że opróbowanie wykonane jest w odstępach 1-5 cm. Dotychczasowe badania wykonywano z wykorzystaniem zhomogenizowanych kilkunasto- i kilkudziesięciocentymetrowych próbek torfu. W opinii autora takie próbkowanie mogło uniemożliwiać uchwycenie rzeczywistej zmienności parametrów sorpcyjnych, prowadząc do ich uśrednienia. Wyniki niniejszej pracy potwierdziły postawioną tezę i wykazały ponad sześciokrotną zmianę wielkości sorpcji na badanym odcinku torfu. Dodatkowo, w celu podstawowej charakterystyki chemicznej, w tym określenia pozycji badanych torfów na diagramie Van Krevelena, wykonano analizę elementarną oraz obliczono stosunki atomowe C/N, O/C, H/C oraz parametr g (spektroskopią EPR – elektronowego paramagnetycznego rezonansu). Zbadano również charakter trwałych organicznych rodników jako produktów reakcji redoks jednostek obecnych w materii organicznej torfów, świadczących o jej właściwościach strukturalnych.
The variability of sorption capacity towards Zn2+ ions of peat from the Jizera Mountains was examined for the samples with a thickness of approximately 1.3 cm obtained by cutting of the peat core which length was about 45 cm. Our studies were inspired by the literature data and the authors' own observations which revealed the statistically significant differences in physicochemical characteristics of the peat profile of several tens of centimeters length, under the condition that the sampling was performed at intervals of 1-5 cm. The previous studies were performed for the homogenized peat layers of a thickness in the range from dozen to few tens of centimeters. In the authors' opinion such sampling may prevent detection of the true volatility of sorption parameters, leading to their averaging. Therefore, as the first criterion for checking the existence of this type diversity (in profile whose dimension is the most studied) we chose the absorption capacity of Zn2 + which were analyzed for the peat layers with a resolution of a few centimeters obtained from the peat profile with a length of several tens of centimetres. The results of this study confirmed our thesis and revealed more than 6 fold change the sorption magnitude for the tested peat profile. In addition, to the basic chemical characteristics, including determining the position of the tested Van Krevelen’s peat diagram, elemental analysis was performed and the atomic ratios of C/N, O/C, H/C and g parameter (EPR – electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy) were calculated. The nature of persistent organic radicals formed from the structural units present in organic matter of the peat was also estimated in terms of its characteristics.
Potrzeba jak najlepszego wykorzystania zasobów wodnych zlewni na Lubelszczyźnie wynika z faktu zaliczenia do regionów niedoboru wody na obszarze Polski. Ponadto ten deficyt znacznie się pogłębia, gdy roczna suma opadów nie przekracza 550 mm. Poprawa zasobów wodnych siedlisk jest jednym z celów tzw. małej retencji. Celem pracy jest analiza wielkości składników bilansu wodnego w odwodnionej dolinie rzecznej mikro-zlewni torfowiska. W badaniu wykorzystano wyniki badań i obserwacji terenowych z lat 2010-2014. Zlewnia rowu K-2 znajduje się w Sosnowicy – dorzeczu Piwonii. Powierzchnia zlewni rowu wynosi 0,46 km2 i jest w 86% użytkowana jako jednokośne półnaturalne łąki. W pokrywie glebowej dominują zdegradowane gleby murszowo-torfowe (MtIIbb). 75% powierzchni stanowią siedliska pobagienne i wilgotne charakteryzujące się wysokim poziomem wody gruntowej. Przeprowadzone badania wykazują znaczący wpływ warunków meteorologicznych, a także siedliska na wielkość odpływu i zmian retencji w analizowanych latach hydrologicznych. Najwyższe wielkości odpływu miały miejsce w półroczu letnim 2009/10 roku i były związane z intensywnymi opadami deszczu w maju oraz w sierpniu i wrześniu. Wynosiły one 90 mm i były niemal trzykrotnie większe niż w zbliżonym do przeciętnego roku 2011/12. Odpływ wody składa się w równym stopniu od spływu powierzchniowego i drenaż gleby. Równowaga ta jest szczególnie prawdziwa w odniesieniu do płaskości terenu utrudnia odpływ i zmniejszoną chłonność, że szczególnie w czasie wiosennych ekscesów nie może przechowywać duże ilości wody. Obserwowane zmiany retencji były niewielkie, co wynika z wysokiego podsiąku kapilarnego gleb organicznych. Zaobserwowana w roku przeciętnym ujemna retencja świadczy o potrzebie nawadniania terenu. Badania potwierdziły dominującą rolę parowania powierzchni w bilansie wodnym. Dowodem na to jest niższych odpływów w pierwszej połowie roku w porównaniu do pierwszej połowy zimy i spadku średniej retencji. Wysokiemu parowaniu sprzyja głównie występowanie płytko położonej wody gruntowej i temperatura powietrza. Potencjalna ewapotranspiracja terenów łąkowych wystarczająco wilgoci przekracza 500 mm. Uzyskane w pracy wyniki różnią się od obliczeń wykonanych na Pojezierzu Łęczyńsko-Włodawskim. Wartości wskaźników dla okresu 1951-95 wynoszą: opad – 550 mm, odpływ 108 mm, parowanie – 442 mm, zmiany retencji przyjęto 0 mm. Natomiast podobne wyniki uzyskano w badaniach prowadzonych w zlewni rowu G-8, gdzie w roku normalnym odpływ wody wyniósł 102 mm, a retencja zmniejszyła się o 33 mm.
The need of the best utilization of water resources of catchments in Lubelszczyzna, results from the fact that region the water scarce areas of Poland. In addition this deficit is gradually deepening, when the annual sum of precipitation does not excess 550 mm. Improvement of water reserves in habitats is one of aims of so-called small retention. The object of study is to analyze the size of the components of the water balance in dreinage river valleys micro-catchments of peatland. The study used the results of research and field observations from the years 2010 - 14. Catchment ditch K-2 is located in the Sosnowica - Piwonia river basin. The catchment area of the ditch is 0.46 km2 and is 86% as a one-crop seminatural meadows land use. The soil cover is dominated by degraded soil muck-peat (MtIIbb). In the catchment area 75% of the habitat moorshed and moist with a high groundwater level. Carried out investigations indicate significant impact of meteorological conditions as well as habitats on runoff index and retention changes in analyzed hydrological years. The highest rates occurred in the summer half of the outflow year 2009/10, and have been associated with heavy rainfall in May and in August and September. They amounted to 90 mm and were almost three times higher than in an average year, similar to 2011/12. Water flow is composed equally of surface runoff and underground outflow. This balance is particularly true with regard to the flatness of the terrain and reduced absorbency of hindering drainage. Especially during the spring thaw the soil can not accumulate large amounts of water. Retention observed changes were low, because of the high capillary rise of organic soils. The observed mediocre in the year negative value retention demonstrates the need for irrigation of the land. Studies have confirmed the dominant role of surface evaporation in the water balance. This is evidenced by the lower outflows in the first half year compared to the first half of the winter and fall in the average retention. High evaporation mainly favors the occurrence of shallow water and the air temperature. Potential evapotranspiration of grassland areas sufficiently moisture exceed 500 mm. The resulting work results differ from the calculation for the Leczna-Wlodawa Lakeland. Indicator values for the period 1951-1995 are: rainfall 550 mm, 108 mm outflow, evaporation 442 mm, changing retention assumed 0 mm. While the similar results were achieved with research conducted in the catchment ditch the G-8, where in a normal water outflow amounted to 102 mm, and retention decreased by 33 mm.
In the context of five significantly different landscape parks in Wielkopolska (30,413 ha) 243 peatlands have been presented in terms of their characteristics, stratigraphy, change in means of utilisation and localisation. Thus trends in the change of peatland utilisation means in the period 1970–2016 were established and the resulting negative effects indicated. For this purpose the process of peatland protection established was analysed in the context of management plans carried out for both the protection of landscape parks and Natura 2000 sites within their territory. The above management plans, however, do not provide information as to localisation data, stratigraphy and to what purpose peatlands are used, which in all cover 2,690 ha – 4.2% of parks’ area. Most often this means there are no formal applications for their protection. This could be said to be a biproduct of a lack of discussion as to the major threat to the environment presented by the increasing disappearance of peatlands – a result of the mineralisation and moorsh process of peat soils. To a large extent the former has resulted from a lack of scientific expertise in respect to soils, peats and land reclamation in research teams preparing landscape management plans.
Na przykładzie pięciu różniących się istotnie parków krajobrazowych Wielkopolski (30 413 ha) przedstawiono charakterystykę, stratygrafię, zmianę sposobu użytkowania i lokalizację 243 torfowisk. Określono trend zmiany sposobu użytkowania torfowiska w latach 1970–2016 i wskazano wynikające z tego negatywne skutki. Analizowano sposoby ochrony torfowisk ustalone w ramach ostatnio sporządzonych planów ochrony parków krajobrazowych i wchodzących w ich skład obszarów Natura 2000. We wszystkich istniejących planach brak danych o lokalizacji, stratygrafii i sposobie użytkowania torfowisk, które zajmują łącznie 2690,1 ha, czyli 4,2% powierzchni parków. Skutkuje to najczęściej brakiem wniosków na temat ich ochrony. Nie wspomina się o głównym zagrożeniu, którym jest stale postępujące zanikanie torfowisk w wyniku mineralizacji i murszenia torfu. W znacznej mierze jest to wynikiem braku gleboznawców, torfoznawców i meliorantów w zespołach autorskich przygotowujących plany ochrony.
This article attempts to determine the impact of peatlands on the chemical composition and selected parameters of shallow groundwater in Drawa National Park. Three peat bogs were selected for testing: Miradz, Wydrowe Łęgi and Głodne Jeziorka. They differ from each other in terms of origins, botanical composition and properties of peat. 55 samples of organic soils (including 41 peat samples) and 17 groundwater samples were collected. The samples came from layers of peat bogs and peatlands situated directly beneath and in the immediate vicinity. During the laboratory tests are shown in the basic physicochemical parameters of the peat: ash content (AC), cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH, moisture. In addition, the data on SRT and their botanical composition marked in the course of fieldwork have been verified. Directly in the field pH, PEW and water temperatures were examined. In the groundwater samples were determined concentrations of ions HCO3, SO4, NO3, Cl, PO4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Al, Si and other selected metals. The results showed that the peat bogs of different genesis in a different way influence the shaping of the chemical composition of shallow groundwater. Especially significant differences indicate if compared to the peat bog Miradz, Wydrowe Łęgi in opposition to Głodne Jeziorka. Groundwater from the Głodne Jeziorka and direct neighborhoods showed a much lower pH, conductivity and mineralization.
Although peatlands cover only 3% of the Earth’s surface, they constitute a huge reservoir of carbon. It is estimated that they accumulate one third of carbon contained in all types of soils worldwide. Therefore, knowledge of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of peat is important for prevention of peat degradation and release of carbon stored as CO2 into the atmosphere. In organic soils, water plays a very important role as a protective factor against mineralisation of organic matter. Therefore, organic soils are characterised by high specificity and dissimilarity from mineral soils. The hydrological factor induces a variety of changes in the physical and chemical properties, e.g. low redox potential or low oxygen content in soil pores. Many soil processes are determined by the soil oxygenation status, which can be measured with various indicators as well as direct and indirect measurements. One of the indirect methods is measurement of the redox potential. The oxidation-reduction potential (redox potential or Eh) is a measure of the ratio of oxidised to reduced forms in a solution. This parameter is inextricably linked to oxygen supply and the processes of consumption thereof by microorganisms and plant roots. Therefore, the redox potential is used as an indicator of the oxygenation status and the content of biogenic forms and toxins in the soil environment and sediments. In the case of submerged soils, penetration of atmospheric oxygen into the soil is limited due to low rates of oxygen diffusion and, hence, low redox potential, which inhibits plant growth through inhibition of respiration and production of toxins in reducing conditions. The aim of this article is (1) to the show soil-plant-soil microorganism interactions taking place on peatbogs in the context of redox potential, (2) to investigate the responses of plants and soil microorganisms to the changing redox potential, and (3) to demonstrate the mechanisms of plant adaptation to the reducing conditions prevailing in peatbogs.
Stratigraphic slope wetlands result from discharging ground water and can be found anywhere in dissected landscapes. Both seeps and fens are stratigraphic slope wetlands and the difference between the two in the Midwestern USA is not always clearly defined. Geomorphic features of 30 stratigraphic slope wetlands in Muscatine County, Iowa were measured using global positioning system and geographic information system technology. One-way ANOVA was used to test the hypotheses that the area, elevation, and/or slope would be significantly different between seeps and fens of differing parent material. The results suggest that fens and seeps are geomorphically indistinguishable from one another.
W pracy oszacowano ewapotranspirację rzeczywistą zakrzaczeń brzozowych na torfowisku niskim, na podstawie dobowej dynamiki stanów wód podziemnych mierzonych co godzinę, w trzech wybranych okresach bezopadowych (17-21.08.2008, 1-7.09.2008, 5-9.08.2009). Wyniki obliczeń zweryfikowano na podstawie ewapotranspiracji rzeczywistej, obliczonej metodą ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej skorygowanej za pomocą współczynników roślinnych. Ewapotranspiracja rzeczywista zakrzaczeń brzozowych wynosiła od 19,2 (1-7.09.2008) do 25,1 mm (5-9.08. 2009). W okresach 17- 21.08.2008 i 5-9.08.2009 wykazano dobrą zgodność wyników otrzymanych obydwiema metodami, odpowiednio 11 i 19% różnicy, natomiast w okresie 1-7.09.2008 różnica między obliczonymi wartościami wynosiła 27%. Wartości współczynników roślinno-glebowo-wodnych zakrzaczeń brzozowych, obliczone jako stosunek ewapotranspiracji rzeczywistej wyznaczonej metodą analizy hydrogramu wód podziemnych i ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej obliczonej metodą Penmana-Monteitha, wynosiły 1,59 w okresie 17-21.08.2008 w warunkach średniej głębokości położenia zwierciadła wód podziemnych wynoszącej 0,35 m; 1,31 w okresie 1-7.09.2008 w warunkach średniej głębokości położenia zwierciadła wód podziemnych wynoszącej 0,45 m oraz 1,49 w okresie 5-9.08.2009 w warunkach średniej głębokości położenia zwierciadła wód podziemnych wynoszącej 0,1 m. Dostrzeżono możliwość zastosowania przedstawionej metody do weryfikacji i uszczegółowienia dotychczas stosowanych współczynników roślinno-glebowo-wodnych różnych typów roślinności bagiennej w okresach hydrologicznego niedoboru wody w profilu glebowym i niskich stanów wód podziemnych w okresach bezopadowych. Metoda może również być zastosowana do kalibracji modeli hydrologicznych opisujących relacje między dynamiką płytkich wód podziemnych a ewapotranspiracją w warunkach zróżnicowanej szaty roślinnej.
In this paper the actual evapotranspiration of birch thicket on a fen meadow was calculated from the analysis of diurnal groundwater level fluctuations measured in shallow piezometer with a 1-h temporal resolution. Calculations were done for three selected rain-free periods (17-21.08.2008, 1-7.09.2008, 5-9.08.2009). Results of calculations were compared with the evapotranspiration esti mated with the reference evapotranspiration method corrected with vegetation coefficients. Actual evapotranspiration of birch thickets ranged from 19.2 mm (1-7.09.2008) to 25.1 mm (5-9.08.2009). A reasonable correspondence was observed for the two applied methods which differed by 11%, 19% and 27% for the periods 17-21.08.2008, 5-9.08.2009 and 1-7.09.2008, respectively. Plant-soil-water coefficients for the evaluation of actual evapotranspiration based on potential evapotranspiration for birch thickets were calculated as a ratio of actual evapotranspiration calculated with applied method and reference evapotranspiration calculated with the Penman-Monteith algorithm. The values of coefficients ranged from 1.59 for the period of 17-21.08.2008 at a mean groundwater depth of 0.35 m to 1.31 for the period 1-7.09.2008 at a mean groundwater depth of 0.45 m and to 1.49 for the period 5- 9.08.2009 at a mean groundwater depth of 0.1 m. Presented method of estimating actual evapotranspiration based on groundwater hydrograph analysis provides opportunities for the verification and assessment of plant-soil-water coefficients in periods of hydrological stress and low groundwater level. It can also be applied in the calibration of hydrological models designed to quantify groundwater level dynamics induced by evapotranspiration.
Białowieża in Poland is a very famous region in Europe (because of its primeval forest and bison population), but its environmental history is poorly known. This article shows the results of palynological analysis, macrofossil analysis and geological settings of two mires in the Białowieża Forest. The pollen diagrams show changes of the vegetation cover from the younger part of the Late Glacial until the present time. The relative time scale is based on palynostratigraphy and comparison to published results of other sites from the adjacent regions. During the Late Glacial two stages of the vegetation succession were revealed: steppe and forest during the Alleröd period and tundra-like vegetation during the Younger Dryas. The Holocene history consists of five stages of plant cover development. The special features of the Białowieża Forest are conditioned by two main factors: low degree of anthropogenic impact and influences of continental climate and boreal zone, stronger than in the other regions of Poland.
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Warunki fizycznogeograficzne w górach nie sprzyjają rozwijaniu się obszarów podmokłych, dlatego też Wielkie Torfowisko Batorowskie jest stosunkowo niewielkim obiektem położonym w polskiej części Gór Stołowych, zbudowanych głównie z piaskowców i margli kredowych. Torfowisko zajmuje obszar ok. 35 ha i znajduje się na lekko pochylonym stoku, o spadku w kierunku północnym. Jest to obiekt o charakterze młaki, w którego spągu stwierdzono zwietrzelinę marglistą oraz liczne uskoki i spękania tektoniczne, które były podstawową przyczyną powstania niecki akumulacyjnej torfowiska. Najwyższy punkt torfowiska znajduje się na wysokości 719 m n.p.m., natomiast najniższy na 708 m n.p.m. Celem badań opisywanych w niniejszej pracy było określenie czasowej i przestrzennej zmienności fizycznych i geochemicznych cech Wielkiego Torfowiska Batorowskiego. Prace badawcze i pomiarowe przeprowadzono w 1999 r. Ich wyniki wskazują na mezo- i oligotroficzne warunki siedliskowe, co jest charakterystyczne dla torfowisk, których osady są mało zasobne w składniki odżywcze. Zmienność przestrzenna fizycznych i geochemicznych cech torfowiska jest ściśle powiązana z warunkami hydrogeologicznymi. Wody podziemne zasilające Wielkie Torfowisko Batorowskie wpływają na jakość wód torfowych. Siedlisko, stosunkowo bogatsze w składniki odżywcze, zajmuje jedynie niewielki obszar torfowiska, na jego zachodnich obrzeżach, zasilany wodami podziemnymi krążącymi w marglach kredowych. Pozostała część torfowiska pozostaje pod wpływem wód wypływających z ubogich w składniki odżywcze piaskowców. Jest to jedna z głównych przyczyn powodujących mezo- i oligotroficzne środowisko torfowiska. Jeśli chodzi o zmienność czasową, jedynie temperatura wody wykazuje zróżnicowanie sezonowe. Inne elementy, takie jak pH, przewodność elektryczna wody oraz zawartość tlenu rozpuszczonego pozostają na podobnym poziomie.
Mountain landscape is not suitable for peatland development. Wielkie Torfowisko Batorowskie is a rather small peatland in Stołowe Mountains (South-West part of Poland) mainly built of marls and sandstones. The peatland area covers 35 ha and may be classified as a bog-spring situated on a mountain slope, with marl in bedrock, which surface inclines to North direction. Its highest point lies on 719 m a.s.l. and the lowest one on 708 m a.s.l. The sediment basin was formed due to land collapsing on the lines of faults. The aim of the investigation was to establish temporal and spatial variability of physical and geochemical properties of the peatland. Research sampling and measurements were conducted during the year of 1999. Results of investigations indicate meso and ombrotrophic conditions with rather low content of nutrients in peat deposits what is very characteristic for this kind of peatlands. Spatial variability of physical and geochemical peatland properties is strictly connected with hydrogeological conditions. Groundwater supplying Wielkie Torfowisko Batorowskie influences the quality of peatland water. Relatively rich habitat is a very small part of the peatland on its west edges which are supplied with groundwater circulated in marl rocks. The rest of the peatland area is supplied with groundwater from very nutrient poor sandstone aquifer. This situation is one of the main factor created meso and ombrotrophic habitat of the peatland. In case of temporal variability only water temperature varies in seasons. Other elements like for instance, pH, electric conductivity and dissolved oxygen, state more or less stable in time.
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