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This paper investigates the stress and strain state as well as formation processes of structure and features of aluminum alloys during the hot extrusion. It has been shown that during the hot extrusion the ring layers of an extruded element experience not only longitudinal and transverse deformations, but also a slip. The slip increases from inner layers to the surface layer. The tensile principal stresses and the sum of slip deformations also increase. It has been also demonstrated that at the exit of the pressing part the tensile principal stresses have different directions, forming an angle with extruder axis, which also increases towards the surface. In conclusion, it has been stated that the main radial and circumferential deformations act as restraining deformations.
Objectives: This article intends to review the strategies for coping with stress and psychological defense mechanisms. Method: Research Goal: to determine the relationship between stress coping strategies and defense mechanisms, among students (the Junkers).Target Group: the Junkers of the National Defense Academy of Georgia. Hypothesis: It is assumed that Junkers may have different stress coping strategies than civilian students, depending on their activities. Their defense mechanisms may be different too depending on the academic year. Data Collection Procedure: The research was conducted in April 2023 on 289 members of the Junker Training Battalion of the Academy, which includes 40 female Junkers. These individuals receive professional military education and participate in practical activities, unlike civilian students. The research focused on the age group of 18-22 years and analyzed the results of a survey conducted on 283 respondents. In the research we used the following methods: The Lazarus/Folkman test adapted to the Georgian population for the study of stress-coping strategies was used as a research tool; In the case for both civilian and military students, an adapted Georgian version of the Kellerman-Plutchik test "Lifestyle Index" was used to study psychological defense mechanisms (Plutchik, Kellerman, 1980: 3-33). Results: After analyzing the conducted research, it has become evident that the tests are reliable in terms of total reliability as well as each component. In our study(In military institutions) the Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.743, which confirms the reliability of both individual subscales and the total scale. We can say that our hypothesis was confirmed. According to the research, a difference was found between civilian students and Junkers in terms of the relationship between stress-coping strategies and defense mechanisms and their use. In addition, we obtained different results with Junkers according to courses, gender, and specialties, which has been empirically confirmed and is a good prerequisite for planning future research. Conclusions: According to the research, a difference was found between civilian students and Junkers in terms of the relationship between stress-coping strategies and defense mechanisms and their use.
W niniejszym artykule analizowano krótki wspornik żelbetowy. Bazując na literaturowych mechanizmach zniszczenia, wyszczególniono mechanizm zmiażdżenia betonu w dolnym narożu ściskanym. W rozważaniach sprawdzono wpływ sił wewnętrznych w słupie na wartość naprężeń ściskających w dolnym narożu. Analizie poddano wsporniki w słupach żelbetowych jednonawowej, dwukondygnacyjnej hali, na których opierają się podciągi stanowiące podporę dla płyt stropu międzykondygnacyjnego. W wyniku obliczeń za pomocą oprogramowania IDEA StatiCa Detail oraz Robot Structural Analysis Professional wskazano na zmianę wartości naprężeń w narożu wspornika wynikającą z sił wewnętrznych w słupie. Znaleziono przypadek graniczny, dla którego procedury analityczne, niewrażliwe na siły wewnętrzne w słupie, spełniały stany graniczne, jednak wyniki analizy wspomaganej komputerowo wykazały przekroczenie dopuszczalnych naprężeń w narożu ściskanym dla tego samego przypadku z uwzględnieniem sił wewnętrznych.
This article analyzes a short reinforced concrete corbel. Based on literature destruction mechanisms, the concrete crushing mechanism in the lower compression corner was specified. The considerations examined the influence of internal forces in the column on the value of compressive stresses in the lower corner. The analysis covered the brackets in the reinforced concrete columns of a single-nave, two-story hall, on which the beams supporting the inter-story ceiling slabs rest. As a result of calculations using IDEA StatiCa Detail and Robot Structural Analysis Professional software, a change in stress values in the corner of the cantilever resulting from internal forces in the column was indicated. An extreme case was found for which analytical procedures, insensitive to internal forces in the column, satisfied the limit states, but the results of the computer-aided analysis showed that the allowable stresses at the compression corner were exceeded for the same case including internal forces.
Presently the hoisting installation operated in the Wieliczka Salt Mine is mostly used for transporting visitors to the underground mine sections. It comprises two elevators which are able to effectively transport groups of up to 42 people during a single ride. Design objectives developed prior to its mounting at the shaft bottom and observations made by maintenance engineers clearly indicate that the guiding system in the shaft is very stiff and so deformations are in fact negligible. The components of the guiding system which have the highest stiffness are bunton beams, designed in accordance with pertinent regulations having relevance to hoisting installations.To verify the rationale of implementing the stiff steelwork frame, the digital model of the steelwork frame was created and numerical procedures were applied, taking into account the maximal design loads and operational loads. Numerical results were validated through measurements of real stress values at selected components of the guiding system in the hoisting installation operated in the shaft “Regis’, under variable operating conditions. The analysis of measurement data allows a preliminary evaluation of structural parameters of the car frame, highlighting the potential of reducing the mass of components selected to be optimised.
Połączenia są nieodzownym elementem każdej konstrukcji stalowej, ponieważ umożliwiają łatwy i szybki montaż prefabrykowanych elementów konstrukcji na budowie. Artykuł obejmuje wstępną analizę niestandardowych połączeń stalowych belek dwuteowych w porównaniu z powszechnie stosowanymi w budowlanych konstrukcjach stalowych, a także badanie dwóch schematów zamocowania belki wspornikowej oraz swobodnie podpartej metodą elementów skończonych. Badanymi parametrami były naprężenia, odkształcenia oraz początkowa sztywność obrotowa połączeń. Wyniki wykazały, że dwa z czterech zaproponowanych niestandardowych połączeń charakteryzowały się dużą efektywnością przenoszenia obciążeń oraz większą sztywnością obrotową w porównaniu z połączeniami standardowymi.
Connections are an indispensable element of every steel structure because they enable easy and quick assembly of prefabricated structural elements on the construction site. The article covers the initial analysis of non-standard connections of steel I-beams in relation to commonly used connections in steel building structures. An analysis of beams with connections was carried out and a finite element test was performed for two beam mounting schemes: cantilevered and simply supported. The parameters tested were stresses, strains and initial rotational stiffness of the connections. The results showed that two of the four proposed non-standard connections were characterized by high load transfer efficiency and greater rotational stiffness compared to standard connections.
The issue of SSI involves how the ground or soil reacts to a building built on top of it. Both the character of the structure and the nature of the soil have an impact on the stresses that exist between them, which in turn affects how the structure and soil beneath it move. The issue is crucial, particularly in earthquake regions. The interaction between soil and structure is an extremely intriguing factor in increasing or reducing structural damage or movement. Structures sitting on deformable soil as opposed to strong soil will experience an increase in static settlement and a decrease in seismic harm. The engineer must take into account that the soil liquefaction problem occurs for soft ground in seismic areas. A reinforced concrete wall-frame dual framework's dynamic reaction to SSI has not been sufficiently studied and is infrequently taken into consideration in engineering practice. The structures’ seismic performance when SSI effects are taken into account is still unknown, and there are still some misconceptions about the SSI idea, especially regarding RC wall-frame dual systems. The simulation study of the soil beneath the foundations significantly impacts the framework's frequency response and dynamic properties. Therefore, the overall significance of SSI in the structural aspect and sustainability aspects will be reviewed in this research.
The paper is focused on providing strength and stiffness for circuit cards exposed to vibration at critical frequencies. Since the dry friction damping is more effective than viscous damping and in case when application of viscous dampers is restricted by electronic package design the dry friction damper is proposed to be embedded to design of enclosure case in order to reduce oscillation amplitudes of circuit cards at critical frequencies. Dry friction damper produces dissipative forces – non-elastic resistance forces due to friction in kinematic pairs undergoing oscillations. The mathematical model has been developed for estimation of maximal dynamic stress and deflection in critical cross-section of circuit card with embedded dry friction damper at critical frequencies. Developed mathematical model specifies minimal limit value for stiffness of dry friction damper, which is used in engineering calculations to determine its geometric parameters. Design of dry friction damper is introduced by semi-elliptical beam with rectangular profile. The effectiveness of dry friction damper to reduce dynamic stress and deflection in circuit cards has been analytically proved and experimentally testified.
In its broadest sense, how people function in the work environment is a point of interest for researchers from many scientific disciplines. Currently, research tends to focus increasingly on issues related to stress experienced in the workplace, various coping strategies and consequences manifested in many spheres of human life. Adverse working conditions can contribute to the emergence of the burnout syndrome, resulting, according to the classical concept, from a mismatch between the employees’ intentions and realities of the job caused by inadequate coping strategies. Professional burnout has diverse effects on wellbeing and health of employees. Firefighters are particularly exposed to the adverse impact of stress and professional burnout. This paper presents the phenomenon of professional burnout, an analysis of its causes, symptoms and consequences, as well as methods of its prevention. Original articles and case reports on firefighter burnout published from January 2002 to November 2022 were reviewed in Web of Science. The review identified the problem of burnout in the professional group of firefighters including potential directions for burnout prevention.
W najszerszym ujęciu funkcjonowanie człowieka w środowisku pracy jest punktem zainteresowania badaczy z wielu dyscyplin naukowych. Obecnie badania coraz częściej koncentrują się na zagadnieniach związanych ze stresem doświadczanym w miejscu pracy, różnymi strategiami radzenia sobie z nim oraz konsekwencjami przejawiającymi się w wielu sferach życia człowieka. Niekorzystne warunki pracy mogą przyczynić się do powstania zespołu wypalenia zawodowego, wynikającego, zgodnie z klasyczną koncepcją, z niedopasowania intencji pracowników do realiów pracy, spowodowanego nieadekwatnymi strategiami radzenia sobie. Wypalenie zawodowe ma szereg skutków dla samopoczucia i zdrowia pracowników. Strażacy są szczególnie narażeni na negatywne skutki stresu i wypalenia zawodowego. W artykule przedstawiono zjawisko wypalenia zawodowego, analizę jego przyczyn, objawów i konsekwencji, a także metody jego zapobiegania. Dokonano przeglądu oryginalnych artykułów i opisów przypadków dotyczących wypalenia zawodowego strażaków opublikowanych od stycznia 2002 r. do listopada 2022 r. w bazie Web of Science. W wyniku przeglądu określono problem wypalenia zawodowego w grupie zawodowej strażaków, a także możliwe kierunki profilaktyki wypalenia.
Pin joints of chain transmissions are areas of stress concentration, which can lead to the formation of cracks in the links. This process often contributes to a critical weakening of the cross-section in the lugs of these links, which results in its damage and may lead to the failure of the entire drive. The article analyses the influence of exemplary wear damages of chain transmission elements on the magnitude of stress concentration. The impact of the load, crack size, and its location on the level of stress increase was assessed. The location of cracks in the lugs of chain plates transmission links which lead to the most significant increase in stress level was identified.
Połączenia sworzniowe przekładni łańcuchowych są miejscem koncentracji naprężeń, które mogą prowadzić do powstawania pęknięć w ogniwach. Proces ten często przyczynia się do krytycznego osłabienia przekroju w uchach tych ogniw, co skutkuje jego zniszczeniem i może prowadzić do niesprawności całego napędu. W artykule przeanalizowano wpływ przykładowych uszkodzeń zużyciowych elementów przekładni łańcuchowych na wielkość spiętrzenia naprężeń. Dokonano oceny wpływu wielkości obciążenia, wielkości pęknięcia oraz jego lokalizacji na poziom przyrostu naprężeń. Zidentyfikowano położenie pęknięć uch płytek gąsienicowych przekładni łańcuchowych, które prowadzą do największego spiętrzenia wytężenia.
Mięso stanowi ważną część diety człowieka dostarczając m.in. białko o wysokiej wartości biologicznej, a wieprzowina jest najczęściej spożywanym mięsem w Polsce. Pozyskanie dobrej jakości tuszy oraz mięsa świń jest gwarantem wysokiej jakości produktów mięsnych. Ważnym momentem determinującym zmiany w mięsie jest ubój. Dostarczenie zwierząt rzeźnych wiąże się z mieszaniem osobników, załadunkiem, transportem, rozładunkiem, przepędem, magazynowaniem, procesem oszałamiania i kłucia, czyli wykrwawiania. Obrót przedubojowy i sam proces uboju stanowi zatem najbardziej stresogenny okres w życiu świni. Dobrostan zwierząt podczas transportu i uboju trzody chlewnej leży zatem w interesie zarówno producentów, jak i konsumentów. Kluczowym elementem w tym procesie jest bezstresowe doprowadzenie zwierząt do stanowiska ubojowego i przeprowadzenie w sposób właściwy oszałamiania. Przy uboju pośrednim świń wyróżnia się dwa rodzaje oszałamiania, tj.: elektryczne oraz gazowe, które są stosowane, w zależności od wielkości zakładów ubojowych. Celem pracy była analiza wpływu postępowania ze zwierzętami w trakcie uboju, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zastosowanych metod oszałamiania (ogłuszania) na jakość wieprzowiny.
Meat is the part of the human diet that provides protein with high nutritional value, and pork is the most consumed meat in the world. Obtaining good quality carcass and meat from pigs is a guarantee of obtaining high-quality meat products. Slaughter is an important moment determining the changes in meat. The supply of slaughter animals involves the mixing of individuals, loading, transporting, unloading, herding, storage, stunning and bleeding. Therefore, the day of slaughter is the most stressful time in a pig’s life. That is why, animal welfare during the transport and slaughter of pigs is in the interest of consumers and producers. The key solution in this process is to bring the animals stress-free to the slaughter place and doing the stunning in right way. In indirect slaughter of pigs, two types of stunning are distinguished, i.e. electric and gas, which are used depending on the size of the slaughterhouses. The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of handling animals during slaughter on the pork quality, due to the use of the stunning method.
This paper presents the outcomes of quality tests conducted on specimens, both smooth and V-notched, subjected to uniaxial tension, which were extracted from a gas transport pipeline. The introduction of the V-notch introduced variations in the stress and strain component fields near the plane of maximum constriction, consequently leading to their failure through different mechanisms. The process included the implementation of quality management practices such as numerical modeling and simulation of the loading of the specimens using ABAQUS. The material model employed in these calculations was defined and verified to ensure quality control. Subsequent to the numerical calculations, maps of the stress and strain component fields were generated, contributing to the quality assessment of the specimens. It was determined that the quality management process for the smooth specimen identifies the initiation of failure primarily due to the normal stress component in the central region of the plane with the largest constriction. In contrast, in the V-notched specimen, quality management efforts revealed that failure initiation occurs due to the tangential stress component, and failure proceeds through the shear mechanism. These results are valuable in developing a quality-driven methodology for monitoring the operational safety of gas network pipelines, primarily based on the analysis of acoustic emission signals.
Główną rolą współpracujących ze sobą warstw ziarnistych w nawierzchni kolejowej, tzn. podsypki, warstwy ochronnej i podtorza jest zapewnienie przekazywania obciążeń oraz odpowiednie podparcie rusztu torowego. Podsypka jest jednak najsłabszym elementem nawierzchni kolejowej, dlatego wymaga odpowiedniego doboru materiału, uziarnienia, wzmocnienia czy zagęszczenia. W artykule opisano stosowane rozwiązania w materiale ziarnistym podsypki tłuczniowej zwiększające trwałość zarówno samej podsypki, jak i eksploatowanej nawierzchni kolejowej. Zastosowanie elementów sprężystych wg ich sztywności rekomendowano w celu zwiększenia trwałości podsypki kolejowej na etapie projektowania, budowy i utrzymania eksploatowanych nawierzchni kolejowych. Wskazano również zalecane rozwiązania do stosowania w praktyce inżynierskiej, które można dostosować do aktualnego cyklu życia nawierzchni kolejowej.
The main role of the cooperating layers in railway track structure: ballast, protective layer and subgrade is to provide load transfer and proper support of the railway track. However, the ballast is the weakest element in the ballasted railway track structure, therefore it requires the appropriate selection of material, grain size, strengthening or compaction. The used solutions in the granular material of the breakstone ballast increasing the durability of both the ballast itself and the operated railway track structure are described. The use of elastic elements according to their stiffness are recommended to increase the durability of the railway ballast at the stage of design, construction and maintenance of operated railway track structures. The recommended solutions for use in engineering practice, which can be adapted to the current cycle life of the railway track structure, are also shown.
This paper describes the study of ventilated car disc brakes stress-strain conditions and friction under the pressure using the ANSYS environment. Such influencing factors are taken into account in the course of research as angular speed value, the pressure of the pads on the disk, the nature of the load application, convection, thermal expansion, etc. Computer modelling of the stress field and the transient thermal field in the area of contact between the pads and the disk is provided by the method of sequential thermostructural communication of the intermediate states of the brake model directly in the ANSYS Coupled Field Transient environment. Besides, the ANSYS calculations were also performed based on the primitive assembly model of two steel blocks (the discrepancy was less than 3%) to determine the identity of the theoretical knowledge about the heating of bodies as a result of the work to overcome frictional forces. Finally, a high level of calculation results convergence by analytical formulas and computer modelling was established. Since this approach justified itself, its principles were taken as a basis in the calculations of ventilated disc brakes of cars, which significantly facilitates their application, knowing the area of the active part of the disc (the rest of the boundary conditions are typical and correspond to the normal operating modes of the vehicle).
Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin consists of complex structured ore deposits and is developed by the underground method at depths of over 1000 m. The underground method is used to mine reserves of rich iron ores with a useful component content of more than 59% applying bulk ore and rock caving systems. This leads to significant changes in the stress state of the rock massif. During underground operations, mine workings are strained and in some cases destructed. As a result, enterprises are constantly increasing operating costs for maintaining mine workings, which adversely impacts the cost of production. Industrial research results demonstrate that in most cases workings fail in their upper part which is vaulted in shape. Available methods for determining the state of rocks around mine workings do not fully take into account physical and mechanical properties of the rocks in which the working is located. The developed technique allows determining not only the destructive pressure impacting the workings, but also the angle at which the destructive force acts. This technique differs from the available ones in taking into account not only mining and geological characteristics of the deposit, but also most factors of physical and mechanical properties of rocks. This technique helps to choose a rational place for driving mine workings at the stage of design, thus avoiding significant additional cost for their maintenance.
W kopalni Krzywy Róg występują złoża rudy o złożonej strukturze, wydobywane metodą podziemną z głębokości ponad 1000 m. Stosując systemy zawałowe eksploatuje się złoża bogatych rud żelaza o zawartości składników użytecznych powyżej 59%. Prowadzi to do znacznych zmian stanu naprężeń masywu skalnego. Podczas prac podziemnych wyrobiska kopalniane podlegają naprężęniom, a w niektórych przypadkach ulegają zniszczeniu. W efekcie przedsiębiorstwa stale podwyższają koszty eksploatacji wyrobisk górniczych, co niekorzystnie wpływa na koszty produkcji. Wyniki badań przemysłowych wskazują, że w większości przypadków wyrobiska zawodzą w swojej górnej części. Dostępne metody określania stanu skał wokół wyrobisk górniczych nie uwzględniają w pełni właściwości fizycznych i mechanicznych skał, w których znajduje się wyrobisko. Opracowana technika pozwala na określenie nie tylko ciśnienia destrukcyjnego działającego na wyrobiska, ale również kąta działania siły destrukcyjnej. Technika ta rożni się od dostępnych tym, że uwzględnia nie tylko cechy górniczo-geologiczne złoża, ale także większość czynników właściwości fizykomechanicznych skał. Technika ta pozwala już na etapie projektowania na dobór racjonalnych miejsc prowadzenia wyrobisk górniczych, unikając w ten sposób znacznych dodatkowych kosztów ich utrzymania.
Underground mines of Kryvyi Rih iron ore deposit apply room mining systems or systems with bulk caving of ore and overlying rocks in a ratio of 35% to 65%. Most mines prefer room mining systems with pillar caving due to high, technical and economic indicators. However, when mining certain areas, the problem arises of hanging wall rocks stability. Under the same mining and geological conditions of the deposit, stopes are stable in some areas, but in others waste rocks get in the stope from the side of the hanging wall when a slight exposure is created. Thus, in conditions of instable rocks of the hanging wall, development and improvement of the technology involving room mining is an urgent issue. Analysis of researchers reveals factors that significantly indluence stability of the hanging wall rocks and ore. The developed methods enable determining stability parameters and applying an improved option of room mining system in conditions of the instable hanging wall with the help of a protective ore pillar located at the instable hanging wall. Calculations performed demonstrate that application of the proposed mining system enables an increase in the iron content in the mined ore mass by 0.94%, the increased amount of the ore mass extracted and a profit of 18.73 thousand euros for the whole of a block.
Kopalnie podziemne złoża rudy żelaza w Krzywym Rogu stosują systemy urabiania komorowego lub systemy z zawałem rudy i nadległych skał w stosunku 35% do 65%. Większość kopalń preferuje systemy eksploracji komorowej z zawałem filarowym ze względu na wysokie wskaźniki techniczne i ekonomiczne. Jednak podczas eksploatacji niektórych obszarów pojawia się problem ze stabilnością wiszących skał. W takich samych warunkach górniczo-geologicznych złoża stopnie na niektórych obszarach są stabilne, ale na innych skały płonne dostają się do stopu od strony wiszącej ściany, gdy powstaje niewielkie odsłonięcie. Dlatego też w warunkach niestabilnych skał wiszącej ściany pilnym zagadnieniem jest rozwój i doskonalenie technologii eksploatacji komorowej. Analiza badań ujawnia czynniki, które znacząco wpływają na stabilność wiszących skał i rudy. Opracowane metody umożliwiają wyznaczenie parametrów statecznościowych oraz zastosowanie udoskonalonego wariantu systemu eksploracji pomieszczenia w warunkach niestabilnej ściany wiszącej za pomocą filaru ochronnego rudy, znajdującego się przy niestabilnej ścianie wiszącej. Z przeprowadzonych obliczeń wynika, że zastosowanie proponowanego systemu urabiania umożliwia zwiększenie zawartości żelaza w wydobywanej masie rudy o 0,94%, zwiększenie ilości wydobywanej masy rudy oraz zysk w wysokości 18,73 tys. euro za cały blok.
W artykule porównano metody wyznaczania sił wewnętrznych w cylindrycznym, żelbetowym zbiorniku na ciecz, obciążonym parciem hydrostatycznym oraz gradientem temperaturowym. Obliczenia wykonano, stosując podejście analityczne, uproszczone oraz rozbudowane modele MES. Celem prowadzonych analiz była ocena poprawności zalecanego w przypadku obciążeń termicznych założenia 50-procentowej redukcji sztywności ściany zbiornika po zarysowaniu, stosowanego w metodach uproszczonych i analitycznych.
This paper compares methods for calculating internal forces in a cylindrical RC liquid tank loaded, hydrostatic pressure and temperature gradient. Calculations were performed using an analytical approach, simplified and extended FEM models. The purpose of the analyzes carried out was to evaluate the accuracy of the recommended assumption for thermal loads of a 50% reduction in the stiffness of the tank wall after scratching, used in simplified and analytical methods.
W ostatnich 10 latach zauważono znaczny wzrost zastosowania nawierzchni z betonu cementowego w krajowej sieci dróg szybkiego ruchu. Wiodące wśród nawierzchni z betonu cementowego są nawierzchnie dyblowane i kotwione. Cechą charakterystyczną tego rozwiązania jest podzielenie jednorodnej nawierzchni na szereg płyt poprzez wykonanie poprzecznych i podłużnych szczelin dylatacyjnych. Ich zadaniem jest zapobiegnięcie powstawaniu losowych spękań skurczowych. Wbudowanie dybli i kotew zwiększa możliwość przenoszenia obciążenia drogowego określanego miarą współpracy płyt, a także zapewnia im swobodny ruch spowodowany obciążeniem termicznym. Prawidłowa praca dybli zależy od sposobu ich osadzenia, materiału, z jakiego zostały wykonane, czy parametrów geometrycznych jak długość, średnica czy kształt przekroju. W artykule dokonano przeglądu literaturowego mającego na celu określenie wpływu parametrów dybli na zachowanie się nawierzchni z betonu cementowego.
In the last 10 years it has been seen a significant increase the application of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements on the national highway network. The leading technology among cement concrete pavements are the dowelled and anchored ones. The distinctive feature of this solution is the division of the homogeneous pavement into a series of slabs by means of contraction and construction joints. Their purpose is to prevent the formation of random shrinkage cracks. The incorporation of dowels and anchors, on the other hand, improves the road load-bearing capacity determined by a measure of the cooperation of the slabs and also ensures that the slabs move freely due to thermal loading. The correct operation of dowels depends on their embedment, the material from which they are made, or geometric parameters such as length, diameter or cross-sectional shape. In this paper, a literature review is carried out to determine the influence of the dowel bar parameters on the behaviour of cement concrete pavements.
The deformation of furniture units plays a significant role in their effective and efficient way of use during the overall service life. Accurate information on the deformation of different types of furniture members can be determined and evaluated by current testing methods. However, this will not only be expensive but also destructive. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to obtain initial data to predict the types and magnitudes of deformation which take place in various furniture works due to certain stress distribution. Such predictions were carried out by employing engineering analysis within the scope of the statistical approach. AutoCAD and SolidWorks software were used to design the furniture while the ANSYS finite element program route was employed for engineering analysis in this work. The joint types and stresses were applied as follows: dowel type joints having an equivalent stress level ranging from 0.20-0.96 MPa and a deformation level ranging from 0.0010.82 mm; mortise and tenon joints having an equivalent stress level ranging from 0.17-2.68 MPa, deformation level ranging from 0.02-0.17 mm. Minifix type joints having an equivalent stress level ranging from 0.07-17.6 MPa, and a deformation level ranging from 0.03-1.42 mm. It appears that the engineering tools used in this study can successfully be applied to determine the deformation behaviors of furniture units.
Small and medium-sized enterprises play a crucial role in job creation in the wood industry. The process of employee ageing and avoidance of heavy physical effort affect the labour market contribution. The need to increase work efficiency is certainly reflected in the pressures on employees. Workplace health investigations with the Work Ability Index (WAI) is a one of several tools that take into account job requirements, the employee health status and their resources. In the conducted study, an attempt was made to assess the workability of logging workers in the private sector of small and medium-sized enterprises. Excellent work readiness was found only among harvester and forwarder operators aged 20-30. Different dynamics of WAI decline as a function of age were also observed. In general, for the study group, the WAI fluctuated at a moderate level depending on the technical equipment, age of the employees, BMI, log dimensions and quality (pulp, industry or large saw log wood) or machine productivity. The worst situation was observed during silvicultural treatments of deciduous (beech) stands using the cut-to-length (short saw log wood harvesting) method. Ageing, being overweight, deteriorating health and the mainly physical nature of work are risk factors for low (mediocre) work capacity. It can partially be modelled by increasing employee engagement through an appropriate incentive system. We often observed differences between the work demands determined by the employer's expectations and the social, physical, and health limitations of employees, which led them to seek easier jobs.
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