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Content available Determination of the quality index of cars
This article presents theoretical studies of methods for assessing car quality indicators in the operation stage. Important criteria for determining the quality indicators of cars during the operation phase are the following: functional stability, ecology, comfort, technical solutions, and traffic safety. The problem of converting a multicriteria quality assessment to a single criterion is proposed to be solved by the method of determining a quality index. The methodology for the practical and actual implementation of this research is based on the evaluation of the quality index established on the average vehicle speed then the basic methodological principles are formulated. The quality index of a car is significantly dependent on the operating conditions. This article presents the correction coefficients for the quality index of base, hybrid, and electric vehicles, depending on the operating conditions. The studies and the proposed car quality index provide timely information on the characteristics of operating conditions, creating the necessary conditions and opportunities for automakers to improve the design of cars, promote the image of car brands, and increase sales.
Scattered information about cordwood masonry was gathered from different sources such as books, professional articles, popular articles and websites. Historical cordwood masonry construction techniques and newer cordwood masonry construction techniques were included. Current teachings of ecological construction practices were added, and private and professional individuals’ knowledge. Three main cordwood wall types were evaluated and the wall type - single log with centered insulation space - was found to be optimal. Spruce (Picea abies) was identified as the best suited tree species in Norway. Mixing of clay based mortar was explained. Load bearing can be done with post framework, or the cordwood walls themselves can be load bearing. Solutions for stabilising corners were found. It is optional to clad the house or leave it unclad. Momentums for future scientific research were pointed out, such as finding thermal transmittance U (W/m2K) for woods and mortars, and understanding humidity transportation efficiency in different types of wood with/without cladding. Unanswered questions were set forth. This is a pre-scientific literature study.
In this research the removal of sesame oil from aritifical water by Fenton process technique was investigated. The results of removal efficiency were compared with actual wastewater. Effect of time, pH, mixing speed, temperature, oil content were investigated to find the perfect circumstances. The conducted experiments revealed that the optimal conditions for this process were 160 minutes of reaction time in an acidic medium where pH was equal to 3.5, temperature was discovered to be 25 °C, the optimal mixing speed was at 500 rpm, and the Sesame oil concentration amounted to 1500 mg/l. Applying the optimal conditions for this processing, the results of compersion showed the sesame oil had a removal efficiency of 95% for the artificial wastewater in which the concentration decreased from 12800 to 68 mg/l, while the Fenton method was used to treat an actual sample of wastewater the removal efficiency is found to be 87%.
The aim of the study was to analyse the contrary body movement in Viennese waltz performed by dancesport athletes and to determine its relationship on scores awarded by the adjudicators. Methods: Six high-level and six intermediate dance couples took part in the study. Each couple performed three identical series of three natural turns figure in the Viennese waltz. All of them were recorded on camera while performing to music. All the trials of each couple were evaluated by 6 international adjudicators as to the technical quality component from the Absolute Judging System. A device for measuring triaxial rotational angular velocities was mounted on the dorsal part of the pelvic girdle and on the back of the chest of each athlete. Results: An analysis of covariance revealed that the mean squares of the difference in angular rotation velocity of the pelvic girdle and thoracic spine of the tested dancers were strongly associated with scores given by the adjudicators (F1.9 = 11.5, p = 0.0240, np2 = 0.449) independently of the assignment to the given group. Conclusions: The analysis and comparison of top level and intermediate athletes showed that the suggested method of measurement, presentation and analysis of the profile motion of pelvic girdle and chest motion may become a good tool for a general evaluation of the movement technique as well as a quick and effective qualitative and quantitative biomechanical assessment of selected components of movement technique in dancesport.
The operational technique for the major components of the fighter aircraft engine rotors has been introduced basing on the real conditions of their cyclic loading in each flight or ground test and a priori information on their previous operation. It has been confirmed that the obtained technical solutions not only conform to the current methods of accounting for the depletion of the life cycle of the Afterburning Turbofan Engine (ATE) but also introduce additional opportunities to consider individual characteristics and conditions of their cyclic loading throughout the overall operating time. A method for estimating the depletion of the life cycle in accordance with the Total Accumulated Cycle (TAC) has been proposed. It allows us to compare the actual operating time of the ATE in hours and the accumulated value of cyclic damage to the engine and its major components (within the TAC parameter) during the previous operation.
Zaprezentowano technikę kształtowania żywych mostów stosowaną od wieków przez lud Khasi w indyjskim stanie Meghalaya. Ustrój nośny tego rodzaju budowli stanowi szkielet wzajemnie splątanych i wielokrotnie zrośniętych ze sobą korzeni powietrznych figowca sprężystego. Korzenie te, stale rosnąc i ulegając stopniowemu zdrewnieniu, czynią z czasem utworzony z nich most, coraz mocniejszy i coraz bardziej sztywny.
The technique of shaping living bridges used for centuries by the Khasi people in the Indian state of Meghalaya is presented in detail. The load-bearing structure of this type of bridges is the skeleton made of the air roots of the Ficus elastica tree, tangled and repeatedly fused together. These roots, constantly growing and becoming gradually lignified, make the bridge formed from them stronger and more rigid with time.
Content available Zastosowanie oraz perspektywy rozwoju druku 3D
Na przestrzeni lat technologia druku 3D rozwinęła się na tyle, że coraz częściej wykorzystywana jest w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych, inżynierii biomedycznej oraz gospodarstwach domowych. W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z drukarkami i technologią druku 3D. Przedstawiono sposób powstawania przedmiotów metodą przyrostową oraz jej zalety i wady. Wymieniono i opisano zastosowania druku 3D, a także jego perspektywy i kierunek rozwoju.
Over the years, 3D printing technology has developed to such an extent that it is increasingly used in manufacturing companies,biomedical engineering and households. The article presents the most important issues related to printers and 3D printing technology. The method of creating items with the incremental method as well as its advantages and disadvantages is presented. The application of 3D printing was mentioned and described, as well as its prospects and direction of development.
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between shuttlecock velocity during a badminton forehand smash with and without jump (VmaxWJ and VmaxNJ), strength of upper limb muscles, vertical jump height and to analyze differences in these parameters for each gender. Methods: The study examined members of the Polish National Badminton Team seven women and seven men. A special torque meter was used to assess the strength of the upper limb muscles. Vertical jumps were performed on an AMTI force plate. Shuttlecock velocity was measured using Vicon motion capture system. Results: Differences between the right and left limbs were observed in all muscle groups except shoulder flexion for both genders. The results of all measured parameters: torques, height of countermovement and spike jump (HACMJ, HCMJ, HSPJ), VmaxWJ and VmaxNJ, were greater for men than for women. No statistically significant differences were found between VmaxWJ (men: 83.27 ± 4.83 m/s; women: 67.57 ± 4.21 m/s) and VmaxNJ (men: 84.19 ± 6.05 m/s; women: 69.70 ± 6.53 m/s) within the same gender. Positive correlations were found between both HCMJ and HSPJ regarding VmaxWJ in men; the height of shuttlecock impact in jump smash (HWJ) and HSPJ in women; proving the importance of jumping ability in badminton. Negative correlations were found between HWJ and VmaxWJ for both genders. Conclusions: The jump before smash is not used in order to hit the shuttle from the highest point, but to gain time to correctly prepare the phase of stroke while being in the air.
The aim of the study was to identify the basic kinematic characteristics of the one-arm hang in climbing for beginners and qualified climbers. Material and methods: Technique of the one-arm hang in climbing among 20 leading climbers of the World and Ukraine and 20 beginner male amateur climbers was analyzed. A qualified athlete participated in the demonstration of various models of the one-arm hang performance. By means of Kinovea software 0.8.15, the kinematic characteristics of two models of the technique were analyzed (model 1 for beginner athletes, model 2 for qualified athletes). Results: The presence of significant differences ( p < 0.001) between beginners and qualified athletes in the magnitude of the angles between the shoulder and clavicle, between the spine and the vertical axis in the phase of fixation of the one-arm hang was revealed. The dynamics of the angle between the shoulder and clavicle from the moment of capture of the climbing hold to the phase of fixation of the hang was shown. A theoretical justification for the correct climbing technique regarding to the laws of mechanics and the laws of force interaction in kinematic chain was provided. Conclusions: Beginner athletes carry out the one-arm hang mainly due to the ligamentous apparatus of the joints of the shoulder girdle with minimal inclusion of muscles, which is dangerous by trauma to the ligaments of the shoulder joint. Skilled athletes perform the one-arm hang with trunk and leg muscles included, which reduces the strain from the ligamentous apparatus and lowers the possibility of injury to the ligaments of the shoulder joint.
Przedstawiono rys historyczny wybranych odkryć w dziejach ludzkości. Omówiono obserwowane w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach zmiany gospodarcze, społeczne, przyrodnicze i inne, które dokonują się z coraz większym wykorzystywaniem osiągnięć nauki i techniki. Podano wybrane osiągnięcia techniki w dziedzinie inżynierii lądowej. Podkreślono, że działalność naukowa oraz wspomagające ją badania doświadczalne, a także zastosowania przyczyniają się do rzeczywistego postępu, jeżeli są upowszechnione i wykorzystane możliwie najlepiej dla dobra człowieka i jego przyrodniczego otoczenia. Zaprezentowano pogląd dotyczący perspektyw rozwoju w wybranych obszarach techniki.
In the article, historical outline of selected discoveries in the history of humanity has been presented. The economic, social, natural and other changes observed in recent decades were discussed, which occurs with the increasing use of achievements in science and technology. Selected technical achievements in the field of civil engineering have been considered. It was emphasized that scientific activity and experimental research as well as applications, contribute to real progress if they are disseminated and used for human development and his natural environment. The view on perspectives in selected areas of technology was presented.
Tworzywo wymaga określonego z nim sposobu postępowania w celu osiągnięcia celu, jakim w artystycznej działalności twórczej jest dzieło. Proces twórczy uwarunkowany jest zastosowaną techniką, ta implikuje walory formalne, którymi rozporządza artysta. Związek materii i techniki tworzy wielokierunkowy obszar, w którym artysta odnajduje własne miejsce – rozpoznaje je, określa, znamionuje i nadaje mu znaczenie. Technika wzmacnia oddziaływanie immanentnych cech szkła jako tworzywa.
Material requires specific with him on how to proceed in order to achieve the goal in an artistic creative activity is the work. The creative process is determined by the applied technique, this implies the formal qualities, which disposes of the artist. The relationship of matter and technique creates a multi-directional area, in which the artist finds their own place-recognizes them, determines that and gives it meaning. Technology enhances the impact of the inherent characteristics of glass as a material.
Wykorzystując naturalne umiejętności interpretacji i reinterpretacji mamy możliwość nadawania ”drugiego życia”, zarówno przedmiotom, obiektom jak i zjawiskom. Tworząc je nie zawsze musimy projektować nowe, dotąd nieznane nikomu formy. Definicje, nazwy, funkcje mogą stanowić jedynie punkt wyjściowy, do dalszego procesu tworzenia. Tego rodzaju postepowanie uczy i rozwija – pokorę i wyobraźnię. Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na szereg pytań, związanych z powyższym tokiem myślenia: Czy raz nadana definicja, jest jedyną właściwą ? Czy warto próbować ”patrzeć inaczej” ? Jakie konsekwencje może przynieść tworzenie ”drugiego życia” ? Jaką rolę pełni piękno i jak o nie dbać ? W końcu – gdzie w tym procesie łączy się sztuka z techniką i czy technika może być już, sama w sobie, postrzegana jako sztuka ? Nasze przemyślenia zilustrowane zostały kilkoma przykładami z różnych dziedzin działalności artystycznej. Przegląd prac umożliwi wysnucie odpowiedzi jednak nie jednoznacznych, a pozwalających na indywidualne przemyślenia i wnioski, wobec relacji między sztuką i techniką.
Using the natural skills of interpretation and reinterpretation, we are able to give "the second life" to items, architectural objects and phenomena. When creating it, we do not always have to design new forms that have never been known to anyone. Definitions, names, functions can be only a starting point for the further creation process. This way of thinking teaches and develops – humility and imagination. Our article is an attempt to answer several questions related to the above train of thought: Is the once given definition, the only proper one ? Is it worth trying to ”look at something differently” ? What are the consequences of creating ”the second life” ? What is the role of beauty and how to care for it ? And finally – where art and technology are connecting in this process. Can the technique be perceived as an art itself ? Our thoughts have been illustrated with several examples from various fields of artistic activity. The review of the works will allow to find answers not unequivocal, but the ones giving an opportunity for individual thoughts and conclusions about the relationship between art and technology.
Content available Technika zamrażania gruntów i skał luźnych
Nawodnione grunty i skały luźne, szczelinowate, z przewarstwieniami wodonośnymi, zwłaszcza o znacznych dopływach wód, stanowią bardzo poważne utrudnienie wykonawstwa robót budowlanych zarówno w obiektach inżynierii lądowej, jak i w górnictwie. Niekiedy jedynym sposobem stabilizacji takiego ośrodka jest zamrożenie górotworu. Wytworzony płaszcz zamrożonej skały wówczas stanowi tymczasową obudowę wyrobiska i blokadę dla napływającej wody, umożliwiając wykonanie przewidzianych prac budowlanych.
Irrigated soils and loose rocks, slit-like rocks, with aquifer interbeds, especially subject to significant water inflows, constitute a very serious difficulty in performing construction works both in land engineering facilities and in mining. At times the only method to stabilize such spot is to freeze the rock mass. A created layer of a frozen rock then constitutes a temporary lining of the excavation and block for the water which is flowing in, making it possible to perform the expected construction works.
The railway operation practice has proved that the condition of technical equipment considerably infl uences the processes of traffic organization and making-up/breaking-up trains. Operational failures lead to a lower estimated capacity of sorting facilities and, consequently, to a lower carrying capacity of stations and sections. Besides, they infl ict losses on both Ukrzaliznytsia and wagon/freight owners, thus affecting train and wagon fl ows. The objective of the study is to analyze the infl uence of failures in sorting facilities on their estimated capacity and to search for ways to minimize their negative impact. Methodology of the study is computational simulation and graphical interpretation of a 24-hour estimated capacity of the sorting hump and the lead track, the most signifi cant parameters of which are weight average values, and a variable parameter is the failure rate for technical equipment.
Content available remote Badania ultradźwiękowe osi pełnych
Ważnym zagadnieniem w eksploatacji osi kolejowych są badania ultradźwiękowe. Celem wykonywanych badań jest wykrycie poprzecznych pęknięć zmęczeniowych. Tworzą się one najczęściej w pobliżu zmian średnic osi (czyli w obszarach koncentracji naprężeń). Tradycyjna technika ultradźwiękowa umożliwia wykonywanie badania głowicami kątowymi na fale podłużne z powierzchni czołowej czopa. Badanie osi pełnych jest zadaniem czasochłonnym. Rozwiązaniem przy tego typu badaniach jest badanie półautomatyczne. Jest to badanie tańsze od badania w pełni automatycznego, a jednocześnie dużo szybsze od badania wykonywanego w sposób ręczny. Badania ultradźwiękowe dynamicznie się rozwijają, czego dowodem są nowoczesne techniki ultradźwiękowe jak np. technika Phased Array. Użycie jednej głowicy daje możliwość skanowania pod wieloma kątami wiązki ultradźwiękowej i brak konieczności stosowania kilku głowic.
A very important issue from exploration point of view of railway axles is ultrasound research. The aim of the performed examination is to discover the transverse fatigue cracks. They are most often formed near the axis diameter changes (in areas of stress concentration). The traditional ultrasound technique allows to perform testing by using the angle heads for longitudinal waves from the front surface of the spigot. Examination of full axes is a time-consuming task. The solution for this type of research is semi-automatic examination. It is much more cheaper than fully automatic one and it is faster than the examination performed manually. The ultrasound research is developing dynamically, there are a lot of modern techniques like for example Phased Array technique. Using one head provides the ability to scan at multiple angles of the ultrasonic beam and there is no need to use multiple heads.
Content available remote Błędy dotyczące kotwienia w budownictwie
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na typowe błędy w projektowaniu oraz wykonawstwie systemów kotwienia w budownictwie. Omówiono normowe zalecenia dotyczące obliczeń nietypowych elementów. Przedstawiono kilka przykładów błędnego wykonania kotwienia z rzeczywistej realizacji. Skomentowano rodzaj błędów i ich przyczynę.
This paper focuses on common errors in design and construction of anchors in civil engineering. Recommendations given in standards are discussed for the calculation of nonstandard elements. Examples of wrong execution of anchoring from real erection are shown. The comments are made on the types of errors and their causes.
Content available Evolution of quality in technique
Quality is the term commonly used in modern engineering, which evolved historically from the beginning of time. In each stage in the evolution meant compatibility with the quality requirements. Requirements were conditioned by the level of technology of the period. Today, quality is inherent to the technique by which seek all participants of the market economy. The article presents the historical process of formation of quality problems in the technology.
Content available Problematyka odpowiedzialności w filozofii techniki
Artykuł prezentuje problematykę odpowiedzialności w filozofii techniki. Analizuje się zagadnienie miejsca problematyki odpowiedzialności we współczesnej filozofii oraz jej ujęcie w filozofii R. Ingardena. Następnie analizuje się rolę oraz miejsce problematyki etycznej w filozofii techniki, aby w dalszej części artykułu przejść do problematyki odpowiedzialności, zarysowującej się we współcześnie dynamicznie rozwijającym się świecie techniki, na przykładzie koncepcji H. Jonasa.
The article presents the problem of responsibility in the philosophy of technology. The author analyzes the problem of the place and role of the concept of responsibility in contemporary philosophy and its presentation in the philosophy of R.Ingarden. Then he analyzes the role and place of the ethical issues in the philosophy of technology. In the second part of the article the author analyzes the concept of responsibility as it is emerging in today's rapidly evolving world of technology on the example of the concept of H. Jonas.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące możliwości usprawnienia techniki harmonogramowania robót budowlanych przez dodatkowe przedmiary kosztorysowe. Problemami podstawowymi są struktura procesów znormalizowanych i sposób przedmiarowania; w dostosowaniu do stopnia szczegółowości harmonogramu – szczegółowości struktury podziału pracy. Wcelu rozwiązania tych problemów zaproponowano model złożonej pozycji kosztorysowej wykorzystującej dowolną liczbę jednostek przedmiarowych. Pozwala to na uzupełnianie baz danych nakładów rzeczowych o roboty odnoszące się bezpośrednio do zadań występujących w strukturze podziału pracy w harmonogramowaniu, co automatyzuje proces tworzenia harmonogramów.
The aim of the study is to present possibility of improving the scheduling technique of construction works through additional cost estimate takeoffs. The basic problems in this respect include the structure of the normalised processes and the way of takeoffs; in adapting to the level of the schedule details – the details of the work division structure. The solution of these problems propsoed the model of the complex cost estimate position model using any number of takeoff units. This allows for the replenishment of databases of physical inputs with work directly related to tasks occurring in the work division structure in scheduling, what automates the process of scheduling.
Metathesis ionic exchange reaction process was used to synthesize a novel nonlinear optical material: 4-N,N-dimethylamino-4′- N′-methylstilbazolium 2,4-dimethylbenzenesulfonate (DSDMS). The growth of DSDMS single crystals was carried out by adopting the solution growth technique. The crystal perfection and lattice parameters were elucidated from single XRD and powder XRD, respectively and its morphology was interpreted by WinXMorph program. FT-IR and Raman spectral analyses confirmed the existence of functional groups and their corresponding vibrational modes. UV-Vis spectral studies revealed the optical transmission region. Mechanical stability of the crystal was determined from Vickers microhardness number Hv, Meyer’s index n and elastic stiffness constant C11. Dielectric and thermal behavior of the grown crystal were elucidated by using impedance analyser and thermogravimetric analysis.
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