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Erosion-denudation valleys are an important element of the relief of the cliff coast of Wolin Island. Detailed research covered the Zielony Parów catchment area with an area of approximately 9.57 ha. The length of the studied form is 491 m. Lithological studies have shown that the bottom of the valley is composed of sandy sediments with a poor and moderate sorting. The data obtained from the airborne laser scanning (ALS) made it possible to conduct a study of the morphometric conditions of the catchment area. In the first stage, a digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 1 m was created, which was then used to create a series of morphometric models. The analyses carried out made it possible to present a quantitative assessment of the valley morphology and to indicate the areas most susceptible to water erosion processes. The differences between the maximum height measured at the top of the valley slope (Hmax) and the minimum height at the bottom of the valley (Hmin) are 66.4 m. The data indicate a high potential energy of the relief. The maximum valley depth is 34 m. The catchment area is dominated by strongly inclined and steep slopes. Using erosion potential indices (LS-factor, SPI) allowed the selection of areas most susceptible to water erosion. In the analysed area, slopes in the south-eastern and western parts of the catchment show a high erosion potential.
Lignin oxidation products (vanillyl, syringil and cummaryl phenols), and δ13C were measured in a variety of land and marine samples collected in Inner Puck Bay – dominated by marine vascular plants, small river run-off, and shallow bottom, and in Gdańsk Bay – characterized by large river run-off, small marine vascular plants population, and the average depth exceeding euphotic zone. Both study areas are parts of the Gdańsk Basin, Southern Baltic. Typical δ13C values (δ13C  = -28‰) and both composition and concentrations of lignin phenols were measured in samples originating from land. Small, yet easily measurable amounts of lignin phenols were found in marine vascular plants biomass (Σ8 = 90 µg/100 mg organic matter). The biomass was characterized by exceptionally high δ13C values (-12‰). No lignin phenols and typical δ13C values (-22‰) were measured in marine phytoplankton biomass. δ13C and both composition and content of lignin phenols in organic matter of surface sediments collected in the study area fall in the range marked by the end members. The proportion of land derived organic matter calculated using lignin phenols, or δ13C in Gdańsk Bay were comparable, while in Puck Bay they differed substantially. It was concluded that a) in areas with substantial bottom coverage with vascular plants the two end members approach, usually employed to establish the contribution of organic matter sources, is insufficient, b) organic matter originating from three sources: riverine, phytoplankton, and vascular plants contribute to sedimentary organic matter in Puck Bay with the respective proportion 30:40:30.
Budowa i lokalizacja farm wiatrowych na Morzu Bałtyckim wymaga przeprowadzenia wielu analiz m.in. w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa tras żeglugowych. Szybki rozwój sektora morskiej energetyki wiatrowej w Europie i na świecie potwierdza olbrzymi potencjał i możliwości wytwarzania energii elektrycznej ze źródeł odnawialnych, zlokalizowanych na morzu. Jednocześnie projekt energetyki wiatrowej na Bałtyku wzbudza wiele kontrowersji wśród osób związanych z rybołówstwem. W artykule rozpatrywany jest problem ingerencji farm wiatrowych w aspekcie ograniczenia możliwości nawigacyjnych statków.
he construction and location of wind farms in the Baltic Sea thus requires performing multiple analyzes, among others, in terms of safety of shipping routes. The rapid development of offshore green energy sector in Europe and around the world confirms the enormous potential and opportunities for the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources. At the same time the wind energy project in the Baltic Sea raises a lot of controversy among people connected with fisheries. The article dealt with a problem of interference of wind farms in the aspect of reducing the possibilities for navigating ships.
Seafloor mapping is a fast developing multidisciplinary branch of oceanology that combines geophysics, geostatistics, sedimentology and ecology. One of its objectives is to isolate distinct seabed features in a repeatable, fast and objective way, taking into consideration multibeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetry and backscatter data. A large-scale acoustic survey was conducted by the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk in 2010 using Reson 8125 MBES. The dataset covered over 20 km2 of a shallow seabed area (depth of up to 22 m) in the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone within the Southern Baltic. Determination of sediments was possible based on ground-truth grab samples acquired during the MBES survey. Four classes of sediments were recognized as muddy sand, very fine sand, fine sand and clay. The backscatter mosaic created using the Angular Variable Gain (AVG) empirical method was the primary contribution to the image processing method used in this study. The use of the Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) and the Classification and Regression Trees (CART) classifier makes it possible to isolate the backscatter image with 87.5% overall and 81.0% Kappa accuracy. The obtained results confirm the possibility of creating reliable maps of the seafloor based on MBES measurements. Once developed, the OBIA workflow can be applied to other spatial and temporal scenes.
The experiments testing the toxicity of glyphosate Roundup® formulation were conducted on the natural microphytobenthic communities collected from the Gulf of Gdansk. The toxic effect of glyphosate was assessed by changes in the biomass of microphytobenthos cells [mm3 ∙ ml-1], chlorophyll a concentration and reduction of efficiency of photosystem II. Negative impact of glyphosate on microphytobenthic communities, both at the cellular and population scale, was determined. Hence it can be concluded that certain concentrations of the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate – active substance), in the marine environment may adversely impact natural microphytobenthic communities, and in consequence also other elements of the ecosystem.
In order to understand the variability of diatoms in coastal lakes and its relationship to salinity, the authors have conducted a two-year study at Lake Resko Przymorskie (the Southern Baltic coast), which has a salinity between 1.9-4.8 PSU. Redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to describe the relationship between the species composition and selected variables. Four of the 10 measured variables of surface water chemistry (Cl- and PO43- concentrations, temperature, and pH) significantly explained 23% of the variation in the diatom species composition. We found 82 taxa of diatoms (mostly tychoplanktonic) and determined the optimum and tolerance levels of salinity for predominant taxa (49 species with minimum 2% abundance). The optimum chloride concentration for the predominant diatoms ranged from 1471 to 2961 mg Cl- l-1. The most abundant brackish water species was Pseudostaurosiropsis geocollegarum. Brackish-freshwater diatoms were represented by Cyclotella atomus, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Diatoma tenuis and Staurosira subsalina. The most abundant fresh-brackish water diatoms were Amphora pediculus, Fragilaria sopotensis, Hippodonta hungarica, Pseudostaurosira brevistriata and Staurosira construens. Freshwater taxa accounted for as little as 1% of the population. This study provides new data on the ecology of coastal lakes and the possibility of using diatom-based transfer functions in the reconstruction of past environmental changes.
In the course of fieldwork based on geological and landslide mapping and spatial analyses of map information at least 2 types of landslides were identified. Type I: simple landslides developed in homogeneous and undisturbed rocks, for instance – loams, clays and sands. This type of landslide includes many examples developed mainly on the stretch (segment of the studied area) approximately between 132.25 and 133.50 km and 128.50 and 129.50 km of the Polish coastline. Type II: complex landslides in which the movement and displacement of rock masses occurs under complex geological and hydrogeological conditions. The complex factors are determined by phenomena such as glaciotectonics, discontinuities of rock layers and thrust zones; the slip surface occurs at considerable depths, and sometimes several slip surfaces can be distinguished. These landslide types are located in the vicinity of Jastrzębia Góra and Rozewie, near km 134 and 131.5. Prediction of the formation of this landslide types is difficult. Even if long-term observations are available, the mass movement, variable over time, is difficult to interpret. It is clear that the changes are continuous, but occur with varying intensity. Proper recognition of the types of mass movement is crucial to establishing the appropriate methods to prevent their development.
Information on distribution of the bivalve Rangia cuneata in the Polish part of the Vistula Lagoon is presented. The species, first recorded in the Lagoon in 2010, has since rapidly colonized almost the entire basin. The distribution and population structure of the species have been studied in the Polish part of the Lagoon since 2012. Preliminary results on distribution and size structure of the population highlight extensive fluctuations in 2012–2014. A drastic reduction in the abundance following the relatively long winter of 2012/2013 suggests that the winter oxygen deficiency associated with the ice cover could be critical for the population development. Potential effects of the new invasive bivalve on the structure of benthic habitats and macrozoobenthos communities are discussed.
Opracowanie ma na celu syntetyczne zestawienie wyników badań prowadzonych nad poziomem konkurencyjności morskich portów handlowych na Bałtyku Południowym w oparciu o ich potencjał logistyczny oraz przedstawienie związanych z tym wniosków i rekomendacji. Aktualne badanie zawężone zostało do portów Polskiego Wybrzeża. Wyniki opracowania przedstawiają, w jaki sposób kształtuje się potencjał logistyczny badanych portów i jak to wpływa na poziomych konkurencyjności. We wnioskach i rekomendacjach zawarto sugestie co do szans oraz wprowadzanych zmian w obszarze badanych kryteriów w celu podniesienia konkurencyjności portów.
The paper is aimed to present the results of the research conducted on the competitiveness level of the commercial sea ports in the Southern Baltic region based on their logistic capabilities and conclusions related to the research which has been done so far. The current research is focused on the Polish Sea Ports. The logistic capabilities and their influence on the sea ports competitiveness level have been considered and explained by the present results of the research. The developments and improvements considerations of the logistic capabilities which may have positive impact on the sea ports competitiveness have been included in the conclusion and recommendations of the paper.
This study is a continuation of the research on organic matter sources, distribution and dynamics in the southern Baltic Sea described in detail by Maciejewska and Pempkowiak (2014). In this paper, cluster analysis, principal component analysis and segment analysis were used to assess relations among factors influencing organic matter concentration in the Baltic sea-water. The following sea-water properties, salinity (Sal), temperature (Temp), pH, concentrations of chlorophyll a (Chla) and phaeopigment a (Feo), were assessed, while dissolved (DOC) and particulate (POC) organic carbon were used as organic matter measures. Water samples were collected in the course of a three-year study (2009–2011) from the Gdańsk Deep, the Gotland Deep and the Bornholm Deep (Southern Baltic). As a result, relations among both DOC and POC and the measured water properties were revealed. The cluster analysis leads to the discovery of the following structure of the analyzed water properties: DOC-pH, POC-Chla, without providing interpretation why the structure exists. Using the principal component analysis, factors influencing DOC and POC concentrations were classified as plankton activity and the inflows of saline and freshwater water masses as the study area. Segment regression analysis revealed that organic matter consists of labile and stable fractions and led to the quantification of relations between DOC and the measured sea-water properties. The following contributions to the DOC fluctuations were calculated: salinity – 11%, chlorophyll a – 26%, phaeopigment a – 26%, POC – 38% in the growing season and 31%, 33%, 21% and 22% respectively in the non-growing season.
The presented results provide the first comprehensive description of the C. pengoi population and document new records of its expansion to the west in the Polish coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. In June–August 2006, C. pengoi was observed for the first time continuously for nine successive weeks in a broad range of the water temperature and salinity. Its abundance fluctuated from some to several hundred specimens per cubic meter. In July the species was much more abundant in the water far from the coast, whereas in August its maximum density was observed at the most shallow station. The population of C. pengoi occupied the whole water column, from the surface water to 80 m depth, its vertical distribution was not uniform. C. pengoi was represented by specimens from all age-specific morphological stages (BS I–III). The largest part of the population (up to 81.53%) was composed of juvenile specimens (BS I and II). Parthenogenetic females in the second instar constituted the majority of BS II specimens.
Investigations of the geological structure and seabed dynamics as well as the morphological and sedimentological effects of sand extraction generated by different mining techniques were carried out in Polish waters of the Baltic Sea, NW of the Gulf of Gdańsk, at a water depth of 15-17 m. Three research cruises took place: just before, directly after and 11 months after dredging operations. Seismoacoustic profiling, a multibeam echosounder, a side-scan sonar, a 3 m vibro-corer and a box-corer were used during the research cruises. The grain size distribution and 137Cs content of the sand samples were determined. Marine shells were dated by the AMS14C technique and pollen analyses were carried out on samples of muddy sands lying below the marine sand. A 2 to 4.5 m thick layer of marine sands lies on the boulder till and locally on late Pleistocene ice margin lake deposits. The 137Cs content indicates that the 0.4-0.8 m thick sand layer is mobile during storms. After the dredging operations, four pits with diameters from 80 to 120 m, depths from 3 to 4.5 m and slopes with gradients up to 30-55° were measured. Several smaller irregularly shaped pits and double furrows 30-150 m in length and 0.3-0.5 m in depth were found. The sonar mosaic also shows a 50-100 m buffer zone of fine sand around the pits which flowed over the dredger's side with water and settled on the bottom. During one year after the dredging operation the furrows generated by trailer suction hopper dredging as well as the fine sand cover around the pits disappeared completely. The four post-dredging pits left by stationary suction dredging were shallower by 2-2.5 m, their diameters increased by 40-50 m, the gradient of the slopes was reduced by up to 5-10°, and the total volume was only about 3.5% smaller than directly after dredging.
This paper describes for the first time the gonad maturity stage of Eriocheir sinensis females (carapace width 55.20-78.10 mm) collected in the autumns and winters of 2005–2012 in the Gulf of Gdańsk and Vistula Lagoon (southern Baltic Sea). Seventeen females had gonads in the penultimate stage, which indicates that spawning would shortly take place. Four other females had gonads in the last stage, which means they were already carrying eggs. These accounted, on average, for 17.9± 2.9% of female weight and were in the 3rd and 4th embryo developmental stage. The results show that the low salinity of southern Baltic Sea (≤7 PSU) permits mating and fertilization as well as embryo development in E. sinensis. It is still not clear, whether such a salinity level will enable hatching and the complete larval cycle.
This paper presents the results of geochemical and acoustic investigations of sediments in the Polish sector of the southern Baltic Sea. Its objective was to indicate areas of gas bubble formation and the occurrence of methane. Over 3000 nautical miles of transects were recorded using a variety of hydroacoustic instruments, and five coring points were selected for further analyses of pore waters (CH4, SO4-2, H2S, NH4+, total alkalinity) and sediments (grain size distribution, Corg, Ntot, LOI and WC). Gas turned out to be present at shallow depths in different forms such as recent and buried pockmarks, and gas-saturated sediments (including gas pockets and seepages). It was found that methane was widespread in the sediments of the study area, both in the surface sediments, e.g. in the vicinity of the Hel Peninsula or in the central Gulf of Gdańsk, and in deeper sediment layers, e.g. in the Gdańsk Deep and the Słupsk Furrow. Chemical analysis showed that as a result of the rapid decomposition of organic matter, sulphates were depleted in the top 20 cm layer of sediments and that methane was produced at relatively shallow depths (in some areas even at depths of 20-30 cm bsf) compared to other regions of the Baltic, reaching concentrations of >6 mmol l-1 in the 30-40 cm layer below the sediment surface. The sulphate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) was 4-37 cm thick and was situated in the uppermost 50 cm of the sediments.
Content available remote Anthropogenic radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr in the southern Baltic Sea ecosystem
The radioisotopes of caesium (137Cs) and strontium (90Sr) make the greatest contribution to the radioactivity level due to artificial radionuclides in the Baltic Sea, where the level of 137Cs contamination is higher than in any other part of the world ocean. The main sources of man-made radionuclides are the Chernobyl accident in 1986 and the nuclear weapons tests carried out in the 1950s and 1960s. This study discusses the distribution patterns and trends in activity concentrations of 137Cs and 90Sr recorded in various compartments of the marine environment of the southern Baltic Sea. It is based on an investigation of radioactive substances as part of the Polish National Environmental Monitoring Programme. In 2010 the average concentration of 137Cs in the southern Baltic was 35 Bq m-3, while the level of 90Sr in these waters has remained at much the same level in recent years (ca 8 Bq m-3). The distribution of isotopes in the bottom sediments reflect historical events that can be identified in sediment profiles. The activity concentrations of the caesium isotope are the highest in sediments from the Gulf of Gdansk, whereas the least polluted sediments are found in the Bornholm Basin, in the western part of the southern Baltic. The highest concentrations of 137Cs in benthic plants were measured in the red alga Polysiphonia fucoides: 22.3 Bq kg -1 d.w. in June and 40.4 Bq kg-1 in September. These levels were much higher than those found in the bivalve Mytilus trossulus (7.3 Bqkg-1 d.w.). 137Cs concentrations in fish have decreased in time, reflecting the trends recorded in seawater. In 2010 the respective 137Cs activities in Clupea harengus, Platichthys flesus and Gadus morhua were 4.7, 4.9 and 6.6 Bq kg-1w.w.
The cliff in Ustka is an active one. The area is one of the most eroded sea shores of the Polish coast. The Ustka Cliff mainly consists of Holocene sandy deposits, but its basis is built of gla-cial till and clay. Field search allowed to recognize the structure and sedimentary conditions of Holo-cene deposits exposed in the cliff. A comparison of dating results obtained for fossil soils and peat as well as aeolian deposits, using 14C and TL methods, respectively, with available literature records is presented. The evaluation of results obtained allowed to define three main dune-forming phases for the first time for this part of the Polish coast. During the research studies new data on the processes and environmental conditions was gained and the development of structure of the area during the last 10 thousand years was reconstructed. The analysis of available data from other sections of the south-ern Baltic coast shows that results obtained are age similar to those determined for the Łeba Spit. The research is part of a project concerning the geomorphology of the Ustka Bay.
This work presents the results of the study on methane emission from the sea bottom in the coastal zone of Puck Bay. The investigations were conducted from June through September 2010 at seven sampling sites located along the Hel Peninsula. The research results indicate that the methane flux rates vary periodically. Methane emission from seabed into near-bottom water in the coastal zone of Puck Bay along the Hel Peninsula ranged from 0.91 mmol m-2 d-1 to 49.15 mmol m-2 d-1.
Cod (Gadus marrhua L), a fish caught in the Baltic Sea, is very popular with consumers. Research on the distribution of mercury in cod tissues and organs was conducted on a group of adult (27) and juvenile (49) individuals in the years 2006-09. Total mercury concentration values in mature cod were always, on average, 1.7 times higher than those in juveniles. The highest HgT concentrations were found in the heart, while the lowest ones were found in the gills and gonads. The essential age-specific differences manifest in a relationship between the mercury concentration in fish muscles and brain. Mature individuals, i.e. of length >80 cm, accumulated Hg in muscles, most likely in an attempt to protect the nervous system from toxic exposure. In young individuals, more mercury was concentrated in the brain than in the muscles.. The distribution of HgT in organs as well as the low value of the [HgT]liver/[HgT]muscle ratio testify to relatively low-level mercury contamination in southern Baltic waters.
The genesis of the Vistula Spit (Southern Baltic Sea) in the Postlitorina period is regarded as occurring by gradual addition of successive dune ridges along the entire length of the form. Based on the degree of soil profile development and radiocarbon dating of organic sediments three main stages of aeolian processes are usually recognized. GIS analysis of a digital elevation model (DEM) and thermoluminescence dating of dune sand supports the model of progressive development of dune ridges, and has identified four periods of intense aeolian activity. These were established 5860–5400, 1930–1610, 1200–900 years ago from the present, and from 500 years ago.
W artykule zastosowano metod. kopuli do dwuwymiarowej analizy wezbra. sztormowych. Wezbrania sztormowe scharakteryzowano dwuwymiarow. zmienn. losow.: maksymalnym poziomem morza ponad nape.nienie w profilach wodowskazowych .winouj.cie PM.WI i Ko.obrzeg PMKOL. Proba losowa zosta.a wyznaczona na podstawie zidentyfikowanych wezbra. sztormowych wzd.u. po.udniowych wybrze.y Ba.tyku w latach 1976.2000. Celem artyku.u by.o znalezienie najlepszego dwuwymiarowego rozk.adu prawdopodobie.stwa badanej zmiennej losowej (PM.WI, PMKOL). Badaniu poddano eliptyczn. kopul. gaussowsk. i archimedesowsk. jednoparametrow. Gumela-Hougaarda. Do badania zgodno.ci kopuli z zaobserwowanymi realizacjami zmiennej losowej (PM.WI, PMKOL) u.yto wspo.czynnika korelacji rang Spearmana. Najlepsz. zgodno.. uzyskano dla kopuli Gumbela-Hougaarda �Ďs = 0,9871.
The copula method was applied to analyze 2D storm surges. Storm surges were described with 2D variable: the maximum water level above the filling level at Świnoujście PMŚWI and at Kołobrzeg PMKOL. The identified storm surges along of southern Baltic coasts in the period 1976–2000 were used to set the random sample. The aim of this paper is to find the best fit 2D probability distribution of the variable (PMŚWI, PMKOL). Two copula functions: elliptical Gaussian and Archimedean Gumbel-Hougaard copula were investigated. To verify copula conformity with the data observed the non-parametric dependence measure such as Spearman’s ńs was used. The best conformity was recorded for Gumbel-Hougaard copula ńs = 0,9871.
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