The present study aimed to assess the impact of leachates from the emerging cell on the water quality of the Limón stream in Ecuador. Five sampling points were selected as references using the NTE INEN 2176:2013 standard. Subsequently, these samples were analyzed in a laboratory using the standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater for the respective physicochemical analysis. The analysis results were compared with the Unified Text of Secondary Legislation of the Ministry of the Environment, and the water quality index (WQI) was determined according to the National Sanitary Foundation (NSF). Additionally, an environmental diagnosis was conducted based on the cause-effect matrix by Leopold to propose a strategy for the restoration and ecological recovery of the affected components. According to the obtained results, the sampling points closer to the leachate discharge showed high concentrations of dissolved oxygen, iron, fecal coliforms, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total suspended solids (TSS), which exceeded the maximum permissible limits according to legislation. This resulted in a “fair” water quality index classification according to the WQI classification. These findings highlight the importance of considering and assessing the environmental impacts. A total of 24 impacts were identified on physical, biotic, and anthropic components, with 4.76% being highly significant, 42.86% significant, and 52.38% negligible. In conclusion, the results indicate a scenario of environmental deterioration at the leachate discharge stations, urging the urgent implementation of corrective measures to address the detected high contamination.
Brak uregulowania szczegółowych warunków dla przeprowadzenia procedury utraty statusu odpadu dla odpadów powstających z energetycznego spalania paliw powodował, że procedura taka, choć możliwa do przeprowadzenia, nie była powszechnie stosowana. Zaburzało to znacznie hierarchię sposobów postępowania z odpadami, ponieważ wartościowe substancje, zamiast być gospodarczo wykorzystywane, trafiały na składowiska. Składowiska zaś nie tylko mają negatywny wpływ na sam krajobraz, ale również stanowią problem społeczny.
Variability and diversity of landfill leachate cause difficulties in assessing the actual degree of threat to the environment and selecting an appropriate method of disposal or treatment. Therefore, quantifying leachate contamination potential is essential in landfill management and could be used to assess the accuracy of landfill operation and its impact on surrounding areas. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the performance of the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method and its suitability in determining leachate pollution potential in comparison to the Leachate Pollution Index (LPI) method. For this purpose, the quality of leachate from the landfill, collected four times a year from 2004 to 2021, was analysed. The following parameters were monitored: pH, EC, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Hg. On the basis of the measured parameters, the LPI and TOPSIS indexes were calculated. The obtained results indicated that the TOPSIS method is more sensitive and accurate in observing changes in leachate quality. It can be applied to any number of contaminant parameters without restrictions on scope, quantity, or their relative importance. It can also be used to compare the variations in leachate quality over time or to analyse differences in leachate quality among various landfill sites.
Zmienność i zróżnicowanie jakości odcieków składowiskowych stanowi trudność zarówno w ocenie stopnia zagrożenia przez nie środowiska jak i w doborze odpowiedniej metody ich unieszkodliwiania lub oczyszczania. Dlatego ilościowe określenie potencjału zanieczyszczenia odciekami jest niezbędne w zarządzaniu składowiskami i może być wykorzystane do oceny prawidłowości eksploatacji składowiska oraz jego wpływu na otaczające obszary. Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności metody TOPSIS (Technique for Order preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) oraz jej przydatności w określaniu potencjału zanieczyszczenia odcieków w porównaniu do metody LPI (Leachate Pollution Index). Analizie poddano jakość odcieków pobieranych w latach 2004–2021 ze składowiska odpadów komunalnych. Do badań przyjęto 7 wskaźników fizyczno‑chemicznych odcieków (pH, EC, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Hg) i w oparciu o ich wielkości obliczono indeksy LPI i TOPSIS na przestrzeni 18 lat. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że metoda TOPSIS jest bardziej czuła i pozwala na szczegółową i dokładną obserwację zmian jakości odcieków. Może być stosowana dla dowolnej liczby wskaźników zanieczyszczeń bez ograniczeń co do zakresu, ilości i wagi tych wskaźników. Metodę TOPSIS można również wykorzystać do porównywania zmienności jakości odcieków w czasie lub do analizy różnic w jakości odcieków z różnych składowisk.
The study was carried out to assess ecological risks at the closed landfill in Cai Dau town, Chau Phu district, An Giang province. Soil samples were collected at six locations (S1-S6) at depths of 0-20 cm and 60-80 cm in the rainy season (November 2020) and dry season (March 2021). The soil quality was evaluated using eight heavy metals (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr and As). The results showed that most monitoring sites had heavy metal contents within the allowable limits for agricultural land of QCVN 03-MT:2015/BTNMT. Some heavy metals have been found to migrate to the soil layer of 60-80 cm. The heavy metals accumulation (Igeo) in the two soil layers did not differ; Ni, Cr, Pb and As accumulated at non-polluting levels - moderate to high in the rainy season, while Cr and As only accumulated in the dry season. The composite pollution index (PLI) indicated that the locations around the landfill were polluted; however, the ecological risk ranged from low to moderate (potential ecological risk index (PERI) = 102-195) in the rainy season. Only about 50% of study sites during the dry season were contaminated and the risk was low (PERI = 44-68). However, the area around the landfill always poses potential risks due to the presence of heavy metals, including Ni, Cr, As and Pb. Monitoring the heavy metals in the surrounding landfill for the potential risks to human health and environment is needed.
Recultivated landfills, despite remedial actions, may pose a threat to human health and the environment, and therefore require long-term monitoring. The aim of the work was to investigate the impact of recultivation treatments on changes in the physical and chemical properties of soils in the vicinity of a landfill for waste other than hazardous and neutral. In order to carry out the work, drillings were made around the tested landfill, from which samples were taken and selected physical and chemical properties were determined, including substances causing risks that are particularly important for the protection of the earth’s surface. The tested soils were characterized by a neutral and alkaline reaction and a high degree of saturation of the sorption complex with exchangeable basic cations after the use of dust and ash as a recultivation material. Leaks and leachate accumulation were found in the northern part of the facility. The permissible metal contents for industrial areas (group IV) and forest areas (group III) were not exceeded. In the northern part of the landfill area, the permissible content of cadmium was exceeded, while in the southern part, the permissible content of zinc, lead and cadmium was exceeded for agricultural areas (group II). The use of dust and ashes for the recultivation of the landfill in its southern part limited the migration of pollutants deeper into the profile and resulted in an improvement in the physical and chemical properties of the tested soils. The conclusion stated that there is a need to undertake further remediation activities and monitoring studies in order to minimize potential migration of pollutants into the soil and water environment, posing a threat to human health and the environment.
The conducted study aimed to investigate the quantity and composition of municipal waste deposited in landfills in the Peja District of Kosovo over the period of 2005–2021. The study covered four municipalities within the district: Peja, Klina, Istog, and Deçan. A total of 705,246.7 tons of waste were deposited during the analyzed period, with the municipality of Peja depositing the largest amount (428,347.9 tons) and Deçan the smallest (67,143.6 tons). Regarding the composition of waste, the majority of municipal waste consists of biodegradable components (about 38%), followed by plastic (20 %), paper and cardboard (17%), glass (7%), textile (5%), diapers (3%), tetrapak (1.5%), metals (1%), construction materials (1%) and small waste (6.5%). This investigation contributes to municipal waste management to know the exact amount of waste produced and its composition.
The formation of biogas at municipal landfills and the significant emission of greenhouse gases from these facilities into the environment were the main reasons for analyzing the molecular composition of soil gas in the near-surface zone at the reclaimed part of the Barycz municipal waste landfill. The relations between the studied components (methane, carbon dioxide, light hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon components) and impact of the magnitude of recorded concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide on their emission to the atmosphere were evaluated. Two profiles were determined, along which 41 soil and landfill gas samples were taken at 20-meter intervals. At the same time, emissions were measured at each sampling point using a static chamber with a portable fluxometer. Chromatographic analysis showed that the concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide fluctuated in the ranges: 2.1 ppm – 76 vol% and 0.04 ppm – 11 vol%, respectively. Relatively high concentrations of these gases were determined at many of the measurement points, and this was particularly evident at the A-A’ profile, indicating stronger biochemical processes in this part of the landfill, or lateral migration of methane from the neighbouring stage II of the landfill, where biogas extraction is currently taking place. In addition, significant correlations between methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen were demonstrated, indicating ongoing methane fermentation processes. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the southern part of the A-A’ profile is an optimal place to locate a degassing well from which biogas production could be used. However, the research is only preliminary and, it will be necessary to extend the soil gas tests before the final decision on the location of the well is made. Moreover, it has been shown that the concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide measured at points located outside the landfill were low. This means that generated biogas probably does not migrate beyond the boundaries of reclaimed waste landfill, but this will need to be confirmed by performing additional soil gas tests inside and outside the landfill area. The preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of the reclamation carried out was confirmed by the negligible values of the measured methane and carbon dioxide emissions on the surface.
The paper aims to provide insight into data on leachate migration, composition, and migration time and to improve the engineered barrier system (EBS) importance through different pollutant concentrations in the landfill at the base of the unsaturated zone and off-site, for the real-case scenario with composite liners (EBS) and the worst-case scenario with no liners (NO EBS) using the Land Sim software for 30, 100, 1000 and 20 000 years in 1000 iterations. Also, the paper aims to analyze the leachate leakage through the waste for different migration times and different internal layers to create a qualitative and quantitative basis for assessing leachate’s impact on the environment. The results obtained by modeling the parameters of the real case at the Gigoš landfill showed that the leachate leakage amount is about 340 times lower when EBS is present and concentrations of nitrogen, chlorides, arsenic, lead, cyanides, and mercury in the worst-case scenario (NO EBS) exceed the permitted limits according to the laws of the Republic of Serbia.
The aim of the study was to answer the question of to what extent it is possible in Poland to reach the target recycling rates and landfill of municipal waste by 2035 and build a circular economy model (CEM) by 2050. The authors will continue research in this area. In the article, the authors: 1) diagnose EU and Polish legislation in the given area, 2) review the literature with regard to the circular economy, 3) analyse municipal waste streams in Poland and present their forecasts for the period of Poland’s approach to the CEM. The data were taken from the public statistics and refer mainly to the period 2013-2021. The study used the method of literature analysis and legal regulations, as well as methods of descriptive analysis and linear extrapolation. The results obtained, albeit aggregated, suggest that it is possible to reach the EU-targeted recycling and landfill level for municipal waste in Poland by 2035 and the CEM by 2050.
Rozważania w opracowaniu dotyczą poziomu recyklingu i składowania odpadów komunalnych w Unii Europejskiej. Celem opracowania jest odpowiedź na pytanie, na ile możliwe jest w Polsce osiągnięcie w 2035 roku zakładanego w UE poziomu recyklingu oraz poziomu składowania odpadów komunalnych, a w konsekwencji zbudowanie do 2050 roku modelu gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym (GOZ). Autorki będą kontynuować badania w tym zakresie. W artykule autorki: 1) dokonują przeglądu literatury w odniesieniu do koncepcji gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, 2) diagnozują prawodawstwo UE i Polski we wskazanym zakresie, 3) analizują strumienie odpadów komunalnych w Polsce i prezentują ich prognozy w okresie zbliżania Polski do modelu GOZ. Analizowane dane pochodzą z zasobów statystyki publicznej Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego, a dotyczą zasadniczo lat 2013-2021 i w mniejszym zakresie danych Eurostatu. W opracowaniu zastosowano metodę analizy literatury oraz regulacji prawnych, także metody analizy opisowej wybranych wielkości (analiza struktury, dynamiki, trendu) i ekstrapolację liniową. Uzyskane wyniki, co prawda zagregowane, pozwalają stwierdzić, że możliwe jest osiągnięcie w Polsce w 2035 roku zakładanego w UE poziomu recyklingu i poziomu składowania odpadów komunalnych, a w 2050 roku dojście do GOZ.
Selecting a site for a landfill should minimise the inevitable ecological effects. The Regulation of the Minister of the Environment (2013) on waste landfills specifies, among others, that it is best to locate a landfill in a place with a natural geological barrier. For landfills other than hazardous and neutral waste, the minimum thickness of the barrier should be ≥1.0 m, and the value of its filtration coefficient k≤1.0·10– 9 m/s. Another criterion for the location of landfills is the expected piezometric table of groundwater, at least 1 m below the level of the planned excavation. In the paper, the last criterion is subjected to a critical analysis based on the results of my own research. It analyses what the piezometric table of groundwater is and what impact it has on the possible penetration of potential pollutants. The considerations are carried out on the example of the ground predicted for a waste landfill, for which tests necessary to determine the hydrogeological conditions were carried out.
Wytypowanie terenu pod składowisko odpadów jest trudnym zadaniem i powinno ograniczyć do minimum nieuniknione skutki ekologiczne. Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 30 kwietnia 2013 r. w sprawie składowisk odpadów określa między innymi, iż składowisko najlepiej jest sytuować tak, aby miało naturalną barierę geologiczną. Dla składowisk odpadów innych niż niebezpieczne i obojętne minimalna miąższość bariery powinna być ≥1,0 m, a wartość jej współczynnika filtracji k≤1,0×10-9 m/s. Innym kryterium lokalizacji składowisk jest położenie przewidywanego najwyższego piezometrycznego poziomu wód podziemnych, co najmniej 1 m poniżej poziomu projektowanego wykopu dna składowiska. W pracy ostatnie kryterium poddaje się krytycznej analizie, której podstawą są wyniki badań własnych. Analizuje się, czym jest piezometryczny poziom wód podziemnych i jaki on ma wpływ na możliwe przenikanie potencjalnych zanieczyszczeń do wód podziemnych. Rozważania są przeprowadzone na przykładzie podłoża terenu, planowanego pod składowisko odpadów, dla którego wykonano badania niezbędne do określenia warunków hydrogeologicznych.
In Ukraine, the tourism and recreation industry is widespread. These are mostly resort complexes with health boarding houses, hotels and restaurants. However, in Ukraine, the issue of solid household waste processing and active landfills, located near recreation facilities, is practically not addressed. Undoubtedly, this situation has a negative effect on the processes of recovery, because, as is known, landfills are depositing dangerous substances and compounds, which, due to geochemical flows, get into all components of the environment, which seem to be clean. The aim of this investigation is to determine the heavy metals content in the vegetation of a landfill near a places for recreation. The object of present research is the analysis of heavy metals content in the roots of trees on the Bronytsya landfill, located within the tourist and recreational complex of the Lviv region of Ukraine. It was established that tree roots are contaminated with Pb components and partially with Cd and Co components. Among the toxic chemicals, we can highlight the presence of Pb with a significant difference on the eastern side of the landfill in samples of Acer negundo L. (4 times higher than the MAC) and Populus nigra L. (7.1 times higher than the MAC), on the southern side – Fagus sylvatica L (1.1 times higher than the MAC) and Malus sylvestris Mill. (7 times higher than the MAC), on the west side – Salix cinerea L. (2.5 times higher than the MAC) and Carpinus betulus L. (6 times higher than the MAC), on the northern side of the landfill – Malus sylvestris Mill (2.5 times higher than the MAC) and Prunus spinosa L. (3 times higher than the MAC) and in the central part – Populus nigra L. (1.5 times higher than the MAC) and Salix alba L. (2 times higher than the MAC) in accordance with other samples on the investigated object. Cd exceeds the allowable concentration from the south side in Fagus sylvatica L. (1 times higher than the MAC) and Malus sylvestris Mill. (2 times higher than the MAC), from the west side in the root of Carpinus betulus L. (1 times higher than the MAC), from the center of the Salix alba L. (8 times higher than the MAC), from the south side of Malus sylvestris Mill. (11 times higher than the MAC), and on the eastern side Acer negundo L. (4 times higher than the MAC) and Populus nigra L. (8 times higher than the MAC). The content of Co was higher in the roots of trees from the west side of Salix cinerea L. (1 times higher than the MAC), from the west side of Carpinus betulus L. (1.7 times higher than the MAC), from the south side – Malus sylvestris Mill. (2 times higher than the MAC), and on the eastern side – Populus nigra L. (2 times higher than the MAC). An excess of Cu content was recorded on the western side of the landfill in the root of Carpinus betulus L. (1 times higher than the MAC). The determination of the chemical content in the roots of trees is important because it is possible to define the pollution rate of the environment in the health resort regions.
The landfill is a place used for landfill that can have a negative impact on the environment such as, causing greenhouse gas emissions, soil contamination, and groundwater pollution. Landfill gas content of CH4, CO2 and non-methane organic compounds (NMOC) is the cause of the greenhouse effect and Global warming potential (GWP). The concentration of CH4 in landfill gas is relatively low, but CH4 causes a greenhouse effect 21 times greater than CO2 . The research was conducted at the Talang Gulo landfill in Jambi City. The purpose of this study is to measure and analyze the production and amount of CH4 gas concentration emitted into the atmosphere and assess methane gas emissions as an energy source. The Application to estimate gas using models was with LandGEM-v302 soft-ware. The results of LandGEM-v302 simulation of landfill gas show a peak in 2023 of 3,194×104 Mg·year-1 for total landfill gas, methane emissions A6 (8,530×103 Mg·year-1), carbon dioxide (2,341×104 Mg year-1) and NMOC (3,667×102 Mg·year-1). The potential of methane gas as a source of fuel energy is 11,403,693.84 kg·year-1 and electrical energy is 182,862.08 kWh.
The ultimate purpose behind this study is to assess the quality of water surface of Oued Inaouen and its tributaries and some underground stations before and after discharge of the city of Taza. It addresses the leachate of the unauthorized landfill of Taza which is a source of nuisance that adds to the many problems of contamination of the surrounding environment if they are not treated before discharge. This survey explains how the landfill can affect the quality of water resources near the city of Taza, represented by the main tributaries of the watershed of Oued Inaouen by determining the main parameters indicators of pollution, and to study the possibilities of contamination of groundwater and surface water by infiltration or flow of leachate. Physico-chemical results show high concentrations of organic matter, the BOD5 /COD ratio indicating a biodegradable organic fraction. As far as mineral pollution is concerned, high contents of NH4+, NO3-, total phosphorus and Cl-, which explains the high conductivity values. Bacteriological analyses show significant quantities of coliforms and fecal streptococci. For the evaluation of the pollution of groundwater and surface water, the results obtained are translated by the presence of a significant contamination that differs from one point to another. To evaluate the pollution of groundwater and water surface, the results obtained are translated by the presence of a significant contamination that differs from one point to another.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has wreaked havoc especially in 2020 and the first half of 2021 and has left severe after-effects affecting not only the health sector but also all aspects of human life. The aim of this study is to inspect the current trends of the quantities of household waste produced during the first four waves of the pandemic. The study was carried out in Guelma city, northeastern of Algeria, where the first containment was registered on February 25, 2020, it concerns an Italian national (Mohamed et al. 2021). An increase in the production of household waste of approximately 14% during the first containment was recorded in the study area, with the interruption of recycling, which caused an enormous pressure on the technical landfill center of Guelma. The results showed that the trend of waste production decreased at the following averages: 205.80; 198.92; 196.69 and 192.43 tons, for the first four waves of COVID-19 respectively. Therefore, a return to the pre-pandemic state would be close, which dampens the impact and pressure on the landfill and the environment. This research allows for perceiving the waste management status in Algeria, between the pandemic and post-pandemic period.
Stan globalnego ekorozwoju jest na granicy katastrofy i musi być nieskończenie naprawiany, teraz i w przyszłości. W sposób ciągły należy prowadzić badania i oceniać występujące zagrożenia, z którymi należy się zmierzyć. Odnajdzie się w nim zarządzanie zestawem wielu podsystemów, które pracują w zmieniającym się otoczeniu wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym. System organizuje zarządzanie realizacją - budową, minimalizuje się przy tym ewentualne straty, oszczędza czas, kumuluje rezerwy i ogranicza ryzyko. Przedstawia się w ramach zadania inwestycyjnego, wykonanie kompleksowego zadania inwestycyjnego przynoszącego nieobliczalny efekt ekologiczny uzyskany za pomocą termicznej obróbki odpadów, w zmodyfikowanej technologii, dotychczas niespotykany w tej skali.
The state of global ecodevelopment is on the edge of disaster and must be continually improved, now and in the future. The research must be conducted permanently and threats to be faced, must be continually evaluated. It will include the management of a range of multiple systems, which work in the changing internal and external environment. The system organises the management of the execution - the construction, minimising possible losses, saving time, accumulating reserves and limiting risk. Within the investment task a comprehensive investment is presented with a immeasurable ecological effect caused by thermic waste processing in a modified technology, on an unprecedented scale.
The article was written as a continuation of the research on degassing wells in terms of their gas productivity in a landfill. Waste is one of the most serious threats to the environment. The term ‘waste’ means ‘any substance or object which the holder discards, he intends to get rid of, or which he has been required to get rid of’. The European Union, with the aim of ensuring a high quality of life and health of people through effective environmental protection, imposes on Poland very restrictive guidelines in the field of waste management. These guidelines include: waste prevention, preparation for re-use, recycling, other recovery methods, disposal. The waste goes to landfills, where it is collected. Landfills pose a very high threat to the natural environment because they emit pollutants into the atmosphere. The greatest threat is related to the organic matter contained in municipal waste, which during decomposition emits greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4. The amount of emitted gas can be reduced by equipping the landfill with a special installation for the production of landfill gas (biogas). Biogas is one of the alternative energy sources that can be used to produce electricity and heat. However, the installation itself is not enough, and the landfill must also be rationally managed to support biogas production. Within the mass of waste, optimal conditions should be created for the methanogenesis process to take place. Compacting or pouring waste into layers of earth may serve as examples. Both of these processes reduce the oxygen content in the stored material. However, the content of the organic fraction in the deposited waste has the most pronounced influence on the production of biogas. The article presents the results of research on the efficiency of degassing wells carried out in one of the active municipal landfills which was established in 2009. Five degassing wells located in different parts of the dump’s canopy were subjected to our measurements.
Artykuł powstał jako kontynuacja badań studni degazacyjnych pod kątem ich produktywności gazowej na składowisku odpadów komunalnych. Odpady są jednym z poważniejszych zagrożeń dla środowiska naturalnego. Pojęcie „odpad” oznacza „każdą substancję lub przedmiot, których posiadacz pozbywa się, zamierza się pozbyć, lub do których pozbycia został zobowiązany”. Unia Europejska, mając na celu zapewnienie wysokiej jakości życia i zdrowia ludzi poprzez skuteczną ochronę środowiska, nakłada na Polskę bardzo restrykcyjne wytyczne w zakresie zagospodarowania odpadów. Na wytyczne te składają się: zapobieganie powstawaniu odpadów, przygotowanie do ponownego użycia, recykling, inne metody odzysku, unieszkodliwienie. Odpady trafiają na składowiska, gdzie są gromadzone. Składowiska odpadów stanowią bardzo duże zagrożenie dla środowiska naturalnego, ponieważ emitują do atmosfery zanieczyszczenia. Największe zagrożenie związane jest z materią organiczną zawartą w odpadach komunalnych, która w trakcie rozkładu emituje do atmosfery gazy cieplarniane, takie jak CO2 i CH4. Można ograniczyć ilość emitowanych gazów poprzez uzbrojenie składowiska w specjalną instalację do produkcji gazu składowiskowego (biogazu). Biogaz jest zaliczany do alternatywnych źródeł energii, które można wykorzystać do produkcji energii elektrycznej i cieplnej. Jednak sama instalacja nie wystarczy, należy również racjonalnie gospodarować składowiskiem w celu wsparcia produkcji biogazu. W masie odpadów należy stworzyć optymalne warunki do zachodzenia procesu metanogenezy. Przykładem może tu być kompaktowanie lub przesypywanie odpadów warstwami ziemi. Oba te procesy prowadzą do obniżenia zawartości tlenu w składowanym materiale. Największy wpływ na wytwarzanie biogazu ma jednak zawartość frakcji organicznej w składowanych odpadach. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wydajności studni degazacyjnych przeprowadzonych na jednym z czynnych składowisk odpadów komunalnych, które powstało w 2009 roku. Pomiary zostały wykonane w pięciu studniach degazacyjnych, które były rozlokowane w różnych częściach czaszy składowiska.
The physico-chemical characterization of the leachate from the Technical Landfill Center (TLC) of Moulay Abdallah (MA) which is intended for the treatment of Household Waste (HW) and Waste Assimilated to Household Waste (HWA) as well as the elaboration of the results of the study that was carried out on the leachate from the Oum Azza (OA) Technical Landfill allowed comparing the leachate from two TLCs located in two different regions and exploited in two different ways. The parameters studied are Organic Matter (OM), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) concentration, NH4+ ion concentration, conductivity, Suspended Solids (SS), Total Phosphorus (TP) and pH. The choice of these parameters comes down to their usefulness for the sizing of the leachate purification processes (PP) of the leachates of Moroccan typology, produced by the population of a coastal city. The results of the analyses show that the leachates from the two TLCs have almost the same physico-chemical characteristics. Depending on the method of management of the leachate (storage or direct discharge to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)), the evolution over time of these characteristics differed from one TLC to the other and all of the main leachate parameters from the TLC MA have all tended to increase over the time of operation. This is in contrast to the leachate parameters from the OA TLC, which all tended to decrease.
In this work, physicochemical and bacteriological analyses of leachate collected from three different landfills in the Marrakech region in Morocco were carried out. The results showed that the leachate is highly loaded with organic matter, chemical and bacteriological elements and some heavy metals, this load depends of the nature of landfill (rural or urban) and also of its age (young or old), the values of the parameters exceed the limit values for discharge into the natural medium. Physicochemical and bacteriological analyses of groundwater from wells downstream of these landfills were also carried out; The results showed that they had medium to poor quality according to the type of landfill. This is due to the presence of organic matter, total coliforms, total phosphorus and total nitrogen in many studied wells.
The tourism industry is concentrated within the boundaries of the Subcarpathia Forestry District of Ukraine. These are mostly resort complexes with recreation houses, hotels and restaurants. Since the issue of solid household waste processing has not been resolved in Ukraine, landfills are emerging near recreation facilities. Undoubtedly, such a situation contradicts the improvement processes, because landfills are objects of detonation of dangerous substances and compounds infiltrating into all components of the environment due to geochemical flows. The object of the conducted research was determination of chemical elements in the newly formed substrates on the surface of the following landfills, i.e. Bronytskyi, Stryiskyi, Boryslavskyi, which are located not far from the border with Poland within the tourist and recreational complex of the Lviv region of Ukraine, geographically belonging to the Subcarpathia Forestry District of Ukraine. It was established that the chemical elements of the toxic group and biogenic elements accumulate. The traces of individual elements were also determined. The Bronytskyi landfill is the most polluted with the following chemical elements: Pb (3.56–4.06 mg/kg), Zn (2.84–3.67 mg/kg), Gd (0.021–0.033 mg/kg), P (457.3–609.7 mg/kg), K (9.7–14.6 mg/kg), Ca (174.7–237.7 mg/kg), Ga (3.58–5,98 mg/kg), La (1.09–1.24 mg/kg), Y (0.013–0.014 mg/kg), Cd (0.15–0.176 mg/kg), Sn (0.013–0.018 mg/kg), Nd (0.029–0.046 mg/kg), Eu (0.022–0.036 mg/kg) and Th (0.05–0.078 mg/kg). The site of the Boryslav landfill is most polluted in the western side - Fe (16.06–19.72 mg/kg), Cu (0.37–0.43 mg/kg), Gd (0.003 mg/kg), Si (43–58.2 mg/kg), P (782.4–995.5 mg/kg), Ca (88.6–104.7 mg/kg), Mn (1.7–2.7 mg/kg), Sc (0.009 mg/kg), Cr (1.069–1.255 mg/kg), Y (0.015–0.016 mg/kg), Nd (0.016–0.018 mg/kg). In the eastern side of the Stryi landfill the presence of the following elements is most evident - Fe (18.98–27.97 mg/kg), Ni (0.09–0.21 mg/kg), Zn (0.14–0.19 mg/kg), Pb (0.05–0.1 mg/kg), Al (1.6–2.0 mg/kg), P (718.1–652.5 mg/kg), Mn (2.5–3.5 mg/kg), Ga (0.01 mg/kg), La (0.02–0.04 mg/kg), Cr (0.009–0.013 mg/kg), Ge (0.214–0.551 mg/ kg), Cd (0.014–0.02 mg/kg), Nd (0.017–0.037 mg/kg), Th (0.009–0.016 mg/kg). Such a detailed chemical analysis for the presented research objects was carried out for the first time. Determining of the chemical content of the newly formed substrate is important from the point of view of environmental protection solutions implementation.
Rapid urbanization combined with high economic growth, industrialization, and changes in socio-economic conditions increase the quantity of municipal solid waste. Cities located in South-Asia are facing serious issues due to waste, with countries like India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan top of the list of bad waste management. The increasing generation of solid waste and also the improper management of waste in Bangladesh leads to environmental degradation. Current waste management practice in Bangladesh is so weak that day by day it is harming the climate and creating a lot of unwanted situations. This research consists of an examination of the current administrative measures and presents another proposition for the executive cycle to decrease ecological contamination. The research study aims to decrease the amount of waste being dumped into municipal sanitary landfill sites & converting the waste into energy which is both financially and environmentally suitable by involving unemployed people in the management system. The results of this study will give an idea of how waste can be utilized as a resource and how this resource can be a capital good as well as how the local level problems can be solved by taking some strategies and making our environment suitable for future generations.
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