In the Sadowa Góra quarry in Jaworzno, southern Poland, the Muschelkalk deposits are exposed (Lower and Upper Gogolin Beds). The occurrence of echinoderms seems to be particularly interesting. The isolated ossicles of asteroids were found already in the 1st Wellenkalk of the Lower Gogolin Beds (Aegean), which is one of the oldest post-Paleozoic occurrence in the world. Until recently, it was believed that the first echinoids appeared in the Germanic Basin during the Bithynian (above the Conglomeratic Horizon of the Upper Gogolin Beds). Currently, they have been found, similarly to the remains of asteroids, already in the 1 st Wellenkalk. Attention was also drawn to the fact that the stratigraphically important crinoid species Holocrinus dubius may have appeared in Upper Silesia earlier than previously thought.
Triassic and Jurassic siliciclastic rocks from boreholes drilled in the Łódź and Miechów troughs to the SW of the Mid Polish Anticlinorium have been subjected to petrologic studies. The are represented by claystones, mudstones, sandstones, and less frequently by conglomerates. The studies shows that the filtration and reservoir properties of the Triassic deposits not good due to diagenetic processes (compaction, cementation, replacement, dissolution). Only some Lower Triassic sandstones, occurring among others, as intelayers, display increased values of permeability and porosity (to about 27 vol. %). The best properties are display ed by sandstones from the Brzegi IG 1 borehole, in which macropore intergranular space is present. The Lower Jurassic rocks are characterized by the best properties within the Jurassic complex. They show increased values of mostly secondary porosity, which results from the dissolution of grains and cements. The pore space is developed homogenously. It has a micropore character in the Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits.
An excavation dug out in the glacially transported rock masses at Golaszyn near Łuków (eastern Poland), revealed the presence of deposits unknown so far in this area. These are older than the only known so far here glacially transported clays containing concretions with splendidly preserved ammonites of late Callovian at Łapiguz brickyard of Łuków. The succession exposed consists of sands and sandstones of Middle Callovian age which rest on red-brownish clays. The latter may be compared with the Triassic - Buntsandstein deposits of the northwestern Lithuania, that is the home area of glacially transported rock masses, commonly occurring in eastern Poland in the Łuków area. The new geological discoveries markedly increase a set of attractions for the promotion of the Łuków region for the education and geotourism purposes.
An integrated heavy-mineral, mineral-chemical and zircon-dating study of the Triassic succession exposed on the south Devon coast, in the western part of the Wessex Basin, indicates derivation from a combination of granitic and metasedimentary lithologies of ages of mostly over 550 Ma. These sources were probably located at a relatively proximal location near the southern margin of the basin. Derivation from more distal sources in the Armorican Massif or local Variscan sources to the west appears unlikely in view of the scarcity of Permo-Carboniferous (Variscan-age) zircons. The Budleigh Salterton Pebble Bed Formation was derived from a different combination of source lithologies than the Otter Sandstone Formation, the former including staurolite-grade metasediments that were absent in the catchment area of the Otter Sandstone. The Devon coast succession has provenance characteristics that differ from equivalent sandstones further east in the Wessex Basin, and from sandstones in the East Irish Sea Basin to the north. These differences indicate that sediment supply patterns to the linked Triassic basin systems in southern Britain are complex, involving multiple distinct sub-catchment areas, and that heavy-mineral studies have considerable potential for unravelling these sub-catchment area sources.
An unusual large teeth, finding from time to time in marine sediments of Muschelkalk, Silesia, Poland indicate the superpredators occurrence. According to size and morphological features the teeth are similar to archosaurs or giant marine reptiles.
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