This paper presents the results of own research regarding the role of microstructure and mechanical properties in the abrasive wear of metallic materials, demonstrated on the example of low-alloyed steel with microadditives of boron and vanadium. The first section discusses the current knowledge relating to the influence of microstructure and hardness on tribological conditions of materials. Further sections present the results of microstructure observations performed with light microscopy as well as with scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. This research has focused on the material both in the as-delivered condition (directly after casting) and after heat treatment, which involved quenching and tempering at three temperatures: 200, 400, and 600°C. The tribological tests were performed with the use of the T-07 tribometer, in the presence of loose #90 electro corundum abrasive particles. The test results have been discussed and an attempt has been made to correlate them with the microstructure and selected mechanical properties. In order to identify wear mechanisms, the surfaces were visually inspected after the abrasion process. The inspection results indicate that the main wear mechanisms were microcutting and microploughing.
W pracy zreferowano wyniki badań własnych w zakresie roli mikrostruktury i właściwości mechanicznych w zużywaniu ściernym materiałów metalicznych na przykładzie niskostopowego staliwa z mikrododatkami boru i wanadu. W początkowej części omówiono stan wiedzy dotyczący wpływu mikrostruktury i twardości na właściwości tribologiczne materiałów. Następnie przedstawiono wyniki obserwacji mikrostrukturalnych przeprowadzonych za pomocą mikroskopii świetlnej oraz elektronowej mikroskopii skaningowej. W referowanych badaniach skupiono się na materiale w stanie dostarczenia (bezpośrednio po odlewaniu) oraz na stanie obrobionym cieplnie, obejmującym hartowanie i odpuszczanie w trzech temperaturach, tj. 200, 400 i 600°C. Badania tribologiczne zostały przeprowadzone za pomocą testera T-07 w obecności luźnego ścierniwa, które stanowił elektrokorund #90. Wyniki badań zostały dodatkowe poszerzone o dyskusję oraz próbę ich korelacji z mikrostrukturą i wybranymi własnościami mechanicznymi. W celu ustalenia mechanizmów zużywania, dokonano obserwacji powierzchni po ścieraniu. Na tej podstawie stwierdzono, że głównymi mechanizmami zużycia były mikroskrawanie i mikrobruzdowanie.
The article describes the problem of excessive tribological wear of a torsional vibration damper built into a single-disc friction clutch of a truck vehicle. In contrast to the controlled, design-based wear of damper’s friction rings, i.e., wear whose kinetics are known and predictable, uncontrolled wear at Belleville spring contact surfaces effects in a premature decrease in the damper’s friction torque and, consequently, loss of durability. As a result of the analyses and experimental work, the causes of accelerated wear were identified. Sets of springs and friction rings from the 10 used vibration dampers that worked under similar operating conditions but with different operating periods were used as the basic research material. The influence of abrasive wear of Belleville springs on their load-deflection characteristic was identified. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of the new spring and the used springs is also presented to illustrate changes in the axial load in the assemblies of the analyzed dampers.
W artykule opisano problem nadmiernej intensywności zużycia ściernego tłumika drgań skrętnych, wbudowanego w jednotarczowe sprzęgło cierne pojazdu ciężarowego. W przeciwieństwie do kontrolowanego konstrukcyjnie przewidzianego zużywania się pierścieni ciernych tłumika, tj. zużycia, którego kinetyka jest znana i przewidywalna, niekontrolowane zużycie powierzchni oporowych talerzowej sprężyny dociskowej skutkuje przedwczesnym spadkiem momentu tarcia tłumika, a co za tym idzie, utratą jego trwałości. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz i prac doświadczalnych zidentyfikowano przyczyny przyspieszonego zużycia. Jako podstawowy materiał badawczy wykorzystano zestawy sprężyn oraz pierścieni pochodzących z 10 używanych tłumików drgań, które pracowały w podobnych warunkach eksploatacyjnych, ale różniących się okresem eksploatacji. Zidentyfikowano wpływ zużycia ściernego sprężyn dociskowych na charakterystyki siły w funkcji ugięcia. Przedstawiono również analizę porównawczą charakterystyki nowej sprężyny i sprężyn używanych w celu pokazania zmian wartości sił osiowych w złożeniach analizowanych tłumików.
The wheel set of a rail vehicle with a disc brake is the basic assembly of a rail vehicle exposed to abrasive wear. From the operational point of view, the wear process of the wheels and brake discs is uneven, which for the carrier involves switching off the vehicle, once when the maximum wear of the discs is reached and again when the wheels wear out. The process of both untying the wheel set from the bogie, dismantling the wheels and discs from the axle is a time-consuming and expensive process, which consequently affects the exclusion of the vehicle from planned traffic. In the article on the basis of brake disc wear results, 3 concepts of bogie management were proposed. The first concerns the bogie rotation, the second and third concepts concern the exchange of bogies with and without rotation. Using the MUZ multi-criteria programming method, the concepts were evaluated and the best one was selected taking into account the evaluation criteria. The aim of the article is to present concepts that reduce the wear of discs brake systems in a multi-unit traction unit using bogie migration under the vehicle.
The present study is directed to the problem of hardfacing and restoration of worn industrial equipment. Wear tests were carried out using especially built rig which reproduces working conditions of machinery applied in cement plants. The results of tribological tests on 20 Fe- and Ni-base hardfacings are presented. The effect of hardfacing hardness and chemical com-position was evaluated. It was found in SEM examinations that matrix was removed from the zone adjacent to carbides which made them liable to cracking and digging out. The mechanism of matrix removal depended on its hardness and include microcutting and low cycle fatigue. Ni-based hardfacings outperformed Fe-based coatings. The abrasion resistance of the best Ni-base coating, the Stelcar 6 was 38.7 times higher than that of S235JR steel. Eutectics in Ni-base coatings disturb motion of abrasive grains and force them to rotate in-stead of sliding over hardfacing surface. Ni-based coatings can be considered in hardfacing or reclamation of numerous industrial components applied in cement plants.
The development of a technology that increases the service life of valve seats in CNG/LNG-powered vehicles requires the appropriate selection of material and the technology of its application. Commercially used valve seat materials show accelerated wear under operating conditions, especially in natural gas vehicle engines. The authors developed a new material concept and a new technological concept for the protection of the valve seat in CNG/LNG-powered vehicles. This article aims to present the first stage of tribological research. Two materials were used in the research: Stellite 6 alloy and Fe3Al intermetal. A commonly used material for valve seats of combustion engines is Stellite 6. The Fe3Al is the new proposed material coating for the protection of the valve seats of internal combustion engines. This article compares the abrasive wear resistance of these materials. The abrasion tests were performed on a T-11 pin-on-disc tester, and the counter-sample was steel S235JR. The test conditions were similar to those prevailing during the operation of the valves in the head of the internal combustion engine, without the influence of temperature. The obtained results indicate that the Fe3Al intermetal is characterized by a lower coefficient of friction and lower wear intensity than Stellite 6. The results confirm that the Fe3Al phase is a prospective material to be used as a protective material on the valve seat of vehicles.
Fine-grained high-manganese X120Mn12 grade steel was subjected to a two-stage heat treatment consisting of long-term isothermal annealing at 510°C, which was followed by resaturation in order to reduce the negative effect of the brittle carbide carbides of manganese cementite (Fe,Mn)3 C. The objective of the experiment was to elucidate the effects of distinct stages of heat treatment on the properties of high manganese steel with regard to its resistance to abrasive wear. Supersaturation was performed for eleven different variations of temperature values ranging from 600°C to 1100°C to verify its effect on the resistance to abrasion wearunder abrasion conditions. An increase in the supersaturation temperature results in the gradual coagulation and disintegration of the colonies of pearlite and needle-like carbides (Fe,Mn)3 C formed during isothermal annealing. At the same time, as a result of the PSN (particle stimulated nucleation) process, the microstructure of austenite undergoes partial refinement, which ultimately increases the resistance to abrasive wear. As a result of the final microstructural changes resulted in an increase in the resistance to abrasion of approximately 6% compared to the initial state.
Drobnoziarnistą stal wysokomanganową gatunku X120Mn12 poddano dwustopniowej obróbce cieplnej złożonej z długoterminowego izotermicznego wygrzewania w temperaturze 510°C, a następnie ponownemu przesycaniu w celu zredukowania negatywnego wpływu kruchych wydzieleń węglików cementytu manganowego (Fe,Mn)3 C. Eksperyment miał na celu poznanie wpływu poszczególnych etapów obróbki cieplnej na właściwości stali wysokomanganowej w kontekście odporności na zużycie ścierne. Etap przesycania zrealizowano dla jedenastu różnych wariantów wartości temperatury z zakresu od 600°C do 1100°C w celu zweryfikowania jej wpływu na odporność na zużycie ścierne. Wzrost temperatury przesycania skutkuje stopniową koagulacją oraz rozpadem powstałych w trakcie wyżarzania izotermicznego kolonii perlitu oraz iglastych węglików (Fe,Mn)3 C. Jednocześnie w wyniku procesu PSN (ang. particles stimulated nucleation) mikrostruktura austenitu ulega częściowemu rozdrobnieniu, co finalnie wpływa na wzrost odporności na zużycie ścierne. W wyniku końcowych zmian mikrostrukturalnych uzyskano wzrost odporności na ścieranie o około 6% w porównaniu do stanu wyjściowego dla wariantu obróbki cieplnej złożonego z etapu długoterminowego izotermicznego wyżarzania w temperaturze 510°C oraz następującego po nim przesycania w temperaturze 750°C. Wzrost odporności wywołany został wydzieleniem globularnych węglików (Fe,Mn)3 C oraz powstaniem nowych ziaren austenitu.
The article discusses the microstructural and wear aspects of high-strength, martensitic boron steel Hardox Extreme. It is characterised by a hardness well in excess of 600 HBW and a static tensile strength Rm over 2000 MPa, which provides high resistance under abrasive wear conditions. However, such high mechanical properties reduce the steel's ductility parameters, including impact strength, elongation and area reduction. Examples of components exposed to abrasive wear, including ploughshares, cultivator teeth, excavator buckets or chutes, also require satisfactory resistance to impact wear. Subjecting Hardox Extreme steel to tempering treatments can enhance its performance characteristics by increasing its plastic properties while maintaining satisfactory mechanical indices. Therefore, it was decided to study the tribological properties of Hardox Extreme steel after stress-relieving and low-temperature tempering treatments. In the course of the work carried out, it was shown that with a reduction in hardness from 644 HBW to 508 HBW, it is possible to achieve satisfactory wear indices. The value of the coefficient of relative abrasion resistance kb is equal to 1.36–1.12, respectively, for the as-delivered condition and after tempering treatments at 250°C.
W artykule omówione zostały aspekty mikrostrukturalne i zużyciowe wysokowytrzymałej, martenzytycznej stali z borem Hardox Extreme. Charakteryzuje się ona twardością znacznie przekraczającą wartość 600 HBW i wytrzymałością na statyczne rozciąganie Rm powyżej 2000 MPa, co zapewnia wysoką odporność w warunkach zużycia ściernego. Jednakże tak wysokie własności mechaniczne powodują obniżenie parametrów plastycznych stali, uwzgledniających udarność, wydłużenie i przewężenie. Przykładowe elementy narażone na zużycie ścierne, w tym lemiesze pługa, zęby kultywatora, łyżki koparek czy zsuwnie kosza czerpakowego wymagają także zadowalającej odporności na ścieranie udarowe. Poddanie stali Hardox Extreme zabiegom odpuszczania może wpłynąć na zwiększenie jej cech użytkowych poprzez podwyższenie właściwości plastycznych przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu zadowalających wskaźników mechanicznych. W związku z powyższym zdecydowano się zbadać własności tribologiczne stali Hardox Extreme po przeprowadzeniu za biegów odprężania i niskiego odpuszczania. W toku przeprowadzonych prac wykazano, że przy obniżeniu twardości z 644 HBW do 508 HBW możliwe jest uzyskanie zadowalającej odporności na zużycie ścierne. Wartość współczynnika względnej odporności na zużycie kb wynosi 1,36–1,12, odpowiednio dla stanu dostarczenia i po przeprowadzeniu zabiegów odpuszczania w temperaturze 250°C.
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Aluminium-based hybrid nano-metal matrix composites are right materials, finding application in the aerospace and automotive industry. The present research focused on the effects of sliding load, sliding velocity, and temperature on wear behaviour of a novel hybrid metal matrix nano-composite. Stir-squeeze casting setup is used to produce the composites. The base metal is scrap aluminium alloy wheel (SAAW) reinforced with 1, 2, wt.% and 5.5, 7 wt.% of micro-sized alumina (Al2O3)m and nano-sized alumina (Al2O3)n particle respectively. An orthogonal array L9 (OA) has been used for designing the experiments. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is applied to find the optimal condition for Coefficient of Friction (COF), wear, surface roughness. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results show that the reinforcement contributes 19.40% and most influencing factor is sliding load with 62.33%. The samples tested were examined and analyzed using a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX). Additionally, a profilometer was used to measure the surface roughness of the worn-out specimen.
In the present research, we used molecular dynamics simulation to determine the effect of cutting parameters on micro-grain boundary structures and Burgers vector distribution in single crystal iron and polycrystalline iron materials. The result showed that the destruction of the lattice in polycrystalline iron caused by the cutting tool was restricted to the contact surface area. In addition, in the precision machining process, a higher refining grain was observed on the iron surface. During the cutting process of single crystal iron, large-scale slip occurred along the <111> crystal direction on the {110} crystal plane. And the slip presented an annular shape.
The subject of the work are modern composite materials with increased wear resistance intended for elements of machines operating in difficult conditions in the construction and mining industries. The study determined the effect of zone reinforcement of GX120Mn13 cast steel with macroparticles (Al2O3+ZrO2) on the corrosion resistance and abrasion wear of the composite thus obtained. SEM studies have shown that at interface between two phases, and more precisely on the surface of particles (Al2O3+ZrO2) a durable diffusion layers are formed. During the corrosion tests, no significant differences were found between the obtained parameters defining the corrosion processes of GX120Mn13 cast steel and GX120Mn13 with particles (Al2O3+ZrO2) composite. No intergranular corrosion was observed in the matrix of the composite material, nor traces of pitting corrosion at both phases interface. This is very important in terms of tested material’s service life. Reinforcement of cast steel with particles (Al2O3+ZrO2) resulted in a very significant improvement in the abrasion resistance of the composite – by about 70%. After corrosion tests, both materials were subjected to further operational investigations. These examinations consisted in determining the impact of corrosion processes on the durability of the composite in terms of abrasion. The obtained results indicate that corrosion processes did not significantly deteriorate the wear resistance of both the cast steel and the composite.
The paper evaluates the effect of the value of the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in solution, denoted as pH, on the wear of materials used for elements working in the soil mass. Three types of materials with different chemical composition and manufacturing technology were analyzed. The study was carried out under laboratory conditions using the "spinning bowl" method. Low-alloy martensitic steel, boron-containing wear-resistant steel, and Fe-Cr-Mn-containing surfacing applied to martensitic steel were tested. Soil pH was found to have a significant effect on the wear pattern of the materials tested. The greatest wear was found in acidic soils with a pH lower than 5, and it was 30-40% greater, depending on the type of material, with respect to soil with a pH above 6.8. The greatest destructive effect was found for low-alloy martensitic steel containing "promoters" of hydrogen penetration. The ways in which the surface is used depending on the pH of the treated soil are described. Hydrogen wear is revealed by decohesion due to weakening of the structural bond of the material. The stages of the process of destructive hydrogen action are defined.
This study explores the use of powder plasma transferred arc welding (PPTAW) as a surface layers deposition technology to form hardfaced coatings to improve upon the wear resistance of mild steel. Hardfaced layers/coatings were prepared using the PPTAW process with two different wear-resistant powders: PG 6503 (NiSiB+60% WC) and PE 8214 (NiCrSiB+45% WC). By varying the PPTAW process parameters of plasma gas flow rate (PGFR) and plasma arc current, hardfaced layers were prepared. Microscopic examinations were carried out to investigate the microstructure and surface characteristics of the prepared hardfaced layers. Penetration tests were performed to ascertain the number and depth of crack sites in the prepared samples by visual inspection. The hardness of the hardfaced layers were determined: hardfacings prepared with PG 6503 had hardness of 46.3 - 48.3 HRC, those prepared with PE 8214 had hardness of 52.7 - 58.3 HRC. The microhardness of the matrix material was in the range of 573.3 - 893.0 HV, and the carbides had microhardness in the range of 2128.7 - 2436.3 HV. Abrasive wear resistance tests were carried out on each prepared sample to determine their relative abrasive wear resistance relative to the reference material, abrasion resistant heat-treated steel, Hardox 400, having a nominal hardness of approximately 400 HV. Findings from the research showed that the wear resistance of the mild steel was improved after deposition of hardfaced layers; the hardness and wear resistance were increased upon addition of Cr as an alloying element; increasing the PGFR increased the hardness and wear resistance of the hardfacings, as well as increase in the number of cracks; increasing the PTA current resulted in hardfacings with less cracks, but relatively lowered the wear resistance. The wear mechanisms were discussed.
In the example of the CrN coating deposited by the cathodic arc evaporation (CAE) method on two differently prepared substrates, the procedure for selecting the values of the work condition parameters of the ballcratering method was presented. The procedure was developed thanks to applying an individual experiment design from Taguchi's approach and has not been used to determine the values of the parameters of the operating conditions of the test friction node for tribological tests. The procedure, according to Taguchi, allowed us to determine the values of the parameters for assessing the abrasion resistance of anti-wear coatings, with the use of a much smaller number of tests, compared to the methods used so far and a repetitive wear mechanism. The starting point of the presented procedure was selecting the area of the permissible values of the operating parameters, in the ball-cratering method, in which optimal values were searched for to minimise the relative error in determining the diameters of wear marks craters. After determining the area of limit values, an experiment plan was generated in which the variables were: load, rotational speed, minimum friction path, and maximum friction path. The results of abrasive wear tests performed with the ball-cratering method, in accordance with the developed test procedure for the CrN coating – were deposited on the substrate after heat treatment and the substrate after the nitriding process had been successfully verified.
Na przykładzie powłoki CrN, osadzonej metodą katodowego odparowania łukiem (CAE) na dwóch różnie przygotowanych podłożach, przedstawiono procedurę doboru wartości parametrów pracy metody ball-cratering. Procedurę opracowano dzięki zastosowaniu indywidualnego planu eksperymentu wynikającego z podejścia Taguchiego dotychczas niestosowanego do wyznaczania wartości parametrów warunków pracy testowego węzła tarcia do badań tribologicznych. Sposób postępowania według Taguchiego pozwolił na wyznaczanie wartości parametrów oceny odporności na zużycie ścierne powłok przeciwzużyciowych, przy zastosowaniu zdecydowanie mniejszej liczby prób w stosunku do dotychczas stosowanych metod oraz powtarzalnym mechanizmie zużywania. Punktem wyjścia zaprezentowanej procedury był wybór obszaru dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów pracy, w metodzie ball-cratering, w której poszukiwano wartości optymalnych ze względu na minimalizację błędu względnego wyznaczania średnic kraterów śladów zużycia. Po ustaleniu obszaru wartości wielkości dopuszczalnych wygenerowano plan eksperymentu, w którym zmiennymi były: obciążenie, prędkość obrotowa, minimalna droga tarcia i maksymalna droga tarcia. Wyniki badań zużycia ściernego wykonanych metodą ball-cratering, zgodnie z opracowaną procedurą badawczą dla powłoki CrN – osadzonej na podłożu po obróbce cieplnej oraz na podłożu po procesie azotowania, zostały pomyślnie zweryfikowane.
This paper presents the results of tribological testing performed on multi-phase layers produced by the hard-facing method. Three materials based on Fe-C-Cr alloys and containing carbide-forming elements B, V, Nb, Mn, Mo and W, used to hard-face abrasion-resistant layers, were selected for the study. The ball- cratering method performed the tests in two variants: with or without an abrasive slurry. The obtained results demonstrated that all test materials showed similar wear intensity in the presence of abrasive slurry, while the wear intensity varied for the test with no abrasive slurry.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań tribologicznych warstw wielofazowych wykonanych metodą napawania. Do badań wybrano trzy materiały na bazie stopów Fe-C-Cr zawierających pierwiastki węglikotwórcze B, V, Nb, Mn, Mo i W, stosowane do napawania warstw odpornych na ścieranie. Badania przeprowadzono metodą ball-cratering w dwóch wariantach: z obecnością zawiesiny ściernej i bez zawiesiny ściernej. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że w obecności zawiesiny ściernej wszystkie badane materiały charakteryzowały się podobną intensywnością zużywania, natomiast w badaniu bez zawiesiny ściernej intensywność zużycia była zróżnicowana.
The paper presents the results of the abrasive wear resistance test of composites based on polymers reinforced with carbon fibers. Two types of fiber composites obtained from a yacht manufacturer were used for the tests. The tests were carried out using the ball-cratering method without abrasive suspension. On the basis of the specific wear rate Kc, better tribological properties of the polyester matrix reinforced with glass fabric were observed compared to the polyester matrix reinforced with a glass emulsion mat. The composite material reinforced with glass cloth was characterized by smaller crater diameters, which may cause plastic deformation due to the low hardness of the material.
This paper is concerned with the possibility of applying modern non-contact methods for assessing the wear as a result of tribological interaction between working bodies and the soil. An original method for wear testing using the test space discretization based on the 3D scanning technology was employed. A localized volumetric wear coefficient was proposed, allowing for wear analysis and improving the accuracy of the Holm-Archard model. The coefficient of local volumetric wear shows the influence of the nominal shape and the slip trajectory of the abrasive particle along the elementary surface on the intensity of wear. At local volumetric wear coefficient > 0.3, this factor determines the intensity of surface wear. Volumetric wear characteristics are the basis for prediction of wear consequences for different materials and techniques of reinforcement of working surfaces, subject to intensive wear in abrasive soil mass. The reliability of the study is confirmed by the comparison with the mass method for wear assessment and the results of the application of the proposed method for different conditions of abrasive wear of operating parts.
Cold drawn products are widely used in the construction industry. Drawn products are obtained by a drawing process in which the most important tool is the drawing tool. Drawn products include wire, bar and pipe. The material used in this study was a drawing die mesh made of sintered carbide, grade H10S. The abrasive wear analysis of prepared samples was carried out using the ball on disc method with a ZrO2 ceramic ball. Hardness measurements were carried out using the Vickers method in accordance with the PN-EN 23878:1996 standard. The resistance to brittle fracture was determined based on the length of the measurement of cracks formed at the corners of the impression.
This paper presents a study of the tribological wear rate for PTFE-based composites in combination with C45 steel. PTFE composites with the addition of glass fibre, bronze, carbon fibre, and graphite were selected for the study. Tribological tests were conducted in a roller-block combination over an expanded contact area with no lubrication, using an SMC-2 machine. The study assessed the mass and volumetric wear for the test materials and the wear rate index. The highest wear values were noted for the PTFE composite with the addition of bronze, while the lowest was for the PTFE composite with the addition of glass fibre. For all the test materials, the formation of a polymer film on the steel counter specimen was noted.
W pracy przedstawiono badania intensywności zużycia ściernego kompozytów na osnowie PTFE w skojarzeniu ze stalą C45. Do badań wytypowano kompozyty PTFE z dodatkiem włókien szklanego, brązu i włókna węgla oraz grafitu. Badania tribologiczne prowadzono w skojarzeniu rolka–klocek w styku rozwiniętym bez smarowania z wykorzystaniem maszyny SMC-2. Ocenie poddano zużycie masowe oraz objętościowe badanych materiałów oraz dokonano oceny wskaźnika intensywności zużycia. Najwyższe wartości zużycia zaobserwowano dla kompozytu PTFE z dodatkiem brązu. Najniższe wartości zużycia zaobserwowano dla kompozytu PTFE z dodatkiem włókna szklanego. W przypadku wszystkich badanych materiałów zaobserwowano tworzenie się filmu polimerowego na przeciwpróbce stalowej.
W artykule opisano aktualną problematykę związaną z projektowaniem przenośników ślimakowych. Zaprezentowano ograniczenia teoretycznych metod obliczeniowych przeznaczonych do wyznaczania wydajności masowej oraz zapotrzebowania na moc przenośnika ślimakowego. Przedstawiono Metodę Elementów Dyskretnych (ang. DEM - Discrete Element Method) jako zaawansowane narzędzie numeryczne wspierające proces projektowania przenośników ślimakowych. Metoda ta umożliwia zgodne z rzeczywistością zasymulowanie zachowania się dowolnego materiału ziarnistego w trakcie transportu w przenośniku ślimakowym. W efekcie umożliwia ona wyznaczenie wiarygodnych wyników wydajności masowej oraz zapotrzebowania na moc urządzenia. Zastosowanie metody DEM umożliwia porównanie różnych wariantów konstrukcyjnych przenośnika pod kątem wydajności oraz zapotrzebowania na moc urządzenia, a także pod kątem zużycia ściernego piór ślimaka.
This paper deal with the current issues related to the designing of the screw conveyors. The limitations of the theoretical computational methods for determining the mass efficiency and power demand of a screw conveyor were described. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) was presented as an advanced numerical tool supporting the design process of screw conveyors. This numerical method allows for a realistic simulation of the behavior of bulk material during transport in a screw conveyor. As a result, DEM provides reliable results of mass efficiency and power demand of the screw conveyor. Also, DEM method allows comparing various design variants of the conveyor in terms of mass efficiency and power demand of the device, as well as in terms of abrasive wearing of the screw flights.
W artykule przedstawiono ocenę udokumentowanych typów uszkodzeń oraz analizę prowadzonych napraw tych uszkodzeń w całej populacji dozowników urobku w skali jednej kopalni. Do oceny porównawczej awaryjności dozowników zaproponowano liczbowy wskaźnik uszkodzenia, określający liczbę napraw przypadających na jeden dozownik, oraz wskaźnik masy, określający częstość powstawania konkretnego uszkodzenia w odniesieniu do masy przepływającego strumienia urobku. Wykazano, że kluczowym problemem jest zużywanie się elementów stalowych wskutek zachodzących procesów abrazyjnych. Zaobserwowano występowanie intensywnego zużycia ściernego wykładzin elementów dozownika. Wpływ na zużycie ścierne analizowanych elementów dozownika ma skojarzone działanie wielu czynników przede wszystkim zróżnicowanie właściwości fizykomechanicznych rudy miedzi, materiału, składającego się z trzech odmianach litologicznych (łupek, dolomit, piaskowiec) o zmiennym uziarnieniu i wilgotności.
The article presents an assessment of the described types of damage to feeders in ore bunkers and an analysis of the repair of these damage in the entire population of ore feeders at the scale of one mine. For a comparative assessment of the failure frequency of feeders, a failure index was proposed, which defines the number of repairs per one feeder, and a mass index, which defines the number of occurrence of a specific failure relates the mass of the transported ore stream. It has been shown that the key problem is the wear of steel elements due to the abrasive processes. The occurrence of intense abrasive wear of the linings of the feeder elements was observed. The abrasive wear of the analyzed elements of the feeder is influenced by the combined effect of many factors, primarily the differentiation of the physical and mechanical properties of the transported copper ore, consisting of three lithological types (shale, dolomite, sandstone) with variable grain size and moisture content.
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