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Nowadays, most content creators focus on distributing rich media at the highest possible resolution. Currently, the majority of sold consoles, media players, computer hardware, as well as displays and TVs are advertised as 4K-compatible. The same trend is observed in the case of popular online streaming services and terrestrial TV broadcasts. Generally speaking, it is assumed that higher bitrates provide higher subjective judgements. In this paper, we present the results of a user experience (UX) evaluation study on the quality of video content coded and transmitted in different resolutions in the internet protocol (IP) environment. The image resolutions include 1K (1920×1080 pixels; full-HD), 2K (2560×1440 pixels; wide-QHD), and 4K (3840×2160 pixels; ultra-HD) content that are processed in the H.265/HEVC (high-efficiency video coding) format. A subjective evaluation is carried out in a laboratory consisting of 20 iMacs with a 21.5-inch 4K Retina (4096×2304 pixels) display. The group of viewers included 28 individuals aged between 21‒35 years old, comprising people with and without visual impairments. The obtained UX results are compared with previous experiments, including both objective quality of service (QoS) and subjective quality of experience (QoE), as well as the impact of downscaling to 1K from 2K and 4K. The outcomes of this study may be of particular interest to any party interested in video content processing and distribution, as well as consumption and storage.
Nadzór parametrów jakościowych w sieci z protokołem IP jest jedną z ważniejszych funkcji jaką musi dysponować Operator sieci telekomunikacyjnej. W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję systemu rejestracji i monitorowania przeznaczonego do realizacji tego celu. Jest to rozwiązanie pasywne stosujące rozszerzenie standardu IPFIX, które określono mianem SIPFIX. Opisano praktyczną realizację i wyniki testów Próbnika, jednego z podstawowych elementów składowych tego systemu. Wyniki potwierdziły możliwość realizacji zaproponowanego systemu.
Supervision of quality parameters in a network with the IP protocol is one of the most important functions that a telecommunications network operator must have. The paper presents the concept of a recording and monitoring system intended to achieve this goal. This is a passive solu- tion that uses an extension of the IPFIX standard, called SIP- FIX. The practical implementation and test results of the Sampler, one of the basic components of this system, are de- scribed. The results confirmed the feasibility of implementing the proposed system.
Rynek platform i aplikacyjnych zastosowań bezzałogowych statków powietrznych (BSP) jest obecnie jednym z najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się gałęzi przemysłu i usług, zarówno w odniesieniu do segmentu cywilnego jak i wojskowego. W tym artykule przedstawiamy testy jakości usług dla radiowego modułu DTC SOL8SDR wykorzystywanego na BSP do transmisji danych. Moduł ten będzie wykorzystany w systemie rozpoznania radioelektronicznego na grupie BSP.
The market for platforms and applications of un- manned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is currently one of the most dynamically developing industries and services, both in the civil and military segments. In this paper, we present quality of service (QoS) tests for the SOL8SDR DTC radio module used on a UAV for data transmission. This module is planned to be used in the radioelectronic reconnaissance system of a UAV group.
Metryki QoS (Quality of Service) w testach aplikacji internetowych dostarczają wielu informacji o zachowaniu danej aplikacji w warunkach niestabilnego połączenia sieciowego. Pomiar ten jest jednak często dokonywany w hermetycznych warunkach laboratoryjnych. Skutkuje to uproszczeniem ich analizy kosztem niepełnego obrazu zachowania i środowiska aplikacji oraz zachowań użytkownika. Aby zaadresować ten problem, opracowane urządzenie nazwane MANIANA (Mobile Appliance for Network Interrupting, Analysis & Notorius Annoyance). Umożliwia ono przeprowadzanie testów aplikacji w sieci domowej użytkownika. Oparte jest ono o platformę Raspberry Pi4 oraz otwartoźródłowe komponenty, umożliwiające testy aplikacji w sposób bezpieczny, wydajny oraz uniwersalny.
QoS (Quality of Service) metrics obtained during network application testing provide lots of information about applications’ behavior in conditions of unstable network connections. However, obtaining this values is done in a hermetic lab environment. That simplifies its analysis and provides an incomplete picture of applications’ behavior, environment and user behaviour. To address this problem, a device called MANIANA (Mobile Appliance for Network Interrupting, Analysis & Notorius Annoyance) was developed. It allows for conducting application tests in a home environment. The device is made based Raspberry Pi4 minicomputer and Open Source solution and allows safe, robust and universal testing applications.
The current technological development is SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) which provides highperformance access for users located far from the head office so as to allow faster network connections and has been facilitated automation techniques for branch offices. This research solves the problem of XYZ company because it is known that the company requires network connectivity with a high SLA (Service Level Agreement) and no downtime in the information exchange process. This research hypothesis assumes that using SD-WAN would be ideal and the problems with XYZ company were resolved. The purpose of this research is the implementation of a WAN network using SD-WAN technology against two ISPs on the FortiGate router, as well as testing QoS (Quality of Service) that has been configured using the BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) routing method. This research plan consists of ISP-A using IP-VPN (Internet Protocol-Virtual Private Network) and ISP-B using broadband Internet. The test scenario was carried out using 3 methods, namely Full Service Scenario, Fail Over Scenario-1 when the IP VPN service is down and Fail Over Scenario-2 when the broadband Internet service is down. The final results of the research have obtained "Satisfactory" results for both services, including the average index on ISP-A and ISP-B of 3.7.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly limited user mobility, not least among students. Remote learning had a particular impact on resource allocation in relation to using terrestrial cellular networks, especially 4G systems in urban agglomerations. This paper presents the results of a quality evaluation of an outdoor environment, carried out between 2019 and 2021 on the campus of a technical university. Annual studies are conducted using our own custom-built mobile application, installed on 50 mobile devices (i.e., smartphones) running Android OS. This study aims to determine the impact of reduced user mobility on access parameters in mobile networks, that is, both download and upload throughput as well as delay (ping), with a particular focus on serving base transceiver stations (BTSs). This research scenario involves long-term evolution (LTE) compatible user equipment (UE) that operates under four Polish mobile network operators (MNO), which includes roaming connections and the newly launched 5G standard.
5G network slicing applications enable a set of new services that will automate industries and enhance our daily life. In this paper, we provide a review of challenges, investigation of the state of the art and show perspectives for future work in the area of AI-assisted dimensioning of 5G network slicing. Although there is a lot of research done, especially in the aspects of traffic predictions and network slicing management with AI assistance, in the current international publications there is no holistic solution for dimensioning of 5G radio cloud with network slicing.
Zastosowanie plastrowania sieci 5G umożliwi stworzenie zestawu nowych usług celem automatyzacji przedsiębiorstw oraz ułatwienia naszego życia codziennego. W tym artykule, przedstawiamy przegląd wyzwań, analizujemy obecny stan wiedzy oraz wskazujemy perspektywy w zakresie wymiarowania plastrów sieci 5G wspomaganego metodami sztucznej inteligencji. Pomimo wielu badań, w szczególności w zakresie predykcji ruchu i zarządzania plastrami wspomaganych metodami AI, w obecnych badaniach naukowych nie znajdujemy prac przedstawiających całościowe rozwiązanie do wymiarowania plastrów sieci 5G w chmurze.
Content available remote Quality of service (QoS) by utility evolved packet core (EPC) in LTE network
LTE which stands for Long Term Evolution is one of wireless broadband technology which provides an increased on both network capacity and speed to user. As LTE network grows, LTE mobile data services becomes demanding mode of communication. From audio call to video conference, video conference to online bank transaction, user lives conveniently with LTE. The speed of LTE network is up to 300 Mbps with the coverage of 100 km. However, LTE network could not be standalone on this chain for so long as it might occur generalization of services where the quality cannot be guarantee. Here Quality of Service (QoS) play it roles in managing and design wireless services that suit every single user necessity. QoS refers to the ability of a network to accomplish maximum bandwidth and handle with another element within network performance. Not to mention, minor support that made this possible is by studying on how EPC could make a different in improving the QoS in LTE network. Evolved Packet Core (EPC) is designed to support smooth transfer for voice and data to a base station. Hence, investigation in benefit of EPC toward QoS in LTE is carry out and simulation result obtained will be evaluated throughout this paper.
LTE, co oznacza Long Term Evolution, to jedna z bezprzewodowych technologii szerokopasmowych, która zapewnia użytkownikowi zwiększoną przepustowość i szybkość sieci. Wraz z rozwojem sieci LTE mobilne usługi transmisji danych LTE stają się wymagającym sposobem komunikacji. Od połączenia audio po wideokonferencję, wideokonferencję po transakcję bankową online, użytkownik żyje wygodnie dzięki LTE. Szybkość sieci LTE wynosi do 300 Mb/s przy zasięgu 100 km. Jednak sieć LTE nie mogłaby być samodzielna na tym łańcuchu tak długo, jak mogłoby dojść do uogólnienia usług, w przypadku których nie można zagwarantować jakości. Tutaj Quality of Service (QoS) odgrywa rolę w zarządzaniu i projektowaniu usług bezprzewodowych, które odpowiadają potrzebom każdego użytkownika. QoS odnosi się do zdolności sieci do osiągnięcia maksymalnej przepustowości i obsługi innego elementu w ramach wydajności sieci. Nie wspominając już o niewielkim wsparciu, które to umożliwiło, poprzez zbadanie, w jaki sposób EPC może coś zmienić w poprawie QoS w sieci LTE. Evolved Packet Core (EPC) został zaprojektowany w celu obsługi płynnego przesyłania głosu i danych do stacji bazowej. Dlatego prowadzone są badania na korzyść EPC w kierunku QoS w LTE, a uzyskane wyniki symulacji będą oceniane w niniejszym artykule.
The article presents a discussion leading to the identification the possible causes of disturbances in train movements under the supervision of the European Rail Traffic Management System ERTMS. As a consequence of detected events, unintentional initiation of a train braking procedure occurs despite the absence of objective reasons for such behaviour. In essence, the paper presents the ERTMS as a real-time system based on the two subsystems ETCS and GSM-R. Each of these subsystems includes a vehicle part and an infrastructure part. The article starts by identifying general considerations that may affect the lack of compatibility between vehicle and trackside infrastructure as a result of changes in versions of the specification (baseline). The following part of the article reviews the process leading to train braking is reviewed. The next part of the article refers to ETCS scenarios and parameters affecting the system response during operation. It referred to the considerations of message transmission between the ETCS ground infrastructure and the vehicle via the telecommunications network, including the GSM-R. The final section focuses on the causes and consequence of the overlap of the RBC’s and GSM-R radio cells boundaries. The article concludes with a brief summary and conclusions.
W artykule podjęto dyskusję prowadzącą do wskazania możliwych przyczyn zaburzeń w ruchu pociągów pod nadzorem europejskiego systemu sterowania ruchem kolejowym ERTMS. W następstwie wykrytych zdarzeń dochodzi do nieintencjonalnego wdrażania procedury hamowania pociągu pomimo braku obiektywnych przesłanek do takiego zachowania. Zasadniczo, w artykule przedstawiono system ERTMS jako system czasu rzeczywistego oparty na dwóch podsystemach ETCS i GSM-R. Każdy z tych podsystemów posiada część pojazdową i infrastrukturalną. Na wstępie artykułu wskazano na ogólne przesłanki mogące mieć wpływ na brak zachowania kompatybilności pojazdu i infrastruktury torowej wynikającą ze zmian w kolejnych wersjach specyfikacji (baseline). W dalszej części artykułu przeprowadzono proces prowadzący do hamowania pociągu. W dalszej części artykułu odwołano się do scenariuszy ETCS i parametrów mających wpływ na reakcje systemu w czasie działania. Odniesiono się do uwarunkowań transmisji wiadomości pomiędzy naziemną infrastrukturą ETCS i pojazdem poprzez sieć telekomunikacyjną, w tym GSM-R. W końcowej części skupiono się na przyczynach i następstwie wdrażania hamowania pociągu będących konsekwencją nakładania się granic obszarów sterowania ruchem kolejowym objętych obszarami odpowiedzialności RBC i obszarami komórek sieci radiowej GSM-R. Artykuł kończy krótkie podsumowanie i wnioski.
Multimedia networks utilize low-power scalar nodes to modify wakeup cycles of high-performance multimedia nodes, which assists in optimizing the power-toperformance ratios. A wide variety of machine learning models are proposed by researchers to perform this task, and most of them are either highly complex, or showcase low-levels of efficiency when applied to large-scale networks. To overcome these issues, this text proposes design of a Q-learning based iterative sleep-scheduling and fuses these schedules with an efficient hybrid bioinspired multipath routing model for largescale multimedia network sets. The proposed model initially uses an iterative Q-Learning technique that analyzes energy consumption patterns of nodes, and incrementally modifies their sleep schedules. These sleep schedules are used by scalar nodes to efficiently wakeup multimedia nodes during adhoc communication requests. These communication requests are processed by a combination of Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) & Genetic Algorithm (GA) models, which assist in the identification of optimal paths. These paths are estimated via combined analysis of temporal throughput & packet delivery performance, with node-to-node distance & residual energy metrics. The GWO Model uses instantaneous node & network parameters, while the GA Model analyzes temporal metrics in order to identify optimal routing paths. Both these path sets are fused together via the Q-Learning mechanism, which assists in Iterative Adhoc Path Correction (IAPC), thereby improving the energy efficiency, while reducing communication delay via multipath analysis. Due to a fusion of these models, the proposed Q-Learning based Iterative sleep-scheduling & hybrid Bioinspired Multipath Routing model for Multimedia Networks (QIBMRMN) is able to reduce communication delay by 2.6%, reduce energy consumed during these communications by 14.0%, while improving throughput by 19.6% & packet delivery performance by 8.3% when compared with standard multimedia routing techniques.
This research began when observations were made on any-to-any-connection services that require QoS (Quality of Service) and tunnel measurements. Tunnel is a technique to interconnect between local networks that are separated through a public network. Research questions found looping caused by traffic issues when sending data in the MPLS service layer-2 tunneling service. Furthermore, this research hypothesis proposes optimizing QoS performance in the application of the SR-TE (Segment Routing-Traffic Engineering) method in the MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) network and analyzing traffic based on MAC addresses using the looping-protection method. This research contributes to optimizing the MPLS network and is a recommended solution for simplifying control-plane operation, especially the SR-TE method and looping-protection in the L2- VPN MPLS service. The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of MPLS networks, as well as analyze the application of L2-VPN (Layer 2 Virtual Private Network) MPLS networks. The targeted TKT (Technology Readiness Level) is 3rd-Level, which is an analytical and experimental proof of the MPLS tunnel network model on Layer-2 VPN services. The results of the research concluded that testing the SR-TE method is a solution to simplify the process of labeling data traffic that is global labelling, then the looping-protection method is a solution to eliminate looping indications. The QoS obtained has also shown an "excellent" category based on TIPHON standards.
Pandemia COVID-19 znacząco ograniczyła mobilność użytkowników, a w szczególności studentów. Nauka zdalna miała szczególny wpływ na sposób przydziału zasobów w sieciach komórkowych. Niniejsza praca przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących jakości transmisji w środowisku zewnątrzbudynkowym. Kampanię pomiarową w latach 2019-2021 przeprowadzono na terenie kampusu uczelni technicznej. Każdego roku badania wykonano przy użyciu własnej autorskiej aplikacji mobilnej, zainstalowanej na 50 smartfonach działających pod kontrolą systemu Android.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly limited user mobility, mainly students. Remote learning had a particular impact on resource allocation in case of cellular networks. This paper presents results of a quality evaluation in an outdoor environment. The measurement campaign between 2019-2021 was carried out at the campus of a technical university. Each year studies were performed using our own custom-build mobile application, installed on 50 smartphones running Android OS.
Wdrożenie niezawodnego systemu komunikacji audio-wideo przynosi wiele korzyści. Z uwagi na fakt, że ilość dostępnego pasma stale się kurczy, badacze koncentrują się na nowatorskich metodach transmisji. Obecnie technika OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) jest szeroko stosowana zarówno w mediach przewodowych, jak i bezprzewodowych. W pracy przedstawiono badania jakości QoS (Quality of Service) symulowanego łącza transmisji danych, przy zmiennych poziomach SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) oraz BER (Bit Error Rate).
Application of a reliable audio-video communication system brings many advantages. As the amount of available bandwidth continues to shrink, researchers focus on novel types of transmission. Nowadays, OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is widely utilized both in wired and wireless media. In this paper we investigate the QoS (Quality of Service) parameters of a simulated data transmission system, including SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and BER (Bit Error Rate).
W artykule przedstawiono analizę działania mechanizmu kolorowania zdefiniowanego w standardzie IEEE 802.11ax. Przeanalizowano i porównano wydajność pracy sieci gęstych dla różnych scenariuszy pracy. Zaobserwowano pozytywny wpływ działania mechanizmu kolorowania na jakość świadczonych usług QoS. Dzięki przeprowadzonym badaniom pokazano, że właściwy dobór parametrów mechanizmu kolorowania w standardzie IEEE 802.11ax ma silny wpływ na QoS i wydajność pracy sieci gęstych.
The paper presents an analysis of BSS color scheme defined in IEEE 802.11ax standard. The efficiency of dense networks for different scenarios was analyzed and compared. A positive impact of the coloring mechanism on the quality of the services was observed. It was shown that the proper selection of the coloring mechanism parameters in the IEEE 802.11ax standard has a strong impact on QoS and the performance of dense networks.
Content available QoS Extensions for Flow-Awareness Networks
The paper contains a description and research results of the proposal for distributed QoS extensions for Flow-Based Networking. These QoS extensions let the network accept or reject flows based on current network load and QoS promises for each of the flows. Proposed solution consists of two distributed components, each of them performing in every node, measurement system and access control. The solution could be applied in any network architecture that is able to distinguish flows and routers in this architecture contains flow state table. Proposed approach was verified by simulation, in FSA architecture. Verification was done for six different network structures servicing two traffic classes (MRS, ARS). The results of the simulation tests have confirmed that the average time delay and packet loss ratio in the network with proposed extensions are below thresholds and meet the requirements recommended by ITU-T.
The paper presents an analysis of BSS coloring scheme defined in IEEE 802.11ax standard. The efficiency of dense networks for different scenarios was analyzed and compared. This analysis covers various topologies and work configurations through the use of multiple parameters of the PHY and MAC layers. A positive impact of the coloring mechanism on the QoS was observed. The study also analyzed the impact of the RTS/CTS mechanism on the obtained network performance and adequate prioritization of various traffic classes. It was shown that the proper selection of the coloring mechanism parameters in the IEEE 802.11ax standard has a strong impact on QoS and the performance of dense networks.
Content available Performance Analysis of VoIP Data over IP Networks
The paper presents the results of research and analysis of voice data transmission quality in IP packet networks. It analyses mechanisms allowing for the assessment of packet telephony data transmission quality. Possible transmission quality levels and adequate quality metrics, applicable in the recommendations of standardisation organisations, as well as suggested limit values conditioning acceptable voice data transmission quality were indicated and discussed. A packet network model was designed and tested, taking into account VoIP architecture supporting various audio codecs used for voice compression. Transmission mechanisms based on audio codecs G.711, G.723, G.726, G.728 and G.729 were investigated. It was shown that for delay-sensitive traffic which fluctuates beyond its nominal rate, selected codecs have an advantage over others and allow for better transmission quality of VoIP traffic with guaranteed bandwidth and delay.
Due to a continuous increase in the use of computer networks, it has become important to ensure the quality of data transmission over the network. The key issue in the quality assurance is the translation of parameters describing transmission quality to a certain rating scale. This article presents a technique that allows assessing transmission quality parameters. Thanks to the application of machine learning, it is easy to translate transmission quality parameters, i.e., delay, bandwidth, packet loss ratio and jitter, into a scale understandable by the end user. In this paper we propose six new ensembles of classifiers. Each classification algorithm is combined with preprocessing, cross-validation and genetic optimization. Most ensembles utilize several classification layers in which popular classifiers are used. For the purpose of the machine learning process, we have created a data set consisting of 100 samples described by four features, and the label which describes quality. Our previous research was conducted with respect to single classifiers. The results obtained now, in comparison with the previous ones, are satisfactory—high classification accuracy is reached, along with 94% sensitivity (overall accuracy) with 6/100 incorrect classifications. The suggested solution appears to be reliable and can be successfully applied in practice.
W pracy przedstawiono wpływ wybranych parametrów sieci na jakość usługi transmisji multimedialnej w systemie WTi. Do tego celu wykorzystano dedykowane oprogramowanie do testowania Video Quality Monitor oraz emulator sieci WAN LANforge, w którym dokonywano zmian wartości tychże parametrów. Ponadto scharakteryzowano krótko badany system oraz jego właściwości funkcjonalne. W badaniach skupiono się również na badaniu wskaźników jakości obrazu, takich jak rozmycie, efekty blokowe czy kontrast. Wszystkie badania przeprowadzono w oparciu o wideokonferencję w środowisku testowym WTi.
The paper presents the impact of selected network parameters on the quality of multimedia transmission service in WTi system. For this purpose, dedicated testing software Video Quality Monitor and LANforge WAN emulator were used, in which the values of these parameters were changed. In addition, the tested system and its functional properties were briefly characterized. The research also focused on examining image quality indicators such as blur, block effects and contrast. All tests were conducted on the basis of videoconference in the WTi test environment.
Considering the phenomenal growth of network systems, congestion remains a threat to the quality of the service provided in such systems; hence, research on congestion control is still relevant. The Internet research community regards active queue management (AQM) as an effective approach for addressing congestion in network systems. Most of the existing AQM schemes possess static drop patterns and lack a self-adaptation mechanism; as such they do not work well for networks where the traffic load fluctuates. This paper proposes a self-adaptive random early detection (SARED) scheme that smartly adapts its drop pattern based on a current network’s traffic load in order to maintain improved and stable performance. Under light- to moderate-load conditions, SARED operates in nonlinear modes in order to maximize utilization and throughput, while it switches to a linear mode in order to avoid forced drops and congestion under high-load conditions. Our conducted experiments revealed that SARED provides optimal performance regardless of the condition of the traffic load.
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