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The 4th Atlas Georesources International Congress (AGIC), convened in Hammamet, Tunisia in March 2023, provided a significant forum for scholars, scientists, and practitioners to converge and deliberate on the intricate challenges surrounding resource management. Themed “Geoscience Innovations For Resource Management: Socio-Economic Challenges In An Environmentally Constrained World,” the congress spotlighted five pivotal domains: hydrology and water resource management, applied geophysics in geological exploration and structural analysis, environmental pollution, climate and atmospheric studies, and renewable energy and climate modeling. These thematic areas serve as focal points for grappling with the multifaceted challenges posed by contemporary resource management paradigms.
This work looks at developing an object-driven decision support system (DSS) model with the goal of improving the prediction accuracy of the present expert-driven DSS model in assessing groundwater potentiality. The database of remote sensing, geological, and geophysical information was constructed using the technological efficiency of GIS, data mining, and programming tools. Groundwater potential conditioning factors (GPCF) extracted from the datasets include lithology (Li), hydraulic conductivity (K), lineament density (Ld), transmissivity (T), and transverse resistance (TR) for groundwater potentiality mapping in a typical hard rock multifaceted geologic setting in south-western Nigeria. A Python-based entropy approach was used to objectively weight these factors. The weightage findings determined that the greatest and lowest given values for Ld and K were 0.6 and 0.03, respectively. The produced Python-based PROMETHEE-Entropy model algorithm was born through combining the weight findings with the Python-based PROMETHEE-II method. The groundwater potentiality model (GPM) map of the area was created using the model algorithm's outputs on the gridded raster of GPCF themes. Based on the suggested approach, the validated results of the created GPM maps using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve technique yielded an accuracy of 86%. An object-driven DSS model was created using the approaches that were used. The created object-driven model is a viable alternative to existing approaches in groundwater hydrology and aids in the automation of groundwater resource management in the research region.
In view of the challenges faced by geophysical research in the future decades and the observed decline in interest in this field of study in Poland, itis necessary to mobilize the geophysical environment. One of the main causes of the crisis in the popularity of this field of study are changes in the economic paradigm, in which an important determinant and goal of activities is the declared departure from fossil fuels, especially coal and oil. Obviously, this has a direct impact on the prospects of geophysical research, whose main contractor on a global scale is the oil industry. With the depletion of the best available deposits, there is a need to reach for deposits that were increasingly difficult to discover and exploit, which contributed to the progress in geophysical research methods that followed the development of technology and information methods - the basis of modern geophysical analyses. The announced definitive departure from fossil fuels coincided in Poland with the end of the shale-gas boom and the announcement of the program of resigning from coal mining. These announcements aroused the belief that the demand for geophysical research will also expire in the coming years together with the prospects for financing such research. However, this belief is wrong. A significant stream of funds will be directed at the development of geophysical research on a global scale, and the current sponsors of utilitarian geophysical research will occupy new niches on the market, e.g. in the accumulation of energy, storage of greenhouse gases and the search for raw materials, the lack of which is increasingly felt by the most developed economies. Along with the growing awareness of the deepening climate crisis and the destruction of the natural environment engulfing the planet, the need increases to recalculate the environmental costs of economic activity, in which broadly understood geophysical sciences can undoubtedly help. Geophysical analysis of huge datasets requires modern computational methods such as numerical modelling, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The development of these fields will therefore be necessary, but also a difficult challenge for the scientific community in Poland. In this work, we will indicate mainly the prospective areas of the economy and the science, related to the broadly understood energy transformation that requires a significant share of geophysical research. The review of the issues and methodology of current geophysical problems and proposed solutions has been arranged in accordance with the directions of research in the field of earth sciences, subjectively highlighting the tasks that seem to be the most promising and/or scientifically attractive. The text deals with the issues related to climatology, hydrology and hydrogeology, environment, geological hazards, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, waste storage, energy storage, critical raw materials, and the structure and physical condition of the Earth's crust.
The Song Hien Rift basin, located in northeast Vietnam, has been identified as an important region for gold deposits, including the Pac Lang deposit. Several methods like petrographic observations, elemental analyses, and geochemical elements and vertical zoning models of primary halo have been used to describe geological characteristic of this deposit. The investigation focused on examining the geological events that occurred both before and after the formation of the ore. The use of ICP-MS analysis and element concentration contrast enabled an effective assessment of the relative degrees of denudation that occurred at the Pac Lang deposit. The findings of this study were consistent with prior research on ore deposit geology, geochemical primary-halo, and examination of geochemical indicator zoning patterns for gold ore bodies. The study's application of singularity analysis for evaluating the degree of denudation provides important geological information that can aid in data interpretation. The results of the study can also have significant reference value in furthering our understanding of the post-ore deformation of deposits and in the investigation of unknown orebodies in northeast Vietnam. There indicate that, the research's findings suggest that the use of singularity analysis to evaluate the degree of denudation is a valuable tool for exploring potential gold deposits and enhancing our knowledge of gold deposit geology in northeast Vietnam. Overall, this study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on gold deposits in the Song Hien Rift basin and can serve as a useful reference for future research in the area.
For over two decades, an essential information about global monthly gravity variations is provided by the GRACE mission and its successor, the GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission. The temporal variations in gravity field from GRACE/GRACEFO are determined based on the measurement of distance changes between two identical satellites using microwave ranging instruments. This process is carried out by various processing centers, which adopt different processing strategies and background models. This causes discrepancies in the resulting gravity fields.We address this problem by determining a monthly homogenous GRACE-FO gravity field solutions from June 2018 to November 2022 as provided by different processing centers included in the Science Data System (SDS) project, i.e. the Center for Space Research (CSR), the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). We test three different weighting schemes. We show that for the last 4 years, at least 65% of continental areas are characterized by water decrease. We show that proposed merged solutions contain more signal information than individual ones based on the square root of the degree variance values.We note that the largest signal differences between individual and combined solutions occur for sectoral coefficients up to degree 40, and for zonal coefficients, the signal differences are twice as small.We also present that the differences in the spherical harmonic coefficients cause differences in global and local equivalent water height (EWH) changes. For example, the proposed merged solutions reduce root mean square scatter ofEWHby 5–15% comparing to individual solutions.
Handheld gamma-ray spectrometry (hGRS) is a valuable method for geological studies. It may be applied in correlations between well-logging and outcrop strata, enhance interpretations of sedimentological data, prospect radiogenic ores and geothermal resources, and identify radiogenic hazards for society. This paper aims to review and popularize one of the research methods based on a mobile device (hGRS) equipped with a BGO (bismuth germanium oxide) scintillator. The general concept of the research method is presented in this paper. The method's perspectives and limits based on reviewed literature. Advantages of hGRS include, e.g., low cost, short data acquisition time, the possibility of studying natural exposures, and a broad set of research applications. The main disadvantages comprise relatively modest resolution of acquired data and their difficult interpretation in complex geological formations. The review is backed by sample measurements performed in various geological exposures at Bornholm Island (Baltic Sea). Measurements comprised igneous rocks exposed in several quarries and sedimentary profiles near Liesti Valley and Muleby.
The applications of the machine learning and programming approaches in cartography has been increasing in recent years. This paper presents a case study of the scripting techniques used for cartographic mapping using Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) and R language (raster and tmaps packages). The aim of the study is environmental mapping of Ghana. The materials include high-resolution raster grids: topography by the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), climate and environmental datasets (TerraClimate) and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for geomorphometric analysis (slope, aspect, hillshade and elevations). The methodology includes code snippets commented and explained with details of scripts. It is argued that using consolebased scripting tools for mapping is effective for cartographic workflow due to the logical structure and repeatability of scripts. The results include eight new thematic maps of Ghana performed using scripting approach inGMTscripting toolset and R language for quantitative and qualitative environmental assessment. Maps show correlations between the landforms of Ghana and certain environmental variables (drought index and soil moisture) showing the effects of the topographic relief on the distribution of the continuous geographic fields. These varied in several geographically distinct regions of Ghana: Ashanti (Kumasi), Volta, Savannah, coastal and northern regions. Demonstrated maps show that scripting method works effectively on a wide range of geosciences including environmental, topographic and climate studies. In such a way, this paper contributes both to the regional studies of Ghana and development of cartographic techniques.
The aim of the paper is to present the structure and research potential of the newly created measurement and information system for observing dynamic phenomena occurring in the Earth's crust in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in Poland as a result of mining activities. The structure of the system is similar to the one developed for monitoring the movements of the European tectonic plate under the European Plate Observation System (EPOS) programme. The measurement part of the system consists of stationary devices and sensors working in monitoring mode, installed in various locations of the USCB, both on the surface and underground, as well as data sets from periodically performed measurements using land, air and satellite techniques. The IT part of the system will create a local data centre with specialized and dedicated processing and modelling software in which all measurement data will be archived and processed to a form which enables the analysis of the short and long-term impact of mining operations on the environment. As one of the elements of the system will be observations of the short and long-term gravity and morphology changes, the collected data will enable research in the field of the geodynamics of mining areas to be conducted.
Content available Cyfryzacja w budownictwie
Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa niesie ze sobą kompleksową transformację cyfrową przedsiębiorstw. Jej dziewięć filarów ma wpływ również na branżę budowlaną. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ, jaki transformacja cyfrowa wywiera na projekty innowacyjne realizowane w branży budowlanej, omówiono przykłady innowacji cyfrowych, jakie stosowane są w cyklu życia projektu deweloperskiego – biurowego oraz opisano na przykładach i studium przypadku, jakie stosowane są modele zarządzania projektami innowacyjnymi.
The fourth industrial revolution carries out a comprehensive digital transformation of enterprises. Its nine pillars also affect the construction industry. The article presents the impact of digital transformation on innovative projects implemented in the construction industry, examples of digital innovations that are used in the lifecycle of a property development undertaking, are discussed, and examples and case studies of applied innovation project management models are described.
The Brown Coal Research Institute is the participant of the European Commission - Research Fund for Coal and Steel project “Bucket wheel excavators operating under difficult mining conditions including unmineable inclusions and geological structures with excessive mining resistance” The geological problems are the important part of the project solving. The article briefly summarises geological situation of the Most Basin, situation of coal mining and geotechnical parameters of hard rocks. The main attention is devoted to the optimum methodology of geological and geophysical survey of hard rocks.
Brown Coal Research Institute jest partnerem projektu realizowanego w ramach Funduszu Badawczego Węgla i Stali „Praca koparek kołowych w warunkach występowania w urabianym ośrodku utworów o nadmiernych oporach urabiania jak i wtrąceń nieurabialnych” Problematyka rozpoznania geologicznego stanowi ważną część projektu. Artykuł krótko podsumowuje sytuację geologiczną zagłębia, wydobycie węgla i parametry geotechniczne skał. Główną uwagę poświęcono optymalnej metodologii badań geologicznych i geofizycznych skał trudno urabialnych.
Do niedawna zamek i jego układ znane były tylko z mało wyraźnej ryciny zrujnowanego zamku z początku XVIII wieku, ze szkicowej rekonstrukcji rzutu autorstwa Conrada Steinbrechta z końca XIX wieku oraz lakonicznych opisów inwentarzowych z połowy XVII i połowy XVIII wieku. Badania archeologiczno-architektoniczne uzupełnione prospekcją geofizyczną w znacznym stopniu uzupełniły tę wiedzę, weryfikując stare poglądy i hipotezy. W efekcie udało się zrekonstruować przebieg kurtyn obwodowych przedzamcza oraz fosy. W narożniku północno-zachodnim zweryfikowano obecność wieży wymienianej w inwentarzu z połowy XVII wieku. Dzięki prospekcji geofizycznej zlokalizowano także niektóre elementy zabudowy wewnętrznej – duży budynek od zachodu oraz stojący na dziedzińcu obiekt szachulcowy na murowanym podpiwniczeniu, którego istnienie zostało potwierdzone metodą wykopaliskową. Szczególnie interesujące okazały się wyniki badań archeologicznych w odniesieniu do rekonstrukcji pogranicza domu konwentu i przedzamcza zachodniego, wskazując na obecność tam nieznanej fosy i muru w 2. połowie XIV wieku. Zweryfikowano także narożnik północnego, zewnętrznego muru zamku, w którym według planu C. Steinbrechta miała znajdować się baszta. Rekonstrukcja ta okazała się niepoprawna, a zachowany mur był w rzeczywistości przyporą narożną. Badania dostarczyły także dalszych informacji umożliwiających rekonstrukcję ukształtowania terenu i technik budowlanych – przede wszystkim prac ziemnych.
Until recently, the castle and its layout were known only from a rather unclear sketch of the ruined castle from the beginning of the 18th century, from a sketchy reconstruction of the plan drawn by Conrad Steinbrecht at the end of the 19th century, and laconic inventory descriptions from the moid-17th and mid-18th century. Archaeological-architectonic research and geophysical prospection significantly complemented the knowledge, verifying old views and hypotheses. As a result it was possible to reconstruct the outlines of perimeter curtains of the bailey and the moat. The existence of a tower mentioned in the inventory from the mid17th century was verified in the north-western corner. Owing to geophysical prospection some elements of interior buildings were also located – a large building in the west and a framework building with a masonry basement standing in the courtyard whose existence was confirmed by the excavations. Results of archaeological research in reference to the reconstruction of the borderline of the chapter house and the west bailey, indicating the presence of an unknown moat and a wall there in the 2nd half of the 14th century, turned out to be particularly interesting. The corner of the north, outer wall of the castle was also verified where, according to the plan by C. Steinbrecht, the tower was to be located. The reconstruction turned out to be incorrect, and the preserved wall was actually a corner buttress. The research also yielded further information allowing for reconstructing the lay of the land and construction techniques – mainly earthworks.
Znosko (1981a, b) first stated the important fact that the Sowie Góry "nappe” was lying on the rocks of the Middle Sudetic Ophiolite Complex. In the light of current geophysical and tectonic data, it still remains up-to-date. Both those articles have initiated a new look at the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Sudetes and its surroundings. This article presents an analysis ofpotential boundaries oflithostratigraphic terranes in the Sudetes and the Fore-Sudetic Block, confirmed by the waveforms of gravity horizontal gradients. Gravimetric modelling along the selected profile 3 makes it possible to present the subsurface geological structure. Metamorphic rocks of the Sowie Góry complex can probably reach a depth of almost 5 km on the Fore-Sudetic Block. Below them are mafic and ultramafic rocks, reaching a depth of up to 12 km, which belong to the Middle-Sudetic Ophiolite Complex. The kinematic data from the Sowie Góry metamorphic complex indicate displacement with the top-to-SW and to-S, as in the Middle-Sudetic Ophiolite Complex. Controversy over the origin and the geotectonic environment of the Early Ordovician protolith of the Sowie Góry gneisses, which are probably a magma product of arc-type magmatism formed above a subduction zone of the Tornquist Ocean. The Sowie Góry terrane can be considered as a relic of the Early Ordovician Paleozoic magma arc (the so-called peri-Baltic arc). The Sowie Góry terrane was moved towards the SW and S on obducted dismembered fragments of ophiolite sequences after closing the Rheic Ocean during the Eo-Variscan orogenesis.
Metody geofizyczne, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tomografii elektrooporowej, w ostatnich latach zyskują coraz większe znaczenie. Jest to efektem ciągłego postępu technologicznego, jaki dokonuje się w dziedzinie aparatur pomiarowych. Artykuł został poświęcony wykorzystaniu metody elektrooporowej w badaniu złóż – zarówno w fazie ich eksploatacji, jak i poszukiwań.
Geophysical methods, with special regard to electrical resistivity imaging, have gained increasing significance in recent years. It is the result of continuous improvement in the field of measuring equipment. The article addresses electrical resistivity method application in deposit exploration, both at the stage of their location and mining. The employment of modern and advanced equipment enables to effectively determine deposit borders and depth. It also gives information about the physical properties of rock. The results may be used as drilling complementary information or autonomous source of geological data. The examples of electrical resistivity imaging application presented in the paper relate to data collected in order to determine the profitability of plot purchase before the exploitation process or deposit ceiling depth and weathering zones in existing mines. The aim of the measurements was to gain geological information on various rock types – basalts, limestones, dolomites and sand-gravel sediments.
Z powodu bezszybowego dostępu do złoża skuteczne przeprowadzenie procesu podziemnego zgazowania węgla brunatnego wymaga ciągłego monitorowania geofizycznego. Odpowiada ono za identyfikację położenia frontu zgazowania, modelowanie powstałej kawerny, określenie wpływu gazogeneratora na warstwy nadkładu i osiadanie terenu, jak również pomaga w wykryciu przypuszczalnych ucieczek gazu. Należy wspomnieć, że środowisko naukowe nie wypracowało optymalnego i standaryzowanego systemu monitorowania procesu podziemnego zgazowania węgla brunatnego. Niniejszy artykuł skupia się na wyborze metody obserwacji zjawiska zgazowania dopasowanej do warunków geologicznych towarzyszących polskim węglom brunatnym. Rozpatrywana technologia zgazowania dedykowana jest przede wszystkim pozabilansowym, zawodnionym i zapiaszczonym pokładom węgla brunatnego, występującym w sąsiedztwie utworów ilastych, które za zadanie mają stanowić izolację dla planowanego georeaktora. Wybór metody opiera się na charakterystycznych warunkach panujących w okolicy gazogeneratora, które wywołują lokalne anomalie geofizyczne. Warunki te to przede wszystkim oddziaływanie termiczne gazogeneratora, które wpływa na przewodnictwo elektryczne, porowatość, przepuszczalność, gęstość, czy prędkość rozchodzenia się fal. W efekcie jako najbardziej perspektywiczną metodę wybrano tomografię elektrooporową, która umożliwia niemalże automatyczne monitorowanie procesu. Zaproponowano również metodykę prowadzenia badań, dopasowaną do najbardziej perspektywicznych technologii podziemnego zgazowania węgla brunatnego.
Effective implementation of the brown coal underground gasification process requires continuous geophysical monitoring due to the shaft free access to deposits. Geophysical monitoring is responsible for identifying the gasification front location, modeling formed caverns, determining the impact of the gasifier at layers of overburden and subsidence, as well as helping to detect possible gas escapes. It should be noted that the scientific community did not develop optimal and standardized systems of brown coal underground gasification monitoring. This paper is focused on selecting the gasification monitoring method adapted to the geological conditions accompanying the Polish brown coals. The considered gasification technology is primarily dedicated to off-balance sheet, water-logged and gritty decks of brown coal, occurring near the loams designed to provide insulation for the planned gasifier. The method choice is based on the specific conditions prevailing in the gasifier area, which cause local geophysical anomalies. These conditions are primarily the thermal impact of gasifier which affects the electrical conductivity, porosity, permeability, density, and the waves propagation speed. As a result, electrical resistivity tomography was chosen as the most perspective method which allows for an almost automatic monitoring process, thus it allows the gasifier’s impact on the surroundings to be observed at a relatively low cost. The research methodology, adapted to the most promising technology of brown coal underground gasification was also proposed.
Współczesne modele geologiczne 3D mają charakter innowacyjny w kompleksowym podejściu do rozpoznania wgłębnej budowy struktur i jednostek geologicznych. Umożliwiają one integrację i przestrzenną interpretację informacji geologicznej, archiwizowanej w postaci różnorodnych baz danych oraz analogowych materiałów kartograficznych. Zaletą tworzonych modeli 3D jest możliwość ich bieżącej modyfikacji wraz z dopływem nowych danych. Model geometryczny 3D uzupełniony informacjami o zmienności litolofacjalnej, parametrami petrologicznymi lub/i petrofizycznymi, jest podstawą szacowania zasobów złóż surowców i może być wykorzystany w symulacjach procesów geologicznych i hydrogeologicznych. Przedstawiony model budowy geologicznej wysadu solnego Łanięta prezentuje możliwości kompleksowej analizy danych, uwzględniającej szerokie spektrum skali rozpoznania geologicznego wysadu. Podczas procesu budowania modelu matematycznego opierano się w znacznej mierze na archiwalnych danych otworowych, wynikach pomiarów i analiz fizyko-chemicznych, a także na dostępnych interpretacjach profilowań sejsmiki 2D. Główną część modelowania przeprowadzono w oparciu o szczegółowe i półszczegółowe zdjęcia grawimetryczne. Do modelowania gęstościowego wykorzystano anomalie grawimetryczne w redukcji wolnopowietrznej, dzięki czemu możliwe było zbudowanie modelu od powierzchni terenu. Modelowanie wykonano w dwóch etapach. W pierwszym etapie obliczono prosty model oparty o zdjęcie półszczegółowe. Głównym efektem tego etapu było uzyskanie tła geologiczno- gęstościowego dla drugiego etapu, jakim było modelowanie samej struktury solnej. Etap ten realizowany był w oparciu o zdjęcie szczegółowe. Zdjęcie to w jednoznaczny sposób ukazuje niejednorodność modelowanego ciała. Dużym problemem w tego typu analizach jest prawidłowe zróżnicowanie gęstości w obrębie samego wysadu. Obecność dwóch typów litologicznych o bardzo zróżnicowanej gęstości (lekka sól i bardzo ciężki anhydryt) powoduje, że jednoznaczność wynikowego modelu w dużym stopniu uzależniona jest od znajomości relacji miąższościowych poszczególnych typów skał budujących pień solny wysadu (z otworów wiertniczych bądź sejsmiki).
Recent techniques of 3D geological models building present an innovative approach to integrated subsurface mapping of geological structures. Multiple sources of geological and geophysical data have been used in complex 3D modeling from both digital databases as well as analogue archives. Structural framework of the model supplemented with lithological and petrophysical data discretized in spatial grids is used for resources assessment and modeling of geological and hydrogeological processes. The 3D geological model of the Łanięta salt diapir has been developed as a case study for refinement of known structure and lithological variation of the salt dome with use of borehole data, cross sections and 2D seismic interpretation as well as petrophysical and geochemical analysis. The study has been focused on application of the geologically-constrained 3D geophysical inversion of gravity data for delineation of undrilled parts of the structure. The free-air correction of gravity data have been used for modeling of the structure from the terrain surface down to the depth of 1 km below sea level. Both regional and local gravity surveys were used in two steps approach. The low resolution regional model has been created for 3D trend model of density distribution in the first step. It was followed by the high resolution, detailed inversion of local gravity data. The 3D inversion constrained by borehole control points presents density variation of modeled structure. A significant challenge of presented approach of gravity inversion is an adequate differentiation of density in the salt diapir. The delineation of large density contrast of halite and anhydrite rock in the highly deformed internal diapir structures is problematic and it depends mostly on available borehole or seismic data on lithological succession and spatial distribution.
Объектом исследования являются породы фундамента и нижней части осадочного чехла западной части Западно-Сибирской платформы. Данная область имеет сложное геологическое строение и до настоящего времени недостаточно изучена. В пределах этой территории уже успешно добывается нефть из пород фундамента на ряде месторождений. Следовательно, рассматриваемый участок может быть перспективным в этом отношении. Целью работы стало исследование пород фундамента и выявление перспективных зон образования коллекторов нефти и газа. Исследования проводились по шламу, отобранному с интервалом 5÷20 м с глубин 1060÷1350 м в процессе бурения 5 скважин. Образцы изучались макроскопически, в стереомикроскопе и в петрографических шлифах. В результате исследований выделены и охарактеризованы литотипы пород осадочного чехла и петротипы доюрского основания. Основное внимание уделялось породам фундамента, в составе которого выделены: долериты, лейкодолериты, габбро, конга-диабазы, лейкоконга-диабазы и гранодиориты. Вулканические породы относятся вероятно к базальт-долеритовой и липарит-лейкобазальтовой формации перми-триаса, габброиды слагают небольшие гипабиссальные интрузии более позднего возраста. В породах фундамента присутствует большое количество трещин, заполненных гидротермальными минералами. Это говорит о сильных тектонических напряжениях и дислокациях, а также о гидротермальных процессах, последняя активизация которых, вероятно, происходила после формирования осадочного чехла. В целом отмечается невысокая интенсивность развития процессов выветривания и, по-видимому, небольшая мощность кор выветривания в которых можно ожидать формирование поровых коллекторов. Наиболее вероятно развитие пористости в гранитоидах и конга-диабазах, поскольку в них отмечаются единичные пустоты выщелачивания. Во всех породах присутствуют тонкие трещины. Они либо открытые, либо заполнены вторичными минералами – альбитом, эпидотом, кальцитом.
The basement rocks and the lower sedimentary unit of the west part of West Siberian plate are the subject of the study. This region has complex geological setting and is still understudied. Several fields show successful oil exploitation from basement in the area. This fact is the basis to consider the study area to be perspective for hydrocarbon exploration. The aim of the study is concerned with the basement rock identification and detection of perspective reservoir zones. The data for study was presented by rock cuttings from 5 wells obtained with interval 5÷20 m from depths of 1060÷1350 m. These samples were investigated using stereoscope for cuttings and using microscope for thin sections. The features of sedimentary rock lithotypes and basement rock petrotypes were described during the study. The main attention is paid to the basement rocks: dolerites, leucodolerites, gabbro, conga-diabases, leucoconga-diabases and granodiorites. The volcanic rocks seem to be associated with the basalt-dolerite and liparit-leikobasalt formations (Permian-Triassic), the gabbroids relate to small intrusions of younger age. A lot of cavities filled with hydrothermal minerals are discovered in the basement rocks. This fact indicates a strong tectonic influence on these rocks, with the last activation being supposed to occur after the formation of lower sedimentary unit. The study area shows low degree of weathering, so small thickness of weathering crust with porous reservoirs can be expected. The porosity is most probable to be in the granitic rocks and in conga-diabases as singular micro-caverns are discovered in these rocks. Thin fractures are detected in all rock types. Fractures are found to be open or filled by albite, epidote and calcite secondary minerals.
Jedną z metod geofizycznych, pozwalających wskazać lub wykluczyć występowanie uprzywilejowanych stref przepływu wód podziemnych do 50 m p.p.t. jest sondowanie rezonansem magnetycznym (MRS). Do charakterystyki hydrogeologicznej masywów skał krystalicznych wybrano obszar złoża z czynnym wyrobiskiem górniczym w okolicy Piławy Górnej (blok przedsudecki). Do charakterystyki hydrogeologicznej masywów skał krystalicznych reprezentowanych przez gnejsy i amfibolity wybrano obszar złoża z czynnym wyrobiskiem górniczym. Wyniki obu sondowań wskazują na bardzo słabe zawodnienie strefy zwietrzeliny i masywu skalnego lub brak zawodnienia. Pokrywa zwietrzelinowa ma miąższość ok. 4 m, zawartość wody w tej strefie wynosi zaledwie 6–7%, przy współczynniku filtracji k równym 2×10–6 m/s, co zalicza ten rodzaj zwietrzelin do skał słabo przepuszczalnych. Poniżej głębokości 4 m pojawia się spękany masyw skalny, który również charakteryzuje się bardzo słabym zawodnieniem o średniej zawartości wody w skale na poziomie 4%, o współczynniku filtracji szczelinowej 10–6 m/s i wodoprzewodności T o wartości 10–5 m2/s. Współczynnik filtracji szczelinowej na głębokości 30–40 m wzrasta, osiągając 10–4–10–5 m/s. Jest również widoczny wzrost wodoprzewodności do poziomu 10–3 m2/s. Podwyższone wartości wymienionych parametrów są związane z występowaniem lokalnych zawodnień w spękanym masywie skalnym, które są widoczne m.in. w odsłonięciach na terenie kamieniołomu. Wyniki badań MRS zostały potwierdzone przez badania hydrogeologiczne przeprowadzone w otworach geologicznych odwierconych na terenie złoża.
Among the geophysical methods that allow indicating or excluding the occurrence of the privileged zones of groundwater flow down to 50 m b.g.l. is magnetic resonance sounding (MRS). Two soundings were carried out approximately 1.5 km north of the village of Piława Górna (Fore-Sudetic Block). The area of active quarry was selected for hydrogeological characteristics of the crystalline rocks massifs represented by metamorphic rocks such as gneisses and amphiboles. Both series of profiling are suggestive of either very low water content in the weathering cover and the rock massif or a complete lack of it. The weathering cover is approximately 4 metres thick, its water content does not exceed 6–7%, and the hydraulic conductivity k equals 2×10–6 m/s. This type of rock waste can therefore be classified as low-permeable. At depths greater than 4 metres, the rock massif is cracked, and shows a very low water content (4%), hydraulic conductivity of 10–6 m/s, and transmissivity T equalling 10–5 m2/s. The hydraulic conductivity increases up to 10–4–10–5 m/s at depths of 30–40 metres. Research has shown a simultaneous increase in the transmissivity to 10–3 m2/s. The increase in these parameters is associated with the presence of a small local water inflow within the cracked rock massif, which is visible among others in the exposures of the nearby quarry. The MRS results were confirmed by hydrogeological investigations of boreholes drilled within the quarry.
Wały przeciwpowodziowe są jednym z głównych elementów biernej ochrony przeciwpowodziowej. Są to ziemne obiekty budowlane, mające postać nasypu, zlokalizowane w pewnej odległości od koryta rzecznego. Obok zbiorników retencyjnych i zapór, to właśnie na wałach przeciwpowodziowych spoczywa zadanie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa terenów zagospodarowanych gospodarczo oraz ludności lokalnej. W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań polowych, geofizycznych oraz odwiertów i sondowań dynamicznych. Przedstawiono rezultaty badań laboratoryjnych pobranych próbek gruntów. Uzyskane wyniki skonfrontowano z wynikami badań prowadzonych metodą sejsmiki powierzchniowej. Przeprowadzono także numeryczną analizę filtracji oraz stateczności rozpatrywanych obwałowań w programie MES-Skarpa. Na podstawie uzyskanych danych scharakteryzowano warunki panujące w podłożu gruntowym oraz sformułowano wnioski końcowe.
Levees are one of the main elements of flood protection. They are ground embankments which are usually located close to the river bed. The role of levees is to provide protection of developed areas and local population. The paper presents outcomes of field tests, such as boreholes and dynamic probing. The results of laboratory tests of ground samples are presented. The obtained results were confronted with the surface seismic method. Using the MES-Skarpa programme, numerical models of levees were generated. An analysis of filtration phenomena and stability was performed. Based on the collected data, ground conditions were characterized and final conclusions were formulated.
W artykule omówiono wykorzystanie metod geofizycznych do rozwiązywania problemów eksploatacyjnych w kopalniach odkrywkowych. Przedstawiono podział poszczególnych grup metod geofizycznych oraz dokonano ich charakterystyki, a także przeanalizowano perspektywy i możliwości ich zastosowania w górnictwie odkrywkowym. W artykule, ponadto, dokonano oceny skuteczności i efektywności działania poszczególnych metod geofizycznych w warunkach kopalnianych.
The paper presents the use of geophysical methods for solving operational problems in surface mines. The classification of particular groups of geophysical methods were presented and their characteristics were made, as well as perspectives and possibilities of their usage in surface mining were analyzed. The article also presents evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of various geophysical methods in mining conditions.
The paper is focused on low enthalpy geothermal exploration performed in south Italy and provides an integrated presentation of geological, hydrogeological, and geophysical surveys carried out in the area of municipality of Lecce. Geological and hydrogeological models were performed using the stratigraphical data from 51 wells. A ground-water flow (direction and velocity) model was obtained. Using the same wells data, the ground-water annual temperature was modeled. Furthermore, the ground surface temperature records from ten meteorological stations were studied. This allowed us to obtain a model related to the variations of the temperature at different depths in the subsoil. Integrated geophysical surveys were carried out in order to explore the low-enthalpy geothermal fluids and to evaluate the results of the model. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and self-potential (SP) methods were used. The results obtained upon integrating the geophysical data with the models show a low-enthalpy geothermal resource constituted by a shallow ground-water system.
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