Bent chairs as poster inspiration. In 2020, an exhibition of posters based on seating equipment was presented at the National Museum in Poznań. The exhibition referred to the chair and the metamorphosis it underwent, that apart from the function of utility furniture, it became a part of art, Equipment basically used for sitting - to which we are used to everyday practice of its use, it is an indispensable element of the interior design of apartments, offices, waiting rooms, schools, stadiums, health clinics, shopping malls, cinemas, theatres and other public places. The posters on display showed chairs with a structure based on bent beech elements. Some of them accurately represented the types of bent chairs currently in production. A number of other chairs had bent elements in their design, e.g. backrests, legs or armrests, allowing for economical serial production of elements. The exhibition included works advertising films, theatre and opera performances, exhibition and party posters. They are mostly works by Polish designers.
Gięte krzesła inspiracją dla plakatów. W 2020 roku w Muzeum Narodowym w Poznaniu przedstawiano wystawę plakatów, których kanwą były sprzęty do siedzenia. Wystawa odwoływała się do krzesła i metamorfozy, jakie ono przechodziło, że obok funkcji mebla użytkowego, zaistniało ono w sztuce, Sprzęt zasadniczo służący do siedzenia, do czego przyzwyczaiła nas codzienna praktyka jego użytkowania, stanowi nieodzowny element wyposażenia wnętrz mieszkań, biur, poczekalni, szkół, stadionów, przychodni zdrowia, galerii handlowych, kin, teatrów i innych miejsc użyteczności publicznej. Ekspozycja muzealna składała się z 59 plakatów z różnorakim przedstawieniem krzesła inspirowanego lokalnymi wydarzeniami. Obejmowały prace anonsujące filmy, przedstawienia teatralne, plakaty wystawowe i imprezowe. Na wystawianych plakatach można było wyodrębnić krzesła o konstrukcji opartej o gięte elementy bukowe. Niektóre z nich dokładnie przedstawiały typy krzeseł giętych będących w produkcji. Wybrane na wystawę prace odzwierciedlały pełen przekrój różnorodnych rozwiązań plastycznych i indywidualne podejścia autorów plakatów do zlecenia; są projekty oparte na zaskoczeniu i dowcipie; plakaty o lapidarnej, graficznej formie, plakaty malarskie; prace osadzone w surrealistycznej poetyce i takie, których autorzy preferują realistyczne ujęcie fotograficzne.
Statyczna reklama wizualna to medium, które nie wymaga aktywności ze strony widza, a jednocześnie ma ogromną siłę przekazu. Docieranie z taką reklamą w sposób masowy odbywa się dzisiaj za pośrednictwem bardzo zróżnicowanych metod i nośników umieszczanych na zewnątrz (outdoor) lub wewnątrz (indoor) pomieszczeń środowiska pracy. Ciągle jeszcze środkami bardzo skutecznymi i jednocześnie popularnymi w zakładach pracy są klasyczne plakaty. Oparte na artystycznym wyrażaniu skojarzeń, docierają do pracowników z konkretnym użytkowym przesłaniem, łączą dwa światy – sztuki i rzeczywistości.
Static outdoor advertising does not require any activity from the audience and yet it is an enormously powerful medium. Mass impact of that kind of advertisement is often achieved with rather complex methods and various carriers both outside and inside workspaces (outdoor and indoor advertising, respectively). Posters remain a very efficient and at the same time popular means in companies. Based on expressing connotations in an artistic way, they reach workers employees with a specific, useful message, and bring together the worlds of art and reality.
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Zamoyski Museum in Kozłówka located in the Palace - an old seat of count Zamoyski family (some 20 km North of the historic district town of Lublin) is one of few existing in Poland and well preserved aristocratic residences. Most of the like places were destroyed, mostly after 1945, as an outcome of Marxist utopia put into practice. They owners were expropriated, many emigrated, others arrested, some ended their lives in Syberia. Their seats left without care for decades frequently turned to ruins. Only several places thanks to unexpected happy coincidence of events, and far sighted view of open minded individuals who were put in charge of their post 1945 administration were saved. This is the case of Kozłówka which now is State owned Museum perfectly administered by its Director Krzysztof Kornacki and his professional and competent staff. The Museum collection includes original mid XIX c/ and early XXc. interiors of the Palace, Coach House with splendid collection of horse pulled vehicles, and paradoxically: a collection of art of Socialist Realism, of different artistic value, but sometimes signed with famous artists names... Besides the Museum of Kozłówka plays the role of an important cultural center and organizes variety of artistic events, concerts and temporary exhibitions. One of them was "Polish Art Deco Poster" exhibition which presented collection of posters of the years 1920/1930 saved in Lvov Ethnography and Handicraft Museum (Director Roman Czmelyk). For many richness of the collection was a surprise. This kind of "temporary street art" was saved despite of "stormy winds of war" which these lands experienced in XX c., thanks to wise and caring contribution of the Museum collectors. Now in the new situation and developing international cooperation common cultural heritage is presented to the public. It enriches our view of the history with the positive and moving facts. Posters present high artistic value and a specific style. Many of they authors were graduates of the Department of Architecture of Warsaw Polytechnic and passed through courses of drawing and painting of prof. Zygmunt Kaminski. So there should not be a surprise to note that, in a sense, they have an architectural structure of their composition and artistic idioms. If Robert Venturi maintains that one can draw lessons from popular art of Las Vegas, so there is probably no less to learn from the "art of the street" of the posters presented at the exhibition of Lvov Museum of Ethnography and Handicraft in Kozłowka, and its intellectual message.
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