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Today, more and more Vietnamese firms consider continuous improvement as the best way to increase their manufacturing capability. This paper aims to illustrate the effectiveness of manufacturing processes management from the Samsung production system (SPS) approach when it was implemented to improve capability of existing production process in Vietnamese firms. The paper is a combination of descriptive and field research to demonstrate how SPS principles are appropriate for five real industry cases in particular and all Vietnamese manufacturing companies in general. In five cases, the usage of SPS-based tools has turned out to be fruitful. They solved problems of continuous improvement management in Vietnamese firms and created significant achievements in quality improvement and productivity increase. The paper investigates the core value of Samsung’s continuous process improvement. The way that Samsung has used to improve quality and profitability simultaneously can be adapted by manufacturing companies.
W artykule wskazano cechy obróbki plastycznej, które powodują, że ta technika obróbki jest szeroko stosowana we współczesnych procesach produkcyjnych. Ukazano także możliwości wspomagania tego rodzaju obróbki innymi technikami, np. laserem, w wyniki czego realizowane procesy nabierają charakteru hybrydowego. Zaprezentowano maszyny, narzędzia i procesy technologiczne, które powodują takie duże zainteresowanie tą techniką ze strony przemysłu.
In this paper the features of plastic forming that make this processing technique widely used in modern production processes were described . The possibilities of supporting this type of processing with other techniques, e. g. laser, were also shown. The reason for this is that the implemented processes becoming a hybrid character. Machines, tools and technological processes that cause such great interest in this technology from the industry were presented.
The paper examines the influence of aging on buckling strength loss for aluminum alloy 5182 beverage can ends. In the experimental study, aging took place naturally and artificially. For the buckling strength testing, a special experimental technique was used, which was based on measuring the internal pressure leading to the destruction of the beverage can ends. The experimental results show that the beverage can ends indicate a significant time-dependent buckle strength loss. For example, a year of aging can end at 20°C leading to a decrease in its strength by 5%. Half of this decrease occurs in the first 3–4 weeks. The aging phenomenon also got worse with increasing temperature. It has been found that increasing the aging temperature to 40°C results in an 8% reduction in buckling strength after 4 weeks of aging. The whole life cycle, from its production to the processes it undergoes and storage time, was analyzed. At the same time, tests were carried out for both the input material and the product itself. On this basis, the mechanical properties and their change depending on time or temperature were examined. All specimens made from can end stock (CES) were also found to not show the same drop of mechanical properties as for the buckling of finished ends. The obtained experimental allowed the development of an empirical mathematical model that makes it possible to predict the buckling strength of the can end depending on the conditions of aging and temperature of testing. The present study showed the importance of temperature conditions used in can filling lines in the determination of resistance to changes in buckling for the ends.
The publications increasingly describe the support of production processes in both manufacturing and assembly areas. The support in industry is due, among other things, to the insufficient manpower, the need to improve productivity or to increase reliability of production in terms of errors. This article presents an example of an industrial implementation in the welding area. The main objective of the application of the presented example was to replace a commercial product and to speed up the manufacturing process of an axisymmetric workpiece of the sleeve type. The presented proposal was implemented in a company where welding is the main manufacturing technology.
W artykule przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące ekologicznych aspektów procesów wytwarzania. Wskazano na najczęściej niekorzystny dla środowiska wpływ działań człowieka w tym zakresie. Przytoczono przykład ilościowego określenia tego wpływu, a także sposoby pozwalające zmniejszyć jego skutki, m.in. poprzez wykorzystanie recyrkulacji materiałowej i rekuperacji ciepła.
In the paper considerations on the ecological aspects of manufacturing processes were presented. The most common adverse environmental impacts of human activities in this area are indicated. An example of how to quantify this impact is cited, as well as the ways to reduce its effects, including through the use of material recirculation and heat recuperation.
Despite a sustainable energy future, steam turbines are requisite for the reliability and security of the electric power supply in many countries. Accurate and precise manufacturing of the steam path is crucial to turbine efficiency. Before entering the rotor blades, the steam must be correctly guided using stationary blading in a diaphragm. Steam turbine diaphragms are complicated components to manufacture, and welding is the most common fabrication method. A case study presented in this paper employs data from a 3D optical scanner for a geometric deviation analysis of the upper half of the diaphragm at two production steps, after complete welding and after final machining. Unrolled cylinder cross-sections at different diameters are used to evaluate the blade throat sizes and positions compared to the nominal geometry. The results indicate significant geometric changes between the two fabrication steps, and several suggestions are put forward for targeted future work.
This case study describes a manufacturing process of composite chassis also known as monocoque. The structure is made using carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) which are manufactured in out-of-autoclave (OOA) process from pre-impregnated carbon fabrics and aluminium alloy honeycomb core. Since the material cost is high the aim of the project was to reduce the cost of manufacturing process i.e. cost of models and moulds. Therefore, instead of high-temp models and moulds a cheaper alternative was used. It consisted of Styrofoam models made using polyurethane (PU) paste and moulds made from CFRP using wet layup process which were cured at room temperature. Such moulds had to be adapted to withstand high temperatures during pre-preg cure. This was done with gradual heat annealing process which increased the maximum service temperature from 45C to 90C. This was enough for the low-temp cure of pre-preg material, but it might be possible to increase the temperature even further. As a result, the cost of manufacturing process had been reduced by 50%.
Purpose: The aim was to analyze inconsistencies in the production process of rebated internal frame and panel doors using KPIs and to identify causes of deviations from the quality plan using selected quality management tools. Design/methodology/approach: KPIs and instruments of quality management (Pareto-Lorenz diagram, Ishikawa diagram and 5Why?) were used. The survey covered products manufactured in the third and fourth quarters of 2019. Findings: It was found that the most serious non-compliance was the presence of an uneven rim surface (Pareto-Lorenz diagram). Potential causes were inadequate gluing of the door leaf layers and the use of worn flange processing equipment (Ishikawa diagram). On the other hand, the root cause of the quality problem turned out to be the lack of supervision and proper training of employees (5Why method). Research limitations/implications: The presented research process has no limitations – it can be used in manufacturing companies. Further research will concern the application of the methodology to the analysis of other products offered by the company. Practical implications: the research contributed to the identification of the causes of the lowered quality level, which will allow to implement appropriate remedial measures. As part of the improvement measures, training must be carried out at the workplace and the availability of work instructions must be ensured. Originality/value: so far no extended quality analyses have been conducted in the company – no KPIs have been used in combination with extended analyses carried out with the use of quality management tools. The presented methodology is useful for the company where the analysis was made and for the manufacturing companies that want to effectively improve their production processes.
The article presents the application of the bootstrap aggregation technique to create a set of artificial neural networks (multilayer perceptron). The task of the set of neural networks is to predict the number of defective products on the basis of values of manufacturing process parameters, and to determine how the manufacturing process parameters affect the prediction result. For this purpose, four methods of determining the significance of the manufacturing process parameters have been proposed. These methods are based on the analysis of connection weights between neurons and the examination of prediction error generated by neural networks. The proposed methods take into account the fact that not a single neural network is used, but the set of networks. The article presents the research methodology as well as the results obtained for real data that come from a glassworks company and concern a production process of glass packaging. As a result of the research, it was found that it is justified to use a set of neural networks to predict the number of defective products in the glass industry, and besides, the significance of the manufacturing process parameters in the glassworks company was established using the developed set of neural networks.
W artykule dokonano syntezy informacji literaturowych dotyczących logistyki procesów produkcyjnych, zawężając ją do przemysłu maszynowego. Wskazano te elementy, które są niezbędne w nowoczesnych procesach wytwórczych, zarówno w zakresie procedur i oprogramowania (software) jak również wykorzystywanego sprzętu (hardware). Wykazano, że zmiana (unowocześnienie) środków produkcji generuje potrzebę zmian w logistyce procesów wytwarzania. Obydwa elementy łącznie pozwalają na wyraźne zwiększenie efektywności tych procesów. Holistyczne ujęcie zagadnienia, zawierające aspekty: techniczne, ekonomiczne oraz środowiskowe, przyczyniło się do tego, że proponowane w artykule rozwiązania mogą być przydatne w szeroko pojętej technosferze.
In this paper a synthesis of literature information on the logistics of manufacturing processes was made, narrowing it down to the machine-building industry. The elements which are indispensable in modern manufacturing processes, both in terms of procedures and programs (software) and the nr 4/2021 www.obrobkametalu.tech equipment used (hardware), have been identified. It has been shown that the change (modernization) of the means of production generates the need for changes in the logistics of manufacturing processes. Both elements together allow for a clear increase in the efficiency of these processes. The holistic approach to the issue, including technical, economic and environmental aspects, contributed to the fact that the solutions proposed in the article can be useful in the widely understood technosphere.
At present, the speed of production and its complexity increases with each passing year due to the shorter product life cycle and competition in the global market. This trend is also observed in the machine-building industry, therefore, in order to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises and reduce the cost of production, it is necessary to intensify production. This is especially true in the machining of complex parts that require a great number of setups, and technological equipment. The problem-oriented analysis of complex parts was carried out, the parts classification was structured and developed according to the design and technological features. This made it possible to offer advanced manufacturing processes for complex parts like levers, forks, and connecting rods. The flexible fixtures for specified complex parts were developed. The effectiveness of the proposed manufacturing processes, as compared with the typical ones, provides significant improvement in the production.
Manufacturing and logistics process in conditions of the contemporary market must be multidimensional and multicriterial. Activities associated with production and logistics are closely related. Improvement of the manufacturing process and logistics areas in enterprises has a great importance and can bring a lot of benefits. Each optimization of the manufacturing and logistics proces should be analyzed, adapted to needs of the given enterprise and successively implemented. The article describes proposals to improve the manufacturing and Logistics process in researched enterprise, through identification of functional problems. In addition, indicates important possible benefits, resulting from the use of tools, systems and techniques to optimize production and logistics areas in the organization.
W warunkach współczesnego rynku proces produkcji i logistyki musi mieć charakter wielowymiarowy i wielokryterialny. Działania związane z produkcją i logistyką są ze sobą ściśle powiązane. Doskonalenie procesu produkcji i obszarów logistyki w przedsiębiorstwach ma ogromne znaczenie i może przynieść wiele korzyści. Każda optymalizacja procesu produkcji i logistyki powinna być przeanalizowana, dostosowana do potrzeb danego przedsiębiorstwa i sukcesywnie wdrażana. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia propozycje doskonalenia procesu produkcji i logistyki w badanym przedsiębiorstwie, poprzez identyfikację problemów funkcjonalnych. Ponadto wskazuje istotne możliwe do uzyskania korzyści, wynikające z zastosowania narzędzi, systemów i technik optymalizujących obszary produkcji i logistyki w organizacji.
Każdy z nas chociaż w minimalnym stopniu marzył od zawsze o wymarzonym prezencie lub jakimś drobnym upominku. Gdy go już dostał to czasami okazywało się że po jakimś czasie nie nadaje się do ponownego użycia lub zabawy bądź też mówiąc potocznie zepsuł się. Niejednokrotnie wtedy idziemy do sklepu, w którym została zakupiona dana rzecz w celu złożenia odpowiedniej reklamacji. Czasami nam się to udaje a czasami nie. Podobnie rzecz ma się w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych. Zanim wyprodukowany asortyment zostanie oddany do rąk potencjalnych kupców musi przejść serię badań i procedur kontrolnych żeby mieć stuprocentową pewność, że został wyprodukowany na najwyższym poziomie bez żadnych uchybień. Głównym celem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie procedury kontroli i badania dostaw we wszystkich etapach procesu produkcyjnego wyrobu końcowego w przedsiębiorstwie produkującym profile i blachy aluminiowe do okien i drzwi.
Each one of us at least to a minimal degree dreamed about a dream gift or some small gift. When he got it, sometimes it turned out that after some time he was not suitable for reuse or playing, or to put it simply, he broke down. Often then we go to the shop where the item was purchased in order to make a proper complaint. Sometimes we do it and sometimes we do not. The same is true for manufacturing companies. Before the manufactured assortment is handed over to potential buyers, it must undergo a series of tests and control procedures to be 100% sure that it has been produced at the highest level without any shortcomings. The main purpose of this Article is to present the control procedure and supply testing in all stages of the production process of the final product in the company producing aluminium profiles and sheets for windows and doors.
Purpose: The investigations have been carried out on 316L stainless steel parts fabricated by Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technique. The study aimed to determine the effect of SLM parameters on porosity, hardness, and structure of 316L stainless steel. Design/methodology/approach: The analyses were conducted on 316L stainless steel parts by using AM125 SLM machine by Renishaw. The effects of the different manufacturing process parameters as power output, laser distance between the point’s melted metal powder during additive manufacturing as well as the orientation of the model relative to the laser beam and substrate on porosity, hardness, microstructure and roughness were analysed and optimised. Findings: The surface quality parts using 316L steel with the assumed parameters of the experiment depends on the process parameters used during the SLM technique as well as the orientation of formed walls of the model relative to the substrate and thus the laser beam. The lowest roughness of 316L SLM parts oriented perpendicularly to the substrate was found when 100 W and 20 μm the distance point was utilised. The lowest roughness for part oriented at 60° relatives to the substrate was observed when 125 W and the point distance 50 μm was employed. Practical implications: Stainless steel is one of the most popular materials used for selective laser sintering (SLM) processing to produce nearly fully dense components from 3D CAD models. Reduction of porosity is one of the critical research issues within the additive manufacturing technique SLM, since one of the major cost factors is the post-processing. Originality/value: This manuscript can serve as an aid in understanding the importance of technological parameters on quality and porosity of manufactured AM parts made by SLM technique.
Content available remote Koszty stanowiskowe w operacjach montażu
Artykuł przedstawia różnorodność kosztów występujących w obliczeniach kosztu realizacji operacji technologicznych. Omówienie to zawiera spojrzenie z perspektywy układu rodzajowego i kalkulacyjnego kosztów. Z uwagi na aktualną tendencję automatyzacji produkcji zwraca uwagę na różnice w podziale kosztów, odnoszące się do operacji montażu realizowanych manualnie oraz w sposób automatyczny. Przedstawione omówienie kosztów jest wstępem do przygotowania matematycznego modelu kosztów stanowiskowych procesu wytwarzania.
The paper presents a variety of costs occurring in the calculation of the technological operations cost. Discussion of the costs includes a look from the perspective of the generic and the calculation systems of costs. Due to the current trend of production automation draws attention to the differences in the distribution of costs relating to the assembly operations performed manually and automatically. The presented discussion is an introduction to the preparation of a mathematical costs model in the manufacturing processes.
The article focuses primarily on the implementing of selected tools of Lean Management in the functioning of an enterprise with non-series manufacturing process. The aim is to present the possibilities of implementation of selected solutions in an enterprise which is the subject of the study. The article puts forward the essential concept of Lean Management. It contains information concerning, among other things, the specifics of this concept, the benefits of its implementation in an enterprise, and expenditure to be incurred in order to begin its practice. The paper presents selected, and at the same, basic tools used in Lean Management and includes practical aspects of the application of Lean Management in an enterprise with non-series process.
Content available remote Automatyzacja procesu obróbki elementów o dużych gabarytach
Wskazano czynniki determinujące proces wytwarzania obrabiarek skrawających przeznaczonych do obróbki elementów wielkogabarytowych (EWg), zwłaszcza w zakresie automatyzacji tego procesu. Istotnym, uwzględnionym w pracy zagadnieniem jest to, że obrabiarki coraz częściej mają strukturę modułową.
In the paper factors which there were indicated determine manufacturing process of machine tools predestined for large-size elements machining, especially in the range of automation. The essential problem, considering in this paper is fact that machine tools often and often have modular structure.
Celem badań była identyfikacja najważniejszych uwarunkowań efektywności i rozwoju procesu produkcyjnego na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa wytwarzającego akcesoria do elektronarzędzi. Istotą systemu produkcyjnego jest fakt, że celem jego powstania jest chęć wytworzenia określonego produktu. Charakteryzują go przeze wszystkim takie cechy, jak celowość oraz wysoki stopień zorganizowania. System produkcyjny to nie tylko wytwarzanie gotowych wyrobów, ale także świadczenie usług. Zajmuje on pozycję nadrzędną względem procesu produkcyjnego. W ramach jednego systemu produkcyjnego może być realizowanych kilka procesów produkcyjnych. Charakterystyczna dla procesu produkcyjnego jest swojego rodzaju cykliczność działań. Szczegółowa analiza przebiegu działań realizowanych w ramach procesu wytwórczego w badanym przedsiębiorstwie pozwoliła zauważyć, że nie został on dotychczas zoptymalizowany w zakresie planowania organizacji systemu produkcyjnego, co przełożyło się na nie zawsze efektywne zarządzanie. W związku z tym w publikacji wskazano kilka usprawnień, których wdrożenie powinno spowodować wzrost efektywności funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa. Zaproponowano zastosowanie nowoczesnych metod zarządzania produkcją i usługami, takich jak: Kanban czy Just-In-Time. Niezbędne w doskonaleniu funkcjonowania omawianej firmy oraz poprawy wydajności procesu produkcji byłoby optymalne rozplanowanie usytuowania kanałów produkcji. Wprowadzenie przeorganizowania hali produkcyjnej przyczyni się do zwiększenia efektywności transportu wewnętrznego i pozwoli zaoszczędzić czas wyprodukowania produktu gotowego.
The aim of the article is to identify the most important determinants of the efficiency and development of the manufacturing process on the example of a company producing accessories for power tools. The essence of the production system is the fact that its purpose is to produce a particular product. It is characterized by such features as purposefulness and high degree of organization. The production system is not only about the production of finished products, but also the provision of services. It takes over the position of the production process. Within a single production system several production processes may be carried out. Characteristic for the production process is the specific cyclical nature of activities. A detailed analysis of the activities carried out within the manufacturing process in the surveyed company showed, that it has not been optimized so far in planning the organization of the production system, what translated into not always effective management. As a result, several improvements were identified in the paper, which should increase the efficiency of the company's operation. Modern production management methods and services are proposed, such as: Kanban and Just-In-Time. The optimal layout of the production channels is necessary, in order to improve the functioning of the company in question and to improve the efficiency of the production process. Reorganization of the production hall would increase the efficiency of internal transport and save time needed to produce the finished product.
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